HomeMy WebLinkAbout04-16-1991 Planning Commission minutesr ~ CITY OF SARATOGA PLANNING COMMISSION MINDTES DATE: Tuesday, April 16, 1991, 6:00 p.m. PLACE: Community Center Arts and Crafts Room 19655 Allendale Avenue TYPE: Adjourned Regular Meeting Roll Call: Present: Commissioners Moran, Tucker, Forbes, Bogosian, Durket Absent: Commissioner Caldwell Staff Present: Planning Director Emslie, Assoc. Planner Adar ITEMS OF DISCIISSION 1. ROS Zone _ Citv of Saratoga The Commission completed the review of the revised ordi- nance. The major changes are related to the height restric- tion which was reduced to~22 ft. Additional height is subject to findings to be made by the Planning Commission. The Commission also reviewed. the proposed clustering provi- sion and directed staff to study options for clustering controls to ensure conservation of open space without exces- sive density in the development area. The Commission also requested staff to prepare :examples implementing the pro- posed clustering regulations. A final draft will be prepared for the Commissioner's review at the 4/30/92 study session and scheduled it for the 5/22/92 public hearing. 2. Plannina Commission Procedures The Planning Commission discussed the Planning Department's memorandum which detailed proposed changes to the Commis- sion's procedures. The following items were discussed: I. Consent Calendar: The following items are acceptable for placement on the Consent Calendar: A. Resolutions prepared at Planning Commission direc- tion after public hearings are closed. B. Initial request for continuance. C. Staff recommendations for continuance. 1 r-e q ~; ui~~~ y~,flva ,. Regular Adjourned Meeting 4/16/91 II. Requests for Continuance Initial request by the applicant for continuance will be granted automatically only if received by staff prior to posting of the agenda. Requests for continu- ance received after the agenda is posted will be con- sidered on a case-by- case basis by the Planning Com- mission. Subsequent requests for continuance will also be considered on a case-by-case basis and will be granted only when the .Planning Commission finds that extenuating circumstances outside of the applicant's control are present. III. Ex Parte Communications The Planning Commission concluded that a policy regard- ing ex parte communication should be tabled until such time as the Council so directs the Planning Commission. IV. Reconsideration of Motions The Planning Director reported that the City Attorney expressed concern regarding the subsequent reconsidera- tion of motions after hearings are closed. The Plan- ning Commission directed that the City Attorney prepare a policy or possible ordinance change to ensure the recommended procedure is fair to all interested par- ties. ADJOURNMENT 2 ~~~w~~~~