HomeMy WebLinkAbout05-27-1992 Planning Commission minutesa ,~r'`~ CITY ~SARATOGA PLANNING COMMON MINUTES May 27, 1992 - 7:30 p.m. City Council Chambers, 13777 Fruitvale Ave. Regular Meeting ROLL CAII: Present: Chairperson Caldwell, Commissioners Forbes, Moran, Bogosian, Durket, and Tucker Absent: Commissioner Favero (excused) PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE ORAL COMMUNICATIONS There were no oral communications. REPORT OF POSTING AGENDA Pursuant to Government Code 54954.2, the agenda for this meeting was properly posted on May 22, 1992. TECHNICAL CORRECTIONS TO PACKET Planner Walgren had the following technical corrections: Item #2 on the agenda under Public Hearing, Kerwin Ranch Subdivision, the expiration date of 9/21 /92 which appears at the end of the agenda description should be corrected to 7/21 /92. Item #3 on the Public Hearing calendar, Warmington - LL-92-001, page 129 of Resolution LL-92-001, 4th paragraph, third line, should be amended to read: "...Exhibit "A" and directs the applicant to file a deed or record of survey pursuant to Section 6412L) of the subdivision Map Act to the City Engineer for checking..." Planner Walgren also stated that a letter had been received from Mr. Farsio, the applicant of Item #1 on the Consent Calendar. The letter requested that the Planning Commission reconsider a modified version of his proposal. PUBLIC HEARING CONSENT CALENDAR 1. DR-91-057 - Farsio, 14930 Vintner Ct., request for design review approval to construct a 3,332 sq. ft. detached guest house on a 3.45 acre parcel per Chapter 15 of the City Code. The property is located within the NHR zone district. (Cont. 5-0 from 5/13/92 public hearing to prepare denial resolution for adoption). Planning Commission M~es • Meeting of May 27, 1992 Page Two Commissioner Moran removed the item from the Consent Calendar to inquire as to whether the City Attorney had an opportunity to carefully review the resolution prior to the meeting. Planner Walgren stated that both the staff and the City Attorney had carefully reviewed the resolution. Commissioner Moran addressed the issue of the letter received from Mr. Farsio and stated that she felt that the modifications as outlined in the letter were significantly different from what the Planning Commission had reviewed at previous meetings and she would not be comfortable voting on any of the suggested modifications at the present time. Planner Walgren stated that it had been explained to the applicant that the public hearing on his application had been closed and that consideration on the application had been given. Therefore should he want to make modifications and/or a new proposal he may do so by making a new application. Planner Walgren stated, that because of the significance of the changes, consideration of them would constitute re- opening and re-notification of the public hearing. DURKET/BOGOSIAN MOVED TO APPROVE RESOLUTION LL-92-001 AND DR-92- 008 FOR DENIAL WITHOUT PREJUDICE. PASSED 6-0. PUBLIC HEARINGS ** 2. SD-91-005 -Kerwin Ranch L.P., 13616 Fruitvale Ave., -request for tentative map approval to subdivide an 11.6 acre site into sixteen (16) single family residential parcels ranging from 20,500 to 32,000 sq. ft. in size. The subject property is located at the southeast corner of Saratoga and Fruitvale Avenues, within an R-1-20,000 zone district, and is proposed to be accessed by two cul-de-sacs; one an extension of Ronnie Way serving eight (8) parcels, and the other accessing Saratoga Avenue, aligned with Scotland Dr., serving the remaining eight (8) parcels. (Cont. from 3/25/92 and 4/28/92 public hearings; application expires 7/21 /92). ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Planner Walgren presented the Report dated May 27, 1992, and answered questions from the Commission with regard to the application. Chairperson Caldwell opened the public hearing at 7:45 p.m. Planning Commission 111~es • Meeting of May 27, 1992 Page Three Linda Davis, 13616 Fruitvale Avenue, applicant, spoke in favor of the application. She stated that retention of the orchard was infeasible and that the neighboring property owners were also not in favor of saving a portion of the orchard. She supported the development of residential single-family homes on all the lots proposed in the subdivision. She inquired about the meeting held by the Public Safety Commission for the purpose of discussing her application. She stated that she had not been invited and felt that she should had been present for the meeting in order to present the Commission with adequate information on the proposed subdivision. Bill Heiss, Project Civil Engineer, gave a presentation on the 2 different lot lay outs for the subdivision. He discussed such issues as traffic/circulation, road features, land dedication, landscape buffer plans, the pedestrian path and the building alignment in relation to the pedestrian path. He also answered questions from the Commission with regard to the project. Commissioner Forbes asked which of the two maps did the applicant prefer. Linda Davis indicated that their preference was for Study Map #2 which consisted of only one cul-de-sac. She explained that this plan provided a single neighborhood opposed to two different neighborhoods proposed by Revised Map "A". Robert Cooper, 13655 Ronnie Way, expressed opposition to Study Map #2 (one cul- de-sac plan) explaining that this plan created 3 yards that would abut his property and therefore would decrease his quality of living and potentially his property value. He also stated that he would be in favor of a wide, short pedestrian path. Carol Machol, resident of Ronnie Way, directed the Commission to the petition on page 111 of the May 27, 1992 staff report. She read through the petition which had been submitted at a prior public hearing. Ms. Machol went through each of the 10 conditions which appeared on the petition and offered explanation/reasoning for the conditions to be accepted by the Planning Commission and attached to any tentative map the Kerwin property. She indicated preference for Study Map #2 (one cul-de-sac plan) and that any pedestrian pathway should be limited in width to 4 feet with the easements on either side limited to 3 feet each. Ms. Machol requested that an additional condition prohibiting the installation of any signage or gates be added to the conditions of approval should the Revised Map "A" (2 cul-de-sac plan) be approved. She stated that special signage or entry gates to the Kerwin Ranch subdivision would only serve as a barrier/separation between the proposed subdivision and its surrounding neighborhoods. Bill Stevens, 19337 Lisa Marie Court, spoke in opposition to Study Map #2 explaining that the only entrance/exit to the proposed subdivision was onto a busy road. He spoke in favor of the Revised Tentative Map "A" (with the 2 cul-de-sacs) and expressed opposition for the retention of Lots 15 and 16 for the purpose of using them as public parks or open space. He stated that he supported the alignment of Lisa Marie Court with Scotland Drive. Planning Commission M~es • Meeting of May 27, 1992 Page Four Rick Stanger, Wendy Lane resident, expressed concerns regarding increased traffic. He spoke in favor of Study Map #2 (single cul-de-sac plan) and suggested that a narrow greenbelt be planted at the end of Ronnie Way to serve as a buffer, to eliminate the possibility of Ronnie Way being extended onto Fruitvale, and to prevent the addition of more homes resulting in increased traffic on Ronnie Way. Gunther Machol, resident of Ronnie Way, expressed opposition to the City acquiring Lots 15 and 16 for public use. He stated that this type of use would not be in conformance with the General Plan and would create traffic problems. He spoke in favor of the two parcels being developed with single-family homes. Jan Smith, resident of Ranfre Lane, spoke in favor of Study Map #2 stating that she felt this plan would alleviate many of the potential traffic problems posed by the increase of residents as a result of the subdivision. Harriet Somblad, resident of Ronnie Way, concurred with comments made by Jan Smith and also stated preference for Study Map #2. Robert Cooper, stated that with respect to the City acquiring Lots 15 and 16 for parks he was not in favor of the idea. Doug Boden, resident of Ronnie Way, spoke in favor of Study Map #2. Bill Heiss, Project Civil Engineer, spoke in favor of providing some type of landscape buffer at the end of Ronnie Way should Study Map #2 (single cul-de-sac plan) be accepted and approved. He explained that he and the applicants were willing to work with the City and the surrounding property owners to come up with a satisfactory subdivision. He also answered questions from the Commission with regard to the subdivision application and various related issues. Chairperson Caldwell called for an end to the night's public testimony segment and explained that public testimony would be heard again at a future meeting. The Commission took a break at 8:53 p.m. The meeting was reconvened at 9:06 p.m. Gunther Machol made mention of a petition on this project. Chairperson Caldwell identified the issues to be discussed as follows: 1. Circulation Split access or uniform What to do regarding alignment of Lisa Lane with Scotland Particulars regarding the pedestrian pathway 2. Whether or not to preserve a portion of the orchard 3. Tentative Map Conditions Planning Commission M~es . Meeting of May 27, 1992 Page Five -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Commissioner Durket stated that he favored Revised Tentative Map (2 cul-de-sac plan) because of safety concerns and Mr. Coopers situation. He favored: - alignment of Lisa Marie Lane with Scotland - the removal of the island at Lisa Marie and Saratoga Avenue. - a large, wider landscape buffer along Fruitvale Avenue (approximately a 40 foot easement from the pedestrian path to the back of the new lots). - all the conditions as they appear in the petition on page 111, with the exception of Conditions #1 and 3 Commission Durket was not in favor of retaining Lots 15 and 16 for public use. Commissioner Bogosian concurred with Commissioner Durket on all points with an exception in regard to the pedestrian path. Commissioner Bogosian stated that he felt a 10 foot wide pedestrian path would be sufficient. Commissioner Moran spoke in favor of: - Revised Tentative Map (2 cul-de-sac plan) - alignment of Lisa Marie Lane and Scotland Avenue - a wider landscape buffer - prohibiting any signage or entry gates to the subdivision. - a short, wider, pedestrian path opposed to a long narrow path - all conditions, with the exception of #1 and #3, which appeared in the petition on page 111 of the staff report Commissioner Moran also suggested the possibility of reconfiguring Lots 15 and 16 into one lot in order to provide a larger greenbelt at the intersection of Lisa Marie and Saratoga Avenue. Commissioner Tucker stated that she supported: - either map, but for safety reasons preferred the Revised Tentative Map - eliminating the island proposed at Lisa Marie and Saratoga - alignment of Lisa Marie and Scotland Commissioner Tucker did not support preserving a portion of the orchard for reasons sited by the applicant and neighbors and stated that she was open to review with regard to the landscape buffer. Commissioner Forbes stated his support for the following: - Study Map #2 (single cul-de-sac plan) _ removal of the island at Lisa Marie and Saratoga Avenue - a meandering pedestrian path with a 20-foot width - signal lights at the intersection of Lisa Marie, Scotland and Saratoga Avenue Planning Commission M~es • Meeting of May 27, 1992 Page Six a landscape buffer plan acceptable to the property owners at the end of Ronnie Way Commissioner Forbes indicated that he did not support retaining Lots 15 and 16 for a park, but that he would like to see a bench placed in the greenbelt at the Fruitvale/Saratoga Avenue intersection. Chairperson Caldwell spoke in favor of the following: - Study Map #2 (single cul-de-sac plan), but would support the Revised Map should the Commission vote lean toward that map. - ~ a 15-foot wide pedestrian path - removal of the island at Lisa Marie and Saratoga - the conditions, with the exception of #1 and #3, as they appear in the petition included in the May 27, 1992 staff report. - a wider buffer along Fruitvale Avenue - construction traffic using Fruitvale Avenue instead of Ronnie Way Planning Director Curtis questioned condition #6 of the petition. He explained that the condition had to do with zoning and housing density and may be hard to enforce and that implementation of the condition would not lock in the current land use. The land use is a zoning issue not an issue to be determined or conditioned by a subdivision. Commissioner Moran asked that staff look into the effectiveness of Condition #6. MORAN/TUCKER MOVED TO CONTINUE #91-005, KERWIN RANCH SUBDIVISION, TO THE JUNE 24, 1992 PLANNING COMMISSION MEETING IN ORDER TO ALLOW STAFF TIME FOR CONSIDERATION OF THE COMMENT MADE REGARDING THE CONDITIONS AND OTHER ISSUES AND FROM THOSE DRAFT A RESOLUTION FOR THE KERWIN RANCH SUBDIVISION. PASSED 6-0. Commissioner Moran stated that she would be in favor of slicing off a portion of land from Lots 15 and 16 to give more area for landscaping. Chairperson Caldwell expressed support for. Commissioner Moran's suggestion. Commissioners Tucker, Bogosian, Durket, and Forbes all expressed their preference to review some proposals before incorporating it into the conditions of the subdivision. Planning Commission M~s • Meeting of May 27, 1992 Page Seven -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 3. DR-92-008 - Warmington, 13045 Paramount Dr., request for LL-92-001 design review approval to construct a 1,533 sq. ft. first and second story addition to an existing one-story residence per Chapter 15 of the City Code. The parcel is 47,133 sq. ft. in area and is located in an R-1-40,000 zone district. The applicant is also requesting lot line adjustment approval to transfer an equal amount of land (762 sq. ft.) between parcel A (13045 Paramount) and Parcel B (13015 Paramount). Planner Walgren presented the Report dated May 27, 1992 and answered questions regarding the application. Chairperson Caldwell opened the public hearing at 9:45 p.m. Art Everett, Project architect, spoke in favor of the application and explained that the windows in the second floor bathroom were purposely placed at a higher than normal level to alleviate any potential privacy invasion issues. Therefore, the applicant had a preference for clear glass opposed to obscure glass in the second floor bathroom window, but would be willing to work with the neighbors for a satisfactory compromise. Mr. Everett also answered questions regarding the project. MORAN/BOGOSIAN MOVED TO CLOSE THE PUBLIC HEARING AT 9:50 P.M. PASSED 6-0. TUCKER/MORAN MOVED TO APPROVE LL-92-001 PER THE RESOLUTION. PASSED 6-0. TUCKER/MORAN MOVED TO APPROVE DR-92-008 WITH CONDITION 8 TO BE MODIFIED TO ALLOW THE ISSUE OF THE TYPE OF GLASS (OBSCURE OR CLEAR) IN THE SECOND STORY BATHROOM WINDOW ON THE SOUTHWEST ELEVATION TO BE WORKED OUT BETWEEN THE APPLICANT, THEIR NEIGHBORS AND SUBJECT TO PLANNING STAFF APPROVAL. PASSED 6-0. 4. DR-92-006 -Black, 18532 Paseo Pueblo, request for design review approval to construct a 750 sq. ft. second story addition and 175 sq. ft. of first floor area to an existing 2,284 sq. ft. one-story residence per Chapter 15 of the City Code. The property is approximately 11,542 sq. ft. in size and is located within an R-1-10,000 zone district. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Planner Walgren presented the Report dated May 27, 1992 to the Commission and answered questions in regard to the application. Chairperson Caldwell noted that three letters in regard to the application had been received. Planning Commission M~es Meeting of May 27, 1992 Page Eight • Commissioner Moran stated that in Condition #6 the colors indicated were slightly different from those colors that were indicated on the plans. She therefore inquired as to which colors were to be used. Commissioner Moran also noted that in Condition #7 the size of the trees in the rear yard was omitted, but the plans and the report specified that 24-inch box trees were to be used. Planner Walgren stated that the words "24-inch box trees" should be inserted into Condition #7. He also explained in regard to the colors, the applicant would be required to used the materials and colors as reviewed and approved by the Planning Commission based on those colors represented on the color board. Chairperson Caldwell opened the public hearing at 10:00 p.m. Rob and Sandy Black, applicants, spoke in favor of their application. They explained that they had chosen to add a second story on to their existing house opposed to adding on to the back in order to preserve the area in their back yard. Nancy Jernello, next door neighbor, spoke in opposition to the second story addition. She read two letters, one from her and the other from her husband, expressing concerns regarding privacy impacts, the loss of their view of the mountains, and the incompatibility of the potential second story addition with the primarily one-story neighborhood. Sandy Black, applicant addressed the Commission and explained that in the process of designing their addition, she and her husband had tried to be sensitive to the concerns of the neighbors and had worked to design the least intrusive second-story addition as possible. MORAN/BOGOSIAN MOVED TO CLOSE THE PUBLIC HEARING AT 10:22 P.M. PASSED 6-0. FORBES/DURKET MOVED TO APPROVE DR-92-006. Commissioner Durket stated that he was in support of a second story addition, but could not support this particular design. He stated that he would prefer a design with less bulk and not as boxy. Commissioner Bogosian stated that he had trouble making the findings to support the application based on the issues of bulk. He spoke in favor of the applicant re- designing the addition to mitigate the concerns regarding bulk. Commissioner Moran stated that she could not support a second story addition because she felt the addition would make the house incompatible with the other homes in the primarily one story neighborhood. Planning Commission M~s Meeting of May 27, 1992 Page Nine Commissioner Tucker stated that she felt the applicants' neighborhood was a changing neighborhood and that she could support a second story addition, although she would prefer to see aone-story. She stated that she did not favor the applicants' design and would be open to review a less bulky design. Commissioner Forbes noted that because of the low height of the existing roof, any addition, whether one story or two-story, would require an increase in the height of the roof and he therefore felt that the applicant should be allowed to add the proposed second story. Chairperson Caldwell stated that she supported aone-story addition to retain compatibility of the one-story neighborhood because of the generous amount of area in the applicants' back yard. Commissioner Tucker suggested that the application be taken to a study session. FOLLOWING DISCUSSION, THE MOTION MADE BY FORBES/DURKET WAS WITHDRAWN. FORBES/DURKET MOVED TO CONTINUE THE APPLICATION TO THE JUNE 16, 1992 WORK SESSION WHERE ALTERNATIVE DESIGNS, TO BE SUBMITTED BY THE APPLICANT, WOULD BE REVIEWED. The following direction with regard to what the Commissioners would like to see in the alternative designs was given to the applicant. Commissioner Bogosian suggested raising the roof height to 22 feet in order the lessen the bulk of the house. Commissioner Durket stated that the issues of bulk should be addressed and that the applicants may want to examine other two-story homes in the area which had recently received Planning Commission approval. Commissioner Tucker stated that she felt that the front of the house appeared heavy and that more articulation may help alleviate the bulkiness. She also indicated her preference for maintaining the proposed 20-foot height. THE MOTION PASSED 6-0. DIRECTOR'S ITEMS Planning Director Curtis reminded the Commissioners of the June 27, 1992, Planning Commission retreat and reviewed a few of the topics for discussion at the retreat. He stated that the location for the retreat was yet to be determined. Planning Commission M•es S Meeting of May 27, 1992 Page Ten COMMISSION ITEMS Commissioner Bogosian stated that he resented the comment made by Councilperson Anderson in the minutes of the City Council meeting regarding the lack of attendance by the Planning Commissioners at Planning Commission meetings. He stated that he felt that the Planning Commissioners had been very conscientious about fulfilling their duty as Commissioners and that they attended the meetings regularly, but that there were times when their schedules or unpredictable circumstances prohibited them from attending. He explained that when such circumstance prohibited the Commissioner's attendance, they had notified staff of their inability to attend. He stated that there had been only one occasion in which a quorum could not be made and that the Councilperson's concern was unwarranted and the Planning Commission was progressing along with their work program. There was some general discussion regarding advance notification of absences. Commissioner Moran brought up the issue raised in the public hearing by Linda Davis, the Kerwin Ranch Subdivision applicant, regarding notification to applicants and Commissioners when meeting are held by other Commissions for the purpose of discussing matters appearing on the Planning Commission agenda. The City Attorney advised the Commission that they may attend the se meetings and ask questions, but because of the Brown Act they may not make a judgement or express an opinion on the item prior to the Planning Commission public hearing on the specific item. Commissioner Forbes inquired as to when the issue of noticing in general would be scheduled for review. Planner Walgren stated that material regarding noticing procedures had been sent in with the May 5th packet, but that the issue had been continued and would be revisited. COMMUNICATIONS Written 1. City Council Minutes - 5/2/92, 5/6/92, 5/12/92 2. Heritage Preservation Minutes - 4/8/92 Oral City Council - ' Planning Commission M~es Meeting of May 27, 1992 ` Page Eleven ADJOURNMENT At 11:00 p.m., Chairperson Caldwell adjourned the meeting. Andrea M. Chelemengos Minutes Clerk