HomeMy WebLinkAbout05-11-1994 Planning Commission minutes CITY OF SARATOGA PLANNING COMMISSION ACTION MINIITES DATE: Wednesday, May 11, 1994 PLACE: EOC Conference Room, 13777 Fruitvale Ave., Saratoga TYPE: Adjourned Regular Meeting ------------------------------------------------------------- 4~ This meeting is a study session between applicants, interested citizens and staff, to discuss advance planning projects, continued applications and general planning issues. The Planning Commission has a policy that no decisions will be made at these sessions. A written report will be made of the proceedings. ROLL CALL 1. Discussion with Greenbriar representatives Representatives of Greenbriar Homes were in attendance and presented the Planning Commission with an update of their pending application for Final Plan approval. Their architects and landscape architects discussed the following points: • Driveways would be 12 ft. in width where they cross the landscaped public ~~right-of-way~~. Driveway and sidewalk materials would need to vary texturally to emphasize their intersections. • Greenbriar has been talking with the owner of the ~~Passantino~~ residence to integrate their home into the planned development - eliminating their Saratoga Ave. access. The Water Co. would still access Saratoga Ave. through a gated driveway. • Four individual house plans are anticipated, with three distinct architectural elevations each. • The possibility of incorporating ~~shared~~ driveways was discussed; the architects felt that the negatives of this arrangement outweighed the positives. ADJOURNMENT - 10:00 p.m. to 7:30 p.m. May 25, 1994 Planning Commission meeting, Civic Theater, 13777 Fruitvale Ave., Saratoga, CA. P:\planning\wp\pcmn5-11 CITY OF SARATOGA PLANNING COMMISSION ' ~ • MINUTES DATE: May 11, 1994 - 7:30 p.m. PLACE: City Council Chambers, 13777 Fruitvale Ave. TYPE: Regular Meeting ---------------------------------------------------------------- Roll Call - Present: Chairman Asfour, Commissioners Caldwell, Jacobs, Kaplan, Moran, Murakami & Wolfe Absent: None It was noted that the City Attorneys presence had not been requested for this meeting. Pledge of Allegiance Minutes - 4/27/94 munutes were reviewed and corrected. Oral Communications - None. A Report of Posting Agenda Pursuant to Government Code 54954.2, the agenda for this meeting was properly posted on May 6, 1994. Technical Corrections to Packet - None. CONSENT CALENDAR - None. PUBLIC HEARING CONSENT CALENDAR 1. LL-94-001 - Kirkham/Dunlap, 18630 Sobey Rd. & 14472 Sobey Rd.; request for Lot Line Adjustment approval to relocate an existing lot line between a 1.45 acre parcel and a .92 acre parcel per Chapter 14 of the City Code. The total area transfer will be approximately 8,102 sq. ft. Both parcels are located within an R-1-40,000 zone district. Approved 7-0. ------------------------------------------------------------ PUBLIC HEARINGS - None. DIRECTOR'S ITEMS 1. Tree Replacement Policy - Continued to a date uncertain to allow further consideration of the Policy by the Tree ' Committee. Planning Commission ~nda ~ Page 2 5/11/94 COMMISSION ITEMS 1. Review of Final Odd Fellows Initial Study Community Development Director Curtis presented an update on the status of the Initial Study. It was noted that the Study before the Planning Commission was an amended draft incorporating the comments raised at the specially convened May 3rd public hearing. Director Curtis then stated for the record that a detailed 18 page document had been submitted by Jeffrey Schwartz, 19281 San Marcos Rd., providing comments on the Initial Study. Commissioner Caldwell requested a response to questions raised at the May 3rd meeting regarding why a phased Tentative Map was allowed to be recorded for the adjacent San Marcos Heights subdivision. She also questioned what type of mitigation measures were required for Phase 3 of that development. Director Curtis stated that the City Attorney would be addressing the question of the phased subdivision approval, and the mitigation measures would be addressed in the draft EIR. Chair Asfour discussed correspondence he had received regarding the possible existence of an underground stream, or spring, at the site. Director Curtis responded that this would be investigated as part of the EIR preparation. Commissioner Caldwell discussed the Planning Commission's responsibility under CEQA to consider the economic impacts of the development on adjoining land owners. Discussion ensued regarding this point - Director Curtis agreed to further review this issue. Commissioner Caldwell then listed several specific items she felt should be included in the environmental Initial Study checklist. Specifically, checklist items 3(c) and (e); 5 (a) , (b) and (c) ; 6 (b) ; 8; 10 (b) ; 16 (e) and 21 (a) . Jeffrey Schwartz spoke first requesting information regarding the proposed number of rental units versus for-sale units. He also requested that the applicant not be allowed to choose the final environmental consultant. Director Curtis responded that the consultant selection process had yet to be finalized, but that the Planning Commission would be consulted at a later date. Dominick Richiuso, 19303 Chablis Ct., then commented that he didn't have a copy of the Initial Study. He was handed an extra copy and was told he could get a copy of the final study at the City offices when it was ready. Commissioner Jacobs reiterated that the Planning Commission is not formally acting on the Initial Study itself. He emphasized that it was a staff "working" document which was being presented by staff in order to receive public input. No official action on the application can be taken until the lPlanning Commission ~nda 5/11/94 S Page 3 draft EIR is completed and reviewed in conjunction with the application itself. Director Curtis explained that the final Initial Study would now be prepared and distributed to interested consultants, along with an RFP to prepare a draft EIR. Staff would continue to receive public comments and incorporate them into the EIR throughout the process. Commissioners Moran and Jacobs concluded by commending Chairman Asfour for his performance as Chair throughout the hearings on this item. STAFF WAS REQUESTED TO COMPLETE THE INITIAL STUDY AND PREPARE AN EIR RFP. ANEW PUBLIC NOTICE WOULD THEN BE DISTRIBUTED FOR A LATER PUBLIC HEARING TO REVIEW THE PROPOSED DEVELOPMENT AND THE DRAFT EIR. COMMUNICATIONS Written 1. Memo from Director of Public Works re: Proposed Bicycle Network Plan Beth Dawson and Jim Stallman of the City~s Bicycle Advisory ' Committee were present and discussed the goals of the Committee and the objectives of the Plan. It was also noted that Commissioner Jacobs was the Planning Commissions representative on the Committee. Commission Kaplan asked if the Committee had looked into the possibility of replacing old storm drain cover grates with grates which do not catch bicycle tires. Dawson responded that this could be studied. Commissioner Caldwell stressed that adequate public noticing should be mailed to property owners who may be affected by proposed bike lane or route in front of their property. THE PLANNING COMMISSION CONCLUDED BY COMMENDING THE BAC ON THEIR EFFORTS AND MOVED TO RECOMMEND THE BICYCLE NETWORK PLAN TO THE CITY COUNCIL. 2. City Council Minutes - April 20 & 26, 1994 3. Public Notices for the 5/25/94 Planning Commission Meeting Oral - None. City Council - None. ADJOURNMENT - 9:05 p.m. to 9:20 p.m. Work Session, EOC Conference Room, 13777 Fruitvale Ave., Saratoga, CA. • • CITY OF SARATOGA PLANNING COMMISSION ACTION MINUTES DATE: Wednesday, May 11, 1994 PLACE: EOC Conference Room, 13777 Fruitvale Ave., Saratoga TYPE: Adjourned Regular Meeting ------------------------------------------------------------- This meeting is a study session between applicants, interested citizens and staff, to discuss advance planning projects, continued applications and general planning issues. The Planning Commission has a policy that no decisions will be made at these sessions. A written report will be made of the proceedings. ROLL CALL 1. Discussion with Greenbriar representatives Representatives of Greenbriar Homes were in attendance and presented the Planning Commission with an update of their pending application for Final Plan approval. Their architects and landscape architects discussed the following points: • Driveways would be 12 ft. in width where they cross the landscaped public ~~right-of-way~~. Driveway and sidewalk materials would need to vary texturally to emphasize their intersections. • Greenbriar has been talking with the owner of the ~~Passantino~~ residence to integrate their home into the planned development - eliminating their Saratoga Ave. access. The Water Co. would still access Saratoga Ave. through a gated driveway. • Four individual house plans are anticipated, with three distinct architectural elevations each. • The possibility of incorporating ~~shared~~ driveways was discussed; the architects felt that the negatives of this arrangement outweighed the positives. ADJOURNMENT - 10:00 p.m. to 7:30 p.m. May 25, 1994 Planning Commission meeting, Civic Theater, 13777 Fruitvale Ave., Saratoga, CA. P:\planning\wp\pcmn5-11