HomeMy WebLinkAboutCity Council Resolution 07-035~~L ~JT~~1~ . V ! ~1J A RE~OLIJTION F THE CITY ~UNIL F TILL CITY ~F ARAT~A IIE~~I~ AN APPEAL; THEREBY AFFII~MIN T~.~ CITY E~II~EEI~' RAFT ~~" EN~R~AI~EI~T PERMIT ~7~h79 Lim et al.; ~~~~~ Wardell R~~~ w~~R~A, ~n May 17, ~~~7, the pity Engineer ~~ the pity ~f Saratoga granted encroachment perrn.it number ~7-~7, allowing a cornor~ driveway serving 1`our residential lots to connect to the western end of Wardell dad at ~~85 Wardell .aad; and wH~REA, an May 31, ~~~~7, the appellant, Matt Christiana, bled an appeal off` the pity ~n~~r~eer's grant of encroachment permit nurr~ber ~7-~7; anal HEI~EA, an .dune ~, X07 the pity council held a public hearing to consider the appea~i at which time all interested parties were given a full opportunity to ~e heard and to present evidence; and w~IEREA, the pity council of the pity of Saratoga has considered the appeal and all test~m~ny and other evidence ~uhrnitted in connection therewith; l~Io~~ there~are, be it resolved that the pity a~~cil of the pity of arato~a hereby: Y. Affirms the qty Eriglneer' ~ deternxznatzon that the ~ncr0achni~nt permit meets the appropriate standards and rejects the appeal far the reasons set forth in the staff report and ~'ra~~ic nglneers deport attached as E~h~bits A and B; and II. Aber careful conslderatlor~ of the var~a~~s eng~neer~ng reports, plans, and other exhibits submitted ire eonnectian with this matter, grants encroachrrlent permit nurr~ber ~~-~~9 Exhibit } subject to the conditions set .~'arth therein and with the additional condition that the applicant comply with all reeomrnendations of the Fehr . Peers Evaluation ~f ~1e ~Drxveway Access dated June ~ 5, 2~~7. 111. All applicable re~uire~ne~ts afthc Mate, bounty, pity and other overnrr~cntal entities must be met. Xv. Igo encroachment puxsuant to this permit ~ha11 be valid unless the cowman driveway is subject to the alifarnia vehicle ode and. the stop sign required b~ the permit is in place. PASSED AI~II AI~PT~D b the pity Council of Saratoga. Mate of aliforr~ia, the nth day of June ~~~~ by the fallowing roll call vote: A~~; ounerlme~nbe~s ~il~ ~3un~er, I~~~hleen I~~n~, ~huek gage, Vice NIa~~~ Ann alt~nsmith, Mayor Aileen Sao ~~ : done AB~l~T; Done ABSTAIN; done t .~ Arleen ~, Mayor pity ~lerl~