HomeMy WebLinkAboutCity Council Resolution 07-052I~TJTI~ N~. ~7-~~~ ~REOLI~TI[~l~ ~~ THE ITS ~I~I~II~ ~F THE CITY ~F AT.A DEII~~ AN ~.~~E~I~; THEI~E~~ ,~~~"x~IN THE PLA~N~~ZI~ 1HI~I~N'~ APFI~VA~, ~ USA ~EI~YT ANA I]EIN RE~IE'UU A~PI~IATIN U7-~~$ ZAB~TT~ ~X~~ TRUST; ~ 4G3~ Bf Basin way wHEREA, ~ day ~, ~~~`, following ~ public hearing at which tine all interested parties were given a full opponity to be heard and present evidence e pity of Saratoga 1~lanning ammission approved Use Permit and Design review application o. ~7-08~ to construct and operate a ~nied-use development consisting of two resrdent2a.l apartment units 1n one bu:~~d~ng at the rear of ~e site and a separate t~o~-~toxy cor~rrYercial building at the .front of the site, The r~ax1rnum bu~l.ding coverage is ~8.8a1~ of the site. The rnax~n~um herght of the buildings is Z~ feet. The gross lot grass sire is 17}187 square feet, and the site is coned H~~; and w~E1~.EA~ on June ~, ~~~7, separate appeals o~ the P1ann~ng commission dee~ision were filed ~~ . dolly Davies and Lary Beach ~aseae; and V~kIEI~.EA, on July 1 ~, ~~~7 the pity council held public hearing to consider the appeals at which tirrie all interested parties were given a full opportunity to be heard ar~d to present evidence; ar~d wHEE~~, the pity council ofthe pity of Saratoga has considered the appeals and all testimony and other evidence subrnitted in connection therewith; I~aw, thcr~~or~, ~e it resolved that the pity o~nc~l of the 'ity of Saratoga hereby: I. Denies each of the appeals and affirms the ~'lanning Qrnmission's approval of the ~Jse Permit Design keview application; and II. Determines that the proposed project including the construction of a mixed use development is categorically exempt from the alifar~ia environmental duality .pct {8~} pursuant to ectzon 1 3D3 ~c~ ~l~ew onstructi~n. cr ~anversion of ma11 Structures which provides: "A. store, :motel, office, restaurant or similar structure not xn~rolv~ng the use of significant amounts of hazardous substances, and not exceeding ~,50~ square feet in floor area. In urbanised areas} the exemption also applies to up to four such commercial buildings not exceeding 1 ~,~~~ square feet in floor area an sites coned far such use, if not ~nvo~vt.ng the use of s~gnlf1Ca11t arr~ounts of hazardous substances where all necessary public services and facilities are available and the surrounding area. is net environmentally sensitive.a' III. Determines that the ~.pplicant has n~ct the burden of proof required to support said appli.catian far design review approval and n~al~es the following findings s specified in ~u.I71.Clpal ~~~~ ~ectlcn ~~-~~,~~~; Desi~ vie ~"i~di~~g~ The proposed proj ect is consistent with all the following Multi-Family ~ Commercial ]es~n Review findings stated ~n 1V~~n~clpal Cade section 15~ ~~.~~~; ~~} ~~e~~ tt~or~ ~ha~ o~~ ~~~~d~~~ o~ s~rr~etr~~e wi~~ ~e co~~s~raeted, the arc~i~e~~ura~ features aid la~ds~apin ~h~reof s~~a~d b~ h~rmon~oa~s, ~Sac~z f ea~ur~s ~rr~~ud~ ~~~~~, ~~~va~~ons~ r~oo,s, ma~~r~a~~ ~o~~r arrd a~rpur~~aauc~s. The rnixed-use development is located in the village camrnercial district and i designed to Inlnlrnl~e lnterfer~nCe with views and privacy to add acent properties. To the North of the property the neigl~hors will lac separated by over 1~ feet of sethacl~ and Saratoga Creep which provides a natural buffer, to the south is dig asln ~~ d the Irl~erscction with 1th Street, to the east 1~ an attorney's office and to the west zs a two-story t4wnhon~e dcvelopn~ent separated by fence, The setbacl~s meet the re~uirerrients of the City Cody, The Project prapas~s maintaining existing vegetation to help screen the project along the rear adjacent property line. The structures are designed in a sln~llar style and wzth sin~.ilar Materials as other l~istonc structure in the village, especially resembling the Sam Claud day and Feed warehouse currently under reriovatian an Third street, with hari~ontal s~hiplap siding and metal roof, ~~} W~~r~ mare t~rau o~~ sru ~~~~ ~e ~rec~~d ar displayed o~ tie site, ~e s~g~s si~a~~ have a ~~t~on or ~o~~pata~~e d~s~rr and ~~ca~ioaal~osi~ious aid s~iaii be ~rar*mor~ious iu ap~ear~au~~. The proposal does not include any signae. Any future signage will be required to meet the City sign code requirements and village ~]esigri Guidelines, ~c} Lands~apia sa~~ iu~e~at~ and a~con~r~odate e~c~s~iu ~r~~~ a-~ ve~~a~ia~ ~n ~e p~es~rved; it s~aii make use of ~at~~-cons~rvi~g p~~~t~', ma~er~ra~s arrd irr~atior~ syst~m.s ~~ tine m aim urn e.~tea t ~ f~a~sib~~; a~ d ~o ~h ~ m axim air ~x~~~~ ~ f~asi~i~ it s~aii b~ ciuster*ed in aturai appe~c~~~~ routs, as o~pos~d ~o ~eirt ,~ia~ed ~~ roes a~ re~uiar~y spa~~d. The applicant intends to leave mast of the vegetation at the rear of the zte untouched t the front of the site the applicant will leave the existing ask trees and will provide Bower faxes and shrubs along the cast and west property li.r~.e, ~~} 'oio~s of ~va~~ and roof iag ~na~~r~a~s s~a~~ ~~~~ ~v~t ~~te ~a~~c~a~ ~a~dsca~~ aid ~e ~~~-ref ~c~ive. The proposed colors a~.~ n~terials i11 blond with the natural landscape and ~e non-reflective. Further, the use of c~i~r, rr~at~riais and detailing add interest and artlculatian to the ~llildings, ~e~ ~~vf ~~~ ma~e~ials s~a~~ ~~ ~~od shies, ~v~od s~akes~ file ar ~~~er ateria~s Such as ~oposit~ou as a~~rav~ ~y she ~ia~r~i~ `a~nissio~t. a m~~~ar~~~ai ~~rr~ipr~~ut slraii be iacated ~~arr a roof u~~ess ~~ is ap~~opriat~~y scr~~r~~d, The proposed structures will use metal roofs similar to these found on structures built at the turn a f th e century when arato ~~ ~~~ l.a grog town rather than a residential suburb. The roofs will recelv'e anon-reflective treatt~ent. ~a mechanical, equipment is praposed on the road'. ~ ~'e proposed d~ve~opme~~ a~~ ~e co~atr~~~ ire ~~r~~ off` ~~~1~t, ~~~~ ~n~ ~~si~~ with o~h~~ s~r~~c~res ~~ ~~e ~rr~ediat~ ~r~~, The propaed prod ect will be carr~patible with other develapn~ents in the Village. The area is mastly can~prised off' t~va-story structures of ~pproxin~ately the sarrYe height and hulk. chile the architectural styles in the area vary this prapasa.l will he campatible. It will pravide a gaad transitian franc the eastern end of the Village to the mare residential uses at tl~~s eastern end. An attorney's office is located in an aid name to the east of the subject property. The property to the west is develaped v~rith to~vnhon~es of similar height, bulb and a contemporary craftsman design. Sixth Street makes a T inter~ectlon dlrectl}~ ~n front of than property The properties acrass the street are developed to the west with a large candorninium complex and to the east with an architect's office in an historic residence. Accordingly, the propased project i carnpatible in height bulb, and ~ei~m with other structures in the 1n~n~ e d1 ate area, Iv. The proposed project supports the findings far onditianal Use Permit approval subject to qty fade ~ ~-5 ~ .4~~: ~a.} 7'1~a~ ~~ ~r~aposd ~vca~~'on of the c~~a~i~io~~~c~ use i~ i~ accord ~v~~~ ~1~ ~~j~~~~~~~ ~~'~~e o~a~ Ordrrra~c~ aid ~l~~pa~pos~s ~e di~~ri~t ire which the ,~~t~ ~s ~o~at~d, F~nd~ngs can be made in the ffinrnatlve ~n that a mixed-use develo ment a be a conditionally permitted use in the designated ~anin p Y district ~~H-}, The honing rdinance states that the purposes of the ~onin~ district ~~ which the proj ect is located include: "Preservation and enhancement of the small-scale pedestrian character of the pillage to male the area more inviting to potential shoppers and diners", "Preservation and e~hncenYent of the a.r~hitectural and landscape quality of the Village"; and "ncourage~nent of a town cuter mix of specialty chaps, restaurants, canvenienee chaps, services and residences." The proposed development mill preserve anal enhance the edestrian environment by n~air~taining the oak trees at the front P of the site ala.d adding a seating area around them, mabing the area 1nv~ting to shoppers. The architectural stye of the buildings is also in beeping with aratoga~s history ar~d the rrlix of retail a~~~i~ and residential uses on this site provides a good transition from the amore retail cast end of the Village to the mare residential west end. ~b~ ~'ha~ ~~~ proposed ~o~a~ioa of ~~~ ~o~da~~o~a~ use a~a~ ~1~e ~o~di~ior~s under l~icl~ ~~ would be ap~r~o~ed ~~ ~a~iu~~c~tred >w~~~ ~~t ~e det~ie~~a~ to tie pul~~ic ~ea~~~, safely or ~ve~ar~e, ~~ a~er~~a~~~y irrjur~io~cs ~~ properties or improver~~s ire ~~e vicinity! Findings can tae made in the f~t~rnative in that appropriate conditions have been placed an the use perrr~it to ensure carnpliance with all applicahle health and safety codes. The proposed develaprnent will not be detrimental to the public health, as tt has been candltlaned to naeef all applicable bu11d1ng caries. ~c~ That tie pr~a~vsa~ caditio~a~ ~s~ wi~~ ~~~~~~ ~vit~ ~ac~ ~f ~~~ a~p~~ica~~~ pro~isivs ~ t~s ~hapte~. ~indlns can be made ~n the affirmative 1n that appropriate canditzons have been placed an the use permit t~ ensure compliance with Cade re~uirea~xents. Any 1nt~n~ficat~on of the use will requ1r~ an amended anditlQnal use permit. ~d~ Thy ~propo~~d co~~~~ona~ use ~~~~ ~a~t adv~r~~~~y a~ ff~~t ex~sti~ ar a~~f~~ipate~ ~se~ in tie ~rcd~ate ~aei~~or~vod, ucr~d ~~~ ~tvt a~v~rs~~y af,~~ct urr~ou~.dir~ pr~~perties o~ ~~~ o~~apa~ts t~a~r~of. findings can be nude in tb.e a~`#~irinativ~c in that the prapased develaprnent v~ill attract customers firon~ the pillage and rr~ay bring additianal custan~ers far ather businesses in the vicinity. Additlanally the residential uc at the rear will provide potential customers to businesses thrauhout the pillage. Although there are residential uses located to the west ~ across the street the i.pact should be minimal as the applicant is proposing parking spaces an site, which will be used by the res~der~tial tenants during non-retail shopping houzs. further, employee access and de.live~ries will be made through the front door, f aei~g dig Basin air. ~. After careful consideration of the site plan, architectural dra.i~as, plans and other e~hib~ts submitted 1n corxncti~~l nth this matter, application number ~7-DZ far ~]e ~rn~it and design Review A.ppraval i.s hereby granted subject to the following c~ndatians: PERN~~~ENT I~~I~TI~~ ~~ APPI~I~VAL - done DENT I~E~ELI~F~IE~T ~~~~~~L ~NI~ITI~N - ~O.~~U~1IT~ ~]E~ELI~PIVIEI~T ~ . The Planning amrn1ss~on shall retain continuing ~undzct~on ~vr the and~tlanal ~Jse 1~erit a,nd may, t any time, ad~l`y, delete, impose any new conditions of the permit to preserve the public health, safety, and welfare. ~. The development shall be located and ~anstructed as shown an ``Exhibit ~" ~~ncorporated by reference, date stamped 1VIay 5~~, ~~7} and in compliance with the cond~itians state in this l~esaXution, Any proposed changes-including but not limited to facade design and rr~at~ria~ls - to the appravcd plans shall b~ ~b~nittd in writing with a clouded set of plans highli~ht~ng the changes. Proposed cha~ages to tl~e appraved plans are subj ect to the approval cf. tk~e amrnunlty Develaprr7ent I~irectar. 3. The project shall use mat~ials and colors as illustrated an the Finish. l~tei~i~ls Bard date stamped day ~4, 2~~?. The metal roof shall receive a non-reflective treatment. ~. ~QUr sets of complete constriction plans incorporating this Resolution and the Arborist Reports see Arborist item bclo~v}, as a separate plan page shall be suhr~itted to the Bllllding ~lvlslon, 5. T~vo Anal sots of landscape plans shall b submitted for reviev~ anal .approval by the an~nunity Development Director and the pity Arborit incorporating all rcorrlrrxendatlons frorri the Arbarist's reports dated May ~, ~~~?, August ~~, ~~~G, and May ~, ~~0~ prior to issuance o~ a building ~permit~ ~, The applicant shall obtaiaa access rights to the pedestrian access easement at 1 ~~4 dig B~.sin way to the satisfaction of the pity Attorney or shall provide a pedestrian access easerncnt on said property to access the open space easement prior to issuance of a building permit. ~. The applicant slla~l ubinlt ~ final public open space p~an,lndlcating the location of the open space easement, access t~reto~ con.nectlon to any adjoinlr~g ree~slde open space easements and signage to the satisfaction of the i.ty and a landscape and rnaintenancc agrecrnent for said easements prior to issuance of ~ building permit. 8. Any intensification o this use shall require an amended conditional use Permit. ~, The proposed use shall at all times operate in compliance v~rith all regulations of the pity andlor other agencies having ~urisdictior~~al authority over the use pertaining to, but not limited to, health, sanitation, safety, and water quality issues. 1 ~. The applicantlowner shall save and reuse hardware and w~ir~dows as practical for the ne~v construction subject to review and approval by the orr~munity Development Director. 11. All fireplaces shall be gas-fired. with gas jets, directi venting, convection chat~bers, heat exchanger, variable heat output, and l~larne control, and permanently affixed ar~ifcial logs. ~~. The site plan shall contain a note with the following language: "Prior to foundation inspection ~~ the 1ty, the ~~ ~~ record shall provld~ ~ written ceTtifl~~.t10r1 tl]~t ~~~ building setbacl~s are per the approved plans." ~ 3. A stormwater retention plan shall be submitted to the pity for review and approval indicating how all st~r~ri water will be retained on-site, and incorporating the env Development and Construction -Best Management Practices. ~4. Post construction mater quality mitigatia~l shall be irnplen~ented in accordance with measures bound in the "tart at the source -Design guidance Manual ~`or tarmwater duality Protection" prepared for the Bay .Area torrrawater Management Agencies Association, 15. bite drainage sha11 he directed toward the front of the property, i f passible, or be dispersed across landscape or vegetated area and not allayed to discharge as concentrated flow to Saratoga creek. ~ G. The design ~~ the d~ss~pater ~ storm water detent~an pipe as shown on sheet ~ ~ shall fallow the guidelines found in the Santa. Clara Va11ey urban .unoff Pa11ut1on ~reven~ion Program's .~ Starmwater Handbook, 1 ~. The applicant shill subrnlt details of tie proposed trash enclosure far review and approval by the ornn~unity De~reloprnent Director. ~, Prior to issuance of ,caning learnee far the proposed tenant irnprovements~ the ownerlappl~cant sha11 submit to and obtain approval from the ammunity Development Department for a business liccnsc, ARB~RIT 1, All recommendations of the Arborit .Reports dated Nay , ~4D7, August Z~, ~~~~, and day , ~~~, and incorporated herein by this reference shall be followed and incorporated into the plans. ~. Prior to issuance of building Permits the applicant shall obtain ~. tree bond, or similar funding mechanism as approved by the ornmunity Develan~ent Director, in the a~nour~t of ~5, ~ x.40. 1, The Project eatechnical Engineer shall review and approve all geotechnical design aspects of the detailed site development plans ~~.,e,, site preparation and Fading and design parameters far the proposed c~nstructian} to ensure that the geotechnical recommendations have been properly incorporated. The results of the plan rcvie~~s~ shall be su~nm.ar~ red by the Project otechnical Engineer in a letter~s~ and submitted to the pity Engineer far review pria~ to issuance of building permits. . The geatechnical consultant sha11 inspect, test has needed}, aril approve all eatcchnlcal aspects of prod ect construction, The inspections should include, but not necessarily be limited to: site preparation and grading, site surface and subsurface drainage i~npravements, and excavations for foundations and retaining walls prier to the placement of steel and concrete. The results of these inspections and the as-built conditions of the pxoj ect shall be described by the Project e4technical Engineer in letter and submitted to the pity Eniraecr for revie' prior to final ~as~built~ project approval., . The owner ~applicant~ shall pay any outstanding fees associated with tlae pity eateeh~ical consultant's review ofthe project prior to done clearance. 4. The ones ~applicant~ shall enter rota agreement holding the pity of arataa harrnle~s fr~n~ ~~~ claims or liabilities caused by or arising ant of sail or sloe instability slides, slope fa~l~re or other so1l related andlor eros1on related cond~t~ons~ FIRE DEPA~~"1VXEl~'~ 1, 'the applicant shall comply v~ith all requirements of the Santa Clara Jaunty Fire department. CITY A'~7~~~NE'~ ~. ~~vner and Applicant shall indemnify, hold harmless and defend the pity, its employees, ~gent~, independent contractors and volunteers ~collecti~ely "pity„~ from any and all casts and c~penses, including but n.ot ]i,rn,ited to attorney's fees, incurred by the pity or held to be the liability of pity in Connection Wlth Ivy's defense in any proceeding brought in any state or Federal court, challenging the pity's action with respect to the applicant's project or contestxr~g any action or inaCtzon in the pity's processing andlor ~.pproval of the subj et application. ~I. A Bu~ld~ng Permit must be issued and canstructlan c~rnrnenced ~rlth~n ~~ months from the date of adoption of this Resolution or appr~Val mill expire. VIA, All applicable requ~irer~ents of the state, Jaunty, pity and other avernrriental entities must be rnet. PEED ANI~ AI~~~~E~] by the pity council of Saratoga. state of California, the ~ ~t~ day of July ~OO~ by the following roll. call Vote: ACES: ouncilmembers Jill ~Tunter, Cathleen ding, huCl~ Page, Vice lVlayor Ann ~Ualtansmith, Mayor Aileen Rao ~I~E: ~1one A~F~I~~{ lane AT.A lone N~. ileen aa, Mayer This perrr~xt is hereby accepted upon the e~.p~ess tn~ns and ~~n~~~l~n ~ere~~`7 ~n~ sha~~ have no ~rce or e~"~"ect unless and until agreed to, in r~vriting, by the Applicaut~ and Property owner or Authorised agent. The undersigned hereby acnowled~es the approved terms and cond~~xons end agrees to ~u~l oon~orm to and comply with said ter~~as and conditions within the recornrnended tune ~rarnes approved by the pity planning Co fission. T' Pr rty Owne Authorized Agent Dat