HomeMy WebLinkAboutOrdinance 251~R1~I~A1~~E Z51 AN ORDINANCE AMENDING THE SARATOGA CITY CODE CONCERNING THE CITY PURCHASYNG SYSTEM THE CITY G~UNCIL 4F THE CITY OF SARAT4GA DOES ORDAIN AS FOLLOWS: section 1. l~`indin~s. the pity council finds and declares ~~ follows: A. The pity lode's provisio~.s conccrnin the pity's purchasing system include ~rariaus restrlctians and .~iitatior~s that are inconsistent Yth current hest n~ana~em.ent practices for public agencies. ~. In order to enhance the ~1ty' ~ ability to promptly and effectively provide municipal services th,e Yty council h~re~Y ~.mend~ the pity bode ~~ prOVlded In seCt~or~ ~, below, end repeals ~~~ prior purchasing policies and procedur~~ pr~vi~usly ~dQpt~d by the City council ~.s provided in section ~, below. section Z. Adoption, ~'he aratoa pity bode is amended as set forth below. Text to be added is indicated in bold d~~b~~Runderli~aed feat fie.,, bald dau~b~e-underlln~d~ and text to be deleted is indicated in stril~eor~t font ~e.g., ~, Text in standard font rem~ir~s un~hgd ~y this ordinance. ellipsis ~"~~`~`"} rnd~~cate existing text ~th~n a sectlan of the section being arnended that is not reprinted in this ordinance end that i. nit amended by this ordinance. Ar ectio~ ~-4~.0~0 ofthe Saratoga ~it~ bode is arrlen.ded to read as follows: 2~4.02~ I)efini.tions. For the purposes of this Article, the foll.oing words and phrases shall have the meanings respectively ascribed to them by this ectio~n, unless the context or the provision clearly requires otherwise ~a brand na~nc rrieans a product,lte~n ar rr~aterial described by reference to its rn~nufacturer's name Qr catalogue number. ~~~ brand Warne or equal specification means contract or purchase order specificat1on containing a brand name to describe the nature, standard of quality, pe~rformar~cc, and other char~rete~istics needed to meet the pity's requirements, and which provides for the submission of equivalent l~fl~ products. ~~} host, as applied to ~ single transaction for the purchase of supplies ar services, means the total amount to be e~pe~.ded by tae pity, exclusive of sales or use tapes, ~d} Supplies means and includes a1~ rriterlals, supplies, equlp~nent, products, and other items of tangible personal property. ~~ ~t•vices means and includes labor, professional services and consulting s~rvlC~s. Services shall nit include 1ncldErltal ~a~or ~Ll~h ~~-up, t~~tlrlg, ar~d maintenance of supplies here the primary purpose ~s to purchase the supp yes. ~f~ ~ur~has~n~ A~~~nt rrYeans acv person ~uthori~ed by the ~u~rchas~n~ ~ffi~er to s~ formal oar informal bids for the sale of ood~ or services to the ~ty~ B. Section 2-45.030 of the Saratoga City Code is amended to read as follows: ~-4~,0o Exclusions from 1~rtlcle, The provisions of this Article shall not apply to any of the following: ~a~ The award of contracts for public projects governed by the provisions of the Mate public contract bode or the provisions of the pity's informal h~~ding ordnance, as contained ~n C'hapter 1 ~~ Article 1~-1 ~ of this bode. ~b~ The a~rard of cor~tra~ts governed ~~ any State or l~"edera~ lam which prescribes a different proceduxe~ ~c~ The granting by the pity of fr~,n.chises, rights, privileges, licenses or. perrnlts, lr~cluding, lout not 11rrx~t~d t~, ~ Cable t~l~vlsi~n franchise gr~rlt~d pursuant to haptcr 4, article 4-~ of this bode, a garbage collection franchise granted pursuant to haptcr 7, ~.rticle 7-05 of this bode, or a fra~~hise for installation of facilities granted pursuant to chapter 10} l~rticle to-~~ ofthis fade. ~d The purchase of 1~t~11tles, inc.lud~rig~ ~rrt not limited to, electricity, v~rater, gas, or telephone service. ~e~ ~mployrnent contracts or collective bargaining agreerrrents with any cn~ployees of the pity end contrasts for erv~~e~ _t~ ~rr~por~ri fill a hud~cted nos~tinn or ncrfortn texn~urary w~o~r when the need far tem ~ r s rv~cc~ irises. ~~ ~'he purchase of insurance, including coverage provided by any self insurance pool in ~vhi~h the pity is a participant fig} The extension or renewal of any existing contract for technical or professional services to be pcrforn~ed b consultants unless the pity ouneil sleets to award a ne~v contract pursuant to this Article. ~h} ~ontraets for technical or professional services to be performed by consultants, ~vh~r~ the cost thereof will be paid in advance lay a person applying to the pity for a perzt, license or other approval. ~ ~f I~ ~i~ contracts for educational, recre~.tional, travel or entertainment services furnished by independent contractors or consultants, where the total cost thereof ~ paid by the persons utilizing the services. ~~ contracts for supplies ar services to he furnished by any other public ~g~ncy. ~~ The purchase of supplies or services rr~ade in compliance with the terms ar~d conditions of any grant, gift or bequest to the pity that is otherwise CDnslStent with law. . ~~ti~n ~-~5.~4~ of the Saratoga City bode r amended to read a follaws: Z-45.~4~ centralized purchasing system; purchasing ~ffcer. ~} ~~cept as otherwise provided by this Article, all purchases of supplies and services sha11 be centralized under tla.e purchasing Officer. ~b~ The pity Manager is hereby appointed as the purchasing Officer f or the pity, and as such shall have authority to; ~ 1 ~ procure or supervise the procurement of all supplies and services needed by the pity, in accordance with the procedures presc~bed in this Article and ar~y administrative ~,1°~ ~n~ ~~~,~'~+~~~~ ~olicles and r eedur~ as nay be adopted ~b~r the Purchasing Officer pursuant hereto. ~~~ l~~ercise dir~~t s~pervis~~r~ ever the pity central stores and general supervision over all other inventories off` supplies belonging to the pity. ~3~ Establish or supervise the establishn~.ent of specifications far supplies and services required by the pity, ~4} Znpect or supervise the inspection of all supplies purchased by the pity to insure quality, q~a~tit}~ ~~~ ~~r~formance with the specifications therefor. ~~~ prepare and adopt adminlstrat~ve ~~lrcle and procedures not in conflict with the provisions ofthis Article far the purpose of implementing tlae purchasing system established hereunder, ~~} ells trade or otherwise di space of surplus supplies, in accordance with the provisions ofthis Article. ~c~ The purchasing Off cer rr~ay authorize any dcpar. t~rnent head to investigate, solicit bids, or negotiate the purchase or ~.w~rd ~~ ~~n~`~~t~ fir services or supplies independently of the centralized purchasing system, provided that alI such actions shall be done in conformity with the procedures prescribed by this Article or by duly adopted administrative ' olicie~ ~n roc dnr pertaining thereto. 1. ectlon ~'4.05~ of the aratoa pity bode is an~e~nded to read as follows. ~ -4 .0 5 0 .Purchase orders . 3 of I i~ Thy Pu~x~ yin facer sha~~ define u~rc~~e order racedu~res for the ~r~h~~e of ond~ ar per gee ~~~~.W~..,~~~~...~.~.~,~,..~:~~..~.~ m'mM'ri'mm'n':rnr~'wrM' ........... .:............ ~..~~~wrn-mni-mmmmrrr~rrmmmm~v~mmrvrmm~mi»>in~ronttrnvxn,r'• r'A~ i ~ ~ r ~+ +~tti 1 an nr [~ n~ ri n n ~+ n ~ rti ~ ~ . E. Section 2-45.060 of the Saratoga City Code is amended to read as follows: 2-45.060 Availability of funds. Except in cases of emergency, the Purchasing Officer shall not issue any purchase order for supplies or services unless there exists sufficient ~ unencumbered appropriations in the ~,n~ account against which such purchase is to be charged. nr~niim~aror~ ivr~mo/a~ni'o~s~ ~]~1' ~ LliL it Ui{.r11fAJl+ VLIiLi. 1 F. ~~tian -4,~7~ ~f tie Saratoga fit ~~e xs arnende~ t~ read a fa~las: 2-45.0'10 Authorization for purchase ordexs and contracts; emergencies. (a} The Purchasing Officer is hereby authorized to issue purchase orders and award contracts for supplies or services where fihe cosfi thereof does not exceed fi~twenty-five thousand dollars. (b) Contracts or purchase orders for supplies or services involving a cost in excess of ~rtwenty-five thousand dollars must be approved or awarded by the City Council. (c) Notwithstanding subsections (a) and (b} of this Section or any other provision of this A,article, the Purchasing Officer may purchase supplies or services having a cost in excess of ~rtwenty-five thousand dollars in the event of emergency requiring the immediate preservation of the public peace, health or safety, and precluding action by the City Council. In such instances, the Purchasing Officer shall submit to the City Council at its next succeeding meeting a written report describing the circumstances of the emergency, the supplies or services purchased, and the cast thereof. . action ~-4~,~50 afthe Saratoga. pity fade ~s ~~~et~d in its entir~t~; /~~ n;rnYinhlc~• rl*"' } 4 ~f 10 f . . ^ ! • r . . . . r ~ ~ r ~ ~ r • ~ ~~ ~ ~ + • . . i k~. section ~-4~. ~ ~~ of the Saratoga ~it~r ~a~e is elete~ in its entirety: I. Section 2-45.110 ofthe Saratoga City Code is amended to read as follows: ~-4~. ~ ~ ~ open ~narl~et purchases, ~-purchases of suppl~e~ or ser~lce~ having ~ cast a~ ~~ - a e thaus~~ ~~l~~r~ ~r leis ~~~~~~~~~ ~~»~~~ may ~~ ~ma~e in the apen rr~arl~et ~vithe in~o~ral r ~ ~1~~1~1~ praCe~ures, . . . . ~?Vhene~er ~r~~~~bj~ ~ ~~~~ ~~~'~~ ~nfora~ price quotat~on~ ~z~ be o t in ~ ~d ur~h~~~ half ~e arded on t~.e basis of the price quatatian most advantageous to tie qty. ' ~u~~~~s~n~ A r~~s m~~ salicit pr~c~ ~uat~tia~~ eithc~ orally or ~n u~ritln, ar rna~ utilise price in~`ormation an fle 1th the pity or available eisew~ere. '~h~ P~rchasin~ a~~~e shall estbl~~h policies and r ~~~ur~s fir seel~i~ informal bids. J. ectian -4. ~ ~ of the Saratoga it~r bode is amended to rea~~ as follov~s: 2-45.120 Competitive bidding; exceptions. (a) Except as o#herwise provided in subsection {b) of this Section, all purchases of supplies or services involving a cost e~exceedn~ twenty-_fve thousand dollars e~e~-shall. be made by contract awarded pursuant to the Sof1Q formal competitive bidding prooodure set forth in eotion -4.1 ~. fib) A contract for the purchase of supplies or sorvices involving ~ oast ~xeedln twenty-#iv~ t1~o~~an~ ~ol~ar~ ~rr~ay ~e aar~~~ ~y the pity ouncll wlthaut oon~petitive b~dd~ng ~n each of the fallowing oases: ~ 1 ~ where the pity council determines that the immediate preservation of the public peace, health ~~ safety r~qu~r~ the pur~ha~e t~ ~~ ~d~ with~~t can~petttive bids. ~~} where the supply or service required by the pity can only be obtained fr~~n a single source. ~3} there the contract is for specialx~ed ar professional services such s, but not limited tai services rcndcred by architectsa engineers, auditors, attorneys, appraisers, gealogists~ and other peciall~ed oon~ultant. ~4~ where the pity council detern~i~.os float use of the compotitive bidding process is impracticable ar impossible, ~r would nit b likely t~ result in a lower price to the pity from ~. responsible bidd~er~ or would cuso unnecessary e~pcnse or dolay undor the circurr~stanccs. ~~} there the its mal~e~ use ~f the_.,~,_hedule or rn~kes use , another_ ~oyernrnent' ~urh~i~t~ a~r~~ments or bid prices, in lieu of core etitave i if the ~ l~ounc~l determines that the other clt noun ~ u li euc '~ url~~in ~ reements or bid ricer ire est~bli~hed under ~iilr eom~etitiye bidding procedures. where the pity ~auncil utilises the request for proposal rr~ethod of purchase, a set forth in section ~-4.I40 of this Article. . cction ~-~~. l3~ ~f the arat~ga pity ~~~ is amended to read as follows: ~-4~ .1 ~ ~ l~ ~rmal bidding procedure Where formal competitive bidding is required., the following procedure shall be followed: ~a~ .. ~ Br ~~ u~ts~ ~i~ r~~u~st shall include a general description of the supplies or services to be purchased} and the place where bid specifications can be obtained., ~ . , . . ^ . • ~ ~rli~~~ Bid re ~ shall be posted at th.e pity :H:a~l location used far the posting of loal notices.1 ~~~ ~'~° s~ . . a F~ . . . ~r-~hasi~~~i~~~~ . ~ ~: The Purch~sin~ ~f~oer my also Host the notice on the itv~~ eb~ite end anv other websites or uublications~ a a~~xo~ri e ~ ~~la . . ~ ~ ~ . . a . . ~ . ~ ~ ~ i ! 1 .. . . . 7 ~ . ~ + ~ ~ ^ , ~ ~ • . + . . 1 ~ ~ ~ . . . .# .~ ~~ ~ Bid l~e-vre v~°~~~~ ~~~~~°~,~~° Bids shall be ubxttcd ~n ~- ~ ~y ~ - ritin to ~u~~h~ri~ed ~urc~ta~in~ A~~nt rn the manner speclf~e~ by the Purchasing ~f~ cer ~ ' . . X11 ~ beds shall be available far public inspectlan during regular business hours fr~~n the eommence~nent of brd rcvae ' . until the contract has been awarded b~ the pity o~uncll. ~~ ~ Re j ~cti an off' b1ds. lf,1nthe a~nian of the qty ~unc~~, ~n~anc a£ the bids ar satisfacta~ry, the auncil nay rej eat all bids and either purchase the supplies or serv~ccs ~n the open n~arl~et or readvcrt~se for new b1ds+ ~~ ~ Award of contract. ~~cept ~,~ otherwise provided herein, a contract shall be awarded to the lowest responsible bidder, taping into c~nsideratian the criteria listed in ectior~ Z-4.~9~ of this Article. ~~' e}Tie bids. If two or mare bids received are far the same total amount ar unit price, quality and service being equal, and if a delay far readvertisernent would rat be 1n the public interest, the pity ~unc11 rna~ accept the bid it chooses or accept the lowest bid made by negotiation with the tie bidders a ~,~,a „~,~~,;~, ~ ~ ~'erfo~rmance bond. The pity Council may re~u~re that a pcrl`orancc bond be furnished before entering rota a contract with a successful bidder. The form and amount of such bond shall be satisfactory to the Purchasing ffcer and in carnpliance with the contract s~pccifications. ~h g~ w~.ivcr of irregularities, The City Council nay waive ar~y rnlnor irregularities in the bids, based upon a determination that the same have na rrYaterial impact upon the bidding process or other bids submitted. 7~f1~1 ~~ l~ loo ~i~s. Yfna ~Y~~ ~.re re~eiv~~ in re~pan~~ to the notice in~itin ~i~~, the pity council nay proceed to purchase the supplies or services without further carnpetltl~~ b1dd111~. L. ectior~ ~-45.14 of c Saratoga its fade is amended to read as follows: ~-~, l~~ bequest for ~~~ ~~~1~, ~a} Xn lieu of farma~ hi~dlu~~ the ~ pity council may utili~c the request far proposal method of purchasing supplies or services upon ~ determinatior~ that cornpetiti~e bidding is not practical ar ad~antagcous to t e rty ecause; ~ 1 ~ duality, capability, performance ~r quala~icatlon 1s ~V~rrld~n~ 1n ~'~~atlorl t0 pr1c~; or ~~~ Delivery, installation, service, maintenance relzab1l~ty or replacement ~~ over~.dir~g in relation to price; ar ~~~ In the opinion of the pity council, the marl~etplace will respond better to a solicitation per~riitting a range of alternative proposals or evaluation and discussion of proposals before entering the contract, ~b~ .. ' ~-~"he identity o£ persons responding to the err Request far ~ra~a~al~ and the content of proposals submitted to the pity may be kept can~idential during the process of negotiation and until a contract i s awarded, ~c} The format and ~roce~ur~s for Request far Praaa~al~ shall be ~stabli~hed by the ~urchasln~ fflc~r. V 11 S/ f. kt L h/ 41'11 tiF 1 tit 1 J 1..r ~ of f 1F./ V V ~ 1 \f ~/ V AJ Yl L Y ~ V ~tY V ~rF r~ p,r ~ L L L~l Vf L 11 LFl V L Lf V LJ 1 V 111..f ~ 1 11 Vf'~ V V ~d~ ~"he contract av~ard shall be based upon the proposal deterrr~ined by the pity council to be mast advantagcaus to the pity, taping into consideration price and the evaluation factors set forth in the request for proposals. ~e~ the pity Council may reject any and all proposals if such rejection is deemed to he in t1~e best int~rests of the ~ft~. ~'he Council may thereupon direct that proposals be sol1c1ted or utilise any other purchasing method set forth In this ~rtlc~e. M. Section 2-45.160 of the Saratoga City Code is amended to read as follows: ~-45.1 ~a Jaint purchase with other agencies, ~otV~lthstanding any ot~ier provls~on ~f this 1~rtlcle, the >~urchasing officer rrlay issue a point purchase order together with any other city, county, ar 8afl~] public agency i~~t~for e purchase of supplies or services, provided the specifications for such supplies or services have been approved by the Purchasing ~f~icer if the cast thereof is r~ a twenty-fi-~ thousand dollars, or by e pity council if the cast thereof exceeds t~nty-five thousand dollars, and provided further that the Purchasing af~~c~ or itv ounc~l, ~ g~liblew d~~~rrnin~ that at least one of the other agencies bas solicited ar advertised far bids in a manner ~in~ilar to the applicabie procedures set forth in this article. ~1, S~~ti~n ~~45. ~ ~a of the Saratoga ~1ty bode 1s amended to read as follows: 2-45.170 Disposal of personal property. The Purchasing fficcr shall have authority to dispose of personal property of the pity which cannot be used by any department or has became obsolete or warn out. ~`he d~spos1t7on may be accomplished by negotiated le, public auction, exchange or trade 1r~ far ~th~r ~uppl~~s fir, ~pn determination by the Purchasing off ~cer that the property hay na ornercial value, by a~bandonn~ent, destruction or donation to a publi c body or a nonprofit chartable ar civic oranz~at1ar~. The disposition of any property having a value of e frame thousand dollars or mare sha11 first be authori~~d by the t~ ounci~. Section ~ + repeal of Friar Policies and resolutions. All resolutions and policies of the City Council concerning City purchasing procedures are hereby repealed in their entirety. Section 4. Severance clause. The pity council declares that each section, sub-secfiion, paragraph, sub- p~.ragraph, sentence, clause and phrase of this ordinance is severable and independent of every other section, sub~sectian, paragraph, sub-paragraph, sentence, clause and phrase of this ordir~~n~, ~~ ~` ~~~ti~n, sub-section, paragraph, sub-paragraph, sentence, clause or phrase of this ordinance is held invalid, the pity auncil declares that it mould have adapted the remaining provisions of` this ordinance irrespective af` the portion held inv~.lid, and further declares its express intent that the rerriaining portions of this ordinance should rcn~ain in effect after the invalid portion his been eli~niuated, Section ~. Publication. Th1s ordinance or a co~nprhensi~e summary thereof shall be published 9af10 once in a ner~pa~er ~f general eirculati~n ~1'the its ~f rata within fifteen d~~s after its adt~~~, The f~reg~in ~r~.in~nee v~~ i~~r~duce~ a~~ rea.d t the re~lx ~neetin ~~` the its' ~uncil of the qty of ~-r~.~oa he~~ ~n tie ~ 1st day of ~~b~ru~x~, ~~07, and vas a~o~te~ by the following ~~te f~llo~in a se~~n~ re~~in~ ~n the nth day ofarch, ~~~7: Al~~: ounci~naerrihers Ji~~ unte~, I~a~hleen ding, husk gage, dice NXay~r Ann altonsn~1~h, a~yor A~~een Sao ABENT~ ~o~.e ABSTAIN: None Aileen Kao ~T~ ~F ~A~AT~A., ALY~~~I~IA CITY OF SARATpGA ~ T ~~1~VI: ~i~hard T~.~Ior CITY ATT~1~~ I (} of 1 U