HomeMy WebLinkAbout06-12-1991 Planning Commission Minutes1 • • CITY OF SARATOGA PLA1d11~Il~G COI~ISSIOA~ PlI1VUTES DATEe June 12, 1991 - 7e30 p.m. PLACEe City Council Chambers, 13777 Fruitvale Ave TYPEe Regular Meeting Roll Call: Chairperson Moran, Commissioners Forbes, Caldwell, Durket and Bogosian; Commissioner Tucker was absent. Pledge of Allegiance Minutes 5/8/91 & 5/22/91 CALDfi~ELL/FORBES P~iOVED TO APPROVE THE PgIATUTES OF ~IAY 8, 1991 AS AMENDED e Passed 5-O FORBES/CALDT~7ELL MOVED TO APPROVE THE I~[[INUTES OF P~IAY 22, 1991 AS AMENDED. Passed 4-0 (MORAN ABSTAIAT) ORAL COMMUNICATIONSe None REPORT OF POSTING AGENDAe Pursuant to Government Code 54954.2, the agenda for this meeting was properly posted on June 7, 1991. Technical Correction to Packeto ;None PUBLIC HEARING CONSENT CALENDAR 1. DR-90-082 Williams, 21272 Chiquita Way, request for design review approval to construct a new two- story, 7,440 s.f. residence on a 10-acre parcel within the NHR zone district per Chapter 15 of the City Code. The subject property is Lot #3 of the Chadwick Place Subdivision (Tract #7770) (cont. to 6/26/91) 2. City of Saratoga - Draft Circulation Element Abstract for review and comment (cont. to 6/26/91) 3. SD-90-O10 Vidanage, 12585 Saratoga-Sunnyvale Rd., request for Tentative Map approval to subdivide a 1.87 acre lot into five new parcels ranging from 12,524 to 14,043 s.f. in area within the R-1-12,500 zone district per Chapter 14 of the City Code. The proposed subdivision would be accessed by a cul-de-sac. • • 4. An environmental initial study has been prepared for, preliminary review per the CEQA guidelines (cont. to 6/26/91). Annual review of Capital Improvement Program for consistency with the General Plan (cont. from 5/22/91). CALD~ELL/FORBES MOVED TO APPROVE THE CONSENT CALENDAR. PASSED 5-0 PUBLIC HEARINGSm 5. DR-89-110 Tai, 21451 Continental Circle, request for design review approval to construct a new 7,254 s.f. two-story residence on a 3-acre parcel within the NHR zone district per Chapter 15 of the City Code (cont. from 5/8/91). Planner Walgren presented the Report to the Planning Commission dated June 12, 1991. In response to Commissioners question he stated that smoked glass will be used for the atrium and no fencing is proposed at this time. The public hearing was opened at 7e43 p.m. Mr. Paul Tai, 1060 Westview Court, Cupertino, presented slides to the Commission outlining the improvements. He suggested reserving three palm trees and replant a different specie in place of tree number four to allow shelter. In response to Commissioner Caldwell's question regarding the retaining wall, Mr. Tai stated the retaining wall is under 4 ft. in height and is needed to control water drainage. Regarding the plexi-glass, Mr. Tai requested to retain the plexi-glass around the dining room, but would remove any other. CALDWELL/FORBES MOVED TO CLOSE THE PUBLIC HEARING. PASSED 5-0 BOGOSIAN/FORBES MOVED TO APPROVE DR-89-110 Gs1ITH THE FOLLO6~lING AMENDMENTSe EXTERIOR TO BE DARKER COLORa PROHIBIT CONSTRUCTION OF OUTDOOR LIGHTING ON DRIVEInTAY, SUBJECT TO STAFF APPROVAL. Discussion ensued. Commissioner Forbes felt the building was too massive for the site. Commissioner Durket noted, although there were improvements made to the building he still felt the it is too massive for the site. He noted the length of the house should be reduced. Commissioner Caldwell stated the home is too bulky and prominent. She supported the amendments, but felt the length of the home should be reduced to 100 ft. and would accept more grading to do this. i • Chr. Moran expressed concern regarding the length of the house as well as the amount of impervious coverage in the driveway. She felt the house was too massive. Motion was denied. 1-4 (Caldwell, Forbes, Durket, Moran opposed) CALDWELL/FORBES ~9[OVED TO DENY DR-89-110 ~3ITH THE FOLLOWING FINDINGS: PROJECT WILL NOT PRINIPlIZE EXCESSIVE BULK OF SITE AS VIEWED FROPq THE VALLEY AND OTHER REGIONS OF SARATOGA; DESIGN CONTRAVENES POLICIES 1, 2 & 4 OF.THE RESIDENTIAL DESIGN HANDBOOK; DOES NOT PRESERVE VIEWS; LENGTH OF HOPgE IS EXCESSIVELY LONG. PASSED 4-1 (BOGOSIAN OPPOSED) Planning Director Emslie took items 6 and 7 out of order. 7. DR-90-067 Emami, 20728 Wardell Rd., Parcel 1, request to construct a 4,823 s.f. two-story single-family residence on.a 32,535 s.f. parcel in the R-1- 12,500 zone district per Chapter 15 of the City Code (cont. from 5/22/91) Planning Director Emslie presented the Report to the Planning Commission dated June 12, 1991. The public hearing was opened at 8e10 p.m. In response to Commissioner Durket's question Mr. Emslie noted the driveway away from the creek is an access easement reserved for the neighbor to the north of the proposed parcel. Mr. Bob Rockwood, 20445 Williams Ave., noted the design meets the guidelines and will enhance the neighborhood. He stated the proposed home will not disturb any of the trees. The roof is developed to minimize the bulk of the home. Mr. Rockwood noted the street improvements Mr. Emami has made. He presented photos to the Commission and requested they consider the style and tradition of the home. In response to Commissioner Caldwell's question, Mr. Rockwood noted the copper used is only over the bay windows. In response to Commissioner Forbes' question Mr. Rockwood stated, with regards to screening for landscaping, there is a wall of trees 15 - 20 feet along the front property line. Ms. Rita Hennessy noted her address is incorrect on the maps in the staff report and requested these be changed. She expressed concern regarding the copper roof, noting the sun glare from it. In response to Chr. Moran's question Mr. Rockwood noted there is an all wood overhang outside the dining room which will be covered with vines. Ms. Shirley Deamer, 20751 Wardell Rd., noted she had no objection to the proposals either parcel 1 or 2 and commended Mr. Emami for • • his concern to surrounding neighbors, She urged the Commissioners to support the project. Mr. Andre Bogart, 20800 Wardell Rd., noted the landscaping will prohibit any view of the house. He noted the back lot is appropriate for a park. ,4tieoyo ~~ A~rt9yello Mr. Ed Bevis, 12562 ~3r~--Be•~ "_r~,~-'_'_~, spoke in support of the project. FORBES/CALDTi~ELL PiOVED TO CLOSE THE PUBLIC HEARIP3G o PASSED 5-0 CALDTnTELL/BOGOSIAYd PgOVED TO APPROVE DR-90-067. Commissioner Bogosian spoke in support of a two-story design. He expressed concern regarding the west elevation noting it appears massive and would like to see a change in materials to soften the wall. Mr. Rockwood noted this wall would be covered with ivy. Commissioner Bogosian noted his concern is the design review of the building rather than landscaping. Commissioner Caldwell suggested arbors. The motion was carried 4-1 (Durket opposed). 6. DR-90-065 Emami, 20760 Wardell Rd., Parcel 2, request to construct a 3,708 s.f., two-story, single family residence on a 13,000 s.f. parcel in the R-1-12,500 zone district per Chapter 15 of the City Code (cont. from 5/22/91). Planning Director Emslie presented the Report to the Planning Commission dated June 12, 1991 The public hearing was opened at 8e42 p.m. Ms. Rita Hennessey expressed concern regarding the copper on the roof . DURKET/FORBES FgOVED TO CLOSE THE PUBLIC HEARIATG. PASSED 5-0 FORBES/CALDWELL PgOVED TO APPROVE DR-90-065. Commissioner Durket noted the style should not be compromised, but agrees with staff and feels this house, as a two story, would appear too massive and not fit into the neighborhood. He did not feel lowering the roof line would alleviate the problem and requested the Commission consider one-story house. Commissioner Bogosian concurred with Commissioner Durket. Commissioner Caldwell supported staff's recommendations noting she r i could not make the neighborhood compatibility finding and would like to see a one-story building: Commissioner Forbes spoke in support of the project as there had been no objections from the neighbors. Chr. Moran concurred with Commissioner Forbes, noting this house is compatible with the neighborhood. The motion was denied. (Durket, Bogosian, Caldwell opposed) DURKET/BOGOSIAN MOVED TO DENY DR-90-065 KITH THE FOLLOT~IING FINDINGS a RIOT COMPATIBLE F~IITH THE liIEIGHBORHOOD a PRIVACY I1~PACTS; HEIGHT AND BULK OF BUILDING TOO MASSIVEo The motion carried 3-2 (Moran, Forbes opposed). Mr. Rockwood noted if the recommendation for the entryway of the house was considered it would not be beneficial. FORBES MOVED TO RECONSIDER DR-90-065. The motion was denied due to lack of a second. 8. DR-91-001 Yan, 13566 Cocciardi Ct., request for design review approval to construct a new 5,744 s.f. two-story, single-family residence on a 1.05 acre parcel in the NHR zone district per Chapter 15 of the City Code (cont. from 5/22/91). Planner Walgren presented the Report to the Planning Commission dated June 12, 1991. He noted staff is recommending approval with an additional cond. 14 and a modification of cond. 9 as outlined in the staff report. The public hearing was opened at 8e55 p.m. Mr. Joseph Yan, 782 Milpitas, spoke in support of staff's recommendations. CALDWELL/FORBES MOVED TO CLOSE THE PUBLIC HEARING. PASSED 5-0 BOGOSIAN/FORBES MOVED TO APPROVE 'DR-91-001e PASSED 5-0 9. SM-91-005 Craik, 20959 Hidden View Ln., request for consideration to enclose greater than 4,000 s.f. of a 2.1 acre site with fencing within the HC-RD zone district per Chapter 15 of the City Code (cont. from 5/22/91). Planner Walgren presented the Report to the Planning Commission dated June 12, 1991. The public hearing was opened 9002 p.m. Ms. Judy Craik. 13449 Kodiak Pl.', noted the neighbors as well as Hakone Foundation are in support of the proposal. She did not feel landscaping was appropriate in this area. In response to Com. Durket's question Ms. Craik noted she liked the look of wrought iron rather than an open wire fence. Commissioner Caldwell suggested a higher fence and also additional planting of bamboo along the fence line. In response to Commissioner Bogosian's question Ms. Craik noted the reason for a 4 ft. fence is not to restrict wildlife. CALDWELL/BOGOSIAN PROVED TO CLOSE THE PUBLIC HEARING. PASSED 5-0 CALDWELL/FORBES MOVED TO APPROVE SPq-91-005 WITH THE FOLLOWING MODIFICATIONSe THE HEIGHT OF FENCE ALONG THE WESTERN BOUNDARY BE 5 FT. REPgAIN [nTROUGHT IRONo LANDSCAPING BE INSTALLED ALONG SAPgE BOUNDARY WITH PgiJTUAL AGREEA~iEPdT OF ALL PARTIES IPdVOLVED. Commissioner Durket noted he would support staff's recommendations. Commissioner Bogosian concurred with Commissioner Durket, but would like to see additional landscaping with the additional bamboo. Commissioner Caldwell noted she would modify the motion to reflect a 4 ft. fence with additional landscaping as indicated. Chr. Moran concurred with the modification. The motion carried 5-0. 10. DR-91-003 Pliner, 15257 Hume Dr., request to construct a 6,928 s.f. one-story, single family residence on a 2.36 acre parcel in the R-1-40,000 zone district per, Chapter 15 of the City Code (cont. from 5/22/91.). Commissioner Caldwell noted due to conflict of interest she would be abstaining from this application. Commissioner Forbes noted he would be abstaining from this application because he lives within 500 ft, of the proposed project. Planner Walgren presented the Report to the Planning Commission dated June 12, 1991. The public hearing was opened at 9:28 p.m. Mr. Ramirez, representing Mr. & Mrs. Pliner, noted the CC&R's had been taken care off when the property was bought. In response to Commissioner Bogosian's question Mr. Ramirez noted he will comply with the Arborist's recommendations. DURKET/BOGOSIAN PROVED TO CLOSE THE PUBLIC HEARING. PASSED 5-0 DURKET/BOGOSIAM MOVED TO APPROVE DR-91-003. " Commissioner Bogosian felt this is an attractive building being proposed and a benefit to the City. The motion was carried 3-0 11. SD-91-001 Olavarri, 20520 Montalvo Heights Dr., request LL-91-001 for Tentative Map approval for a three-lot subdivision to create one new parcel in addition to the two existing parcels. The parcels are to be 2.2 acres, 1.9 acres, and 1.8 acres and located in the R-1-40,000 zone district. Lot line adjustment approval is also requested to transfer 21,931 s.f. from Parcel "C" to Parcel "A", pursuant to Chapter 14 of the City Code. Planner Walgren presented the Report to the Planning Commission dated June 12, 1991. He noted staff recommend°~approval with the following additional conditions Prior to final map approval the driveway indicated on the site development plan shall be reconfigured to avoid trees 1 & 5 identified in the Arborist Report dated May 8, 1991. The public hearing was opened at 9e34 p.m. FORBES/CALDWELL MOVED TO CLOSE THE PUBLIC HEARII~TG. PASSED 5-0 CALD6~ELL/FORBES MOVED TO APPROVE SD-91-001, LL-91-001 AS MODIFIED BY STAFF, Id0 TREE OTHER THAT ~ 6 SHOULD BE REMOVED 6dfiICH SHOULD BE REPLACED SUBJECT TO THE ARBORIST'S REPORT. PASSED 5-0 12. DR-91-016 Saratoga Pacific Oaks, 19188 Crisp Ave., request for design review approval to construct a new 4,894 s.f. two-story residence on a 41,433 s.f. parcel within the R-1-40,000 zone district per Chapter 15 of the City Code. The subject .parcel is Lot X19 of the San Marcos Heights subdivision. Planner Walgren presented the Report to the Planning Commission dated June 12, 1991. The public hearing was opened at 9:40 p.m. CALDWELL/DURKET MOVED TO CLOSE THE PUBLIC HEARIMGe PASSED 5-0 FORBES/CALDwELL MOVED TO APPROVE DR-~1-016 6dITH THE FOLLOTdING MODIFICATIONS: COLOR BE DARKER FOR EXTERIOR, SUBJECT TO STAFF APPROVAL; LANDSCAPE PLAN TO COME BEFORE COMMISSION FOR REVIE~1. Mr. Gregory Brook, Saratoga Pacific Oaks, spoke in support of the staff report. • • In response to Commissioner Caldwell°s question Mr. Emslie stated the project does comply with the arborist°s report as well as the Xeriscape Guidelines. In response to Commissioner Forbes' question Mr. Brook stated there is no building proposed at this time for the level pit behind the lot, but there will eventually be a proposal. Commissioner Durket noted this house is going to be extremely visible and stated the landscaping is important. He requested the window treatment be carefully selected to set a tone for the neighborhood. Commissioner Caldwell requested adding a condition for the landscape plan to come before the Planning Commission for review and changes if necessary. She stated she would like to modify the motion to require a darker color for the exterior, subject to staff approval. Planner Walgren noted the applicant has not been required to prepare a landscape plan at this time. Commissioner Bogosian spoke in favor of staff's recommendations, but concurred with a darker color for the exterior. Chr. Moran concurred with the color change. She would like to see the landscape plan come before the Commissions and would like to see house plans simultaneously. The motion was carried 5-0. 13. DR-91-004 Rivoir, 20415 Montalvo Oaks, request for design review approval to construct a new 4,390 s.f. two-story residence on a 22,651 s.f. parcel within the R-1-20,000 zone district per Chapter 15 of the City Code. Planner Walgren presented the Report to the Planning Commission dated June 12, 1991. Commissioner Durket expressed concern regarding views and privacy impact. Planner Walgren noted they received no correspondence from neighbors. The public hearing was opened at 9e55 p.m. Mr. Michael Lane, 513 Monterey Ave., Los Gatos, noted he would answer any questions from the Commission. He noted it was a Cuppola on top of the garage. Commissioner Caldwell requested the cuppola be changed to a dormer. The applicant noted he would be amenable to the change. CALDT~iELL/DURKET A~fOVED TO CLOSE THE PUBLIC HEARIATG s ~ DUREET/CALDfi~ELL MOVED TO APPROVE DR-91-004 CHANGING THE CUPPOLA TO A DORMER; COND. 14 TO INCLUDE ALL OTHER MEASURES AND RECOMMENDATIONS AS DESCRIBED IN THE ARBORIST°S REPORT BE ADHERED TOO. Commissioner Bogosian questioned the grading. Planner Walgren noted the grading quantities included the pool. The motion was carried 5-0. 14. DR-91-013 West, 14801 Andrew Ct., request for design review approval to construct a 1,536 s.f. second story addition and 818 s.f. of additional first floor area to an existing 3,450 s.f. one-story single family residence within the R-1-40,000 zone district per Chapter 15 of the City Code. Planner Walgren presented the Report to the Planning Commission dated June 12, 1991. Planning Director Emslie informed the Commission of the letters received opposing this project. The public hearing was opened at 10°01 p.m. Mr. Tom Sloane, Architect, acquainted the Commission with how the project got started. He explained the different options they had considered and the proposed plan was the best. He noted the two- story section had been added to the center of the house to minimize privacy impacts on neighbors. He noted there would be no view impact on other neighbors. Mr. Morris Jones, 19472 Riesling Ct., expressed his objection to a second story noting all houses in the neighborhood are one story. Mr. Janes expressed concern regarding the view impact the second story will have on neighboring homes as well as the privacy impact. Mr. Thomas Leigha, 14833 Andrew Ct., expressed concern regarding the second story as to the privacy impact and view. He noted a two story home would not be in harmony with the neighborhood. Mr. Leigha stated he was not opposed to adding on to the home, but not a second story. Mr. Howard Summers, 14800 Andrew Ct., expressed concern regarding the second story noting it will be too massive and not appropriate for the lot. He felt the circular driveway proposed is not appropriate and requests denial. Mr. Mike West, 14801 Andrew Ct., noted he needed to add space to his home and the second story was the best option. He stated privacy impacts of the neighbors had been respected and the intention of the circular driveway is to keep cars off the street. Mr. Sloane noted that trees will screen the house from the end of the court and the roof is wood cedar shake. DURKET/CALD~TELL MOVED TO CLOSE THE PUBLIC HEARING. FORBES/CALD6s1ELL MOVED TO CONTINUE DR-91-013 TO A STUDY SESSION TO CONSIDER A ONE STORY. Commissioner Bogosian expressed concern regarding the compatibility to the neighborhood due to height and bulk. He felt it should remain a one-story home and would like to see an addition to the one-story rather than adding a second story. Commissioner Forbes noted he did not like the strong vertical elements over the entrance. Commissioner Caldwell noted she would like to see a one story alternative to consider at the Study Session. She stated the neighborhood is predominantly one-story and there is strong opposition from neighbors regarding a second story. Chr. Moran noted concerns from the neighbors included privacy and view impacts. She would like to see a revision of the circular driveway and concurred with the Commission regarding a one-story neighborhood. Commissioner Forbes withdrew his motion. FORBES/DURKET MOVED TO DENY DR-91-013 KITH THE FOLLOTr~ING FINDINGSe UNANIP4OUS OPPOSITION FROP1 NEIGHBORS; INTERFERES T~IITH VIE6dS AND PRIVACY; NOT COMPATIBLE 6sTITH NEIGHBORHOOD DUE TO HEIGHT AND BULK. PASSED 5-0. 15. SM-90-007 Mollard, 13977 Albar Ct., request for site modification approval to construct a pool/spa surfaces to a previously approved two-story residence within the NHR zone district per Chapter 15 of the City Code. Planner Walgren presented the Report to the Planning Commission dated June 12, 1991. Commissioner Bogosian expressed concern regarding watering for landscaping. Planning Director Emslie stated the Planning Commission in the past has allowed the applicant to post a bond ar security for the value of the landscaping to be deferred until after drought conditions, although it is not recommended in this particular application. He also noted that the decking in Exhibit A is not included in this proposal. The public hearing was opened at 10°36 p.m. Mr. Roy Mollard stated this was the first time he heard about the landscaping requirement and would .like to strike that requirement r~ • ~~ at this time as he is going to be out of the country for several weeks or remove the word "evergreen" and he would add trees of his own choice. Regarding the water for the pool and landscaping, Mr. Mollard stated he has accumulated enough water to accommodate. The request is to amend Cond. 6. Commissioner Caldwell noted that the landscape requirement is not due until just prior to zone clearance. In response to Commissioner Bogosian's question Mr. Emslie stated cond. 6 can be executed at the final inspection of the pool. Mr. Mollard noted this was acceptable. DURKET/CALD6dELL PROVED TO CLOSE THE PUBLIC HEARIPdG. DURKET/BOGOSIAPJ PROVED TO APPROVE SM-90-007 63ITH THE AMEtUDPREPTT TO COND. 6 TO READ 1°PRIOR TO FIPiAL POOL IPTSPECTIOPd THE APPLICAPdT SHALL SUBPRIT A LAPdDSCAPE PLAP~ TO STAFF FOR REVIE63. PASSED 5-0 16. UP-90-011 GTE Mobilnet, 14375 Saratoga Ave., request for use permit to construct two, 50 ft. tall cellular transmission towers within the Professional and Administrative Office (P-A) zone district per Chapter 15 of the City Code. Planning Director Emslie presented the Report to the Planning Commission dated June 12, 1991. The public hearing was opened at 10°47 p.m. CoLkEK. Ms. Peggy ~'=~~~«= addressed the Commission regarding the project and requested a two week continuance to have a radio engineer study the possibility of reducing the height of the poles. Mr. D@n Whetstone, 14395 Saratoga Ave. noted the poles are very visible and face the suite of offices. Mr. Whetstone expressed concern regarding radio transmission resulting in computer failure. CALDTi~ELL/FORBES PROVED TO CLOSE THE PUBLIC HEARIRTG. PASSED 5-0. Goc K.6lL In response to Commissioner Durket's question Ms. ~~~~ stated the poles would be reduced by 10 ft. at the maximum. In response to Commissioner Durket's question Mr. Emslie stated the reduced height would factor into staff's recommendations. DURKET/CALDWELL PROVED TO COPITIYVIJE UP-90-011 TO JUP~E 26, 1991. Chr. Moran felt that the neighbors had many concerns. Commissioner Bogosian stated lowering the height may eliminate problem and suggested considering an alterative location. Commissioner Forbes stated he felt something other than the poles could be done and would not support the continuance. Chr. Moran noted the neighbors concerns and stated she would not support the continuance. The City Attorney suggested a continuance to see an alternative plan because of the nature of the Use Permit. DIRECTOR' S ITEF4S Planning Director Emslie reported on the Sung application with regards to requesting extensions. He noted staff will present this application at a public hearing. In response to Commissioner Bogosian's request, the City Attorney explained the Sub-division Map Act and extensions granted. She stated once the Tentative Map expires that is the cut-off date. The Planning Commission action is final unless appealed to the City Council. Commissioner Caldwell directed staff by consensus of the Commission to expedite notification to hear this on June 26, 1991. COICATIOATS Written Planning Director Emslie reported on the San Marcos Heights Development regarding Public Access and the temporary signs. Mr. Emslie reiterated the comments in, the letter from Mr. Greg Brook. He noted staff's concern are that the sign is becoming a permanent sign which the Planning Commission denied last year. Staff has requested the removal of the posts as well as the landscape treatment and retain the original temporary fence. Commissioner Bogosian stated the original intent should be adhered to. Commissioner Caldwell noted she~had received phone calls from surrounding neighbors in the past regarding this issue and they are not in support of the new signs and would not be in favor or prohibiting public access. Mr. Greg Brook stated the posts and the planter box installed is not a massive structure. He noted a new sign is not being proposed, but just relocated and the intent is only for a temporary structure. Mr. Brook noted they are cleaning up the entrance to the site. He stated he wrote letters to surrounding neighbors informing them of his intent but received no reply in opposition or support. Mr. Brook expressed concern regarding a liability issue with regards to the public access. Chr. Moran noted she had no opposition to the new posts and planter a • box and suggested writing a letter being specific as to when the sign should be removed. She spoke in support of public access. Commissioner Caldwell spoke in support of staff's original proposal and requested directing staff to uphold this. Commissioner Bogosian spoke in support of staff's original proposal. Commissioner Forbes felt the public access should be left open. Commissioner Durket supported staff's original proposal. Chr. Moran directed staff to uphold the original proposal, keep temporary sign as is and leave public access open. Mr. Brook stated in the letter they referred to a date when the sign will be removed and noted it is not a permanent sign as they did receive denial for a permanent sign. Oral - None COP~IISSIONS ITEPgS Planning Director Emslie reported on the retreat. Chr. Moran noted Commissioner Tucker will not be attending the retreat. Commissioner Caldwell commented on Ms. Jensen°s comments regarding water hookup. Planning Director Emslie noted it could be placed on the agenda if a Commissioner requested. City Council Commissioner Bogosian reported on the City Council meeting. ADJOURNMENT: The Planning Commission meeting was adjourned at 11:35 p.m.