HomeMy WebLinkAbout05-24-1995 Planning Commission minutes~- -~E •AN1~TL\G COMMISSIONT MINL-T~ it~IAY 24, 1995 City Council Chambers, 13777 Fruitvale Avenue Regular Meeting The meeting was called to order at 7:35 p.m. by Chairman Murakami Roll Call Present: Abshire, Caldwell, Kaplan, Patrick, Siegfried, Murakami Late: None Absent: Asfour City Attorney Riback was present this evening. PLEDGE OF ALLEGIAI~TCE MINUTES Mav 10. 1995 COMMISSIONERS CALDWELL/KAPLAN MOVED TO APPROVE THE MAY 10, 1995 MINUTES AMENDING PAGE 13, LAST PARAGRAPH TO READ" "COMMISSIONER ......................... !"' A T ilTx1~T T p~;~N STATED THAT THE COMMISSION DID NOT OBJECT TO THE DESIGN OF THE BUILDING...." THE MOTION CARRIED 5-0-1 WITH CHAIRMAN MURAKAMI ABSTAINING AND COMMISSIONER ASFOUR ABSENT. ORAL COA~LVIU\TICATIO\S No comments were offered. REPORT OF POSTING AGE\'DA Pursuant to Government Code 54954.2, the agenda for this meeting was properly posted on May 19, 1995. Technical Corrections to Packet Planner Walgren informed the Commission that the applicant for agenda item 2 has requested a continuance of the Suciu design review application to the June 28 meeting. The continuance is being requested to allow the applicant additional time to continue to work with the abutting neighbors to shift the house and to make modifications to satisfy the concerns raised in neighborhood meetings. Staff recommended that agenda item 2 be placed on the consent calendar and then continued to June 28. CONSENT CALENDAR .. ~ PLANNING COMMISS~ MINUTES • MAY 24, 1995 PAGE - 2 - PUBLIC HEARING CONSENT CALENDAR 2. DR-95-014 - Suciu; 20420 Montalvo Heights Dr. , request for Design Review approval to construct a 5,704 sq. ft. two-story residence on a currently vacant 39,988 sq. ft. parcel pursuant to Chapter 15 of the City Code. The property is located within an R-1-40,000 zoning district (cont. from 5/10/95 at the request of the applicants in order to make "last-minute" changes to the plans; application expires 10/18/95). COMMISSIONERS CALDWELL/KAPLAN MOVED TO CONTINUE CONSENT ITEM NO. 2 TO JUNE 28. 1995. THE MOTION CARRIED 6-0 WITH COMMISSIONER ASFOUR ABSENT. PUBLIC HEARINGS 1. DR-94-036 - Niu; 20894 Verde Vista Ln., request for Design Review approval to construct a new 4,281 sq. ft. t~vo-story residence pursuant to Chapter 15 of the City Code. An existing 3,040 sq. ft. two-story residence would be demolished. The parcel is 1.02 acres and is located within an R-1-40,000 zoning district (cont. from 5/10/95; application expires 10/19/95). Planner Walgren presented the staff report on this item. He noted that at the last meeting, there was discussion as to whether the material board submitted was too light of a color scheme for a hillside parcel. Chairman Murakami opened this item to pubic hearing at 7:42 p.m. Sergio Ramirez, project architect, responded to Commissioner Kaplan's question as to whether the applicant would agree to darken the color of the body of the building by indicating that the applicant would agree to darken the colors. Commissioners Caldwell, Kaplan, Patrick, and Siegfried stated their appreciation for the use of height poles. Commissioner Abshire noted that the house was visible from the street below and recommended the use of subdued colors. He noted that the current house had a light banister and that having a light banister against a dark house makes it visible from the street below. Commissioner Kaplan recommended that the banister be darkened. COMMISSIONERS CALDWELL/PATRICK MOVED TO CLOSE THE PUBLIC HEARING AT 7:43 P.M. PLANNING COMMISSI, MINUTES i MAY 24, 1995 PAGE - 3 - COMMISSIONERS CALDWELL/PATRICK MOVED TO APPROVE RESOLUTION NO. DR- 94-036 AMENDING THE COLOR CONDITION TO PROVIDE FOR A DARKER TONE COLOR SCHEME TO BE APPROVED BY STAFF. Chairman Murakami indicated that he was not present at the last meeting but that he has read the records and has visited the site. Therefore, he was satisfied to vote. THE MOTION CARRIED 6-0 (COMMISSIONER ASFOUR ABSENT). 3. DR-93-019 - Liu/Chen; 21409 Tollgate Road, request for Design Review approval to construct a new 5,218 sq. ft. two-story residence per Chapter 15 of the City code. The property is a 1.7 acre vacant hillside parcel located within a Hillside Residential (HR) zoning district (cont. from 4/26/95; application expires 9/8/90. Planner Walgren presented the staff report on this item. He informed the Commission that a letter was received from Sandy Reed and Bob Ingle who reside directly above the property indicating that they were generally supportive of the proposal but expressed that they were concerned with the impact of the height of the home and requested that the home be lowered by approximately three feet. He (Walgren) indicated that he did not believe that the house could physically be designed to be lower than 21 feet and that the only way that it could be achieved would be to take three feet off the pad which would result in a significant amount of earth movement. As proposed, the project was under the maximum amount of 1,000 cubic yard of earth movement permitted. Chairman Murakami opened this item to pubic hearing at 7:45 p.m. Mr. Chen, applicant, stated his concurrence with the conditions as listed in the resolution. Commissioner Patrick asked if Mr. Chen has read the letter submitted by Ms. Reed and Mr. Ingle? Mr. Chen indicated that he had not received a copy of the letter. After being provided with a copy of the letter, Mr. Chen responded that the design of the house at 21 feet was in conformance with city ordinances and the Covenant, Conditions and Restrictions (CC&Rs). He did not believe that the three foot pad level would create an intrusion or invade the neighbor's privacy. He stated that he would agree to accommodate the neighbors' concerns by providing additional landscaping . COMMISSIONERS KAPLAN/CALDWELL MOVED TO CLOSE THE PUBLIC HEARING AT 7:54 P.M. Commissioner Siegfried stated that he felt that the house was a well designed home and understood that this was a difficult site to work with. Chairman Murakami agreed that the house vas well designed and commended the applicant on its design. < <~ PLANNING COMMISSI• MINUTES MAY 24, 1995 PAGE - 4 - Commissioner Patrick commented that she did not believe that the height of the home would impact the adjacent neighbors. Commissioner Abshire indicated that he found the home to be attractive and felt that the design was fitting for the neighborhood. COMMISSIONERS CALDWELL/PATRICK MOVED TO APPROVE DR-93-019 AS RECOMMENDED BY STAFF. THE MOTION CARRIED 6-0 (COMMISSIONER ASFOUR ABSENT) . 4. LL-93-008 - Heath; 14300 Saratoga Avenue, request for Lot Line Adjustment approval V-93-020 - to merge a 20 foot wide property strip to the main parcel. Variance DR-93-032 - approval is requested to allow the proposed cumulative building square footage (including accessory structures) to exceed the allowable for this property, to allo«~ a 25 ft. tall t~vo-story garage (one-story, 15 ft. in height maximum permitted) and to allow the second story addition to exceed the 26 ft. main structure height limit by 4 inches. Design Review approval is also necessary to add 2,204 sq.ft. of first and second floor area to an existing two-story residence listed on Saratoga's Heritage Inventory. The subject property is 29,770 sq. ft. in area and is located in an R-1-10,000 zoning district. Planner Walgren presented the staff report on this item. He indicated that staff was supportive of the lot line adjustment. He further indicated that staff was unable to support the variance request for the floor area and informed the Commission that the staff report indicates ways to redevelop the site and still bring the property under the allowable square footage (i.e., elimination of some of the less historically significant accessory buildings located on the property). Staff did not feel that the variance for the t~vo story garage could be supported because there were no special circumstances nor physical hardships relative to the parcel that would support it. Regarding the design review application, staff indicated that it could support the design review with the changes listed in the staff report. He noted a correction in the staff report located on page 4. The applicant has pointed out that the square footage number of 4,773 square feet was not a number that was given to him originally by the staff planner and noted that the correct allowable square footage should be 4,400. This correction does not change staff's analysis because the same recommendation would still apply, having the home brought down to the 4,400 square foot limit. He informed the Commission that a letter was received from Patricia Hardt, the neighbor located to the right of the parcel, who has expressed concern with the gravel driveway, the old trailer building and other items that have been stored on the property. The use of the driveway and the question as to whether there were rental units on the property were also of concern. He informed the Commission that the issue of the rental units is being investigated by staff and that whether these applications go forward or not, staff would continue to investigate the rental issue. He further informed the Commission that Ms. Hardt was requesting that a six foot solid fence be built along the property line for privacy reasons and indicated that staff felt that this would be a reasonable condition. ~~ ,~ PLANNING COMMISSI~ MINUTES • MAY 24, 1995 PAGE - 5 - Commissioner Caldwell asked if the tree that was shown on the plan(s) was a pine or a Douglas Fir tree. Planner Walgren responded that the tree was a Douglas Fir. Commissioner Kaplan noted that the letter from Ms. Hardt asks if there were permits or limitations that regulate the use of the site. Planner Walgren responded that as far as he knew, there were no permits to have a second dwelling unit on the property. He indicated that a property owner is permitted to have a second unit if it meets minimum Uniform Housing Code, parking and lot size requirements. Commissioner Kaplan stated that in looking at page one of the engineering drawings, it indicates that there is an existing shed (pump station) located on the site and asked if it was a historical building. Planner Walgren responded that the pump station and the carriage house have been identified as historical buildings and that there is some historical significance to the office building located directly behind the oak tree. He recommended that Mr. Peepari, Chairman of the Heritage Preservation Commission, further address the historical significance of the buildings. Commissioner Kaplan stated that she was concerned with the care of the trees located on the site. She asked if the bonding recommended vas sufficient to protect the trees; whether the Planning Commission had the authority to increase the bond; and whether in the future the City could inspect the trees to ensure that no damage is done to the trees as the project is completed or that they be reviewed prior to the issuance of an occupancy permit? Planner Walgren responded that staff would schedule regular inspections by the City Arborist during construction, if necessary, and that a final inspection is always required prior to the release of a security deposit. Regarding increasing the amount of the bond, Planner Walgren stated that it was his belief that the bond amount could be increased. He informed the Commission that the City arborist recommended the bond amount and that the bond amount was a percentage of the trees' total value. Community Development Director Curtis clarified that the City arborist usually requires a 10% bond and that it was the arborist's opinion that the bond amount was sufficient. He further indicated that the bond amount was a recommendation to the Planning Commission. Commissioner Patrick requested clarification as to which structures were to remain. Planner Walgren responded that the applicant was requesting that all structures remain. It was staff's recommendation that only the carriage house, the existing shed, and the existing office be retained and that the remaining structures be removed to bring the property's floor area down to the allowable square footage. In response to Commissioner Patrick's question regarding the need for two garages, Commissioner Kaplan stated that at the site visit, the applicant indicated that the garage was going to be eliminated. Doing so would address the neighbor's concern. Planner Walgren stated that staff was recommending the removal of the garage, therefore, eliminating the need for the gravel driveway. Commissioner Patrick stated that any concern for the safety of children would be mitigated with the elimination of the opening of the gravel driveway. PLANNING COMMISSI• MINUTES S MAY 24, 1995 PAGE - 6 - Chairman Murakami opened this item to pubic hearing at 8:07 p.m. Mark Heath, applicant, informed the Commission that he has lived in this house for six years, that the house was built in 1870 and that he and his wife have an appreciation for its historic significance. He indicated that he was concerned with the way the site is treated and how it is developed. He stated that the lot is zoned R-1-10,000 and that the lot is almost 30,000 square feet and that with the changes and the addition, the lot coverage would be increasing 18%, about a third of what is allowed under code. He suggested that the carriage house, rock shed, the office building and the small storage garage be retained. Doing so would provide for a lot coverage of 14%. He noted that he vas only 794 square feet away from the allowable square footage. He informed the Commission that the Historic Preservation Commission recommended that he retain three historic buildings. He felt that granting of the variances could be justified because he was being requested to retain historic structures. He indicated that he wanted the front of the house to remain as is and that proposed changes would occur to the rear of the house. He stated that the reason the second story was proposed on top of the garage as because it was the most efficient area to place it. If the house was moved back on the lot, it would give it a "row housing" effect. He stated that he would prefer to have a stepped back appearance, having the garage up front. He indicated that he wanted to save all of the significant trees with direction from the City arborist because they add value to the site. He noted that he has planted 21 new trees since he has moved into the home. Regarding the second story, he did not believe that it was an issue because every house contiguous to his with the exception of the house located directly to the right have two story structures. He indicated that he was not willing to give any more in this area and that there was an impasse between himself and staff. He requested that the Commission approve the plans. Commissioner Kaplan noted that the plans depict an existing green house located to the north of the new garage. She inquired if the green house was proposed for removal? Mr. Heath responded that the green house and the potting shed are proposed to be removed. Regarding the existing 180 square foot garage, he stated that he would like to retain the existing garage and use it as storage or as a workshop. In response to Commissioner Kaplan's question, Mr. Heath indicated that the existing office building may have been used as a hay barn before being converted into an office. He clarified that the main house was being used as living quarters. He identified the structures that he is allowing some friends to reside in (i.e., the structure located to the back of the main house and the cottage house). Mr. Heath stated that he would like to retain the historic office structure if at all possible. Commissioner Caldwell asked about the second garage located along the western property line and asked if the square footage was included in the table depicted by Mr. Heath. Mr. Heath responded that the garage vas included in the ne~v square footage and that the greenhouse, cottage shed and the storage building were not included in the square footage. Commissioner Caldwell asked if Mr. Heath would agree to install a six foot fence along the western property line as requested by the adjacent neighbor. Mr. Heath responded that he would like to install a screen between his property and that of the adjacent neighbor. He indicated that he was considering mounding the area and planting redwoods instead of installing a typical - • PLANNING COMMISSI• MINUTES • MAY 24, 1995 PAGE - 7 - redwood fence to address Ms. Hardt's concern. He further clarified that the gravel area would be converted into a landscape planting area. Commissioner Kaplan asked if Mr. Heath was planning to close off access to Saratoga Avenue. Mr. Heath responded that he would consider planting a hedge along Saratoga Avenue or agree to install a three foot high fence. Commissioner Kaplan recommended that something be done to close access to Saratoga Avenue so that children do not run out onto the street. Mr. Heath stated that it was a concern of his and that he would agree to install hedges to close off access to Saratoga Avenue. Chairman Murakami asked if Mr. Heath has considered which accessory structures he would agree to remove. Mr. Heath responded that he may be able to eliminate the storage garage because it has no historical significance or value once the new garage is built. Commissioner Kaplan asked if the second story on the garage was being built to allow for more living space. Mr. Heath responded that the second story on the garage was being proposed to maintain the roof of the house and also to add more living space without adding more ground floor covering. Placing the additional living quarters on the ground would give the house a ranch-like appearance. Bob Peepari, Chairman of the Heritage Preservation Commission (HPC), commented that the HPC reviewed the original plans in November. The HPC made its recommendation based on those plans. He informed the Commission that the HPC has not reviewed the plans before the Commission and that the original review of the HPC made an issue of the large fir tree located in the front. At that time, the fir tree vas meant to be removed, but since then, the garage has been moved over and the fir tree is to be retained. As far as the HPC is concerned, there are no issues regarding the fir tree. Architecturally, when the HPC reviewed the additions, they appeared to be compatible with the original design. Commissioner Siegfried asked if Mr. Peepari could give him some sense of the relative historic value of the carriage house, the pump shed and the office structure. Mr. Peepari commented that three of the structures located to the rear of the site were of significant value and were part of the original stone house and that the HPC felt that those three structures were of historical significance and should be maintained. Commissioner Kaplan asked Mr. Peepari ho~v would the HPC feel about the architectural integrity of the garage should the Commission restrict the garage to one story. She indicated that she was not inclined at this time to approve a second story garage. Mr. Peepari responded that the HPC recommended or stated that a two story garage would be preferable. However, it was his opinion that adding a two story garage that close to the existing house would appear to be massive. He recommend that a one story garage be approved. Commissioner Patrick asked if it would be preferable, architectural and historical, to relocate the two story garage to the other side of the house, more to the rear where the existing storage garage is located? Mr. Peepari responded that he could not answer that question because he has not reviewed the plans before the Commission. ~= • PLANNING COMMISSI• MINUTES • MAY 24, 1995 PAGE - 8 - COMMISSIONERS CALDWELL/PATRICK MOVED TO CLOSE THE PUBLIC HEARING AT 8:31 P. M. COMMISSIONERS KAPLAN/SIEGFRIED MOVED TO APPROVE LL-93-008. THE MOTION CARRIED 6-0 WITH COMMISSIONER ASFOUR ABSENT. Commissioner Kaplan stated that she agreed with Mr. Peepari that a two story garage would appear massive stretched out as proposed and that she would have difficulty supporting that design. She further stated that she would not be able to make the findings to approve the variances. Chairman Murakami stated that he would have difficulties making findings and special circumstances to allow a variance for that type of garage, especially with all the existing structures on the property, noting that three of them ~;sere of historical significance. He felt that there has to be some limitations because there is too much square footage proposed. Commissioner Siegfried stated that he has no problem with the height of the house. He agreed that a one story garage would be appropriate to make it blend better. He stated that he would not support a second story on the garage. In order to bring the square footage down, he would agree to eliminate every structure, keeping the carriage house and the shed, deferring to the Commission which other structures are to be retained. ~ He indicated that he would not have a problem granting a variance to preserve the trees. Commissioner Caldwell concurred with Commissioner Siegfried's comments. She felt that it was important to move the garage at least ten feet to protect the Douglas Fir tree. Commissioner Patrick felt that the garage, at two stories, would give it an appearance of two houses (row house approach) and could not support the two story garage. She stated that she could find historical significance for the retention of the carriage house, the existing shed/pump house and the office structure. Commissioner Abshire stated that although he would like to comply with the owners wishes, he agreed with the Commission that the garage was not appropriate. He did not feel that allowing the additional square footage would be fair to the households in the City and that he concurred with the comments as expressed by his fellow Commissioners. Commissioner Kaplan stated that the existing carriage house could accommodate the on site storage. She recommended that the carriage and the pump house be retained. She would support the HPC recommendation for the retention of the office structure but that the existing green house, the potting shed, the existing building on the south and the existing garage should be eliminated. She recommended that a condition be added which would require the continuation of the hedge along Saratoga Avenue which would completely visually screen and block the entrance from Saratoga Avenue. She also recommended further discussion regarding the value of the trees because she wanted to make sure that there was some leverage for the preservation of the trees during construction. She recommended that the bond amount be increased if at all possible. • PLANNING COMMISSI• MINUTES • MAY 24, 1995 PAGE - 9 - Commissioner Caldwell commented that during the discussions with the Tree Committee, the City arborist did feel that it would be appropriate for the City to require a higher percentage amount to bond for the value of the tree. However, the City arborist was not willing to do so until there was a policy shift on the City's part. She recommended that the bond amount be increased where there is to be activity around oak and the fir trees. Commissioner Siegfried recommended that the applications be continued as the applicant has heard clearly the Commission's concerns. He agreed to increase the bond amount from 20~ to 30% at a minimum. COMMISSIONERS KAPLAN/PATRICK MOVED TO REOPEN THE PUBLIC HEARING AT 8:40 PM. Mr. Heath stated that he does not want a lot line adjustment because both lots were created prior to the creation of the city and that he believes that he has t~vo legal lots. He indicated that he has heard the Commission discuss what he can and cannot do with the house and the trees. He stated that he values the property much more than any other person. He also values the integrity of the City. He stated that he does not see the point to continue these applications because he did not feel that anyone present vas being reasonable or listening to what he was saying. He indicated that he would want to continue on with the process and see if someone else would listen to him because no one here vas listening to him. He stated that the house has historic value and he sees people all around him tearing these same houses down. He did not believe that the Commission vas allowing him do something beautiful with this house and indicated that he resents that. COMMISSIONERS PATRICK/KAPLAN MOVED TO CLOSE THE PUBLIC HEARING AT 8:41 P.M. Planner Walgren clarified that the Commission was going to give credit for the three historic accessory buildings. He indicated that a variance would still be required to allow the property to exceed the allowable square footage by 608 square feet. Commissioner Kaplan noted that the Commission approved the lot line adjustment this evening. She asked if the lot was a buildable lot because it appears that the lots would be 20 feet wide. City Attorney Riback commented that in all likelihood, it would not be a buildable lot. Community Development Director Curtis noted that once a lot line approval is granted, the applicant would need to record the lot line adjustment. If the applicant does not record the lot line adjustment, it would remain as t~vo lots. Planner Walgren clarified that it vas staff's recommendation that if the lot line adjustment was to go forward, that it be continued to the June 14 meeting to allow staff to prepare resolutions for the lot line adjustment, variances and design review applications. Since there are no resolutions before the Commission this evening, nothing has formally been approved. He recommended that if the Commission still plans to approve the lot line adjustment, that it be kept with the other two applications. PLANNING COMMISSI• MINUTES • MAY 24, 1995 PAGE - 10 - COMMISSIONERS KAPLAN/SIEGFRIED MOVED TO RECONSIDER THE ACTION TAKEN ON THE LOT LINE ADJUSTMENT. THE MOTION CARRIED 6-0 WITH COMMISSIONER ASFOUR ABSENT. Commissioner Siegfried prefaced his motion by stating that it was the sense of the Commission this evening to approve the lot line adjustment, grant the variance on the four inches additional height to the existing house, deny the variance on the second story addition on the garage because the Commission does not believe it should be a two-story garage, and that the Commission would consider giving credit for the existing two or three historically significant accessory structures to be preserved in terms of granting variances for the square footage for the house and garage. COMMISSIONERS SIEGFRIED/KAPLAN MOVED TO DENY LL-93-008, V-93-020 & DR- 93-032 BECAUSE THE COMMISSION COULD NOT MAKE THE FINDINGS TO GRANT THE VARIANCES AS PROPOSED. MOTION CARRIED 6-0 WITH COMMISSIONER ASFOUR ABSENT. THE COMMISSION RECESSED AT 8:47 P.M. THE COMMISSION RECONVENED AT 8:59 P.M. City Attorney Riback excused himself from the remainder of the meeting. 5. DR-95-024 - Nishimoto; 14330 Paul Ave. , request for Design Review approval to demolish an existing 1,424 sq. ft. single story residence and build a new 2,740 sq. ft. two-story home in its place. The subject property is 7,500 sq. ft. in area and is located in an R-1-10,000 zoning district. ----------------------------------------------------------- Planner Walgren presented the staff report on this item. Chairman Murakami opened this item to pubic hearing at 9:00 p.m. David Britt, Los Gatos, project designer, informed the Commission that he concurred with staff's recommendation and that he would answer any questions which it may have regarding the design. Michael Sparacino, 14325 Springer Avenue, stated his support of the design of the project with the exception of the rear window. He informed the Commission that the rear window looks directly into his rear yard and his family room. He recommended that the bottom half of the rear window be opaqued and that the bottom half of the window be mount at least five and half feet so that there is not as much access to his rear yard in terms of view. He informed the Commission that he has discussed this concern with the applicant and that it was his belief that the applicant is in agreement with the request. Mr. Britt responded that the owner vas willing to opaque the window and mount the window at the requested height. PLANNING COMMISS~ MINUTES • MAY 24, 1995 PAGE - 11 - COMMISSIONERS SIEGFRIED/KAPLAN MOVED TO CLOSE THE PUBLIC HEARING AT 9:04 P.M. Chairman Murakami commented that the house vas well designed. COMMISSIONERS SIEGFRIED/PATRICK MOVED TO APPROVE RESOLUTION NO. DR- 95-024 WITH AN ADDED CONDITION TO REQUIRE THAT THE REAR FACING WINDOW BE OPAQUED AND THAT THE WINDOW BE MOUNT AT FIVE AND A HALF FEET. THE MOTION CARRIED 6-0 (COMMISSIONER ASFOUR ABSENT). 6. UP-95-003 - Prince of Peace; 12770 Saratoga Ave. , request for Use Permit approval to allow the Prince of Peace Lutheran Church to provide shelter, meals and employment assistance to a maximum of 15 transitionally homeless adults annually during the month of December in the Fellowship Hall located on the church grounds. Temporary Use Permits have previously been granted on a year-to-year basis. The parcel is located within an Agricultural (A) zoning district and is approximately 2.8 acres. Planner Walgren presented the staff report on this item. Commissioner Kaplan asked staff if a representative from the Prince of Peace Church would remain on the premises all ni~~ht. Planner Walgren responded that there would be a host who would remain on site overnight. Chairman Murakami opened this item to pubic hearing at 9:07 p.m. Margaret Shultz, member of the Prince of Peace Church, informed the Commission that she would answer questions which it may have. COMMISSIONERS SIEGFRIED/CALDVVELL MOVED TO CLOSE THE PUBLIC HEARING AT 9:10 P.M. COMMISSIONERS SIEGFRIED/PATRICK MOVED TO APPROVE RESOLUTION NO. UP- 95-003. THE MOTION CARRIED 6-0 (COMMISSIONER ASFOUR ABSENT). 7. UP-95-001 - Mailhot; 13281 McCulloch Way, request for Use Permit approval to DR-95-028 - locate a detached two-car garage within the parcel's required rear yard setback. The request also involves Design Review approval to construct additions to the existing residence which will increase the structure's floor area by over 50 percent. The property is approximately 10,125 sq. ft. and is located within an R-1-10,000 zoning district. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Planner Walgren presented the staff report on this item. He recommended the addition of a condition which would require that a tree protection fencing be installed to the perimeter as close to the driveway as possible of the ordinance protected tree located to the right of the proposed new driveway as possible. The fence is to remain in place throughout construction to make sure PLANNING COMMISSI• MINUTES • MAY 24, 1995 PAGE - 12 - that there is no damage done to the tree. Commissioner Kaplan asked how close the driveway would be to the tree trunk and what controlling material would be used for the driveway (i.e, pervious coverage). Planner Walgren recommended that the tree be plotted prior to issuance of permits and have the City arborist review the plotted map for his recommendations and that if pervious pavers are helpful, they would be incorporated. Chairman Murakami opened this item to pubic hearing at 9:11 p.m. Louis Dorcich, project architect, stated that he concurred with the condition to protect the tree and that he would agree to take the steps necessary to protect the tree and maintain its health. Chairman Murakami complimented Mr. Dorsage on the architectural drawings. COMMISSIONERS PATRICK/SIEGFRIED MOVED TO CLOSE THE PUBLIC HEARING AT 9:12 P.M. COMMISSIONERS CALDWELL/PATRICK MOVED TO APPROVE RESOLUTION NOS. UP-95-001 AND DR.95-028 WITH THE INCLUSION OF THE TREE PROTECTION CONDITION AS RECOMMENDED BY STAFF. THE MOTION CARRIED 6-0 (COMMISSIONER ASFOUR ABSENT). 8. DR-95-015 - Abdullah; 14755 Aloha Ave., request for Design Review approval to construct an 874 sq. ft. second story addition and 1,187 sq. ft. of first level floor area to an existing 1.259 sq. ft. one-story residence. The parcel is approximately 13,650 sq. ft. (net) and is located within an R-1- 15,000 zoning district. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Planner Walgren presented the staff report on this item. He summarized letters received which addressed similar concerns (i.e., pursue single story homes in this neighborhood, opposition to second story additions occurring). The letters received were from the following individuals: Dr. and Mrs. Nose, 14718 Aloha Avenue; Brian and Ann Bachman, 14735 Aloha Avenue; and Jerry and Karen Kleinberg. Also received was a packet of correspondence from the applicant's architect, Warren Heid, responding to the concerns of the neighbors, outlining the design process and how the project meets the City's design review findings and a locational map showing the location of other two story homes and or single story homes with higher roof lines similar to this 23 foot proposal. Chairman Murakami opened this item to pubic hearing at 9:16 p.m. Warren Heid, project architect, stated his concurrence with the conditions as listed in the staff report. He indicated that a feasibility study was prepared to make sure that the design of the home would meet the City's design guidelines. He noted that the area bound by Aloha Avenue, Oak Street, Komina Avenue and Lomita Avenue were developed in 1929. He informed the Commission that the applicant has a need to maintain the existing residence and to add a new • PLANNING COMMISSI• MINUTES MAY 24, 1995 PAGE - 13 - kitchen, family room and aaraQe with the master bedroom and the nursery being located on top of the garage, keeping in mind the needs of the immediate neighbors so that their privacy was maintained and that the bulk would lessen any impact. He addressed the design of the second story addition and noted that the addition would be screened by the existing landscaping and trees and that the landscaping and trees would be maintained in that manner. He noted that there would be no cutting into the hillside nor destruction of natural landscape. As far as some of the changes were concerned, he was aware that a two story home was one that was hard to understand. He felt that Aloha Avenue divides two ares of the town, the older area from the newer area. He felt that the design was compatible with the site and with that of the older neighborhood. He tried to be sensitive to the neighborhood, keeping the existing house tucked into the trees, maintaining what the neighbors were used to seeing. He has reviewed the letters submitted by the neighbors and expressed that he was sorry that the neighbors do not feel that this was a compatible home for their neighborhood. He felt that the house located at the corner Lomita and Aloha has a higher roof line than this particular building would have. The letters state a concern with the setting of a precedent. He felt that each site should be reviewed individually and that there were comments regardin¢ implicit and explicit restrictions limiting heights. y Commissioner Patrick asked if any consideration was given to locate the second story portion somewhere other than proposed. Mr. Heid responded that the addition could not be relocated because the structural engineering report indicates that doing so would create tremendous damage to the existing structure. y Linda Dana, 14725 Aloha, informed the Commission that when she first purchased her home she had given consideration to adding a second story addition so that she would not have to take away from her yard but elected not to do so because of her concerns for the neighbors. She stated that she does not want her neighbors to build t~vo story homes and invade her privacy. Ann Bachman, 14735 Aloha, read a letter that she and her husband submitted to the Commission indicating that they have requested that Mr. Abdullah consider the construction of a single story addition rather than a two story structure. A one story structure would have a less visible mass and be consistent with other remodels that have occurred in the neighborhood. The letter further requested that the Commission request that Mr. Abdullah reconsider this plans for a two story structure. Mike Grimm, 20540 Komina Avenue, informed the Commission that the home immediately to the south of Mr. Abdullah vas recently remodeled as a single story addition. That home was almost identical and at the same grade as that of Mr. Abdullah. He noted that all the homes in the immediate neighborhood were one story homes. He indicated that he has plans and permits for a two story addition but that after living in this neighborhood for a year and a half, he would not proceed with those plans. He felt that if the Commission approved the plans as submitted that it would change the character of the neighborhood. Karen Nose, 14718 Aloha Avenue, stated that the single story predominance of the neighborhood still exists. She indicated that she moved to this neighborhood because of the charm of the single story homes. She felt that the lot size should be sufficient to accommodate a single story • PLANNING COMMISSIi MINUTES MAY 24, 1995 PAGE - 14 - home. Sally Ann Dougherty, 14732 Aloha Avenue, indicated that her roof line was approximately 13 to 14 feet and noted that most of the homes in the area slope down. She felt that the proposed second story addition was too massive for that sized lot. Gay J. Crawford, 14711 Aloha, informed the Commission that she has resided at this address for over 27 years. She informed the Commission that in 1983, when the Westbrook home was being built, the Commission denied and the City Council upheld the denial for a two story addition. She requested that the City continue to support the single family predominance of the neighborhood and requested that Mr. Abdullah redesign his home to that of a single story addition. She expressed concern that a precedent would be set if a second story addition is approved. Mr. Heid state his appreciation to the comments expressed by the neighbors. He stated that he tried to design something that vas compatible to that of the neighborhood. He noted that there is not enough space on site to accommodate the addition. He stated that one of the things that has to be considered is whether the site is to be butchered up or the landscaping changed. He noted that the neighbors were interested in a compatible neighborhood and indicated that so was he. Mr. Abdullah, applicant, thanked the adjacent neighbors for their views on this issue. He stated that he has made an earnest attempt to ensure that the right design was being proposed. He stated that before he purchased the home, he consulted the City to make sure that the type of design that he was proposing was appropriate. He was careful not to impact anyone's view or privacy. He stated that he would be agreeable to amend the design if there were design concerns but that all he has heard was the concern that a precedent would be set if a two story addition was approved. He indicated that he would agree to consider any specific issues even though he was within his right to build what is being proposed. COMMISSIONERS PATRICK/KAPLAN MOVED TO CLOSE THE PUBLIC HEARING AT 9:41 P.M. Commissioner Kaplan commented that the Commission toured the neighborhood and noticed that there were sufficiently tall buildings in the neighborhood. She indicated that she did not have a problem with a small portion of the home being a second story. She stated that she now understands the structural requirement to not build over the older part of the house and the cost involved with the reinforcement of the existing foundation. She felt that there could be a design change to make the addition compatible with the older section of the house. Commissioner Siegfried stated that he understood the desire to maintain a one story neighborhood to the extent that is possible. He felt that the home was well designed but that cosmetic changes may help. Given the existing ordinances and given the efforts that has been made to keep the roof line as low as a one story house might be, he indicated that he would support the proposal. • PLANNING COMMISS~ MINUTES • MAY 24, 1995 PAGE - 15 - Commissioner Patrick stated that the issue was not that of the second story addition because she felt that this area was sufficiently mixed. The issue of design compatibility and height were of concern to her. Therefore, she would not be able to support the request. Commissioner Abshire expressed sympathy with the comments as expressed by the neighbors in maintaining the neighborhood as single story homes. He does not like to see this type of conflict developing inya neighborhood and in Saratoga. However, he felt that the home as designed was attractive. Even though it was a two story design, he felt that it was a low profile type home well hidden by the existing foliage. He also noted that there was considerable space on the side so that there would be at least 40 feet between this house and the adjacent home. He indicated that he was torn with this request but that he believed that the property owner should enjoy his property as much as possible. In this particular instance, he would side with the property owner. Commissioner Caldwell concurred with the comments as expressed by Commissioner Patrick. She was having a problem with the design and finding it compatible with that of the existing neighborhood and therefore would not vote in support of the request. Chairman Murakami concurred with Commissioners Caldwell's and Patrick's comments. He stated that although he was not crazy about the design, he vas sympathetic with the applicant, knowing that he meets all regulatory codes. He noted that the neighbors did not speak to the design of the structure. He indicated that he would go along with Commissioners Caldwell and Patrick and not support the proposal. Commissioner Kaplan stated that she too vas torn with this application and that she would have preferred to see a house that blends better with the neighborhood. Considering the constraints of the older building, she did not believe that it would be fair to require the applicant to move the second story element into the building without a considerable amount of retrofitting. She stated that she did not like the look of the garage and wanted to know if the applicant would agree to redesign the proposal. Community Development Director Curtis recommended that the public hearing be reopened to ask the applicant if he would be ~villina to reconsider the design and that the Commission provide some direction to the applicant (i.e., redesign and the appropriateness of a two story design). COMMISSIONERS PATRICK/KAPLAN MOVED TO REOPEN PUBLIC HEARING AT 9:50 p.m. Mr. Heid stated that this was the style of home that was more in line with the applicant's background. However, he would agree to reconsider the use of material and the look of the exterior design. y Mr. Abdullah indicated that he would be willing to return with a design that more closely matched some of the constructive feedback he heard this evening. PLANNING COMMISSI~ MINUTES MAY 24, 1995 PAGE - 16 - Commissioner Caldwell recommended that Mr. Heid review the recently approved design located at the end of Lomita Avenue. COMMISSIONERS SIEGFRIED/KAPLAN MOVED TO CONTINUE THE PUBLIC HEARING FOR DR-95-015 TO ITS JUNE 28 MEETING WITH PLANS TO BE SUBMITTED TO STAFF BY FRIDAY, JUNE 16. 199. Commissioner Caldwell stepped down from discussion of agenda item 9 due to a conflict of interest. 9. UP-574.3 - The Brookside Club of Saratoga, 19127 Cox Ave.; request to amend existing Use Permit conditions to allow for the use of an amplified sound system to announce and start the previously approved summer swim meets and time trials and to modify the swim season hours of operation to allow t~vo swim instructors to arrive at 8:00 a.m. for swim practices, where 9:00 a.m. is the current Use Permit limitation. The subject property is approximately 3 acres in size and is located within.an R-1-10,000 zoning district. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Community Development Director Curtis presented the staff report on this item. He clarified that staff has prepared a new use permit resolution to make the application current, incorporating all previous conditions of approvals and would supersede all other resolutions. Commissioner Siegfried commented that he received a call from Mrs. Askew. He addressed page 000086, item 6, which states that "The Club membership shall be limited to 250 families. Private tennis and swim lessons are allowed. " He noticed that a package given to the Commission includes advertisement(s) regarding a tennis camp, swim lessons, and what appears to be group activities. He requested staff clarification regarding restrictive gatherings. Community Development Director Curtis informed the Commission that staff has been notified that there have been advertisements for swim/tennis lessons, and summer camps or day care. He indicated that it was not clear to staff whether the advertisement was for club members. It was his reading of the previously approved use permit that this was a private club. Therefore, any activities would be acceptable as long as the club members found the activities acceptable. Regarding the interpretation issue of private swim lessons, he felt that this issue would be one of a land use interpretation and that the Commission would need to determine what was the intent of the original approval. Commissioner Patrick asked if the amplified sound system was to be used for swim meets and not to be used for the 8 or 9 a.m. Monday through Friday swim practices. Community Development Director Curtis responded that the amplified sound system was to be used only for the swim meets that have been approved and time trials and that the sound system cannot exceed six above ambiance noise level. In response to Commissioner Kaplan's question, Community Development Director Curtis informed the Commission that the Brookside Club would not be able use the electronic beeper. Commissioner Siegfried requested that the applicant explain in detail how and in what way the • PLANNING COMMISSI~ MINUTES MAY 24, 1995 PAGE - 17 - amplification system would be used. Commissioner Kaplan commented that the Commission conducted a land use visit to the site and that the Commissioners present heard the device in use. Chairman Murakami opened this item to pubic hearing at 10:10 p.m. Richard Norton, 12131 Country Square Lane, Saratoga, representing Brookside Club, informed the Commission that the amplified sound system would be used to announce the event, the heat and to announce that swimmers are to take their marks and that after each stroke, the results would be broadcasted. He felt that he vas operating within the existing use permit which states that the Club can give tennis and swimming lessons to members and non-members alike. He stated that the Saratoga Parks and Recreation endorses the Brookside Club for providing swim lessons to residents of Saratoga because of their commitment to water safety for the children of the community. He indicated that the Club vas im~olved with charitable events, neighborhood watch events, exchange student events, and graduation events. He noted that one of the letters received in opposition was from the Saratoga Woods Homeowners Association who recently requested the use of the Club facility for a meeting and that the Club granted the use of the facility. He provided a petition to the Commission from the Saratoga Woods Swim Club in support of the Club. He addressed the swim team and the meets that are to be held on Saturdays between the middle of June to the end of July each year. The meets are to begin an 9 a.m. with warm-ups to begin an hour before the event with no amplified systems to be used before 9 a.m. One swim time trial would be held on a Sunday afternoon starting about 1 p.m. to be held either on the first or second week in June. The requested 8 a.m. start time would be for Monday, Wednesday and Friday for approximately nine children. Commissioner Siegfried asked if Mr. Norton would be willing to accept a condition which would stipulate that the club could conduct practices on Monday, Wednesday and Friday at 8 am. , limiting the use to children of certain ages. Mr. Norton responded that such a condition would be acceptable to the Club. He noted that there was a great deal of confusion with the use of an amplified sound system. The original use permit required the use of a starting pistol. In 1989, following complaints about the noise from the starting pistol, there was a meeting held chaired by a Planning staff member, attended by the residents and Brookside Club Board Members. At that meeting, it was agreed that the Club would use an amplified sound system that would be less obtrusive than a starting pistol. He felt that the Club has been operating in good faith under the agreement of 1989. Commissioner Siegfried requested clarification regarding the agreement pertaining to the type of amplified sound system to be used (i.e., use of a beeper or amplified system). Mr. Norton stated that he could not address what was stipulated by the agreement and that it was his belief that the Colorado sound system was to be used which includes the amplification of the announcements and the beeps. He felt that he had the approval of the City of Saratoga over the last six years. He informed the Commission that a pool expansion has occurred this past winter that increased the lanes from 4 to 6. Because of the pool expansion, the beeps would be cut to ' PLANNING COMMISSI. MINUTES • MAY 24, 1995 PAGE - 18 - approximately 100 beeps for a typical Saturday meet. Also, the meets would be shortened from 3.5-4 hours to approximately 2.~ hours. He informed the Commission that notices were sent to 130 of the neighbors at time of filing to amend the use permit and that 70 of the neighbors responded to the notices, several of the responses endorsing the expansion. He addressed the points addressed in the letters of opposition (i.e., pool expansion, dumping of pool water was inadvertent with no lasting damage to the creek, advertisement in newspaper, communication on a monthly basis with the neighbors in 1989 and 1990 meetings). He stated that he was willing to place the homeowners who are located within the Brookside Club on a mailing list and invite them to Board meetings. He did not feel that the Club was blatant with noise and that the noise would be for a short time during the course of the swim season. He felt that the Club has tried to communicate and work with the neighbors to work together as much as possible. Jim Shaw, 18735 Kosich Drive, President of Saratoga Woods Park Homeowners Association, spoke in opposition to the request. He indicated that the homeowners association did not request the use of the Club facility . He stated that Saratoga Woods has a concern with the Brookside Club activities for two reasons: 1) noise which affects the residents close to Brookside; and 2) the insidious movement from a swim and tennis club into a commercial enterprise. The homeowners close to Brookside have historically been annoyed and irritated by the noise generated activities of the Club. He reviewed the noise report by Pack Associates and that he noticed that the noise ambiance of 57db was taken in March which was taken when Saratoga Creek was running full. He suggested that in the summer months when the creek is low, that the ambiance level would be much lover. However, the noise level of the start up beep and the sound system would not decrease. This means that the change from the ambience noise level would be greater, being an irritant factor. He felt that jarring verse of sharp noise would be more than 60d allowed by code. He felt that if the ambience noise level was high, you really do not hear the noise and if the ambient is low, the noise would be more irritating. He felt that the neighbors have made an effort to go along with the ordinary noise associated with the pool and club use. However, he felt that the impact of the amplified sound system would add too much to the burden already borne by the neighbors. The evidence of a limited membership club to a full blown commercial operation is that of the solicitation of the general public through newspaper and magazine adds for tennis lessons and to enroll in a children's day camp. He did not believe that these activities were authorized in the use permit. The history presented in the packet reveals a troubled relationship. Nov, the Club is advertising opening the facility without authorization. He expressed concern with the R-1 10,000_ zoning district being impacted by commercial activities. He requested that the Brookside use permit be restricted to a membership only facility at its current membership level, prohibited from any commercial-type activities and that activities which generate noise and disruptions to the neighbors be controlled. Dee Askew, 12651 Saratoga Creek Drive, read a letter she wrote dated May 10, 1989 which addressed concerns regarding modifications and violation of the Brookside use permits. Since December 28, 1959, the topics referenced excessive noise, invasion of privacy, fencing and landscaping. Subsequent hearings included December 9, 1963, August 10, 1972, June 26, 1972, July 26, 1978, August 23, 1978, February 13, 1985. March 4, 1985, March 22, 1989, and four other meetings subsequent to the March 1989 meeting. She noted that Mr. Norton has indicated that the use permit is opened to the public. She indicated that the original use permit issued June 4, 1958 limited the Club to 225 members as a neighborhood swim and tennis club. It has PLANNING COMMISS~ MINUTES • MAY 24, 1995 PAGE - 19 - remained as 250 families due to parking restrictions and being located in a medium density residential zoning district. Being restricted to 250 families does not allow for the Club to be open for public use, only for membership use. No where in the use permit does it stipulate that the Club can use the facilities for public activities. She felt that the Brookside Club has violated its use permit for the past five years. The Club vas no~v before the Commission requesting authorization of the existing violations by means of a use permit. Brookside Club has been given regulations to abide by and noted that Brookside has not abided by the regulations. She indicated that UP-574.1 adopted in 1991 was an agreement that was signed by Brookside. She did not believe that the Planning Commission and the neighbors make informal agreements and that the reason it appears before the Commission is to/get an agreement in writing. She addressed the Brookside Club registration and the junior tennis pamphlet which indicate that these activities are open to the public. She felt that the advertisement for public swim/tennis lessons and a daycare camp has changed the character of a private neighborhood club into a commercial establishment which is not what the use permit intended. She felt that the operation of a day camp with the lessons are materially injurious to properties and improvements in the vicinity. She felt that Brookside would be conducting a business that would be unfair to the neighborhood, increasing noise and traffic. During the past five years, the neighbors have patiently endured the noise pollution created by the Brookside Club. The neighbors have tried to work out the problems associated with the Brookside Club. She requested that the Planning Commission deny the request before it. Further, she requested that the Commission insist that Brookside continue the eight foot solid wood fence authorized by the City Council in 1990 to be built in the parking lot area. Extension of the fence along the creek boundary would help alleviate the noise created by Brookside and satisfy the needs which the neighbors have sought for approximately 30 years. Mary Jane Kaas, 1272 Saratoga Creek Drive, stated that the proposed amplified system would affect her. She noted that other swim clubs in the Brookside Club's league are either located near a busy street or located separately from a residential area, buffering the swim clubs from residential areas. She felt that there is a different situation when you have a buffer between a pool area where there is a distance to allow the noise to die off. She did not feel that dual meets require the use of an amplified sound system. She did not want to see the door opened for an amplified sound system in what is a basically a residential neighborhood district. Bob Salutric, 12635 Saratoga Creek Drive, addressed noise, the use of his yard and his property value. He indicated that UP14 indicates that the Planning Commission has jurisdiction over the use permit to "preserve the health, safety, moral convenience or welfare on persons residing or working in the surrounding areas or to preserve existing or perspective property values or to prevent a public nuisance. " He noted that the original intent of the use permit was to restrict its membership to 2~0 members. On February 13, 1985, staff and the Planning Commission found that the expanded hours of operation of the facility created a conflict with the surrounding residential uses. He indicated that the issue was the volume of people going through the club, not the swim meets. He felt that the use of a power mega phone or sound system would magnify noise. In 1990, it became clear to him that Brookside had memberships open to individuals outside the neighborhood. When the Brookside Club allowed individuals outside the neighborhood, that the use of the family oriented club violated the use permit. He further indicated that in 1990, he did not object to the use of a starting horn versus the use of a starting =PLANNING COMMISSI~ MINUTES • MAY 24, 1995 PAGE - 20 - pistol but stated that he objected to the use of a sound system or amplification device. He offered a video tape for the Commission's view that demonstrates the noise that he hears from his home when swim meets are conducted. He expressed concern with additional traffic if the use is expanded to outside individuals. Also of concern would be the impact to property values. Richard Ridder, 12634 Saratoga Creek Drive, stated that it was his understanding that review of the Brookside Club would establish a ne~v use permit to supersede all other use permits and that he hoped that the ne~v use permit would not allow for non-members swim or tennis lessons. He expressed concern that the Brookside Club would turn into a daycare center as is seen during the summer months. He indicated that there are 130 members on the swim team and asked if that meant that there were going to be 130 swimmers at the requested 8 a.m. practice time in the mornings. If so, that would create a tremendous amount of noise. Faye Steiger, 19186 Gunther Court, opposed revising the use permit to allow for the amplified sound system and felt that there was enough noise generated from Highway 85. She stated that she did not want to see any more commercial activities in the area. She also expressed concern with the impacts on residential parking. John Baily, 12680 Brooklane Court, indicated that he did not receive a notice of public hearing and also did not receive any notices from the Brookside Club. He indicated that the noise level vas severe. He knew that there was going to be noise associated with a swim club when he purchased his home a year ago, but that he did not realize that there was going to be the use of an electronic beeper which terrifies his son. He did not support the use of an electronic sound system and also stated that he did not support the Saturday 8 a.m. use. The noise associated with cars going over speed bumps, and noise of the kids riding their bikes and noise in general makes it a tough atmosphere for him to sleep in. Frank Ealy, 12668 Brooklane Drive, indicated that he was member of Brookside and stated that he always respected the club. He indicated that the problem was that Brookside started out as a community club. Now it vas a ribbon organization and people drive to the Club. The back roads are very transient all day long, and that individuals use their car horns to pick up the children, creating a noisy situation. If the use permit vas amended, it would increase traffic and noise. He opposed the 8 a.m. use and found the 9 a.m. time as being acceptable. He informed the Commission that individuals block his driveway. He noted that the Brookside Club has three parking lots and they do not open the third parking lot. He stated his opposition to amending the use permit. Priscilla Schneider, 13291 Pierce Road, President of the Juniper Sierra Swim League, indicated that swim clubs in the league are located in residential areas. She noted that the Brookside Club has more buffer than some of the other clubs have. She informed the Commission that swim clubs all use the same sound equipment because the gun vas so obtrusive. She stated that the purpose of her organization was to fulfill the need in this area to provide young people with a way to participate and compete in one of the best, all around sport--swimming. She further stated that the Juniper Sierra League supports the Brookside Club's efforts to provide the kind of atmosphere for the youth to grow up in. PLANNING COMMISSI~ MINUTES • MAY 24, 1995 PAGE - 21 - Wendy Symbol, manager of the Brookside Club, addressed the issue of the day camp. She indicated that the day camp would be opened to non members to allow members' friends to participate in the Club. She clarified that there are six members and one non member registered for the day camp. As far as the swimming and tennis lessons are concerned, these activities are offered to the neighborhood and the community and to help the Club financially. She indicated that the third parking lot is opened during swim meets and that it is not opened on a regular basis because it was not necessary. She stated that she would agree to put signs up to direct users of the club to park in the appropriate locations. Commissioner Patrick commented that it was her understanding of a private club that guests are allowed with members but that nonmembers are not allowed. She asked if it was Ms. Symbol's understanding that when there are various activities that guests of members are in attendance. Ms. Symbol responded that if a member vas going to im~ite guests, the member would need to notify her because she would limit the number of guests that can be at the Club at a certain date. Commissioner Patrick asked if the use permit limits the numbers of people that can be present on the premises. Ms. Symbol responded that she vas not aware of an occupancy limitation. Ms. Symbol further clarified that the use permit stipulates that 25 percent of the membership is to come from non-Saratoga residents and that approximately 250 families are Saratoga residents. She further stated that children are not allowed to be left at the Club unsupervised under the age of 9, and that there is a limit of 12 children per session in a one week period. Commissioner Abshire asked if the Club has considered sound abatement on the east side of the premises with an 8 foot fence. Ms. Symbol responded that there is an existing six foot fence along the perimeter of the premise and that she did not know how much difference an eight foot fence would make to abate noise. The future financial plans indicate replacement of all the fence on the property. She informed the Commission that a fence was replaced along Brook Glen due to damage caused by the storm. There was not an arbitrary decision not to install/replace the fence along Creekside. Commissioner Murakami asked if the Club has met with the neighbors to discuss their problems or situations that may arise? Ms. Symbol responded that the Club has not met with the neighbors but that the neighbors were more than welcome to attend board meetings. Jeff Schwartz, 19281 San Marcos Road, Board Member of Saratoga Area G Homeowners Association, indicated that none of the homeowners live in the vicinity of the Brookside Club and that they are not affected by the questions being discussed this evening. He spoke in support of the Saratoga Woods Homeowners Association regarding the amplified sound and noise to individuals quality of life. He indicated that his homeowners association has been impacted by West Valley College. He stated that the use of an amplified sound system at West Valley College was in violation of the City Ordinance and that enforcement has been difficult or non- existent. He further stated that the City has another history of problems with the activities at Montalvo that have not yet been solved. His homeowners association is requesting that the City not approve the amplified system in areas which have existing long term history of noise problems. • `~ =PLANNING COMMISSI~ MINUTES • MAY 24, 1995 PAGE - 22 - Nancy Crampton, 14690 Fieldstone Drive, School Board of the Saratoga-Los Gatos High School District and a member of Brookside Club since 1972, indicated that she has reviewed this issue and was sympathetic with the neighbors because she knows that swim meets are noisy events. She noted that today, kids are driven everywhere and that kids are noisy. She felt that one of the things that have affected property values in Saratoga were the nice events available to families. She indicated that the request before the Commission was for four days out of the year to conduct an event to serve 130 kids for four hours. She noted that there were not a lot of activities for kids to do with their families in Saratoga and that a swim meet was one of the activities that families enjoy. She felt that there was a responsibility to provide local activities to children. Mr. Norton clarified that the day camp was not going to be a day care and that only six children have registered to attend. In terms of the issue of members and non-members, he referred the Commission to UP-207 in the Commission's packet which states that private swimming and tennis lessons are available to non-members. He referred the Commission to the staff report for UP-574 dated 2-1-85 which also references UP-207. Commissioner Siegfried clarified that the staff report dated 2-1-85 talks about the Brookside Club but that when you look at the actual use permit, it does not indicate that the Club is open for private lessons. He did not believe that the language which authorizes private lessons has been actually included in the use permit resolution but acknowledged that private lessons have been mentioned in the staff report. Commissioner Kaplan noted that the original 1958 use permit was not included in the Commission's packet and that she would like to review the original use permit. She stated that she does not have enough information at this time to make a decision and could not vote on the issue. Commissioner Siegfried commented that use permit UP-95-004 now contains specific language that states that the Club shall be limited to 250 members and that private tennis and swim lessons would be allowed. This is the language that is being proposed for Commission review and approval. Mr. Norton informed the Commission that he would be able to provide the number of members and non-members using the Brookside Club facilities. Community Development Director Curtis noted that the staff report dated 2-1-85, pages 000094 and 000095, makes reference to: "The membership of the club is limited to 250 families under the existing use permit (UP-207). However, private tennis and swimming lessons are available to non-members." He noted that Resolution No. UP-574(A)-1, page 000092, makes reference to an amended staff report dated February 1, 1985. Whether the staff report was correct or accurate, the report indicates it as a reference trail that the City is dealing with. The issue before the Commission is what this information constitutes. Also, it is a land use issue and the items that the Commission will need to consider is whether there is sufficient parking, space, and amenities to provide for non-members. ' ~ PLANNING COMMISSI• MINUTES • MAY 24, 1995 PAGE - 23 - Commissioner Siegfried commented that he suspects that if one looks over the history of this use and what was covered in the language it would be what most people assume would occur in clubs similar to this one. This was a whole different question than what the packet indicates in terms of advertisement. The point is that there is documentation in public advertisement for events that he has not seen before. He indicated that this would be the fourth time that he has heard this argument and that he has never seen this type of public advertisement. Therefore, he felt that it was an important issue. Mr. Norton stated that the junior tennis program advertisement had 10 non members in 1994 and that the current non-membership is 5. In regards to the swim lessons, he indicted that there were 100 non-members and approximately 130-140 members who take swim lessons. Commissioner Siegfried stated that what the Commission could have been referring to many years ago could include things far beyond what may or may not have been thought about. Mr. Norton stated that he would agree not to advertise any more if it is of concern to the Commission. Regarding the issue of the amplified sound system, he felt that it has been demonstrated that the noise levels were reasonable given the eminent noise around the Club. He stated that the Club has tried to work with the community in the past to keep the noise levels to a minimum. He noted that the amplified sound system would be used only four times during the year for a total of 10 hours for the entire year. He did not feel that the request before the Commission would place an incredible burden to the neighbors. Commissioner Patrick asked if the beeper would be reduced to approximately 100 beep per meet in a 2.5 hour period which would equal to 1 beep for every minute. Mr. Norton responded that Commissioner Patrick's numbers were current. COMMISSIONERS PATRICK/KAPLAN MOVED TO CLOSE THE PUBLIC HEARING AT 11:30 P.M. Commissioner Siegfried stated that he looked at the packet of information provided and noted that his name was listed in several areas and that it was unfortunate that the use was being revisited. In reviewing the history of this use, he felt that it was clear that there was a time, other than the informal agreement for the use of an amplified sound system. He felt that it may have been a substitution for the beep tone versus the pistol. It was not known if the parties understood that it would include the announcement as part of the system. He indicated that he would support the time modification from 9 a.m. to 8 a.m. on Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays if the age group was restricted. However, he indicated that he was troubled with the approval of anything other than abeep-tone replacement for the pistol and to eliminate the use of an amplified sound system. It was his belief that it may have been possible that included in the concept of the Club to include private lessons, but that he did not believe that the concept of what was being seen. He did not believe that expansion to non-members should be included and that the language has to be defined carefully or eliminated entirely. Commissioner Patrick stated that she did not like the way that the use permit was written and that she could not support it. She felt that there were too many compounding issues and - ' ~ ~ PLANNING COMMISSI! MINUTES MAY 24, 1995 PAGE - 24 - problems. She noted that the use permit indicates swim practices to be held 8 a.m. to sunset on weekdays, not Monday, Wednesdays and Fridays. She felt that the use permit needs to be revisited to consolidate a use permit for Brookside Club so that everyone knows what the rules are to eliminate some of the problems. Regarding the amplification sound system, she indicated that what the Commission heard yesterday at its site visit was not a serious sound system problem. She stated that she was having difficulty determining what Brookside applied for at various times. Also, she is told that the sound level various depending on what the surrounding noise is. She had a problem with the amplified sound system issue because there are no standards that the neighbors can rely on. However, she felt that part of the problem in Saratoga was that people do not understand that kids and activities make noise. She felt that kids have certain rights too, including making noise and participate in activities. The swim practices to be held on Monday, Wednesday and Fridays without an amplified system was not objectionable to her but suggested that the Commission limit it in some way to alleviate some of the concerns (i.e., limit by age or number). Regarding the amplification sound system, she previously indicated that she did not find it objectionable and that she would agree to listen to suggestions as to how to limit that noise. She indicated that she would be willing to vote in favor of the two items being requested but not the way they were packaged. Commissioner Abshire stated that he felt that the neighbors have a legitimate point regarding the use of the swimming pool before 9 a.m. and that he did not see a good reason to open the pool to children before 9 a.m. due to the noise associated with swimmine. He felt that the kids in Saratoga deserve the activities associated with the swim meet. He recommended that the use of an amplified sound system be investigated further. He did not believe that the Club has thoroughly reviewed the options in abating the noise. He felt that the Club should spend some money to install sound barriers on the side that receives most of the complaints. He felt that the concerns of the neighborhood needed to be reviewed. Commissioner Kaplan commented that there is a need to provide activities for the children and that she would want to see that these type of activities are made available. She stated that what she heard at the site visit vas not an amplified sound system and that she could barely hear it standing at the fence by the creek. She felt that if the use of the sound system was only to be used for a day, she could approve the use of the announcement system along with the Monday, Wednesday, and Friday 8 a.m. swim practice time. However, the use permit would need to return to the Commission to clarify the advertisement as well as the issue of members and non- members. Therefore, she could not vote on the resolution before the Commission this evening. Chairman Murakami stated that he felt that the Brookside Club has been handling this issue poorly. He felt that the Brookside Club could have done more to mitigate the noise concerns of the neighbors. Regarding the use of a sound system, he would not find it objectionable if used properly and that as far as the swim meet start times on Saturday, he would support a start up time of 9 a.m., not the 8 a.m. being requested. He agreed with Commissioner Patrick that there were too many things associated with the use permit that need to be reviewed and clarified. Community Development Director Curtis commented that staff tried to consolidate the use permit. He indicated that staff can be directed to prepare a resolution to amend the previous use permit specifically to allow the t~vo issues which the Commission can support. Should the "'~ ~ PLANNING COMMISSI• MINUTES • MAY 24, 1995 PAGE - 25 - Commission have a question regarding the operation of the facility being consistent with the original approval (i.e., private lessons versus non-member lessons), he recommended that the use permit be advertised for public hearing to address those issues of concern. Commissioner Siegfried did not feel that the amplified sound system should be approved unless it was defined (Resolution No. UP-95-002, Condition 2, page 000085). He felt that the language relating to the amplified sound system needed to be defined because two years from now, someone may come in and state that the use permit allowed for the use of an amplified system to announce results. He felt that the condition needs to specify exactly what the amplified system can do. Commissioner Kaplan noted that the resolution before the Commission references a staff report. When this item returns to the Commission, she requested to know from the City Attorney what legal value does the staff report has that has been adopted in a resolution. She asked if the staff report dated 2-1-85 misstated what was said in the original use permit, what its effect would be and whether the Commission effectively changed the use permit unintentionally. Commissioner Siegfried felt that the problem was whether the staff report referenced in the resolution, could be interpreted entirely differently today. He felt that the club could logically and legally say that they can do all of these things because the use states private lessons. He was certain that it was never the intent of the language to included private, non member lessons. He indicated that he was having a problem with condition 2 which reads: "The amplified sound system that was to be used to announce and start the approved summer swim meet schedule of three swim meets.... " because it vas not absolutely clear what that system can be used for. He recommended that staff incorporate the Commission's comments and prepare a resolution for the consent calendar relating to the two items which the Commission supports and that the original use permit as well as the proposed language for condition 2 be scheduled for its next meeting. COMMISSIONER PATRICK/SIEGFRIED MOVED TO DIRECT STAFF TO RETURN WITH A RESOLUTION FOR ITS JUNE 14 CONSENT CALENDAR WHICH WOULD PROVIDE FOR THE USE OF A PORTABLE. DIRECTIONAL. AMPLIFIED SYSTEM FOR THE PURPOSE OF STARTING EACH EVENTS AND TO ALLOW SWIM TEAM PRACTICES BETWEEN 8 A.M. AND 9 A.M. MONDAYS, WEDNESDAYS AND FRIDAYS WITH THE DEFINITION OF THE ACTIVITIES, THE AGE. THE NUMBER OF CHILDREN AND THE SPECIFIC TIME AND DATES FOR THE SWIM MEETS TO BE SPELLED OUT. THE MOTION CARRIED 5-0-1 WITH COMMISSIONER CALDWELL ABSTAINING AND COMMISSIONER ASFOUR ABSENT. Commissioner Kaplan recommended that the Commission schedule the operation of the use permit for Brookside Club for a work session item so that the Commission can review all the information pertinent to the definition of private tennis and swim lessons prior to scheduling the use for public hearing. Community Development Director Curtis informed the Commission that this item may not be able to be scheduled for a work session until August. ` ~ PLANNING COMMISSI~ MINUTES MAY 24, 1995 PAGE - 26 - Commissioners Kaplan and Siegfried requested that staff provide the Commission with all the pertinent information as soon as it becomes available for its review. Commissioner Caldwell resumed her seat on the Commission. DIRECTOR'S ITEi\1S COMMISSION ITE1tIS Commissioner Kaplan stated that she has been advised that Cox Avenue at Cumberland has debris in the right-of-way. She requested that staff investigate this concern. COMAZUNICATIONS Written Oral City Council ADJOURNMENT -There being no further business, the meeting adjourned at 11:55 p.m. to 7:30 p.m., Tuesday, June 6, 1995, Senior Day Care, 19655 Allendale Ave., Saratoga, Ca. 95070 RESPECTIVELY SUBMITTED, IRMA TORREZ MINUTES CLERK it;PC05249~.SAR