HomeMy WebLinkAbout10-06-1992 Planning Commission Minutes~;-; • -. • REGULAR ADJOURNED PLANNING COMMISSION MEETING OF OCTOBER 6, 1992 ACTION MINUTES Present: Chairperson Caldwell, Commissioners Moran, Murakami, Favero and Asfour The Commission began discussion on the Trail System Implementation Trail System Implementation Prog~a Priority List Commissioner Moran stated that she favored the City prioritizing the list of trail acquisition and development. Commissioner Favero expressed concern with the trail system opening up Saratoga to more outside visitors thus causing the exclusive character of Saratoga to change to a more travelled community. He stated that he believed that this concern was a common concern shared by many of Saratoga's residents. He also spoke in regard to the issue of budgets, budget cuts and inquired as to how plans for the trail system might be affected. Chairperson Caldwell stated that she did not share Commissioner Favero's concern. Commissioner Moran expressed interest in making sure that any money that the City spends on the trail system is spent in a way to encourage use of the trails as well as maintenance of the existing and any new trails. She spoke in favor of expanding the trail system so that it connects with the Mid-Peninsula Open Space District. She also spoke in favor of maintaining a priority list with regard to the trails and future plans for existing trails and creation of new trails. Commissioner Favero stated that he was very.much opposed to opening new trails up to the public outside of Saratoga and also connecting them with the Mid-Peninsula Regional Open Space District and the Bay Ridge Trail. He stated that he was very concerned with the protection of people's privacy and maintaining the character of Saratoga. Commissioner Asfour expressed concern with regard to safety issues. He also expressed support for maintaining Saratoga's existing trails before creating new trails. • • 2 There was discussion regarding the budget for the maintenance of the trails and the development of new trails. Commissioner Murakami spoke in favor connecting the existing Saratoga Trails. Commissioner Favero noted that by connecting the trails in Saratoga it would encourage more traffic on the trails. He stated that the existing trails abut some of the most exclusive homes and areas in Saratoga and would reduce the properties' privacy level. He stated that the future of Saratoga is driven by the policies made now and that should be taken into consideration. A speaker addressed the Planning Commission and explained that it was her opinion that the Task Force leaned toward making the Trail System Policies liberal. She noted that there was a lot of discussion among the task force members regarding horse trails. However, she did not recollect any discussion in regard to the concerns voice by Commissioner Favero. Commissioner Favero stated that connecting Saratoga's trail System is a very low priority to him. He is more interested in improving and maintaining Saratoga's existing trail system. Planning Director Curtis suggested that the Commission consider adding wording to the Existing Trail paragraph under the Implementation Section, Trail Systems, which would place emphasis on first looking at maintaining existing trails, trail easements and expansion of the trail system within the City. The paragraph could read as follows: Existing Trails. The City shall develop and enhance existing trails and trail easements. The words "...as well as move forward with future acquisitions." should be deleted. The Commissioners indicated that this suggestion was acceptable. Project Review There was discussion regarding the wording or this segment. It was the consensus of the Commission that the paragraph read as follows: Each development proposal shall be reviewed in the field for proposed trail designation in accordance with Parks and Trail zoning. Dedication should be secured to insure a comprehensive trail system throughout the City. • • 3 Rails to Trails Commissioner Favero inquired whether such a thing as an unrestricted trail, where dogs can run without a leash, horses are allowed, and runners/joggers and bicyclists are all allowed. Planner White stated that such a thing could exist if no restrictions were attached to the trail. Chairperson Caldwell noted that there is a very successful trail of this type in Seattle and that the Southern Pacific Railroad spur line would be an excellent place for this type of trail in Saratoga. Chairperson Caldwell stated that this type of trail should be provided for in the Policy section of the Trails System Segment of the Open Space Element. Staff was directed to investigate the feasibility of implementing this type of unrestricted trail. Bike Paths There was discussion regarding the 2nd sentence of the paragraph. Specifically, the Commission discussed the option of including wording which would call for wider bike paths to allow for both faster and slower bike traffic or whether to designate separate bike paths for travel at higher speeds. There was agreement to eliminate the entire 2nd sentence. Commissioner Moran stated that with regard to the 1st sentence she would like to add the word "redesign". She explained that in certain circumstances redesigning of the path may be in order. Commissioner Asfour suggested instead of adding the word "redesign", the phrase "or any other measure as appropriate" may be more appropriate. The Commission agreed to incorporation of this wording. Commissioner Moran also suggested that the name of the paragraph be changed to Bike Path Safety. _ ~ ~ ~ • 4 Trail Information There was consensus for re-wording of the paragraph to read as follows: Trails should be marked where needed. The City should provide maps and information regarding the trail network. The City should sponsor a Saratoga Trail Day to inform all residents of the trail network and encourage its use and maintenance." Motorized Vehicles No changes were made to this paragraph. D-~. There was consensus to delete this paragraph due to the fact that Saratoga has a leash law which is in effect. The Open Space segment of the meeting was concluded at this point. • • SARATOGA PLANNING COMMISSION OPEN SPACE WORKSESSION SEPTEMBER 1, 1992 Present: Chairperson Caldwell, Commissioners Favero, Moran and Bogosian. Chairperson Caldwell requested that in the future, the worksession agendas note the specific Open Space topic that is scheduled to be discussed. Commissioner Bogosian stated that the introduction under Trail Systems particularly the section which reads "..The development of trails along this corridor, as well as the creation of connections to regional network of trails and pathways which link many of the area's large regional parks, will give residents of Saratoga an unparalleled opportunity to enjoy significant open space and recreational opportunities in the baylands..." implies that Saratoga has a connecting system to the creeks. He stated that it was his understanding that the trail system could not go in the creeks and that this issue had been put to rest by the City Council. He explained that this wording is misleading. Commissioner Favero stated that he did not favor incorporating the creeks into the trail system and preferred that they remain in their natural state. The Commission inquired as to what was the intended meaning of the word "baylands" in the introduction. Chairperson Caldwell polled the Commissioners on their feelings with regard to development of linear open space along the corridor of the Southern Pacific Railroad. Commissioner Bogosian expressed concern regarding liability issues should the corridor be used as a trail/pedestrian path while the land is currently being used by the cement factory. He did, however, express support for the City seizing the opportunity of acquiring the corridor for open space should the current use of the corridor be discontinued. He suggested that language reflecting this be incorporated into the Open Space Element. There was general support expressed by the Commissioners regarding Commissioner Bogosian's suggestion. • • Policies Commissioner Favero expressed his preference for more specific language to be incorporated into the Trail Acquisition Criteria segment which would reflect protection of privacy and neighbor rights to privacy and security. Commissioner Bogosian and Moran agreed with Commissioner Favero's point. Commissioner Bogosian stated that under Implementation Programs, Existing Trails, should have language incorporated to not only recognize existing trails, but also existing trail easements. There was discussion regarding the various issues of residents purchasing and developing and/or landscaping property on which a trail easement exists and the City's right to utilize and develop a trailway after such private development and/or landscaping has taken place. Chairperson Caldwell requested that amplified wording regarding prescriptive rights be put into place in #26 Prescriptive Rights section. There was a suggestion that the current language might be softened instead so as not to be so intimidating or condemning. Chairperson Caldwell suggested that the last line of #25 Coordination be deleted. The Commission felt that there was not justification for either a consultant or employee be given this sole title of Trails Coordinator. Commissioner Bogosian suggested that the Parks and Recreation Department be responsible for the coordination of trail development, patrol and maintenance (Policy 27, page 14). Following discussion, staff was directed to draft a new Policy that deals with the Development and Maintenance of trailways which names both the Parks and Recreation staff and commission responsible for coordination of these tasks. There was discussion regarding the Multiple Ingress and Egress section specifically the word "multiple", what is implied by the word and if many ingress/egress would pose a security problem for those homes in the close proximity. Discussion also entailed parking concerns. There was consensus among the Commissioners to change #32 Multiple Ingress and Egress to "Trail Access" and also the word multiple in the body of the paragraph should be replaced with the word adequate. Commissioner Bogosian expressed concern regarding the word Hiking in the 2nd line of #33 Transportation Improvements. There was discussion among the Commission regarding this section. • • Commissioner Bogosian suggested that the section should read as follows:" Transportation improvements such as road widenings and bridge construction should include bicycle paths. Equestrian paths should be provided when necessary along the roads to complete segments of existing trails." Chairperson Caldwell expressed concern that this wording may eliminate hiking and equestrian paths else where in the City. Commissioner Moran stated that she was comfortable with leaving the word hiking in #33. Commissioner Bogosian offered to draft up new language for #33 in which the comments of the Commissioners will be reflected. This language will be submitted at the next Open Space worksession. At this point the Open Space segment of the worksession was concluded. The next Open Space worksession will begin with the "Implementation" segment. r~ • • CITY OF SARATOGA PLANNING COMMISSION AGENDA DATE: Tuesday, October 6, 1992 PLACE: Senior Center - Adult Day Care Center, 7:30 p.m. 19655 Allendale Avenue TYPE: Adjourned Reqular Meetinq The meeting is a study session between applicants, interested citizens and staff, to discuss continued applications, advance planning projects and general planning issues. The Planning Commission has a policy that no decisions will be made at these sessions. A written report will be made of the proceedings. ROLL CALL ITEMB OF DISCIISSION 1. SD-91-002 - WOOLWORTH; 15425;MONTE VISTA DRIVE Request for administrative approval of a proposed entrance gate at a recently recorded four-lot residential subdivision. Planning Commission review of the proposal was required as a condition of tentative map approval. Plans and a material board will be presented at the meeting. 2. DR-89-116 - BLACRWELL; 21357 DIAMOND OARS CT. Request for administrative approval of a material change to an approved design review application to build a 5,216 sq. ft. two-story residence. The applicant is proposing to roof the residence with dull green slate tiles rather than rust colored mission tiles. Material samples will be presented at the meeting. 3. DR-90-082 - WILLIAMS; LOT 3, TRACT 7770 Request for Planning Commission review of landscape plan as required by condition of approval of Resolution DR-90-082. 4. CITY OF SARATOGA - WATER EFFICIENT LANDSCAPE ORDINANCE Review of Model Ordinances. 5. CITY OF SARATOGA - OPEN SPACE ELEMENT Review of draft policies and implementation. ADJOORNMENT a ~ ~_. i • 13777 FRUITVALE AVENUE SARATOGA, CALIFORNIA 95070 (408) 867-3438 MTsMORANDQM TO: Planning Commission FROM: Planning Staff DATE: October 1, 1992 SIIBJBCT: DR-90-082, Williams, Lot 3, tract 7770 This project was reviewed and approved by the Planning Commission at the October 23, 1991 regular public hearing. As a condition of approval, the applicant was required to submit a landscape plan to the Planning Director to be approved by the Planning Commission in consultation with the City Arborist (Condition #12 of Resolution DR-90-082). The applicant has submitted a landscape plan that has been reviewed and cleared by Barrie Coate, the City Arborist. The plan will be presented at the work session. Barrie Coate has worked closely with the applicant's landscape architect to prepare the plan that ensures compliance with the recommendations of his report dated October 10, 1991. Two memos from the City Arborist are attached indicating compliance with these recommendations. In addition, the applicant has submitted a two-year performance bond for the preservation of existing and installed trees. This bond allows the City Arborist to make inspections of the site over a two-year period to verify that all of the trees are being properly maintained. Recommendation: Accept the submitted landscape plan as complying with Condition #12 of Resolution DR-90-082. Attachment: 1. City Arborist Memos dated 4/14/92 and 8/26/92 wp\george\williama Printed on recycled paper. BARRIE D. _~TE • and ASSO~TES . i Horticultural Consultants 408-353-1052 23536 Summit Road., Los Gatos, CA 95030 April 14, 1992 Mr., George White, Planner City of Saratoga 13777 Fruitvale Avenue ~. Saratoga, CA 95070 _ Dear George, . - In reviewing the reforestation plan for the Williams property, Lot 3, Tract 7770, note that 48" of Oak tree trunk diameter were removed. The landscape plan dated 3-30-92 from Greg Ing acid Associates replaces 49" of trunk diameter. with native Oaks to satisfy -this "department", while providing screening of the proposed building from the valley to the east. BDC:Ia cc: Mr. Phil. Williams - Sincerely, game D. Coate f• BARRIE ~D. CC ATE and ASSOCIAT. `F Horticultural Consultants 408-353-1052 23535 Summit Road., Los Gatos, CA 95030 Mr. George White, Planner City of Saratoga 13777 Fruitvale Avenue Saratoga, CA 95070 Re: Williams Property Lot 3, Tract 7770, Chiquita Way Jo 03-91-59D (92) - Dear George: . • August 26, 1992 RECEIVED A UG .2 8 1992 PLANNING DEPT. I reviewed the landscape plan dated 3/30/92 for this property. I suggested that the larger . trees needed for the property be placed downhill and east of the pad to help with screening of the house. I suggested that only smaller trees as 1-gallon, 5-gallon, and at the largest, 15-gallon be placed on the steep hillside west and south of the pad. I believe that this plan reflects those suggestions and complies with the total tree replacement requirements. Sincerely, BDC:Ia ~~ Barrie D. Coate ~ ,~s~ ~ ~~y ~~ C~ ~~~ o~ ~ ° ° ~OC~ ~ i 13777 FRUITVALE AVENUE SARATOGA, CALIFORNIA 95070 (408) 867-3438 COUNCIL MEMBERS: Karen Anderson Martha Clevenger Willem Kohler M E M O R A N D U M Victor Monia Francis Stutzman TO: Planning Commission FROM: Planning Staff DATE: October 6, 1992 SUBJECT: Water Efficient Landscape Ordinance This item was originally considered at the September 1 work session. At that time the Planning Commission requested clarification on how the proposed Water Efficient Landscape Ordinance (WELD) would affect the permit approval process, specifically in regard to Design Review applications. The following is an attempt to illustrate, in a question and answer format, various aspects of the WELD and how it relates to the City of Saratoga. Q. Why does the City need a Water Efficient Landscape Ordinance? A. The California State Assembly passed AB325 in the fall of 1990. The bill requires all local jurisdictions to adopt a Water Efficient Landscape Ordinance, or make appropriate findings that one is not needed, by January 1, 1993. Q. What is the purpose of the Ordinance? A. The State of California and the State Water Resources Board hopes that this ordinance will foster implementation of improved methods of water conservation and efficiency that will, eventually, be practiced by all local jurisdictions. Q. How will the WELO be implemented in the City of Saratoga? A. The WELD will be part of the City's zoning ordinance. The City Planning, Building and Community Service Departments will be responsible for enforcement. Printed on recycled paper. • • Q. Which project and/or individuals would be affected by WELO? A. All development projects in the City that require that a permit be issued will be reviewed by City staff to determine if the WELD applies or if the project is exempt. Q. Would a homeowner replacing existing landscaping be subject to the Ordinance? A. No. WELO exempts single and multi family landscaping provided by the homeowner. Developer installed landscaping for new single and multi family projects or new or rehabilitated landscaping for public agency and private development projects would be subject to the Ordinance. Q. When will WELO be applied? A. The ordinance will be applied at the time of application for any development project within the City. Administrative projects will be evaluated by staff to determine which provisions of the ordinance apply and appropriate documentation, as required by WELD, will be required prior to .permit issuance. Compliance with an approved landscape plan, including a water budget, will be verified prior to final inspection. Discretionary projects that are reviewed by the Planning Commission will be evaluated during the normal planning review process. If applicable, conditions will be placed on resolution for approvals that will ensure compliance with WELD. In these cases, staff anticipates that the existing standard Xerescape condition will be replaced by a standard WELD condition. The exact wording of the condition will be reviewed and approved by the Planning Commission. Again, condition compliance will be verified, as indicated in WELD, prior to final inspection. Q. How will the citizens of Saratoga know that these regulations exist and whether they apply to them? A. To ensure that every citizen of Saratoga is made aware of these regulations, City staff will draft and publish public service articles in the local newspaper. Additional articles will be run annually the onset of each planting season. The cable access channel's bulletin board will be utilized to alert Saratoga citizens to the existence of the new ordinance and to offer assistance from the City Planning Department. The ordinance itself • and a variety of background reference materials will be available at the City offices and at the Sarita Clara Valley Water District offices. The preceding is a simplified summary of important provisions contained in the Water Efficient Landscape Ordinance. The actual process of preparing the water budgets, landscape plans and project verifications required by the ordinance will be a coordinated task of individual property owners, landscape professionals and City staff members. Recommendation: Complete preliminary review of the Santa Clara Valley Water District modified State Model ordinance and direct staff to prepare a final draft ordinance for review at the next Planning Commission Meeting on October 14, 1992. ' Re ctfully Submitted, orge W to Associa a Planner welol } ~ • C~~~~ o~ ~ ° ° ~OC~~ 13777 FRUITVALE AVENUE SARATOGA, CALIFORNIA 95070 (408) 867-3438 COUNCIL MEMBERS: Karen Anderson Martha Clevenger Willem Kohler Victor Monia M E M O R A N D II M Francis Stutzman TO: Planning Commission FROM: Planning Staf~~ DATE: October 1, 1992 SUBJECT: Draft Open Space Element At the September 1 work session the Planning Commission continued reviewing the policies and implementation section of the draft Open Space Element. The Commission reviewed up to and including policy number 33 on page 14 of the draft Element. It was also agreed by the Commission that, to expedite the review process and to facilitate constructive discussion, it was important for the Commissioners, as well as staff, to review the individual sections of the draft Element under consideration prior to each work session. open Printed on recycled paper.