HomeMy WebLinkAboutCity Council Resolution 07-002~LLI~Tr~I~ ~7-4~~ A 15~LUTIO~ ~ ITS C~UI~IL ~~ THE iT~ ~ A~AT~~A AD~PTI~~ A NL~TI~E I~LL~TI~~ ~~' ~N~VY~~EI~TAL IPA~'T FIR A ~LNERAL PLAN ~END.MENT H~~NI T~HL LAS ~JL I~LINATrI~~V ~'~~~VI REII~LNTIAL L~ DL~I.~'Y ~R~D~ T R.~II~~T.IA.L v~R~ L DENSITY ~l~ LIGHT ~S~ P~REL ~AFI~: 517-1 ~- ~~$, 517~1~-~5~, ~~3, 08Q and X85, 51'x-~~~OI~, 517'~~R~~1, 517~2~-~04~ ~VI~EH~1, on January ~ ~, ~~~, the City ~ouncrl held ~ duly noticed Public Haring at which tine all interested parties were given full opportunity to be heard and to present evidence regardi~lg the proposed redesigr~ation~ from ~e~1dential I~o~ Density ~RLD} to Residentta] Very Lo~v ]density on the eight parcels listod above the "Project"}; and, HEHEA, ~.t~ ~Clltla~ tu~y ~~~, attached hereto ~ Exhibit B, was prepared for the Project and for other proposed an~endn~ent~ to the general Plan being considered in separate proceedings pursuant to the requirements of the California Enviranrtncntal duality Act SEA, PublicResources bode sections ~1~~~ et seq,} and the EA Guidelines ~l~ dal. ~od.e, .Regulations sections 1 X000 et seq~~; and HL.~~~, ~`he I did not ~dentlfy any potential environmental rmpacts for the project; and V~'HEHEA, The I and ~ notice of intent to adopt a Negative Declazation D~ ~Exhihit hereto} were circulated far public review from 1~ugust 2, 2~~b through cptember 25, ~~~~; and HEH.E~~ ~n Navcrnber ~, 2~~~, the Planning o~nrnission conducted a duly noticed public hearing on the adequacy ~f the ND ~rncluding the I} at which oral and ~vri.tten comments and a staff recon~mcr~~atior~ for approval of the l mere presented to the Planl.ng On1n11sSlon. ~'he Planning o.~ss~an revl~w~d ally considered the Information in the Y and l~D, adrninistrativencord, and Staff Deports fo~~ completeness and camplrance with E~, the EA guidelines} and any pity ~~ requirerrzents and recommended that the pity council adopt a Negative Declaration with respect to the Project. H~~EA, the pity council has rev1ewed d cons~idcred the i.nfor~nat~on included ~n the negative Declaration attached hereto as Exhibit "", ;the information included in the Initial Study prepared for the l~egative 1~ecfaratian attached hereto as ~~l~l.ibit "$" tagcther with all public testln~ony ~.nd ev~:~.~ence p~esen.ted ~n conncct~lon w.~th the public hearing held January ~ ~, ~~~7 at which tlrne all interested persons had an opportunity to be heard; ar~d ~VHEl~, the City auncil has determined that there are r~o sign~~icant environmental Impacts related to the Project. l~~w, T~~I~EF~~E, ~~ ~~' ~~~V~~ that the pity ~auncil of the pity of Saratoga hereby daes hereby resalve as ~`ol dews: l . l~atice of intention to adopt the ~D was given as required by law and due consideration of the ND was given pursuant to SEA, the EA guidelines, and any pity l~A rc~ui roments ] and ~. All Interested parties desiring to co~nn~ent an the proposed IUD were given the opportunity to ubrnit oral and wr~ttcr~ cornmer~t a.n the adequacy of the ND prior to the adeption of this ~esolut1an by the 1ty auncll; and All corriments raised during the public camrnent period and at the public hcarings all the STD were duly cor~sldered. 4. The D has been. prepared in compliance with the intent and requirements of l~A, EA Cuidellne~, end any its A requirerrrent~, ar~d the 1ty ounc111~ exercising its independent judgment with regard thereto a~'ter duly considering the inForation cantai nod in the I, the and the adminlstratlve retard In cansldering the l~D, the Pray ect and any and all related acts on ~; and Based on the entire record of this matter, there 1~ na substantial evidence of any fair argu~ne~t that the project may have a slgnlfi~ant effect an the environrnenta and ~. The documents constituting the record o~ proceedings upon which the ~1ar,~ing Can~issior~.'s reeomtner~dat~an that the pity council adapt the I~ID is based are located in the ~~ty of arataga Department of arnmunity Development, arc maintained by the Director of that Departn~entx and have at all relevant times been available to the rnerr~bers at the :ity Council. ~E ~.~' ~U1~THE~ ~~~~~~ that the City Council hereby adapts the Negative Declaration dated August ~, ~~~~, and attached hereto as ~xhil~it A, for a general Plan .Amendment to redesignate from lesiden~ia~ ~avv Density ~~LD} to lesrdentlal fiery Law Density ~~i.rD} the eight parcels ~dent~~ied as Follows; ~~1.5~ ~~1C1 Hi11 Ave,, ~~~7~ Bann.ie Brae, ~8~1~, 2~2~, ~~~1, ~S~l.l. Audrey m ith bane, and I4 I Vicl~ery Ave. PAD Al~~ AI~~~TEI~ ~y the arato icy ou~ei~, state ~~ alifar~a, this ~7~h day o~ ~anu~ry, ~~~~ b~ the follo~rin roll ell vote: A~YIJ~ ~ouneiln~en~~~s Jill ~:un~er, l~.t~~ee~ Kind, h~c~ tae, Viee Mayor An~~ alton~lr~itl~,lVlayo~ Aileen Io N~l~: None ABSENT; None ~:8~`AIN: None Ap~~o~ed: ~--~ Ailed ago, ayo~