HomeMy WebLinkAboutNS-5.1 AN ORDINANCE AHI~IDIN~ ORDINANCE NS-5 OF TI~ CITY O~ SARATOGA, THE SUBDIVISION 0RDINANCI~-, BY ADDING TO SECTION 4.1 OF PART TWO THRREOF ADDITIONAL AND MORE DETAILED IM~ROVENENT STANDARDS The City Council of the City of Saratoga does hereby ordain as follows: S@ction h There is hereby added to Section 4.1 of part two of Ordinance NS-5 of the City of Saratoga the following subsection: Section 4.1-1: In addition to the foregoing, there is hereby adopted "Saratoga Street and Storm Drain Improvement Standards - 1962" as minimum design and improvement standards for all streets, sidewalks, drive- ways, storm drain facilities and other improvements. which design standards are hereby incorporated heroin by reference and adopted as improvement standards for subdivisions in the City of Saratoga. Three (3) copies of said design standards, in pamphlet form, have heretofore been filed for use and examination by the public in the office of the City Clerk of the City of Saratoga. Section. 2: The City Clerk of the City Of Saratoga is hereby directed to certify said 3 copies of said specification, entitled "Saratoga Street and Storm Drain Improvement Standards - 1962' as being the identical specifications heroinabove adopted in this Amending Ordinance. Section 3: If any section, subsection, sentence, clause or phrase of this ordinance is for any reason ~eld by a court of competent jurisdiction to be invalid, such decision shall not affect the validity of the remaining portions of this ordinance. The City Council of the City of Saratoga hereby declares that it would have passed this ordinance and each section, subsection, sentence clause and phrase thereof, irrespective of the fact that any one or mare sections, subsections, sentences, clauses or phrases be held invalid or un- constitutional. The above and foregoing ordinance was reSularly introduced ou the lath day of May , 1962, and after the waiting time required by law was thereafter passed and adopted this 20th day of June , 1962, by the following vote: AYES: Brazil, Glennon, Drake, Ritchie NOES: None ~ CITY ~,I,E_RK :;, ~. ~, , .,. ' ..~--,: The above and foregoin~ is a true and correct ,\ copy ef Ordinance ~-~"-/_ which has published according to ~ Deputy City Clerk Date _=_'-I,. the und_ers!gne4:~ ql'erk~of_ the~ Ci_.~y of Sa_r_.atoga..ian..d__e_x-.o. ffiCi_.o..Cl_e~r_.k_:s { , !cofZ:the sCity.~CQupqil~ of th.e_-j~i_tX ofz..$aKa. t_-_og'.a.,l~_h.e_r&~.'-_E~.~_itff.~ tha~'~h~ :i cfor.egoing-Ordinance. cisi'_a:it~.ue-a_n_d qor_r~c_t: co. py.:of Or_dinance-No. '.of the gsafd City.'_whichl was~ reguluS. fly hc the _City Counci. 1 ~_of- s aid - City: and- is ~now ~in · the · official' files in the -.; ~Z:£office of the City-Clerk o£-the-City-.of~Saratoga,-California. =..~ .-= -a Tc ~c_=.iza .. ~ z ::~ .... ~: ..-~ CLERK OF THE.CITY OF:SARATOGA_ s :-- rc::-~sr..': s: Lc :oZ: izz "_;: c: "T_ t::..C: SL ..kc_. _:'2 T,.:, ra.¢~2__'. if2 c2.:~r :.c '_:'.::~::Z: 2_': lc _O~DINANC~ NO. NS-5- =_~ L:,2 s: :.. ::: _: c±~':JZ:: . . trs: aA_N 0_P~P_I:N_._ANQE __RE.~UL4..Tr_IN~cTHE_zpE. SIG._NiA..N!)_t.I..MP. ROVE ~M~.~.NT 'j_ ~t c_.±:'=-- ~ =_: ~. OF~S._I-_NG_EE ~LQTS,~_P..ARCEL_S,:pIVIS_I. QNS.-._AN_D. SUBD. I._VIS.IQNS r~f-~s::;: .;: · =.: _..31'~ --OF LAND IN ~HE-CITY~OF SARATOGA ......... - ~,C L_' .~ i.~ =_.C :Z '. ..~:: .i:'.'2... =_ .f .~ S .... :2 . ':Z: _'if The City Council of the City of Saratoga does hereby ordain ays_2_fo_l~l_o_w_.s_:/ PAR~ 0~E:u GENERAL PROVISIONS~. c~ .:V_..LL' .:.Cj: ±',_': .' ' "~ "~= -V2 SECTION.-i:~}:PURPOSE{-APPLICATION~AN~ POWERS ..it'_ :.~3 :_.c ~: C-: -~ .S~ .is=_'.' _'=t z c Z c_an.d. i~_mP_roY_e~..e.ntzo_f_~_a_n_d .i.~st.h.~ Ci_t'Y.z'p.f _s.e~_a~toga.__c.I._t_.i.§c :..z ._~::_aRP.1._i.c~ab_le-Jto.di_vi._si.q.ns_-.~an~d:j~ub.d_i. visign_s,z.addc.~9 _s~pgl.e..l.o_~s..Qn_.d..-:p~r.c~l.s_,.. a _:' It shall be'-known=and referred to in its =entirety as-the--"Subdivision ~. Ordinance". .'.:. ~:c L2.. '-'_. s ~ ~_ -: Section. t .'2: sTbis. zgr.d._in_a_n._ce .2%s . _in..:.t_h.~e_e~p_a_rts_,__s.T~..e.~p_royi. s.i.o. ns o~:.t. his ~z_'ssr= r. t:c. P_./LB__T _O.N~_.:..a. PR!Y .t._o _the enti_r.eZg~_dlp_ance,_c _~j.e.~p_rov~isio.n..s. "-'--:P-Al}-Ts-TW--0,-~e-x-c-eP-t:s-a--s-h-e--rea~-f_te~-n-gtg-d, -s-h-a%-l..~PPLl-Y -t9 -s-Pb.d_ivi.s.i-°n 9f~fiYe .=: 5-:a_n,.d 7:._of~.~,A~_T, ~g. 9-:i_n.s._of.a._r~:.a.S ~tbey .a..re ~.m~_.d.e.-_-a.p~l_ic~.a.b~le' ~yfPAg_~.* .THP, B__E, ~ .sh.a_ll apply to a~llsi.ng.l:_e lotsoandcparcels, ~ and~ to= subdivi~ ions · of, fourc (4) orc less ~ .-~ !.c :.cZ::'.~-_c s- s:: .~facz2 ~..t.~r.T.~:~.~, ' _;i~ S.. ~.;-'-' .; _. :.c ~c/:'j T7 £_ ~£ Anything.~o_'-t~h_~±qoBt~r~a_ry.'._abg_v_e of the Planning Commission the intent of the subdivider is ultimatel~ to subdivide into five or more lots, or wher.__e~y._e_rz_i.t. sap~_ea._rs r~a..sgn.a_b.l. ys.~ necessary in order to maintain uniformity b'f b]a'il*d'ih~' ¥ft'e' 'de~'i~h"o~ improvement, PART TWO of this ordinance shall be applicable to four ors.l. less lot subdivisions which otherwise would come under the terms of PART' t-z2'T4'IR~E',' _. .': 2.~. -.- -_s! '.'_:.Z-_:: '2--` .sv*.:i .~_:: :..:_$_:_ .-.a 2_ :2 .... ~: ':s_.12 Section 1.3: This is an ordinance supplementing the Subdivision Map Act as to subdivisions as that term is therein define_d,sF~eg_u.~ti.n.g divisions of land less than a subdivision as that term is defin~'d'b~' .=±g =M~_ptA~, end_, r+e.g~u~l'a~t~iBg_~ ~iBg!e ~,pBs.u_.b..div_i_d_ed__~ s it.~e_s zup_der.--`_th__er s i_t..es c_~ scondit-ionsset forth in PART THREE hereo~.._cflf.sJ±:: '_:cf c_~ .i~± -..z Sectio_n h4: ~ ~T~_.~ _Pulan_n~ng .Cg_man_i~s_s~ioBj. isLherepyl.d_esignat. ed _as ~th_es'_J_A_dyi.s. 9_ry =: 2! i ~t:.~ . c _.'it.'; _Ag~ncy~= _a~ Eh_at' ~t.e. rla_z_i.s..def_{p_edzi. nz .t._~e.~ ~Sd~b.d.i.~_isbo_n.~M.3p: A.ct.,a ...:. _'. :zaDd-2 i~sc c_harg.e.d w_i_tb-: tb_e pgFe_rpz a. nd _d_u._t_i..e_sc _in: re.~p.e.c_ti_t. os ten_tative _an.d.. ~:: .map.s apd th~...pr.o_c.~e.d_u~re.:_r.e~l_at~pgs~t_h.~er.e_t~/z_wh_i_cb §_re-_.sp__e~c.i.f.i.~ .by l_aF~a.n.~d by SECTION 2: DEFINITIONS ..... .. - ~ . 15.': Fg.rs_th.e. cpu.rpo_s.es29~f'. _t.hi._s 9r.din~pc_e..t_h._e =d.e.f_i.n..i~tigns. ihere.~a_f_ter.-.§e~:r.'.fgrth c-:~hal~l:rcgnt~_ro~ __Tb.a.~m3..s' n.g.t' b_~.r.'e~in.s de=f~_~_e_dz s.h. al_l _b_e:._as: ~defl~n.e.d::.in._z th_.e;_Zgni.~ng Ordinance of the City of Saratoga. .T~__e_r~..p n_e.i..t.b_er .de.f_ine.d.'~he_r~eipzg.r.:inu: the said Zoning Ordinance shall be as defined in the Subdivision Map Ae~ of the State of California. .z c: T. !_c i~i ~_-X The term "right of y includes all or any part of the entire width of a roads street or highway easement whether or not such entire area is actually used for road, street or highway purposes. A "street" is any tKafSa~hf/~& 'for mot6r-~&h{~la'[~a~el whiCh-~ffo~ds e~e prin- cipal means of access to abutting property~ includi~ public and private rights of way and easements. }/:~-}j.-.A L'res~c~; eo o~h~ ~'tre~s' a~a othe~86rc~'~ Yof t~ff~ ,is u6~ed to carry Er~ffic fr~'local streets to secondary and major St~ae~ ;sZ.==..: .. Street - Hillside Collector verses terr~fn=fequi~i~'~68n~teactfons6'~'a~6urat~g[o&nd=oa-&:-~'&die~t=6~=~ore than 15%. Street- Cul-de-sac estrian trafffc and te~nating at the property adjo~ni~ the subdfvfsion. Street - Frontage Road Street - perry and .hich traverses terrain'r~G~'~iag aBnst~GatfB~ o~:'fi~urals~foGad on a gradien~ of more than ~orou~hfare As,f~hSrodghf~r~,, i? R;'iU~i~:s~g~t!de~f~a~:aseA~thar gh re t r g ~ ou fa on he Sa ato a A n~ ~ccess street" is ~ street runnfng fr~ t~e point of i~tersection of the existf~ or proposed drfvew~7 of a site wft~ the s~te's property ~ ~ccepted public street or i~tersecting ~n~ ~ccess street, pried surfBce of a min~ wiath of 18 feet fmpro~ed ~o the e~ineeri~ of the City of S~r~tog~. SECTION 6:. .BUILDINGJPERMIT AND .CERTIE-ICATE.OF DCCUPANCY ~- t, . . z SectiOn~ 6~1: . No! build-ing -~permit shall'ribs issffed ~until'_ the .final.' subdivision mp is_recorded byethe _County Recorder, .or~=-in _the case-of lots~ parcels or subdivisions subject to P~T ~E of this ordinance, no building pemit shatlt be jissued ~Until fiBal ~site. apprqy~ .~-g~ted-i~ .acqord therewith,. Section .6,2: N9. certifihate ~of .occupancy_:shall--b~ .issued -until. all. trees are - , c c .';planted. and 'curbsl. gutters, ~riveway approachesr base rock and underground utilities s~vicing-such lot or_parcel are satisfactorily installed and completed, ~ECTION )::' CO~O~I~-WI~ ZONING ~WS:c = ~_.~ .c ...... ~ _.. L~ .= .... Nothing contained in this ordinance, nor any act or forbearance done or pemitted hereunder', .s~all.waive or relieve c~pliance-with any other dordinance o~..the .Ci~y..of Saratoga .not specifically repea. led .hereby, -Neither final ,map. nor-.site approval :shall:.be granted for: any :lotL, site =or subdivision which is not in fconfo~ty .~i~h~ the .zoning o~dinances- of -the-:City .of.~Saratoga,=-nor: which has been or cis ~cre~ted in viola~ion of any-such .zoning ordinancer nor. tfor'2any intended use which would not be in confomity with the district r~gulations -in which said lot, site or subdivision lies at the time of final approval, ~e Planning Comission my~ but need not, tentatively approve a map for lot sizes or uses contrary to existi~g_~on~Dg gqy~n%pg ~h~ ~o~, .~e o~-,:sub- division in contemplation of a change in zoning to m~e such lots or uses confom therewith, but .only. after r.ecomending ~such change ~of zoning -to the-City Council after public hearing thereon in accord with the Zoning Ordinance, · Any =such . tentative approval shall be at the sole risk of the subdivider, and shall not become binding on the City for any purpose unless and unti~ such zoping ~s. legally and finally adopted, SECTION 8: ~P~L ~D- ~VI~ ..... ~ .. a c ~ = '. c . . ~ - - - . ZSe~tion 8,1:: Appeal tb': City Council, ~erzsubdiVider may appeal to ~thd~zCity -='=~. : f c~'x. _' Council ~from any. d~cision ~of cth~:-Pl:anning .Co~ission Lwhich ~con- - ~dition~ll-y approves ~ ori tdisapproyes:-a -ten~ative:~mp.cor. from any, .deci-s ion l. deter- mination or requirement of the City .Engineer~ under P~T-~O or ~E hereof~ by fili~ a written notice thereof together with the requisite filing fee with the City Clerk~ letter fom being sufficient, within 10_days a~ter ~¢h decisiQn is ~de, ~e noticesof appeal shall be signed by the subdivider and shall set forth the action appealed fr~ and all.of th~ grQunds ~or. appe~!~ -No. grqund not specifically set forth in the notice may be raised or considered at the time of ~hearing, ~ .~ v _ _.. ~' ... :.:. '~.. '~ .. : . ~-: Upon receipt= of the notice of appea.l' and filing fee,. the 'City clerk shall set the appeal .for hearing before the City CoUn~il at-its next regular meeting that falls not less than 10 days:after the date bf fiting,~ and sha.ll nbtif.y the subdivider and the one whose decision, determination or requirement is be- ing 'appealed of-:-the time .~ .pl~qe .qfl h~aring.,. -; . 7- t ~ _... ~. , Upon the hearing on appeal the City Council may- sustain~ overrule br modify the decision, de~e~ination or requirement-~ppeal~d fr~, and such dib~osition on appeal shall b~ final, = t - = : ~ - t - ~ ~ -: Section.'8,2: Judicial Review', ' ~e 'decision of the City.-CoUncil onL con*d.it'ional approval or disapproval of a final map or~ final: site appYoval:, or on appeal fr~va Plannihg Co~issibn decision,~ sh~ll be= shbj~ct= tb revi~ b~ the courts as= to itsl reasonableness at the instanc'ez of: the- subdivide~ or: an~-person claiming toLbesapprieved: by such-detision~ but such action shall be co~enced within 90- days after: the. renditiont of. the- decisiOh,- = . t SECTION 9:z ENFORC~NT ~' ~ i . . = z _ t : Section. 9,1 :'- Dutyz to Enforce ,~ -- ~e PlanningL- Co~iss ion and Cfty Couh~i-L shall z~ L _. ~ refuse approval of any tentative Or final map~ application not in confomity.herewith~ and all officialS, departments and employees~of~the City vested, with authority or duty-to. issue~ ~emits or certificates shall~not issue any such pemit or certificate which conflicts~with any provisiomof thi'sz · Section 1.3: 'Distribution.of and Actionton ,Preliminary Maps..t The ~Secr'etary I.'~ . . of the Planning Commission shall. distribut~ the~preliminary maps and data to such appropriate departments or agencies for review as may be de- signated by the~Commission, a~d sha~l_set a time and Rlace of conference be- tween the subdivider and representatives of the.various departments or agencies concerned to discuss the preliminary map, At such conference the subdivider shall b~ furnishedaadvice.or'suggestions'as-~cantre~sonably be.given by such representatives based upon the in~ormation~submitted, which.shalltbe advis- or.y.only andsnot.binding upon either party. ' ...... Section 1,4: .~PurposeofzPreliminary Maps,. Ther provisionstof this section . -are-to.provide an advisory service to the subdivider prior to his preparation-.and filing _of aLtentative map, ~and complianqe.or. non-compli- ance.herewith shall.be discretionary with the.subdivider, .z_ SECTION 2: TENTATIVE MAPS: Section 2.1.: ~General~ _ The following.procedures ;ar~ hereby adopted for processing all applications for permission tosubdivide real property, Applications for subdivision map approval shall be in writing on forms as approv~d:by~the Planning.Commission, and shall be accompanied by tentative maps as hereafter set forth prepared by a registered.civil engineer or licensed land surveyor, Such map shall be in full compliance with this Section 2,2: Time of filing, The time of filing an application for subdivi- . ~sion .approval and .the tentative =subdivision map ,shall' be Zcon- strued to be.the time at which the same are accepted by the.officer'~designated in the rules of the Planning Commission for that purpose. Such officer shall examine any such map and application upon presentation of the same to him and shall not accept them for filing until they are in full compliance.with. all the provisions of law and of this ordinance as to form and as to the data and information required-to be shown.thereon or.furnished therewith, and all re- Section 2.3:' Tentative Mapst- Form and Filin~.e r~. ,Section 2.3-1: Filing. Twelve (12) copies and a reproducible transparency rr. ~of the, tentati~e~map of-atproposed subdivision shall ~e filed. Additional copies may be required for transmittel to the designated official of any adjoining city or count~ whic~ has,requestedfthejsam~ as provided in the Map Act. If the subdivision or any part thereof adjoins any State highway, two additional_copies of~the tentative map shall also be filed, which shall be transmitted by the Planning Comm{ssion to the District Engineer of :the, Sta~e!Departmentfoof'Highwaysiwithca statement that the Commission will consider shy recommendation of said District En- , gineer. made ~ithin. fifteen~(l~,)~days after<receipt~by him of said cop~es of the map~ ......... ~ . .i' .z . . ! _. . '. =zSection 2.3-2: Form of Tentative Map and Accompanyin~ Data, The tentative map shall be clearly and degibly drawn on tracingc~o.th or tracing paper of good quality, It shall have a dimension of not less than 18" x 26'l~and the scale shall be-l'!~equal to 100 feet~ It~shall~ contain the following information: c~ ~.-,~I rz.'z~ =(a)i The name .of any zexisting recorded mapT.applicable.~to .the subdivislion; (b) Proposea subdivision name if any and date, North point, scale and .sufficient_description to define.the..location and boundaries_of the proposed tract. The proposed name is subject to approval by the ~..' P.lanning~ Commission ~ %~, .. ~ ~ ~. ~. ~ ~ .~r '-~ . ~ .r,~ t'r . ~, 'r : ~ (c) Kay map showing adjacent, .proper.ty, ~giving location, tnames and ~idths of adjacent rights of way; (d) Name and address of record owner or owners, subdivid~ and registered .engineer or.~ricensed land ~surveyor.~who pr~pa~edzsai~.maplL:.l.... _I,._ Two (2) copies to the Health Officer. -:~:~j~._ :'y.-. .... -!~-_-.-_.7. One (1) copy to the City Engineer. -Thre~-(3)-copfes to the Blanning.Department. :~: .... One'~.(l').copy:td.the: F.lood,~Control District; - f'.. ~ ,.' L- -One' (l~:copy~to~such Sanitation District as has jurisdiction over the lands included in:said~map. :' z ~ :: One (1) copy eachatbsuch=public utility companies-as are intended to provide · servi~as'.to the subdivision;. :-: "~ :'. Two (2) copies to the Division of Highways where the lands abut on a State Highway. One (1) copy to appropriate elementary schoo~jd__i}tri~t,~ Section-2.4-2:: =Departmental Reports:a:Upon-receipt-of said:maps and necessary '- ~" ,"~ accompanying data,~' each!tof,-safdr:departments shall'make-an-inves- tigation~and written-report to-.the'Planning.Gor~aission as hereafter ~et forth, setting forth any reson~nended.conditions. :Should it be-necessary for representa- tives of said departments to meet with the Subdivision Committee of the Planning Commission. t~ ~p~i~py:~a~s..~e~pg~_~py. sp~b:~nvestiga~n~9r report, theisubdivider~;~halli:havel'the, right~to appea~-at least.once before such repres- entatives and committee during their d~liberations. The Planning. Commission is authorized to establish such=procedural rules-'as may. be'necessary. forrconvenient to effectuate ~the provisiohs of-this: section.. ~.~-:' '.' !Upon,;receipt of-said:map and data from the-Planning Conmission~ the City Health. OffiCer~:City~Engineer~.iPlanning Department:and-Flood-Control District shall make such investigation and'.repor.t ~o the:Planning Con~nission,~s hereafter set forth, and thereafter said report shall be reduced to writing and delivered in triplicate to the Secretary_;gf ~be. Pl~pping_ Cor~n.~s~on. ......., (A) Health Department"Rep6rt.-. '.'c,~::, :',' . .~ :.' _~:' . -'~'-":The Cit~'Health!Officer'shall':determine'Ladequate:health~protection, and shall :.~- -investigatethe-lot size, the sewage disposal system and the domestic-water supply system proposed for:said subdivision, and shal'lrender a'report'setting..forth whe- ther-the.same-~eet theehealth and'safety~standards prescribed by:saididepartment and whether. the proposed design.:improvement,.'or use~would violate any:health laws, --ordinances. or~-regu;lations~State-or local,.:-and-specifically whetheraor.not the proposed~lots ~in"a~ea. and~percol~tion'~qualify for septic tank permit..'In making his investigation~the'=Health~Officer'is:emp0weredto:require?such testzholes, percolation tests,and other.like soil explorato~y-tests-as'he.may-deem necessary to ascertaintwhether the-proposedlotsor lots~are of~sufficient.zsize-to:provide adequate sewage disposal when all lots in the area are built-upend, and..to specify the recommended method of sewage disposal to be used in said subdivision (B) '~Engineer!s"Report. ' L'I z:~ '=' 'r~ : ~, tz~5 .... : ~: . The~City~'Engineer~'shall investigate-the manner in..which~ithe.individual lot:or lots~ ~streets.cand overall':drainage is to-zbe achieved:in:said subdiv~ ision. :Said Engineer~inhis.~investigationaand~report,. and the Planning~': ~ommission.when:acting upon the tentative map, shall determine~suitabi~ity, adequacy and~s~fety-of~the!=proposed lot.or lots;'.and~in. this regard.shall- adhere .to--thev,following:,!'The:intended':usemust~not' interfere with the natural drain'age~of surface-water from the:land:constituting'.and~surrounding the'..intended':lot or:lots~-without;adequate drainage.thereof; the.>intended.~: s~ructure:and-improvements of ~aid:lot or:lots:must be adequately.supported by the surface and subssurface soil so there.w~ll be no hazard tO occupants and~.propertyttherein;.the~intended use must~nottcreate~an.unreasonable.=isk and:hazard to,=~d.joi.ning:persons,'or~=property~by.,reason~of. fire~flood, ava-: -lanche-or other Calamity;.the'-proposed.lot:-or.tots,vandctheir:proposed use~. shall' not.create' an unreasonable trafficihazard nor-encroach upon oreinter- fere:with the.userand maintenance of.=ditystreets::and.highways;':: (C) .Plannin~ Department Report. The:Planning Department:shall~study;.and=inves.tigate:the proposed design and improvement.of~said~subdivision in~relation~to~such~generalLor,.precise. .p~ans.:prescrib~d by law which.affect.subdivisions of~.the type:>proposed by~- thevtentative.map.'ifor..theTarea~in question~:and=inirelation-.to'.all~appri-: cable zoning. ordinances~ andrshall report:on~the eomplianCe~therewith and=~ on the qualit.y~of design from theYstandp6int of~.function,.safety and:esthetics. ~z_=I-,. Lthe und_ers~gned,-. C~e. rk!of ~_h.e_ Ci.t_y of S.a_r_.atoga,..an.d__e_x-.o. ffici. q~Cl_e~r_.k_cs :a cforegoing-Ordinance~is'a~true-and correct copy-of Ordinance-No, 4A-18-1.~ .of the ~said City_ ,_whichZ wa~, regul_a. rly int_r_.qd_uced~,:.~a.s..s_e_d ~n.d.' a_dopt. ed. ab_ys .:. Lc the~Ci_ty Counci-l~of-said-Cit~:and-is-now~in~th~official-files in the-. :~£Office of the City~Clerk o~-the-City*.of~Saratoga,-Californi~T~'7-'/: "; .- ~s. =e ~c_'-,2.~a -~ ~ :;-~ 'Cz:L .j.3 L_: :.:~z_ CLERK OF THE-CITY OF:SARATOGA_. L~ .... *-, tz ~ ~ ,.2: z~zz~ ~Z~' '-~ " ::::.Z ~L_ K ~: Z.c Lc ?:z_'z~::.': -_~_'! Lc .OIfDINANC~ NO, NS-5- E~ _*_._** s z L =~±= :::';:z~ . ::z: EA_N O_R~__I:N_._AN_C_E _RI~_~U_LA.._T:I_N_GcTHE~sD_E. SIG._NiA..ND..~_I..MI~_ROVE. M~.NT L.~t _-.._.: c'~z=rs ~ s z =. O~zS.I:_NG~E L_Q~_S,-~Z~RCEL_S,. pIV.I.S_I_QNS.~_AN_D. SUBD. I. yISIONS .-~ -'.~-*2-~s::.~ !2 ' ~. -' ~_"-z .:Q~ L~N_.._D.~N ~HE~CITY-.OF SARATOGA .... · ... · ~he City Council of the City of Saratoga does hereby P~RI O~E::: GENERAL PROVISIONSe· .. . c.k _:v_: .~r .:c2 Z-.'2 .' -' .... -7' SECTION ~ 1 l'~: P~RPOSE ,- ~PPLI0~TION, AND POWERS , ~ect ion-1-. l: Th~s~ordi;~anda is enacted -to ~e~ulate "andcco;{~ro~ isz=' _~-c " c ' cand i~mprovement-of land i~th~ City-of Saratoga, iIt is~ = -! It shall 5~'-k~jn~a'~d~e~4d 't~'in it~=~nti~y'~ t~ .... Ordinance", ' ......' · .'::,zc z2,, L, ~ -'Section-1;2: s.Tb_is,:grd_~in_a~_ce;i.s .!n_.:t..h.~e_e;p_a_rts;=s.T~_.e2p_roy~s~_o. ns of:t. his ~z_'_-=-_~ 7., :c. P_.A~_~ _0.N~._>a. pp~y'.t._o _the enti_r.e29r..d_i_n_ance_..c .Tb~.e.~p.r. ov~isions of- ,... PART~TW~,~except~as hereafte~ noted, shall apply to subdivision of-'~v~'Z~ 'is :c::_'.~c ~- si; .s.rsczi i..L>.zs:-.':, -_:.E s.: ~..2 : . :.c .c::: 7.? Anything to '-the ~contrary ~-above notWithStanding, .whenever in- the~ opinion of the Planning Co~nission the intent of the subdivider is ultimatel~ to subdivide into five or more lots, or wher_~e.ey_e.r_.7_i~sapp_e~_rs r~a_.spn.a.,b.l. yo_~ necessary in order to maintain uniformity b'f biffl'd'ih~' ¥i't~' 'deb'i~h'bY ..... improvement, PART TWO of this ordinance shall he applicable to four or~-- less lot subdivisions which otherwise would come under the terms of PA~"' sci-~.TH~uE_E,,.:_..-:_'zZ~? -_s5 'Z2_'-'7.: 'Z:-_* -:-~---: .$:: i..:.__=_.L=s 1:' :2 .... :: Section 1.3: This is an ordinance supplementing the Subdivision Map Act as to subdivisions as that term is therein define_d.,s~_eg_u_Jet.i_n.g divisions of land less than a subdivision as that term is defin~'d 2_=s;MapGAct, and regutating~single, unsubdivided~sites~under--the-.site=approval cf =_conditions'set forth in PART ~HIREE hereof, ..clf~_";::: _. -_.c: -~ z_ Sectio.n t,,4: ~.Tb_e ptanning Commission is-hereby designated ~s thes'JAdvisory -::--'.:iaDd'zisccha-rg~d w-igb-~ tb_e P_oF_e_r_si_a. nd ~dp~t_i..e_sc_in;re.~pe..c_tl..to~ tentative and final : _~ .map_s and the.. procedure r relating° thereto ;which are-specified' by 'iawl this ordinance, SECTION 2: DEFINITIONS :'::~F.~. -<; For, the. purposes~of. this ordinance/the definitions~hereafter~ set. forth c-:;~alL' ;;n~;o£~ ~e~2~' ~'h;~in~e~i6;~. Ah~" ~e'a~. def~A;h~.i~-: Ordinance of the City of Saratoga. .~b_e_rm_s neither defined'~herein=or, in~ the said Zoning Ordinance shall be as defineh"i~'th'~ Lbdivisi n" ' ee"' of the State of California, _'c':rs .z c: r. :.c _-~2 SectiSn 2~l:~--ti6'G~ne~l. c'1C~ty"l~hai~ mean rHeaCity of~Saratoga; '!Planning ....... C6~4-~i~'tt~halr~a~'th~cPlanni~ig-nC6mmission of.L~he~Cit~cof Saratoga; "Eitg~Cdu~hii"l~hall~m~'-the CityeCO~ndilfOfrthe City of. cSara~oga; the',tern~a "Health Offic~r'~,e"He~ehiDepartme~t","'Planning-Department!Z and "Cit9 -'Eng{ne~r'[l sha~l -'~a~n sthe .~e~ective ~offiaer ,- department ! or engineer of the City of Sarata~&,:sav~hdz~xc~t .tHated~ridgzany period-of time:Wherein such services are being performed for the City by these respective officers or _departments of. the_County_of~Santa Clara, then the same shall mean such officers or departments of the ,County of S a Clara; if any any time any decision or de- ~nt termination of the Santa Clara County Engineer while'acting in the capacity of City Engineer for City should be ~ontrary to any decision of the Director of Public Works of the City of Saratogas. the..decision of said Director of Public Works shall control; the term "Flood Control District" shall mean the Santa Clara County-Flood Con~rol-.ana-.Wa~er Conservation District; the term "Sanitation · 'ct" Dlstr~ shall mean a Santa Clar~ CouutyCSanitation District; or the Cdpertino 'Sanitary District"; th~ term "Dir&ctor, of Public Works" shall mean such Director of the City. "Map Act" shall mean the Subdivision Map Act of the State of iCali~o{aiaz _i~ rc '_.e~eL ~c....cz-~- Lc .~2 ~._~ Lc _.~.. c .il s... section 2.2: Subdivision. "Subdivision" shall mean. and_include~ny r~pro- perry, improved or Vnimproved, or portion thereof, shown on the latest adopted County tax roll as: a Unit. or_aslconttguous. unitsj.:whi'ch.~sjiv- ided for the purpose of sale, lea~e, or construction of improvements thereon, ~hethersi~med~Ateor--fge~ee~ b~ .any pe~o~, fi~mF'Cdr[6ration,.-par.tner§hip~ a ssoC~a~ion'6r' other ~tit~s ~ernmentalLorL6~hafwise~ into two or more parcels. It'sh~[~ includ&~'all-diQisi6ns 'ofl~land ~hich ~are-axcledad from~the-de~ini[ioa of "Subdi~si~a"'Sy t~e'-t&i~'L6f2Bu~in~s &=P~ofa~i&n~ C6de Secti6n 11535 6f the State of California. . '2~nh shali'b~ ~on~fderedzfo b~HiVided'by~either~(a)ithe fi~ing.~i~h~the Pl~nnip~C~mm~s~ign of~A~tent~ti~ima~ S~wi~g ~division into lots or parcels, or (5)2the'Sale~ 'coht~act 0~ ~ale~ feas~ztra~f~5~iother d0n~eyanCeo-of any pqrti~n~of~a unit O~ c0~tiguous uhits in one--o~-h'~ship-as.shown~6n the iatest -~Ad6pted'-County t~ ~01~rq~rdleSs~Sf th~menn~ilof~iand'descri~ti6n,~r ther~co~ding~ of-anyrre66rd of-~survey~or other~ parcel less than the whole as shown on such latest adopted tax roll, or~(d) any other separation of land into legally discernible parcels. The s~paration of a~ingleesite- f~am~asiarger~-par~el ~hall ~d~stit~t~za~di~{Sion. Sect~6~2;3~r Othar def~nitf6~ An alley is a public way permanently reserved primarily for vehicular~service access to the rear or sid~ of properties otherwise abutting on a street. "tmp~Bv~meht" r~fer]~t6 s~h'st~eet"wO~k' ~ndsutititie~s{ncl~ding without being limited to storm and sanitation d~aih~ an~ s~wers, t6 ~a~installed Or-agreed to be installed by the subdivider od the land dedicated or offered to be dedicated hx h a 1 ?fSri~treets~ 'g Q ys,~p~b ic~Wa~s and~ ea§~mentsmz~Asl-a~e necess~r~.Qr~h~ gen- erA1-'u~a-of, ~h~16~'ow~srin'~th~L~ubdlvi~ionzand locai=n~ighborhood traffic, 2ara~na~ A~s~wA~ehe[d~'~sao~diti6n ~ec~d~St tozt~zapproVat!of-ithe~final m~p 6fTthe- subdi~i~io~.ors~6 the.-fin~lr~ite a~ro~la~nder~PART ~%{REE of?this Means of Access A "~sofr~eB~" .~=a;:~tr&~t, ~i~htt of: wa~ ~S~m~fit'Srzw~y of-~e~&ssity ~½rOth~j thgro~gh~Aren~x~p~nL alleF,s desi~d f~r i~ss to b~-egres~ -from any p~el-~'~z_~apH-tbs~ ~Bl~'str~t. · Person The term "person" means and shal~ include any person, firm partnership asso- ciation, corporation, business trust, city~ County~ local agency, district~ Mtate or Federal government or any branch, district or division thereof, exclusive of the City of Saratoga. Right-of-Way The term "right of y includes all or any part of the entire width of a road, street or highway easement whether or not such entire area is actually used for road, street or highway purposes. A "street" is any t~a~a(~hf~ 'for mot6r ~hf~l~*~'a~al whiSh-:-~ffo~ds ~'e prin- cipal means of access to abutting property, including public and private rights of way and easements. ~ ::_~?~.-_ .'. ~.s~-zL-~. _ ~SE~'~'~t ~ eotl~to~Z~ Y~ Ls..2~i.i.'~ '._'~ .=. '. rres~ce. fo o~h~f s~'~reeE~. arid othe~ i~6rc~& :of t~Sf/f8 Sis :.'6&ed to carry Er~ffic from' local streets to secondary and major st~a~'~ Street - Hillside Collector '~'3'Hilfrs'id~d6'l-le~fe~'' is~i:-'s~re~t'~ia~ '-6~aa~ of its d~i~2a~",loca- 2=~:~'io~r~i~h ~s~ects~a~o~;~r~'et~d o~e~'~ou~ of-:~afff~is "f a r6 ar: verses terr~ih rfequ~i~'~'t~ctfo~-6'~' ~urat rg~O~d zoA than 15%. Street- Cul-de-sac Ee~inus fSf ~'afde~t~tzBei~g '~i~i~-':eh~ subdi~i~ionz'~ds~'~ala~ed '-~y ~.l~dsc~p~i~i~g t6~s 6f~:the!~dbdfvisio~, A "dSEd;&~dt~st~&'~"cfsr~-a'6~e~tHa~nS-ba'{z6~e-'odClefsforsveHiSul:Ar:and ped- estrian traffic and te~nati~ at the property adjoininS the subdivision. Street - Frontage Road '/E2"f~g~ta~e -~6'ad" =:is~fA't~8&t~adj'~ce~t ~na street- Local :A:,~t66A1 a~re~tt, zi~:a..~etz~h~ah/.b~cad~e.of i~ra~ign and location with re- -in'i~'~e~t *'tosSt~r"str~'~s, f~ aaa prf~ily~f6~:~cd~a's ~o- the .abu~tin~ zp~operty. :sA:"hffrSiaezb6al: ;~reee" ia'~a'C~fr~ whic~ b~ns~:of i~s::d~a'ignzaAa 10~ation -wi~fres~'t ~os6~He~alr~:risr:~s~dsp~iia~ilyz:~SezaE6es~ ~o ~hes~'~ting pro- perty and which traverses terrain'r~Hffiag anst aatfa o~:'~urais~od~d on a gradient of more than 15%. ~orou~hfare As,~h6ro6ghf~ra,, i~' ~:'~d~ii~zs~tLde~f~A~rase~thSroughfare on the Saratoga ~r2e--~rai ~ra~'.~hi~hC~a~d~Sf it~:aesfgn:~az'~oea~6~:~i~h:r~spec~nt6 other :j:S'~ee~a'z~ndu~t~erzso~d$~'-'6f: ~rA~fi6; i~':u~&d~ 826a f ~::ha~:v61~e of traffic "mi ' A nmm access street" is a street running frM the point of intersection of the existi~ or proposed driveway of a site with the site's property li~, to an accepted public street or intersecti~ ~nWm access street, having proved surface of a minWm width of 18 feet improved to the engineeri~ st~dards of the City of Saratoga. Street - Private z A "private street" is a street in private o~ership, not dedicated a~s~Rublic street and not an alley, which affords the principal means of access' tO~ne ..... mre lots~.which,.do ~hav~-~ag~J~ acpublic;st~eet ~ree - Public S.. t A "public street" is a street .o~ed and maintained by or the State, includi~ streets offered for dedication t~ th~'Citf~hibh'h~ve been ..~pr~ed,-or for. which.a-.bonded improv~ent agre~ent~is intellect-to i~prove Street", and "Dedicated ~.. =ci~-. "z~ -i~a':zo~s~ ~J'Subdividerq shallom~an,such individual~,,fims cor~oration~ .partnership~..s~ SECTION 3: FEES Every subdivider shall~ at the ~ime of fi~ing h~s tenta~iv~mapT~ay'~o the e.C~t~ ,of ~Sara~oga ,.a .fili~ .fee :and ,a public -health =se~ice fee; ~and=a~ the tae of ~-fi~i~ .the~impvov~ent_plas-and spec~fida~ions~.~n~pection fee;,~d..at the final ~p or site approval~ a sto~ drainage fee. ~e scheduling and ~unts of these fees shall be as set forth in Table I attached her~0~n~ iqceE~{ated herein by reference. Said fees ~y hereafter be cha~ed by resolu~io~f'th~City Council andssuch changedfee.shall.control without~aen~ent.to this~ordin~ce. SECTION 4: ACTS PROH!BI2D' Section 4.1: It shall be unlawful for any person-to'~ell;'offer--~o--sell, :'~2.>- elsL~2:. re'a_'..contrgc~_~b.,sell or.divide~any.~real.,proper~yin.,the~.City of Sarat6ga ~h[~h'aSa;[[tuta;_,a";~6di~i;~ga~;f~fi;e_or.&o;d~[S[SCas ~defined her'e~ without complyi~ with ~li Section 4.2; It shall be unlawful for any person to sell;"0f[e~x~6hsell or of fou~ or less lots, for which sfte approval is necessary under P~T ~E of this ordinance, unless either (a) all the provisions_of P~T_~E~of=~his ord- inace have been complied with and final site appro;;[:ha; .~o years ,.prior ,to such ~sale ,~ or .. (b) the_seller -has, SECT~0N 5: VOID~ILI~ OF DEEDS OR CON~GTS Section 5.1: ~y deed of conveyance, sale or contract to'sel'l~de-'contrary _~. ~ :~ - c =_-.: -.- e+to~the=provisions~of..t~is ~ord~ace is vgidablecat .the .sole ~ 2one yea~aftev6~;-:dateaofcexecue~on]ofst~eadeed of ~;;eya~ce,7;~f;, or ~stbihdi~e6po6 ay~egss~g~eeab~tv~s~ereecoft~hee~gntee~ibd~e~,ugvn ;z2:~- L~ ~ 122 s..~ lc SECTION 6: .BUILDING~ERMIT AND ~CERTIE-ICATE.OF .OCCUPANCY = t. i Section' 67:1: . N~': bui~lding ~permit sh~t~:~be issued ~untit_ the .final; subdivision map is_recorded by ~the .County Recorder, .or,~ in _the case -of lots, parcels or subdivisions subject to PART THREE of this ordinance, no building permit shall be .'issued .Until final Lsite. apprq_va~. i.s_..gr_anted ~in .accord therewith.. Section .6.2: N9. certificate ~of .occupancy_ =shal L.b~ .issued luntil all, trees are . c c . ~p'lanted. and 'curbs~- gutters, driveway approaches,. base rock and underground utilities servicing such lot or_parcel are satisfac~torily installed and completed, SECTION ~::' CONfORMiTY-WITH ZONING IAWS:~ -_ Lc .~_. .2 .~_ : ~ ,i .... Nothing contained in this ordinance, nor any act or forbearance done or permitted. hereunder', .sh'all .waive or relieve compliance with any other-'ordinance of_the .City_of Saratoga .not specifically repeaied-hereby. .Neither final ,map- nor-.site approval tshallz.be granted forz any rloti, site ,or subdivision which is not in :conformity .Wi_th~ the .zoning, ordinances- of .the'.nCity of, ;Saratoga,~-norz which has been or cis :cre_ated in viOla~ion of any.such .zoning ordinance,. nor.~for-,any intended use which would not be in conformity with the district r~gulations _in which said lot, site or subdivision lies at the time of final approval. The Planning Commission may, but need not, tentatively approve a map for lot sizes or uses contrary to existin. g_zoning go. Ve_rni.~ng ~b~ ~o.t, .s.i~e or/:sub- division in contemplation of a change in zoning to make such lots or uses conform therewith, but -only- after r,ecommending !such change ~of zoning- -to the -City Council after public hearing thereon in accord with the Zoning Ordinance.. Any:such. tentative approval shall be at the sole risk of the subdivider, and shall not become binding on the City for any purpose unless and unti.1 such zo.ning ~s legally and finally adopted. SECTION 8: APPEAL AND~ REVIEW ..... L: .. a c ~ L c . ~ ~ . . . ~Se~t~on 8,1:: Appeal t~': Cit7 Council, TheT;subdiVider may appeal to-th~:City ~-_'~ = f~ co'~ _' Council -from any. d~cision ~of ..th~z.Pl:anning .Commission ~-which ~con- -. ~dit ion~ll-y approves ~or~Ldisappro. ves~.a tentativer~.map.cor. from any, .decision;. deter- mination or requirement of the City Engineer-, under PART-TWO or THREE hereof, '-- by filing a written notice thereof together with the requisite filing fee with the City Clerk, letter form being sufficient, within 10.days after ~uch decision is made, The noticemof appeal shall be signed by the subdivider and shall set forth the action appealed from and all of th.e grounds _for. appeal, .N°' ground not specifically set forth in the notice may be raised or considered at the time offhearing, ; .~- %7 . _. L7 ... j; _ . _ - ~ i . ~ .. .~.i Upon receipt~ of the notice of appeal'. and f~iling fee,-- the- 'City Cl~rkI- shall set the appeal .for hearing before the City. CoUnc'il at- its next regular meeting that falls not less than 10 days-~fter the date Of fi-ling,' and shai1 nbtif-y the subdivider and the one whose decision, determination or requirement is be- ing 'appealed of-:.the time .an_d_ _plaqe .qfL he;~ring:, ~ '- ~ ~ .- . _ 5. · Upon the hearing: on appeal the City Council may- sustain, overrule br modify the decision,-determination or requirement-appealed from, and such dibposition on appeal shall- b~ final, ~.:. ~ : ~ . ~ . . ~ L ·: .. Section~ 8,2: Judicial Review:, ' The Idecision of the City. L COUncil onL condit~ional · ~ approval or disapproval of a final map or~ finalz site app~roval:, or on appeal from~'a Plannihg Commissibn decision,z sh~-ll be= shbj~ct tb review by~ the courts as-, to its2 reasonableness at the instanc'e[ of~ thez subdivide~ or: an~ person claiming toL be~ apprieved~ by such.- de~ision~-~ but such action shall .be comr~nced within 90- days after~ the- rendition~ of .the-decisi~h.- ~ ~ ~- ~ SECT-ION 9:~ ENFORCEMENT~ ; =_ . _ ~ L . c : ~. Section-9.1 :.i Dutyi to Enforce.~ - The Planning'-- Conm~i'ssion and Cilty CotfnCi-l~ shall ~-', =- ~ refuse approval of any tentative or final map~ application not in conformity-herewith~ and all officials, departments and employees~of~the City vested. with authority or duty-to issue~ermits or certificates shall~not issue any such permit or certificate which conflicts~with any provision~ of thilsl Other than as above set forth, the Director of Public Works shall b~ thel · o official responsible for the enforcement of this ordinance. He may sign c~im- inal compl`aints and_call=, upon'. the City Attorney~ to .prosecute ,criminal R~c_e_e__di. ngs and/~or institute civiLlegal proceedings to enforc.e this_ ordinance. Section.~9..2: ~Penalties .~for o. Violation~. Any~p'erson,_!as .that term is~ herein de- fined, violating any provision of this ordinance shall be guilty of a ~misdemeanor and~zupon ~conviction* therpofL shall ibe punishable by a f_i.~_e not more than. $500.00 ,.or by~ impr.isonment .~inT~the Co.unty Jail for a .term of not exceeding 6. mgnths.,~. or~by. 'both such~Jfine and. imprisgnment, . i .... Such person shall be deemed guilty of a separate offense for each day during any portion of which a violation of .this ordinarfce is committed or conti~fued or permitted by such person,. punishable as he~fn'~i~', a. Any~bui~ding o~.~structure erected ~o~ 'cOnstructe'd~ in ~viola~ion~ of.'~PART zTHREE · - of this ordinance.shall be_ and is ~hereby~ d~eclar~d.~unlawful and a public~i~uisance. and .the City Attorney~ on direction .,of the Director ~of. Public. Works-shall tute necessar~ _legal~ ~proceedings for ~the abatement~,~ remo~;al ~or enj'oin~n. ent:~thereof in ~the mapner~ provide.&zby ~law: and ~shall takejsudh: oth~er steps .as may~~be necessary to ~accomplish ithes~:zends~ r ~ . ~ 2 .. 2..~: .... .~ . . iz All remedies provided for herein shall be cumulative and not exclusive, SECTION 10: ~INCONSI, STENT ORDINANCES REPEALED ±a ..._= c .~ .~ ~ ~ _.~-Ordinance ~Nos.75,_ 5.-A,: 23, ~23-1, 23-2, 23~3,~ 23.-.4~i 23~5 and .5~B and..23-6~;are hereby repea.led..~: .~_ r ,: , =-,: .: ~c . ..2 '_t ~ . :*e.. ~.. ~*. ~ SECTION 11: .:.'EONSTITUTIONALITY .... f c r., . 7. .. : ,* i 2~ If any section, subsection, sentence, clause or phrase of this ordinance is for any reason held by a court of competent jurisdictiono~p.be.~nval.id,__s~_uch ~decision o shall not affect the validity of the remaining portions of this ordinance. The ' City C.Quncil. of ~_the;iCity 9f Saratoga hereby decl, ares that it would have ~passed this ordinance and, each s~ction,.jsubsection, tsent~'~;°ll.~d~e and',phra~' th~o~~ {~2, specti~e qf the .fact..~that'zany~one or-more sections~%subsections, sentenc,esi~jclauses or ph, rases.be%held-.invalid .or, unconst. itutio_nal._L21 £. l, ,; ~- a% ~c ? PART_TWO: ~SUBDIVIStONFREGULATIONS: . : ' : ,..f. iLL, _'_.L~= ' ~ ,' ~ . ~z re. ~ -Z/2~ o . SECTION: l:z. PRELIMINARY. MAPS AND bONFERENCES.. ~ n _ cL~ ........ '-- s~_ Section 1.1: Filin~ of Preliminary Map. Prior to filing a t,e~ntative.:map ._ the subdivider may, at his option, submit to the Planning - -CPIm~i-$-s-~P-n a pre~l_i_mi;n_a~y m_~p, p.f ~ proppsed s,ub_division. The, preliminary · . m_apL .s_ha_l_l.. n.o.t-z b.e_._cpns_i.~e.red' fo, r..any. p~rpps~e ,upl.ess all-. the pr~)visions Of_ , this-section are- complied: with~ by the subdivider. e .. _f.. Section 1.2: Form and RequirementEof~Pretiminar7 Map:.. A minimum_of_f.o.ur (.4) copies of the preliminary map shall be filed with the Secretary ,~ _ o_f. t_h~e .Plapp.ing ~Cg_.mmissio.n~ an~..Sh.all .~cpns_is~t .of=. a mapz or other ~drawing to a .o : ~sca_lez of~ 1"_. equalling -,-19D or 200 feet~., ~ .S,aidz mapz shall contain t,hez fol-lowing information: (a) Name and address of the owner, subdivider~ ands engineer; ; (b) Kay map showing adjacent property, subdivisions and streets, and proposed ) ' . ,s~t_re~et_sc.andr s~_b4iv~isigns; ~ (c)! cDate, ngrth.pointe and scale; (d): _P_e_r_i_m,e.t?_r rc b,o.und~a_rY',line~ to. s_c`a,leL only; . (e)~ Unusual-. featuring df t'erra{~- such as rock ~:zoutcrops,~-.-treeimasses,=water courses in andzadjacent to the propos~d. sub- .,c · c dLiYisi. on;Tc (uf) i* S~ta_temePtI oft existing' and~ proposed! public utilities ,- sanitary : $_ew.~.r ,f_agiLl_it~s, ma,_i_nL traff,iC arte,ries,_ r~ailroads ,~ freeways, express~ways., , and the distance to the ne.ar~e_st~ ~ani~taryl sewerr main.. line;. t (g) A~pproximate, location and width of proposed streets; (h) Approximate location and number , of lots; (i) LOt sizes, width and depth; (j) Acreage of pr_o_p_osed_.s_u.b_-, _. .' division to the nearest acre; (k) Location of existing wdlls, drains, channels, ~' and other. water2producing or carrying facilities~within the subdivision.;. -(1)c =Location~ofzexisting_'native~ andLornamentat 7t*~dds'. i~cluding outline areas ; 9f/speciesc ofe or~char,d trees ,. and~ in: ad.dition,~'shall conta,in such=. inf. ormation ;as mayo from, times,to~,timexbe requiredt for~ pr.eliminary mapS~by. resolution or ° order2of the.Planning qommission .... L..~-' _u~:~. ~: _._~, L~. _c .2.-=s ,Section 1.3: 'Distribution.of and Action~on.Preliminar~ Maps.,z The~Secr~tary ,.~ . . of the Planning Commission shall. distribut~ the~preliminary maps and data to such appropriate departments or agencies for review as may be de- signated by the~Commission, and shaLl.set a time.and Rlace of conference be- tween the subdivider and representatives of the.various departments or agencies concerned to discuss the preliminary map. At such conference the subdivider shall b~ furnishedaadvice.or'suggestions as.~cantre~sonably be givenby ,such representatives based upon the information~submitted, whichlshall'be advis- or-y.only andfnot.binding upon either party, Section 1,4: ..Purpose of~Preliminar~ Maps,~ The' provisions~of this section · -areto_provide an advisory.service to the su~dividerprior to his preparation-Land filing .of a tentative map,~and complianqe.or. non-compli- ance.herewith shalI~be discretionary with the.subdivider, .z. SECTION 2: TENTATIVE MAPS: Section 2,1.: :General~ · The following .procedures ~ar~ hereby adopted for processing all applications for permission to subdivide real property, Applications for subdivision map approval shall be in writing on forms as approv~d~by~the Planning.CommiSsion, and shall be accompanied by tentative maps as hereafter set forth prepared by a registered .civil engineer or licensed land surveyor, Such map shall be in full compliance with this Section 2,2: Time of filing, The time of filing an application for subdivi- -. ~sion .approval and .the tentative ~subdivision map shall' be ~on- strued to be_the time at.which the same are accepted by theofficercdesignated in the rules of the Planning Conmission for that purpose, Such officer shall examine any such map and application upon presentation of the same to him and shall not accept them for filing until they are in full compliance.withlall the provisions of law and of this ordinance as to form and as to the data and information required-to be shown.thereon or.furnished therewith, and all re- quired-fees are~paid~ri,j, '.. ~.~ , ~~c,v~ Section 2.3: Tentative Mapst- Form and Filin~.~ -Section 2.3-1: FilinS. Twelve (12) copies and a reproducible transparency zr,. tof the, tentatiVe'map of-atproposed subdivision shall ~e filed. Additional copies may be required for transmittel to the designated official of any adjoining city or county whic~ has,requestedfthe~sam~ as provided in the Map Act. If the subdivision or any part thereof adjoins any State highway, two additional. copies of Lthe tentative map shall also be filed, which shall be transmitted by the Planning Commission to the District Engineer of ~the. Sta~e~DepartmentLof'Highways_withca statement that the Commission will consider any recommendation of said District En- · gineer,-made~wi~hinfifteen~(15.)fdays after<receipt~by him of said cop~es of the map~ ' ....... t' =~Section 2.3-2: Form of Tentative Map and Accompanyin~ Data. The tentative map shall be clearly and degibly drawn on trac±ng c~oth or tracing paper of good quality. It shall have a dimension of not less than 18" x 26'l~and the scaleshall be'l'%nequal to 100 feet~' It~shall~ contain the following information: =~a). The name.of an~existing recorded maplapplicable.tto.the subdivis~ion; (b) Proposed subdivision name if any and date, North point, scale and · s. ufficient.,description to define.the..location and boundariesof the proposed tract. The proposed name is subject to approval by the ~, !r P~anning~ Co~nission ~ ~' ..~ ~ i tl. i ~ (c) Kay map showing adjacent, proper.ty, ~giving location, ~names and .widths of adjacent rights of way; (d) Name and address'8~'~&C&rd'oQn&r'6~'&Q~rsl ~ubdivid&~ and registered ... ,engineer or.~,ricensed land !surveyor,~who prepared /. -(e)7' .~Locations_, _'p_a_m~e,s, _'.w._i~dtb.s, _ qen~_r~_i_n..e~r_ad_ii: ·" -' -'all'~st·reets; highways and other w~ys ~in ~the 'proposed subdivision; -~ (f) ~Number. of ~ots~ dimensions of the~lots,-inclddi~g frontage, dep'th f .' -~and area-'in square feet;~ ~-~..' (g) . ~One .foot ~contours ~ ~or one-half cfoot contours where necessary~ -to de- scribe area, 'Where _the grad~ of ~a~y .part of the csubdivis~on exceeds- 10% or where the subdivisionsabuts e~sting deVeloped~lots. an..over~t all grading plan may be required showing features adjacent to the .- '~subdivi~ion-wfthinta reaSonab__l.~___d_~_st_~n__c~e~j_h.e.re~ro.m.wh~ch L'~ ;affect'tLsaid-subdivision~In those~ cases.~i~i which a grading plan is ":' ' -required ~ :it- shal 1 sho~ how ~rdnoff.~f ~sdrface water fro~ Lindividual lots will be~act~i~ved and the-'ultimat~Tdisposal Of 'all subdivision surface waters, Benchmarks shall be on Santa Clara County datum; (h) Location and character of all existing easements for drainage, sewage, r~=pdblic uti~t~es~together with all ~[ui~iding an~d_use ~estr~ctiods · '~L' ~applicable~thefeto; L~. ~c -~.~:~ (.i) .~Existingjuse or-uses an~, zOhe-or ~zone~. of the propertyland proposed' (j)The approximate locations of all proposed easements for drainageS- sewage or other public utilities;: ~ (k)~ .Transfers' of c~djacent and related ,~property owned :by the subdivider ,~*' ~ ~- or'~hi~.~pred~ce~sor in interestmade':~ithin the l'ast preceding five. ,, -y~a -.. .- All' p, ro~isions for dome6tic water,.~uppl'y, which are .proposed2by,-th~ subdivider, including source, quality and approximate quantL~y; (n)All provisions for se~§g.~.-.d~_spo_s,.a_l;~c~_tg~n~__d.r~.i.n~g~ .and. fl'o'od7 co~tro~ which are proposed by the subdivider; ~o) ~xLsti~gZwells, active:or abandoned;2and.dispoSition proposed; (p); 'Publi'e area proposed~, if any;. ,c, (q) - Stafement~-of,'tree p~anting pl'dn;~ --'(r),' Statem6nt ~o_f: street :lighting plan, ~if any; *.: Lf .'~. 2~ :. CS)2¢ Statem4ntOf the .in4provemen~s prpposdd2to ~be-donstrutted or ~nst~lled and of the time when said improvements shall be installed 'and 'the: date of their anticipated completion; (t)rTrReserved ,'~ '~ .'/ c " ,. :~Lc a~. (u) i-The app~oxi~at~ ·distance ~tO and location:of the neare~ sani'taryl : (-v) 2~Location,rof~existing .native and :~rnamen~al trees ificluding -'outlihe, cen- ters and species of orchard trees; (w): A blank :space, 8~2 inches: .by 11 :iddhes :in ;size for -certifications. Such of the foregoing information as may not practically be Shdwn.-von the map shall be set forth on the face of the subdivision approval application or attached thereto and incorp.orated therein b~ reference;-s! Section 2.4: Action on Tentative Maps - Departments Section 2.4-i:; Dfstribution. ~Upon~receipt of;fthe application~a~.filing fee from the subdivider, the Secretary of the Planning Corfmission shall distribute the maps as follows or as deemed necessary: Two (2) copies to the Health Officer. '~cj~I._,/~7.-.... One (1) copy to the City Engineer. -Thre~-(3)-copfes to the Blanning-Department. ~ T , .... One.(l').copy:td-the' F.tood';'Control District; _ c..r i ~' -One(1;)[copy~to~such-Sanitation District as-has jurisdiction over, the lands included in'said=map. ~ ~ ~ -~ One (1) copy eachatblsuch=public utility companies-as are intended to provide -serviCes '.to the subdivisionL z' "~ .... Two (2) copies to the Division of Highways where the lands abut on a State Highway. One (1) copy to appropriate elementary schoo~d__ijt~t1. ,-, Section -2.4-2 :~ ~Depar. tmental Reports: ~ z Upon jreceipt -of said ?maps and necessary '- ~', ,'.£~ accompanying data,~' each'tof.-safd:~departments shall'make-an.inves- tigation-and written.report to-the-Planning-Commission as hereafter ~et forth, setting forth any reaommended conditions. ~Should it be'-necessary for representa- tives of said departments to meet with the Subdivision Committee of the Planning Commission.~i~¢~j~Dy. ~at~ers.~gj~9.~py.S~b/~nvestiga~'on½9~ report, the~subdivider~;'Sha.llihave"the, right~to appea~-at least-once before such repres- entatives and committee during theirddliberations. The Planning. Commission is authorized to establish such=procedural rules-'as-may, be'necessary.~orrconvenient to effectuate~the proVfsiohsof-this' section,+ .... 'J !Upon,:receipt of-saidLmap and data from the.Planning Commission~ the City Healtk OffiCer.~CityYEngineer~,i'Planning Depar~mentzand-Flood-Control District shall make such investigation and'Irepor.t ~o the~Planning Con~nission,as hereafter set forth, and thereafter said report shall be reduced to writing and delivered in triplicate to the Secretaryjgf ~be. PlOpping. Con~s~on. ,.-..,, (A) Health Department?RepOrt... 7c,~j~" .',' . .; : .* .._~ -'f'-'<The Cit~'Health!Officer'shallqdetennine'Ladequatejhealth~protection, and shall -investigate the-lot size, the sewage disposal system and the domestic-water supply system proposed fortsaid subdivision, and shall render a'report'setting-.forth whe- ther-the-same.~eet the/health and'safe~y~standards prescribed bytsaidldepartment and whether-the proposed design~imprOvement,'or use=would viola,re any-health laws, --ordinances, or~.regu;lations~State-or loca~l,cand,specifically whetherear-not the proposed~lots ~in'a~ea, andfpercol~tion'~qualify for septic tank permit..'In making his investigation~,the~Health~Officer'iszempOweredtoarequireysuch testzholes, percolation tests,and otherslike soil exploratory,tests.as'heLmay-deem necessary to ascertaintWhether the-proposed lotsor lots%are of~sufficientcsize.to~provide adequate sewage disposal when all lots in the area are built.upon;~ and..to.specify the recommended method of sewage disposal to be used in said subdivision The~City~'En'gineer?shall investigate.the manner in-.which~the. individual [ot=or lots~streets~and overall':drainage is to.,be achieved~intsaid subdiv~ ision. ~Said Engineeruin-his~investigationaand~report,. and the Plannings~,-= eommission-whenzacting upon the tentative map,' shall determine~suitability, adequacy and~s~fety,of~the::proposed lot.or lots~',and=in. this regard.shall. adhere ,to-the'~,following:v'The~intended!use.mustznot' interfere with the natural' drain'age~of surface.water from the:land~constituting'.andzsurrounding the".intended~:lot orflots~.without;adequate drainage-thereof; the.>intended,~L s~ructure=and.improvements of Saidtlot or, lots~must be adequately-supported by the surface and sub-surface soil so there.will be no hazard t6 occupants and;proper, tyrtherein;,the~intended use mustf~not~createzan-unreasonablerisk andlhazard to,~d.joining~persons,'or~propertyuby.~reason~oB fire~ftood, ava-~ -lanche-or other calamity;.thetproposed.lot'.or.lots,Tand~theirnproposed use~ shall' not. create"an unreasonable traffic/~hazard nor-encroach upon or~inter- fere~with the.useTand maintenance of.=dity-streets~and.highways;'-~ (C) Plannin~ Department Report. The~Planning Departmentrshallfstudy~.and:inves,tigatenthe proposed design and improvement.of~said~subdivision in~relationyto~such~generalLor!.precise.' I.plans.:prescrib~d by law which.affect_subdivisions of;the type:~proposed the~tentativeimap.lfor..the7area'~lin question~and~in~relation-,to'.alliappri-~ cable zoning. ordinancesj and:.shall report:on~the oomplianCeytherewith and=. on the quality£of design from the~7standp6int oftfunction,.safety andtesthetics. I (D) Flood Control District Report, oL.~ .... l ......... The Flood Control District is.reques~ed:~o,.investigate the proplqSed ~sub- division for drainage and flood control jfactors, and is requeste~ cto ireport upon whether any substantial flooding hazard:~o.uldjbe created by.the proposed subdivision and any reconm~ended Conditions relative to flood con't~ol and · storn!drainage. Lsolutions,.jAny sUch.~equestvto.;th~ F10~d!Con~F~ pistF~ct . shall be accompanied by a copy of the proposed.grading..plan,.if.any, (E) Other Departmental.Reports .... .~:_..~ a.~ ~ ~ .... ~- ~ !. LThe.San~tation District,!e.anyA&ffect~_e~i[pu~ic ~tilities, and.~helDi~ision ~. ~. _of Highways, :may reportr~to the ?Planning eCC~m~s~io~' ~ an~ r~cS~nmTn'd~ ~ 7conditions or~provisions which in_their oRinion would-.be~reasonable._or.~nec~ ~..~ essarytunder~Lthe circ~stances 0f eachZparticular.case,.: ,'; r. ~Section 2:~5:;,. Action on Tentative.~ps~:.zPlannin~,Comission..;~ithin thirty - ~ ~ ~v is; ~:..(30):daysafter thezfi~ing:of,the tentative.(map~.unless such ,: :tfmeZis~extended:by~mutual consent,.of the~Planning,'Comission and theis.ub~.. sdividef~tha. Planning~Cqmissionshalluapprov. e,.conditionally appro. vAi:;or disapprove the tentative map ~d:shall rep,ort, csuch ac;ion to the*subdiyider or his agent. A copy of said report shall be kept 6n file in the City Of- ;ifices ~or;a.period..pf:,not.less than fi~e (5.), y~arsi: and in alicevents, until final- acceptance of,conStruction of improvements=and, the, te~ination of_the ue:'/subdivider~:s minte~ance..period. of the.s~e..c i ~;: . _ SECTION 3: GENE~ SUBDIVISION:DESIGN ~qUI~NTS~:-,t?,a ~., Section 3.1: In General. ~e 'subdivider shal}i~ggd~V~Limprove.all streets, highways~ public ways~ stom drains, men~s..whichare-,a,parteof..or.serve.thezsubdivision~,and such 6thor improvements as are called for.by-this ordinance, .ins~ccord,,~it~sthe standards.a~iherein- after set~forth,dand shal~%.the~eafter ~aintain.said improvements,.for aeperiod ~ of one year ,after completion..thereo~.,.SSuch..improvements shall~be,as be,necessaryfor the:general u~e ofathe..lot,o~ers in .the.subdivision-and f-,local.neighborhoo.d_~raffic,andtdr~inage needs,,:inqluding,grading and_surface- -: ingZof.streets~.:highwaysand public ways,Linsta~lation-of facilitieseto supply , idomestic waterz~construction~of drainage facilities and all other improvement _7 work as~hereafter set:forth;; ,All.ofesuch improvement work shallzbe-at<the ~ _' sole-costiand .expeh~eof the subdividercun~ess,othe~ise.specificall~:,. , g provided ~er~in;, .. sT ~L ~ :'. .... ~ .-.:, . Section 3.2: Surveys and ~n~ents. In making the su~ey for the subdivi- sion, the Engineer or surveyor shall se~E.~B~5~}}~onuments at all exterior b~undary corners and angle points except where such monuments already'exist.in ~heir'proper positionslt.at.all street,intersections .on centerlines or offsets,-atthe beginnings. andlends of c~rves~ and as o.ther. wise directec~by the qity Engineer.j: inithe c~se',of interse~tingj.curved ,_ ~reets~:monumentssshall,be p~aced~at;the~poiEt of in~ersectionof theZcen- terlineswh~re po, ssible Nq monument sha~l beTless. substantial-tha~a brass plub set in a 6ityLof .Saratoga standard concrete monument. ~e..exactspoint td be prese~ed shall'be-marked with acmeta~;tack oft;copper:Kite-or by-;a-.. cross,chiSele'd in metal.s.All;mon~ents shallzbe s~bject-.to inspection_and approval by, the Cit~ Engineer{before approval Of the,final ~p...-Al~monU- ment~ within the improved portion;of aLstreetemust.b.e,set 8' below,the. finishedgraderlinetofi~he;street in a..City:of;Saratoga. standarqzmonument a3 box.,' ~n addition, · /4"-galXanized stee~cpipe 2.,ft. long shall also_be ~et 6'/~below finished,grade at;each,lot corner;. Without limiting thesgener- ality .of,any .othersprovision of this ,ordinanee, any:.mon~ent required under the provisions .of thfs section~hic~.:istdisturbed or .destroyednshall .be=re- placed before acceptance of any of the streets or other easements by the City. If any shortage or excess is found in t5%~5~58'5~Q~e~'~u~h~, com- ..pared with.th~ origina~,.,record~any.divisionYof,the total mu~t._bearsi~s proportion of.asuch ,excess or Shortage.i: A traverse of the boundaries of the tract and ,of a~l..lotsa~d blocks.must..closeSwithin,a limit of error~of 1 ft. to-the mile circumference,. excep~ that~i8 territory.on'.which.B~f~.contour lines Would,~all~C5 ft. or l~ss,apartL~a traverse o~ the boundaries.cofelots and:blocks mustdclqseiwithin;;a limit of.error of~2 ft,. to the ~ile,of~. .Section 3,3~.~Streets~ Dedication and. Design.Standards,. .-i.% SectiOn .3,3j1': :Tin'General, All pa~cEls.'q{ landS'shown on.any,map and ..... - -' ~ntended f0r.an~ public ~eT~hall bE.offered fo~ d~dij"" cation for pdbl'ic use'to th~ Cityoqf Sarato~xdept these parcels ot~er than 'streets, ehiC~ a~e intended for th~ e~clu~ive'~se of the lot owners subdivision, their licensees, visitorsZ ~enant~' and servadts,' The 'tedEative and final map shall-.accurately show. the,right of .waX lines of each street, the w{dtHs-bei~g-loffered-fo~'d~d~caeiO~-the~width ofcexistin~'d~did~iOns, tHe.Widths andi~Odati~ns of.all adjace~~s~'~eE'ts'and.~UBlic property or ease- ment's-contigd~d~itO~he ~ubdiVisio~,.an~.~en[er lines previoUsly'es~abrished ~by the ciey 6r_.COunt~'EngineEr,'~nd eHe'deg~ee of COnformity o~' non-donfOrmity 'of any prOpose~ sdbdi~i~ion streE~'whicH.i~'A ~onti~ua~ion~?r extensiOn'of an existing'~tr~et~ ~'sedti0n 3.3,~!' S~reet.Ri~hts ~h Wa~. "S~reet rights of-way'and imp~ve~ " · - -- ments thereof shall conf~with-th~ minimums a~ sEe~forth in-TABLE II.hErEof~'eXEeptthat-where 't0~ogr~phy-or'special ~ondi~iOns~ake a'street of'le~s width ~Ore suiea~le for.the~TurpoSe'intended.~h~l~nning Commission ~Hafl haveTpOWerto approve s~oh~l~s~E~idth. _ '., ' i' section'3.3,3: 'Dead-End Streets ~d~Ad~01ni~8 Acreage. UnieSs .otherWise approved.by the Planning Co~nission, no de~d end ' shall be',long~.than'400 ft. n~as~red'from ~He'cen~erline-0f ~he ~eare~i intersedting ~treee. 'Wher~ ~he sdbdivision' adjoins ~cr~ge~ suc~ s~Eets as may be extended in the event of the subdivision of the said'adjOining acreage shall be provided through to within 2ft. of th~ boundary line of the tract, and the,re~ainin~ 2 f~.'s~ip's~all b~'grantEdin fE~ tO'the City. ' S~ction 3.3~4~. 'Cul-de~sac'~reat~. Cul-d~s~d'stree~S shall ~ave.-~ '~ehiCle 'turning ar~a~'wi~hin ~inimum rig~-~'f way r~diUs of 42~ft, and a'minimum.~oadWay.rad~us.of'.32'ft, No cul-de-sac shall be ' longer than 400 ft, from itS. inters~tiqH.wi[h '~he cEnterline'of-a'non- cul-de-sac street to the cEd~er'0f the'fU~n-~rouHd, unles~ a=leng'th in e excess.of said 4Q0 it, is.the only method ofdevelop~ng .the.pr3perty.for 'the use for Which it'is zOnEd, or unfe~an~he~-method 6f-suBdiv~din~-' th~'~r~Z[y'~odl~ c~e~f~ biock .lengths 7of .~e~s than'800.ft, - ' Section'313-Si: Side or Re~r'of-7~ot~ 0h M~j~r Streets, ..Wher~thelsfdE " rear of ~ny lot or lot~ border any thor0ughfar~, [he highway, parkway,.freeway,or..expressway, the subdivider .shall execute in the . _ own~r's certiff~te~n th~ fi~r'map'a-re~inqdish~en~'of-righ~ ~f~in~r~s. andegre~ to the'side or.~ear of sdchlot o~.lOts across.the e~isting or prZpOsed .right/Of way line .0f suCh'~hOroughf~'e,'.highway, pa~k~y~'freeway or expressWay~._SuChlr~rin~u~sbment'sHalr p~ohib~t the same wi~hou~ th~ subsequent resOlution.O'f the'city Council, ",'~.' ' ' "~ ~"' serve strips controlling the access to'puBli6 w~s' will" not be approved unless.such strips.are-necessary for the protection,of.the Eubf~c welf~re;~nd/Br of ~ub~tan~'prop~y~ri~hts-'and-sha~f~OHly~/e a~proved wHe~ t~ cOmpletelcont~ol and d~sp~Sa~ Of the'land and. allof its uses comp~isin~z~ph s~ips ~re p~aced 6~m~lEt~ly .~ithin th~ ax~i~s~v~_~?ntrol of the'City,~. ... " ~. ." ' ' Section 3,3-7: Public '~r~t xcce's~"~"'L~,: '~v~rj loe sh~ll'eit~e~ front on.an.accepted public.street or on a street offered.for dedi- cation ~o theZ~ubliq 'and i~o~ed;aS- in~h~s;6~dinandE-set f0~tH~e~a~pt-that ~he Plannidg.~o~iS~0n m~y allow th~ following: : .. ~ ::~ (a) A subdi~siO~>~;'f0Ur 9r la~ lo~s ~a~ ~r~nt 6n.a mi~imCmilaccd~ ~tr~et ~hidh isil~f~d~[o the standa~d~ e~er~or and'which'~eed'notrb~~dEdi- cated 'Or o~f~ed 'f0r"d~dicatio~.~o.,t~E 'puBlic7. In'no ~'Ent."shall"ahy'such minimum access street be accE~ted for 'pOb~ic use'unless aHd' unt£1 it is im- proved to the~standards of.a local--street.as .set forth in TABLE II hereof, Th~ ~nBdivfd~4~H~t~ins~a'li"and'-~erm~ne~tl~ma£ntai~-'at all:fn~e~s~a~iOns of a mini~Um~access.street ~i~h-.a public'St~et.i~ ~.ign.9.eading ."Private ~treet, not un~gr'dity'~i~ten~nc~"j"~ ~o~d'S' ~f'~simila~ import~ .... 7 Section 3,3-8: Front~e-.Road~-Ajfrontagao"~oad-~ay--'be-'-'require~-'~o~jcom~aercial . . ~ subdiyision~,.! adja. c.e~t tQ a thoroughfare, highway, .parkway, freeway o~r. expre. s_sw.a.y,.' Ironrage ro~dsi Which are-ihcapabte of~being-~e~tanded a mi~imum'leng~'=of~600 ft, shall not]be appr6~&d. tinless such frontage road "of iess len~h""is !t~e onl~ roeants .Of ~pro~erl~i'de~eloping .the propelS9 f6r the commerciaf~use for ~hich it is<izoned, !e s_. .rTz ~ -' . ~ .. ..-~ ~. =S&~e'ion.3,3-~!' Streets Afan~= E~[e~f~r ~oUnd~i~a of Subdiviaion~'z'~cept as = . "' .hereafter provided, 'where' ~he'proper~y lineL6f th~.~ro~erty '~[0 :b&' suba'iVf~ed is ~adjacent [d~an ex~a6ing~ street, the exterior boarddry of ehe ~sU~di~is ion cshai;l~. ba to ad&h ~proparcy l'i~e ;' but ~eed not be -br&yaad the . '~ c&~te~l%he.9~;~sjCh B~;6~d~r~ng S~e~t,.:".~e~a ~d~ street or an~'~ortio~'ehereof which Wouid athe'~is"e'Se"includab~e wfthin~[~ 'subdivision .bX~rea~a~ 6~ .the foregoing rule is not within the City limits, the exteriOr'boUndary'sh'a~l instead coincide with the city 'limits line, ~e subdivider shall dedicate ofcf~vocibfy '~ff&~ to:ded'ica~&', andl=~haif-iaprgve~-aai=a stre~t]~/-ai-~pe~ty Within :the _cit9 ~ot7 ~nhd by .a~6~er ~p~bl {'c a~a~y between th& subdivis ion' ~oundary'lin&':whi'ah fi&s~ithinu~Uch 'ba~eri~;Street and t~e~propo~ed right of ~ay'lina *for'ssu~h"'st~e&t~ as~ssuc~r ~i~ht26f Wa~Lline' may be ~estabif~Rr&d by any general or prediae'~ pla~, and if n6t '~ '~s6abf{shed ~then to *Suc~ '~e~son- able~ig~t of .way line as .then .and there se~.~y~the .Planning Comission,_ ~y ~ropertyin 6he suBd~a'ionebe[wean- the~?cen6ar-ltiae- of--~any straae7 and {he'~ro~6s~dcright 6f way.~ine ~hichl'isf~ed by or under .the jur- isdfc{i0~ ~-anokha*r ~lG~al'tag&~Cy Sh'all~ge d[fe~ed for dedica[ioa'.ta~th'at .. ~erev&~.a~y na~'st~eet of. the pro~0s&d' Sjbdiv{sion wifi l~e al~ng~and adjacent 6o L~y B6andary saf '[he esubdiv{sioar~ add ~ i~ intended ~to be a par[ "6f ehe ultimate width of .a thoroughfare, it shall be offered for dedication and improved to such widt~ 'as ma~ be 'p~6Q'ided .b~th~ .genera~an-"or;An~-,precis~L~ian~daj, ehe city, If t6a= p%an~YiRes {0r .sdch s~e~t' ~.stablished by a piecese plan, then the s~e s~arl be~improved to one~harf the Wi-dt~.as sho~ fq~t~RroUgh- fares in T~LE 'Ii chareo~vz6r z40 i, whichever'i~ ~aa~er ~ ' S'~ei n~,3Sl~~ ~.I.pterse~t{on an~les~~ A'll"s~reets df ~the sub~ivi~i6nashAll ' .... ~. intarsect oner anothe~~ a['a~ angle as near to iTzri~ht angle as is practicabl'&Lin 'each spec~fi& cas~r dnl&~s'ot~e~i~e necesai~Itear b~ topographical conditions, '~e ~radii of returns at corners may vary in accord . Sectio~ 3,3&11': I erse t~on RadiuS, eiat~r'~t{gn 6fL'stra'e[~i~hi~leas nt c ='.. ." ' '- r than four'.m~ving il~n&~ of ~6raffic f~r=each signet s[all- ~' a ~or~ ~aai~ 'a~ 'the pra'~erty l{ne 6~ ~6~l&ss than.20 ~t, ha e se~t{ga"qf'i~tra~[s ~having .l~han .[~u~ .&6vina.'la~es of traff{c.-~kt~ ~ streats whichha~e a aorner radius .at 'the '~rop~'rty liae of noE fess~ehi~ 30 feet, Intersection of streets ~hichchava'br~are'planned'to~a~e~faur or more ~ving~!anes for each Street shall have a corner radius of the ~r6~er6~=iine~of~6~ iess t~han~40 feat ~-~ ~i~i;.~._=.i>l~. ~z rSec~fon 3,33i'~[~ 6iata~Ce B~ew~&d Ia{~rsec[fons, istreets e~el~g~ ~ _ ~pon ...... opposite sidestof 'another~Street shaY1 be direc{ly oppo- site &ach'6the~, o~o~h&~ise 6ffset at~lea~'2~O=f&et apart,' u~less sa' 'str&e[~penin~ af~se~ 'of lesa [hah 250sfa-et f~j in [he opinion~fL~h~= Plannint Comission, the only econ~ical or practical method of ~de~l~, ing the .p[ope[~y ~er t~ use for .which it is zoned, ~.i- c'~ ~ti0ar~fj_fj~rLSt~eet erad~j~and~CU~ve.R~a~f, '.Grades lshall not exceed -= '= : .... 6%=on ~jor..Str. eets, nor ~I5%· .on all .other it~es 6f'~Streets, Centerline radii shall be not. less tha~'500 'feat ~0n thorough~ares'~nd~-- collector streetS, .and not less than 150 feet on all.other t~es.of a6~&ets, e G~eate~ g~ades and i~sser radii ma~ ~ asea .where, .ia .the .opinion ~f stha City E~fne&~, the' s~a ~a~e nec&~ar~ a~d' 's~fe by reason fof'rt~e c~rc~stan~e~ Surrqund~ng each particular c~se, . ~ 'Se6['~on '3',3~i~: . X'lfhg~ 'Prohibited era Re'~'{aehtiai' SuBdivisioas'~_ ~%!~a9~ - " shall not be petitted in 'any ~residential sdbdivf~ion~ ~a~d ~y 'be p~hibitedyBy thel.Plan~{~g Co~issi~on in a~tohter e~e of Section !3j3-15 :- Street Arrangement. ~-The 2j_an~n.i_,n_g~C_q._mm__~ssib.~n sh.__.al-1 r____h._a~v_e .... ' '~'" ~- authority' to~ ~pp.rove= .~r .~isapprove .street arrangement and de'sign.: fin' d~tei-mining a~uracy !ahd' suitability,.· said arrangement shal'l -b'e shchf:aS~ willt' cause non-Undue hardship~ to~ owhers 'of adjoining -< ~/ property "at sixch' time ~as such· adjoining property'may be subdivided, and. - as will -provide' adequate and' convenient access~ to 'said adjoining property. Said arrangement shall be such as-to discourage'~through traffic within' the subaiVision~ ~except on thoroughfares and collector-streets~aS designated n/1 ~ 'if~ the genera~ ~plan~; it shall·be harmonibus with .topography, shali 'save and pr~ser~ze- orBamental tr~es~'wher~ practicableT, and be su'ch 'as :to ?e'asily and confortably move such. pedestrians and ~tr~ffic as may 'reasonably be~ expected to make use of the same by reason of the subdivision's intended use. S~ctibn. 3.'3~16:::: :Street. Names ,and. S 7 ~E~ch str~et'isho~n on the final - :-'..~n~fp shall be named .thereon, and the' name giVep it sh'all be ~chbsea byl thd s~reet~'nam~ committee~. The ~Mayor. of ~th'e City, of--S~ra'toga -is hereby .~hthoriz~d :ah~ dire'dted. with th~-~pproval-of the City Counc'il,'., to appoint .a :cominittee o'f. three r~sfdehts of: the City :of .Saratoga :to~ be known: ~as the -HStreet, !Name. Conunittee, w' s:One: !member of the firs ~' Iconnnittee appointed shallvthave 7a term bf fbu.r years',-'the ~second so 'appoix{ted for 'a' term ot-'th'ree.~yea'~s,l ah~d the third so ~ppointed for a term of two ye~rs,- an'd thereafter :a'l-1 .appointments to 'said 'domittee shall be ='for terms: o'f- four 'years :ea~h/ Said ,conm/ftted sh'all develo~ and .maintaih' a list :of - street names for subdivisions, which names' .'shall' .be :used for ':the :streets of each subdivision. Unless specific approval is given to the name of the sdbdivfder.'~ chbice. : -Subdivlder-:shall eqdi~ ~all 'street, interse~tibns-with signposts,' street name sighs. and.-.traffic, .s'igns' as required. ~whfch shall conform to the standards and' spec'ific'dtions established therefor. , · Section 3.3-17: Sidewalks. The Planning Conmission may require side- " Walks to be installed on all §~.re_e_ts. of ttie subdivision. Section 3~3-18: Drivewa~l Approaches.~ . There shall ~be a minimum of one" .-_.;I ~ . -..l ~'driveway approach tol a 'lot .... There shall 'be no. more than one, driveway/ approach for e~ch z~0~ feet ~of.~ lot frontage~for any lot~:in- tended to~ be developed=for a~sing.le fami,l.y or, two familyl use~, ~The subdiv- ider may~ install~,continuous~curbs., .and~ thereafter cut !out the~driveway~ ap~ro~hes~fter the building~.plansf,for:the lot in. question. are completed, and alt~'such~ approaches shali~.be~ subject to! the provisions of~the improve-.·.. ment agreement and bond except in the case of such approaches .for which· an encroachment permit has been issued under terms of the encroachment permit ordinance of the Cit~: of .S_a_r,§t__oga. j...~ .~ ..... ~tl-.il.!~.?:_. .. Section 3.4: Lots and Blocks Section '3.4-1: Lot Area~ All lo~s '-shall havel~an areaT,_width~ frontage and !1~.. ~.... '~,~.. 'depth 'equal~,-to or greater than therminimums prescribed.by the Saratoga Zoning Ordinance for the district in which the subdivision,. or the portion thereof in question, is situated. ~.In controlling the design of subdivisions, ~the Planning.Commission_may require lots to! be. of!.an area, width, fronfage pr 'depth greater than~ such mihimums;~ but inl-no ,event~ can 'it either require or allow the same to be any less than such minimums unless a zoning! varionce fo'r~the~same has been obta'ined_prior 'tO. tehtative~map .Se&tion 3~.4-2.'.~Lo.teE~onta~jonj. Public Street. Except as provided in Section 3.3-7, lots without frontage on a public street, and subdivisions without direct access by at least one subdivision street to an'.existing public:.street., .shall .not tb~:,permitted'.!,: . ,..L: _' Section 3.4-3: Lot Side Line. So far as practical, the side lines .of all lots shall run at right angles to the street upon which the lot faces, or radial if the street is curved. ~Seotion~.3.4~':?' .Block Lehgthsl. ~Bloc~s.. shal-l.-.-~not zexceed 1-200. f~et,c.norl. · .. '~7~ !~ .c ~c:~ ~-z :be: ~less~ ~hanL80Q ~fee~{p.~f~fi~'~hT~Li~ess th~ '~{~d- jacent layout.~orz topogr~phical .conditions. j~stify a. variation from -this requiremen~. ,'; At~ s~reet ,.intersect~onsl .fat ,.anglesL, of, -approximately .90 ~degrees, the block corne~,shal~l, be' rounded :at the ,pr0per~y line ~to provide-for, ~safe traff~ct. mov~ent,.~ ~e~,cur~ r~d~us', sha{1 ~confo~.~to: _theL rad~us;-o~.existz~ ing c~ners:,'at~!the,~s~e:~inte~see,t~on where ,such ,radius: .is g=eater ~tham 20; t~et .~ m Stree~sF,~inters ect~: ~a~: ~an= fang[e,:o,therl than .gD. d~ees- .sha{ 1 be :considered speci~al~ ~casesvrand ~w~-l,~t ber~required-,to :have. zsufficient ~ad~ust, or .cuto~f ~to provide ~he, .s~:resul~s'ras ~to~ztra~fic~ m~ement~=~vi~sibi~l~ty .~; and design=:as~tpr~v~d~d~by~-the,'~ozegoimgL~ro~isions.~z~: ~.t~ ~i~tzt~h;c~ Section 3.5: ~.~blic Utitit~ Easements. Easements shall b~ required ~-, L ~ ~c of ~sufficient .siZe and.~location ~to meets-the ~equ~r~ments~=of. public and :p~.i~a~,e ut~l-~ti'es. s=er~i~ tthe~proposed, subdivision. Insofar as practi'cable,~ a~ll utility. easements. sha'l~l- zba -in~ ~he'.rear~-of ~e~ ~gts~z~e sidelines of~,all ~eas~ments ~sha~l ~be sho~ ~y~vf~ne dotted fline.'z If -~ny~ease~ ments~ 'already~ zof' redordftc~nnot be definitely ~[~cat~d, za~ statement ~ofi~t~e nature: ~hereof. ~and~ i~ts~ reco~.ded~ refere~e~.must ~ appear on ~the ti~ie sheet~.~ Distances .ands.bearings .on~tthe ~side~-~nes. of ~th~.~lots~ which ',are. .cut by~a~;: easemen~ must b~e~ arr~ed ~or. s~tsho~,~that ~h~:~map. wil-l~ ipdica~er~c[ea~ly nthe actuat~TM ~engths~c~f athe ~ot [ines~..~ L~.w~dths _zof~rall teasem~tsr~a~d:fsufficient ties th~reto~Tsha[t~be',~ctear~ ~abe[ed .and -identifiedT, :and~ if =al~eady~o~ ~re~ cord,.~tst recorded. reference .given%~ ~ ~. iz~ ~-~.---~' .i-.j~ t .~ tc-L ~=~ Section 3.6: Estate Subdi~isions~ A subdivision in~ lots, the ~si'ze..of. whiCh are twice or mo=e the minimums required for the zoning district in ~which::the~ -~o,ts ar~?located¥=~sha[l~ be~s,o~ des~ghed-~as _to~pro~ider=for~lthe opening ~of: ma~otxSt~eets: ~and ~th'e.~ex~ension~:and~ opening of~. adjacent local~ streets at such intervals ~s~ rwil~t'tpe~it~_subsequent,-division ;of. fsuchL~estatev lots into lots of the required minim~ lot size for the district. Sec t~on 3v7 :-, ~Wate~ Co,u~s,es. ,,In ~he ~e~en~ ~.tha~.7 [~ ~Subdivi~ io~ ' ~' ~i6 t or part thereof is traversed by any water course, or any off~cial!~pl-an.j'ine ~a~ea .of ~a water co.u~se-,.~as zthose,~t.erms are'-definedizin Ordinance 59-1z~Of~the ~[ood Control D~strict.~ .the subdivider ~all dedicate an easement th~rein~to~'sLaid,~F1Ood Control: Distr,~ct ~for-'flood control. ,p~r-. poses. ~ere ~e supdivision or apy. l~t ~O~part thereof is or willt~be-a trave~sed.~b~iany~zdraimage~ facialitS_,' ~'aszdef~ined.~in~Resol'ut~on. No ~fS.9-r~.-of.~ L th~'~l'ood~cControl~Di's~rict',~ the s.ubdi~fder ~shall ,offer~ to dedi~ate.~aT~ simple~cinte~est~to~the/cit~ in 'zsa~d ~d~a~nage~zfaci-lity ~and ~the-,propert~in Section 3.8: Preservation of Exis[in~zTzeeslc Ng.~na~e, ~orn~enta-l~, orchard trees required to be shown on the tentative map as per Section 2.3(v) above set forth shall be prior permit to do so from the*City Planning Co~ission. Such pe~its may be applied :for. ~fom ~tim~L~to. tl~e ,up. tofzthe date ~of appr, oyal~ .of. ~th~ jfina'[ _ map ~no ~feer shal~l -be cha~ged~ therefo~.~. 'and.. no~ speciai ~g~iBf ~{~ ' = ',~'e C~t~co,unci-1 ~shalk~by ~esol~tionv esT. tabrish _reasonable ~s,tandard~ ~to guide the~g=antingr, ~con~itional~granting~-or tdeni-al of such ~pe~tslcl ~e.~abo~e~p~ohib~tion jshalt-ya~so ~rapp[y for.. at. reasonable time .p~or the actual filing of the tentative map, and no such trees shall be .removed or destroyed prior to said filing of said tentative map with the intent or design ~o. c~rc~vept ~,the'~requ~ements ~f_~th'is~O~nance~ ~ ?t= i B~'~,~E' ~e Plannfn~:~Co~i'ss ion .of f~he ~Eity of ~Sara~oga 'may_~refuse ~approva{~,of any tentative map,~ ,and ~evoke zany ,p~e~io.~s~ppro,va[ ,of zany. rtentati~e, already approved, upon the violat.ion of this section by the owner or sub- SECTION 4: IMPROVEMENT REQUIREMENTS ce or an~ ~endments or a~dltlons tHere'to, all , ements an~ oe~er ~mprovements s~alI confo~ to t~e Standard p s of the Calxforn~a Department of Public Works dated' January porat~h' hereih"by"refe~n~ ~d~g~ divisfons. i~ th~ Cfty'df Sar~togaT' ~ree '(3)'Copiei'eac~ 6f .said s~edffid' cat ionS: id 'p~pHl'et :{b~, :~ave 'heretOfore been' 'fii'ed for ~uS~' ahd' ex~natidn by the pU~ii~ ~h= ~he~.g=i~id~d'g~'t'the.'Cit~Ci~k ~f"~h~ Ci~'~:fz~aratggaT"'~er- control. and type of all pipes, culverts and other structures. SectiOn 4.3: lSt~tm Witet 'Dfaini~e. Drainage to a water course shall be either by the direct dischargd:~tbt' th~ _S.~e, or by co.qUick,on w~,h.adjacenU,g~sting s.tom dr~ns already., additional drainage tside of its boundaries. ~ ....... "" ...... " ' In addition, the subdivider ~hall comply with all reasonable conditions pos~'d ~ ~'Udh' dfst~fdt ~'~ '~idei' td u~fs'dhargd ~fd ~a~'rs" 'idto a water course. ...... prOEdses fd df~f~ ~th~' ~b4ivfs'io~'%' .~to~ a~d"sd~fd~e by :.eh~.~On~Eruction ,9f' ,~r~Bs.~ ,hfsd,dwn.'co2;.'~d ~x~pe ~uK~de ,of .. dedicated to the public, then as a co~d~[Zo~' oi' appiOval' of Suc~ al~'diL" hate method,~ the subdivider shall be required to. RaY a reasonable charge to the 7Ci~yl.~b~* the. Zo~ct~..~ndZ~se-Of'sU~hLo~t~ide]publid-drdidage" subd~'~ia~"o~' 8Onsdrudt'~g' ~nd~:~%~de~t exe~rfdi drain~gd' fac{'lfCi~b' td Section 4.3-3: Oversize Drain - Reinburse~e~it~: :~Wh~n~v~f'~ii'=th~ziS~inion of the City Council it is necessary tha~.Qvers, ize drains, lat'~rals ~' of' ot~ facilities .'for 's~orm' drainage be~' idst'alled :by 't~e- ~ sub'div~d4r' which' ca~' o~ ~ill 5~ ~se'd' for. th~ ~en~'fit',.' imeHiate or ~utu[~, of pra~e~[y'ho~ 'in 'the' '~jbHiv~i~', 'th~'s~bdivider shall 'be r~q~i~eH to inst'~l~ ?spch;~ac~liti~s ip..excess qf the ~equire~ents for .his subdivision al6n~, and~t~' Ci~y m~x enter into 'a cantract with the subdivider to collect thexek~eas"~f cbses of th~ qveEs~.e or~ a.dq'iti6nal facilities 'from all ~ersons .in 'the future dsi~'ithe s~e 'for the b~n~fit' bf ~op&f~y not in khe subdivision', :~hd 6~ '~ay gush "6~il~cffbh~ '~'f' ~xhess' cO~s tb' [h~ '" ' subdi~i~r' as ~iceived'. 'S~id a~re&~ht ~ p20vide f~r'a =ti~ 'B'a~Ohd ~i'ch'~b' s~hl '6oli~ti~n ~11 b~ m~ae' for ~e' bf 's~ia draih~ge 'fac~flities,"'bdt in .n6"~V~nt tB be l~s 'than t~n (10)~]ye~rs.. Section 4.4: Sanitar~ Sewers. ~enever the subdivision or any part thereof, is within the boundaries .of a sanitation district, the sub- divide~t~h~ll ~honn~c ~ i sUb'divi's~oa' 'anU =e~fqh 70~.-'t[~--16f~s. eh~raof tb'~ the . , t ad facilities of' gaid sa~itatioa :dfs[~iat by ~h~ idstaltitio~ of 'shah. additional mains and laterals as iS d~c~s~y ~n the o~inion .6f the Health' Officer rio adequa~19-~e~ ~he' ~ame. ~ In other cases, d~pqsal of sanitary sewaga' may be by ~p, Fqyed' s~tih lank meehods ;6r :By c6nn~ctf~n _t6'.~anita~y sewers, . whicheV'er' in 'the'opinion bi t~e ~Iahning' C6~iSsibn ia reabodable u~def aI1 of the' ci~c~s[~nce;. ""~ fhstalla[ion'of se~a~ is 'reqd{~ed, the shal.1 be ins~f~ll~ to '~r~'d~', 'stjnd~{4s', lokation;' ~e~igR, .~engths, and size&, as approved bY the Sanitation Engineer fo~ the district ,having juri~- diqti.op, and in ac66rd ~ith all laws and regulations of said district. Section 4.5: Water. ~e ~d~iv{aa'~ 'sh~ll'<c6n~truGt a compiet~water including mains, valves, fittings, b%owof.fs, fire hydrants and other appurtenances and structures adequate f6~prbv"i~h-water ~u~p~y f~dom-- estic or co~ercial use and ~qr fire protection in confomity with the stan- dards es[abliShed' .py th~ B&~rd' ~a"Fire Unde'~'it~Y~ 6f;-the .Paci'ft{~;;:=-W~ter'' mains"shall .c~nfom'.tq'=the desigd' Criteria of' Rure"103"o[ '~he Public ~tilities Co~iss~en~'~B~~ the gradhs, 'location' and sikes bhall b~ ~pprove~.by ~hh City Eng%qeer'~ "~a loqat~Oh 6f fir~ hydr~htb .shaI1 be a~' *de~e~ineH b~th~. Fire Chief of tt~e'Di~trict Or' dep&rtment 'ser~'fng 'the irea' ih' which' the shbdivision Section 4jg': StreGt L{ghts: ' ~t~t f~ghtS'~Xhbe required ~t 6he W~grel' "tion 'Of the Planning Co~ssion.~ Section 4.7: Trees. ~e subdivider shall plant trees on' ~ach k'ot a~d mainl tain them for a min~m of one (1) year after p~ant~ng. ~e nmber o~~ ~rees, s~aciHg~ mt~ri~ls, planting methbd~ and standerdsTMar~" set forth ih T~EE ]III he~&of.": All s~c~ trees sbal[' be '0f th<ya~ifety ~n~ type aS=~haff ~rom"tfme [o' time b~-es~ablfsh~'d'.hy F~sO~tfon df'the Plaff-" ning Co~g=~g~. '~ ~y 'su~"~aes ~hich' :~a~'be pl~ted in'a s~%" r~%~'6 %f ' way sha~f ~hst'i6u6a'~e~roaC~m~['S :gub]'ect"~o r~6V~l in aac~d ~ith ' " Saratoga~s encroachment pemit ordinance. Se6tio~ ~,'8': :~en~in~'~lon~' ~3o~ S~'eets and' ~ter~ourseS. ~enever ;the' side or rear property' line of a~ ~gt" or 'lets' iS adj:acent to 'amajor 'b'treet, highway, f~reewayor expressway;' as set forth in Section 3~3-5 hereof, or borders a watercourse, the Planning Comission ~ay require the subdivia~ '~o instali ed~orative~wHil's ~of~ence~-sep~-ing .the~-tb~or tots therefr6mj ' ~e 'sUbd~iaer sha'll be reqjirea to=' landscape the area between such wall B~"'fence a~d'~y. ~jor '~tFeet, 'high~ag] Ffr~ew~y or e~ressway;' and sh~fl cajSe [he wall or feHce d~sfgn and landscaping plan to 'be prepared as a part"o~ the imWro~ea&~t plang, w~ich design and' plan shall be gubj:ect to apprOVal %fthj Pla~fn~ 'Cg~isgi~n.' ~ ' ' ' " Sect{~'*~.9? ~e~d-'~nd'Stree~ Lan~s~aa~n~'. ~ere '.a~a-~a s~reets 'ara ' ' approvedj.~,tandard street barricades shall be constructedc by the subdivider at the" ends '~hereof'7'L i~' addi6iOn~ where'in 'the opi~ion' 6f the Planning Comissfon s'a{d s't~'&&ts' will not'~be"extended' within' on~ year fr~ ~stimated ~om~letion 'of 'improvement~ the' sub'diVider may be' r~quired to plant and landscape the 2 foot strip granted the City in accord with ' Section 3.3-2 hereof as part of the. street improvements. Section ·'4:10: ': Cash Deposit in Lieu of-Permanent ~Impro~ement of BorderinM :' -~--, I-Streets. Whenever the-City Engineer determines.that~any.. , street or f~ontage '-road, 'or. any part 'thereof,z'-bording~any 7part ~of 'a, sub- division (as set forth in Section 3.3-9 hereof) need not be improved to full City standards at the time the subdivider constr_~ct.s_~h.,e.~,qt.h_er_..im.'p.rov~- ments of the subdivision, in lieu of installing said permanent improvements the subdivider-may be required to insfall. temporary improvements and ~depOsit with t~e 'City the cash 'diff~rezice 'between '~he Estimated cost 'of temp6rary, .' improvements and-'the estimated, cost -o'f~ the permanent· improv~ment,-of the' ' same, 's~ch"cash ~d~positr to ~b~ made!'prior -to :final!~ac'cepta~de df improve- _. · Section~:4~ll: .Miscellaneous 'Requirer~ents. , The '-subdivider shall'tplace ~ : '~ · ~redwood headerboards' or:-the equivalentl there6f 7along~:the~ longitudina'l lines 7of:-streets not. requiredl to/be c~rrently paved,.to their . full width, and shall cause the name of the cement contractor and the date ~- of all work to be stamped on all curbs, and shall cause a "S" mark to be stamped on the curb base over the' 'ldca~tion' of.'~'each sewer lateral': connectidn. In additionr~.to :all the p~ovi~ions. of th~s part, the Planning CSnnnission, on the recommendation of the City Engineer, may require special improvements or structures to be constructed other than as specifically en,,merated herein in order to carry out the purpose of this ordinance~and~as maylbe.reasonably required by the circumstances of each case. SECTION 5: EXCEPTIONS TO DESIGN AND IMPROVEMENT REQUIREMENTS Section 5.1: Exceptions Matter of Grace. The exceptions~hereinafter set' forth are a matter of grace only and not a matter of right. Section ~.2: Power to Grant Exceptions. The City Council shall have power to authorize 9o.nd~t~onal e.xc.ep~on.s. to,a.n.y, of ther.requirements and regulations set forth in Ssction 3 and 4 of PART TWO of ~hiS'~d~nce, upon the ~ recommendation ~of ~. the Elanning ;commi.sS_i?.n,~m,de~as !herein set .forth. The subdivider seeking,suchl exception~shallz.fil~..aT~verifiea~peti6ion'~th the Planning :Commission .within'r3O.days~ ofi~,tHe, date,.of ~approva'l tof ~he~ten~ tative ~map by the,Elanning Commission,~ WHich=petition shall .fully. z sta~e the grounds:of!: the .application. and alL~facts+!,retied· upon~ ,,.The Planning Com- ~ mission shalI+.recommend such exceptions .only if_it-shall find the following (1) That there are specia'I c.ircumstances/or conditions, affecting said_. property, and (2)That the 'ex.ception is' necebs~ry fdr the,'preservation and .enjoyment of a substantial property right of the petitioner, and (3) That,:the,~ranting~_:of the.exception'wi'l'lr.not bermateriall~.:detrimental : to the 'public, ~welf~re. or · in!jurious,~to .o~her ~_property. in the '~territory ~in?.which said~propeft3~J~s,'.situated~ ~ _'r ~ ~. _ 2 In recommending such ~xce~tions~: the Planning' Commission, shall Ldesignate. such conditions tin lconnec~tion rth_"erewith zas ~wil 1, f in its opinion~ sec~r~: subT stantia%ly the objectives 'of 'the regulations to which the exceptions :~re .x gr~nted~' l~s ~o ~1 ight ,: { air, .'an.d ~the ~publ ic, health ~ s a.fety., convenience :and In recorsmending Lth'e .au. thorizatio~ .of .any ~exception under~, the _pr_o~isions. of this s. ection, ,the~.Planning Commission/shall rep.or, t to the, City,'Council its findings ~with respect' thereto ~and. all facts _in{co.nnection therewith, shall'~pedif~idally and fu,lty set~forth~the exception recommendedtaddrthe. , Upon t.redeipt of _~s~ch, report ,. the C'ity .'Co.uncil~.may, be resolution, authorize the Planning Conuniss ion to. revise the. c~nditions ~_of tenta,tive .~map: approyal with or without the exceptions and. conditions.'recommended, and with such other exceptions, if any, as the City Council deems necessary to substantially In all "cases tin Whcih~.=such-_exCept!ionst:are !authorized~ .the~:Planning .Commis.-. sion shal,t ,~requ~re .~suchr~e~idence. Jas..it. deems::necessary. that ~the :conditions required.. in= connection with such ~ex. cept~ons ,'are b.e~ngz~c.om~l~i~'~ith.c! The -.City.~CoUncil :hereby -_f.inds/th~t,.~t isl-impractiCal~ to extabliSh ta/more precise se.t~zof., .~tandards.,~an&~.rules. t, han2herein ~set .-fOr~th i~that~ wou~d,:beJappl:i~. cable to every. proposed'.subdivisiont%on.a=compl-etely equitable basisrI.~and:mus_t therefore vest--_certain ~.discretionary powers~tto:,de~l- w~h ~particu.tar fSi.~uat~ions~,~ in individual experts in the field involved. Each subdivision shall be con-. sidered in relation to the general plan and any precise plan affecting the area wherein the property:of. the.proposed subdivisionqis ~located...Not, as a.ma. ndate, but as a statement' .of ~future po,[icy ~on .~al~fY:~,,<~8~&~n~!~[H~ improvemenf,.,of sites;-and ..subdi~zisions ~, the ~fol~owing shal-l~ genera~ly.=not' b'e (a) . ;Any ,subdivision-~ontrary -to ~tl~e general-,pl-ah~; :~- c .~ .:--:- (b) :~TtYe,:~ubdivi_sfonl!ot any, a. rea.~u~zjecf:~to._*rs,~+des~_~nuhdation'zbr~th'd~a : :hazards!;-.2 ~.~2-~s~~. s~-2'~' a~ it-~/ ~_se_~2~.-.~: i~_'-',. e:l~ !.c ~..~ .'~,~.a~r_.e~s~ s:'-j (c) C.A'-'-s'ubdivis-ibnZ-:of~gridiron,:des'ign; :~_'-:,-'~ le ese::'-.' e_~: zu: (d) Double frontage lots; (e) A subdivision for a use not in accord with the general plan, even if inlfaccord~wft-hr='p~esex~t~zoning~;j1 ,ssa~ Is ':~"-! =: ,~ '~ (f) Reserved. SECTION ~7':...'-'-IMPROVEMENT:AGREEMENTS~BONDS.AND::INSURANCE : ':'.. ~. ,-'.. ;+:,,'~.1~.-.+: 2.{'~ ~:~ ~ '1' :: ):. L? :, l:: + u"..~_... · :' ".. :' Section" 7.1!:: · Improvement-A~reement'._ '-'If a'll:~ the, infproveme~t _Work:has:not. ."~ + .' · "~L been- sat-iSfactorily: dompleted rb.~fore tthe..final .map i's- filled, for approval,, the,owner or lownerS of'Lthe su.bdivisionjshall_entercintO!.:a_ written agreeme.nt ,With. the. City .specifping ' that _,within. one year 'Such owner shall complet. e, all, such limprovemend' work :in !accord .with this ordinance cand the improvement plans?!and specifications therefore submitted to,~and approved by the City Engineer, and that said owner or owners :shall maintain.' and keep said improvements in good condition and repair for an additional period of one year-ffdm date"of,sati'sfactory completion.- .' .' The City Council by minute order. or resolution shall establish the date of satisfactory .Completion,'after~certificatiOn :of the :same to it by.~the City Said d~r'eement~jsha_ll'_inYsubstande_prdvidec(a),-_that~if the subdivider<shall fail to',~comptete said' i~provements',,'. or ~to maintain .them, I i'n acCo'rd 'w~th its terms, the City may complete the same and'=.reco~er fhe full'Lco~t and' expense thereof from the subdivider, (b): for the inspection of all improvements by the City Engineer ,:ahd- the' reimbursement ~to th~ qity .of,=al'l. costs ' ofI inspec- tign. (c)!:~for' the ~ furnishixig of :a' 100% cash ,or,'-:,shrety bond, or bonds, securing the faithful performance by"the subdivider w~th~a,ll "of-the terms of ,sa_id%.' agreement,: (d)' for the ~indemnifi~atioh of ~the =.City, i~s, CoUncilmen ~ offi. cers, boards, commissioners and employees from claims of any nature arising.=or.re- suiting from the performance of any acts required by the City to be done in accord~therdwith;-in_formacceptable+,to ~the_City~.Attorney, (e)~for the fur- nishing-of liability:and:property damage insuradce as hereafter,specified, (f) for' the ,-payment :to: the' City '0f'.'a ':fee ! in -accord :with. the' schedule of storm drain. fees-=set-forth- in TABLE I~herebf~oibe deposited by_City,,in its, storm drain fund, and (g) as consideration for the foregoing and any otherl provisions of said agreement> the agreement by City to accept the streets, s term drafns, and <easements: in ~whiclY they 1 i~ at _=shch time '_as the: subdivider has fdllytco_mpliedlwith-'al'l the.terms"of-~said agreement and hastsAtisfac-l_· torily c'ompleted his Q~e year'~period,df-maintenance; :'.':":~ ~'.' : In addition to the foregoing, said agreement may. ccontain,such oth~r'Eand further terms, covenants, conditions or provisions as the parties agree upon. Section,,7,2~ Improvement_ BOnds.,. :.The subd~vi~r. shall f~rpish the ~.ity..a :.~ -.~, gogd an~ ~p~.fi-~i~nt. c~sh. og.s.ur~ty~bpnd 03. bOnd~in~afi:amou~t not less2 than the-:e~t~mate~cost2of .c,omp!!e~.ion..ofzsaid '~mprovement~. as determined by~ theD Cityz EngineerS2 conditioned~uponr fu.ll~ c6mpiiancerWith~ t~.is ordinance and the terms:.ofc said~impro~ement~agreement! by the7 subdivid~r;~TT~ Said bond shall remain in full force and effect at all times until the ex- piration-of one-yearLafter satisfactory.~ompletion of~a'l~ i~pro~mept§,~apd ~hereafter untillal~l. def{ciencies%in construction, maintenance. and repair have been rectified and final acceptance'of all improvements made by. the.. City Council.f-.Wherever a failure to'perform under said agreement has not been satisfactorily rectified by the subdivider or his surety within thirty (30) days after notice to the surety at the offices of its authorized re- presentative, thezCity at. its option may thereafter, without further no.tice, declare said bond forfeited and cause all required construction,-maintenanee or repair to be done. Section 7~.~: Reduction-o'f' Improvement Bond-. After the. expiration. of · ~ one. year-from date of satisfactory~compl'etion of !improve- ments, on application~ by the' s~bdivider, the~improvement bond may be re- duced~ by: resolution of 'the City Councii 'to-10~ of its-original amount or the sum of-.~50OO.O0f whichever~ is .the-greater, to_ cover-the perilod there- after during which al.1 deficie~ciesin construction, maintenance or repair which remain are to be rectified by the subdivider prior to acceptance of the dedications by. the .City..-On any such' authorization for bond. re- duction the City Council may impose reasonable conditions thereto, including the use-ofCity's Department of Public Works. lto rectify:any deficienciesyat, the subdivider's expense.' .... Section~ 7.3: Form of A~reement and Bond. The form of such improvement agreement ~nd sux-ety bonds 'shall .be-established .by resolution of the City Counci'l and approved by the' City Attorney. - Section 7.4: P__ublic Liabilit~ and Propert~ Damage Insurance. No final map · ' sha~l be presented for:approval'or approved until 'the subdiv- ider files with the City Clerk a certificate or. policy of~public liability.. and property damage insurance in form satisfactory to the City Attorney pro- viding public'lfability, insurance limitsl~inlthe~lamounts oflnot less.than $100,000.00 for each person. and $300,.000.00 for'each accident'.or'occurrence, and proper~y damage. insurance limits of not-~ess than $50,000.00,. wherein. the City in :theig.capacity as'Zsuch.,?its .Counci!men',..officers.,' boards, ~ ~. commissions, and its-imployees.will Be insured,~ndenmified: and held harm- less from andsagainst. any, and a~l claimsLof-anykind. or nature.:arising or resplting. from'the~cons:truction of said. improvements!or other work of sub- dividing within or outside ofsaid=subdivision and/or arising or.resulting. from or concerning the doing or failure .to do .by said subdivider of all things required to be done by thelsubdivider under, the-terms of the improve- ment agreement. Said insurance shall include a completed operations endorse- ment to cover a. period'of no.t-less than one year after date of satisfactory completion of improvementS~, and'shal['p~6Vide'fS~' n0n~cancel-llatlon ~ithodt ten days prior written notice to city of intention to cancel. SECTION 8: FINAL MAPS -. SUBDIVISIONS - FIVE':(5)'OR MORE ~6TS-~ Section 8.1: In General. Ai-[ final-maps, shall:conform to:the~prgvisions-I of Articles 5 and 7 of the Map Act, and in addition shall comply with all.:the .provisions!~of.this section. Final maps not submitted in accord therewitkwill'not.-be~'considered~ for .approval-b~.the= City Counci,1. Section 8.2:. Fifin~} of' Final ~apIwith .City Engineer. Within one~ year after -~ ~.. approval of~-the tentative map of-,a subdivision,' or .within such additional extension of time as granted. by the qity Council,-,the subdlvider shall cause the proposed subdivision to be accurately surveyed and shall file a minimum Of 'three (3)'copies of ~a finaF map. thereof prepared 'in :accord- ance with the~tentati~e map,~and'with'.any and~atl~ait~atiodS ~d~ng~i' required:Lthereto','With :th~ City Engineer for his :ap~rova'r. Said f~ling..must be at .least fir:teen ~(~15:)!~Or~in~ ,,days pri~r .'to, tbe~C~ty Counc±l .m~et~ng .at which. ~act.ion ~or ~pproval !of, :s~d .map.:is zdes ired -by..th~~ .subdivider .-. ,~ At the time of. filing! o~ the, fina,1 map .yith.! th~ iC~ty,.Engineel,.~the .subdivide~ shall also file ,~Dcurrently .ther.ew~th ~the.,fOl~ow~ng: s ~ ,I.~ ...,:. .~.~ (A) A tr~Ve'rs~'~h~[Y~t'~zivin~' la~it~te~"ahdi d~part_'~els.,TiTs~bb.~fih'g'.itbe m~'~t~em~- ~%~ ~i~u~, wi~h~ the all~abl~z limits~ of* err6~, ~f.' the' &xterior boundaries' ~'f~ ~h~" ~=ac~ in ali~ ~ase~ in ~hi~hc said boundarie~ are ir-~ ~reg~lar off in which the 'tra~t~ i~ .laid' out in~irregu{ar blotks,'.and~of~ the exterior boundaries' of' alF ~reg~lar~l~ts ~d blocks; ~ ~ "' (B) Plans~, prOfi.l'~sT,. details and-s~eciffcation~ fo~ improvements-conforming to'i al l~.or'dfnahce~j OF the City- an'd i tb~ thel re~Uir~m~n'ts of Se&tibn 2~ here6f,'.which ,mus~=-show- full details ofL ail~ impr~V[m~nts -a~H~ ~h~ll be to"a sca.le of. 40.'.f&e't'to ~th~ inchchoriz'Ontal and 4-feet= tojthe, inch (C)=A detailed '~s~timate df q~ahtit'ies ~dl cos~s-jbf the propd~ed, impro~ments- e fo~ ~app~b~all of~ .the" Ci, ty ~gine~r; .... r '.~ ~ .... _ . ~ ~ (D) A title guarantee by a reputable title company doing business in the 'Eo~nty-b f Santa Cl:a~A:, shlo~!ng l~.~ ni~!~~ o'f~ a~!'.peJ'Jb'~s w~i~ -~ is n~c~Ssary- fo~ the ~repa~at'ion 'of s~'fd ~a~' an'd~ for any dedication to -' public use;c and :~heirl in~er&sts: ~thhre'in/certified for ~he -benefit and '.t p~Otecti6~' ~f.?~the' Cit~y o~' SaratOga that""th~ .p~rsbhs" th'~r~'ih~ h~&d:'are' - '-' all b'f.' '.the ~sbh's~ heh'~ss'ar~' 'tb2giV~ clear {title' to :th'~ ',s:tre:ets ~ ,' other '~as~m~h'tS"fther'ein' 'tb 'b~ bffhr~'d "fO~ d~dicatibni .... ~ L" y. r~ r: (E) ~o' '('2) ~'opi~ib'fY~al4' p~bp6b'ed de~dt~estYi~tib~;:~' '-~' ',' ~ =: E~ (F) In~'tr~nt~p'rohib'it'ing 'iraff~C oVer~ '.the~Side or ~ read street or other public way wheh and?if the-sam~ is r&quired~ uhder Section 3,325 hereof; (G) Such'deeds or other. instruments 'Affecting.or=conveyihgj.title~ or any in- terests in land as are .r~q~ir~d' unHef'the t~er~s~of' ~on~itibna'[ approval of the tentative map; have b~en' paid to -ehe City. Clerkj J ~" 2 'r; z = "_ ' ' .... ,r ' ~e City Engineer {bhafl~i examine the final~ ~ap-an~d ac'companying 'data and- shal F -d~t~rmin~ ;%L (,'a)5' ~e'th~r' ?the' 7suhdi~fs i~t is'i~shb~s tantial ly. th~ s~e~ shown oh ~th~'-'tent~t~Ve:~p wi~h only ~the :a~prOved a.lt~'atibnsSlth~reo'f~E (b) ~ether~ all~ cond~tions~ of ~t~nt~tiV~ ap~roQal~ have b~en ~ompl~eted/-or- if incomp.['~te~ a~e-matt~S ~h'ich are= i~clu'dab[~ .i~-a suSdi~ision. improvemen't. agreement With %the~'City, ~(~c) whether i~he Map jAck.,-~11 proviSiOns' of thisz~ ordinance ~d .a14 oth~rjapplidable ~pr~visions rof .Paw hav~ .been compl'i'ed~with, and (d)' ,~h~ther 'said ~a~i~ t~chhical, ly .corredt.: Upon the' City? Engineer ' s determinatio~ ~that -co~'formity with ~[he foregoin~ 'has been maae,' he'~shall execute' 'th'e City ?Engfneer'Fs"~er-~ificate2oh ,saidL.final map. = .', ~ [~ Section 81"3 : L Formr Of~ 7Ff~al: Map ~and,'~Data~=~o ~Appear ~ebeon.. ~e ~final' map?' c - ~. "'-shal~l ~confOm ,with a~l of -th~ followin~ provisions :.: . . (A) Legibility and Size. It shall be clearly and legibly drawn in black waterproof india iii~klu~0~ ihclUding affidavits certificates and acknowledgements. Its condition shall be such that ~ 7b'i'~e of reach ~h~et 's~l~. b'e 1'8x26' inches ,' With"a~"entfrely = ~rg~ df~ I in"~'hi~l ~C'al'e ?sHarl ~b'~ 100 f~et/'Or less, ~en it consists of more than one sheet, a key ~p showing the relation ~of =tH~:shee~s fsh'all be,'pl~ac~d JOn~the firsti Sheet,' and every 'sheet. ,shall . ~conta=ih--thej~ti~l~e, .-scale~' north ~oi~t~ 'legend,{ 7'sheet n~ber yand total ~ber,~of sh'eets ~dmpYiSfhg] the' ma~.~ s~. f~ ~ ~ ~ 2' .~ "~ ' ,' ' ' ~ -~.~ (B)" 'Title and ~Subtitle ~of~Map. = ~e ~title sheet shall contain the -trac't de'signatio~ as ~apprOved' by the/Planning' Co~issio~ and' th~ ~tract' n~- her. .Berow 7th~ titledsheet-shall appear'~ sUb-titl-e givi~ _a~Tgenera'~ · ~' ~'ri "d~Scription~of~hej~p~O~e~ty~'b~ingt~sdb'd~vid~drbyc~eferehce~:tosthe maps ,whiCh ha~e, previoUSly been ~ecorded or by ~eference to the .plat of any -.United Sta~eb sur~ey:j 'In casel the =p~ope'rty 'included within the subj division lies wholly in the :City of <Saratoga, the 'following wor~s shall appear below the title, "In the City of Saratoga", if partly in the City.of Saratoga and partly within another,incorporated=City or the County, the following words shall be used, "Lying partly in the C~ty of Saratoga and partly'inthe City or.County~of ~ ", naming the City or County as~the~case may be. Reference totracts_and , subdivisions in the description must be spelled out and worde~ identi- cally with original records, and references to book and page or record must be complete. '_ L' (C) Distances and Bearings. Sufficient data to determine readily the . bearing and length of every lot~line, block lin~and ~oundary_line. Dimensions_of lots.shall be given as-total dimensions', corner to corner, and shall be shown i~fee[ and hundredths of a foot. _Lots~contain- ing oneshalf (1/2) acre oftmore .shall show .total.acreage to nearest thousandth. The map shall show the basis of bearings.and 'lengths of straight lines and radii, and arc lengths for all curves as may be necess~ryfto determine the~.location of the ceBters of_curves and tangent distaqces~of right~of-way curves at~centerline. (D) Boundar~ References and Monuments. The map shall show clearly what stakes, monuments-(type andtsize) or othersevidence found on the ground. to determine boundaries of the subdivision. The-adjoining corners of all adjoining subdivisions shall be identified by lot and block number, tract designation and place of record, and proper ties therewith. It shall show the location and description of all monu- ments found or placed in making the survey for proper:reference and data sufficient for relocation and retracing of any and all exterior boundary lines.and lot and block lines. Wherever.the City or County engineer has established the centerline or a street adjacent to or in the proposed subdivision, the data shall be shown on the.map indicat- · ing all.monuments found and with reference to field book or map.. If the points were reset by ties,-the course and detail of relocation data shall be stated. (E) Additional Information (1) The map shall show the line of extreme high water in case the · ~-subdivision i§ adjacent to.or.traveFsed by~a stream, or 0~ber go~ of wa~er and sh~ll'also show~any a~ea, if any, subject to p~r-' iodic innunda~i0n by w~ter. (2) The subdivision boundary shall be designate~ b~ a Prussian blue .~order.l~th inch ~nLwidth applied.inside the bound~!y line to the-r~y~'~§~de'0f the tracihg·an~ ~he.~f~on~of the blu@ l~ne lipen print. -~uc~ border shall np~.obtiterate figures or other data. ~i3) The c~ter l{~es ~n~=side lines of all streets, ~Bd tgtal width thereof, an~ the,widths of,each §ide of the ce~rl~e, and ~idths of~aDy portion of a street being de~icated,-the width of existing.de- . ~ic@tion~, apd th~'w~d~hs o~ any rail~ay_floo~co~t~ol,,dr~ipage qhapnel ~or other rights of waysshall be sbo~n. L ~ ~ (4) The map shall ~how all~eas~m~nts of--recordTor easementsto be recorded, to~hich. t~e lots w~ll b~LSubject'. ~uch easements must be clearly~abeled ap~ identified if already of record, and record re- ference given. If any easement is not definitely located of record, a statement of such easement must appear on the map. Easements for storm draiDs, sanitary ~ewers, and q~her.utilities.sball be denoted by fine broken %i~es.. Ea~emept widths, ~nd the lengths and bearings of the lines thereof togethe~ with sufficien~ ti~s thereto shall be set forth to definitely locate the easement with respect to the sub- division.. (5) ~ity ~oundary ~ine~,w6ich brop~d, adjoin within one_hundred feet, or cross the subdiyision sha~l be.clearly designated and referenced. (6) . 'L~t lnd~ber's"Sh~rl 'b~gin~ W£th ~the- hum~er ?'1'! ,and ~'shallqcontinue "' cbnse&~i~ly'~h'~bdghb~t*'t~:~Ubdi~fSfon With ~0 'omis~fon~0r du~'- li~afio~s .ex'd~pt 't~t. loO'.nhmb~rg-'i~sU~s~qu~t ~On~{guohs tSUbdiVision ~ uPit.S~ ~ay~exp~d th~ =n~mbe~f~g sequence ~f ~h'e ~previous~nit providing '~He ddm~d~rC'iaF. ffif~Ofj th~ :shSd'iVi~foff !~ema'inS 'unChanged .~.% Each .b~ock -s~arr lba .'~hb~n 0~ o'~e' sHe'~ ~h~ p~sslisr~ l-Whe~e adj'oi~ing :broc~s' appear · On' 's~pa~at~ ~sh~e~s ;':f't~e ~tr~et ~adjoiniffg both' blocks 'shal,1- beTM shoFn on both sheets complete with centerline and propertyline'~data.~' ~llrletters and figures within the subdivision shall be conspicuous and solid. (7) ;' , The .map ~s~all' ~aftic'ula~fy defi~e -'a~d '~sig~te' 'ail' ~lot~~ and':parcels, =- -~ inclddihg those reserved for private purposeS, all: parce~ and.L' ease~fit~ offe~ed.=fo~?ded£~ati~for an~'purpo~e, with 'all'~th~*'dimensions, boundaries~and 'O6~r~es 'cl'ea~ly s~oWn"a~d'cdefined' in ~ch c~se'~s Ditto marks shall;~6~b'e 'd~ed~'~'~,~.' =cl ',-. s~- I~:'- ~.. (8) It 'AIl't~t~e~[ na~es'~indr~d{ng ,:tW~se cde~i~nat~'d tSy ~numbers:;' and sinclud- ing the words - '!Avenue" ;F '-'B0ulevard'L~ ,"~Pr'ace" ~' ~etc .'; ~shall -be' .'spelled out in full. (9) Th~ map :Shailear~6' !shoW!'and d~l{neate all ~qth~r dlta' that ~is:or may i.Sa;'~quir~d' by .6~e~v~o~is~o~s ?o'f t~fs~'~rdihande"or other~fs~tby law. The followin~ecertific.ates Shall appear. on ~the'final mapT Ow~er!'~ C~rt'fficat~.'~certlficate.'sfgn~d and aCknOwl'edged, wit~'.!corporate "'~" ~ .... ~-'..' .... ?rseal ~f c'o~por~tion~Lby~'al~lparties ha~ing anyzrecord ~itle or intere'stLin th~e'la~d s'ubdivided~'~ons'enting'tb"the pleparat'ion and recordatioh~of said mapS'excluding-however such parties'not required by the Map ~A~ETto~o~nSent~'~ It~.shalr.includ~ offers~of~dedicat~on of. all streets and other parcels of land shown on the fi~al'map~intehded'~for any public use, except those parcels other than streets which are intended for the exclusive use of the lot owners in the subdivision, their licensees, visitors, tenants, and emplqyees. En~inee~'~ Certif£cate. A'certificate'by a=licensed civil engineer or land -~ ' surveyor responsible for the survey and final map. the signature of such civil~engineer or licensed surveyor must be adCompanied by his engraved seal. Cit~ Engineer's, Cit~ Clerk's~ and County Recorder's Certificate. A separate c~rtificate for execution by thOuCity Engineer,'a ~e~ar~te certificate for execution b~the City Clerk and a separate certificate for execution by the County Recorder, as required by the Map Act. The form of the City Edgineer'=s cer't~ficate and of the City Clerk's certi£icate shall ~e as. establiShed"fro~ time to time ~y resOlution'of the City~Council. Unless otherwise e~tablished By re§61ution of the COUncil, it is t~ present policy of the City.not t6 acceptlthe dedication Of streets, storm drain easements or 'other easements requiring improvemedt by the subdivider at~the~time of approving the final map, and of only accepting the same after the completion ofalt impr~v~me~t~and~a p~riod th~r~affer of not less than one year's 'maintenanCe By'the subdi~ider~ The City Clerk's Icert£ficate 'sh~ll -~pecifidally'set-forth'Which=Of:the offers 6f dedication are not accepted and Which are~adc~pted~ !" Oth~r~C~tfficates. :All ~ther-certificate~ ~equired~by the Map A~ ..,.add not specifi~alLly-enum~rated herein~Shall~ either.accompady~Of app~ on~th~ final mapl~ ~tio Sec n 8.4: Filin~ of Final Map with City Council. When all certifi- ~ cates required on the final map (except the certificate of th Codnty Recordef and ~he approval.certificate of~e C~t~'Clerk)have be n ex&CUf~d, said final~map ma~ beefiled wit~ the City Clerk f~r a~tion the C x final map shall be accepted for filing by the y: ~ty Counc 1. No ~itty Clerk unless, in addition to the above, the following is complied with: (a) .Not less than five (5) nor more than ten (lO).days will elapse .between the date of filing and,the next'regular City~CouncilI (b) The final map is accompanied by (1) a blue.line~l'inen prinf; ~2) the approved improvement plans signed by the City Engineer; (3) Two copies of the City's standard form'improvement-agreement properly executed by the owner or owners of the subdivision, together with two executed copies of each improvement bond, as_K~ired py Sect~on 7.1 and 7.2 hereof; (4) the insurance policy or certificates required by Section 7.3 hereof,_and (5) alltdocuments.andlmatters prev~9~sly submitted-to the City'Engineer under-Section 8.2-'(A)~.t~rough (G) hereof; .... : ~ =' (c) All.required fees by the subdivider have been paid. Any delivery of a~final-map to the,City Clerk or.any receipt by the City Clerk of a'final map, other than in accord withthe-provisions of this Section shall not be considered in acceptance for'filing nor a filing oft said map with the City for any purpose, unless notwithstanding such effective filing the City Council thereafter actually takes action thereon to approve or disapprove the map ~p accprd. wi~h. Section 8.5 hereof.. Section 8.5: Action on-Final*Map.' The City Council shal~ .at its next meeting or within a period of not more than ten days after such filing approve or disapprove the final map. At the time of approval the Council shall accept_or reject all offers of dedication, and may re- ject all such offers. If the map does not conform with all local ordi- nances applicable at the time of approval of the tentative map and all rulings made thereunder, the Council may disapprgve said map, or may conditionally approve it,~said approval to'be unconditional at such time as, within which,_such map'is made.to comply with such ordinances and '. regulations. The City Council shall have power.to waive, modify or sub- stitute uncompleted conditionsLat the time of .finalapproval.~t~ '. Upon disapproval of any final map, the City Council shall return said.map to the subdivider together with a written statement setting forth the reasons for such disapproval, ..: .~l Upon approval'by theCounCil.becoming unconditional~_the iC~ty~ClerkJshall~.' sign and affix the City seal to the Clerk's certificate attached to said map and shall cause the said map to be delivered to the Clerk of the Santa Clara County Board.of 'Supervisors in accord with the Map Act. No map will have any force or effect until unconditionallyapproved by 'the City Council, and no title to or interest in any property described in any offer of dedication.on~the final map which is accepted by the Council,· shall pass until.'recordatidn~of'~said.map.. .~: _ ~f'~ .'~ Within ten ~10) days after-recordation.'oftthe_final map,'rthe,subdivider' at his own expense shall furnish the City Clerk with one (1) blue line linen print, and shall furnish the City Engineer with one (1) brOwn-line sepia of the recorded map and approved improvement plans and one (1) paper copy of the recorded map and approved improvement plans. · SECTION 9: REVERSION TO ACREAGE MAPS Section 9~1: In General. ,A final:map.filed for the purpose of showing .~ :as.acreagetland previously'.subdivided.into numbered~or lettered parcels shall be conspicuously designated with the Ltitlet"THE PURPOSE OF THIS MAP IS A REVERSION TO ACREAGE". No tentative map need be filed prior to the filing of a reversion to acreage maps. .~'..'. . - · . j .! . Section·9.'2: Procedure~ A~minimum of two (2).=cop~es of the fina~ re- · ~ ~version' to~acreage~map 'shall,.be{filed with the City Engineer, together with such additional.information as.he may~require,_and he shall examine the ~map zto determine whether all nprovisions of ~this section, ~the Map Act, and a~l Lother ~applicabte Lprovisions of -lawnhave .been ,complied with and whether fthe 'map is technically .correct. Upon his -determination ~that - conformity with the foregoing'has been'made~ he shallexecute the.City Engineer's certificate thereon and cause the map to be~filed~with the:City CoUncil for action thereQn,in accprd with_,the p~o~isions of Section 8.5 of this part except that within t~n~days after recordation of the final map on~ (1) brown line sepia of the recorded map shall be filed with the City Engineer. No fees shall be ~charged except a map checking fee in acCord'With TABLE~I'hereof.~ i ~ ~ PART THREE: ,SIT~ APPROVAl. - FOUR,OR .LESS.LOTS~'. SECTION 1: 'APPLICATION. ,~ ~., Se t~ 1:1: In General. This part.is 'intende41to~control the design and c ' on ., improvement of subdivisions~of fouror less lots and single lo!s or parcels not directly subject to PART TWO of this ordinahce~=and to require building sites and parking areas to be subject to reasonable conditions governing surface and!sub-surface drainage=and support, sewage, disposal, grading, minimum access streets for regular and emergency vehicles,~adequat.e parking, and_Such=other matters,as may,in,each c~se be reasonably necessary to .eliminate unreasonable risk to t~ersite, Lits intendedroqcupants and its s~rrodnding Rroperty of:fire, flood,-avalanche' or other.calamity.,,, .:,. .: ... .t ~ ~ '- Section 1.2: .'.~pp~icabflit~ of Provisions of PART TWO. The ,provisions of Sections 1, 2, 3, 4 and 5 of PART TWO are hereby referred to and made=applicable tolots, ~ite.s and subdiv~_~M~RpS_~,f~uE lots, except as.:may~hereinafter be mddified~by the.provisiqns of this part. Whenev.er '!subdiv~siont' is'referred to in"PART:TWO, the sa~.e shall include 'llot"rand "~it~"'when appliedlto thisvPAgT~THREE .... SECTION 2: SITE APPROVAL REQUIRED: !.- ._. c~ No person,shall construct or move onto any lot or site.any building or other structuref nor pave any site for offstreet parking where the paved area does or-will exceed'500 sq.!ft.,, nor shall any building permit.be issued for the erection~'.c,onstructi0n.or improvement.of the same, until final site approval therefor has been granted by the City Council in ac- cord herewith. : =:' '~. _. SECTION 3: EXCEPTIONS. ., ~::. The re4uiremen~s of ,this PAt~_T THREE shall ~ot be~appticable to any of'the following: . ~ { = '~f .~_ " (a) Where the identical site is shown as a lotion a final approved sub- division map recorded within ten years prior to the date of appli- catiop forzab~il~ing~permit : ~ t c (b) W~ere siterapprova,1 for the, identical lot or site has previously been obtained from the City for th~ same generar usewithin.two years prior to the date of application for building permit, in accord with such o~4inance requiring site approval as was in effect at that.tim~. f - ~' ~ ~ (c) Where th~ site already has.a,mai~ structure, existing thereon;, whichv was erected in conformity with all. laws and ordinances applicablen at the time of.its erection, and where the contemplated construction consists of the alteration, addition to,_ ~_~p~p~,of.~e~n : structure, or the construction of any separate accessory structure or structures ~hereto entirely on _the same site. 'F~E,~h~ R~FP°§,~ 9~ this exception.a parkingzareafof 500 sq. ft'.. or,more shall not be construed as an accessory.structure. ~ SECTION 4: PROCEDURE - TEN{ATIVE MAPS . .Section 4.1:.~ Form and Filing. Application for site approval under p~r.t shall be writing on forms approved by the Planning Commission and shal~be accompanied by sevent(7) copies, of a tentative ~ map, and on~ (1'), ~ransparent, brown line,~sepia~copy, filed with .the~ Planning Commission ~ I~ shall ,confain all ~information required by the provisions of Section~2~3-2 of PART .TWO'hereof for tentative maps of~ subdivisions of five or more lots, save andsexcept that the Planning .~ Conmnis~i~nm~y ~cept,'s'~ch-maps andsapplications with ~less information supplied thereon and therewith as established by resolution or order of the Commission. Section 4.2: Action on Tentative Maps.~'The~Secretary of the Planning · . · Commission shall 'check,the,-application~and maps for com- pleteness of information required thereon andttherewith~ and if complete shall accept the same for filing and forward copies to the Planning De- partment, City Health Qfficer and City Engineer...In allother respects action on,the tentative'map'~or site appro~al"~nd'the power of the Pia~i" ning Commission to approve,'conditionally.approve or ·disapprove the same, shall be as set forth in Sections 2;4 and 2.5 oftPART TWO of this ordinance. Action taken by-the 'Planning.'Coxmnission:in approving-or conditionall'yt approving a tentative map.shall-remai~ in fullforce and effect-for one (1) year from date thereof, unless =extended-or renewed by·further:action of the Planning Commission. SECTION 5: , STANDARDS AND ~CONDITIONS. '. ,- , ~. ~. ~ , ~ . - .-. : -., ,. - Section 5.1: General Requirements. All the requirements and provisions,-., of Sections 2, 3 and 4 of PART TWO relating to the sub·- divisions of five or more lots shall be applicable to allylots and sites under this part, with the follo~in~ qUaiif{~'~i0nsi On tentative.app~ova~ the IPlanningCommis~ion 'sh~ll specifically make final approvar conditional-on-compliance with such oftthe foregoing requirements as it deems applicable to each such case. The purpose of ~ this provision is not to lessen 'the mandate of'the subdivision design and improvement standards and regulations as applied to site approval, but rather to aid the small.-subdivider and lot~owner by pointing~out which of the requirements are applicable to his lot or lots. -Failure of the Commission:to condition final approval. on compliance with any regulation otherwise applicable shall not relieve the subdivider of com- pliance with such regulation.. The Planning Commission may impose reasonable =conditions in addition.to the foregoing as each situation necessitates~ governed'by-the particulars of each case and in order to carrye-out the purposes 'of this ordinance· and to protect ~he public health, safety.or morals., ., ,: Section 5.2: Minimum Access Streets. Section5.'2-1: 'Minimum-Access,,Streets. Required.'- Where-the tot,'.~site , = ~,' or-subdivision.of four.or,~less lots doesmot frpnt on a public 'street or existing.minimum'access~§treet, ·the Planning Com- mission shat'l require the-construction oE~such~minimam.access.s~reet as a condition of site approval. This provision. is intended,=to~require not only the construction of a minimum access street where the site does not=front,uon any access street or road, but also to, requir~ the' improvement-of any existing substandard access street or road on which the site, fronts·,or which~otherwise~is used.~as all or any part-of the path of the minimum access road. .' .... . tf Section 5.2=~: Pro-Rate.of 'Construction Costs. Where the requi~ed ,~ minimum.access. street w~[1. border,~or. pass through other property not~owned by.the-applicant, the City-sha[l~requirerany person seeking site approval of all'or anX portion of such'bordering property,,withintten.(10) y~ars tSereafte.r,:as a conditionoftsuch site approva~,'tojpayfto the site owner having first constructed the m~ni- of such improvement. At the request of the applicant, the City shall enter into .awritten.agreement with rthe applicant embodying.the:pro~. visions of [h~ within se&tion.' The pro~rata share .tq be .paid shall be .determined ~by.dividing the actual construction cost of the minimumsaccess street=(or in-the case of bringing a substandard access street up to minimum standards, the cost of such improvements) by the total frontage of all property bor- dering on both sides of the access street which are~ unapproved building sites at the time of the first improvement to a minimum access street and multiply the unit cost thus obtained by the front footage of the site along the access street for which site approval is sought. Section 5.2-3: Exceptions. The Planning Commission and/or the City Council shall have power, in cases of undue hardship, to permit variances or deviations from the above set forth minimum ac- to circumstances of unusual'topograp~X,.~qpality q~ e~qng~c on landowners, or such other; ci. rcumstances as are found in,the exercise of~reasonable discretion to ~r~quire'a!deviation. Sections5.3: Improvement A~eement?'Bonds and Insuran~7 If c6nditions ~- of ~entati~e.approVal require{the construction of.improvej ments which are not~compl~ted prior to application fOr-final site approval, the.owner or~owne~s shall enter into a written agreement'wi~h ~he=City, sl secured by sufficient cash or surety bond or bonds, agreeing to complete said improvements withintsuch iti~e as set by the.City 'CounCil, and in- cluding maintenance for a period of one.~(1) year after completion lof- such improvements'as are offered. for d~dication i~o th~ public. ~11-'o~ any part of the improvement agreement, bond and insurance requirements-of Section 7 of PART TWO of this ordinance may be required by the City Council upon final approval prior to comple~ion of all.~p~qv~m~s.,.ia~_th~ ~orm_ of such agreements, bonds and insurance shall be approved by the City Attorney. ~ ~ .'~ ~ i - - .'_~_!~. ..... ~j ~..'~ :.7_ SECTION 6:- FINAL SITE A~PROVAL .-.RECORD-O~ SURVEY Section 6.1: Application for Final Approval. Within one (1) year after approval or conditional approval of'the tentative'map= by the Planning Comn£ssionj, or within such fur.ther extens{on of' time as may be "granted~ by rthe Commission, application'-for final approval shalL~ be made by.filing the following ~{th the City Clerk: L (a) A recorded survey map of the lot or lots, diagramatically showing thereon the fulfullment offall conditions approval which may-be evidenced on.such.a record Of survey map; · (b) Such deeds or offers of dedication for rights-of-way, .easements or other interests in land to the public asrequired by tentative approval, together with a preliminary'title report issued within ten (10) days =from date 'by 'a reputable ~t~tle company doing business in Santa Clara County issued'tO. or for the ~benefit of the Cit~ ~ and showing all parties .having any interes:t in the land deeded. or offered for dedication; (c) Where any'required improvements have not been completed, two copies of City '~s ~stand~!~.'~9._rm__!~pEQv~men~t~g~e~%~. exeq~[e_d~_by~l_l... owners~i'the deposit of the required ~ash ,or je~ecuted improvement bond, a complete 'set: of any required improvement.plans signed by-the- City 'Engineer and any'required policy~or certificat'e of liability and property damage insurance; . -- ~..- (d) Satisfactory written evidence of payment of ~all required fees,- .and. of~c6mpliance~with all Other conditions of tentativ~approvalj~ Thel C{ty Council' may require such-evidence to.be in the form of letter or affidavit. .. ~ Section 672': ~ction ~by Counci~ __W~...~.,~j~ap~i__c~pt .b~i~pmpl-~ed~b ~ all the foregoing p~ovisions, the City Clerk shall place the matter'on the agenda of the next' ~egular Council meeting od~urring~not less than'five (5') days thereafter,.and-theCity Council shall thereupon,: at such next r~gular m~eting grant, cond~[ionall~ gra~t, or deny site= approval. The original resolut'fon shall'-Se fi~ed with the City Clerk and a certified copy thereof del'ivered'to ~heesubdivider.' SECTION 7':' FINAL SUBDIVISION MAP OF FOUR OR LESS~ EOTS - OPTIONAL. Nothing herein contained shall prevent the subdivider from processing any subdivision of four or ress lots, exclusively under the provisions of ~PART TWO of this ordinance in'-lieu of! securing site ~pproyal under PART THREE. The above and foregoing ordinance was regularly introduced 'on the" 20th day of'.September,I 1961~ and after zthe waiting time'required, bylaw t was thereafter pas.s~d JRd .a~o~t~d .t~i~ ~tk day of October, 1961, by the following ~ote: ...... . AYES: Brazil, Glennon. Drake. Langwill. Hartman Noes: Non~ ....... .- ~ ........ Absent: None r . r '. .,. -. : ..... _..,, .... . /s/ Burton R. Brazil · .' ....... MAYOR,,- r ...... ATTEST: '., . ............ /s/ Gordon H. Howe CITY CLERK I, the undersigned, Clerk of the.City. of,SaratOga and ex-officio.Clerk of the City Council of the City of Saratoga, hereby certify that [he foregoing Ordinance is a true and.corr~c~ QoRy.of Qr~i~aBc~ No., 4-A-18 of' the said~City which was regularly int~oduqe~,.p~s~e4 ~n~ ~dqp~ed by.the.City .Council of said City and is now in the qffiqi~l.f~l~s.iB ~h~ qf~iqe.of the City,Clerk:of:the City of Saratoga, Califqrni~ .......... '~.,.. ! ~" ~ .... ~,"'~' t' CLERK OF cTHE CITY .OF SARATOGA. t ' _ t ,, TABLE I - ' FEES ~. ,, -. All fees shall b~ paid at the offices of the.City Clerk, save and except that so long as the County Engineering Department is providing engineering ser ices to,the City under contract, the improvement plan checking and in- spection fees, 'and final. map checking fees-shal.l.be paid at the offices of the County Engineer. All fees shall be.pa4d in cash or by check. (A) FILING FEES The,fee on fil.ing.a~pre!~minary map shall be $10,000. ..~ The fee onafiLing a tentative map shallzbe as follows: (1) The sum of $75.00 for,a subdivision of up to 25 lots~ plus an · additional $2.00 per lot for every lot over 25. If additional tentative maps covering the same tract or revisions of the.initial map are filed, no additional fee need'be p~id,'bu~ if'lAna'~h~ · than,.'or in addition to, that shown Qn the initial,map is ~ncluded in s~qh additional map~ such map shall be.considered as a map.of .-'a.~Bew subdivision,.and~an additionalffee of $7~.00.for up_to twenty- five-(25) lots, and. S2;00 per-lot.for.each lot in-excess,of twenty- ,five (25) shall.,be paid for s~ch..map.~ ...... - (2) .The s.um of $10.00 per .lot for every lot,.site or subdivision of 4 or less lots unde~PART THREE. ,.. i., ~ ... (B) SERVICE FEE;-PUBLIC-HEALTH-~,-- · - : ..... : , -. . - '-- ~ - (1) For an unse~eredc~ubdivision' of five:~ots' or. more where each ~lot- is 'less than one acre in area to and including the fifth acre or major-portion thereof, per ~cre . . ;-. ~ .-. $ t2.00~= ~i~ Thereafter, per acre (Or majpr portion thereof) $- 2.50,- (2) For an unsewered subdivision of five or more lots where each lot is one acre or larger in area - (a) For the first five lots ......... $ 14.00 (b) For each lot in excess of five lots . . . $ 2~0 (3)For any unsewered lot, site or subdivision of four or less ~ : lots .............. $ 12.00 (4) For a sewered lot, site or subdivision one dollar ($1.00) per lot not to exceed ......... $ 25.00 (C) SERVICE FEE - IMPROVEMENT PLAN~ CHECKING AND INSPECTION The inspection fee to be paid on filing of improvement ~lans.~shalt. beia~.7_ percentage of the estimated costof the improvements as determinedby~the City Engineer excluding any cost of constructing sanitary sewers and/or public utilities, computed on ~he fdllowing schedule: - ~ For the first $10~000 ~..-. .' :: . .t..~..~. .!.' 6.0% For the next $10,000 .~.- ...... -. ~ ...... ~.5% For-the-next'S30,000 j -.~.-.,. .. .--. .-.~.... 3.5% For all improvements over $50,000 ....... -.- 2.5%-- -= Upon pay~a~ent of said fee the City~Engineer will assume full jurisdiction over the inspection-of.construction-o~ the improvements after the subdiv- ider's engineer has set alignment and grade stakes in accordance with 'ac- cepted engineering practice. Upon satisfactory completion of improvements, the City Engineer will certify tO the City Council that the improvements have been completed in accordance with this ordinance. If the actual cost of the improvement is less than the estimated cost, the balance of the fee remaining shall be refunded to thejs~b~iy~r..~If the actual cost of the improvement exceeds the estimated cost, the subdivider shall pay such addi- tional fee-befor~final.acceptan~e. . .~ .=..-~ e Accurate dost=data~based-on contract-unit-prices~and final quantfties must be submitted tol th~ City Enginee~ for approval within ninety (90) days after const~uction,,is~completed or.no-adjustmen~ein inspection fee wilt be allowed. If a proposed subdivisiOn-is-abandoned and no improvements have been~o~- structed, the City Engineer shall.refund the Improvement ~lan.Design~i Checking Fee to the subdivider after first deducting his estimated costs incurred prior to.receipt of notice-of-intent ~o~abandon the subdivision., (D) SERVICE-FEE~- FINAL MAP CHECKING ..... ~ - ~ .... ~ The map-checking~fee to be paid-on filing a-fihal map with the City Engin- eer shall be .the sum-of $20.00 for each-final map, plus-S1.00 per-lo~ for each lot shown thereon. 'In-the-event additional map checking i~ required of-the~City Engineer's Office due to changes, omissions, or di'screpancies occasioned by the subdivider's engineer, the suBdivider shall pay=an addi- tional fee, which fee shall be equal to the actual cost to the City or to the county of Santa Clara occasioned by the additional-map checking, said actual cost to be determined by the City·iEngineer~ -- - (E) STORM DRAINAGE FEE .... :_._:.. The subdivid~F.s~al~.pay_a.~Form dr~n~ge. fee:ba~e~ on the following schedule: · ' Z6~'b{strict ..... ~e~ ......... · :- :?. =..:. .. .~ ~ z A ~. $450 per lot .... R~l~i0~000 $250~&~'~ ' " R~1~12,500 $275 per lot. ~, R-l-15,000 $300 per lot R~l~20,000 ,- $350 per lot ~ R-I-40,000 $450 per lot _ PD Same.as fee for the district with which. planned unit development is combined. RMi.'and PA _ :~ District $1,06~ per gross acre .u .".t~ C and M Districts $1,200 per gross acre . . Churches, schools and other non-commercial conditional uses in all zones shall pay a storm drainage fee of t' ~ $600 per gross. acre. Public utilities and.other.quasi commercial conditional uses shall pay a storm drainage fee of $1,000-per gross acre. No less than 25% of the fee.computed according to this schedule shall be paid in cash. Credit will be allowed against the remaining 75% of the fee for the cost to the subdivider of all out-of-tract drainage facilities and all oversizezin-tract drainage facilities cons.tructed by the subdivider as part of the improvements and offered for dedication to the city. The credit allowed for the cost of these facilities will be based on the schedule of storm drain construction costs adopted by Resolution of the City Council. The foregoing fee shall be payable in the following cases and at the following times: (1) On all site approvals of any lot, site or subdivision of 4 or less lots, not directly subject to the Map Act., at the time of filing for final site approval. (2) On subdivisions of 5 or more lots, where the subdivider offers or intends to offer any streets,'storm drains or other easements for dedication to the City, the fee shall be required in consideration of thefCity's acceptance or:~agreement to_accept the same, and shall b be paid at the time of filing for final map approval. .,.~?~ No storm drainage fee shall be charged for any site approval of any lot, site or subdivision of 4 or less lots where such a fee has already been collected for. the identica~ lo~, site or subdivision on a previous.final map or site approval. (F) APPEAL FEE The fee for filing an appeal in accordtwith Section 8 of PART ONE hereof is the sum of $20,00'~ rv~ TABLE II : REQUIRED:STREET RIGHT-OF-WAY & PAVEMENT WIDTHS TYPE : Curbs & OF R/W Median Pavement Parking Gutters STREET Width Strip '!' Width Lanes, Required Remainder 6-Lane Thoroughfare 120' 16t ' :: 36'+36' 8' '-Ye~ 8' 4-Lane Thoroughfare (a) 100' 16'. '~ 24'~24~' 8' ~ -Ye~ 10' 4-Lane Thoroughfare' (b) :90' '.~ Lc 24'+24' 8' Yes 13' 2-Lane Thoroughfare 60' 24' 8' Yes* 10.' Frontage Road 30' 5'(separator) 25' Yes Collector Street 60':~ ' .. ~ .t 40'~ .° Yes* 10' 50' 36' Yes* 7' Hillside Collector 50~(&<slope .~ easements) -~ 26' .c: - 'G~ter 12' Local Street 56' - '-36' '~. ~ - Yes 10' RM-3,000 RM-4,000 s .. ~ RM-5,000 .I ~ . e Local Street'- ~ 50' - ~ 36' ~ : -: Yes' '~ j 7' R-l-10,000 : ~:' :- R-1-12,500 ! ~ ~ . z = : . Local Street{ c..t 50 -_i 33' ~s, - Yes $.5' R-l-15,000 : - R-i-20,000 Local Street c ~_ 50~ - : -26' = - Yes* 12' R-i-40,000 .... Hillside Local '=40!(~slope .~' ~~' Lc ..I Street · :Easements) - '~ '~ 26'= .izL - Gutter... 7' Cul-de-sac :s 50' ~ _ ~ a =33'**Lr ~ - - Yes* .~ 8.5' Cul-de-sac serving 12 or less lots .-- 'z -.- '40', r -.. '- 30!** ~- -' Yes* L= 5' Cul-de-sac Turnaround ~42'(radius) ~ 32Y(radius) IYes* ..,~.10' Minimum Access Street 20' - 18' No * Curb and gutter may not be required in R-i-40,000 zoning districts. ** May be'26' in R~l-40,000 zoning districts. .'. -z -~' ~ ~ TABLE III T ~ ' .... ' '~L TREE PLANTING~STANDAR'DS .. (A) NUMBER OF~Trees - following are the minimums: DISTRICT INTERIOR LOT CORNER LOT · 'Evergreen Deciduous c Total =~Evergreen Deciduous Total RI-10,000 t. " R1-12,500'~ j 2 .... 2 , 2 ,.2 4 Rl-15,000 -'r 1 .' 1 .~' - 2 · .2 ....... 3 5 R1-20,000 1 1 2 2 3 5 R1-40,000 1 2 3 3 3 6 R-M 1 1 2 2 2 4 The quantity of new plantings in the foregoing schedule shall be reduced by one (1) for each existing tree, which, in the opinion of the Zoning Administrator, serves the same purpose which would be served by a newly planted tree. (B) LOCATION OF TREES Trees shall be located in accordance with the following: Interior Lot. For the purpose of locating where the required quantity of trees shall be planted, an interior lot shall be considered to contain a front 35% by area and a rear 65% bt area, the imaginary line between these two portions being approximately parallel to the front pro- perty line. Then the quantities of trees in the foregoing schedule shall be planted in the front 35% of the lot; provided, however, that not more than two (2) trees shall be located in a straight line parallel to the street plan line. Corner Lot. For the purpose of locating where the required quantity of trees shall be planted, a corner lot shall be considered to contain a front 35% by area and a rear 65% by area, the imaginary line between these two portions being approximately parallel to the front pro- perty line. Further, a corner lot shall be considered to contain a street- side 35% by area and an interior 65% by area, the imaginary line between these two portions being approximately parallel to the property line bor- dering the side street. Then the quantities of trees in the foregoing schedule shall be planted in the front 35% and the street-side 35% of the lot, provided, however, that not more than two (2) trees in the front 35% nor more than three (3) trees in the street-side 35% shall be located in a straight line parallel to the street plan lines for the streets at the front and side of the lot. (C) MATERIALS AND PLANTING METHODS 1. Trees: Quality of trees shall conform to the Horticultural Standards as adopted by the American Association of Nurserymen. Trees shall be of the sizes specified and measurement shall be made before pruning with branches in normal position, the height of the tree being its vertical height above ground after planting. 2. Plantins Season: The planting season shall be limited to the months of December, January and February except when dir- ected in writing by the City Engineer. 3., Stakin8 and Tying Material: All trees shall be staked, which stakes s~i[be of sound redwood approximately three (3) inches squ~e.~pd~g~[.~)__fe~ long. Trees shall be tied with webbing of soft tree rope or rubber tree tying material in a neat professional madnet. Before planting-the tree, the stake shall be driven into the bottom of the hole to an approximate depth of twenty-four (24) inches. 4. Planting: The tree shall be planted in a hole of uniform diameter throughou~ its entire depth and in no case shall be i~ss than 24"x24'.'.~ Care Shall be taken ateall times so that the soil around the roots is not disturbed. After the tree is set into the then be backfilled with a .plant mix of 1/3 steer manure, 1~31 peat moss, and 1/3 native soil, thoroughly mixed, to within three (3) inches of the top and well soaked. After partial drying, '~he.hole shall then be filled to ground level with soil mix. 7 .; (ENDOWED) ~-~-~.5~ ' ' Tha 8~oga Naws pr~ts mor~ n6ws abo~ ~en ~. m~ frequent · ~ ~o~,~ st~,.t so ~s ' ' ~ ' S~atoga tha ay ~her publicSion ~ th~ world 'on foot' re~ t~ps to yo~ 2 ~ 9 -~s 2 e s 5, ~r ~th pu~s. P~Fdi~uF~;' ' "'" ' (b) F~ch ~[~ excess of five lots .... ". ,~' .'~ 2.5~ ' ~ec~ on'communi~ s~c '~auty, - _ · ' fi~ a~ er~i~, t~ffic, and u~ }~_ ~y~ilon 3~.~. Condt~onal Final Sl~e Approval. ~enever the appli- City shall retmburse such excess ~o the subdtvider. opment w~ 4 homes a~ 3 st~e~