HomeMy WebLinkAbout10-14-1992 Planning Commission Minutes_.. CITY~F SARATOGA PLANNING COMMIS~ON MINUTES October 14, 1992 - 7:30 p.m. City Council Chambers, 13777 Fruitvale Ave. Regular Meeting -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- The meeting was called to order at 7:30 p.m, by Chairperson Caldwell. ROLL CALL Present: Chairperson Caldwell, Commissioners Favero, Forbes, Moran, Murakami and Asfour Absent: Commissioner Bogosian (excused) PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE MINUTES Minutes of the September 23, 1992, Meeting Commissioner Asfour had the following corrections: Page 3, 1st paragraph after 1st motion, the time 9:15 p.m. should be corrected to 9:15 a.m. Page 13, 2nd paragraph (motion), the 3rd added condition, the word "business" should be deleted and the condition should read as follows: "No activity shall be permitted prior to 7:00 a.m. seven days a week." Commissioner Moran noted there were several spelling, grammatical, and editorial corrections and suggested that those people who address the Commission be reminded to sign-in in order to provide the Minutes Clerk with a list of correctly spelled names. Chairperson Caldwell had the following corrections: Page 2, 3rd paragraph from the bottom, should read: "Planner Walgren presented an overview of the traffic analysis which staff had conducted since the Planning Commission last heard this item, and answered questions from the Commission." Page 6, 3rd paragraph, 1st line, the word "court" should be added after the word "tennis". Page 7, 6th paragraph from the bottom, the spelling of speaker's named should be corrected to Vince Garrod. Planning Commission M s Meeting of October 14, 1 92 • Page 2 ' Page 9, last paragraph (motion) should read: "Bogosian/Moran moved to approve UP-92-007 with the following conditions : 1) the structure shall be painted a darker tone which shall be visually acceptable to the Planning Director; and 2) drought tolerant, landscaping, subject to staff review and approval, be installed to help screen the structure. Passed 5-0." Page 11, last paragraph, the speaker's' name should be Bill Carlson, not Bill Krause. MORAN/ASFOUR MOVED TO APPROVE THE MINUTES OF SEPTEMBER 23, 1992, AS AMENDED. PASSED 4-0 (FAVERO AND FORBES ABSTAINED). ORAL COMMUNICATIONS There were no oral communications. REPORT OF POSTING AGENDA Pursuant to Government Code 54954.2, the agenda for this meeting was properly posted on May 22, 1992. TECHNICAL CORRECTIONS TO PACKET Planner Walgren had the following technical corrections: Item #2 on under Public Hearing: Page 18, 1st paragraph, the word "recommendation" should be deleted from the 2nd line and in the 4th line the word "recommendation" should be deleted and replaced with the word "rezoning". Page 18, 2nd finding, the following should be added after the words "property owner": "whose facility is not suited to function as a retail establishment..." Page 19, 1st paragraph, the words "and based on the Cites independent judgement" should be inserted prior to the words "...that the following described project will have no significant..." Item #5, page 64, 1st paragraph, the words "and based on the City's independent judgement" should be inserted prior to the words "...that the following described project will have no significant..." Commissioner Favero explained that the City Attorney had declared him to be in conflict of interest due to the close proximity of his residence to the 1st Item on the Public Hearing agenda. Commissioner Favero stated that he would be stepping down from the dias and not voting on Item #1. ' Planning Commission Mi~s • Meeting of October 14, 1992 Page 3 PUBLIC HEARINGS 1. DR-89-041.2 - Dividend Development Corporation; 13150 Saratoga SD-89-006.2 - Avenue, request for a second one-year extension to an approved development to construct amixed-use housing project consisting of 75 townhomes and a senior housing facility. The senior facility would consist of 23 patio homes, 185 condominium units, a 32-bed personal care facility and a 45-bed skilled nursing facility. The subject property is approximately 25 acres and is zoned Multiple Use - Planning Development (cont. from 9/23/92 to receive report from Building Codes Administrator re: demolition schedule; application expires 1/29/93). -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Planning Director Curtis presented the Report dated October 8, 1992, to the Planning Commission. He explained that at the last Planning Commission meeting the item had been continued due to several questions and requests for additional information on the project. Planning Director Curtis noted that Joseph Oncay, the Building Codes Administrator, was present for the current meeting and would be presenting information to the Commission and answering any questions with regard to the demolition process. The City Attorney, in response to questions from Chairperson Caldwell with regard to the City's legal standing on such issues as expediting the demolition process and dealing with the public nuisances, explained that the demolition was now being handled by the Board of Appeals, another administrative agency, and compliance with their order is also handled through that agency and its own process. She stated that the Planning Commission cannot change any aspects of the order, but could write a letter to the Board of Appeals expressing their concerns and inquiring if and how code compliance had been achieved. The City Attorney noted that the Commission could possibly address other issues as long as it is established that these issues are separate from the Board of Appeals' jurisdiction and are also within the limits of the current extension application. Commissioner Moran inquired if it was within the realm of the Planning Commission's jurisdiction to continue the extension request in order to observe the progress of the demolition or to grant the extension for only a limited period of time. The City Attorney explained that either one of Commissioner Moran's suggestions would be acceptable. Joseph Oncay, Building Code Administrator, presented the Report dated October 2, 1992 to the Commission. He explained the demolition process and also the incidents which had taken place causing a delay in the demolition process. He stated that the demolition is now on schedule. He also discussed such issues as abatement of hazardous materials, investigations, the demolition schedule, jurisdiction of the City, the Bay Area Air Quality Management District and the Environmental Protection Planning Commission Mi~s ~ • Meeting of October 14, 1992 Page 4 Agency in regard to the demolition and clean up of the site, neighbor complaints,security, upcoming neighborhood notification and the notification process, the fee for the demolition permit, stock piling material, and the grinding of materials. He also answered various questions from the Commissioners. At 8:47 p.m., Chairperson Caldwell opened the public hearing. Dick Oliver, representing the applicant, Dividend Development, spoke in favor of the application. He also stated that 1/3 of the site had been demolished two years ago and there were no complaints from the neighbors during that time. He explained that the materials from the demolition would be recycled as required by State law. He also answered questions from the Commission with regard to the application. Dennis Favero, 19549 Vineyard Lane, stated that he felt the City was taking a very passive role in monitoring the demolition of the site and should take a more proactive role in the process. He favored implementation of a requirement that trucks hauling debris from the site be covered to prevent unnecessary damage from falling debris. He suggested that stockpiled materials be covered to help cut down on dust. He spoke in opposition to the request for a time extension stating that the granting of such an extension would extend special privileges. He stated that the project would crowd the area and was now economically infeasible. He expressed concern with the lack of cooperation from Dividend Development. Mr. Favero also stated that the neighborhood notification should have taken place long ago. ASFOUR/MORAN MOVED TO CLOSE THE PUBLIC HEARING AT 8:56 P.M. PASSED 5- 0. Commissioner Moran expressed support for continuing the request for a time extension in order to allow the Commission the opportunity to observe the progress of the demolition. Commissioner Asfour stated that he could not support the request for an extension under present conditions and favored expedition of the demolition. He stated that he would be willing to consider it at a later date after the show of goodwill by the developer. Commissioner Murakami concurred with the comments of Commissioner Asfour. Chairperson Caldwell also expressed concern with granting the request for a time extension and stated her support for expedition of the demolition. Planning Director Curtis explained that the Commission could continue the time extension application to a specific date and communicate to the applicant their desire that significant progress be made in the demolition of the site between now and the specified date. Planning Commission Mi~s • Meeting of October 14, 1992 Page 5 Commissioner Forbes stated that he favored sending a letter to Mr. Hoxie informing him of the City's condition to require hauling trucks to be covered as they leave the site carrying debris. He also expressed support for requesting Mr. Hoxie to appear before the Planning Commission with explanation of the delays in the demolition procedure should the demolition fail to make progress between now and the specified date. The City Attorney suggested that this letter be sent to the Board of Appeals and a carbon copy also be sent to the City Council. Discussion commenced among the Commissioners regarding various their various options and concerns. ASFOUR/FORBES MOVED TO REOPEN THE PUBLIC HEARING, CONTINUE DR-89- 041.2 AND 5D-89-006.2 TO THE JANUARY 13, 1993 PLANNING COMMISSION MEETING, AND DIRECT STAFF TO SEND A LETTER TO THE BOARD OF APPEALS AND COPIED TO THE CITY COUNCIL WHICH: • SEEKS CONFIRMATION THAT THE PROCEDURES AND THE RESULTS OF THE SURVEY OF THE SITE ARE IN COMPLIANCE WITH REGULATION 11.02, SECTION 3.08 OF THE BAY AREA AIR QUALITY MANAGEMENT DISTRICT RULES AND REGULATIONS. • REQUESTS PERMISSION FROM THE BOARD OF APPEALS FOR THE CITY TO MODIFY THE DEMOLITION TIME SCHEDULE; • REQUESTS PERMISSION FROM THE BOARD OF APPEALS ALLOWING THE CITY TO IMPOSE ADDITIONAL REQUIREMENTS AS THE CITY SEES FIT; • REQUESTS THAT THE COURT ORDER REQUIRE THE HAULING TRUCKS TO BE COVERED WHEN HAULING MATERIALS OFF THE SITE; AND • REQUESTS THAT THE COURT ORDER REQUIRE STOCK PILED MATERIALS STORED ON THE SITE TO BE COVERED. THE MOTION PASSED 5-0. Chairperson Caldwell suggested a letter be sent to the City Council informing them that previous neighborhood notification had not yet taken place and also expressing the Commission's concern regarding the lateness of such notification. She also requested that the letter reflect the Commission's concern regarding the program to monitor the amount of dust and noise from the site. The letter should indicate that the Commission felt the monitoring of the site should be upgraded. Joe Oncay, Building Codes Administrator, explained that the notification had not taken place because the demolition permit had been issued prior to the implementation of the notification requirements. He also expressed a willingness to exert extra efforts to implement a tighter monitoring program and explained that the status of the monitoring could be included in the City Engineer's quarterly report. Planning Commission Mi~s • Meeting of October 14, 1992 Page 6 Planning Director Curtis stated that he could provide the Planning Commission with a monthly status report on the monitoring of the site and the progress of the demolition. Following discussion with Joe Oncay, Building Codes Administrator, it was the consensus of the Commission not to send the letter to the City Council. At 9:30 p.m., the Commission took a break. At 9:43 p.m. the meeting was reconvened. At this time, Commissioner Favero re joined his fellow Commissioner at the dias. 2. GPA-92-001 - Head, et al; 18805 Cox Ave., request to amend ZC-92-004 - the subject property's General Plan designation from Commercial to Professional Administrative and it's associated zoning designation from Commercial-Neighborhood (C-N) to Professional and Administrative (P-A) offices. The general Plan and zoning amendments are requested to provide consistency between the City's land use designation for this property and the existing office building development. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Planner Walgren presented the Report dated October 14, 1992 to the Planning Commission. He also noted that a packet of information had been received from Loma Stuart, Property Manager of the Quito Courtyard Offices, opposing the application based on the concern of lack of parking. Planner Walgren also answered questions from the Commission with regard to the application. There were also several procedural and legal questions answered by the City Attorney. At 10:00 p.m., Chairperson Caldwell opened the public hearing. Stan Atwood, co-owner of the subject parcel, spoke in favor of the application. He explained that the building currently has medical and dental offices and it was recently revealed to him through the denial of a potential tenant's business license that the building's zoning did not permit medical offices. He stated that he felt the zoning change would not affect the parking and the proposed zoning would provide a good transitional use between the commercial and residential zones. Kathy McGoldrick, 12860 Paseo Presada, expressed concern with the potential of increased traffic, existing parking problems and illegal turns made by motorist leaving the parking lot. Ms. McGoldrick submitted a letter from Bob Shook, former Director of Community Development, to Mr. Sheldon of the Quito Center, outlining stipulations that certain property not be used for customer access facilities, medical clinics or financial institutions. She also stated that she had not received notification of the proposed zone change and inquired whether the Chairperson of the El Quito Park Homeowner's Association had been notified of the application. Planner Walgren pointed out the letter submitted by Ms. McGoldrick had been researched and determined by staff not to pertain to the subject building. The letter and it's outlined use restrictions pertained to Parcel B, Building B, the abutting complex just west of the subject site. Planning Commission Mi s • Meeting of October 14, 1 2 Page 7 Commissioner Favero inquired as to what percentage of the building is currently occupied by medical and dental offices. Donald Head, applicant, stated that the building was currently fully occupied and that 50% of the offices are occupied by medical offices. He spoke in favor of the application and stated that it is his daily observation that there is plenty of parking. He explained that a majority of the traffic which comes to the building is generated by the Cal-Trans Office which is expected to be in the building another 5 years. Loma Stuart, 7250 Blue Hill Drive, San Jose, manager of the Quito Courtyard Offices, concurred with the comments made by Kathy McGoldrick. She expressed concerns with regard to potential parking problems as a result of the change of zoning which would allow medical offices. In response to the Chairperson Caldwell's inquiry regarding staffs opinion as to whether traffic and parking demand would increase as a result of the zoning change, Planner Walgren explained that based on the Cites standards the parking demand is deemed to be the same between the various uses permitted by the two zoning districts. Planning Director Curtis noted that the traffic and parking demands may also vary dependent upon the success of a particular business -amore successful business may generate more traffic than an unsuccessful business of the identical nature. Commissioner Favero expressed concern regarding the potential traffic and parking impacts of the area should the adjacent building's vacant offices be occupied by medical and dental practices. Planner Walgren explained that the adjacent building currently has a deed restriction prohibiting medical and dental uses. Hannah Quain, Saratoga Park Circle, commented that the subject building is a two story building and is being compared to nearby one-story buildings with plenty of parking. She also stated that she felt very little of the traffic was generated by the Cal-Trans office and a majority of the traffic was for the other offices in the building. She also spoke of parking problems on nearby side streets. FAVERO/MORAN MOVED TO CLOSE THE PUBLIC HEARING AT 10:30 P.M. PASSED 6-0. ' Chairperson Caldwell expressed concern regarding the reported traffic problems. She explained that she also found the ingress/egress to the site to be especially difficult. Commissioner Asfour stated that he felt the building could not be used for commercial as it is currently zoned. He spoke in favor of rezoning the building as proposed to correct the obvious error on the part of the City and the Planning Commission and, also attempt to correct the traffic and ingress/egress situation in the process. Planning Commission Mi~s • Meeting of October 14, 1992 Page 8 Commissioner Favero explained that he was having difficulty coming to a decision because of the concerns expressed by the neighbors regarding the existing traffic problems and the potential to add to the problems by approving the zone change. He further explained that even though the neighbors had this concern there is no evidence supporting the theory that the zone change would cause an increase in the traffic problems. He expressed support for a practical solution that would alleviate the neighbors' concerns. Chairperson Caldwell inquired as the whether this application could trigger a design review of the site to try to correct the traffic problems and the egress/ingress design. Commissioner Forbes stated that this application for change of zoning designation would not only serve the potential tenant but also those medical offices which already occupy the building. He noted that as the other leases and business license come due this situation of incompatible uses in the current zoning district would re-occur. He stated he did not feel action could be taken on this application until some type of review to address the undesirable traffic situation had been conducted. Commissioner Asfour concurred with Commissioner Forbes' comment. ASFOUR/MORAN RE-OPENED THE PUBLIC HEARING AT 10:40 P.M. TO ALLOW THE APPLICANT TO SPEAK. PASSED 6-0. Don Head, applicant, urged the Commission to take action and expressed his willingness to make changes to the ingress/egress in order to rectify the traffic problems. MORAN/FAVERO MOVED TO CLOSE THE PUBLIC HEARING AT 10:45 P.M. PASSED 6-0. Commissioner Moran noted that neither zone change application nor a use permit application pertain to traffic problems. She stated that she felt the traffic problems could be corrected through the design review process. Planner Walgren explained that a use permit for permitted uses in compliance with the zoning could not be denied based upon the parking/traffic predicament. Commissioner Favero suggested the Planning Director get together with some of the neighbors who reported traffic problems and the applicant and come up with a compromise which addresses the traffic problems and bring the plan back to the Commission. Planning Director Curtis stated that there was no formal way to address the traffic problems through the rezoning process, but the problem could be informally dealt with by looking at the design along with the neighbors and if a solution could be worked out, it could be assumed that the neighbors would not oppose future medical uses in the building and the only issue would be the proposed land use. Planning Commission Mi~s • Meeting of October 14, 1992 Page 9 FORBES MOVED TO APPROVE GPA 92-001 AND ZC-92-004 WITH THE CONDITION THAT THE PLANNING DIRECTOR ORGANIZE AND GET TOGETHER WITH THE CONCERNED CITIZENS AND WORK OUT A MUTUALLY ACCEPTABLE SOLUTION TO DEAL WITH THE TRAFFIC SITUATION. Planning Director Curtis inquired as to whether the approval of GPA-92-001 and ZC-92- 004 would be invalidated if a mutually acceptable solution could not be reached. Commissioner Forbes indicated that should the situation described by Planning Director Curtis arise, the Planning Director should be responsible for designing the solution. Commissioner Forbes also noted the options either continue the application to a future date for the purpose of allowing time for review of potential solutions to the traffic problems or denying the application until the problem could be resolve. COMMISSIONER ASFOUR SUGGESTED THAT THE MOTION BE AMENDED TO APPROVE GPA-92-001 AND ZC-92-004 AND, AS A SEPARATE DIRECTION, DIRECT THE PLANNING DIRECTOR TO GET TOGETHER WITH THE CONCERNED CITIZENS AND THE PROPERTY OWNERS TO WORK OUT A MUTUALLY ACCEPTABLE SOLUTION TO DEAL WITH THE TRAFFIC SITUATION. IF A RESOLUTION CANNOT BE WORKED OUT, THE PLANNING DIRECTOR SHALL MAID A RECOMMENDATION OF A RESOLUTION. Commissioner Moran suggested that the item be continued for two weeks to allow time for the applicant to get together with the neighbors to try to come up with an acceptable solution to the problems. Commissioner Forbes stated his opposition to continuing the item because he felt that the applicant and the existing and new tenants were in need of relief from this situation. City Attorney explained that the application before them was a request for a recommendation to the Council for approval of a zone change and a General Plan amendment and the traffic problems reported are design issues. Thus, the Planning Commission cannot condition the zone change and General Plan amendment approval on correction of the traffic problems. In reply to Chairperson Caldwell's question as to what process could be used to correct the traffic problem, Planning Director Curtis explained that there was not a way to make the property owner go back and rectify this problem. He stated that correction of the problem could only be achieved through the property owner's voluntary compliance. Commissioner Favero stated that he could not support recommending approval of this item if the neighbors concerns were not addressed and a practical solution reached. Planning Commission Mi~s • Meeting of October 14, 1992 Page 10 AT 10:57 P.M., FAVERO/MORAN MOVED TO RE-0PEN THE PUBLIC HEARING IN ORDER TO HEAR COMMENTS FROM THE NEIGHBORS WITH REGARD TO THE ABOVE MOTION AS AMENDED BY COMMISSIONER ASFOUR. PASSED 6-0. Kathy McGoldrick, 12860 Paseo Presada, spoke in favor of basing the approval of the application on a condition that the traffic problem be solved. She stated that without this condition, there is no encouragement to the property owner to address the existing problems. FAVERO/MORAN MOVED TO CLOSE THE PUBLIC HEARING AT 10:58 P.M. PASSED 6-0. The amendment made by Commissioner Asfour to Commissioner Forbes motion (above) was accepted by Commissioner Forbes and the motion was restated as follows: COMMISSIONER FORBES MOVED TO: 1) RECOMMEND TO THE CITY COUNCIL APPROVAL OF GPA-92-001 AND ZC-92-004; AND 2) DIRECT THE PLANNING DIRECTOR TO GET TOGETHER WITH THE CONCERNED CITIZENS AND THE PROPERTY OWNERS TO WORK OUT A MUTUALLY ACCEPTABLE SOLUTION TO DEAL WITH THE TRAFFIC SITUATION. IF A RESOLUTION CANNOT BE WORKED OUT, THE PLANNING DIRECTOR SHALL MAID A RECOMMENDATION OF A RESOLUTION. THE MOTION WAS SECONDED BY COMMISSIONER ASFOUR. THE MOTION PASSED 4-2 (FAVERO AND MORAN OPPOSED). 3. SD-92-007 - Behel; 20241 Herriman Ave., request for V-92-012 - tentative map approval to subdivide a 22,910 sq. ft. parcel into two (2) single-family residential building sites of 11,455 sq. ft. each. The variance request is to allow the parcels to be created with 82 ft. lot widths in an R-1-10,000 zone district which prescribes a minimum width of 85 feet. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Planner Walgren presented the Report dated October 14, 1992. He also noted that Planning Commission meeting minutes from April, June and July of 1981 when the tentative map was earlier approved, a letter of support from Mr. McLean, and conditions of approval from Mr. McLean's similar, previously approved subdivision had been distributed for the Commissions review. At 11:05 p.m, Chairperson Caldwell opened the public hearing. Mr. Cymbal, Project Engineer, spoke in favor of the application. He stated that should the parcel be maintained as one parcel, it could potentially be developed with a large home which would be inconsistent with the surrounding homes. Planning Commission M' s i Meetin of October 14, 1 92 g Pale 11 John Behel, representing Norma Behel, the property owner, spoke in favor of the application and explained that Mrs. Behel did not pursue the 1981 subdivision approval because of financial reasons, but would now like to pursue subdividing the parcel. He stated that a denial of the application would deny her the privilege enjoyed by other property owners in the vicinity who have previously subdivided their property. ASFOUR/MURAKAMI MOVED TO CLOSE THE PUBLIC HEARING AT 11:15 P.M. PASSED 6-0. ASFOUR MOVED TO DIRECT STAFF TO DRAFT A RESOLUTION RECOMMENDING APPROVAL OF SD-92-007 AND V-92-012. COMMISSIONER MORAN MOVED TO AMEND THE MOTION TO CONTINUE THE ITEM TO THE NEXT PLANNING COMMISSION MEETING IN ORDER TO ALLOW STAFF TIME TO PREPARE A TREE PRESERVATION PLAN AND DEVELOPMENT CONDITIONS OF APPROVAL. THE AMENDMENT OF THE MOTION WAS ACCEPTED BY COMMISSIONER ASFOUR THE MOTION WAS SECONDED BY COMMISSIONER MURAKAMI. Commissioner Favero stated that he was in agreement with the conclusion reached by staff as represented in the staff report and therefore, could not support approval of the application. Commissioner Asfour stated that the application had been previously approved and that the property, as is, could be developed with a large house which he would find to be out of character with the surrounding homes. Commissioner Favero inquired as to what size house could be built on the existing lot versus the size of the homes that would be allowed on the two proposed parcels. He expressed concern regarding potential increase in density. Planner Walgren stated that an approximate 4,500 square foot home could be built on the existing parcel and an approximate 3,200 square house could be built on each of the proposed lots. There was discussion among the Commissioners regarding imposing a floor area, height and one-story limitation on future homes to be built on the parcels should the subdivision be approved. ALL PREVIOUS MOTION ON THIS ITEM WERE WITHDRAWN. MORAN/ASFOUR MOVED TO RE-OPEN THE PUBLIC HEARING AT 11:29 P.M. PASSED 6-0. Mr. Behel, representing the applicant, informed the Commission that the existing homes on the street averaged about 2,200 square feet and are situated on lots comparable in size to the proposed lots. Planning Commission Mies • Meeting of October 14, 1992 Page 12 MORAN/ASFOUR MOVED TO CLOSE THE PUBLIC HEARING AT 11:30 P.M. PASSED 6-0. FAVERO/CALDWELL MOVED TO APPROVE SD-92-007 AND V-92-012 WITH THE CONDITION THAT THE BUILDABLE AREA OF EACH LOT NOT EXCEED 2,200 SQUARE FEET OR BE REDUCED PROPORTIONATELY BY THE SQUARE FOOTAGE BY WHICH THE LOT LACKS FROM QUALIFYING AS A STANDARD LOT. City Attorney asked for clarification of whether the motion included a "sunset clause". Commissioner Favero indicated that the condition with regard to the size limitation be a permanent condition. Commissioner Forbes and Asfour stated that they could not support a 2,200 square foot restriction. Commissioner Forbes supported a 3,200 square foot limitation. COMMISSIONER MORAN SUGGESTED THAT THE MOTION BE AMENDED TO RE- OPEN THE PUBLIC HEARING AND CONTINUE SD-92-007 AND V-92-012 TO THE OCTOBER 28, 1992 PLANNING COMMISSION MEETING TO ALLOW STAFF TIME TO PREPARE A RESOLUTION FOR APPROVAL, A TREE PRESERVATION PLAN, DEVELOPMENT CONDITIONS OF APPROVAL WHICH WOULD INCLUDE A SIZE ANALYSIS OF SIMILAR ONE-STORY HOUSES ON SIMILAR LOTS IN THE AREA AND MAKE A RECOMMENDATION ON A FAIR SIZE RESTRICTION TO IMPOSE ON FUTURE DEVELOPMENT ON THE PROPOSED PARCELS. THIS AMENDMENT WAS ACCEPTED BY BOTH THE MAKER AND THE SECONDER Commissioner Favero indicated that he would not be in support of the variance and subdivision application should the staff recommend a size (for future houses on the sites) which is equal in size to a home on a standard lot. THE MOTION PASSED 6-0. MORAN/FORBES MOVED TO CONTINUE THE REMAINING ITEMS ON THE PUBLIC HEARING PORTION OF THE AGENDA TO THE OCTOBER 28, 1992 PLANNING COMMISSION MEETING. PASSED 6-0. Commissioner Moran suggested, because of the wide community interest in Item #4 TUP-92-003 -Prince of Peace Evangelical Lutheran Church, that staff be directed to re- notice the item. A member from the audience informed the Commission that the Prince of Peace Evangelical Lutheran Church would be holding a neighborhood meeting to explain their application and answer any questions and offer to inform the persons attending the meeting that the item had been continued to the October 28, 1992 Planning Commission Meeting. _.. Planning Commission Mi~s Meeting of October 14, 1992 Pale 13 Planner Walgren offered to include information about the church sponsored meeting in the notices which the City will be sending out. DIRECTOR'S ITEMS None COMMISSION ITEMS 1. DR-92-024 - Sobey Oaks Assoc.; 14671 Sobey Oaks Ct., request for administrative approval of minor modifications to an approved design review application. Planner Walgren gave a brief explanation of the proposed modifications. The Commission approved the modifications and requested that landscaping be installed along the north property line. 2. SM-92-005 - Hallengren; 20420 Montalvo Oaks Pl., request for administrative approval of modification to an approved site modification application to construct a swimming pool. Planner Walgren gave a brief explanation of the proposed modifications. The Commission reviewed and approved the modifications. Written COMMUNICATIONS 1. City Council minutes - 9/16 & 9/21/92 2. Public hearing notices of upcoming items for the October 28, 1992 Planning Commission meeting. Oral City Council ADJOURNMENT At 11:55 p.m. Chairperson Caldwell adjourned the meeting to 7:30 p.m. on October 28, 1992, in the Civic Theater, 13777 Fruitvale Ave., Saratoga, CA. Andrea M. Chelemengos Minutes Clerk i . r" r~ CITY OF SARATOGA PLANNING COMMISSION MINUTES • DATE: Tuesday, October 6, 1992 PLACE: Senior Center - Adult Day Care Center, 7:30 p.m. 19b55 Allendale Avenue TYPE: Adjourned Regular Meeting The meeting is a study session between applicants, interested citizens and staff, to discuss continued applications, advance planning projects and general planning issues. The Planning Commission has a policy that no decisions will be made at these sessions. A written report will be made of the proceedings. ROLL CALL - Present: Chair Caldwell, Commissioners Asfour, Moran, Murakami and Favero Staff: Planning Director Curtis and Associate Planner White Absent: Commissioners Bogosian and Forbes ITEMS OF DISCUSSION 1. SD-91-002 - WOOLWORTH; 15425 MONTE VISTA DRIVE Request for administrative approval of a proposed entrance gate at a recently recorded four-lot residential subdivision. Planning Commission review of the proposal was required as a condition of tentative map approval. Plans and a material board will be presented at the meeting. Request for entrance gate was accepted as proposed. 2. DR-89-116 - BLACRWELL; 21357 DIAMOND OARS CT. Request for administrative approval of a material change to an approved design review application to build a 5,216 sq. ft. two-story residence. The applicant is proposing to roof the residence with dull green slate tiles rather than rust colored mission tiles. Material samples will be presented at the meeting. Request to change roofing materials from mission the to dull green slate was accepted as proposed. 3. DR-90-082 - WILLIAMB; LOT 3, TRACT 7770 Request for Planning Commission review of landscape plan as required by condition of approval of Resolution DR-90-082. Proposed landscape plan was accepted as submitted. ~. .: City of Saratoga Planning Commission Regular Adjourned Meeting Paqe 2 4. CITY OF SARATOGA - WATER EFFICIENT LANDSCAPE ORDINANCE Review of Model Ordinances. Planning Commission directed staff to prepare a draft Water Efficient Landscape Ordinance for review at the October 14th regular Planning Commission hearing. 5. CITY OF SARATOGA - OPEN SPACE ELEMENT Review of draft policies and implementation.