HomeMy WebLinkAbout04-30-1991 Planning Commission minutesi ,~ CITY OF SARATOGA PLANNING COMMISSION MINUTES DATE: Tuesday, April 30, 1991 - 7:30 p.m. PLACE: Community Center, Arts & Crafts Room, 19655 Allendale Ave. TYPE: Adjourned Regular Meeting -------------------------------------------------------------------- Roll Call: Present: Moran, Tucker, Forbes, Durket, Caldwell, Bogosian Staff Present: Emslie, Walgren, Adar ITEMS OF DISCUSSION 1. SM-91-001 = THAKUR, 21537 SARATOGA HEIGHTS DR. Request for site modification to previously approved plans in order to construct a pool, decking and associated yard improve- ments to a partially constructed two-story residence on a 3.2 acre parcel located within the NHR zone district per Chapter 15 of the City Code. Planner Walgren presented the background of this particular application and the revised site development plans now before the Commission. The applicant was present to discuss the modified plans and to answer any questions the Planning Commission may have. The applicant referred to geologic constraints dictating the location of the proposed pool. Discussion ensued regarding the applicability of the City Geologist's review and comment. Commissioner Caldwell requested that the applicant respond to the City Geologist's report prior to tentative approval of the project. The Planning Commission agreed that an appropriate condition of approval would be to require landscaping along the Pierce Road side of the property, preferably tall, native trees (oaks, redwoods, etc.) and to resolve geologic concerns prior to scheduling this item for a continued public hearing. Staff will reschedule the item for a land use visit prior to the next avail- able public hearing. 2. DIVIDEND DEVELOPMENT = PAUL MASSON SITE, SARATOGA AVENUE Planning Director Emslie, presented the senior care facility previously approved by the Planning Commission and the City Council for this particular site. This earlier approval is now nearing expiration due to a lack of interested operators for this type of use and the applicant is now requesting reconsideration of a revised senior restricted (62 years of age) independent living townhome project. The Planning Director then discussed the air quality concerns addressed at the tentative approval stage and whether or not an intensive care facility was wholly appropriate for this site. He also brought up the June 5, 1991 City Council meeting scheduled to discuss the larger issue of an ~..6~%a~~~.o'~ Regular Adjourned~eting 4/30/91 appropriate location for a senior care facility in Saratoga. The applicant, Mr. Oliver, was present to discuss both his previ- ous project and the modified project. 3. R-OS - PROPOSED ORDINANCE FOR RESIDENTIAL OPEN SPACE ZONE DIST. Review of the final draft ordinance prior to scheduling for a public hearing. The Committee of the Whole reviewed a revised draft ordinance and discussed the proposed clustering provision. The revised ordi- nance is scheduled for consideration by the Planning Commission at the 5/22/91 public hearing. The Planning Commission agreed that the clustering concept pro- posed by the staff was acceptable providing the following parame- ters were incorporated: 1. The density formula should not exceed the density currently allowed in the County ordinance. 2. The cluster ordinance should include a minimum as well as a maximum house size. 3. The cluster ordinance should include the provision for sufficient flexibility to allow house size ADJOURNMENT