HomeMy WebLinkAboutCity Council Resolution 07-038~ELUT~1~I ~.~I1J. V 1~li~O ~ RE~L~JTIN ~ THE ~T~ ~IJNIL ~F THE 'ITY ~~' ATE. CET~IN~ ~ NEGATIVE IIEC'LARATI~N'F~H A ENEI~AL PLAN l!`li~~~l~l 1 r~il~l ~LLJ~~~7 ~~.~~ .1~~.~.V USE ELEMENT ANII A REVIEI~ ~~EN PACE ANI~ ~NEv.~Tr~N ELEMENT 4~~E.EA, the pity of Saratoga has prepared a revised Land ~~se and a revised open pacelonservation Element a part of e Saratoga general Plan that are intended to replace the c~isting Land ~~~, open space and conservation Elements of the general Plan.; and WHEREAS, the proposed General Plan Amendment has been determined to be a project pursuant to the California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA) and CEQA Guidelines; and HEREA,, as re~~ired by ~~ uidel~r~cs Sections t 1.~~ and 113, the pity prepared an Irlitial study for the project that concluded that, based on foals and policies canta~ned in the revised l~len~ents, there wo~zld be no significant effects on the en~rlronrnent as a result of adopting the revised l~len~ents; and HEREA, based on the ~1nd111gS o~ the Initial study, the pity of Saratoga Issued a proposed Negative Declaration far the proposed general Plan Amendment; and ~UHERE, consistent ~v1th EA and 1~A guidelines, the Initial study and the proposed l~egative Declaration was circulated to affected public agencies and other interested parties for a ~-day period hetv~een August ~5, ~~~~ and epternber oOG; and ~V~IER~~, the pity received l~ comment letters on the Initial StudylNegative Declaration. The pity prepared responses to each f these comments which v~ere rev~icd and considered by the Planning omn~ission in n~ing their recommendation to the City ~uncil, aid by the pity council; and 'HEI~EA, the pity ~ouncll revrev~ed the staff report, the proposed Land Use and open Spacel~onservation l~len~ents, the recommendation of the Saratoga Planning omission, and all written and oral testlrrtony subn~1tted., at a noticed public hearing on June G, ~~~7, at v~hich tine all interested parties had the opportunity to ~e heard; and ~VkIER.EA, the egat~~e Declaration for this project includes the In~tlal Stud, the proposed Negative Declaration, responses and con~rnents, incorporated by reference and available for review at the Saratoga ommuruty Develaprnent Departrr~ent, I777 liruitvale Avenue, Saratoga, A~ l~'"~ T~~EF, B~ iT I~E~VE~ that the .Saratoga pity council apprQ~e the negative Declaration for the prod ect and certifies th.e fol.lo~vin: ~ . The l~egative declaration far the prod ect hay been completed in con~p~iancc Frith ~A and the ~~ uidcline~. ~. The egativc Declaration vas presented to the its council mho revie~red and considered the in~`arrnatiQn contained. therein prior to approving the proj ect. The l~egativ ~eeiaration reflects the ~it~'s independent judgment and ar~.aiysi~ on the potential environmental effect of the proposed T~and ~Jse an,d pcn Spacel~onservation lemer~t ofthe General Pl~.n. The aba~re and foregoing T~esolution v~a~ passed and adopted at a regular ~neetir~g of e its ~ounci? of the its o#" Saratoga held on the ~t~ day of .Tune ~~~7, by the fol~oin g vote; ~~'~: a~ncllrnernbers Jrll Hunter, Kathleen Ting, hucl~ ~~.~, Vice ~Vla~rar At~n altansrnith, gar Aileen Sao ~~; done ABSEl~T; bane A~ TAIN : done ATT~~'. bane Aileen T~.o, ll~f ayor