HomeMy WebLinkAbout09-09-1992 Planning Commission Minutes_ l ~' CIT~F SARATOGA PLANNING COMMI~ON MINUTES DATE: September 9, 1992 - 7:30 p.m. PLACE: City Council Chambers, 13777 Fruitvale Ave. TYPE: Regular Meeting ---------------------------------------------------------------- Roll Call Present: Vice Chairperson Bogosian, Commissioners Moran, Forbes and Favero Absent: Chairperson Caldwell Pledge of Allegiance Minutes - 8/12/92 Vice Chair Bogosian made the following corrections: Page 3, last paragraph, last sentence should read "He felt that the $50,000 assessment to the developer for the improvements was not substantiated by any scientific evidence on the development impacts related to the intersection." Page 10, paragraph 5, should read "Gertrude Welsh..." FORBES/MORAN MOVED TO APPROVE THE MINUTES OF 8/12/92, AS CORRECTED. PASSED 4-0 (Caldwell absent) ORAL COMMUNICATIONS Colonel Barco, Camino Barco, addressed the Planning Commission regarding the sign ordinance. He presented his comments in written form to the Commission. Com. Favero stated the City could write a more stringent ordinance, but City staff must enforce it. Colonel Barco noted he went before. the City Council and was told to come before the Planning Commission with this issue. He noted he is willing to update this ordinance if it is adhered to. Vice Chair Bogosian stated this should be placed on the joint City Council/Planning Commission agenda for a later hearing. Com. Favero suggested that Colonel Barco work with staff. Planning Director Curtis stated the revision of the Sign Ordinance is not scheduled under the Work Program. He noted the Planning Commission will be holding a work session/retreat in October and this issue will be discussed at that time. Colonel Barco stated he would be willing to work with staff and the citizens. REPORT OF POSTING AGENDA Pursuant to Government Code 54954.2, the agenda for this meeting was properly posted on August 6, 1992. , ,Planning Commissio~inutes Meeting of September 9, 1992 Page 2 Technical Corrections to Packet Planner Walgren outlined the technical corrections to the packet. Planning Director Curtis addressed item 8 on the agenda. He noted that Commissioner Favero must abstain from this item, therefore there is, no Quorum. He noted this item will be continued to September 23, 1992. Com. Favero noted he was advised by the City Attorney to abstain from this discussion. Planning Director Curtis introduced a new staff person, Lynette Dias, Assistant Planner. PUBLIC HEARING CONSENT CALENDAR 1. DR-92-007 - Duncan, 19501 Rue de Glen Una, request for design review approval to construct a new 5,654 sq. ft. one-story residence pursuant to Chapter 15 of the City Code. The parcel is approximately 51,818 sq. ft. in area and is located within an R-1-40,000 zone district. (cont. from 8/12/92 public hearing; application expires 1/23/93). 2. CITY OF SARATOGA - WATER EFFICIENT LANDSCAPE ORDINANCE Review of State legislation AB325, State of California Model Ordinance, SCVWD "modified" ordinance (cont. to the 10/14/92 public hearing). ------------------------------------------------------------- FAVERO/FORBES MOVED TO APPROVE THE CONSENT CALENDAR. PASSED 4-0. (Caldwell absent) Vice Chair Bogosian informed the public of the process of the hearing. PIIBLIC HEARINGS ** .'.3. SD-91-006 = Franklin; 13686 Quito Road, request for tentative map approval to create five separate parcels accessing Quito Road via a short cul- de-sac, out of two existing parcels, pursuant to Chapter 14 of the City Code. The two existing parcels total approximately 3.1 acres in gross site area and are located within an R-1-10,000 zone district (application expires on 9/20/92) ------------------------------------------------------------- Planner Walgren presented the staff report dated September 9, 1992 and answered questions of the Commission. He reviewed the reasons why staff recommend denial, as outlined in the staff report. 'Planning Commissiolinutes Meeting of September 9, 1992 Page 3 Vice Chair Bogosian asked if City Law takes precedence over the Water District. City Attorney Faubion stated the first obligation of the Commission is to implement City Ordinances. She noted other districts will implement their own, but the Planning Commission should consider what they know about other ordinances. Vice Chair Bogosian opened the public hearing at 7:54 p.m. Mr. Terry Szewczyk stated it is his understanding that the Planning Commission have the authority to deviate from dedication requirements requested of other agencies. Planning Director Curtis stated there is no ordinance which requires fee title. He noted the policy of the City and the Water District for major subdivisions is that the land be given fee title. He noted the request is consistent with that policy. Mr. Szewczyk continued his presentation. He stated this was originally filed as a 6 lot sub division. He noted he is requesting direction on the easement issue. Mr. Szewczyk stated the Water District is requesting roads on both sides of the channel and this will affect some existing trees. Mr. Szewczyk explained how other cities handle the Water District's requirement. He addressed the letter from the Water District dated July 23, 1992. Com. Favero questioned the dedication vs. the easement and suggested that staff look at alternatives. Mr. Szewczyk noted they did discuss alternatives with staff and the Water District and the Water District was not very responsive. Mr. Carl Franklin noted this property was put on hold because of Highway 85. He stated they are burdened by the easement and would like the dedication. FAVERO/MORAN MOVED TO CLOSE THE PUBLIC HEARING. PASSED 4-0. (Caldwell absent) In response to Com. Favero's question, Planner Walgren stated if the flood control require an easement and not a dedication, a variance would not be necessary. He stated if this application was denied, the applicant, as part of a new application, could consult the Water District further to discuss the possibility of altering their policy. Com. Moran noted the applicant has the option to come back with a 4 lot subdivision. FAVERO/FORBES MOVED TO DENY APPLICATION SD-91-006 WITHOUT PREJUDICE. Com. Moran noted she would support staff recommendation. `Planning Commissio~inutes • Meeting of September 9, 1992 Page 4 Vice Chair Bogosian stated if this was approved non-conforming lots would be created, therefore he would support staff recommendation. The above motion was carried 4-0 (Caldwell absent). The public hearing was opened. Mr. Szewczyk noted that the applicant would like to hold the appeal period for 60 days. Vice Chair Bogosian stated he should discuss this with staff. 4. DR-91-069 - Honq; 21210 Chadwick Court, request for design review approval to construct a 4,911 sq. ft., two-story residence on a 51,227 sq. ft. parcel pursuant to Chapter 15 of the City Code. The property is located within an NHR zone district, on lot #5 of the Chadwick Place subdivision (application expires on 9/20/92). ------------------------------------------------------------- Planner Walgren presented the staff report dated September 9, 1992 and answered questions of the Commissioners. In response to Vice Chair Bogosian's question, Planner Walgren stated there is no condition in the resolution which requires an irrigation system. He noted it is the homeowners responsibility to maintain the landscaping. Com. Favero expressed concern about the life of the trees. Planning Director Curtis stated if the City requires the placement of vegetation it has to be maintained and if any dies it must be replaced. He noted the property owner will be in violation of the design review approval if the trees die from neglect. Vice Chair Bogosian opened the public hearing at 8:15 p.m. Mr. Randy Jones explained the position of the home on the lot as well as the design and height of .the structure. He stated they will put in an irrigation system if required. In response to Com. Moran's question, Mr. Jones stated the applicant would be willing to use darker colors for the home. FAVERO/MORAN MOVED TO CLOSE THE PUBLIC HEARING. PASSED 4-0 (Caldwell absent). In response to Vice Chair Bogosian's question, City Attorney Faubion stated a condition may be added to require an irrigation system. Com. Moran stated the goal is to keep the vegetation alive. She suggested reviewing the landscaping in two years without requiring the applicant to add an irrigation system at this time. ,Planning Commissio~inutes Meeting of September 9, 1992 Page 5 Com. Favero concurred. Com. Forbes stated this is an applicant which illustrates danger of having vegetation with no watering system. He spoke in favor of an additional condition to add the irrigation system. FAVERO/FORBES MOVED TO APPROVE APPLICATION DR-91-069 PITH AN ADDITIONAL CONDITION THAT THE APPLICANT IS REQUIRED TO MAINTAIN THE VEGETATION. Com. Moran noted she would support darker colors for the structure. She requested that this be discussed with staff and brought to the Planning Commission in a study session. The above motion was carried. Passed 4-0 (Caldwell absent) 5. DR-91-071 - Saratoga Pacific Oaks; 19272 Crisp Avenue, request for design review approval to construct a 5,984 sq. ft., two-story residence on a 45,302 sq. ft. parcel pursuant to Chapter 15 of the City Code. The parcel is located within an R-1-40,000 zone district, on lot #34 of the San Marcos Heights subdivision (application expires on 9/20/92). ------------------------------------------------------------- Planner Walgren presented the staff report dated September 9, 1992. He noted staff recommends approval with the conditions contained in the attached resolution. In response to Com. Forbes question, Planner Walgren stated this is a two story structure and no portion exceeds the two stories. Vice Chair Bogosian opened the public hearing at 8:25 a.m. Ms. Virginia Fanelli, representing San Marcos Heights, noted the applicant concurs with the conditions in the staff report. She explained the elevation of the home as well as the surrounding homes. FAVERO/FORBES MOVED TO CLOSE THE PUBLIC HEARING. PASSED 4-0 (Caldwell absent). In response to Com. Favero's question, Planner Walgren stated the step homes are a common occurrence in the hillsides. FORBES/MORAN MOVED TO APPROVE DR-91-071. Vice Chair Bogosian expressed concern regarding the height of the structure as seen from the open space easement, but will support the motion because of lot constraints. The above motion was carried. 4-0 (Caldwell absent) Planning Commissio~inutes • Meeting of September 9, 1992 Page 6 6. UP-92-005 - Saratoga Presbyterian Church; 20455 Harriman Avenue, request for use permit approval to allow the operation of a pre-school in two of the existing classrooms at Saratoga Presbyterian Church, pursuant to Chapter 15 of the City Code. The church site is located within a R-1-12,500 zone district. ------------------------------------------------------------- Planner Walgren presented the staff report dated September 9, 1992. He noted staff recommends approval with the conditions contained in the resolution. Vice Chair Bogosian opened the public hearing at 8:38 p.m. Mr. Richard Spencer, Pastor, Saratoga Presbyterian Church, outlined some concerns with the conditions. He noted no construction is taking place on the site and would like condition 3 removed. Planner Walgren stated there was a transmittal sent to staff from West Valley Sanitation District requiring a specific fee. He noted if the applicant can work this out with the Sanitation District and the fee is not necessary, this can be accommodated with the condition as is. Mr. Spencer asked for clarification to Section 3 of the conditions. Regarding Section 3, Planning Director Curtis stated the conditions imposed on the Use Permit must 'be in operation within the 24 months. Mr. Eric Liby, 13736 Lexington Ct., noted he is representing his family and neighbors who are not in support of the pre-school proposed. He noted he has a petition signed by neighbors. Mr. Liby outlined the reasons for the denial. He noted there are Day Care Centers within one half mile of the proposed. He stated the Church is in a residential area and this could set precedence if approved. Mr. Liby also expressed concern about traffic problems. He requested denial of this application. Ms. Nancy Thompson, Lexington Ct., noted she was not approached to sign a petition and spoke in favor of the pre-school. Ms. Sheri Smart noted she will have a child attending the school and stated that high quality pre-schools are needed. She stated there will be no time conflict with high school students. She noted they are licensed for 24 students with possible growth. FAVERO/MORAN MOVED TO CLOSE THE PUBLIC HEARING. PASSED 4-0 (Caldwell absent) In response to Com. Favero's question, Planner Walgren noted that neighbors were notified approximately 2 weeks ago. He noted staff did receive a letter which is attached to the staff report. Planning Commissio~inutes • Meeting of September 9, 1992 Page 7 In response to Commissioners questions, Planner Walgren stated Herriman was not considered an over capacity street to warrant a traffic study. Com. Favero noted that enrollment in Saratoga High School is declining. He suggested having the pre-school hours from 9:30 to 12:30 p.m. to eliminate some traffic. He noted it should be restricted to half day sessions with a maximum of 24 students. Com. Forbes stated if the Use Permit was approved it should be reviewed to address any traffic problems that may arise. Com. Moran stated that traffic is a concern and suggested not moving forward at this time until staff does a traffic study. Com. Favero stated the Church has operated for many years without any traffic problems. He noted the police enforcement on Herriman is strong and feels the traffic problems have been covered. FAVERO/FORBES MOVED TO APPROVE UP-92-005 WITH THE ADDITIONAL CONDITIONS: MAXIMUM OF 24 STUDENTS; STAFF NEGOTIATE WITH THE APPLICANT FOR BEST TIMES OF OPERATION; USE PERMIT REVIEW IN SIX MONTHS; EXCLUDE AFTERNOON CLASSES. Com. Moran noted she would like to see this application, with the modifications, come before the Planning Commission before approval. The above motion failed 2-2 (Moran, Bogosian No, Caldwell absent) Vice Chair Bogosian stated there will be an intensification of the use and a traffic study should be done to determine the hours of the day when there is least potential of traffic conflict." MORAN/BOGOBIAN MOVED TO CONTINUE THIS ITEM TO SEPTEMBER 23, 1992 FOR AN ORAL REPORT FROM STAFF ADDRESSING THE ISSUES DISCUSSED BY THE COMMISSIONERS. PASSED 4-0 (Caldwell absent) Com. Favero requested that staff set up standards which define safety so as the Commission has something to work from. MORAN/FAVERO MOVED TO RE-OPEN THE PUBLIC HEARING. PASSED 4-0 (Caldwell absent) 7. SD-88-005.3 - DiManto; Madrone Hill ~ Peach Hill Roads, request for Planning Commission consideration to allow a phased Final Map to be recorded for an approved five-lot, single-family residential subdivision. The applicants are proposing to record lots #4 and 5 as Phase 1 (195,000 and 275,000 sq. ft. respectively), and lots #1, 2 and 3 as Phase 2 (235,000, 130,000 and 185,000 sq. ft.), pursuant to Article 4, Section 66456.1 of the Subdivision Map Act. ------------------------------------------------------------- , .Planning Commissio#inutes ~ • Meeting of September 9, 1992 Page 8 Planner Walgren presented the staff report dated September 9, 1992 and answered questions of the Commission. Vice Chair Bogosian opened the public hearing at 9:36 p.m. Mr. Bill Heiss, Civil Engineer, presented a drawing of the property in question. He outlined the phases proposed as well as the access to the homes. Mr. Heiss noted there will be two final maps recorded. In response to Com. Favero's question, Mr. Heiss stated there is no interconnection between the phases. He noted there is no proposal for a trail system on this property. Planner Walgren noted this subdivision was approved in 1988 and a trail system would have been discussed at that time. In response to Vice Chair Bogosian's question, City Attorney Faubion stated conditions can only be added if they are specific to the issue before them, which in this case is the phasing. Com. Favero expressed concern that this property is in conflict with the City's goals as a whole regarding trail systems. Mr. Heiss stated there was no original trail through the property and there was never any intention to have a trail system. Planner Walgren read a letter from Robert M. & Donna Gorski into the record objecting to this development. MORAN/FAVERO MOVED TO CLOSE THE PUBLIC HEARING. PASSED 4-0. (Caldwell absent) MORAN/BOGOSIAN MOVED TO APPROVE SD-88-005.3. Com. Moran noted this is a previously approved application. Vice Chair Bogosian noted there had been other opportunities to address the trail system. Com. Favero requested a condition prohibiting any further density in the future. Planning Director Curtis stated if phase II was never developed the Tentative Map becomes void and the applicant must come before the Planning Commission to request further density. He noted he does not foresee a zoning density change. Vice Chair Bogosian noted it is his understanding that the property is heavily constrained and this would avoid further density The above motion was carried. 3-1 (Favero No, Caldwell absent). Planning Commissio~inutes • Meeting of September 9, 1992 Page 9 8. DR-89-041.2 - Dividend Development Corporation; 13150 SD-89-006.2 Saratoga Avenue, request for a second one-year extension to an approved development to construct a mixed-use housing project consisting of 75 townhomes and a senior housing facility. The senior facility would consist of 2'3 patio homes, 185 condominium units, a 32-bed personal care facility and a 45-bed skilled nursing facility. The subject property is approximately 25 acres and is zoned Multiple Use - Planned Development (MU- PD) . This item was continued to September 23, 1992 because of a lack of Quorum. 9. SM-92-005 - Hallenqren; 20420 Montalvo Oaks Place, request for site modification to construct a pool with at grade decking pursuant to Chapter 14 of the City Code. A design review application to build a single-family residence on the subject property was approved by the Planning Commission on 10/9/91 and construction of the home is currently in progress. The parcel is approximately 22,651 sq. ft. in area and is located within an R-1-20,000 zone district. ------------------------------------------------------------- Planner Walgren presented the staff report dated September 9, 1992 and answered questions of the Commissioners. He noted an irrigation system is not incorporated into the plan. Vice Chair Bogosian opened the public hearing at 9:52 p.m. Mr. Joseph Waller stated he is available for any questions. He noted there will be an irrigation system put in place. He noted at the request from Com. Forbes they will add three trees to continue the trees outlined on the plans. MORAN/FORBES MOVED TO CLOSE THE PUBLIC HEARING. PASSED 4-0 (Caldwell absent). MORAN/FORBES MOVED TO APPROVE APPLICATION SM-92-005 WITH THE ADDITIONAL THREE TREES TO BE ADDED. PASSED 4-0 (Caldwell absent). 10. SM-92-004 - Huang; 14590 Deer Springs Court, request for site modification to an approved site development plan to construct a pool, spa, terrace and cabana pursuant to Chapter 14 of the City Code. The subject property is currently developed with a two-story single family residence. The parcel is approximately 1.8 acres in gross site area and is located in the NHR zone district. ------------------------------------------------------------- Planning Commissio~linutes S Meeting of September 9, 1992 Page 10 Planner Walgren presented the staff report dated September 9, 1992 and answered questions of the Commissioners. Mr. Walgren reviewed the additional conditions, as outlined in the staff report. Vice Chair Bogosian opened the public hearing at 10:00 p.m. Mr. Michael Helm, Architect, noted that a complete landscape plan was included in the original design review approval. He stated the pool is smaller than previously proposed, therefore the grading is less. Mr. Helm stated the applicant requests that an irrigation system be put in place after the construction is complete. Vice Chair Bogosian noted he visited the site and the existing trees are in bad condition. Mr. Helm outlined the trees which were planted as part of the original proposal. Com. Forbes noted as part of the mitigation for the tree trimming, the applicant was to put in ground cover. He noted any permanent landscaping needs water. Mr. Helm stated they will follow all the arborist's conditions. He stated the bond requested of the city will insure the maintenance of the landscaping. He stated the plan is to build the pool now and do the landscaping during the winter season with the installation of a irrigation system. Mr. Huang, Applicant, noted he is sensitive to poison oak and spayed for this, noting the bad condition of the trees. He stated when the pool is finished the landscaping will be completed. He asked for approval to complete the project. Mr. Charlie Rolo, 21280 Canyon View Dr., stated he was impacted by the illegal trimming. In response to Mr. Rolo's concerns, Planner Walgren stated the landscape maintenance agreement is extended for an additional five years. Mr. Rolo stated he is in support of the placement of the pool as proposed. He expressed concern about the life of the trees and the applicant not complying with the City's codes. He recommended that the security deposit be held for an additional five years. He stated there is a history of non-compliance on this property. Resident, 14595 Deer Springs Ct., spoke in favor of the pool. He stated the trees are a separate issue and is not in support of extending the security deposit. He feels the applicant will comply with all the conditions. He expressed concern about the process applicants have to go through to build a pool and too much government control. Ms. Janice McCormick, Toll Gate Rd., stated the irrigation system should be put in after the excavation. She noted she has planted Planning Commissio~inutes Meeting of September 9, 1992 Page it oak trees which don't grow because of the bad soil condition. She noted she has watered and taken care of these trees. Ms. McCormick believes that the applicant will comply with all the conditions and stated she is in favor of the project. Mr. Huang addressed the illegal trimming. He stated he did do some trimming, but did not feel it was all illegal. He noted the arborist did approve the existing trees. Mr. Rolo clarified that all landscaping must be put in before the final approval of the pool. MORAN/FORBES MOVED TO CLOSE THE PUBLIC HEARING. PASSED 4-0 (Caldwell absent). In response to Com. Favero's question, Planner Walgren noted the landscaping and irrigation would have to be in place before final approval of the pool. Com. Favero pointed out that a neighbor is concerned that the landscaping is not being maintained during construction. He asked what the City can require of the applicant to maintain the existing landscaping? Com. Forbes stated that the landscaping in the front of the house should not be tied to the pool. Com. Moran stated the plan is to put in the pool and then put in all the landscaping when the pool is complete. Vice Chair Bogosian stated after looking at the property he feels and additional security deposit is needed. Planner Walgren stated 5 years is the longest security deposit and maintenance agreement the City has enforced. He stated the primary way to ensure that the landscaping is complete is to tie it to the development and the City can monitor the project. He noted there would be no final inspection of the pool until all the landscaping requirements are completed. Com. Favero addressed the illegal trimming and adherence to City codes. Planner Walgren stated when the City received a complaint regarding the illegal trimming a stop work order was issued. He noted City staff did have to go out to the site two consecutive days. Com. Forbes expressed concern about the pool not being completed on schedule therefore the landscaping not being completed. He suggested that if the pool is not completed within a certain time period the security bond should be increased. Vice Chair Bogosian proposed that the bond be increased to $25,000 and the period of time be five years for the placement and maintenance of the vegetation. I ~rPlanning Commissio~inutes • Meeting of September 9, 1992 Page 12 Com. Forbes suggested the bond be left as is, but if the pool is not completed in a certain time period, the bond be increased until the pool is complete. FAVERO/BOGOSIAN MOVED TO APPROVE APPLICATION SM-92-004 WITH THE FOLLOWING MODIFICATION: RAISE THE BOND TO $25,000 FOR INSTALLATION AND MAINTENANCE OF VEGETATION FOR A PERIOD OF FIVE YEARS. Com. Forbes feels that $25, 000 is a lot of money to tie up for five years. Com. Moran stated she would like to see the screening along the eastern side installed when the pool is installed. Com. Favero stated the screening should go in now, regardless of when the pool goes in. An amendment to the motion is to install the landscaping one year from tonight irrespective of the pool development. The above motion with the amendment was carried 3-i (Forbes No, Caldwell absent). DIRECTOR'S ITEMS Planning Director Curtis stated the City Council have selected two Planning Commissioners who will be sworn in at the next Council meeting. Com. Favero and Com. Forbes noted they will miss the meeting on September 23, 1992. 1. Planning Commission Retreat a. Set date - October 10, 1992 b. Establish agenda 1. Applications for extension on approvals 2. Discussion - spend more time on long range planning 3. Discussion - how to keep landscaping alive in general COMMISSION ITEMS Planning Director Curtis noted the Commissioners Appreciation Dinner on September 22, 1992 and requested the Planning Commissioners let him know if they are attending. Planning Director Curtis outlined the meeting dates for November and December: Tuesday, November 10, 1992 Tuesday, November 24, 1992 Wednesday, December 23, 1992 - Canceled. .' Planning Commissio~inutes Meeting of September 9, 1992 Page 13 COMMUNICATIONS Written 1. City Council minutes - 8/5 and 8/11/92 Oral City Council The meeting adjourned at 10:54 to 7:30 p.m. on September 23, 1992, in the City Council Chambers, 13777 Fruitvale Ave., Saratoga. Catherine M. Robillard Minutes Clerk