HomeMy WebLinkAboutCity Council Resolution 07-27~esult~tlon Nn. 07-~7 ~e+ ~e~ues~ t~_thc etro~ol~t~~ Tr~nU.~r~ti,,o,n„,.o„fin„m,,isro~ fad ~,,~e,,,,„,a~locati~n ~f fiscal year ~~~'~,OS Tr~nsuor~a~ion I~evci~p~cnt pct ~rticlc ~cdcstrian~~icycic ~r~icct fundin HEIA, Article 3 a~ e Tr~.nsp~rtation I~evelopn~ent Act ~TI~A~, public ~t~lxtles bode CPU Section ~0~ et sue, autl~ori~es the submission ofclairns to a regional transportation planning agency far the funding of praj ccts exclusively far the benefit andlar use of pedestrians and bicyclists; a~1d V4~RAS, the 1Vletrapolitan Transportation commission ~T~, as the regional transpartaticr~ planning agency far the San ~'ranc~sca day reran, has adopted ETC Resolution No, ~7~, >evised, entitled "Transportation Developlr~ent Act, Article 3, pedestriar~l~~cycle praj eCts," which delineates procedures and criteria far subrnissian of requests for the allocation of "TDA Article 3" funding; and V~'REA, MTV Resalut~an o. X75, >~evised rcqui.res that requests for the allocation a~ TINA Article 3 funding be subn~~tted as part of a single, countywide coordinated clam from each ca~unty in the San Fra~n~~sco Bey region; and H~~A, the CITY ~~" S~~RAT~A desires to s~b~rr- t a request to "~ .f or the al location of TINA Article ~ funds to support the praj ects described in Attachment B to this resolution hzch are fir the exclusive benefit andlor use afpedestrian andlor bicyclists; now, therefore, be ~t ~S~VD, that the ~'ITY IMF AR.A.T~A declares it i eligible to request an alloc~.tion of TINA Article 3 funds pursuant to Section 34 of the Public Utilities bode, anal ,furthermore, be it RDI~VEU, that there is no pending or threatened litigation that might adversely affect the p ro j ect or praj ects described in attachment B to this resolution, ar that rnrght lrnpa~r the abiiity of the ITS ~~ SAT~A to carry out the praj ect; and furthermore, be it ~~S~LVED, that the ITS ~~ S~RATOA attests to the accuracy of and approves the statements in Attachment A to this resolution; and furthermore, be it ~.~ELVEII, that a certified copy o,fth~s resolution and its attachrrlents, and any accampanyir~g suppa~rtin materials shall be forwarded to the conges~ian n~anag~ment agency', caunty~vide transportation plar~nrng agency, ar county association cf governments, as the case may be, of SANTA LARA U~i'~~ far submission to MTV as part of the countywide coordinated TEA Article ~ claim. The ~T~ ~l~ RATA a~o~ted this ~r~so~utian vn 1V~ay 1~, ~DO~. ~~~: our~cil:n~~rnber~ ,7111 Hunter, Kathleen I~ing~ ~huel~ ~~~e, dice 1Vla~er Ann a~tonsrnith, .a.~o~ Ail~~n ~ l~~Y~: ~Ion~ >~NT: N~on~ A~T.~1: Done ~~, Aileen Sao, ~~or its off` arato~a esalutian ~~. ~7-~~ Attaeh~ent ~ Re; F~equst to the Metropolitan ~'ransportatian ~mmissian far the Allocation ofFiscal dear 20~?'-0$ Transpartatioi~ ~eveloprnent Act Article 3 Pedestriari~Bicycle Project Funding findings Page ~ of 1 ~ . That the ~IT'~ ~F ARAT~A is not legally impeded from su.brnltting ~ request to e Metropolitan T.ransportatlon an~inisslan for the allocation ~f Transportatien I~evelepn~ent Act {T~A~ Article funds, nor is the CITY ~F ARAT~~A legally impeded from undertal~~ng the prod ect{s} described in "Attachment B" o~ this resolution. ~, That the ITS ~~ A~AT~~A has camrnitted adequate staffing reseurce~ to complete the prod ect{s~ described in Attachment B. ~. ~ review of the prod eet{} described In Attachment B has resulted ~n the cpnslderat~on of all. pertinent matters, including those related to environmental and right-af way perrriits and clearances} attendant to the successful completion of the project{}. ~. Issues attendant to securing environmental and right-o~f way permits and clearances l;`or the proj eet described in Attachment B have been reviewed and will be concluded in a manner and on a schedule that gill not jeopardl~e the des.dllne fer the use of the TINA funds being requested. ~. That the project{s~ described in Attachment B comply with the requirements ofthe alifarn~a l~nvironmental duality Act {~, Public resources bode ectlons ~~.~0~ et seq.. ~. That as portrayed in the budgetary description{s} of the project{s~ in Attachment B, the sources of funding other than TI~~ are assured and adequate for con~pletien eF the project{~, 7. That the pre j ect{s} described in Attachlrient ~ are for cap1tl construction ~ndlor design engineering; andlar far the maintenance of a glass I bikeway which 1s clase~ to rnatari~ed traff"~c; aridlar far the purposes of restriping glass ~I bicycle lanes; andlor ~`ar the development or support of a bicycle safety education program; andlor far the developrn~nt of a comprehensive bicycle and~er pedestrian facilities plan, and an a,llacatian a~TI~A Article 3 funding fir such a plan has not been received by the CITY ~F ARATI~A within the prior five f.scal years. . That the project{s~ described in Attachment ~ which are bicycle projects .have been. included ~n a detailed bicycle circulation ele.ent Included In an adopted general plan, or included In an adopted comprehensive bll~eway plan {such as outlined in section X77 of the California bikeways Act, streets and highways Code section ~3'~~ et se .~. 9. That any project described in Attaclrmcnt ~ that is a "lass ~ l~il~eway," meets the n~a,n.datery minirnun~ safety design c1~~erla published in chapter I~~~ ofthe ~aliFornia highway design Manual. 10. That the project{s~ described in attachment ~ are ready to con~n~ence irnplerrientation during the fiscal year ofthe requested allocation. 11. That the ~T~ ~~ ARTA agrees to rnaintain~ or provide for the rrralntenance of, the project{s~ and Facilities described ire Attaehrr~ent B, far the benefit of and use by the public. R~s~luti~n ~V~o. 07-~~' 1~ttachment ~a~e ~ of TEA. ~r~i~~e Fra~ect A~~licatian Farm Fiscal Year of this Claim: O11a8 A licant: Cit of arato a Contact person: Macedonio l~une~ ~ „ ,,,,,,,_ Mailing Address;13777 Fruitvale Avenue, arata~a,CA g07a , ,.,.,-- E-Mail Address: mnune~t~sarata~a.ca~us _ Te ephane; X408}, 8fi8-113 _ ,,, ,_ ecanda Contact in avert rimar not available Jahn ~herbane E-Mail Address:icherbanesarata~a.aa Telep~~ne:~~ 8~~-141 ____-- ,,,,,, ; _~. host Title Descri tlon of Pro"act: arato a Avenge Pathwa Pro'ect Amount of claim; 1 x,31 ~ Functional Description of Projeo#: Asphalt ~on~rete ~ Rortland cement concrete walkway along Saratoga Avenue, between Jur~i~er Ln and Shadow yaks Way. , , ~ , Financial Plan: fist the project elements far which TDA funding is baing requasted ~e,g., planning, environmental, engineering, right-af--way, construction, inspection, contingency, audit, Use the table below to show the project budget. Include prior and proposal future funding of the project !f the project is ~ segment of a larger project, include prior and prapased funding sources far the other segments. Praieo# Elements; F'rnal design, specification, construction and inspec#ian - ^~- Fundin source All PriarFYs A plication FY Nex# FY Followin FYs Total TDAArticle $145,5~~.~a 18,~17.~a $1~,317.a4 list ap other sources: I 1. ~. 3. 4. Totals ~ 145,53~~aa $18,317,0 ~1~3,84g Project Eligibility: YES?!NO? A. Has the project been approved by the claimant"s governing body ~If "N~ " provide tha approximate date approval is ~N~ antlcipated~• 0~1~ 707 8. Has this project previously raceived TEA Article 3 funding? If "YES," provide an explanation on a separate gaga. Y ~. 1=or "bikeways," Baas tha project meet Caltrans minimum safety dasign criteria pursuant to Chapter 1 DAD of the California Highway Deign Ianual~ {Available an the interr~et via: http:llwww.dat.ca.,,gov~. ~. Has the prajaat been reviewed by a Bicycle Advisory committee? ~If "N~," provide an explanatian~, Yf* ~, Has the public availability of the environmental compliance documentation far the project ~pursuan# to CEQA}been YES evidenced by the dated stamping of the document by the county clerk or county recorder's required only for prefects that include construction}. F, Will the project be carnpieted before tl~e allocation expires? Enter the anticipated completion date of project ~manth ar~d Y~ years Juno ~a08 C, Have provisions been made by the claimant to maintain the project or facility, or has the claimant arranged far such Y~5 maintenance by another agency? ~If an agency other than the Claimant is to maintain the facility provide its Warne: _ _ --- ~ -~ _ _.__ . TIC 1~RTIL~ 3 I'~~rET APPLIATI~~ F~~ )~~CO~ eCt Elll~]l~l~~; B. This pro~eet has ~cen preciously funded in s~v~~al cycles. See the a~t~ch~d TDA article ~.pplica~i~n for fiscal }year ~~` ~lairn ~~1~4, D. Thzs project is on Laing and has bce~. revic~ve~ in the past. fee the attache TDA a~rtic~e 3 application for fi~eal year ~~` cl~i~ 0~1~4. le~o~~~~on 1a. 0'7-~2~ Attachment ~ ~a~~~~~ TDA Art~~le Proj~~t application Form Fiscal Peer of this Claim. ~31~4 A~~licant: pity of Saratoga .._ ~,_, . Contact person; Morgan Kessler „„., Mailing Address: 13~~~ Fruitvale Avenue, Saratoga ~A 9~4]~ ~,,..~~_~_ -- ~ .~~.~. E-Mail Address: mkessler~,saratoga.ca.us Tele~hor~e: _~4~~~ 8S$-1 X18 ,,,,, Secondary Contact f in event primary not available John Cherbone , ,,, ,.,._. .,., E-Mail Address: icherbane .saratoga.ca.u Telephone: [4~~~ 8~8.1~41 ~.~.. hort,Title Description of Project: arataga Avenue Pathway Project „ „_, .~ ~- Amount of olairn; 1?' ~~4.~0 Func#io~al Description of Projec#; As halt concrete & Portland cement concrete walkwa aloe ~arato a Avanu~ between Harriman Brive ~ Bi Basin wa Financial Plan. ~i~t the project eaements far which TDA funding is being requested {e.g., planning, envirenment~i, engineering, tight-of way, construction, construction management, contingency}. Use the table below to show tf~e project budget. Include priar and proposed future funding of the project. If the project is a segment of a larger project, include priar and proposed funding sources for the other segments make certain the use of the currently requested funding is made clear in the "Project Elements"'section below, and include any other clarifying information on the ne~t~ page~~ Project Element: Final design, specification, construction, inspection, , , „ ~_ Fundin source All Prior FYs A lication FY Next FY Followin FYs Totals TDA Article ~ ~14~,9~6.0~ ~1 ~,~~4.~~ $1 ~,~~4.~0 list a~] ot~ex ~o~r~e~; 1. 2~ 3. 4. Totals $1 ~~,9~~.D~ 17,~54.~a ~ ~1,18D,~~ Project Eligibility: 1~E?~N~7 A. Nos the project been approved by the clairnnt' governing body? ~If "N0," an the next page provide the approximate date YES approval is anticipated}. . B. Has this project previously received TDA Article ~ funding? If "YES," provide an explanation on the next page. YES C. For "bikeways," does the project meet ~aitran minimum safety design criteria pursuant to Chapter 1 gg0 of the Ca ifarnia Highway Design Manual? Available on the Internet at: htt .~Iwww~dat,ca. ov~h 1o d~hdmlcha terslt~ ~gl,htrr~~. D. Has the project been reviewed by a Bicycle Advisory ~ornmittee? ~If "N0," provide an explanation on the nest page}. YES E~ Has the public oval abilityof the environmental compliance documentation for the project ~pursuantto CE~A~ been YES evidenced by the detect stamping of the document by the county clerk ar county reorder? {If "N~"provide and explanation . on the next page; ar~d note that MTC canno# allocate funds to a project which looks environmental clearance.), F. V~ill the pra'eat be completed within the three fiscal year time period including the fiscal year of funding after which the 1 YES allooation expires? Enter the anticipated completion date of project {month and years . ~, Have provisions been made by theclaimant to maintain the projector facility, or has the claimantarranged for such YES maintenance by another agency ~If an agency other then the Glairnant is to maintain the facility provide its Warne: