HomeMy WebLinkAboutCity Council Resolution 07-016RESOLUTION NO.07-0 ~. ~ A RE~I~IJTI~~ ~~' THE 'ITY ~I~NII~ ~~' THE ITS ~F ARATA A11~E1~l~Il~ THE ~"Y D0~1~"~ ~PEITI ADD ~PIT~L BIDET HERA, the qty ~une11 has reeerved and r~vl~wed the FY 2~~~1~~7 1VI1d-dear Budget A~nendmen~ R~por~; ~ NOON, T~E~EFORE~ BE IT EO~,~ED, that the pity oun~il of the pity ~~ Saratoga h~~by re~~lve~ ~~ aco~p~ tie budget atnend~nents a~ submitted and ut~ari~~ adju~trn~nt~ a foi1~~~ Increase ar Increase or offset to ~Decrease~ ~Decrease~ I~[~ND R~~~NII~ ~~~~~D~TUR. ~A.L~AN~E en~ra~ F~r~d Increase ~'EA Property Tax Allocation ~ 78,777 Decrease budgeted Mate tale-away reimbufset~ent ~5~0,~~~~ Net Increase to Property Tax Revenues Increase Interest Income revenue ~~~,~~~ Net increase to Interest Ir~came Revenue ~"~~era~ ~u~~ lnerease ouneii Oontingency funding S~,~o~ Increase I~AR ~uppart funding ~5,~0~ Increase ~ammunity grants funding ~t~~.,~pecif ie~~ 75,~~~ Special Projects Reserve Fund Balance 45~,~04 Increase Operating Transfers Out to Il? Projects I,2~~,D~~ N'et decrease to OF year er~d fund balance e~~ra~ ~'ur~d Increase tree Iine revenue 100,a0~ Increase tree planting expenditures 1~~,~q~ ~~v~~a~r~~~t Fund. Increase General Plan Update Revenue ~~,~~~ Increase general Plan Update Expenditures S~,OaD ~'~~~' ~'ur~d~~ Decrease to correct duplicate Hakane rardens exp X191,050} Na impact to fund balance -correcting entry only Equx~r~e~r~ ~e~rlac~~ru~~t Fund Increase Equip Replacement Fund's exp budget 79,915 Decrease to Equip Repl Fund YE fund balance Puv~~ten~ ~ar~u~mertt P~ora~n Increase Kevin 1V~aran Par1~ Improvement pra~ect exp. 1,100,000 Increase RR grossing Improvement project exp. 100,000 Increase Operating Transfer In for CIS 1,~OO,D00 25,777 ~O~,O~a ~79,915~ A ~F ~T FU~T~~~ RE~LEI~, that tie A~r~ini~tr~.tive ~rvi~~ ~ire~t~r is dit~~~t~~ t~ record these ~han~~~ into the ~it~'s ac~~untin r~c~rds in a~~~rdance with ap~ropriat~ accountln practices. "the agave and £cregoin resolution eras passed and adapted at a regular n~~tin ~~` tk~e artaga pity council field ~~ tie ~ 1'~~ dad ~f Nlareh ~0~7 by th.e ~'o~lowi.n vate: ,AY~~; ounc~lrr~ern~ers Jill Hunter, Cathleen 1ng, shuck Page, Vice yar A_nn waltonsmith, ayar Aileen I~a~ ~F: bane AFT: lone STAIN: bane ~ileer~ ~a,o, Nlayar