HomeMy WebLinkAbout03-21-1995 Planning Commission minutes • • PLANNING COMMISSION MINUTES MARCH 21, 1995 City Council Chambers, 13777 Fruitvale Avenue Regular Meeting ----------------------------------------------------------------- The meeting was called to order at 7:30 p.m. by Chairman Asfour. Roll Call Present: Abshire, Caldwell, Kaplan, Patrick, Asfour Absent: Murakami, Siegfried City Attorney Riback was excused from attending this meeting. PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE MINUTES COMMISSIONERS CALDWELL/KAPLAN MOVED TO CONTINUE APPROVAL OF THE MARCH 8, 1995 MINUTES UNTIL APRIL 12, 1995. Director Curtis requested that Commissioners submit suggested corrections to the March 8 minutes at the April 4 Work Session. Staff will make the suggested corrections and include them in the agenda packet for the April 12 meeting. THE MOTION CARRIED 5-0 WITH COMMISSIONERS SIEGFRIED AND MURAKAMI ABSENT. ORAL COMMUNICATIONS No comments were offered. REPORT OF POSTING AGENDA Pursuant to Government Code 54954.2, the agenda for this meeting was properly posted on March 16, 1995. TECHNICAL CORRECTIONS TO PACKET No corrections were reported. CONSENT CALENDAR PUBLIC HEARING CONSENT CALENDAR 1. AZO-95-001 (b) - City of Saratoga; The Planning Commission is initiating an amendment to Article 15-45.030 of the City Code, which establishes the maximum allowable building square footage for • • ' (J.l~ISSSrd QSI213JSIS Q1QK IY~K?I~d2iflL~i S21Sl~I0ISSIL~IInt00) 0-S Q3I2I2Ird0 1~IOISOAI 3HZ 'l~iOISO~I 3ZI1NIAi 1~S ~ HJII02~Hs i sr~~s2 srt~sHO~ ~noxaa~r os a~nor~ x~Ixs~a/zz~az~r~ sx~HOlsslr~uao~ --------------------------------------------------- •~oza~stp buzuoz --------------- (HH) TLZ~uapzsag apzsTTzH aLj~ uTLj~TM pa~LOOT a.z~ sTao.z~d u~og • ~~ •bs ZZ ~iTa~~wzxo.zdd~ sz pa.z.za~su~.z~ ~a.z~ ~o ~unow~ T~~o~ auy ' apo~ ~~z~ auk ~o ~T .za~d~u~ .zad sTao.zad (Z) oM~ uaaM~ag autT DoT buz~szxa u~ a~~ooTa.z o~ T~no.zdd~ ~uatu~sn Cp~* auzZ ~oZ ao~ ~sanba.z ,•uZ uom~Q T86ET ~ Ti~68T ~~.zMOZ/zuoz~ub~~u~ --------------------------------------------------- - T00-56-ZZ '~ -------------- • ~oz.z~szp buzuoz (gH) TL'T~uapTSag apzsTT?H atj~ uTLj~zM pa~~ooT sz pua •~~•bs Z~i~'05 ~Ta~~mzxozdc3~ sz ~~zado.zd auy ' apo~ ~~z~ aq~ ~0 5Z .za~d~u~ .zad aouapzsa.z A.zo~s-oM~ • ~~ • bs Z59' ~, ~ ~on.z~suoo o~ uoz~~ozTdd~ Maznag ubzsaQ pano.zdd~ ~Tsnozna.zd ~ ~o uozsua~xa .z~a~-auo puooas ~ .zoo ~sanba.z ' • ~~ uou~g .za~{.z~d 96~ZT ~~iaTsuzS - Z' EZO-T6-2~Q ' 8 ----------------------------------------------------- •~az.z~szp buzuoz -------------- (gH) T~t~uapzsag ap-rsTTzH aLj~ uTL~~ZM pa~aaoT sz pug saaa~ Z • E ~Ta~~wzxo.zdd~ sz ~i~.zadozd auy •~~•bs 859'9 ~o ab~~oo~ a.zenbs T~~o~ a an~u pTnoM aouapzsa.z pasodo.zd auy •apo~ ~~t~ auk ~0 5T .za~d~u~ o~ ~u~ns.znd suoz~zpp~ ~.zo~s -OMB puL auo i~~TM aouapzsa.z ~.zo~s-oM~ buz~szxa u~ pu~dxa pug Tapotua.z o~ uoz~~ozTdd~ T~no.zdd~ a~tS buzpTzng pug MaznaH ubzsaQ pano.zdd~ ~Tsnozna.zd ~ ~o uozsua~xa .z~a~-auo puooas - Z'E00-T6-QS ~ .zoo ~sanba.z ' •pg uapS ' Sys T£9ZZ ~ zp.zz~ooo~ - Z • E80-T6-2iQ • Z ----------------------------------------------------------------- • (uozssztuuzo~ auk ~o ~sanba.z aLj~ ~~ bu-r~aaul uozssaS ~pn~S uOTSSTU1u10~ buzuu~Td 56/~i/i~ auk o~ •~,uoo) pa~~uzwzTa ag pTnoM aTn.z uoz~onpa.z auk o~ ssaoo.zd uoz~daoxa auk Ong 's~oz.z~stp buzuoz azzs-~oT .zaTT~tus auk o~ ~Tdd~ TTz~s pTnoM uoz~onpaz auy •~o-r.z~szp buzuoz azzs-~oT •~~ •bs 000'O~i auk uz sa.zn~on.z~s T~z~uapzsa.z ~Ttui~~ -aTbuzs o~ ATdd~ zabuoT ou pTnoM uozszno.zd uoz~onpa.z ~a.z~ .zooT~ auk ~~u~ ag pTnoM ~Tnsa.z pua auy •~ubzaq uz •~~ gT ~o ssaoxa uz sa.zn~on.z~s .zoo ~a.za .zooT~ aTg~MOTT~ auo but~~TnoT~o uauM aTg~Tz~n~ ~T~ua.z.zno ssaoo.zd uot~daoxa auk a~~uzwzTa pTnoM ~uatupuatu~ szuy • ~ubzau buzpTzng pasodo.zd auk pug Tao.z~d auk ~o adoTs ab~.zan~ auk '~a.z~ azzs tau auk uo pas~g Tao.z~d ~ - Z - ~JFId 566T 'TZ H02IrdLd S3SI1NIInt i~iOISSIL~nI00 OlSIlQl~i6"Id ~J PLANNING COMMISSION MINUTES MARCH 21, 1995 PAGE -3- • PUBLIC HEARING 5. 5-95-001 - Kelly/Cornish & Carey; 12241 Saratoga- Sunnyvale Rd., request for Site Modification approval to modify the provisions of an existing sign program in order to construct an awning identification sign per Chapter 15 of the City Code. The subject property is in the Oak Creek Shopping Center located within the Commercial Visitor (C-V) zoning district. Director Curtis presented the staff report on this item. Chairman Asfour opened this item to public hearing at 7:37 p.m. The applicant was not present and there were no persons wishing to address the Commission on this item. COMMISSIONERS ABSHIRE/PATRICK MOVED TO CLOSE THE PUBLIC HEARING AT 7:37 P.M. There was a brief discussion regarding the inappropriateness to allow an individual business to install a sign inconsistent with the approved sign program. COMMISSIONERS KAPLAN/PATRICK MOVED TO APPROVE RESOLUTION NO. S-95- 001 PER STAFF'S RECOMMENDATION DENYING THE REQUESTED SIGN CHANGE. THE MOTION CARRIED 5-0 (COMMISSIONERS MURAKAMI AND SIEGFRIED ABSENT). DIRECTOR'S ITEMS 1. Director Curtis gave a summary of the City Council denial of the Kosich General Plan Amendment and Zone Change request consistent with the Planning Commission recommendations. The applicant requested that a study session be scheduled with a subcommittee of Councilmembers, Commissioners, staff, neighborhood representatives and the applicant to discuss land use alternatives for the property. Director Curtis stated that he was organizing the subcommittee and will be confirming a meeting date. He requested three Commissioners to sit on the subcommittee. Commissioners Kaplan, Patrick and Chairman Asfour volunteered to participate on the subcommittee. Commissioner Kaplan requested that a meeting not be scheduled the week prior to and following the Easter holidays. • • PLANNING COMMISSION MINUTES MARCH 21, 1995 PAGE -4- COMMISSION ITEMS 1. There was general discussion regarding the Commission's "non- recommendation" on the Greenbriar Development Agreement to the City Council. Commissioner Abshire stated that he regretted that the Planning Commission did not make a specific recommendation to the City Council. Commissioner Caldwell felt that it was a "semantic" issue in that the Commission forwarded specific comments for the Council to consider in its discussions. 2. Commissioner Kaplan stated that she has received questions regarding the process used by the Commission when housing colors, materials, etc. are selected. Commissioner Caldwell suggested that a copy of the Residential Design Handbook be displayed in the lobby and possibly some of the graphics display-mounted for public review. 3. There was general discussion regarding the possibility of a joint study session with the City Council regarding "informal direction" as to development potential of the Mt. Winery site. The Commission requested additional information be provided prior to a meeting so that everyone would know what the major issues are under consideration. COMMUNICATIONS Written 1. City Council Minutes - 2/21; 2/28; 3/1; 3/3; & 3/4 (Policy Development Conference Notes); 3/7 Oral ADJOURNMENT - There being no further business, the meeting adjourned at 8:15 p.m. to 7:30 p.m., Tuesday, April 4, 1995, Senior Day Care Center, 19655 Allendale Ave., Saratoga, CA