HomeMy WebLinkAbout01-23-1991 Planning Commission minutes' ~:- ~= ~~ CITY OF SARATOGA PLANNING COMMISSION MINUTES DATE: January 23, 1991 - 7::30 p.m. PLACE: City Council Chambers, 13777 Fruitvale Avenue, Saratoga, CA TYPE: Regular Meeting .Roll Call: Chairperson Moran, Commissioners Bogosian, Caldwell, Durket, and Forbes. Commissioners Tappan and Tucker were absent. Chairperson Moran welcomed new Planning Commissioners Stan Bogosian, Matthew Durket and Malcolm Forbes. Pledge of Alleaiance ~nproval of Minutes of December 12~ 1990: Approval of the minutes of December 12 was continued because a majority of the Commissioners who attended that meeting were not present tonight. ORAL COMMUNICATIONS: None. REPORT OF POSTING AGENDA: Pursuant to Government Code 54954.2, the agenda for this meeting was properly posted on January 18, 1991. Technical Corrections to Packet Material: None. PUBLIC HEARINGS CONSENT CALENDAR: 1. DR-90-081 Atherton, 13050 Pierce Rd., request for design review approval of a 931 sq. ft:, two-story addition to an existing one-story home in the R-1- 40,000 zone district per Chapter 15 of the City Code. 2. DR-90-072 Hary, 15201 Quito Road, request for design review ' approval to construct a new one-story 5,906 sq. ft. residence within the R-1-40,000 zone district per Chapter 15 of the City Code. The project includes the main residence, a pool, and a pool house (cont. from 1/9/91. -------------------------------------------------------------- Chairperson Moran requested removal of Public Hearing Consent Calendar Item No. 1. ':. ~ ~ ~ i ::. PLANNING COMMISSION MEETING January 23, 1991 • Page 2 PUBLIC HEARINGS CONSENT CALENDAR; Continued Commissioner Caldwell .requested removal of Public Hearing Consent .Calendar Item No. 2. 1. DR-90-081 Atherton, 13050 'Pierce Rd., request for design review approval of a 931 sq. ft., two-story addition to an existing one-story home in the R-1- 40,000 zone district per Chapter 15 of the City Code. -------------------------------------------------------------- Chairperson Moran indicated she removed this item from the Consent Calendar in order to ask about the treatment of the windows on the proposed addition. Planner Walgren presented the Report to the Planning Commission dated January 23, 1991. The Public Hearing was opened at~7:38 p.m. Mr. Steve Atherton, 13050 Pierce Rd., addressed the Commission and said he would have no objection to using wood mullions. CALDWELL/DURKET MOVED TO CLOSE THE PUBLIC HEARING AT 7:39 P.M. Passed 5-0. CALDWELL/BOGOSIAN MOVED APPROVAL OF DR-90-081 WITH THE CONDITION THAT WOOD MULLION WINDOWS BE USED. Passed 5-0. 2. DR-90-072 Hary, 15201 Quito Road, request for design review approval to construct a new one-story 5,906 sq. ft. residence within the R-1-40,000 zone district per Chapter 15 of the City Code. The project includes the main residence, a pool, and a pool house (cont. from 1/9/91. Planner Walgren reviewed the staff memorandum dated January 23, 1991. Commissioner Caldwell questioned whether all the trees identified by the City Arborist were shown on the site development plan and whether the City Arborist has had a chance to review the new orientation. Mr. Walgren responded that they are but some of them have been relocated slightly based on the Arborist's site visit when he noted that a lot of the trees were not located accurately on the original plan. The City Arborist has not. had a chance. to review the new orientation. • PLANNING COMMISSION MEETING January 23, 1991 Page 3 PUBLIC HEARINGS CONSENT CALENDAR Continued Commissioner Caldwell also questioned why the applicant changed the driveway material from turf block to paved material. Mr. Walgren responded that the original proposal with a 1,600 sq. ft. tennis court was at the maximum pervious coverage allowance so they had to use the impervious coverage for the driveway to meet the City requirements. Since turf block is more difficult to maintain, once the applicant removed the tennis court they decided to pave the driveway, which will have an effect on the trees. In response to Commissioner Caldwell's question regarding why Condition No. 3 of the Resolution stated that the maximum structure height shall not exceed 22 feet ;while the maximum height of the proposed structure is 18 feet 6 inches, Mr. Walgren responded that the 22 foot height limit was included as a condition of the tentative map approval which stated that no structure on the site shall exceed 22 feet. The applicant's proposal is 18 feet 6 inches and there is also a condition that states that his proposal has to be constructed per the exhibit. Leaving the limit at 22 feet would leave the Commission open in the future to review additions to the building or other structures on the site that would meet the 22 foot limit but the resolution would not have to be revised. In response to Chairperson Moran's question, Mr. Walgren said that the described color is sand which would be a light tan color. The Public Hearing was opened at 7:45 p.m. Mr. Andre Hary, applicant, addressed the Commission. In response to Commissioner Caldwell's question regarding whether he would be amenable to changing the material for the driveway from paved impervious material to a pervious material, Mr. Hary responded that at this point since he is not over coverage he would prefer not to because he has children and would like them to be able to play in the driveway. CALDWELL/DURKET MOVED TO CLOSE THE PUBLIC HEARING AT 7:46 P.M. Passed 5-0. CALDWELL/DURKET MOVED APPROVAL OF DR-90-072 WITH AN AMENDMENT TO CONDITION NO. 13 THAT SPECIFIC MENTION BE MADE THAT THE 40-FOOT EUCALYPTUS BE PRESERVED; AND THAT CONDITION NO. 16 BE AMENDED TO PROVIDE THAT AT THE CITY ARBORIST'$ DISCRETION THE DRIVEWAY SURFACE SHALL BE A PERVIOUS MATERIAL. In response to a question from Commissioner Durket, Planning Director Emslie responded that if there was a conflict between the _ ,~ ~ • PLANNING COMMISSION MEETING January 23, 1991 PUBLIC HEARINGS CONSENT CALENDAR Continued Page 4 Arborist's recommendation and the desires of the applicant the item would be brought back to the Planning Commission for resolution. In response to Chairperson Moran's question, Commissioner Caldwell stated her intention was it would be left to the Arborist's discretion which trees would warrant preservation and protection. She said she would have preferred that the Arborist had taken a second look at the new orientation because even though some of it is similar the turf aspect has changed. Mr. Walgren responded that the majority of the project has been relocated well away from the significant trees identified by the Arborist so the impact has been greatly lessened. The only question pending is the issue of the driveway. THE MOTION CARRIED ON A 5-0 VOTE. PUBLIC HEARINGS The following two items were considered together: 3: DR-90-052 Saratoga Estates, 19171 Oahu Lane, request for .approval to construct a 3,624 sq. ft. one-story single family residence on a 16,738 sq. ft. parcel in the R-1-15,000 zone district per Chapter 15 of the City Code (cont. from 1/9/90). -------------------------------------------------------------- 4. DR-90-053 Saratoga Estates, 19151 Oahu Lane, request to construct a 3,429 sq. ft. one-story single family residence on a 26,365 sq. ft. parcel in the R-1- 15,000 zone district per Chapter 15 of the City Code (cont. from l/9/90). Commissioner Caldwell reported on the land use visit. Planning Director Emslie reviewed the staff memorandum dated January 23, 1991. The Public Hearing was opened at 8:02 p.m. Mr. Steve Saray, applicant, addressed the Commission and reviewed the changes to the project which were made since the last meeting. CALDWELL/BOGOSIAN MOVED TO CLOSE THE PUBLIC HEARING AT 8:04 P.M. Passed 5-0. CALDWELL/BOGOSIAN MOVED DENIAL OF DR-90-052 WITHOUT PREJUDICE. • • PLANNING COMMISSION MEETING January 23, 1991 • Page 5 PUBLIC HEARINGS Continued Commissioner Caldwell said she was in favor of continuing the application at the last hearing for the purpose of the applicant's revisiting staff's initial recommendations which also discussed the entry treatments and the columns. She did not feel that the result presented tonight was compatible with the neighborhood, and she still supported staff's original recommendations in that regard. She did not have a problem with the stone veneer but continued to have problems with the entry way, the height, the columns and would like to see some redesign of the chimney caps to produce better conformity with the remainder of 'the neighborhood. Commissioner Bogosian felt that the houses tend to look more like estates rather than ranch style and agreed with Commissioner Caldwell that some modifications should be made along those lines. Commissioner Durket indicated that he rep vote on the matter. concerns although he problem to change. incompatible. agreed with Commissioner Bogosian. He -iewed the entire record and was prepared to He agreed with Commissioner Caldwell's did not feel the chimney caps would be a However, he felt the entry way seemed Commissioner Bogosian stated that he, too, reviewed the record regarding this project and was prepared to vote. Commissioner Forbes did not feel he was qualified to vote on the issue since he was not involved in the original discussion and did not have an opportunity to visit :the sites. Chairperson Moran stated that the applicant has been very cordial. She noted that she expressed her continuing concerns at the last hearing about the design review and its incompatibility with the neighborhood. She stated she was not prepared to support the project at this time but felt that the Commission and the applicant were not far apart regarding the ;issues. THE MOTION CARRIED ON A 4:0:1 VOTE (Commissioner Forbes abstained). CALDWELL/DURKET MOVED DENIAL OF DR-90-053 WITHOUT PREJUDICE. THE MOTION CARRIED ON A 4:0:1 VOTE (Commissioner Forbes abstained). 5. DR-90-057 Gault, 22068 Villa Oaks Ln., request for design review approval to construct a 5,963 sq. ft. two- story single family residence on a 1.4 acre site in the NHR zone district per Chapter 15 of the City Code (cont. from 11/14/90). -----------------------------=-------------------------------- • • PLANNING COMMISSION MEETING January 23, 1991 Page 6 PUBLIC HEARINGS Continued The applicant requested that this :item be continued to February 13, 1991. BOGOSIAN/DURKET MOVED TO CONTINUE..~DR-90-057 TO FEBRUARY 13, 1991. Commissioners Caldwell and Durket stepped down on the following item because the project is in their immediate neighborhood. 6. SD-90-007 Perry & Jones, 13820 Ravenwood Dr., request for tentative map approval to subdivide a 1.34 acre parcel into three new parcels of approximately 19,000 sq. ft. each within the R-1-10,000 zone district per Chapter 14 of the City Code. -----------------------------=-------------------------------- In response to Chairperson Moran's question, City Attorney Faubion responded that there was a quorum present for the item and a majority vote would carry the motion. Planner Walgren reviewed the staff memorandum dated January 23, 1991. In response to Chairperson Moran's question regarding the traffic on Ravenwood Drive and the level of anticipated traffic given the subdivision, Mr. Walgren responded that the City regularly does traffic counts along the arterials in Saratoga . The traffic counts are done through the Engineering Department, and that Department was given the opportunity to review and comment on the original four-lot proposal. At that time they had no exceptional conditions regarding circulation or access onto Quito or circulation within Ravenwood. Generally, the Engineering Department's conditions would only be applicable with regard to traffic signals, stop lights, etc., in major subdivisions of five lots or greater. Since they had no conditions or comments on the original four lot scheme, Mr. Walgren did not believe the recommendation would change for the three lot scheme. Chairperson Moran questioned ,the Arborist's recommendation regarding a large oak tree located on the northern most parcel of the subdivision. Mr. Walgren responded that the proposed configuration would be satisfactory. The standard condition is that no construction be no closer than ten feet from the trunk of a tree, and this is actually the perimeter of the drip line. Also, since this is just a building envelope and not a building footprint the Arborist will have a second 'chance to review the plans when specific proposals are submitted. • • FLANNING COMMISSION MEETING January 23, 1991 Page 7 PUBLIC HEARINGS Continued Commissioner Forbes said that he~visited the site and spoke with one of the neighbors. The neighbor expressed concern regarding the timetable of the construction and, whether the homes would be built all at once or one at a time. Mr. Walgren responded that once. the final map is recorded the applicant has an indefinite timetable to erect homes on each parcel. He suggested questioning the applicant as to whether he intends to come in with three proposals at once or sell the lots individually. Commissioner Forbes stated he would like to see only two homes built and the character of the neighborhood retained. In response to Commissioner Bogosian's question, Mr. Walgren responded that the older homes in the original tracts are all roughly 2, 000 sq. ft. and the newer homes on Montpere are closer to 3,500 sq. ft. The existing parcels on Ravenwood, based on their lot area, would be restricted by the same City Code square footage requirements as other lots in the .City. The 3,500 sq. ft. limit on the three lot proposal in the resolution is actually more restrictive than what the City Code requirements are. In response to Chairperson Moran's question regarding the maximum size of a house that would be allowed on a two lot subdivision and whether the Commission could require that the houses be a different size than that, Mr. Walgren responded that it was possible because that is what is being done in the three lot proposal. The allowable floor area per the City Code is roughly 5,000 sq. ft., but the Planning Commission could put the same condition on a two lot proposal. At the earlier study session meetings there was discussion with regard to the size of the lots and the increased setbacks in relation to the existing pattern of the homes on Ravenwood Drive. The Public Hearing was opened at 8:20 p.m. Mr. Ron Jones, applicant, requested a continuance due to the fact that there were members of the Commission absent at the meeting who were very involved in the study session. Mr. Emslie suggested that the Commission take testimony then make a decision regarding a continuance. Ms. Ellen Verde, 14575 Saratoga Heights Ct., addressed the Commission. She said she was unfamiliar with the proposal but • PLANNING COMMISSION MEETING January 23, 1991 • Page 8 PUBLIC HEARINGS Continued expressed concern regarding the square footage size of the homes. She stated she would not like to see the homes larger than the 3,500 sq. ft. Mr. Richard Corson, 13831 Ravenwood Dr., addressed the Commission on behalf of himself and the ;neighbors. He reiterated the neighbors' previous comments that there should be no further development at this site. The neighbors feel the subdivision should have been developed 35 years ago if it were going to be done, but there was an intentional decision made by the developer not to do so. He mentioned 'the possibility of a two-home configuration. He indicated that it was his understanding that at the December 18 study session the Commission asked the developer to designate the building footprints', and that was not done. He also indicated the neighbors' concerns about the trees and raised the question as to which trees are proposed for removal and whether they are designated by the City Arborist. He distributed copies of proposed modified and additional conditions to the resolution and reviewed them in detail. Mr. Jones expressed his surprise over the amount of controversy over three lots. He said they have always attempted to approach the development with compromise in mind. Mr. Jones said they did not develop building pads because it would be difficult to spend architectural moneys without knowing whether they will end up with two lots or three lots, and that was discussed in the study session. He felt the applicant h'as made an attempt to show there was a sincere intent to build single story houses and was trying to develop an area that would be outside the drip lines of the trees. He felt the list of conditions provided by the neighbors were severe and go beyond the City's rules. Mr. Jones reiterated his request for a continuance. FORBES/BOGOSIAN MOVED TO CLOSE THE PUBLIC HEARING AT 8:45 P.M. Passed 3-0. FORBES/BOGOSIAN MOVED TO CONTINUE SD-90-007 TO FEBRUARY 13, 1991. Passed 3-0. Mr. Emslie stated that in the intervening weeks it is staff's intent to evaluate the conditions that were suggested by the neighborhood and report to the Commission. Commissioner Forbes requested that the applicant prepare a plan showing a two lot configuration of the property with a landscaping plan. Commissioners Caldwell and Durket were reseated on the Commission. • • PLANNING COMMISSION MEETING January 23, 1991 Page 9 PUBLIC HEARINGS Continued 7. V-90-027.1 Barr, 19365 Allendale Ave., request to amend the variance conditions to allow a satellite antenna to maintain a 12. foot diameter dish in the R-1- 40,000 zone district per Chapter 15 of the City Code. -------------------------------------------------------------- Planning Director Emslie reviewed the staff memorandum dated January 23, 1991. Commissioner Caldwell questioned the City's legal obligation with respect to the type of television reception to which its citizens are entitled. City Attorney Faubion responded that the City has to provide people with a reasonable opportunity to receive the airwaves. She said she could provide a more detailed description of the statutes and case law. Commissioner Durket asked if that means residents are entitled to reasonable reception of the basic channels which can be received with a television antenna or if :that means reasonable reception with respect to cable channels. City Attorney Faubion indicated she would have to research the statutes but basically they are 'entitled an opportunity receive whatever the satellite dish receives from the airwaves. For example, the City cannot require that a dish be next to a fence that would preclude reception of anything at all. She was unsure whether there was distinction between standard channels versus cable channels. Commissioner Durket said he would be interested in learning whether a regular television antenna meets those requirements. City Attorney Faubion indicated that was a different situation from a satellite dish but if the Commission felt that was germane she would research the matter. Commissioner Durket responded that for him it was germane in making the findings for a variance. The Public Hearing was opened at 8:53 p.m. The applicant was not present nor was he represented. Mr. Jack Lane, 19348 Harleigh Drive, addressed the Commission. He expressed concern about satellite dishes in general. He said he • • PLANNING COMMISSION MEETING January 23, 1991 Page 10 PUBLIC HEARINGS Continued was not a bordering neighbor of the applicant. However, he stated that a dish was constructed in his neighbor's yard and was told it was done without a permit. He said his neighbor's dish is a 12- foot dish, is located 23 inches away from his back fence and he can see about half of the dish from his yard. He felt there should be some regulating of satellite dishes in the future. He stated he was told by a Planner that there i~s a 25-foot minimum distance from a bordering fence. Mr. Lane stated he filed a complaint with the City regarding his neighbor's satellite dish, but apparently the complaint was lost and nothing has been done. He stated the City seems to have a lack of concern regarding items such as tin sheds placed next to neighbor's fences and recreational vehicles visibly parked next to houses. Mr. Andre Hary, Pierce Road, felt that antennas make a neighborhood look ugly. The resident at 19348 Athos Place, the property behind the applicant's, stated that the dish is not more than two feet from the fence and did not know what kind of landscaping could be provided to cover the dish. At Commissioner Caldwell's request, Mr. Emslie described the landscaping that was proposed by .the applicant. The resident at 19269 Allendale Avenue addressed the Commission. He stated that the purpose of the dish is to receive a signal from the satellite and if there are trees blocking the dish the signals will not be received. He requested that the Commission consider the right size dish for people who wish to put them up. The resident of 19303 Allendale addressed the Commission. His property is located next to the applicant's property. He said he felt everyone has a right to receive any kind of signal they want and that should not be violated. On the other hand, he believed that there should be some concern about the neighbors. He stated that when cable was approved in Saratoga he made repeated calls to find out when cable would be available for his house and it never was. The cable stopped two houses from his house, and it was too expensive for the cable to be available for his house. He said at that time he purchased a six-foot dish which cannot be seen from anywhere and can receive major satellites. He felt that if people want to put in satellite dishes they cannot be restrained because of Federal laws, but the Commission should consider what a dish could do to the property of the neighbors and what the neighbors would have to look at. He pointed out that if trees are put too close to the dish they will block the signal so the Commission should consider what would be a reasonable solution to the problem. • PLANNING COMMISSION MEETING January 23, 1991 Page 11 PUBLIC HEARINGS Continued Ms. Patricia Lane, 19348 Harleigh;Dr., stated she went to the City office and discovered that a dish is to be 25 feet from the lot line. She complained of having to view neighbors' satellite dishes from her property. CALDWELL/FORBES MOVED TO CLOSE THE PUBLIC HEARING AT 9:08 P.M. Passed 5-0. In response to Commissioner Durket's question, Mr. Emslie clarified that the Planning Commission granted the variance some months ago and a decision was made to allow the dish to reside at the location that encroached into the required setbacks. The issue that is brought to the Commission tonight is the request of the applicant for modification of one of the conditions. The issue the Commission must decide is whether or not the applicant should be allowed to have the larger sized dish as opposed to the smaller dish that was approved. The issue of whether or not to grant the variance is moot because that has already been decided. CALDWELL/DURKET MOVED DENIAL OF V-90-027.1. Commissioner Bogosian stated that he reviewed all of the materials regarding this issue and is prepared to vote on it. He expressed concern regarding the issue of view. He stated that he realized that the variance was already granted but felt the Commission had an obligation to see to it that the dish be the least obtrusive as possible. Commissioner Durket commented that he seconded the motion because he would not have voted to grant the variance to begin with and since the variance was granted with conditions, the conditions should be abided by. Commissioner Caldwell suggested that the Commissioners have a discussion at a study session regarding the issue of satellite dishes and requested a report from the City Attorney regarding the City's legal obligation with respect to what each citizen is entitled to in terms of television reception. Commissioner Forbes indicated that he has poor television reception at his house and is not considering putting a satellite dish in his back yard even though he could situate it in such a position that it could meet all of the variances because his neighbors would not like it and he did not wish to upset them. He said he has read all of the materials and is prepared to vote. ~ • PLANNING COMMISSION MEETING January 23, 1991 Page 12 PUBLIC HEARINGS Continued Commissioner Moran requested that staff schedule a study session so the Commission can discuss the issue of satellite dishes. She said she was not prepared to support the variance. THE MOTION FOR DENIAL CARRIED ON 'A 5-0 VOTE. Mr. Emslie indicated that the issue could be discussed at the February 19, 1991 study session. He also noted for the benefit of the neighbors who indicated their concerns about another dish in the neighborhood that their addresses have been put into the record and he will personally follow up on the status of their complaints with the Community Service Department to see that action is taken regarding the complaints. ' Break 9:15 p.m. - 9:30 p.m. 8. DR-90-068 Salter, 13630 Beaumont, request to construct an 823 sq. ft. second story addition to a 2,161 sq. ft. one-story single family residence in the R-1- 10,000 zone district per Chapter 15 of the City Code. -------------------------------------------------------------- Chairperson Moran reported on the land use visit. Planning Director Emslie presented the Report to the Planning Commission dated January 23, 199.1. He pointed out that several exhibits were presented to staff. after preparation of the packet and were distributed to the Commissioners this evening. He also noted that the applicant has prepared a survey of two-story homes in the neighborhood which was circulated to the Commission. The Public Hearing was opened at~9:34 p.m. Mr. Bob Salter, 13630 Beaumont Ave., addressed the Commission and described the project in detail. :He stated that the only way that works with the traffic flow from the interior point of view is to go up over the garage. He circulated a petition signed by the neighbors in support of the project. The designer of the house addressed the Commission. He stated that the extension of the house as a one-story house might necessitate relocating the garage, and the applicant would prefer not to do that because it would impact the trees. He pointed out that this is a corner lot and a fair amount .of the applicant's privacy is now given to the public use so the applicant would like to maintain as much of the rear and side yards as possible. ,' PLANNING COMMISSION MEETING January 23, 1991 Page 13 FUBLIC HEARINGS Continued CALDWELL/DURKET MOVED TO CLOSE THE PUBLIC HEARING AT 9:42 P.M. Passed 5-0. CALDWELL/BOGOSIAN MOVED TO CONTINUE DR-90-068 PER THE STAFF RECOMMENDATION. Commissioner Durket said he would like to see some alternative plans per the staff recommendation. He agreed with the staff's recommendation that if the addition could be accomplished by a single story that should be done.: Commissioner Bogosian concurred with Commissioner Durket's comments. He said he visited the site and his impression is that the houses in the vicinity of the proposed dwelling are one-story houses, and he would like the applicant to come up with a proposal for a one-story addition. Commissioner Caldwell indicated that she considered this to be primarily a one-story neighborhood and pointed out that there were neighbors who were opposed to the project. Chairperson Moran agreed with the staff report that the neighborhood is predominantly a one-story neighborhood. She said she would like to pursue the possibility of a one-story addition at this time. The applicant requested that the Commission vote on the matter tonight. Commissioner Caldwell withdrew her motion. DURKET/BOGOSIAN MOVED DENIAL OF DR-90-068. Passed 4-1 (Commissioner Forbes opposed). 9. DR-90-071 Spanek, 19135 Brook Lane, request for design review approval to construct an 899 sq. ft. second story addition to an existing 2,086 sq. ft. one- story home on a' corner parcel within the R-1- 10,000 zone district per Chapter 15 of the City Code. Chairperson Moran reported on the land use visit. Planner Walgren presented the Report to the Planning Commission dated January 23, 1991. The Public Hearing was opened at 9:51 p.m. PLANNING COMMISSION MEETING January 23, 1991 Page 14 PUBLIC HEARINGS Continued Mr. Spanek, applicant, reviewed the project in detail. He noted that there was the issue of a sliding door on the southeast corner of the property. He said that was added for fire access out of that area. Mr. Tom Stroud, 1655 Johnson Ave. , the proposed builder for the project, addressed the Commission and described the proposal. He stated that a single-story alternative was studied, and it was felt it would not match the floor plan for the rest of the house. He said the bathroom windows in the back and the windows in the stairwell will be obscure glass. CALDWELL/BOGOSIAN MOVED TO CLOSE ,THE PUBLIC HEARING AT 9:59 P.M. Passed 5-0. CALDWELL/DURKET MOVED DENIAL WITHOUT PREJUDICE OF DR-9Q-071. Commissioner Caldwell said she made the motion because she considers the relevant neighborhood to be the Brook Lane area and because of the fact that this home faces Brook Lane. The design of the home with the cantilever is a design that should be avoided because the cantilever portion will be visible from Johnson. Commissioner Bogosian stated he had a problem with the- enclosed stair case and would want that to be taken into account in possible plans in the future. Chairperson Moran agreed with Commissioner Caldwell's concerns about the design aspects but disagreed about the location of the house with regard to the neighborhood and felt comfortable with a second-story addition given the location of the lot. THE MOTION CARRIED ON A 3-2 VOTE (Commissioners Forbes and Moran opposed). 10. DR-89-018 Kwong, 14581 Saratoga Heights Ct., request for design review approval to construct a new 7,528 sq. ft. two-story home on a 1.78 acre parcel in the Parnas subdivision within the NHR zone district per Chapter 15 of the City Code. Commissioner Caldwell reported on the land use visit. Planner Walgren presented the Report to the Planning Commission dated January 23, 1991. The Public Hearing was opened at 10:06 p.m. • • PLANNING COMMISSION MEETING January 23, 1991 Page 15 PUBLIC HEARINGS Continued The architect for the applicant addressed the Commission and described the project. He circulated photographs of some of the homes in the area, two of which were recently approved. The two homes show an attempt to deal with the height and bulk through a one-story roof element. He stated the applicant was seeking direction from the Commission tonight regarding the design element. He said the applicant is no longer seeking the extra square footage and is agreeable to the brick veneer on the entire exterior of the building including the rear elevation. Mr. William Verde, 14575 Saratoga Heights Court, addressed the Commission and expressed concern regarding the house in the hillside location. He was concerned because his house would be sandwiched between two very. large houses and the applicant's house will be higher than his house in elevation. Mr. Christopher Yee, 14580 Saratoga Heights Court, agreed with the .previous speaker regarding the size and height of the house. Mrs. Marie Rose Gaspar, 14754. Pierce Road, addressed the Commission. She felt the Commission should proceed slowly regarding this lot. She said much could be done to enhance the area. Mr. Kwong, the applicant, said he fully intends to work with his architect and the City Planner to comply with the regulations. CALDWELL/FORBES MOVED TO CLOSE THE PUBLIC HEARING AT 10:23 P.M. Passed 5-0. CALDWELL/FORBES MOVED TO CONTINUE DR-89-018 TO FEBRUARY 27, 1991 WITH A STUDY SESSION ON FEBRUARY 19, 1991. Commissioner Caldwell felt the applicant had described a number of variations on the original application and a study session would be beneficial in order to review the alternate designs. She requested that the applicant provide designs that would decrease the height of the home to at least 24 feet but closer to 22 feet. Commissioner Bogosian said he visited the site and stated that~the building site is a prominent one and is visible from many angles. He concurred with Commissioner Caldwell's comments and the neighbors regarding proceeding carefully on the issue. He also was in favor of a study session to review the alternatives. Commissioner Caldwell requested that staff provide some. guidance and input to the applicant and the Commission regarding the issue J f ,• i • • PLANNING COMMISSION MEETING , January 23, 1991 Page 16 PUBLIC HEARINGS Continued of the length of the home since that is in important aspect of the perceived bulk of the home and th'e prominence of the home. Chairperson Moran felt the problem on this site is the perception of excessive bulk of the house. She said she was concerned with the rear elevation. She was also in favor of a study session. She raised the issue of lowering the house and questioned whether the basement would provide any leeway for lowering the height of the structure. THE MOTION CARRIED ON A 5-0 VOTE. DIRECTOR' S ITEIKS 1. Committee-of-the Whole Report 1/15/91 COMMISSION ITEMS a. Chairperson Moran stated she attended the Open Space Committee. She felt it would be useful for the Commission to have the Committee's comments and minutes of their meetings in which they consider open space outside of the current City limits. b. Commissioner Caldwell suggested that a resolution be prepared for former Commissioner Burger. Chairperson Moran stated she very much enjoyed working with Commissioner Burger and will miss her enthusiasm and careful consideration of the issues that come before the Planning Commission. COMMUNICATIONS Written 1. City Council Minutes - 12/19/90 and 1/2/91 oral City Council Commissioner Caldwell reported on the City Council meeting. ADJOURNMENT The Planning Commission meeting was adjourned at 10:30 p.m. ,, Rebecca Cuffman