HomeMy WebLinkAbout06-16-1992 Planning Commission Minutes~~ .. CITY OF SARATOGA PLANNING COMMISSION MINUTES DATE: Tuesday, June 16, 1992 PLACE: Senior Center - Adult Day Care Center, 7:30 p.m. 19655 Allendale Avenue TYPE: Adjourned Regular Meeting The meeting is a study session between applicants, interested citizens and staff, to discuss continued applications, advance planning projects and general planning issues. The Planning Commission has a policy that no decisions will be made at these sessions. A written report will be made of the proceedings. Roll Call Present: Commissioners Moran, Tucker, Favero & Durket Absent: Commissioners Forbes, Caldwell & Bogosian ITEMS OF DISCUSSION 1. DR-90-038 - WILLIAMS; LOT #3, TRACT 7770 The Planning Commission approved the modification to the approved plans consisting of elimination of the below ground garage, minor modifications to exterior elevations, minor expansion of the ground level foundation. 2. DR-89-065 - RIVOIR; 14917 VINE STREET The Planning Commission accepted the administrative approval of minor modifications to an approved design review application. 3. DR-92-006 - BLACK; 18532 PASEO PUEBLO The Planning Commission reviewed an alternative design proposal for this continued public hearing application. The following summarizes the Commission's comments: Tucker - recognizes that the larger issue of whether or not two-story homes are appropriate for this part of Saratoga is still not resolved. feels that the alternative design is an improvement over the original submittal and that the revised plans can be supported. Moran - not comfortable approving a two-story home within this predominantly one-story neighborhood when -, • • there is enough yard are to pursue a one-story design. Favero - would prefer to reserve comments for the public hearing. Durket - feels that a two-story home in general is not incompatible with this evolving neighborhood. prefers to visit site again to assess the impacts/compatibility of this proposal. Bogosian- (through comments read into record by Planning Director) feels that the alternative design is an improvement over the original submittal and the revised plans can be supported. 4. CITY OF SARATOGA - HOUSING ELEMENT; Review of Draft Element Planning Director Curtis informed the Commission that absent Commissioner Bogosian had transmitted, by telephone, that the draft Housing Element was acceptable. The Planning Commission proceeded to review the draft Housing Element page by page. Comments and suggestions were directed to staff regarding a number of issues including the elimination of text and policy regarding industrial sites, multi-family zoning and related land cost, existing senior facilities, Project Match and minor textual revisions to the Goals and Policies section. Staff noted all of the comments and suggestions and indicated that a revised draft would be prepared. The Planning Commission concurred with the staff recommendation to schedule the final draft Housing Element for the 7/8/92 regular Planning Commission meeting. 5. CITY OF SARATOGA - OPEN SPACE ELEMENT; Review of Open Space Policies The Planning Commission began the review of the Open Space policies. Planner Adar described the format of the goals and policies proposed in the Draft Element, where the goals are listed independently and the policies are organized by open space subjects. A reference of goals as related to the policies was also prepared for the Commission's review. After discussion, the Planning Commission concluded that the policies should remain organized by open issues, but should be tied to the goals. Staff was directed to prepare alternatives of formats which connect and clarify the correlation between the goals and policies. w ~ The Commission also reviewed the proposed policy to form an ongoing Open Space Task Force. The Commission felt that the role of the task force and its responsibilities should be clarified. The Commission was divided on the issue if such a task force is necessary, whether the Parks and Recreation Commission can take on this role and on the benefits of a committee of this nature. The discussion of this issue and the review of the remaining open space policies were continued to the 7/14/92 study session.