HomeMy WebLinkAboutCity Council Resolution 07-028RE~L~T~I~ • 07-~~ A l~L~~'~o~ F THE ITS' ~~"N~Y~ ~F THE CITY IMF SARATI~I~A AD~PTIN THE L~~DELINE Ali TANDAI~D~ F~1~ SAND ~E NEAR TREA ~~ THE Arl~~'R RE~URES ~RI~TEI~'I'II~N ~ELABRAT~VE FIR THE ~RI~TEI~TII~N I~~ WATER RE~UR~E WHEREAS, the 1ty of Saratoga participates ~n the Santa Clara alley Water resources protection ollaborativc ~"collaborative"~ along with the Santa Mara valley water ~istr'1ct {"District"}, the Jaunty of Santa Mara, the cities of Santa Mara ount~~ and others; at~d HEREA~ the pity joins the other members of the oll.aborative in endorsing the water and watershed resource protection goals of flood management, rriaintrnin drinking water ~ualit~ and quantity, rnalnta~nln surface a~d groundwater qu.alit~ and quantity, and protecting and enhancing riparian habitaty and WHEREAS, the pity is committed to furthering these goals through the development and implementafior~ of a consistent, bounty-wide approach to strea;side preservation; ~ wHEREA, the guidelines and Standards for hand Use ~Ieax Streams, which was developed b~ the allaborative, ~is such consistent, aunty~ide approach to strean~side preservation; and ~EREA, the District, the County, the pity of Saratoga, and other pities ire the bounty through 1mp~le-mentation of their National potlutant ;discharge Elimination Systc~n permit, best management practices, and other means, have continuously acted to protect the watersheds ~~ water quality in Santa Mara bounty; and WHEREAS, a ley to resource protection is the consideration of res~urce protection goals ire lace land use planing, regulation, and permitting processes; and HER.EAS, land use planning, regulation, and pe-rmitttn is primarily the responsibi]ity of the cities and the Jaunty; and wHEREA, th.e pity of Saratoga understands that, as ~f l4~arch ~, ~~a~, the District will no longer review and issue permits for development of streamside properties other than level opn~ent encroaching on lands held in fee or easement by the Iistrict; and wH~, the qty ~~ Saratoga understands tat the ~1Str~t wl~l Contlnu~ to pra~ide techn~eal aistanee to the pity in relation to the i efforts to ~rri~lement the ~~idelines and Standards for Land [Je dear. Stxean~s; ~~~~ ~r ~~ ~~ that tl~e ~t~' ~our~ll. ~~ the 1t~ ~~ Saratoga does llereb~: ~ , dot the ~~ui.delines and Standards for Land Use dear Streams" of the S~:nta Clara Valley water Resources Protection olla~orati~e; and ~. .Direct that the "uldel111e~ and Standards for Land Use bear Stream" be applied to stream~de developn~e~ts in the pity of Saratoga to the extent feasi~~e and appropriate, and to the extent that the C~idelines and Standards are consistent with Saratoga's general Plan, Specific Plans, Design u~del~nes and honing ordinance; end ~ . continue t~ participate xn the Santa Clara Valley eater esourees Protection ollahorative on matters pertaining to water resources protection. The fore oin resolution was ado ted b the followin rote ~n the 2t'~ day ~~` day, ~ ~ ~ ~~~~. ASE: OLILIV~II~BER~ ,SILL H~JrI'~,~, T~L~~N INS ~~ PACr~, VZC~ ~~~~ ~~ w~LTO~n~~T~,11~I.~~o~ ~1.IL~~N ~~ l~o~; N~ ~T: N~~ A~Tv; ~~~ + ~t~.~ i~ Aileen. Kao, Mayor ATT~ C~h~er~B~yer, Ci~Clerk.