HomeMy WebLinkAboutCity Council Resolution 07-023RELUTI~I~ ~~. U7~~~
rT~ ~ ~AT~~. ~~~~1~ ~~ APPEAL; T~~~~ ~rvr.Y~v TEL
Aar~val; ~~8~~ Wardell load
w>:~A, on February ~$, ~~~7, the pity of Saratoga Manning ommissian
approved a design review application Via, f}7-~1 ~~ to construct ato-story single-family
residence with an attached garage, baserr~e~t, swimming pool, and detached pool
bathroom. 'l~he maximum average height of the propased res~der.~ce will riot be higher
than ~~-feet. The net lot size is l.~-acres and the site 1s zoned I~111s~de Reslder~t~al ~HR}y
w>"IEREA, an March 1 ~, ~~~7, the appellant, Matt hristiano, filed an appeal
of e Flann~ng ammission's approval of ~eslgn keview A.ppl~.catlon ~7~~87; and
wI~EI~EAS~ on May ~, ~~~}7 the pity council held a public hearing to consider
the applieat~on at which time all interested parties were given a full oppartu.nity to be
heard and to present evidence; and
wI~ERLA, the pity auncil of the pity of Saratoga has cons1dered the
application and all testimony and other e~ridence submitted in connection therewith,
~ow~ therefore, be it resolved that the pity council of the pity of Saratoga hereby:
Y. Affirms the f ndings of the Planning oission's approval of the design review
application; and
II. Determines that the proposed project including the construction of a new single
family residen.oe is categorically Exerrlpt from the ~t~vironmental duality Act ~EA~
pursuant ectian 1 ~~, ;`~1ew construction or conversion of ~nxa11 Structures", Mass 3
~a~ of the public resources bode ~>~A~, This e~emptian allows far the construction or
conversion of up to three single-family residences.
III. I~etermincs that the applica~at has met the burden of proof required to support said
application for Design l~~view, and 1 can~ter~t with the following general Plan Fol~c~cs
ar~d hillside Specific Plan:
Land Use Element Policy .~ -The pity shall use the design review process to
assure that the new construction and major additions thereto are compatible
with the site and the ~~aceent surroundings. As conditioned, the application
meets the Findings required for Design Approval.
eolo~y and Soils ~P,~,licy ~- In locating building sites, preference should be
liven to areas designated as stable ~~r~ his, dun, hex} on the ground
l~ovem~nt potential Nlap. Especially sites on potentially moving slopes
~Pr~~, P, Fd~ ~~.~ moving slopes ~lvis~ hll not b~ approved unless eoloic
and soils en~ineerin~ analysis and desi~u provided b~ the developer clearly
demonstrate the long-terra ~ta~]lllty 0~ ~l1Ch ~1teS to the ~~t1S~aCt1~~1 ~~ the
I~ity, its eolo~lst and other professional consultants, The subject parcel is
located within two designated areas, br and Ps, on the ground Movement
l~otntial Map. ~ gcotech.nical rcpork was prepared by the applicant's consulting
firm and was peer revrev~red ley the qty's contract consultant eotechnical
clearance has been issued subject to adherence to conditions of approval arc
required as conditions of proceeding with the prof ect a part of this Resolution.
anitar~ fewer ~ryi~e _~oli'c~ -~ require all new residences on newly
created lots to hook up to a sanitary sewer system to avoid groundwater
contatnanation prolalerns. The applicant is hooking up to the local unitary
sewer system and is not proposing to use leach fields.
I~. T~etermines that the applicant has met the burden of proofre~uired to support said
application for design review approval including the following findings specified in
unic~pal bode section 1 ~-45.01~o and the pity's l~cs1dent1al l~esrgn Handboak~
~~~ig~ I~eri~~ Fir~u~~r~s
The proposed project is consistent with all the following Design Review findings
stated in Municipal bode section l~-4~.0~:
~a} ~ vai ~r~rea~v~a~bl~ i~t~rf~re~~e wi~1z ri~rvs a~z pr~va~y, The proposed
home will be situated on a .relatively large parcel with surrounding parcels
also in excess of an acre. The rna~imurn height of the proposed single-
story dwelling i ~ feet. The proposal well meet minimum side-yard
setbcl~s and will provide additional front and rear-yard setbacks greatex
than required y the Municipal ode The proposed hone will not
unreasonably lnterfcre with nelhl~onng v~e~vs ar privacy.
~b~ ~r~ser~ t~rai .~a~~sca~. A n~a~orlty of the prapased residence is
located in an area where a barn once stood; therefore, minimal natural
landscape will be disturbed.
~c~ ~rs~rv ufiv~ a~~ ]~eri~a~ ~re~~~ The proposal i not requesting
removal ~f Dative andlor Heritage Trees.
~d~ ~~~~i~~ per~c~~~ior~ o ~ccessir~ b~~~. The applicant is proposing
neutral color pallet ~`or the exteriar building, window trim and roofing
rnatcrials as well as incorporating varying rooines, arched wood
windows, and columns to reduce the perception of e~cesslve bulk.
~e~ L"opa~i~~~ b~~~ ar~~ ~e~~h~, l~eszdences in the area are spread out given
the rninirnurn lot sire requirements and arc generally larger in sire. The
proposed structure 1s ca~npatlble in. bulk and height with other homes
located 1n the halls~lde area.
~#~ '~rren~ grading and erosion co~~r~u~ e~%as. Tla applicant is proposing
grading in excess of l,aa~ ~, v~hich requires Planning ommissian
zeview and approval in hillside areas. The applicant has submitted a
grading and drainage plans which. incorporates appropriate grading and
erosion c~ntroi e~hods. In addition, the proposal shall conform to the
pity' ~ current grads ng and erosion control standards.
~~~ ~esiga ~oiicies and ~ec~~i~-~es. The proposed project conforms to all of
the applicable design policies and. techniques in the ~~siential ~eslgn
T~andbook in terms of compatible bulk, and avoiding unreasonable
Interference with privacy and. viers as detailed in the findings a~bovc and
sta~'f r~p~rt.
V. .Alter careful cansidera~lon of" the site plan, architectural drayrings, Mans and other
exhibits submitted in connection with this matter, application number ~~-~ l ~ far design
review Approval i hereby granted. subject to the follo~ring conditions:
~ER~~I~T ~l~I~~TN F ~~~i~~AL - Nose
~JRRET I~EVEI~~PIVIE~T ~~~~~A~, l~~~TX~~ ~-
1. The develaptnent shall. b located and constructed as shown on E~hib:it
"1~~' date stamped ;~anuary 3~, ~~~~, incorporated by reference. All
changes to the approved plans rn~st be submitted in v~riting with plans
showing the changes and are subject t~ the omn~unlty development
Director's approval.
~. The project shall utilize materials illustrated on a materials board date
stamped February ~S, ~~~7.
~. The follo~ring shall be required andlor included as to the plans submitted
to the Building ~lvislon for the bu11d1ng plan check revze~r process:
a. Four (4} gets of complete construction plans incorporating this
~esalutian as a separate plan page.
~, The applicant shall redesign the grading and drainage plan
reducing the can~bined cut and fill to less than l,~a~ cubic yards
far review and approval prior to issuance of Final honing
~. The following note shall be included: "~ maximum of one woad-
burr~ing fireplace is permitted and it shall be equipped with ~ gas
starter x.11 other fireplaces shall be gas burning"
~, The following Hate shall. be included verifying building ~ethaclc:
"Pr1or to founda~IOn inspection by the ~~ty, the Licensed Land
purveyor Qf record shall provide ~ written certification that all
building setbacks are per approved plans."
4. A starnl water retention plan shall be submitted to the pity for review and
approval indicating how all storm water will be retained on-site, and
incorporating the dew Development and construction - hest Management
Practices. If all stonn water cannot be retained ~n-site due to topographic,
sills or other constraints, an explanatory Hate shall be provided on the
~. .landscape plan shall be designed with eff cient irrigation to reduce runoff}
promote surface infiltration and minimise use of fertilisers and pesticides
that can contribute to water pollution.
. T~ the e~te~t feasible, landscaping shall be designed and operated to treat
stony water runoff by incorporating elements that collect, detain. and
infiltrate runol`f Ire areas than provide detention of water, plants that are
tolerant ~~ saturated sail conditions and prolong exposure to water shall be
7. Te the extent .fusible, pest resistant landscaping plants shall be used
throughout the landscaped area, especially along any hardscape area,
$. Plant materials selected. shall be appropriate to site specific characteristics
such as sail type, topography, clirr~ate, amount and timing of sunlight,
prevailing winds, r~.infall, air n~oven~ent, patters of land use, ecological
consistency and plant interactions to ensure successful esta~blishrnent,
Existing native trees, shrubs, and ground saver shall be retained and
incorporated into the landscape plan to the rnaximurn extent. possible,
1 ~, staff shall not approve downgrading to the exterior appearance of the
approved ~esidence~ i~awngrades may include, but are Hat limited ta,
garage doors, architectural detailing, stonework, calumns~ shutters,
driveway n~atorials, or sirni~ar iterns~ Any exterior changes to approved
plans resulting in a downgrade shall require filing an additional
application and fees far review by tfie Planning omrnls~on as a
rnodi.fication to approved plans. Any other exterior changes to the
approved plans, wch are nor de~rld a downgrade by staff, shall rewire
a caning Iearance issued by the community Development >irectar with
payment of appropriate fees.
11. All processing fees, in the form of deposit accounts on file with the
con~n~unity development department, shall be reconciled with ~ n~inirnurn
~OO.oo surplus balance at ail tines. In the event that the balance i less
than 5~~,~~, all staff' work on the project shall cease until the balance is
restored to a rr~inimur~ ~~~.~~.
1~. Applicant shall cornp~y with all Fire ]department conditions.
~~. Applicant shall comply with all ~'ublic works conditions, inelud.in~ but
not limited to, ~eotechnical Conditions issued on January 17a ~~~7 via a
memo from Iveta ~arvancik, Associate Engineer, to Therese 1V~~ Schmidt,
AICP} Associate Planner.
14..Applicant shad obtain an encroachment Merit far in~pravcn~ents in the
City rift-o~=way prier to commencerrrcnt o~ the work.
A~B~I~IST ~F~'~
The City Arborist reviewed this project and prepared two reports dated
July Z7, ~~~~ and September ~, boo. The recommendations contained in
these reports are hereby included s conditions of approval and shall be
incorporated as part of the plans, Anon the rccon~rnendations outlined in
this report ark the foll~lr~~~
I5. prior to issuance of final done Clearance the two rborit reports shill be
incorporated into th e ~~ an set.
1. ~ bond equal to ~~,~.~~, whic}~ ~~ 1 ~~°~o of the value of the ~rdinance-
protected trees to be retained, is rewired prior to tssua~ce o~ fna~ ~or~e
~'IT~ A~'~'~IEY
17~ owner and Applicant agree to hold City har~nXcss ~`rorn all costs and
expenses, rncluding attorney's fees, incurred by the City or held to be the
l~abrl~ty of City ~n connect1on with Crty's defense of its actions in any
proceeding brou.ht i any State or ~ed.era~ Court, challenging the City's
action with respect to the applzcant's project,
VY. A Building perrn~t rr~ust be ~s~ued ar~d construction corr~rnenced w~th1n ~~ months
1~rom the date of adoption of this resolution or approval will expire.
vII. All applicable requirerrxents of the state, bounty, pity and other Cavernmental
entities must be met.
PAID ANA] ~~~'~~ by the 1ty oun~ll of ra~~ga. take ~f ~alifon~ia, the end
day ofa.y ~~~7 by the follov~ing roll call vote:
AYES: auncilmetnbers atl~leen ding, hucl~ Page,
vice Mayan Ann altansmith,ll~ayor Aileen I~aa
~ ouneil~nember Jill Hunter
ABET: done
pity filer
Aileen Kao, Mayor
This permit is hereb~y~accepted upon the express terms and conditions hereof, and shall
have no farce or effect unless and until ag~ee~ to, in writing, by the Applicant, and
Property owner a.r Authorised Agent. The undersigned. hereby acl~n~wled'ges the
approved terms and conditions and agrees to fully conform to and ca~nply with said terms
and conditions within the rceorr~et~ded tune frames approved by the pity Planning
Qroperty Owner uthorized Agent
/nk°I a-9, 260