HomeMy WebLinkAbout12-01-1992 Planning Commission Minutes1~~ REGULAR ADJOURNED PLANNING COMMISSION MEETING OF DECEMBER 1, 1992 Present: Chairperson Caldwell, Commissioners Forbes, Favero, Bogosian, Moran Establishment of a Creek and Drainageway Conservation Zone Chairperson Caldwell stated that she agreed with the establishment of a creek and drainage way conservation zone. She noted a discrepancy between the "50-foot strip of land extending laterally outward from the top of both banks" prescribed in the Policies and Programs section of the open space element and the 100-foot setback requirement in the ROS zone. She suggested setting a range in the Open Space Element that would be consistent with the ROS requirement or add the words "at least 50 feet" to the language in the Open Space Element. Chairperson Caldwell suggested that an additional bullet be added under the "Establishment of a Creek and Drainageway Conservation Zone" noting the City's goal to enhance and protect the water quality. She also suggested "neighboring jurisdictions" be added in the paragraph titled "Enhancement of Creeks and Drainageways". She stated that this paragraph encompasses a new goal and more specific information of how to accomplish the goal should be added. She suggested separating this paragraph and establishing a new goal that deals with enhancement of the creeks and drainageways and list those goals under the Implementation Program section. Linda suggested that wording be added to the "Enhancement of Creeks and Drainageways" paragraph which would call for preservation of the natural appearance of the creeks and drainageways. She stated that the word "enhance" suggests change and the Commission, in some cases, may just want to protect the creeks etc. as they exist. Commissioner Bogosian stated he agreed with this suggestion, but suggested the language be specific to describe or separate out what type of enhancement is acceptable and what is meant by "natural appearance". He reported an instance in which natural debris such as branches and lawn clippings had beeen dumped near a creek. He stated his interest in protecting the creeks from this type of clutter and debris. ~ • There was discussion on what language should be incorporated into the paragraph. It was the consensus to add the following "To preserve creeks and drainageways in their natural state" as a bullet under "Establishment of a Creek and Drainageway Conservation Zone". Commissioner Moran expressed her support for the additional language. Land Use Controls Policies and Implementation Programs Chairperson Caldwell suggested that the following be added: 1) "To develop and adopt ordinance changes or appropriate regulations to establish conservation zones in all districts"; 2) establish a priority list for creek restoration; and 3) seek available state and federal funds and assistance from regional groups with expertise in this area. Commissioner Moran suggested that the words "preservation and restorations" should be incorporated in Chairperson Caldwell's proposed goals. Commissioner Bogosian inquired whether some of the funds referred to by Chairperson Caldwell could be used to maintain the creeks and drainageways. Chairperson Caldwell indicated that she was not certain, but had been informed by members of various groups that such funds are available. Commissioner Favero reported on a creek preservation/restoration program implemented in the Town of Los Gatos and suggested that the City Attorney be consulted and determine whether the same program could be used by the City of Saratoga. (This section of the tape was difficult to hear.) There was discussion regarding the purposes and implementation of the Creek and Drainageway Conservation Zone. Linda inquired about the first sentence under Valley Development. She suggested language be added to reflect that for infill development on the flat lands, the City should consider increasing setbacks and strict limitations on second story development in order to minimize the impact on density perception. Moran stated that this language had already been incorporated. There was discussion on the wording of paragraphs 34 through 38. Planner Curtis suggested that staff go back and review the wording of paragraphs 36, 37, and 38 and make sure that appropriate language is used to address open space, mass and bulk, and density issues. There was discussion regarding scheduling for review of the Acquisition section of • the Open Space Element and review of the Housing Element. Planning Director Curtis suggested that an hour be allotted for each section. Chairperson Caldwell suggested that and hour and 15 minutes be allotted for each. At this point the tape ended.