HomeMy WebLinkAbout10-23-1991 Planning Commission Minutes• +- ~. Cont. to October 23, 1991 3. DR-91-021 - Blackwell, 20011 Bella Vista, request for design review approval to construct a new 6,175 sq. ft. one-story residence on a 1.075 acre parcel within the R-1-40,000 zone district per Chapter 15 of the City Code (cont. from 9/25/91; application expires 12/16/91). -------------------------------------------------------------- 5. DR-91-035 - Chen, 12505 Crayside Ln., Lot #18, request for design review approval to construct a new 4,789 sq. ft. two-story residence on a one acre parcel within the R-1-20,000 zone district per Chapter 15 of the City Code. The subject property is Lot #18 of the Beauchamps subdivision (Tract #8316) (cont. from 8/28/91). ----------------------------------------------------------- 6. DR-91-042 - Westbrook, 20611 Lomita Ave., request for design review approval for a 1,003 sq. ft. one and two-story addition to an existing 2,077 sq. ft. one-story residence for a total of 3,080 sq. ft. per Chapter 15 of the City Code. The parcel is 9,281 sq. ft. located within the R-1-10,000 zone district (cont. from 8/28/91). Cont. to 10/9/91 cont. to 11/13/91 9. UP-550.1 - Desert Petroleum, 12600 Saratoga Ave., request for use permit renewal approval to maintain an existing gasoline service station and to modify the existing signage from Gasco to Arco per Chapter 15 of the City Code. The subject property is located within the R-M-5,000 P-C zone district. cont. to 12/11/91 7. DR-91-048 - Sandijeh, 14265 Burns Way, request for design review approval to demolish an existing one- story residence and construct a 4,836 sq. ft. two-story home on a 28,020 sq. ft. parcel within the R-1-15,000 zone district. ----------------------------------------------- 17 •., .> ';, ~- CITY' SARATOGA PLANNING COMMI:~N _ MINUTES DATE: October 23, 1991 - 7:30 p.m. PLACE: City Council Chambers, 13777 Fruitvale Ave. TYPE: Regular Meeting ---------------------------------------------------------------- Roll Call Chair Moran called the meeting to order at 7:30 p.m. Present: Moran, Caldwell, Favero, Tucker, Durket and Bogosian Absent: Forbes Pledge of Allegiance The Pledge of Allegiance was recited. Minutes Commissioner Caldwell questioned the reference on page 3 of the September it minutes to the Sinsley application being the same application that was approved in 1988 and indicated she would like staff to clarify if the original application had expired or if there had been some differences in the drawings. Page 8, Orosz, she recalled additional discussion before the vote wherein she concurred with the staff report and was interested in seeing the second story setback among other things and asked for more detail from these minutes regarding that item. MOTION to approve the minutes of September 11, 1991 as corrected. M/S Tucker/Caldwell Ayes 5 Noes 0 Absent 1 (Forbes) Abstain 1 (Durket) Commissioner Bogosian stated that on page 6 of the October 9 minutes regarding GTE Mobilnet, he wanted it to be clear that his objection to the GTE antennae was based on the design review findings and he would like the reference to "and the people living there" struck from the minutes. Commissioner Caldwell noted that on page 3 the vote regarding the continuance of the Open Space Element item to a special study session was not represented in the minutes. The vote should read: Ayes 6 Noes 1 (Moran). Commissioner Caldwell further asked that the minutes reflect that a clear majority of the residents who were present that evening to speak on the .issue indicated a preference for a special study session. Page 7, regarding Mr. Oliver's request for a two week continuance, the minutes should be amended to note that the request was made to allow the Planning Commission to review the results of the air study at the same time. Page 8, in the motion to deny DR-91-022, item number 1 should be changed to read "this site is even more prominent than the neighboring site...; number 2 "store" should be "story". Commissioner Caldwell also asked that the minutes be amended to note Mr. Barry Coate's report to the Planning Commission in regard to the Waller matter. Page 10, second to the last paragraph, delete "(as regards landslide repair)." Page 11, third from the last paragraph, add at end of that sentence "...given the policy of the Council to require identification of all trees and groves of trees on development applications. 1 Planning Commissio~:inutes 10/23/91 s Chair Moran stated it was her recollection that people present at the October 9 meeting indicated a willingness rather than a preference to move the item to a study session. MOTION to approve the minutes of October 9, 1991 as amended. M/S Caldwell/Tucker Ayes 6 Noes 0 Absent 1 (Forbes) ORAL COMMUNICATIONS (THIS PORTION OF THE MEETING IS RESERVED FOR PERSONS DESIRING TO ADDRESS THE COMMISSION ON ANY MATTER NOT ON THE AGENDA. SPEAKERS ARE LIMITED TO TWO MINUTES. A MAXIMUM OF 15 MINUTES WILL BE ALLOWED FOR THIS ITEM.) Commissioner Favero asked for clarification as to direction given regarding the Wong development at the last study session and Chair Moran responded that staff was asked to amend the minutes of the previous study session that direction had not been given. Acting Planning Director, Tsvia Adar, stated she is preparing information for the Planning Commission that will be available at the October 29 meeting. REPORT OF POSTING AGENDA Pursuant to Government Code 54954.2, the agenda for this meeting was properly posted on October 18., 1991. Technical Corrections to Packet The Acting Planning Director Adar stated there were only minor corrections that will be dealt with as the items are discussed. Planner Riggs announced that the City Attorney would arrive shortly and had asked that the Planning Commission proceed with business. PUBLIC HEARING CONSENT CALENDAR THESE ITEMS WILL BE ACTED UPON IN ONE MOTION UNLESS THEY ARE REMOVED FROM THE CONSENT CALENDAR FOR DISCUSSION BY COMMISSIONERS OR ANY INTERESTED PARTY. 1. DR-91-042 - Westbrook, 20611 Lomita Ave., request for design review approval for a 1,003 sq. ft. one and two-story addition to an existing 2,077 sq. ft. one-story residence for a total of 3,080 sq. ft. per Chapter 15 of the City Code. The parcel is 9,281 sq. ft. located within the R-1-10,000 zone district (withdrawn by applicant). ----------------------------------------------------------- 2 Planning Commissio~iinutes 10/23/91 s 2. DR-91-052 - Hu, 12370 Ted Ave., request to demolish an existing residence in order to construct a new 3,369 sq. ft. two-story residence per Chapter 15 of the City Code. The parcel is approximately 11,202 sq. ft. and is located within the R-1-10,000 zone district (cont. to 11/13/91). ------------------------------------------------------------ 3. DR-91-037 - Chao, 21894 Villa Oaks Ln., request to construct a new 5,806 sq. ft. two-story residence within the Mt. Eden Estates subdivision per Chapter 15 of the City Code. The parcel is approximately 43,996 sq. ft. and is located within the NHR zone district (cont. to 11/13/91). ------------------------------------------------------------ 4. DR-91-035 - Chen, 12505 Crayside Ln., Lot #18, request for design review approval to construct a new 4,789 sq. ft. two-story residence on a one acre parcel within the R-1-20,000 zone district per Chapter 15 of the City Code. The subject property is Lot #18 of the Beauchamps subdivision (Tract #8316) (cont. to 11/13/91 to readvertise for additional square footage; application expires 11/8/91). Commissioner Bogosian removed item #4, Chen. Commissioner Caldwell questioned why item #2, Hu, item #3, Chao, were continued. Acting Planning Director Adar reported that regarding item #2, Hu, staff was concerned with the design and the applicant is working with staff on revisions. Planner Paul Karmoyan reported that item #3, Chao, was continued because staff requested revised grading plans as well as having the house stepped down on the hillside and the plans were not ready for this meeting. Commissioner Bogosian stated he had the same question regarding item #4, Chen, and Planner Riggs reported there was a change in square footage after the public hearing was noticed, and staff requested the continuance due to the mis-notice. MOTION to approve the Consent Calendar as submitted. M/S Tucker/Favero Ayes 6 Noes 0 Absent 1 (Forbes) ----------------------------------------------------------- PUBLIC HEARINGS ** (THE PLANNING COMMISSION POLICY RELATIVE TO PUBLIC HEARINGS IS THAT THE APPLICANT'S PRESENTATION SHALL BE LIMITED TO 10 MINUTES, AND OTHER SPEAKERS WILL BE LIMITED TO 3 MINUTES). 3 Planning Commissio~inutes 10/23/91 5. DR-91-021 - Blackwell, 20011 Bella Vista, request for design review approval to construct a new 6,157 sq. ft. one-story residence on a 1.1 acre parcel within the R-1-40,000 zone district per Chapter 15 of the City Code (cont. from; 9/25/91; application expires 12/16/91). Commissioner Moran reported she would be stepping down from discussion of this item because she lives within 500 ft. of the proposed home, adding that Vice Chair Caldwell would handle this item. Planner Riggs presented the staff report, stating that staff finds the home compatible with the neighborhood in regard to size, bulk and design. Planner Riggs further reported that the greatest concern has been the trees, particularly the 60" oak, and the applicant has worked closely with staff and the City arborist so as not to disturb the trees and to address the issues of design review. The City arborist has determined that the proposed design will not interfere with the 60" oak if all the conditions of the arborists report are followed. Staff recommended that the following condition be added to the resolution: "Prior to zone clearance, the applicant shall submit to the City, in a form acceptable to the Planning Director, security in an amount deemed sufficient by the Planning Director pursuant to a report and recommendation by the City arborist to guarantee the maintenance and preservation measures of trees on the subject site for five years." Planner Riggs further noted that no correspondence regarding this matter has been received. Craig Blackwell, 20011 Bella Vista, applicant, reported the square footage of the existing structure on this property is approximately 2700 sq. ft. and further noted that the detached garage, 25 ft. x 20 ft., will also be torn down. MOTION to close the public hearing. M/S Durket/Tucker Ayes 5 Noes 0 Abstain 1 (Moran) Absent 1 MOTION to approve DR-91-021 with one additional condition as noted by staff. M/S Durket/Bogosian Ayes 5 Noes 0 Abstain 1 (Moran) Absent 1 Commissioner Caldwell suggested changing condition #7 to provide for additional landscaping along the south and southwest elevations, to read as follows: "Landscaping shall be installed prior to final occupancy to screen structure along the south and southwest elevations. Landscape plans shall be subject to the approval of the Planning Commission prior to zone clearance. Any 4 Planning Commissio~inutes 10/23/91 - requested or anticipated landscape plans shall require native and drought tolerant species and be in conformance with the City's xeriscape standards. Any landscape being proposed in and around the oak trees shall be compatible with the long term health of these trees." Commissioner Tucker stated that at times, staff is allowed to approve this, but asked if Commissioner Caldwell was asking that this come back to the full Planning Commission for approval. Commissioner Caldwell stated that in the absence of a Planning Director, she would like the landscape plans to come back to the Planning Commission for approval. Planner Riggs suggested it may be appropriate to ask that it come back to the arborist, to save time. Commissioner Caldwell stated that she was agreeable to the landscape plans going to the arborist rather coming back to the Planning Commission. CALL FOR THE QUESTION Ayes 5 Noes 0 Abstain 1 (Moran) Absent 1 The City Attorney arrived at 7:55 p.m. ------------------------------------------------------------ 6. SM-91-003 - Dividend Development Corp.(Owner); Chapman & ZC-91-001 - Wilson (Applicant), 13150 Saratoga Ave., request to modify previously approved site development plans for the senior housing portion of the former Paul Masson site. The applicants propose the following on an 11.07 acre parcel located on the southerly half of the Masson site zoned MU-PD: A. 192 condominium units B. 21 patio homes C. 40 beds - personal care D. 80 beds - skilled nursing In addition, the owner and applicant are requesting to amend the height limitation prescribed for the MU-PD zone district. The owner and applicant request a maximum height of 46 feet to allow a three-story structure. This would exceed the 30 foot, two-story limit prescribed for the MU-PD zone district (cont. from 9/25/91; application expires 1/92) . Commissioner Favero stated he may have a conflict of interest and would be stepping down from discussion as a Planning Commissioner but would be speaking as a citizen of Saratoga. Acting Planning Director Adar gave the staff report. She reminded the Planning Commission that this item has returned to the Commission as a result of a tie vote at a previous meeting and a subsequent motion to continue the item to this meeting. 5 Planning Commissio~inutes 10/23/91 She further reported that the Planning Commission directed the City to prepare a air quality study, adding it will include interior carbon monoxide levels, long term health effects, a the feasibility of filtering the carbon monoxide from living areas. The City Attorney addressed the Planning Commission regarding procedure stating that, under the.City's ordinances, when there is a tie vote the motion fails and the matter is carried over to the next agenda for a re-vote. If the matter is appealed in the interim, it goes directly to the City Council for consideration. The Planning Commission did take action to continue this item and in the interim an air quality study was received. The complication here is that the public hearing was closed prior to the tie vote and in order for the public to comment on the air quality study the hearing would have to be re-opened and re- noticed. The City Attorney stated that the Planning Commission can hear the staff report and the consultant's report this evening, however additional consideration of the air quality report would have to be re-noticed to give the public an opportunity to address the issue. Commissioner Durket stated he felt the safest course would be to hold a public hearing in a properly noticed session and not hear. the air quality report this evening, but continue the matter to properly noticed meeting. Commissioner Tucker asked that the resolution be corrected to reflect that the maximum height be.46 ft. and further reported that she received letters from Mrs. Spiro, Mr. & Mrs. Kramer, and Mr. Molivini expressing concerns over.the three-story height. Mr. Oliver stated he understood that the hearing was closed on the issue of a third story structure, but a public hearing was not opened on the issue of carbon monoxide and he sees these as two separate issues. Mr. Oliver requested that a public hearing be opened this evening regarding the carbon monoxide matter. He stated that the consultant and a number of people in the audience were here to address this matter this evening and if the Planning Commission determines that the carbon monoxides make this an inappropriate site, then the third story is no longer an issue. Staff indicated that agendas were sent to all parties on the mailing list but that the air quality issue has not been specifically noticed. Commissioner Caldwell expressed concerns with the results of the study received to date and stated she would like to have the entire study at the next public hearing. Chair Moran questioned whether the next public hearing will be limited to just air quality or will it be an opportunity to consider a re-crafting of the resolution. The City Attorney responded that the modifications are still an issue although the public hearing has been closed and. suggested reopening the public hearing on all aspects of the matter that the Commission wants to 6 Planning Commissio~inutes 10/23/91 discuss. MOTION to continue ZC 91-001 completely to allow for a public hearing to be held on November 13, 1991. M/S Durket/Bogosian Dennis Favero, Vineyard Lane, expressed concern with the lack of notice for the air quality report. Acting Planning Director Adar stated that staff did not realize that the continuation of the public hearing was a matter of procedure and that the air quality study was made available only yesterday, leaving no time to notice for this meeting. CALL FOR THE QUESTION Ayes 5 Noes 0 Abstain 1 (Favero) Absent 1 Chair Moran directed staff to be sure the notices made it clear that all issues will be open for discussion. MOTION to continue SM-91-003 to November 13, 1991 public hearing. M/S Bogosian/Tucker Ayes 5 Noes 0 Abstain 1 (Favero) Absent 1 ------------------------------------------------------- 7. DR-90-082 - Williams, Lot ~3, Tract 7770, request for V-91-015 design review approval for a new, two- story 9,268 sq. ft. single family residence on a 10 acre parcel, and for variance. approval for development on a minor ridge in the NHR zone district per Chapter 15 of the City Code (application expires 11/19/91). The Acting Planning Director presented the staff report, adding that staff is able to make the design review findings and that the application as presented will not be too high as the visible portion of the home will only be one story. She further stated staff would like to add the standard condition of xeriscape landscaping, and add a condition that any future request for a swimming pool on this lot would have to come back to the Planning Commission. Commissioner Durket asked if the turn around space in the driveway reflected in the arborist's report had been deleted. Staff responded the plans before the Commission tonight are the final plans and the configuration as shown is how the drive will be designed. Chair Moran opened the public hearing at 8:30 p.m. Phil Williams, 21796 Hyannis Port Drive, stated he has tried to incorporate a completely new single story home to address height 7 Planning Commissio~inutes 10/23/91 • constraints and hopes it will meet with the Planning Commission's approval. Mr. Williams reported. that none of the trees will be disturbed by the driveway design. The Planning Commission generally discussed the total length of the proposed structure, the view from the valley floor and the parking area. Ms. Nieman, Saratoga resident, expressed concern that none of the restoration has been done yet, and requested a time schedule and procedural schedule for the restoration. A Saratoga resident living at 13363 Old Oak Way, expressed concern with such a large home being constructed so far from afire hydrant and asked if this will set a precedent for future homes in that subdivision. Phil Williams responded that he has received permission from the City Council to do the restoration in the same time frame as the construction of the house. He further stated that a fire hydrant is located less than 500 ft. from the home as required by the City and trees and shrubs are not being planted up against the house. MOTION to close the public hearing at 8:45 p.m. M/S Tucker/Bogosian Ayes 5 Noes 0 Absent 1 (Commissioner Favero was out of the room at the time the vote was taken.) Commissioner Caldwell asked if the City Council had in fact given permission for the restoration to be done at the same time as the construction, and the Acting Planning Director responded that the City Council approved the request~in October of 1990, but did not state specifics. She indicated that the Planning Commission can impose more restrictions. Chair Moran asked if staff was recommending the restoration be completed prior to final occupancy and the Acting Planning Director responded that the final inspection will not be done until the restoration has been completed satisfactorily. MOTION to approve V-91-015 with staffs findings regarding the variance. M/S Tucker/Bogosian MOTION to reconsider. M/S Tucker/Moran Ayes 5 -Noes 0 Absent 1 Commissioner Caldwell expressed concern with the third variance finding in the matter stating it does not seem specific to this variance request in that the variance is for height exceedance this statement seems to have nothing to do with that. Chair Moran 8 . Planning Commissio~inutes _ 10/23/91 stated it relates to the construction of the house, not the height of the house. The City Attorney suggested restating the third variance as follows: "Granting the variance will not be detrimental ....in that the proposed single family dwelling at 18 ft. above the minor ridge rather than 12 ft. above does not impose..." MOTION to approve V-91-015 with the City Attorneys wording regarding the third finding. M/S Tucker/Bogosian Ayes 5 Noes 1 (Favero) Absent 1 MOTION to approve DR-90-082 per two conditions: (1) relating to xeriscape; and (2) relating to the pool as stated earlier. M/S Tucker/ Motion died for lack of a second. MOTION to amend the resolution as follows: (1) add xeriscape landscaping; (2) condition #3 read as follows: "The height of the structure shall not exceed 26 ft. as measured from the finish grade of the garage level to the highest point of the structure. No part of the structure may extend more than 688 ft. above mean sea level"; (3) condition #11: restoration move forward as the City Council requested (prior to the issuance of any permits). Harry Peacock, Saratoga City Manager, suggested the condition be modified to reflect that grading ,permits for the restoration be issued upon approval of the design review application by the Commission and the balance of the restoration plan, including the landscaping, has to be completed before final occupancy is granted by the City. Commissioner Caldwell stated that is how she would like condition #11 to read. She completed her motion as follows: "condition 12: change "Planning Director" to "Planning Commission"; references to the City arborist report include any subsequent reports by the arborist; add the following to condition #12: "Approved landscaping plan shall be installed prior to final occupancy"; add to condition #10: "Exterior colors be dark earthtones and subject to Planning Commission approval". Commissioner Caldwell expressed concern for the amount of grading that has taken place on this lot and asked if it is appropriate for the Commission to deny a swimming pool. The City Attorney responded that an option is to not include it at this point, but if a request for a pool comes to the Planning Commission in the future, the Commission will have it in the form of an application to review. She stated this may give the Commission stronger grounds to say yes or no. Commissioner Caldwell stated for the record she feels no further 9 Planning Commissio~inutes 10/23/91 grading should be allowed on this lot, but she will leave the swimming pool issue as is as long as any future site modifications will come back to the Planning Commission for review and approval. M/S Caldwell/Bogosian Commissioner Caldwell added the condition of 100% security deposit for five year maintenance for restoration and landscaping. Commissioner Durket stated he feels not all concerns have been met; the house is far too long and it sits on a more than prominent site. Chair Moran expressed agreement with the City Attorney's comments regarding the pool and she was happy with the current color of the home. CALL FOR THE QUESTION Ayes 4 Noes 2 (Durket, Favero) Absent 1 Chair Moran called a recess at 9:05 p.m. The Planning Commission reconvened at 9:15 p.m. ------------------------------------------------------------ 8. DR-91-026 - Ruehle, 21097 Comer Ave., request for design review approval to construct a new 5,221 sq. ft. two-story residence on a 1.95 acre site within the NHR zone district per Chapter 15 of the City Code. A rear yard pool, pool house and associated decking are also proposed (cont. from 9/25/91; application expires 11/19/91). The Acting Planning Director gave the staff report noting that staff concerns related to the swimming pool, the pool house and the decking, have been addressed by the conditions of the resolution requiring the applicant to relocate the swimming pool closer to the house. Commissioner Favero asked for information regarding slope set backs and the Acting Planning Director responded the average slope is 37%, the building site is less than 30% and does not require a variance. Chair Moran opened the public hearing at 9:23 p.m. Steve Benzing, architect, addressed Commissioner Favero's concerns about setbacks, stating that they hired a soils engineer to address this issue who determined they should move the house away from the steep part of the site. Mr. Benzing then reviewed the proposed plan for the Planning Commission. The only change requested concerned condition #8, requiring the brick veneer exterior continue around the entire garage and the lower level elevation. Mr. Benzing requested approval to landscape this area in lieu of 10 Planning Commissio~inutes • 10/23/91 placing the brick veneer to maintain the continuity by keeping stucco since there is no other brick on this level. Commissioner Caldwell asked how much of the roof area would extend to 26 ft. Mr. Benzing reported that approximately 30% would be at that height. Ms. Nieman, 13217 Padero Ct., expressed concern that the previous approval was based on using part of the Ruehle land. She further stated that Mr. Diamond received approval based on the using part of the land that is now Mr. Ruehle~s land; the site approval and building permits were based on using that land and it had been made very clear that Mr. Diamond would not further subdivide the property. Ms. Nieman further expressed concern with the lack of access by fire vehicles to part of her property due to alterations to the creek by surrounding development. Ms. Nieman questioned how the lot line adjustment happened to allow the current situation to exist without public notice. Commissioner Caldwell asked if Ms. Nieman was concerned that Mr. Flynn and Mr. Diamond are making use of this property to maximize the development of their properties and Ms. Nieman responded that was correct since both are using this piece of land to get approvals. Commissioner Favero asked for further clarification regarding the fire access to her property. Ms. Nieman reported that at this point they still do no have access to the back of her property. At one time Mr. Crowell had agreed they needed it, but later issued a letter indicating that the access was not necessary. Ms. Nieman stated this was not the reason she was here tonight. Instead she wanted to know how the land in question got transferred. Resident, 13451 Old Oak Way, noted she had also been at the meeting Ms. Nieman referred to and Mr. Diamond had been adamate that nothing should bisect the property because he wanted to landscape the whole driveway and the property was treated as his at that meeting. Commissioner Tucker stated she was not prepared to vote until this matter is cleared up because the applicant is almost at the maximum on the property. Jack Harris, 21083 Comer Drive, stated the piece of property in question was never discussed at that previous meeting; the property was divided between Schwartz and Flynn and the issue of access at that time was across the Diamond property. Mr. Benzing noted that if the triangle-shaped piece of property in question was not included, the loss in lot area versus the average site slope would be about the same and they could build a slightly bigger home. MOTION to close the public hearing at 9:45 p.m. 11 Planning Commissio~inutes 10/23/91 M/S Tucker/Favero Ayes 6 Noes 0 Absent 1 Chair Moran asked if staff can verify that the square footage would be greater if that triangle-shaped piece of property were not included. Acting Planning Director Adar stated that she could not respond at this time as staff has not had an opportunity to investigate this and it is not shown on the parcel map. Commissioner Favero stated that the issue of the piece of property in question being used by two different properties needs to be addressed before the Commission can take any action on this matter. Commissioner Caldwell agreed, also noting that the foundation for the decision in 1988 by the Planning Commission to restrict the height of any structure on the site to 22 ft. is an issue in her mind. She asked staff to analyze what if anything had changed since the height conditions were originally imposed; anything that would justify deviation from the 22 ft. height limit." She further stated that the issue of the triangle-shaped piece of property should be addressed before moving into technical aspects of the application. Commissioner Tucker suggested continuing this item and direct staff to resolve the issue of the property in question and provide the Planning Commission with the minutes of the meeting where the 22 ft height restriction was discussed. Commissioner Bogosian stated he: would like the issue of the triangle-shaped piece of property addressed in the form of a written memorandum before moving into the design review aspects of the proposal. Chair Moran added that she does not feel that 30% of the ridge portion is a minor and would like to consider the 22 ft. height restriction that was originally imposed. MOTION to continue DR 91-026 to November 13, 1991 meeting for a resolution of those items noted. M/S Caldwell/Bogosian Chair Moran clarified for the applicant that the Commission is not asking for changes at this time but are asking for additional information from staff. Harry Peacock, City Manager, suggested the Commission reopen the public hearing at this time as they may want to take additional testimony on this matter. The prior motion was withdrawn by Commissioner Caldwell. MOTION to reopen the public hearing and continue DR-91-026 to the November 13, 1991 Planning Commission meeting. 12 Planning Commissioi~inutes • . 10/23/91 M/S Caldwell/Favero Warren Heid, architect, clarified that it appears the triangle piece is a part of the Ruehle property and this comes as a complete surprise. CALL FOR THE QUESTION Ayes 6 Noes 0 Absent 1 -------------------------------------------------------- 9. DR-91-044 - Lin, 20170 Rancho Bella Vista, request for design review approval to construct a new 4,440 sq. ft. two-story residence on a 20,033 sq. ft. parcel within the R-1-20,000 zone district per' Chapter 15 of the City Code (cont. from 9/25/91; application expires 12/24/91). The Acting Planning Director presented the staff report and history. Chair Moran opened the public hearing at 9:53 p.m. Mr. Haws, 2067 Colusa Way, San Jose, addressed the Commission regarding the arborist's report, noting they have complied with arborist's wishes. Mr. Haws referred to letters received from Mr. & Mrs. Virgil and Mr. & Mrs. Verone, and noted that these neighbors have agreed to withdraw their objections after meeting with the applicant at which time the plans were presented and their concerns were mitigated. Mr. Haws continued to review the plans before the Commission. Commissioner Tucker asked if Mr. Haws had a written statement from the neighbors regarding their withdrawal of their objections and Mr. Haws responded he did not. David Chen, applicant's representative, 19071 Portos Drive, stated he was present at the meeting between the neighbors and the applicant noting the neighbors were given an opportunity to review the plans and seemed very pleased with them. MOTION to close the public hearing at 10:00 p.m. M/S Caldwell/Bogosian Ayes 6 Noes 0 Absent 1 Commissioner Favero asked if the issue of privacy has been resolved. Acting Planning Director Adar stated it has been completely mitigated. Chair Moran stated she felt it would be more appropriate for the neighbors that had the objections to withdraw them rather than it being done by a third party. Commissioner Durket stated the Commission has to look at the project in a "global" awareness and hear from the other neighbors also. 13 Planning Commissio~inutes 10/23/91 Commissioner Bogosian stated he agreed we should be looking at the effect the project will have on all neighbors. He further stated he is unable to support the two story proposal as it is too high and too massive for this particular neighborhood. MOTION to approve DR-91-044 with the following modifications: (1) appropriate security deposit for tree preservation measures; (2) a condition providing that the difference between the value of the trees being removed and the value ~ any replacements installed on site as determined by the Cit y arborist be deposited by the applicant in the City's p a r k development fund. Chair Moran asked for clarification and Commissioner Caldwell reviewed her concerns, noting that we are taking away trees from our environment and the value of those trees that cannot be placed back on that property in terms of replacement be deposited in the park development fund; effectively those trees can be planted elsewhere in the community. She further stated she had previously discussed this with the previous Planning Director who felt an adequate nexus existed and was supportive of it. The City Attorney expressed concern with the need for a nexus, adding that it the Planning Commission wished to continue this matter to allow staff to determine if there is a nexus it would be an appropriate action to take. MOTION died for lack of a second. MOTION to approve DR-91-044 per staff report with the addition of an appropriate security deposit for tree preservation measures. M/S Tucker/Caldwell Commissioner Favero stated he would like to have positive affirmation that what is being proposed now is acceptable to the home owner and would like the citizens of that area to come back and say they are willing to tolerate that. Commissioner Caldwell stated she had discussed the replacement tree program previously with the prior Planning Director and thought staff would be prepared to discuss this issue, and would be in favor of a continuance to address both issues. Commissioner Durket stated the letters address the two story issue not the privacy issue, this design does not alleviate the hemmed-in feeling and he would not be able to support the resolution. The City Attorney noted that it is important to get public input but the decision is the Planning Commission's, not the neighbors. Commissioner Caldwell asked if it would be possible to include a condition that would apply if the City Attorney determines an adequate nexus exists. 14 Planning Commissio~inutes 10/23/91 Harry Peacock, City Manager, stated this would be difficult to do in the absence of a special resolution by the City Council in accordance with the requirements of AB1600 which requires that any time the City establishes some type of development fee the Council must establish a purpose for which the funds are going to be used. He added that the process in very involved and complicated. The City Attorney stated the issue should be resolved before the project is approved. Commissioner Favero stated he feels it is the Planning Commissions responsibility to make decisions but feels that what the neighbors have to say weighs very heavily on his decision and feels it is important to have the neighbors come back to say how they feel about this proposal. CALL FOR THE QUESTION Ayes 3 Noes 3 (Favero, Durket, Bogosian) Absent 1 Tie vote. The City Attorney noted that, due to the tie vote, this matter will automatically come back to the Planning Commission for a re-vote and the applicant has the right to,appeal. She further stated that if the applicant appeals, this tie vote will become a denial. The architect asked for clarification as to whether or not the public hearing has been closed and Chair Moran responded it had. The City Attorney noted that this item will be placed on the next agenda of the Planning Commission for a re-vote and once a public hearing has been closed no public input will be allowed unless the Planning Commission has specific questions of the applicant. MOTION to reopen the public hearing and continue the matter to the November 13, 1991 meeting of the Planning Commission. M/S Caldwell/Favero Ayes 6 Noes 0 Absent 1 ----------------------------=------------------------------- 10. DR-91-050 - Callahan, 14307 Lutheria Way, request to RE-91-005 - construct a 1,880 sq. ft. one and two-story addition to an existing 3,015 sq. ft. two- story residence. The request also involves pool and hardscape surface construction within the R-1-20,000 zone district per Chapter 15 of the City Code (cont. from 10/9/91). Planner Kermoyan presented the staff report and history on this item, noting the project complies with all zoning standards and staff recommends approval. Chair Moran expressed concern with,the privacy impact and asked if other alternatives were discussed. Planner Kermoyan responded that 15 •. Planning Commissio~inutes ~ • 10/23/91 they discussed the elimination of the bay window, but other than that the majority of the privacy impacts will be mitigated by the trees currently on the property. He further noted that, since there is no guarantee that the trees will always be there, staff felt either upper story windows or obscure glass will mitigate 100% of the concerns. Chair Moran opened the public hearing at 10:31 p.m Scott Callahan, applicant, stated he has no difficulty with the staff recommendations. MOTION to close the public hearing at 10:33 p.m. M/S Bogosian/Caldwell Ayes 5 Noes 1 (Durket out of room) Absent 1 MOTION to approve DR-91-050 with the added conditions of additional landscape screening along the east elevation boundary and a security deposit for implementation of the tree preservation measures as outlined in the arborist report. M/S Caldwell/Favero Chair Moran expressed concern with the privacy impact on the neighbors and could not support. Commissioner Bogosian concurred and noted this is a very large lot and there are other alternatives for expansion. Commissioner Tucker stated that due to the location of the homes on the respective sites, she does not feel there is a privacy impact other than perhaps the pool area and the additional screening will be adequate. CALL FOR THE QUESTION Ayes 3 Noes 2 (Moran, Bogosian) Abstain 1 (Durket) Absent 1 il. DR-91-051 - Shenhav, 12291 Titus Ave., request for design review approval to construct a 1,108 sq. ft. second story addition to an existing 2,638 sq. ft. single family residence per Chapter 15 of the City Code. The residence is situated on a 14,000 sq. ft. parcel and is located in the R- 1-12,500 zone district (cont. from 10/9/91; application expires 1/29/92). Planner Riggs noted that neighbors to the west of this property have submitted a letter opposing the second story addition based on privacy and noise as well as other issues. Planner Riggs then gave the staff report. Ms. Riggs stated that there are three windows on this elevation and only the middle window is of concern. She indicated that staff is recommending obscure glass or upper level window to mitigate the impact. Staff finds this plan to be 16 . Planning Commissio~inutes a 10/23/91 compatible and recommends approval. Chair Moran opened the public hearing at 10:42 p.m. James Baldwin, architect, addressed the Commission regarding the privacy issue, noting that existing trees and shrubbery block the view of the applicant into the neighbors yard and additional shrubbery is being proposed. Mr. & Mrs. Vincent, 19287 Oak Tree, spoke against the addition due to bulk, privacy impact and noise and recommended specific mitigation measures in reducing the number of windows in the back and providing an adequate landscaping plan. Commissioner Favero asked if a compromise could be reached between the Vincents and the applicant and Mr. Vincent responded their preference would be to have the application denied, but in the event that does not happen, they will negotiate with the applicant to try to reach a compromise. The applicant agreed with this. Ms. Shenhav stated she tried to negotiate with the neighbors and was unable to reach a compromise, and she is also concerned with privacy issues. She stated that the trees being planted will mitigate the noise issue. (Photos were presented to the Commission for review). MOTION to close the public hearing at 10:50 p.m. M/S Durket/Bogosian Ayes 6 Noes 0 Absent 1 MOTION to approve DR-91-051, incorporating the landscape plan already undertaken by the applicant and including the type of trees to be planted. M/S Durket/Bogosian Commissioner Favero asked if consideration was given to moving the addition more to the center of the house. Planner Riggs responded that from a privacy standpoint moving it to the middle of the house would be more of an impact. Chair Moran asked the Planning staff look over the landscape plans very carefully and have the option of requiring additional tree to be planted. Commissioner Durket amended the motion to include approval of the landscape plans by the Planning Department. CALL FOR THE QUESTION Ayes 5 Noes 1 (Favero) Absent 1 ----------------------------------------------------------- 12. DR-91-055 - Saratoga Estates, 19171 Oahu Ln., request to construct a new one-story 4,047 sq. ft. residence per Chapter 15 of the City Code. 17 Planning Commissio~inutes 10/23/91 The parcel is approximately 16,738 sq. ft. in area and is located within the R-1-15,000 zone district (cont. from 10/9/91). ---------------------------=-------------------------------- 13. DR-91-056 - Saratoga Estates, 19151 Oahu Ln., request to construct a new one-story, 4,093 sq. ft. residence per Chapter 15 of the City Code. The parcel is approximately 26,365 sq. ft. in area is located within the R-1-15,000 zone district (cont. from 10/9/91). ------------------------------------------------------------ Planner Kermoyan presented the staff report noting that it complies with City standards and staff recommends approval. Planner Kermoyan clarified that there was an error on the plans that were originally proposed in that the applicant did not include the garage. The applicant has informed staff that they are approximately the same size. Commissioner Tucker asked what was the purpose of the holes currently on the property and what will happen to them. Planner Kermoyan explained that previously this was a farm site with several basements and these areas are to be backfilled. He further noted that the parcel map approval will expire in March of 1991. The City Attorney clarified that if the parcel map says that something has to be done prior to zone clearance then it must be done. Chair Moran opened the public hearing at 11:07 p.m. The applicant addressed the Commission noting that the home on the front lot will be 3,407 sq. ft. and the home on the back lot will be 3,483 sq. ft. The applicant then reviewed modifications. Commissioner Caldwell noted that there are still columns over the entryway and the applicant responded that was correct, but they will be painted the same color as the wood siding. Chair Moran asked if the applicant has considered removing the wrought-iron gate to make the home more compatible with the neighborhood. The applicant reported that the buyers have children and safety is an issue. He stated they could reset the entry gates 5-10 ft. if the Planning Commission wishes. Chair Moran asked if the size of the homes were discussed with staff as it relates to compatibility and the applicant responded he had talked with the prior Planning Director but elevation of the structure was the issue, not the size. MOTION to close the public hearing at 11:20 p.m. M/S Caldwell/Tucker Ayes 6 Noes 0 Absent 1 MOTION to approve DR-91-055 and DR-91-056. 18 '': Planning Commissio~inutes '~ 10/23/91 M/S Bogosian/Durket Commissioner Caldwell suggested the following amendments based on the previous hearing. (1) condition #4~: modify for "Planning Commission" review and approval; restate second sentence to read "Landscaping per the approved landscape plan shall be installed prior to final occupancy; (2) add "all fencing shall be of wood materials"; (3) Lot A: removal of the front columned entryway; (4) Lot B: removal of the gated entryway. M/S Caldwell/Durket Ayes 6 Noes 0 Absent 1 Chair Moran apologized to the applicant that the issue of size did not come up in discussion with staff and realizes that the applicant has done everything the Commission asked him to do but she will be unable to support these houses as presented because they are too massive and bulky in this established neighborhood. CALL FOR THE QUESTION Ayes 5 Noes 1 (Moran) Absent 1 Planner Kermoyan asked if the Commission's direction was to have the landscape plan come back t.o the Planning Commission for approval and Chair Moran indicated that was correct. ** The Planning Commission will not open any new public hearing items after 11:30 p.m. Those items not heard will be placed as early as possible on the next public hearing agenda. DIRECTOR'S ITEMS The Acting Planning Director Adar reported staff would like some direction from the Planning Commission regarding Leposavic on Sperry Lane, stating staff could not say the visual impact will be eliminated with a reduction in height but it will help. She presented pictures to the Commission for review. It was the general. consensus of the Planning Commission that reducing the height by 2 ft. would be appropriate, but indicated they would like the height poles left up to allow them to view the site before the next land use meeting. Acting Planning Director Adar indicated staff would notify all neighbors within 500 ft. of the proposed site. Commissioner Favero expressed concern that the public is not being properly notified of hearings. Commissioner Bogosian noted that the public will be notified of the EIR through notices in the newspaper. Commissioner Caldwell suggested that staff remind the Commission prior to the next Wong hearing to determine whether extra advertising is advisable. City Manager Harry Peacock gave a status report on the hiring of a new Planning Director, stating the filing deadline is set for December 2, 1991 and he hopes to have someone on board by the first 19 ,~ Planning Commissio~inutes ~; 10/23/91 of February, 1992. Mr. Peacock indicated it would be helpful if the Commissioners would jot down the type of person the City should be looking for. He further noted that a supplemental questionnaire will be completed by some of the applicants, and asked the Commissioners to submit any questions they feel should be asked of these applicants. COMMISSION ITEMS Commissioner Caldwell addressed the matter of authority to make decisions where property can't support tree requirements, indicating she is interested in getting information and analysis back on what can be done in the future. Mr. Peacock responded the City would have to look into AB1600 as the funds would have to go into a separate fund/account and an enabling resolution defining uses of that fund would have to be adopted to lay out specifics. Commissioner Caldwell asked when the Commission could hear back on this and Mr. Peacock responded it would be appropriate for the Planning Commission to send a note to the City Council requesting that staff look into this and that the Planning Commission may be sending this to the City Council for consideration. Commissioner Caldwell stated she would like to see what the options are and then decide. It was the consensus of the Commission to send the suggested memo to the City Council. City Manager Harry Peacock reported the City Council plans to meet with the Planning Commission on a quarterly basis and next month the City Council will adopt the master meeting schedule for 1992. Commissioner Caldwell asked who the Commissioners would give items they would like to see on the agendas and Mr. Peacock responded the requests could be given to him. Commissioner Caldwell reminded staff she requested the riparian issue discussed. COMMUNICATIONS Written 1. City Council Minutes - 10/2/91 Oral City Council ADJOURNMENT The Planning Commission adjourned at 12:00 a.m. 20