HomeMy WebLinkAbout05-22-1996 Planning Commission minutes,_ ~ ~ ~LANNING COMMISSION MINL~ ~ MAY 22, 1996 ' City Council Chambers, 13777 Fruitvale Avenue Regular Meeting --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Chairwoman Kaplan called the meeting to order at 7:30 p.m. Roll Call Present: Abshire, Kaplan, Murakami, Patrick, Pierce, Siegfried Late: None Absent: Asfour Staff: Community Development Director Curtis and Planner Walgren (City Attorney Riback was not present this evening) Pledge of Allegiance Minutes - 5/8/96 COMMISSIONERS SIEGFRIED/ABSHIRE MOVED TO APPROVE THE MAY 8,1996 MINUTES WITH THE FOLLOWING AMENDMENTS: - Page 6, paragraph 12 amended to read: "The addition of a condition that would stipulate that the portion of the driveway adjacent to tree #37 is to remain undisturbed to protect thy: tree #~. " ' - Page 7, paragraph 10 amended to read: "Commissioner Murakami noted that when you first drive into the circular driveway, you will be seeing the profile of the 13e~ gauge::: and not the front view of the garage." THE MOTION CARRIED 5-0-1 WITH COMMISSIONER PATRICK ABSTAINING AND COMMISSIONER ASFOUR ABSENT. Oral Communications No comments were offered. Report of Posting Agenda Pursuant to Government Code 54954.2, the agenda for this meeting was properly posted on May 16, 1996. Technical Corrections to Packet No corrections were noted. CONSENT CALENDAR PLANNING COMMI~N MINUTES • MAY 22, 1996 PAGE - 2 - PUBLIC HEARING CONSEIITT CALENDAR 1. DR-96-013 - FOLEY/R & Z DEVELOPMENT COMPANY,18929 MONTE VISTA DRIVE; Request for Design Review approval to construct a new 5.420 sq. ft. two- story single family residence on a vacant lot with a net site area of 40,047 sq. ft. The property is located within the R-1-40,000 zoning district (cont. to 6/12/96 at the request of applicant; City review deadline is 10/17/96). 2. DR-96-022 -SUN, 14360 DOUGLASS LANE; Request for Design Review approval to construct a 5,820 sq. ft. two-story residence pursuant to Chapter 1~ of the City Code. The application also includes an exemption request from the floor area reduction requirement for building heights over 18 ft. The subject property is X3,178 sq. ft. and is located in an R-1-40,000 zoning district (cont. to 6/12/96 at the request of applicant; City review deadline is 11/1/96). CONLMISSIONERS PATRICK/SIEGFRIED MOVED TO APPROVE PUBLIC HEARING CONSENT CALENDAR ITEMS 1 AND 2 BY MIl`TUTE ACTION. THE MOTION CARRIED 6-0 WITH COMMISSIONER ASFOUR ABSENT. PUBLIC HEARINGS 3. DR-96-014 - PAYNE,13485 VILLAOAKS LN.; Request for Design Review approval to construct a new 5,507 sq. ft., 24 ft. tall, single story residence per Chapter 15 of the City Code. The currently vacant parcel is located within a Hillside Residential zoning district. The parcel was originally created as Lot 18 of the Mt. Eden Estates subdivision and has recently been increased in size from 3 acres to 15.2 net acres through a Lot Line Adjustment with an adjacent parcel. Planner Walgren presented the staff report. He informed the Commission that whether the lot line adjustment is recorded or whatever action is taken on the subdivision would not affect this proposal as the home has been designed to meet the minimum zoning standards. Staff recommended Commission approval of the design review request. Commissioner Pierce asked if this application was submitted to the Parks and Recreation for its review of the improvements to the pedestrian equestrian trail easement? Planner Walgren indicated that the pedestrian equestrian trail easement was recorded at the time of subdivision approval. He indicated that the Parks and Recreation Commission has recently had the opportunity to reconsider the trail easements on this property and that it was their belief that the configuration before the Commission this evening was the one that it felt was appropriate. Chairwoman Kaplan requested staff clarification as to what a "Landslide I keyway was" (page 7, condition 16.c.). Planner Walgren responded that it referred to the landslide repair that was conducted at the subdivision level. This condition requires further investigation prior to the issuance of building permit (completion of all geotechnical requirements prior to the issuance of a building permit). ' PLANNING COMMI.ON MINUTES • MAY 22, 1996 PAGE - 3 - Chairwoman Kaplan inquired about condition 20 which reads: "The applicant shall sign the written statement required by section 16-75.020(d) of the City Code prior to issuance of any permits. " Community Development Curtis indicated that the condition is required when an applicant retains a geologist and that any permits issued utilizing the investigative reports assumes all risks associated with it and holds the City harmless (hold harmless agreement). Chairwoman Kaplan opened this item to public hearing at 7:37 p.m. William Koehler, 21842 Via Regina, indicated that he resides close to the property under discussion. He noted that the application at this time is for one home and that he has no problem with this particular home. However-, he has a problem with the lot as it is the most unstable lot in Saratoga noting that it was the last lot of the Mount Eden Estates subdivisions to develop. He noted that in 1982 or 1983 Quarry Road collapsed and that a "burrough hill" was established. The EIR prepared states that parts of the site were unstable and that it was determined that only the top of the hill could be developed. He indicated that if you build a house on any part of the property, the house would need to be built on sound foundation. He requested that the City make sure that the property does not slide during the rainy season. He stated that he appreciated that the horse trail was to be retained. Commissioner Siegfried informed Mr. Koehler that condition 16 requires additional geologic studies to be completed prior to the issuance of building permits to the satisfaction of the City. COMMISSIONERS PATRICK/SIEGFRIED MOVED TO CLOSE THE PUBLIC HEARING AT 7:53 P.M. Commissioner Patrick stated that given the siting of the house, she did not feel that it would create a problem. COMMISSIONERS PATRICK/MURAKAMI MOVED TO APPROVE RESOLUTION DR-96-014. THE MOTION CARRIED 6-0 WITH COMMISSIONER ASFOUR ABSENT. As the issues were the same for agenda items 4 and 5, the Commission agreed to consider them together. Chairwoman Kaplan noted that a letter was received this afternoon from an attorney for the Friends of Nelson Gardens. She thanked them for their concerns. 4. DR-96-019-PINK BROS.,13925 TRINITYAVE.(Lot 1); Request for Design Review approval to construct a new 20 ft. tall 3,842 sq. ft. single story residence on Lot 1 of the recently approved nine-lot Trinity Place subdivision. The property is located within an R-1-12,500 zoning district. 5. DR-96-020 - PINN BROS., 20755 PONTIAC AVE. (Lot 2); Request for Design Review approval to construct a new 22 ft. tall 3,877 sq. ft. single story residences on ' PLANNING COIVIM~N MINUTES • MAY 22, 1996 PAGE - 4 - Lot 2 of the recently approved nine-lot Trinity Place subdivision. The property is located within an R-1-12,500 zoning district. Planner Walgren presented the staff reports for agenda items 4 and 5. Staff recommended that both design review applications be approved. Chairwoman Kaplan opened agenda items 4 and 5 to public hearing at 7:47 p.m. Allan Pinn, Pinn Brothers, indicated that he would be available for questions. Commissioner Murakami asked if both homes were facing the same direction, would they have the same floor plan? Mr. Pinn responded that if the elevations changed it would also require a change in the floor plan. Chairwoman Kaplan inquired if there would be the use of a gas fireplace? Mr. Pinn indicated that the master bedroom fire places are to be plumbed for gas and the other two fireplaces are wood burning. Chairwoman Kaplan requested that the fireplaces be restricted to gas or that inserts be provided that would allow clear burning. Jeanne Williams, 20777 Trinity Avenue, indicated that she resides opposite to lot 1. She informed the Commission that her roofline was 50 percent lower than the one proposed and that her lot sits two to three feet lower on the north side of Trinity. She also noted that her home was half the size in square footage as lot 1, noting that it has been described as being compatible to that of the neighborhood. Don Macrae, 20679 Reid Lane, indicated that the Friends of Nelson Gardens have hired an attorney to represent it. He indicated that there is a question relating to the Williamson Act as it relates to this parcel, noting that a letter was distributed to the Commission for its review. Chairwoman Kaplan informed Mr. Macrae that the City Attorney has advised the Commission as to its appropriate review and action prior to placing this item on the agenda this evening. She indicated that receipt of the letter has been acknowledged, noting that the letter had no bearing on the design review hearing. She requested that Mr. Macrae restrict his comments to design review issues. Commissioner Siegfried asked Mr. Pinn why this particular house was proposed at 20 feet and why both homes were not being proposed at 17 or 18 feet? Mr. Pinn responded that the property drops considerably and that the Nelson property rises considerably. He indicated that where the grade is measured determines the height of the house, noting that the grade goes down on the other side of the second lot. Therefore, the roofline was lower on the second lot. Planner Walgren indicated that both buildings are proposed at 20 feet but that the structure on lot 2 is cut down lower, noting that the height is measured from the natural grade. Mr. Pinn informed the Commission that the 33 year old house across the street that recently ~, ~ PLANNING CO1~N MINUTES • MAY 22, 1996 • PAGE - 5 - sold was 2,816 square feet on a 13,000 square foot lot (the lot is considerable smaller than these two lots. COMMISSIONERS PATRICK/SIEGFRIED MOVED TO CLOSE THE PUBLIC HEARING AT 7:55 P.M. Commissioner Abshire stated that he found the homes to be massive for the neighborhood and that they seem to dominate the lot as opposed to blending in with the lot. ~ He found them objectionable. Commissioner Patrick stated that it was her- perception that the homes met the definition of compatibility. Commissioner Pierce indicated that he visited the site and that he was familiar with the neighborhood. He felt that the design of the homes were suitable and that they would blend in with the neighborhood as well as can be expected, noting that the existing homes were 30 year old homes. Commissioner Siegfried noted for the record that garages are included in the total square footage, noting that the living area proposed is 3,200 square feet, not 3,800 square feet (600 square feet is dedicated to the garage). He felt that the homes appear to be compatible, coming in below the allowable height and the allowable square footage, noting that the lots are larger than the existing lots. He felt that it needs to be recognized that the existing homes were built 30 years ago and that he did not believe that the developer should be - - forced to design the homes to look like the homes built 30 years ago. Commissioner Murakami concurred with the comments as expressed by Commissioner Siegfried. COMMISSIONERS SIEGFRIED/PATRICK MOVED TO APPROVE RESOLUTION NO. DR-96-019. THE MOTION CARRIED 5-1 WITH COMMISSIONER ABSHIRE VOTING NO AND COMMISSIONER ASFOUR ABSENT. COMMISSIONERS SIEGFRIED/PATRICK MOVED TO APPROVE RESOLUTION DR-96-020. THE MOTION CARRIED 5-1 WITH COMMISSIONER ABSHIRE VOTING NO AND COMMISSIONER ASFOUR ABSENT. DIRECTOR'S ITEMS Community Development Director Curtis informed the Commission that an appeal was received for the Navico Subdivision and that an appeal was filed today for the Costa design review application. COMMISSIONN ITEMS 1. Mission Park Homes/Cal-Neon; 12297 Saratoga-Sunnyvale Rd. Review of proposed ' PLANNING COMMI~N MINUTES • - MAY 22, 1996 • PAGE - 6 - sign program. Planner Walgren presented the staff report and indicated that it was staff's recommendation that the applicant pursue a unifying element in their sign proposal (i.e.,limiting the signage to a certain color or allowing the color to vary but limiting it to a certain letter style). Also recommended was that the monument sign be reduced by at least two feet (reducing the pedestal base by two feet). Staff felt that this type of sign at a four to five foot height and proportioned in width to keep the massing consistent would be adequate to identify the townhomes located to the back of the property. He indicated that the city's traffic engineer has reviewed the proposal and felt that the sign needs to be setback further. If the applicants do not want to move it back, the -sign would need to be reduced to a maximum of three feet in order to provide reasonable line of site for vehicles entering and exiting the property. Commissioner Murakami noted that the strip center located down the street next to the Argonaut Shopping Center had a sign program that was more detailed as far as colors and how the letters were to be laid out. Planner Walgren clarified that the sign program identified by Commissioner Murakami required a unifying element that tied the sign program together. Commissioner Murakami recommended that the applicant review this sign program. Commissioner Siegfried recommended that the applicant consider reducing the sign. • Chairwoman Kaplan recommended that the applicant review a good sign program that has been recently approved. She asked staff how this request would fit in with the city's proposed sign program? Community Development Director Curtis indicated that staff was working on a sign program and that discussions have taken place regarding appropriate signage for shopping centers. It has been determined that the use of monument signs would be appropriate. He did not feel that the proposal was out of-line to the city's proposed sign program. Commissioner Siegfried asked if this sign program would allow the use of a logo? Planner Walgren responded that logo signs would be allowed in sign programs. Commissioner Abshire felt that the area would have a "classier" appearance if the same color signage was used, recognizing that a company's sign logo could use their corporate colors. Chairwoman Kaplan asked if the General Plan document could be indexed and brought up to date. Community Development Director Curtis indicated that the General Plan would be reformatted within the next year. IT WAS THE CONSENSUS OF THE MAJORITY OF THE COMMISSION TO APPROVE ONE COLOR (COMMISSIONER MURAKAMI FELT THAT TWO COLORS WOULD BE ACCEPTABLE). ~~. _ PLANNING COMMI~N MINUTES • MAY 22, 1996 PAGE - 7 - Tony Mercy, representing the applicant, addressed the reason for the request for two colors (used in the sign logo) for the freestanding sign and requested that the Commission look favorably of the use of two colors. Regarding the monument sign, he stated that he has no objections to moving it back five feet for visibility. Regarding the height of the sign, he indicated that he was trying to bring the character of the project out to the _front, using the block face to blend the retail and the residential uses. He recommended that the sign be. limited to six feet (three feet of rock and three feet for the identifying logo). Commissioner Siegfried noted that a company's logo allows for the use of several colors. Commissioner Patrick stated that she would prefer the shorter sign, noting that the driveway area was narrow. She felt that the sign proposed would block traffic. Planner Walgren indicated that staff would support the freestanding sign with the use of a beige background with burgundy and green lettering and that it was not the intent to limit the freestanding sign to a single color. Staff would also recommend that the individual tenant signs use one of the three colors identified to be the unifying element of the sign program. Commissioner Pierce asked if the Parker Ranch application was scheduled to be discussed at the work session? He recommended that in the future, the work session identify the projects that are to be discussed as well as their location. Community Development Director Curtis stated that he did not believe that the work sessions were working as they were intended to as the applicants were using the work sessions to present their arguments. COMMUI\~ICATIONS Commissioner Murakami indicated that a letter was received from the Santa Clara Valley Chapter of the American Institute of Architects and recommended that they be contacted to determine if a member would be interested in serving on the Commission. He felt that it would be beneficial to have someone with architectural expertise on the Commission. Community Development Director Curtis indicated that he would be recommending that someone from their organization sit in on the design review work sessions. Written 1. City Council Minutes dated 5/1/96 Oral Citv Council - PLANNING CONIlVII~N MINUTES i MAY 22, 1996 - PAGE - 8 - ADJOURNMENT -There being no further business, the meeting adjourned at 8:18 p.m. to 5:00 p.m., Wednesday, June 12, 1996, EOC Center, 13777 Fruitvale Ave., Saratoga, CA Respectfully Submitted, Irma Torrez Minutes Clerk I'I1PC052296.SAR