HomeMy WebLinkAbout07-14-1992 Planning Commission Minutes• 4 CITY OF SARATOGA PLANNING COMMISSION MINUTES DATE: Tuesday, July 14, 1992 PLACE: Senior Center - Adult Day Care Center, 7:30 p.m. 19655 Allendale Avenue TYPE: Adjourned Regular Meeting The meeting is a study session between applicants, interested citizens and staff, to discuss continued applications, advance planning projects and general planning issues. The Planning Commission has a policy that no decisions will be made at these sessions. A written report will be made of the proceedings. ROLL CALL - Present: Chairperson Caldwell, Commissioners Moran, Forbes, Bogosian and Favero Staff: Planning Director Curtis, Associate Planners Adar and Walgren Absent: Commissioner Durket ITEMS OF DISCUSSION 1. DR-91-058 - SARATOGA PACIFIC OARB, 19205 CRISP AVE. (LOT #15) Request for administrative consideration of exterior material changes to a single family residence approved for construction indicating horizontal wood siding in lieu of exterior stucco finish. Revised plans and a material board were presented and accepted by the Commissioners at the meeting. 2. CAL-NEON SIGNS - SAFEWAY SUPERMARKET, ARGONAUT SHOPPING CENTER Request for administrative sign permit approval to replace an existing 92.5 sq. ft. individual letter Safeway sign with a 73.5 sq. ft. cabinet sign. Both the existing and the proposed signs are internally illuminated. The existing sign currently exceeds the allowable sign area of 75 sq. ft. for this commercial tenant space. Existing and proposed exhibits were presented and accepted by the Commissioners. 3. DR-90-043 - BUTLER, 15244 MONTALVO HEIGHTS CT. Request for administrative consideration to add a 513 sq. ft. room addition to a single family residence approved by the Planning Commission and currently under construction. The addition complies with the .previous allowable floor area calculations governing this application, but would exceed the current allowable floor area by 70 sq. ft. The Commissioners directed staff to accept only an addition which would comply with current standards pursuant to City policy, as presented by the attendant Planning Director. • City of Saratoga Planning Commission Minutes Regular Adjourned Meeting - 7/14/92 Page 2 4. CITY OF SARATOGA - OPEN SPACE ELEMENT; Review of Open Space Policies Planner Adar reviewed the Commission's progress and comments made at the 6/16/92 study session. She recommended that the two issues related to the format and relation between goals and policies be done after the completion of review of all the policies. As a general approach she suggested to list the applicable goals at the head of each group of policies for each open space issue. The second recommendation was to postpone the discussion concerning the on-going task force to a later stage after the completion of the review of policies and implementation program. The Commission agreed with the recommendation and proceeded with the review of policies starting with Policy #3. Commissioner Moran was concerned that listing the goals by numerical order may indicate priorities or importance. The Commission agreed to discuss this subject at a later stage and consider either removal of the numbers or adding a statement for clarification of intent. Policy #3 was reviewed and approved with the clarification from the Planning Director that his staff will be responsible for the Open Space Management Plan. Policy #4 was approved as proposed. In relation to Policy #5, the Commission directed staff to review the Parks and Trails Master Plan and check how this policy is implemented through the plan. Staff was also directed to consider expansion of the policy and addition of implementation programs. Policies for Unincorporated Hillside Areas The Commission reviewed the introduction to these policies and directed staff to make stronger statements emphasizing the importance of the unincorporated hillsides to the community, to its history, its recreation and visual values. It was suggested that the second and third paragraphs be switched and the statements be strengthened. Policy #6 was approved by the majority of the Commission. Policy #7 was revised to eliminate the last portion of the statement and read:...."In evaluating future land uses, efforts should be made to maintain agriculture uses as a component of open space." ~ ~ ~ ~`~ Policies #8 and #9 were eliminated since the Commission felt that the two statements are covered in policy #11 relating to appropriate uses. The Commission directed staff to study policy #10 and break it into a policy statement and implementation program. The Planning Commission agreed with staff recommendation to proceed with the review at the following meetings and that the correction of all the policies will be prepared and presented to the Commission at the end of the review. The next open space discussion is scheduled for the 8/4/92 regular adjourned meeting. 5. Planning Commission Attendance Policy 6. Fire Prevention Alternatives - 15500 Madrone Hill Rd. ADJOURNMENT