HomeMy WebLinkAboutCity Council Resolution 07-0511~EL~`~Y~111 ~~• 07-051 ~ IOL~JTII~ ~~ T~~ IPR~V~>~T A:D CCN~`~RIN TIDE DIARA ANA ~ ITT ~'~CAL YEAR ~~~7-~~48 CITE ~' A.IAT~A LAI~I~CAPI A LIC~~T AFIV~~NT ~TCT LLA-1 exatian ~~~7-1 Carnelian Olen R:LV~~, by tie City Council of the City of arataa, Califarrlia, as follo~vs; ~V~IEREA~ on the 1 st day of I~overnber, ~~~3 said Council adopted its l~esolutio~. No. 0-~~4, "~ I~esalutian Describing Improvements and ~~rectin Preparation of Engineer's }deport for Fiscal dear ~~0~-~~~5" far the City of arataga Landsoaping and .Lighting Assessment District LLA-l, Annexation No.1 Carnelian ~len~, pursuant to the Landscaping a11d L1ghting AGt of 1 ~~~~ and directed the City Assessment Engineer to prepare alld file V~~tl] the C~erl~ afthis City ~ written report called for. ~u~.der said Act and by said Resolution Na. ~-~8~; and '~VI~~A, sold report vas duly made and fled with the Clem of said Clty, v~hereupon said Clem presented it to the City Council for its cans~derati.on~ and ~V~~~~~A, said Council thereupon duly cans~dered Bald report and each and ever part thereof and found that it contained all the mattes aid things called foz by the provisions of said Act and said Resolution Na. ~G-~$~, including {1~ plans and sped~cat~o~ ofthe existing impraven~ent and the proposed neu~ improverrzents; ~~ estimate of casts; ~~ diagran7 of the District; and ~4} an assessment accard~ng to benefits; alit ofwhicl~i were lane in the faun and manner required by said Act; and ~I~R~A, said Council found that said report and each anal every part thereof vas sufficient in every particular and determined that it should stand as the report for all subsequent proceedings under said Act, whereupon said Council pursuant to the requirements of said Act, appointed Wednesday, the 1 nth day of July, 2~~7, at the hour o~ 7:~~ p ~~n. of said day in the City Council Charriber t 13?77 >~`t~.i.tvale Avenue, arataa, California, a the time and place far hearing protests in relation to the levy and collection of the proposed assessments for said improvements, including the maintenance or servicing, ar bath, thereof, far Fiscal dear ~007- ~~~~, and dxreetin a1d Clerl~ to give notice of sa1d ~aeaxing as required by said Act; anal H~IA~ 1t appears that notices of said hearing were duly and regularly published and pasted in the tune, form and rna~aner required b~ said Act, as evidenced by the .Affidavit and CertlflCates an ~"11e ~N~~h sold Clerl~, and that all notices and ballots required by Article 1:, section 4~c} and ~d~ of the California. Constitution, sere n~ailcd to all property a~vners ofrecard subj ect to the assessment at l~a.st 4~ days prior to the date of the public hearing on the proposed assessment or increase} as evidenced by the Af~da~it and certificates on file with the rt"y lerl~, whereupon said hearing was duly and regularly held at the time and place stated in said notice; and wHEIA, persons interested, objecting to or zn favor of, said zn~provements, including the rnairlte~iance or servicing, or both, thereof, or to the extent of the assessrr~ent d1Strlct, or any pones therein, or to the proposed assessment or ~i~.gram or to the Engineer's e~t~.~ate ~f costs thereof, and a~.l persons desiring to be heard were given an ~pportunlty to be heard, and all matters and things pertaining to the levy and collection of the assessments for said in~pro~rctnents, including the rr~ait~tenance or scicing, or both, thereof, were fully heard and considered by said council; l~~w, TI~I~REF~RE, it ~~ hereby fourrd~ deterrn~ned and ordered, as follows: 1. That the public interest, convenience and necessity require and Bald council does hereby order the levy and collection of assessments pursuant to said Act, for the construction or installation of the irriproverrients, including the rnalntcnancc or scrvlcing, or both, thereof, more paicularly described in said En.gineer's Deport and made a paid hereof by reference thereto, ~~ That the pity of Saratoga Landscaping and. Lighting l~ssessrnent District >;~:~A-1 and the boundaries thereof benefited aild to be assessed for said costs for the construction or installation of the irr7provernents, including the maintenance or servicing, or both, thereof, are situate in Saratoga, California, and are more particularly described by reference to a map thereof on ~~~ ~~ the office ofthe ~erl~ Ofsald ity. Sold rI]ap indicates ~}~ ~. boundary line the extent ~~ the territory ar~cluded in Bald District and. any zone thereof and the general location of said District. ~ . That the plans and speci:~catxons for the existing improvements and for the ~~~~~~~ 11~pro~ren~ents to ~~ made VV1t~l1r1 the ~SSen~.ent d~st~.ct ~~ within any gone thereof contained in 5a1d report, be, and they herby are, Finally adopted and. approved, 4~ What the Engineer's estimate of the itemised and total costs and expenses o#` said iinproven~ents, masntenance and servicing thereof, artd of the incidental expenses in connection therewith, contained in said report, be, and it hereby is, finally adopted and approved, ~. What the public interest anal convenience require, and Bald ouiacil does hereby order the impraveirients to be nude as described in and in accordance with said engineer's deport, reference to which is hereby made for a. more particular descr~pt~oi~ of said lrriproveinents. That the diagram showing the exterior boundaries of the a~sses~nent district referred to :and described in said resolution No. ~~-0~4, and also the boundaries of any pones therein and the lines and dirrlensions of cash lot or parcel of land within said. District as such lot or parcel of land is shown on the County assessor's maps for the fiscal year to which it applies, each of which lot or parcel of hand has been given a separate number upon said diagram, as contained in said report, be, and it hereby is, finally approved and conflrn~.ed. 2 ~, That the assessment of the total amount of the costs and expenses o~ said in~pro~ven~ent upon the several lots or parcels of land in said District in proportion to the estimated benefits to be received by such lots or parcels, respectively, from Bald lmprovements, and the rr~aintenance or servicing, or Botha thereof and of the expenses incidental thereto contained in said report be, and the same hereby is, f~nai~y approved and con~"irmed, ~, That paid ~nineer' .eport for Fiscal dear Zao7~~o~8 be, ar~d the same hereby is, fi~al~y adopted and approved as a whole, ~, That the pity lerl~ shall forthwith f le v~ith the Auditor of Santa Mara bounty the said assessment, together with saki diagram thereto attached and made a part thereof, as cor~fir~ned by the pity ounci~, with the certi~xcate of such conf rrnation thereto attached and the date thereof 10, That the order for the levy and collection of assessrrient for the irr~provenaents and the f nab adoption and approval of the ~r~ineer` deport as a whole, and of the puns and specifications, estimate of the costs and expenses, the diagram and the assessment, as contained in said deport, as hereinabove determined a~.d ordered, i intended to and shah refer and apply to said deport, or any portion thereof, as amended, modified, revised or corrected ~by, or pursuant to and in accorda~.ce with any resolution or order heretofore duly adopted. or made by this council. Passed and adopted by the pity council afthe pity off' arato alxfornia., at a meeting thereof held on the 1 nth day of.~uly, ~0~7, by the following vote: ~ ou~ncilrnrnbers ,fill hunter, ath~een i;ng, huc~ Page, dice Mayor Ann waltonsrnith, Mayor Aileen Sao N~~~: None AUNT: None AB~TAfN: None ileen Kao, Mayor City of Saratoga ~ ~~~~~.