HomeMy WebLinkAbout03-11-1992 Planning Commission minutes' • CITY OF SARATOGA PLANNING COMMISSION MINUTES March 11, 1992 - 7:30 p.m. City Council Chambers, 13777 Fruitvale Ave. Regular Meeting -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- The meeting was called to order by Chairperson Moran at 7:30 p.m. ROLL CALL Present: Chairperson Moran, Commissioners Tucker, Caldwell, Favero, Forbes and Durket (Commissioner Durket arrived at 7:35 p.m. as noted) Absent: Commissioner Bogosian PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE MINUTES Minutes of February 26, 1992 Commissioner Caldwell had the following corrections: Page 5, fifth paragraph from the bottom, the words "amiable for" should be deleted and replaced with the words "in favor of". Page 6, sixth paragraph, first words "Jack Isen" should be correctly spelled as "Jack Eitzen". TUCKER/CALDWELL MOVED TO APPROVE THE MINUTES OF FEBRUARY 26, 1992, AS AMENDED. Passed 3-0 (Favero and Forbes abstained). ORAL COMMUNICATIONS There were no oral communications. REPORT OF POSTING AGENDA Pursuant to Government Code 54954.2, the agenda for this meeting was properly posted on February 7, 1992. Commissioner Durket arrived at 7:35 p.m. . ~, • Planning Commission Mutes Meeting of March 11, 1992 Page Two Technical Corrections to Packet Planner Walgren reported that Item #5 - DR-91-068 -Valdez, 14699 Via de Marcos, request for design review approval -the application. completion date on the Executive Summary page is incorrectly printed as 2/19/92 and should be corrected to be 12/22/91. PUBLIC HEARING CONSENT CALENDAR 1. 733-A - Casabonne, 14335 & 14443 Big Basin Way, request to adopt a sign program for seven (7) retail stores within an existing building located in the Saratoga Village within a Commercial Historic (C-H) zone district per Chapter 15 of the City Code (withdrawn by applicant). --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 2. DR-91-072 - Saratoga Pacific Oaks, 19216 Crisp Ave., request for design review approval to construct a new two-story 5,520 sq. ft. residence pursuant to Chapter 15 of the City Code. The subject property is 40,006 sq. ft. in area and is Lot #18 of the San Marcos Heights subdivision (cont. to 3/25/92 at the request of the applicant; application expires 6/20/92). -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 3. HR -Hillside Residential Zone District -Combined District of the NHR and HC-RD Zone Districts. Articles 15-13 and 15-14 of the City Code. The Planning Commission will consider combination of two existing hillside zone districts, NHR -Northwestern Hillside Residential (Article 15-14) and HC-RD -Hillside Conservation - Residential District (Article 15-13) into one district: HR -Hillside Residential. The new district will combine the permitted and conditional uses of both districts; will apply the standards of the NHR zone which are very similar to the HC-RD and will apply the height restriction for construction on ridgelines in both district areas (cont. to 3/25/92). TUCKER/FORGES MOVED APPROVAL OF THE MARCH 11, 1992, PUBLIC HEARING CONSENT CALENDAR. Passed 6-0. PUBLIC HEARINGS 4. DR-91-066 - Ostby, 14467 Sobey Rd., request for design review approval to demolish an existing residence and construct a new 6,079 sq. ft. two-story home pursuant to Chapter 15 of the City Code. The subject property is a 1.7 acre parcel located within an R-1-40,000 zone district (cont. from 2/26/92; application expires 6/6/92). ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Planning Commission Minutes ' Meeting of March 11, 1992 Page Three Planner Walgren presented the Report dated February 26, 1992 to the Commission and answered the Commissioners questions in regard to the application. At 7:50 p.m. Chairperson Moran opened the public hearing. James Chadwick, landscape architect, addressed the Commission and spoke on such issues as removal and preservation of landscape, grading, pool excavation and the dry stack wall. Answering questions of the Commission, Mr. Chadwick stated that the large perimeter pine trees in question could be retained, if desired. Michael Layne, project architect, gave a presentation in support of the application. He stated that the square footage had been reduced since the last Planning Commission meeting and that he had an alternative chimney design. Ray Otsby, applicant, spoke in favor of his application. TUCKER/FORBES MOVED TO CLOSE THE PUBLIC HEARING AT 8:04 P.M. Passed 6-0. DURKET/FORGES MOVED TO APPROVE DR-91-066 WITH THE MODIFICATIONS THAT THE CHIMNEYS BE REVISED TO BE 1/2 THE DISTANCE ABOVE THE ROOF RIDGE LINE THAN PROPOSED IN THE APPLICATION AND THAT THE PERIMETER PINE TREE NO.S 17-24 BE DELETED FROM CONDITION 5. A TREE REMOVAL PERMIT WOULD BE REQUIRED BEFORE REMOVAL OF ANY OF THESE TREES. Commissioner Caldwell made the following amendments to the motion: Third finding of the resolution, page 6, reflect the appropriate number of trees that would need to be removed, if any. Condition 5, page 7, should be revised to reflect the actual trees to be removed and that tree #33 be replaced at the very end of the sentence. The amendment was acceptable to the maker and seconder of the motion. THE MOTION WAS PASSED 6-0. 5. DR-91-068 - Valdez, 14699 Via de Marcos, request for design review approval to construct a new 5,989 sq. ft. one-story residence per Chapter 15 of the City Code. The parcel is approximately 44,768 sq. ft. in area and located within an R-1-40,000 zone district. The project site is Lot #4 of the San Marcos Heights subdivision. Planning Commission M~ffutes • Meeting of March 11, 1992 Page Four Planner Walgren presented the Report dated March 11, 1992. He amended Conditions 8 and 9 as follows: 8. "All landscaping indicated on the master landscape plan, and the two additional trees and the ground cover fill along the east slope..." 9 "Prior to final occupancy approval, applicant will be required to plant two additional 24 in. box native trees and ground cover revegetation for the fillslope on the east side of the pad..." Chairperson Moran opened the public hearing at 8:12 p.m. There was no one wishing to speak. The Commission asked staff questions in regard to the project an and also asked that in the future attempts be made to notify the .tenants when tenants would be impacted. CALDWELL/TUCKER MOVED TO CLOSE THE PUBLIC HEARING AT 8:18 P.M. Passed 6-0. TUCKER/FORBES MOVED APPROVAL OF DR-91-068 WITH THE ADDED CONDITION THAT AT LEAST 3 15 GALLON TREES BE PLANTED TO SCREEN THE DEVELOPMENT ON THE EAST SIDE. Commissioner Durket amended the motion to add to the conditions that the house be a darker color. The maker and:the seconder accepted the amendment. Commissioner Caldwell expressed concern regarding the issue of the additional fill being brought in for this project. Commissioner Favero stated that he did share her concern regarding the fill and grading. Chairperson Moran stated that she would be in favor of pulling back the back wing of the house and lowering it further into the hillside. She also suggested utilizing the already existing building pad. FAVERO/CALDWELL MOVED TO RE-OPEN THE PUBLIC HEARING AT 8:26 P.M. TO ALLOW THE APPLICANT TO SPEAK. Passed 6-0. Juan Valdez, applicant, spoke in favor of his application and stated that the east wing provide additional space within the house without putting a second story on the house. He also explained that because of the slope. of the lot it would be difficult to bring the wing back in. He stated that the one-story wing was designed with the intent of preserving the neighbors' views. He also spoke in favor of approval of the color as proposed. Planning Commission NIiT~utes Meeting of March 11, 1992 Page Five TUCKER/CALDWELL MOVED TO CLOSE THE PUBLIC HEARING AT 8:30 P.M. Passed 6-0. The City Attorney reiterated the above original motion including the amendment made by Commissioner Durket. THE MOTION PASSED 5-1 (Chairperson Moran opposed -stating that she believed that the grading was a problem.) 6. SD-91-008 - Mahaffey, 14644 Stoneridge Dr., request for V-91-020 - tentative map approval to subdivide a 43,590 sq. ft. site located within an R-M-4,000 zone district into two new parcels of 21,796 sq. ft. (parcel A) and 21,794 sq. ft. (parcel B), and request for variance from the frontage requirements per Chapters 14 and 15 of the City Code. A Negative Declaration has been prepared for this project. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Planner Walgren presented the report dated March 11, 1992 and answered questions of the Commission. Chairperson Moran opened the public hearing at 8:35 p.m. Don Peterson 20602 Sevilla Lane, partial owner of the 14644 Stoneridge Drive parcel, spoke in favor of the application and explained future residential development plans. He also answered questions of the Commission. Planner Walgren called the Commission's attention to two letters that had been received regarding the application. Both letters expressed concern regarding privacy issues in conjunction with any future building. Commissioner Favero asked Mr. Peterson if he would object to a condition limiting future development to one-story. Mr. Peterson said he would have no objection if the one-story limitation applied to only the portion of the parcel that over looks the valley. He asked that such a condition not be placed on the application at this time. CALDWELL/TUCKER MOVED TO CLOSE THE PUBLIC HEARING AT 8:43 P.M. Passed 6-0. Commissioner Tucker stated that she could support approval with a provision to protect the large oak tree. Commissioner Favero stated that he could only support the application if future development was limited to one-story. Plannin Commission NRfutes 9 Meeting of March 11, 1992 Page Six Chairperson Moran stated that she understood Condition 19's intent to be that if a single-family home was proposed on the lot, the R-1 standards would be used for design review analysis and that if amulti-family structure were proposed, the R-M standards would be used to evaluate the proposed development. Per Commissioner Caldwell's request, Planner Walgren addressed the concerns expressed in a letter submitted by Ted Jenks. Following discussion, regarding concerns the Commissioners had in protecting the Coast Live Oak tree, TUCKER MOVED APPROVAL OF SD-91-020 (WITH NO SPECIFIC FOOTPRINT OF A HOUSE), BUT WITH AMENDMENTS TO THE RESOLUTION ADDING THE FOLLOWING CONDITIONS: 1)PRIOR TO PLANNING COMMISSION CONSIDERATION OF DESIGN REVIEW APPLICATION THE CITY ARBORIST SHALL REVIEW THE DESIGN REVIEW APPLICATION, AT THE TIME IT IS MADE, TO DETERMINE WHETHER THE LOCATION OF THE HOUSE AND ITS PROXIMITY TO THE OAK TREE WOULD BE DETRIMENTAL TO THE TREE'S HEALTH. ANY STRUCTURE APPROVED FOR THE SITE SHALL NOT BE DETRIMENTAL TO THE HEALTH OF THE TREE. THE APPLICANTS SHALL PROVIDE STAFF WITH VERIFICATIONS OF THE ACTUAL LOCATION OF THE TREE AND ITS CANOPY DIMENSIONS; 2) THE APPLICANT SHALL POST A SECURITY DEPOSIT IN AN AMOUNT DEEMED SUFFICIENT BY THE CITY ARBORIST TO ENSURE PRESERVATION AND MAINTENANCE OF THE TREES. Commissioner Favero stated he could withdraw his statement supporting only asingle- story development, if the issues of the tree protection and the protection of the neighbors' privacy were to be addressed in design review of any future development. Chairperson Moran stated that she liked the placement of the house as it appears on the tentative map. She explained that if this location was not detrimental to the tree she favored the depicted location for the house. Commissioner Favero asked that at the time of the design review that the neighbors be renotified and that copies of the letters from the neighbors received at this time regarding concerns of privacy and views be included in the Commissioners' packets at the time of design review. Commissioner Tucker withdrew her motion so that the variance could be voted on first. FORBES/CALDWELL MOVED APPROVAL OF V-91-020. Passed 5-1 (Durket opposed) TUCKER/CALDWELL MOVED APPROVAL OF SD-91-020 (WITH NO SPECIFIC FOOTPRINT OF A HOUSE), BUT WITH AMENDMENTS TO THE RESOLUTION ADDING THE FOLLOWING CONDITIONS: 1)PRIOR TO PLANNING COMMISSION CONSIDERATION OF DESIGN REVIEW APPLICATION THE CITY ARBORIST Plannin Commission M~'utes 9 Meeting of March 11, 1992 Page Seven SHALL REVIEW THE DESIGN REVIEW APPLICATION AT THE TIME IT IS MADE TO DETERMINE WHETHER THE LOCATION OF THE HOUSE AND ITS PROXIMITY TO THE OAK TREE WOULD BE DETRIMENTAL TO THE TREE'S HEALTH. ANY STRUCTURE APPROVED FOR THE SITE SHALL NOT BE DETRIMENTAL TO THE HEALTH OF THE TREE. THE APPLICANTS SHALL PROVIDE STAFF WITH VERIFICATIONS OF THE ACTUAL LOCATION OF THE TREE AND ITS CANOPY DIMENSIONS; 2) THE APPLICANT SHALL POST A SECURITY DEPOSIT IN AN AMOUNT DEEMED SUFFICIENT BY THE CITY ARBORIST TO ENSURE PRESERVATION AND MAINTENANCE OF THE TREES. The motion passed 5-1 (Durket opposed). The Commissioner took a break at 9:05 p.m. The meeting reconvened at 9:17 p.m. 7. UP-92-001 - Cancellieri, 14445 Big Basin Way, request for use permit approval to establish a liquor store in an existing building located in the Saratoga Village within a Commercial Historic (C-H) zone district per Chapter 15 of the City Code. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Planner Walgren presented the Report dated March 11, 1992, to the Commission. He noted that many letters of opposition and a petition had been received regarding this issue. The City Attorney outlined what kind of factors should be considered and the kind of information that is acceptable in the public hearing process when reviewing the application. Chairperson Moran opened the public hearing at 9:28 p.m. Warren Lampshire, commercial real estate broker representing the property owner and the potential occupants of the building, explained the type of business proposed and spoke in favor of an approval of the application. Mrs. Cancellieri, applicant, spoke in favor of the application and stated that because of the condition of the economy that finding a renter for the building had been very difficult. Roberta Savage, 14481 Big Basin Way, spoke in favor of the application and the new business. She stated that the business should be allowed to open and take its chance in Saratoga. Harry Lulla, owner of Saratoga Wine and Spirits, spoke in opposition to the application stating that the license to operate a wine tasting would take a long time and therefore the business would be a regular liquor store and that there are too many liquor stores in that vicinity. Planning Commission 11Af1Tutes • Meeting of March 11, 1992 Page Eight Mr. Crawford,12471 Green Meadow Lane, spoke in opposition to the application stating it was too close in proximity to other liquor stores. He also submitted an additional list of names to the petition and an additional letter. Marcus Bryant, 14419 Big Basin Way, read a letter of opposition from Sandy Miller and he spoke in opposition to the application. He also spoke of various problems that occur near liquor stores and bars. George Kirk, 20270 La Paloma Avenue, expressed concerns about the proposed wine tasting to take place on the site and about any precedent an approval would set for future wine tasting establishments. Charlie McFall, 3396 Londonberry Drive, stated that a duplicate business such as the proposed would not attract new business to Saratoga. Shawn Ebert, 13427 Christie Drive, owner of a nearby bookstore, expressed safety concerns and spoke of two incidents that related to the sale of liquor. Don Coulter, 13674 Sara Hills Drive, stated he was not in favor of another liquor store on Big Basin Way. Tim Grabo, 14425 Big Basin Way, spoke in opposition to the application stating that there were already problems of underage drinkers and litter from patrons of existing liquor stores. Leonard Sullivan, expressed opposition to the application stating that another liquor store would just increase the already existing problems. Linda Woodruff, 14425 Big Basin Way, also spoke in opposition to the application. Rolland Hobart, owner of proposed liquor store, explained that the proposed business is a fine wine business and that the hours are from 10:00 a.m. to 8:00 p.m. and that they and their employees are very conscientious about not selling alcohol to minors. Gene Zambetti, 14575 Oak Street, spoke in opposition to the proposed store stating it would not be harmonious to the other existing liquor stores. FAVERO/DURKET MOVED TO CLOSE THE PUBLIC HEARING AT 10:25 P.M. Passed 6-0. Several Commissioners stated that Mr. Lulla had contacted them previous to the meeting. Planning Commission Mii~utes • Meeting of March 11, 1992 Page Nine Commissioner Durket stated that he was in agreement with most of the applicants' comments and was in favor of giving the proposed store a chance and that it would be unfair to exclude a new liquor store. He stated he was in favor of the site being occupied as opposed to vacant. Commissioner Favero stated that he felt that the City had some responsibility to be concerned with the economics of the existing businesses since the preservation of the character of the Village depended on the economic viability of the existing businesses. He also expressed concern that the added liquor store in that vicinity would not perpetuate the desired image of Saratoga. Commissioner Tucker stated that she did not feel the new store would be detrimental to existing businesses and she could therefore not make the findings to deny the application. She also stated that if the application were to be approved that she would be in favor of adding some additional conditions. Commissioner Favero again stated that he felt there was an obligation to the existing businesses and residents since such a strong opposition had be expressed. He stated he was opposed to the application. Commissioner Forbes stated that he also was opposed to the application. Commissioner Caldwell addressed the City Attorney asking about the amount of information and type of documentation needed to build a foundation for decision making on this application. City Attorney explained that the decision would need to be based on findings and the findings need to be based on fact. She also stated that competition is not something that can legally be regulated and therefore the findings could not be made on issues of competition. Commissioner Caldwell expressed concerns that if a conditional approval was granted that the same conditions that were designed to protect the residents could also be a nuisance to the residents. FAVERO/FORGES MOVED TO DENY UP-92-001 BASED ON THE FINDINGS: 1. THAT THE PROPOSED STORE IS NOT ECONOMICALLY DESIRABLE, 2. IT IS NOT CONSISTENT WITH THE ZONING ORDINANCE. Commissioner Durket inquired as to whether the application could be approved with a condition that after a certain time period the use permit be reviewed to determine whether continuance of the granted use permit would be permitted. Chairperson Moran expressed agreement with Commissioner Durket's suggestion. Plannin Commission 1lmutes 9 Meeting of March 11, 1992 Page Ten City Attorney suggested that the motion be amended to have staff prepare a resolution containing findings that an action be taken when the resolution is before the Commission (interrupted at this point by Commissioner Favero). Commissioner Favero objected to the City Attorney suggesting an amendment to his motion and he requested that his motion be voted on. City Attorney continued to explain that additional findings based on health and safety and also on issue of compatibility or incompatibility of the store to the neighborhood. She again suggested that a resolution be written by the staff to provide findings to support denial of the application. Commissioner Favero again stated his objection to the City Attorney's suggested amendment and again asked that a vote be taken on his motion. He stated that there was enough opposition expressed during the public hearing to support denial. A discussion commenced regarding the motion, the legality of the motion, the findings the motion was based on, proposed language for the findings and the options of holding the item over to allow time for a staff draft of a resolution to deny the application. The City Attorney explained again that the finding must be based on fact and with an allowance of time the Staff could draft a properly worded resolution for denial. Commissioner Caldwell offered the following as findings to base a denial of the application: That the proposed business would not promote a stable attractive commercial development which would support a pleasant shopping environment and compliment the essential residential character in that current residents experience safety and litter difficulty with the existing liquor stores in the community; and the use would not encourage a town center mix of specialty shops, restaurants and etcetera including residences, since there are already two existing liquor stores in the very close vicinity of the proposed liquor store and because of the small size of the village an additional liquor store would not promote the desired mix of uses. The City Attorney stated that Commissioner Caldwell's findings were the type of findings that would need to be made, but advised that the findings should be based upon facts and she again suggested that the Commission allow staff time to draft a resolution for denial of the application. Commissioner Favero stated he was not in favor of holding the item over to allow for a new resolution because he felt staff may not present a totally unbias resolution. He also suggested that if this were done, a new resolution written, that the City should hire an paid, unbiased attorney to review the resolution. . _ , Planning Commission tes Meeting of March 11, 1 Page Eleven Commissioner Forbes amended the motion to add the following findings: 3. IT IS NOT IN KEEPING WITH THE CHARACTER OF THE AREA 4. THAT THERE ARE PERSONAL SAFETY RISKS. Commissioner Favero agreed to the additional findings. Commissioner Caldwell stated that she would abstain from voting on the item because she was in favor of holding the item over to allow staff time to write a resolution for denial. Chairperson Moran asked if Commissioner Favero would like to withdraw his motion. He did not. The motion was reiterated in its entirety. FAVERO/FORGES MOVED TO DENY UP-92-001 BASED ON THE FINDINGS: 1. THAT THE PROPOSED STORE IS NOT ECONOMICALLY DESIRABLE, 2. IT IS NOT CONSISTENT WITH THE ZONING ORDINANCE. 3. IT IS NOT IN KEEPING WITH THE CHARACTER OF THE AREA 4. THAT THERE ARE PERSONAL SAFETY RISKS. THE MOTION DID NOT PASS 2~. (Chairperson Moran and Commissioners Durket, and Tucker opposed and Commissioner Caldwell abstained). CALDWELL/FORBES MOVED TO DIRECT STAFF TO DRAFT A RESOLUTION DENYING THE CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT GIVEN ALL THE TESTIMONY AND ALL THE DISCUSSION AND ALL THE PROPOSED FINDINGS MADE AT THIS EVENING'S MEETING. STAFF SHALL MAKE THEIR BEST EFFORT TO DEVELOP A DOCUMENT THAT IS LEGALLY DEFENSIBLE. The motion did not pass 2-4 (Moran, Durket, Tucker, and Favero opposed). DURKET/TUCKER MOVED TO APPROVE UP-92-001 WITH THE FOLLOWING ADDED CONDITIONS: 1. THE HOURS OF OPERATION BE LIMITED TO 10:00 A.M. TO 8:00 P.M. MONDAY -SATURDAY AND 10:00 A.M. TO 6:00 P.M. ON SUNDAYS. 2. THE BUSINESS SHALL BE RESPONSIBLE FOR CLEANING LITTER FROM THE AREA SURROUNDING THE BUILDING AND THE ADJACENT PARKING LOT. 3. THE PARKING LOT SHALL BE SUFFICIENTLY LIT. 4. THE SIDING OF THE BUILDING SHALL BE REPLACED WITH WOOD SIDING -MORE IN KEEPING WITH THE CHARACTER OF THE VILLAGE. THE SIDING SHALL BE PAINTED WITH STAFF'S APPROVAL OF THE COLOR. ~_ ^ ~ Planning Commission tes • Meeting of March 11, 1 Page Twelve 5. LANDSCAPING SHALL BE INSTALLED IN THE AREA WHERE THE METAL SHED NOW STANDS AND IS PROPOSED TO BE REMOVED. Commissioner Favero amended the motion to include that a security guard be posted at both the front and back door at all hours of operation. Commissioners Tucker and Durket were not in favor of Commissioner Favero's amendment. Chairperson Moran offered an amendment to the motion that a 1 year review period be placed as a condition of the use permit approval. Commissioner Durket was not in agreement with Commissioner Moran's suggestion. The City Attorney reiterated the motion as stated above. COMMISSIONER FAVERO MOVED THAT AN AMENDMENT BE MADE TO THE CONDITIONS THAT STAFF INCLUDE IN THE DRAFT RESOLUTION MEANS OF ENFORCEMENT OF THE CONDITIONS OF APPROVAL. THE MOTION DIED FOR LACK OF A SECOND. THE MOTION MADE BY DURKET/TUCKER DID NOT PASS 3-3 (Commissioners Favero, Forbes and Caldwell opposed). ft was explained to the applicant that the tie vote would automatically trigger the item to be agendized for the next Planning Commission meeting unless the applicant appealed to the City Council. The Commission took a break at 11:28 p.m. The meeting was reconvened at 11:35 p.m. DIRECTOR'S ITEMS 1. Memo to City Council and revisions to Design Standard Ordinance After a report on the issue was given by Planner Adar, Commissioner Favero suggested, due to the late hour, the item be held over to the next Planning Commission meeting on March 25, 1992. There was unanimous agreement with Commissioner Favero's suggestion and the item was held over. The Commission also requested staff to prepare a redline version of this ordinance and of future draft ordinances. 2. Planning Commission Retreat Discussion ~~ _ ~ Planning Commission tes Meeting of March 11, 1 z ` Page Thirteen The Commissioners very briefly discussed the Retreat and decided that before making any decisions, there needed to be further discussion with the City Attorney. COMMISSION ITEMS 1. Executive Session concerning City Attorney evaluation This item also was held over due to the lateness of the hour to the next Planning Commission meeting. Chairperson Moran stated that the City Council expressed concern with the absences of the Planning Commissioners at the meetings and asked that the Commissioners review the absentee policy in the Commissioner handbook. Commissioner Forbes asked whether there would be a quorum for the meeting of April 8th due to a previously scheduled seminar. After discussion, it was agreed that the regularly scheduled meeting for April 8th would take place on April 7th. Chairperson Moran reminded the Commissioners that the election of officers for the Planning Commission would take place at the March 25th meeting. Planning Commission Minutes Meeting of March 11, 1992 Page Thirteen COMMUNICATIONS Written 1. Memo from City Manager re: Satellite Dish Antennae Ordinance 2. City Council Minutes - 2/19, 2/22 & 2/25 3. Heritage Preservation Minutes - 10/23, 11/27/91 & 1/8/92 Oral City Council ADJOURNMENT Chairperson Moran adjourned the meeting at 12:05 p.m. Andrea M. Chelemengos Minutes Clerk