HomeMy WebLinkAbout12-11-1996 Planning Commission Minutes- _ ~~NNING COMMISSION MINUTl • DECEMBER 11, 199b - Ciry Council Chambers, 13777 Fruitvale Avenue Regular Meeting Chairwoman Kaplan called the meeting to order at 7:30 p. m. Roll Call Present: Abshire, Bernald, Kaplan, Murakami, Patrick, Pierce, Siegfried Late: None Absent: None Staff: Community Development Director Curtis and Planner Walgren. City Attorney Riback was not present. Minutes - 11 /26/96 COMMISSIONERS PATRICK/SIEGFRIED MOVED TO APPROVE THE NOVEMBER 26, 1996 MINUTES WITH THE FOLLOWING AMENDMENTS: - Page 1 to reflect that City Attorney Riback was not present - Page 8, third paragraph, line 13 amended to read: "...installation of new sidewalks on Saratoga-Sunnyvale Road; bus deElf (l~i~ out to be installed as required ... " - Page 8, fifth paragraph amended to read: "Mr. DeLeon stated that Safeway was currently at x,000 square feet ... " - Page 11, fourth paragraph amended to read: "Commissioner Siegfried stated that he had a problem with the 4~ ~~-foot tower element. THE MOTION CARRIED 7-0. Oral Communications No comments were offered. Report of Posting A eg nda Pursuant to Government Code 54954.2, the agenda for this meeting was properly posted on December 6, 1996. Technical Corrections to Packet Planner Walgren informed the Commission that Consent Calendar Item 3, page 4, is to be corrected to reflect a maximum height of ~5 feet and not ~$ feet. CONSENT C,~ILENDAR PLANNING COMMISSIINUTES DECEMBER 11, 1996 PAGE - 2 - PUBLIC HEARING CONSENT CALENDAR Chairwoman Kaplan removed Item 1 and Commissioner Patrick removed Item 2 from the Public Hearing Consent Calendar. 3. DR-96-066 - LINDORES; 14545 FRUITVALE AVENUE; Request for Design Review approval to construct a new 484 sq. ft. detached garage at a height of 15 feet pursuant to Chapter 15 of the City Code. The subject property is approximately 76,327 sq. ft. located in an R-1-40,000 zoning district. COMMISSIONERS PATRICK/SIEGFRIED MOVED TO APPROVE PUBLIC HEARING CONSENT CALENDAR ITEM 3 BY MINUTE ACTION. THE MOTION CARRIED 7-0. 1. SD-96-005 & UP-96-004 - EITZEN; END OF OLD OAK WAY; Request for Tentative Parcel Map approval to subdivide a 31.1 acre hillside parcel into four individual lots of 5.6, 3.1, 2.6 and 2.2 net acres. Approximately 17 acres would be dedicated as open space. Use Permit approval is requested to allow the four lots to be clustered together, thus allowing the open space dedication. Lot 1 is proposed on a City Code identified minor ridgeline and Lots 2 and 3 are along a major ridgeline -more restrictive building height limits are applied to ridgeline lots. The property is located within a Hillside Residential (HR) zoning district (the applicants are requesting a 90 day extension to the City's mandated six month project review deadline; if granted, City review deadline would now be 3/17/97). Chairwoman Kaplan recommended that a new application fee be collected as the applicant has delayed review of the project. Commissioner Pierce felt that the applicant was trying to confirm to city codes and did not recommend that additional fees be collected. Commissioners Siegfried and Patrick felt that this was an administerial act and that they would not object to a continuance. Community Development Director Curtis informed the Commissioner that the applicant is requesting a continuance to allow additional time to file a variance application. COMMISSIONERS PATRICK/SIEGFRIED MOVED TO CONTINUE PUBLIC HEARING CONSENT CALENDAR ITEM 1 FOR 90 DAYS. THE MOTION CARRIED 6-1 WITH CHAIRWOMAN KAPLAN VOTING NO. 2. UP-96-019 - KWOK, 12297 SARATOGA-SUNNYVALE RD.; Request for Use Permit approval to establish a medical office within a newly constructed commercial building. The medical office would occupy approximately 1,800 sq. ft. of the 3,600 sq. ft. retailloffice building. The property is located in aCommercial-Visitor zoning district. Planner Walgren presented the staff report. PLANNING COMMISSI~INUTES DECEMBER 11, 1996 PAGE - 3 - Chairwoman Kaplan opened the public hearing at 7:38 p.m. Robert Kwok, applicant, informed the Commission that the New Area Medical Clinic was not a franchise business. Commissioner Patrick expressed concern with the proposed signage as she did not believe that it was discussed at the last hearing. She asked if a uniform sign program has been approved. Planner Walgren responded that a uniform sign program has been approved for the project. He further said that logo restrictions were not imposed. Community Development Director Curds informed the Commission that the size and area of the sign was within the sign ordinance as well as the limitation of the approved uniform sign program. Chairwoman Kaplan noted that the floor plan depicts a frame for a future door, noting that there is also an existing door. Mr. Kwok informed the Commission that OSHA does not require the installation of a rear door but that he plans to install one. COMMISSIONERS PATRICK/MURAKAMI MOVED TO CLOSE THE PUBLIC HEARING AT 7:43. Commissioner Patrick said that she did not like the proposed logo. She recommended that a uniform sign program be adopted for business logos as there will be different logos proposed for the different buildings. Commissioner Pierce said that he was not fond of the logo but stated that he could support the logo as it is the business' logo. Commissioner Abshire felt that the logo would be important to identify Mr. Kwok's business. Planner Walgren stated that the Sign Ordinance allows the use of a logo. However, should the Commission feel that it is an inappropriate logo, it can request that it be revised. Commissioner Murakami stated that he felt that the proposed logo would be acceptable for an individual business. He also noted that the Sign Ordinance allows individual logos in a multi tenant building. Commissioner Patrick stated that she felt that the City could require the redesign of an individual logo that is not associated with a specific franchise. Chairwoman Kaplan recollected that the bank located in the Village was prevented from having a logo. She asked if Safeway decided to place a logo in the center that appears to be out of place, would the City have to accept it? Community Development Director Curtis responded that the uniform sign program allows logos but that the Commission has discretion of its appearance. PLANNING COMMISSI~INUTES DECEMBER 11, 1996 PAGE - 4 - Chairwoman Kaplan stated that she did not like the use of multicolors. She recommended that the applicant work with staff to select different colors for the sign. COMMISSIONERS PIERCE/SIEGFRIED MOVED TO APPROVE RESOLUTION N0.96-019 PER STAFF'S RECOMMENDATION. THE MOTION CARRIED 5-2 WITH CHAIRWOMAN KAPLAN AND COMMISSIONER PATRICK VOTING NO. Chairwoman Kaplan asked if her fellow Commissioners received a letter sent by Dora Gren regarding agenda item 1? She noted that a study session was held to address Ms. Gren's concerns. The Commission acknowledged receipt of Ms. Gren's letter. Commissioner Siegfried stated that he called Ms. Gren to inform her that the Commission would be continuing agenda item 1 and that the Commission would take her comments into consideration. Commissioner Bernald said that she contacted Ms. Gren to state her appreciation of the information provided. PUBLIC HEARINGS 4. DR-96-046 & V-96-015 - MUNIZ; 19938 BARONI CT.; Request for Design Review approval to demolish an existing single story home and build a new 2,400 sq. ft. (including garage) two-story residence in its place. Variance approval is requested to allow the new structure to maintain the existing nonconforming yard setbacks. The subject parcel is 4,560 net sq. ft. and is located in an R-1-20,000 zoning district (cont_ from 11 / 13/96 to allow the applicants to present revised plans for a smaller residence; City review deadline is 4/23/97). Planner Walgren presented the staff report. Chairwoman Kaplan opened the public hearing at 7:54. Terry Martin, project architect, said that he felt that the character of the house was maintained. He requested clarification of the City review deadline of 4-23-97. Planner Walgren clarified that a public hearing would need fo be conducted by the April 23 date. COMMISSIONERS PATRICK/SIEGFRIED MOVED TO CLOSE THE PUBLIC HEARING AT 7:55 P.M. Commissioner Siegfried stated that he felt that the applicant has modified the plans as requested by the Commission and that he supported the redesign. Commissioner Murakami stated that he was not present at the November 13, 1996 meeting but indicated that he has reviewed all the pertinent information relating to these applications. Therefore, he would be voting on this item. PLANNING COMMISSION MINUTES DECEMBER 11, 1996 PAGE - 5 - Commissioner Pierce stated that he was not present at the previous meeting and that he would be abstaining from this item. COMMISSIONERS SIEGFRIED/PATRICK MOVED TO APPROVE RESOLUTION NO. DR- 96-046 PER STAFF'S RECOMMENDATION. THE MOTION CARRIED 6-0-1 WITH COMMISSIONER PIERCE ABSTAINING. COMMISSIONERS SIEGFRIED/PATRICK MOVED TO APPROVE RESOLUTION NO. V- 96-015 PER STAFF'S RECOMMENDATION. THE MOTION CARRIED 6-0-1 WITH COMMISSIONER PIERCE ABSTAINING. 5. DR-96-064 - MIROYAN; 15400 EL CAMINO GRANDE; Request for Design Review approval to demolish an existing 2,283 sq. ft. residence and construct a new 5,804 sq. ft. residence in its place, pursuant to Chapter 15 of the City Code. The subject property is approximately 1.11 acres and is located in an R-1-40,000 zoning district. Planner Walgren presented the staff report. Chairwoman Kaplan asked why three driveway entries were needed as the hardscape appears to be massive? Chairwoman Kaplan opened the public hearing at 7:58 p.m. Allen Nikitin, project architect, informed the Commission that an entrance was needed to access the garage and that another one is proposed as a formal entrance to the home. He stated that the existing driveway is u-shaped. The design proposes to connect two driveways. He did not believe that the proposed pavement was excessive. He noted that the property next door has pavement that is nicely landscaped to minimize any visual impacts. He informed the Commission that impervious material is proposed for the driveway. Commissioner Siegfried agreed with Chairwoman Kaplan that the proposed hardscape is massive. He stated that he did not know how often the interconnecting driveway would be used. He asked Mr. Nikitin if he would consider using pervious material? Mr. Nikitin stated that his client would prefer the use of impervious material. Chairwoman Kaplan asked which trees would be impacted by the driveway? Planner Walgren clarified that trees 5 and 6 are to be removed with a replacement value of $7,099 and $1,1293 respectively. Chairwoman Kaplan recommended that the pavement be reduced to save the two trees. Mr. Nikitin said that he would consider redesign but that redesign would still result in a driveway connection. • • PLANNING COMMISSION MINUTES DECEMBER l l , 1996 PAGE - 6 - COMMISSIONERS PATRICK/PIERCE MOVED TO CLOSE THE PUBLIC HEARING AT 8:04 P.M. Commissioner Patrick stated that she did not like the driveway design because it impacts the existing trees. She recommended the elimination of the Monte Vista Drive access and the elimination of the connection. In response to Chairwoman Kaplan's question, Planner Walgren stated that the trees could be saved with the elimination of the driveway connection. Commissioner Pierce did not believe that the driveway connection was necessary as it provides excessive surface. Commissioners Patrick/Pierce reopened the public hearing at 8:07 p.m. Bob Miroyan, applicant, requested the removal of the tree located in front of the home. He did not feel that the trees on the Monte Vista side would take away from the site. He stated that he would agree to a continuance for the purpose of redesigning the driveways. Commissioner Siegfried stated that he would consider approving the proposed driveway connection if pervious coverage is used to save the trees. COMMISSIONERS PATRICK/PIERCE MOVED TO CLOSE THE PUBLIC HEARING AT 8:10 P.M. COMMISSIONERS PATRICK/SIEGFRIED MOVED TO APPROVE RESOLUTION NO. DR- 96-064 WITH THE FOLLOWING CONDITION: IMPERVIOUS MATERIAL IS NOT TO BE USED TO CONNECT THE TWO DRIVEWAYS. THE USE OF PERVIOUS MATERIAL IF IT IS DETERMINED BY THE CITY ARBORIST THAT IT WILL NOT IMPACT THE EXISTING TREES. IF THE CITY ARBORIST FINDS THAT THE TREES CANNOT BE SAVED, PERVIOUS MATERIAL IS NOT TO BE USED. THE MOTION CARRIED 6-1 WITH CHAIRWOMAN KAPLAN VOTING NO. 6. DR-96-052 - PINN BROS. CONST., INC.; 20855 SARATOGA HILLS ROAD; Request for Design Review approval to construct a new 3,850 sq. ft., single-story residence on a 13,940 sq. ft. parcel per Chapter 15 of the City Code. The property is located in an R-1-12,500 zoning district. Planner Walgren presented the staff report. Chairwoman Kaplan opened the public hearing at 8:18 p.m. Chuck Bommarito, construction manager for Pinn Brothers Construction, informed the Commission that he would answer any questions which it may have. • • PLANNING COMMISSION MINUTES DECEMBER 11, 1996 PAGE - 7 - Commissioner Siegfried asked Mr. Bomrnarito if he would agree to shift the home to save the trees? Mr. Bommarito stated that once the home is laid to scale, he does not believe that there would be an impact to the trees. He said that he felt that he could make the driveway work and not impact the two trees. Planner Walgren stated that he felt that the home could be shifted away from one of the two trees. Commissioner Abshire stated that the design of the home was appropriate for the neighborhood. He felt that narrowing the driveway with the use of pervious material would save pistachio tree numbers 4 and 5 for at least five years. Planner Wa?gren recommended the modification of the condition to save the pistachio trees to read as follows: "Modification of driveway to save both pistachio trees. " In response to Chairwoman Kaplan's question, Mr. Bommarito said that the fireplaces would be equipped with gas starters. COMMISSIONERS SIEGFRIED/BERNALD MOVED TO CLOSE THE PUBLIC HEARING AT 8:23 P.M. Commissioner Patrick recommended that future homes in this subdivision utilize this design as it is an attractive one. She also recommended that the architects for the Argonaut Shopping Center look at this design. COMMISSIONERS PATRICK/MURAKAMI MOVED TO APPROVE RESOLUTION NO. DR- 96-052 AMENDING THE RESOLUTION TO REQUIRE MODIFICATION TO THE DRIVEWAY TO SAVE THE PISTACHIO TREES. THE MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY (7-0). 7. DR-96-062 - PINN BROS. CONST., INC.; 13955 TRINITY AVE.; Request for Design Review approval to construct a new 3,872 sq. ft. single-story residence on a newly created lot pursuant to Chapter 15 of the City Code. The subject property is approximately 13,442 sq. ft. and is located in an R-1-12,500 zoning district. Planner Walgren presented the staff report. Commissioner Murakami asked if this was the same design as that of lot 1 as this design seems to have the same floor plan in terms of square footage, etc. Planner Walgren responded that he was not sure if they were both the same floor plans. Chairwoman Kaplan opened the public hearing at 8:26 p. m. PLANNING COMMISSION MINUTES DECEMBER 11, 1996 PAGE - 8 - Chuck Bommarito responded to Commissioner Murakami's question by stating that the site plan for lot 4 was similar to that of lot 1. However, future submittals for lots 7, 8, and 9 would be similar to that of agenda item 6. COMMISSIONERS PIERCE/PATRICK MOVED TO CLOSE THE PUBLIC HEARING AT 8:28 P.M. Commissioner Patrick noted that the use of stucco is being proposed and that she was tired of seeing its use. Commissioner Murakami concurred with Commissioner Patrick's comments and stated that it appears to be the same house as that of lot 1 using a different motif in the front. He stated that he was hoping to see something less monotonous. Commissioner Abshire said that he did not feel that the design fits in with the neighborhood as it is too large and too overbearing. COMMISSIONERS PATRICK/SIEGFRIED MOVED TO APPROVE RESOLUTION NO. DR- 96-062 PER STAFF'S RECOMMENDATION. THE MOTION CARRIED 4-3 WITH COMMISSIONERS ABSHIRE, MURAKAMI AND CHAIRWOMAN KAPLAN VOTING NO. 8. DR-96-063 - VIDANAGE; 12528 SPRING BLOSSOM CT.; Request for Design Review approval to construct a new 3,706 sq. ft. single-story residence on a newly created lot pursuant to Chapter 15 of the City Code. The subject property is approximately 14,004 sq. ft. and is located in an R-1-12,500 zoning district. Planner Walgren presented the staff report. Chairwoman Kaplan asked staff how the applicant was going to buffer the view between this property and the one next door as the driveways run together? She felt that locating the two driveways close together gives the appearance of a double-wide driveway. Planner Walgren said that the planting as shown in the project plans identify the landscaping proposed. He noted that the home is only 18 feet in height. He did not believe that there would be a solar or height impact to the adjacent home. Commissioner Patrick asked if two bay windows appear to project into the required setbacks? Planner Walgren responded that the code allows bay windows to encroach into the required setbacks. Chairwoman Kaplan opened the public hearing at 8:31 p.m. • PLANNING COMMISSION MINUTES DECEMBER 11, 1996 PAGE - 9 - David Britt, project designer, informed the Commission that a planting strip is proposed between the two driveways. He said that the applicant proposes to mound the area with earth and landscape to create a visual barrier between the two driveways. He stated that the use of concrete material is proposed for the driveway. Chairwoman Kaplan recommended the use of pavers or textured material for the driveway. COMMISSIONERS MURAKAMI/PATRICK MOVED TO CLOSE THE PUBLIC HEARING AT 8:35 P.M. Commissioner Murakami stated that he was satisfied with the modifications made to the previous submittal. COMMISSIONERS ABSHIRE/PATRICK MOVED TO APPROVE RESOLUTION NO. DR-96- 063 PER STAFF'S RECOMMENDATION. THE MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY (7-0). 9. DR-96-023 & UP-96-002 - HERNANDEZ, 14626 BIG BASIN WAY; Request for Design Review and Use Permit approval to construct two single story and two, two-story motel "cabins" at the Saratoga Motel in the upper Saratoga Village area. The three existing cottages along St. Charles St. would be removed and the front motel abutting Big Basin Way would remain. The subject property is approximately 11,252 sq. ft. in size and is located in an RM-3,000 zoning district. Planner Walgren presented the staff report. Chairwoman Kaplan opened the public hearing at 8:40 p.m. Dennis Burrow, project architect, informed the Commission that the property owner proposes to replace three substandard cottages with four new cottages. He stated that he tried to maintain the architectural character of the cottages. He indicated that meandering walkways would be proposed between the units. Commissioner Abshire asked how the new parking area would be accessed and whether the parking platform is to be cantilevered out of the property? If the platform is to be cantilevered, what plans are proposed to disguise the cantilever? Mr. Burrow said that the intent of the cantilever is to move the footings away from the trees. He said that the cottage units would screen the cantilever platform and that shrubs and trees will also act as a screen. Mr. Burrow also noted that the existing trees are to remain to act as screening. Commissioner Pierce said that it appears that units B and C are proposed as two units with kitchens. Mr. Burrows clarified that units B and C are designed with kitchen facilities and felt that the kitchen facilities would be a benefit to individuals staying longer than one night. PLANNING COMMISSION MINUTES DECEMBER 11, 1996 PAGE - 10 - Paul Hernandez, applicants' son, provided the Commission with photographs that depict the views of the site along with the existing units. He identified the location of the cantilevered parking area and the existing screening. He also identified the site of the adjacent neighbors. He informed the Commission that a kitchen facility is provided so that individuals can stay for a long period of time if so needed. He informed the Commission that he had a tenant who occupied one unit for a period of eight years. He said that the cottage units are not owner units, but that they are rental units with the larger units designed for long term occupants. He clarified that vehicles would not be going through the property. He stated that he was trying to preserve the existing oak trees as they are valuable commodities. Walter Marchetti, 20701 St. Charles Street, informed the Commission that his rear yard borders this project. He expressed concern with the trees, noting that the report states that no trees are to be removed. He inquired as to the setback of the two story structures and felt that the structures would be too close to his property. He stated that he did not know if St. Charles Street could support additional parking. He requested that the integrity of the residential community be retained versus that of a commercial use. Marilyn Marchetti, informed the Commission that St. Charles Street is a narrow street and that a parking problem currently exists. She expressed concern that St. Charles Street is not feasible for access to the parking structure. She noted that the driveway structure is proposed in front of her home. She expressed concern with the aesthetics of the parking structure; the lack of a guarantee that the cottages would not be used as rental units; and that the two story structures are located too close to the fence, becoming an unsightly view. She requested that additional plantings be required to screen the project should the project be approved. In response to Commissioner Pierce's question, Mrs. Marchetti said that her home is also atwo- story design. Commissioner Pierce stated that at the site visit, he noted that the Marchetti's home appears to be a large, two story structure on a small lot. Chairwoman Kaplan asked if adequate screening would be provided? Planner Walgren stated that landscaping is proposed interior to the project to mitigate aesthetics. Chairwoman Kaplan noted that planting is not proposed between units C and D. Planner Walgren stated that the Planning Commission could require additional screening be planted to mitigate the Marchetti's concern. He stated that the building is setback 20-25 feet from the property line. He informed the Commission that a condition has been included that would require that the parking platform use a decorative paver or stamped color concrete to mitigate its visual impact. Chairwoman Kaplan asked if street parking was being taken away from the area residents with this proposal? Planner Walgren informed the Commission that individuals are parking on the shoulders and that it is not a stripped area. He stated that staff processed the application as part of the motel use and that it was not known that some of the units were being used as rental units. ~ • PLANNING COMMISSION MINUTES DECEMBER 11, 1996 PAGE - 11 - He stated that it needs to be clarified whether the use is that of a motel or that of an apartment- type use. He noted that the parking requirement for a motel is 1 space per unit and that permanent rental units require a garage and 1.5 parking spaces per unit. Betty Riley, 20795 Pamela Way, informed the Commission that Sixth Street is a narrow street and that it is a dangerous street. She stated that she does not like the fact that new people would be coming and going with this use. She also stated that she would prefer to see four small, one story cottages. Mr. Burrow stated that the design of the two story structure is such that the second story is setback further in than the first story. He informed the Commission that he spoke with City Engineer Perlin regarding the proposed parking facility and that it was determined that it would be acceptable to have vehicles park on the street. He stated that he would agree to install landscaping between the buildings as long as drought tolerant landscape material is used. Mr. Hernandez informed the Commission that the height of the second story would not be greater than the existing units depicted in the photos provided. He stated that he would like to provide his visitors with a view of Saratoga. Therefore, he objected to the use of obscured glass as it would not provide his visitors with a vista. He said that several existing units have kitchen facilities. He felt that there was a need of providing units for individuals who want to stay in Saratoga for a period of a month or two. Commissioner Pierce asked if Mr. Hernandez would oppose a condition that would limit the length of stay? Mr. Hernandez responded that he would not like to have a length of stay restriction imposed. Planner Walgren informed the Commission that city codes do not limit length of stays. He felt that an assessment would need to be made as to whether the use was that of a motel or an apartment. He noted that 10 parking spaces would be required if this use is considered a multi- family use. Commissioner Pierce felt that it would he appropriate to consider this issue in a study session. He felt that there was a need in the community for a motel and also a need for short term rentals other than apartments. However, he was not sure which restrictions would be applied. Chairwoman Kaplan stated that she understood the neighbors' concerns of having individuals going back and forth. She stated that she did not want to see cars drive through the motel and damage the existing trees. She asked if there were other parking alternatives? Commissioner Murakami stated that he had no problem with the design but concurred that a study session was warranted to discuss issues of concerns. Commissioner Siegfried clarified that parking requirements are based on the use of the site. • • PLANNING COMMISSION MINUTES DECEMBER 11, 1996 PAGE - 12 - Community Development Director Curtis stated that there is a need for short term housing proposed by the applicant. He felt that the issue may be what would be considered an appropriate length of stay. Chairwoman Kaplan asked what type of vehicles would be allowed to park in the four parking spaces (i.e., RV, trucks, etc.)? She recommended that consideration be given to restricting certain vehicles as the street cannot accommodate large vehicles. COMMISSIONERS PIERCE/BERNALD MOVED TO CONTINUE THE PUBLIC HEARING TO A JANUARY 8, 1997 STUDY SESSION TO COMMENCE AT 5:00 P.M. THE MOTION CARRIED 7-0. Mr. Hernandez invited the Commission to a tour of the facility. Commissioner Pierce stated that he would like to accept the offer of the tour. Commissioner Siegfried clarified the major issue of concern was that of parking. DIRECTOR'S ITEMS I . Schedule of 1997 Planning Commission Meetings: Community Development Director Curtis informed the Commission of the Planning Commission meeting dates for 1997. He requested that the Commission hold on to the information for agenda items continued. COMMISSION ITEMS No items were reported. COMMUNICATIONS ritten 1. City Council Minutes dated I 1 /20/96 City Council ADJOURNMENT -There being no further business, the meeting adjourned at 9:23 p.m. to 5:00 p.m., Wednesday, January 8, 1996, EOC Conference Room, 13777 Fruitvale Avenue, Saratoga, CA Respectfully Submitted, Irma Torrez Minutes Clerk IT\PC121196.SAR