HomeMy WebLinkAbout07-05-1994 Planning Commission Minutes,, f CITY OF SARATOGA PLANNING COMMISSION MINUTES DATE: Tuesday, July 5, 1994 PLACE: Senior Center - Adult Day Care Center, 7:30 p.m. 19655 Allendale Avenue TYPE: Adjourned Regular Meeting The meeting is a study session between applicants, interested citizens and staff, to discuss continued applications, advance planning projects and general planning issues. The Planning Commission has a policy that no decisions will be made at these sessions. A written report will be made of the proceedings. ROLL CALL Present: Asfour, Caldwell, Kaplan, Murakami Absent: None Staff: Associate Planner White ITEMS OF DISCUSSION 1. Tree Ordinance Revisions - Memo from the Tree Committee Chair. The memo from the Tree Committee Chair was noted and filed. 2. Circulation Element - Review of preliminary draft sections of the Circulation Element entitled Introduction, Definitions and Streets and Highways. The Commission reviewed the presented draft sections and made the following suggestions/comments: 1. Regarding the definition of "Scenic Thoroughfares" - Can examples be provided? 2. Under "Existing Road Network" - consider including a specific mention of the new Highway 85. 3. Under "Local Streets" - provide more description as in the preceding roadway classifications. Mention neighborhood characteristics and the social environment as reasons to discourage through traffic. 4. Under "Traffic Generators" - should Villa Montalvo and the Mountain Winery be mentioned? Include planned improvements to Fruitvale/Saratoga Avenue intersection. 5. Under "Physical Condition of Streets" - include fiscal analysis similar to the recent SW-NE Road analysis. Include road acceptance standards (policy?). Look into detrimental effects of recent cable installation on streets. 6. Is it logical to do traffic counts during the summer months? Consider holding off until September. 7. Who has responsibility to maintain Saratoga-Sunnyvale Road? 8. It appears that some communities have planted ivy on highway soundwalls. Can we do this on Highway 85? ADJOURNMENT The meeting was adjourned to Wednesday, July 13 at 7:30 p.m..