HomeMy WebLinkAbout03-26-1997 Planning Commission minutesc~ ~PLANNI\G COMMISSION MINUT• I~iARCH 26, 1997 •- City Council Chambers, 13777 Fruitva'le Avenue Regular Meeting ------------------------------------------------------------------- Chairwoman Kaplan called the meeting to order at 7:36 p.m. n_, , ~_, , Present: Abshire, Bernald, Kaplan, Patrick, Pierce Late: None Absen~: Muraka:r.i, Siegfried Sta-f: Interim P-a„nine Director Trialgren Minutes - 3/12/97 COMMISS-ONRS PATRICK/BERA?ALD MOVED TO APPROVE THE MARCH 12, 1997 l4=\UTES i~dIT?i THE FOLLC~vING AMENDP!ENTS: - Page 9, paragraph 3, line 2 amended to read: "...to excavate the landsl;de debris ~ tc the bedrock " - Page 9, naragraoh ~, line 3, replace the word ,~}~~n,}; with alt~.rat_cn. - Page 10, paragraph 4, line 4, replace the word b~~~o with buttress. - ?age .4, paragraph t'~ree a-r.er~ded to read: "Ccmmissior_er Patrick said t'~at she r~cticed that no addresses were being provided or_ the building oer-r,its that have been ~ nctic~d." '!HE _~i0'='ICN CARR=ED 5-0 ~tiITE CCi~IMISSICNERS MURA~LAMI AND SIFGFRIED A3S-1`T'=' . Oral Communications No cc:r.:r:ents were offered. Report of Posting Agenda _~rsuant tc Government Code 54954.2, ~he agenda for this meeting was tirooerly posted on Marcr~ 21, 1997. Technical Corrections to Packet No cor-recticns were noted. CONSENT CALENDAR PUBLIC HEARING CONSENT CALENDAR 1. DR-96-068 - MOROYAN, 14961 VIA DE MARCOS; Request nor Design Review approval to construct a 0,151 square foot two-story PL~1NI1~:~ COMMISS~ MINti'TES • :f ARCH 25, ? 997 ~AG~ - 2 - StruCt.:re Cr? a VctCant 40,77 Square foot lot. The Subject parcel is lot 25 of the San Marcos Heights subdivision and is located in an R-1-40,Ouu zoning district (cont. to 5/14/97 at the request cf the applicant tc prepare revised plans; City reV12W dead.=__~ is ~/~/97. -------------------------------------------------------------- CO1~'T~!ISSIOi~ERS PATRICK/= IERCE MOVED i0 APPROV= PUBDIC HEARING CONSENT CALENDAR .^_EM I BY D!=NL~T'E ACTICN. TF'_E MOTION CARRIED 5-0 ;C~:;yI_`/ISSIO?~TERS `~ILR_~KA:ti1I ?~tiD SIEGFRIED ABSENT j . PUBLIC HEARINGS 2. DR-96-061 & SD-89-004.1 - B&N DEVELOPMENT, 21459 SARATOGA HILLS RD.; Request for Design Review approval to construct a new single story, 20 foot tall, 3, 997 sq. ft. home o ~ a vacant 1.u7 acre hillside parcel pursuant to Chapter 15 of ~__~ City Code. T^e applicat_cn includes a request to modify an earlier subdivision improvement condition. The property is located a-t .in ar R-1-4C, C,~00 zoning district. -------------------------------------------------------------- Interim ?lanning Directc -' ~~7algren presented the staf f report . He =~.formed the Commission t"at after consulting vaith the Saratoga F-re Chief, ?ub-ic :ti'orks Department and Planning staff, staff has agreed to waive the requiremer_t to widen the access road to 18 feet. 3e said t'r_at requiring the widening o= the access read t:, 18 _~~t .could cause significant grading and ~ree and vegetat~en r2T.GVal. H2 said twat the ordinar_ce standard is meant tc apply tc r_ew residences, not_ng twat this ~s an existing residence. He i nfor:r:ed t?~e Commission that the Fire Di stn-ct is supporting the request w_th the stipulation that a f_re _~ydrant be installed at t'~e terminus of the turn-around. He recommended approval of the design review and the subdivision map amendment with tie addition of a ccndit-en relat_ng to tze rerecording of a reciprocal easement uet.ve-~__ parcels A and B . Chairwo:r~an Kaplan opened the public hearing at 7:43 p.m. Barry Barnes, B & N Development, informed the Commissicr~ that he concurs ~taith staff' c recomr:zendatic_~. pie noted that t'~e address nor the p-~operty is incorract~y disp~ayed. He informed the Commission that there are two fireplaces proposed and tat he weulu agree to provide one gas burning fireplace. Interim Planning Director ~,alJren stated that an address for the property will be assigned :alt^~' n the next -e.N days and that the records would so ref_ect the correct address. ~erry Jordan, 2143 Saratoga Hi_ls Road, informed the Commission that he resides next door to the proposal. He said that the developr°ient wou-d -mpact nir:Z. 3e furnished the Co-rmi ssio~ with render-ngs cf =~is fa-r.ily room in relatior_ship to the proposed deck. Ee recuested that the -argent area of the deck pe moved to~:ards the :vest for _ rivacy reasons. Ee also ~eauestea t..at the trees be replanted up against the fence tC prGtTlde Ilim with screening and privacy. • ?LAIC\TI\~~ CO~~I_~IISS-01 TfI1J'-'ES T~IAKCH 2~, 1997 FADE - 3 - ~i Interim Planning Director Walgren stated that a landscape elan has not been submitted but that the applicant would be required ~o _rstall replacement trees equal to-a certain value to be planted a=~d to be shown cn a landscape plan prior to the issuance o= b~~ildir_~ permits . Commissior!er 3ernald asked if 1~!r. Jordon has any gees planted alc~g his property lire? Irr. Jc~dan responded that he has a couple of ol:~re trees t__^_at are s_milar to these to be removed. ~1r . Ba Wines stated that he wound agree to plant additional screen t=ees. Iie =nformed the Commission that the location of t=e deck ~.as the only yard area that the property owner would have. i~_att N`adison, 2_459 Saratoga ~-dills Road, said that this _s a neighborhood of three residences and hat this home Would make she ourtr~ residence -__ the area. 3e .nfor:r:ed the Commission that only one car can access the road at a c_ven time. He expressed a safety concern s__ould a second veh_cle access the read at the Same time. He asked i= the access read cc~ald be widened to 14 feet if the r_e-ghbcrs agree to share the cost? As an alternative, he rea_uested that a cut out be installed. He stated that this proposal is closest to _rlis hone and that he would be viewing the garage from his living room ar_d kitchen area and that '=is view of the omen mace would be cbstruc~ed. 3e asked if _t was necessary to have a single story home at a height cf 20 feet? He asked if there was a euuest to reduce the setbac:c, noting that a 10-foot setback is tirop•csed instead o. 20 feet? Into ri:~~ ?lanning Director Walgren said that the home is proposed to ~,~ ,..etback 20 =eet =ro:r. the weste-__ property 1=ne and 10 feet f -~om an existing easement. The easement is proposed ~o be relocated to the ..est so that i t is ors the propert~r .-__~. He stated that the apti~' i cant has in=ormed hi m that he has wo eked out the relocation of the easement ana tnat it ~rlould net be an issue. He said that the relocation of the easement would need tc be resolved between the ~:-o property owners before a building permit is issued. He =__forme~u she Cor:-r.ission that the oria_nal condition to vaiden the read ~.., 20 feet is the standard subdivision requirement for a ...-~ i murr~ access road. 'T'his condition Was included fas part of the 1989 su;^~uivisicn map approva_ without consideration ycf what it Would do to the existing read and setting. He said that the i4-foot road =gas trees, vegetal.on and steep s_opes right up tc its edge. As s~.~ch, widening of the -oad would be a major undertaking in terms cf grading and vegetaticr_ remcva~. to widen the read to 20 fees. He e-~ that a fo:r-=oot turn out could be installed alor_g the side t hat could be supported by a retain ing wall to provide a sufficient turn aro-and. Should a condition be added to require t~~e i~stallation of a turn around, it ~n~ould be subject to further review. He sa.d t^at the recommended _anguage Would be that the app-icant ensures tat t^e read is maintained at a 14-foot minimum ?LA\NI\G COMMISS=01 MINUTES i~-T_ARCH 2 ~ . 19 9 7 PAGE - 4 - • '~ld~ i f feaSl~le, SiAb~cCt tC Planning, ?ublic WOrks, `lre District and C? Ly arbor-S~. reV-eG7. Ccr;~r:lissior_er Patrick said that she did rot ~ i ke to use "if feasib=e" because it i s a word that can be interpret-mod iri rlany ways ara recor:lmended that it be deleted. Interirl Fla„ping Director j;Talgren recornr~ended that the condition be a~~ended to read: ":7iden the road tc la feet subject to the City's twee Urotection, grading, and retaining wall ordinances" (subject to ce City's applicable ordinances). I-`_r. Barnes Stated that he Would agree t0 TJVe the deck a_^_~ 1r Stall gees to protect ~Ir. yladison's ;privacy. Regarding the turrio~.:t iss~.~e, he stated that the road is at 14 feet . He said that he would agree to install a to-Hoot if an area ~.. found ghat would not i~;pact she exist.„g gees. CO`~i~i=SSIO\TERS PIERCE/BER~TALD '~TOVEO TO CLOSE THE PUBLIC HEARING AT Cii:il"l1SS=over PatrlCk reccr~meno2d th2 deletC^ of "insofar as ract_cable" frog: the fcurtr Whereas cf the resol~~tior~ cf approval. She eX~-essed CC~Ce''~ w1t h the grading aria construction of the hOTne and tie future appearance of the Y-iillside. Corir:~,issi ones Berra_d Baia that at she site v_sit, the applicant 1n~0'''i?:ed the CO'T::T.1SS1^ri that undergrcur~d ~rotectlon i~leaSL•.reS ulculd be app_ i ed ~e the h- ' .side . There Fore, retaining walls would not be Wised. Chairwcrr.an Kaplan clar~.fied that the hillside would not be scraped. Into=i-r. ~ ? anning Director ~^;algren concurred w_th the deletion cf the :acraing as recornr~e~:ded by Comrr•.issi over Patrick. Co-r:.:~_ss_cner Pierce stated that he co~,~la support the p-~cject i= a curnc~.~t -s installed and the deck -.. relocated. COI~.MIS SIGNERS PIERCE/3E:~vALD P{^VL'D ?'O A?PRO~TE RESOI„JTICN SD-~9- ~~ ~~4 . 1 AVD DR- 96 - ~~ 7- ;^7I'~H T~iE FOL•LC, ING A?~IEND`~fENTS : 1) I\STALLATION O L•A_NDSCAPING TO THE EAST; 2) DECK TC BE REDESTG~TED AND SHI,TED TO '~rE ;EST; 3) T~iE INSTALLA'='=CN OF A TUR?~OJT; A1V"D 4) C~-:ZINGES TO THE LA_1GUAG~ AS RECOMMENDED 3Y COMM.~SSIONER ?ATRICK. T?iE MOTION CARRIED -1 ~;ITH CCfMISS=OtiER PATRICK VOTI?~TG NC AND COMMISSIONERS MURAKAMI A~\D ST_=GFRIE'D ABSNT. 3. DR-96-071 - McNEIL & HOWELL, 18642 MONTEWOOD DR.; Recuest for DeSlgr'i ReVleW a~UrotTal tC deli:OllSh a-. eX~.Sting ~ , 5~~ SCUare foci o.e-story residence and tc ccns~ruct a new 4,996 scruare foot two-story residence in =~~ place. The applicant is C] r:L1;?~T11TJ COi~IyTIjS! O~ N__1J1~S LARCH 25, =997 ?AGE - 5 - U requesting an exception to the floor area reduction requirement. The property is 43,996 square feet and is located in an R-1-40,000 zoning district. -------------------------------------------------------------- Interim Planning ~-rector :algren presented the staff report. He =___ormed trig Co-r:mission that corres~oncence has been received from. ~b~as 3aghshenas, 155;10 QU_tG Rcad, a~dress=ng _~ivacy a~o storm drain i sues and traffic sa=ety concerns !i.e.,vs-ght ?risibility and access being cbstructea to pedestrians die to the over growth c= vegetation at the base of the property along Quito Road) He said that these _ssues ~zave been addressed ~__ the conditions of acprc-.ral. He in=or-r:ed the ~omm-ssicn that since receipt of the letter, Pubic G.crks Department has cleared the vegetation, el'minating the s_ght visibility croblem. A second letter was submitted by Carole and Robert Williams, 1?38 Bent Drive, owners of the u=~2Ve_C:,ed parcel raising a broader range o- issues. cha i r~,%c:~ar Kaplan asked hew :r..uch area _s oroposed tc exceed the allo-Jable floor area? ___teri:~ ?ianni rg Director ~^?aigre^ resUonded that aU:~rcximate-y 394 square feet would wave tc oe eliminated if t~_e Floor area exception was denied. C~airwcman Kaplan opened the oublic hearing at 8:19 p.m. Laura ti^,~atkins, applicant, stated that in desicning the home, she tried to preserve the prcoerty and the exist_rg oak trees. If the exception tc the floor area reductior_ is denied, it would reduce tl-ie play area for the children, notir_g that t=nee quarters of the space _s located on the first -leer. This design would meet her grow_ng fa-r.ily's needs. one Baia that she Shares the same concerns arl'u t. e gals that tie ne_ghbors ha~Te ~ ~ . e . , dra, rage, screens ng , et~ . ; . Chris Spald_ng, nrC]ect architect, addressed t_"_e COrcerr: for privacy. He said teat the plans depict two small windows that world look cut towards the direction: of the vacant lot . He said that the acp~_cant wou-d be w'lling to plant additional trees to provide screenir_g. He informed the Co-r:-r:issicr: that some trees may have bee~ miss surveyed and that they may be able to be retained. Regarding the issue of the dr-veway, he said that the driveway was ^es' gn-mod per the f.re department' s reco:rmendatic~ . If t'~e owner o. the vaca t lot is gill=__J tc share =__ the construction of the dr_ve:~ay, are attractive one can ~^e =__stalled. pie said that the drive:~aiT, drainage and grading will be designed by an engineer. He felt that these issues can be addressed at a staff level. Robert :., . ~ti~i"jams, 1138 Sent Drive, Campbell, sa_ d that he was not contacted by anyone regarding the proposal and that his rirst knowledge of this request was upon receipt of the public notice. He sa-d t'_:at some o- his concerns expressed _n his letter to the Commission have been mitigated. He recommended that the roof P~SIVVI\G COMvlISS-O\ 1VI\JTES T~:ARCH 26, 1997 PAGE - 5 - • g-~~ `e r sra_rage and surface runcf f be diverged to the creex . He sa=u coat the aesthetics cf the drip=2.~ay ~-gas pct a preble:r:. rie sa-s that =__ his review of the pro~ect'c file, he could not find than a ~eotechn-cal analysis has beers consuctes to dote-mine the suitabi=-~y of the soil as a base for a road. Herecom-r:er_des that she geotechnical engineer be required tc __~ves~_gate this issue. .?e addressed the request for f_cor area reducticn. Fe expressed concern that a two-s~cry home is pro;:osed. pie felt trial the home is being crammed to the northeast corner. He suggested thac the v_sible mass of the u.~ild-ng ;west facing wa-i be mitigated Lo e_-urinate the bonus room. _h_s would resul~ in that room overlcc]cing his home . ~= a_r~cman Kam=an =reformed NTr. ~ti~illiams that all construction is subject to engineer' ng standards as part of the review crocess . She noted that ~~ir. v^~11? lams ^C2S nCt ~ave a riOiT:e constructed on hi S lOt and asked how he would know what the impact of t^ae two story home world be? Paul ~+7a__Cy, 1855 ~~TCnteWCCd Dr1Ve, aS'{ed 1f th 2 road easeiT'ient ~tiould be locates on his _nroperty? pie asked if a 30-foot front Set,^,a^{ 1S "ropCS2Q? Tie sail than the garage apcears to be with-n she __cnt se~back requ_rements. Inter=r.1 Planning Di-~ector Walgren sa_d that the garage -s with_n the secbac:~ requirement. DOr1S Cd_rieal, 18534 :~ICrites~OCQ Dr-Ve, eX~reSSed CCricern wi th the n'.A?C,^,-crlIlg GL tree nC-r:e. Shc Bald ~riat ...Te_ she pass several years, .,eV2ra_ 1nd~V=dualS, =ncy'acing emerge?=Cy Ve _^_1CleS have CCm2 ~C 2r __c•-~e asking where ch=.. lot i s located. There are ~~calyptus crees crI the ,._~e that are a azard to the power _=r_es !trees 13 and 14; .~rd felt ghat they needed to be heavily popped or ~ru_~eci. Charles Colvin, ren-~esenting his parents w~IO reside at 18754 l?onte:~~ocd Drive, asked i= there would be an easement. He said t^at ~'.e access rcas was wisened approximately 2u years ago and asked if _~ wools be forth er wider_ed? He asked why a floor area reducticn is be_r~g reques~ed. ie also asked when construcc_en is to commence and c•crstructior to be ccm~leted? He said that h_s main concern was the easeme~~ required fe-~- the access road and who would be paying for its construction. Pius Soleimanpcur, 18592 Mcntewood Drive, expressed concern with tree access road. He askes if the access road is to be paved accord_ngte city standards a~d when is it being installed? Are easemer_ts going to be required? Is there to be colr~pensation to the exis~ir_a :=o:neowne-s? He recommended that the bottleneck on Quito toad be rr:it_cated. '_-ie said ghat he dis not agree that chore was a ~redor.Iinar~ce of two story homes =__ the rieighbcrhoos. Ab.^as ?~ag:~shenas, 155C'G Quito Rcad, informed she Comma scion that rye resides across t e street from tn1S ~-~C]ec~. He prOVided t e • • _ _~T1I?~G CvNMISSICN ?~IINT~TEB PfARCH 2i, i9y7 PAGE - 7 - Commission w_th a phc~ograph depict_ng the existing :~~ome on the subect property. He noted that his family room, children's room, living ?-eG:r. and his library, would have a view of the upper portion o~ the existing hcme. If a second story is built, it would also be v_siule . He felt that additional screening and the -nstallation of fencing ~~GUld :mitigate his privacy ccncerr_s. Aso, or concern is st•cr-r: d_ain. He sa_d that ~aa~er is coming down t'_e nil? onto Quito :~oac aria than It drains GntO '_~ls property. When the ca~cn basin is plugged, ~.ater runs Gff to she creek. pie Said that flood -nSUrance does L=Ot COVe'_'~ this rui10~~ problem. The :T.OSt 1'T;pOrtan~ 1SSlA2 1S ghat c public and traffic safety as the property goes from seven feet t0 Crie =00t Of V1Slbiilty. F'ie SalCl that a CCUpl2 Of accidents ~~ave Occurred due to the one foot rarro~v shoulder. T-ie said that he ~.=:,uld support the cons ruction of a n-ce hone. Busan Robert, 1875 ~'icn~ewood Drive, stated that she was d_sapocinted that she was r_ot notified of the proposal. Bhe said that the res_der<<..s of the -lag lot Would use her paved driveway to access the property. Bhe expressed concern Wit= the use cf per driveway and its decay ~f~_t'r_ additional use. She a.so expressed concern witr~ the safety cf pedestrians and traffic with the TT ccr~dition of Aus~-r ~~aZT. ~2s:mcnd Johnson, 151zs1 Becky Lame, informed the Commission t'I'iat he owns the property located across the street on Austin Way. He expressed concern with the trees and the visibility of the home . He e^uested that as *rany cf the existing trees be maintained. He felt that tie home was well t =ought c~.:t and designed to preserve the oak trees` He -~eQuested that additional =andscaping along the creek be reuui-ed to+provide additional privacy. i~_r. Spald=ng infor-r.ed the Cc:rm~sslon that the drlveway serves four lots and that it would stay caith the cur re~t easement. The d--ve•~ay teat i s partially Waved and graveled would be paved. pie sai.^ ~':at the fire department requires that an all surface road be installed. It is proposed t0 install a woad base with an asphalt to_oUing because the road Would get damage during construetior_. Ye said that the CW'_'ier would be willir_g to install additional screen gees. The house was designed so than it loo'.{s oat to the south, a.:ay from the neig~ ;ors concer~:ed about their privacy. He said t .at tree east elevation :•~culd be facing Quito Road and tHat One bay ^.i rdc'sti iS t0 be _CCateC Ori ~he ScCO=?G~St:~r~' hat WO~.l1Q be looking our onto Qu' t.. RGad. He r~c~ed that t e hcme ~~ould be set^ack a~prcxim~ately 30 =eet further back =rcm Quito Road. Interir:z Pla^__=ng Director ~tiTalgren said that the dust created during ccr~strwc~ion ~aculd need to be wetted down during ce~astruction . CC~1`!ISBICNERS PIERCE/PATRICiZ MOVED TO CLOSE THE PJBLIC HE'AT_2ING AT x:52 P.M. ?LP.I`TVI\G COMMISSIO\ M\JTES PfARCH 25, 1997 PAGE - 8 - • __ terim ?lanr_~__J D-_eccor ~,algren said ghat an er_gineered grading ana drainage p_an GJas submitted. Pric_ ~O trie 1SSUariCe Oi perm=tS, these plans GJOU~d weed to be reviewed by tre City's consulting geologist, t e City' .. engir_eering scat= ar~d the Santa Clara Va' ley ~•ater ~istr,ct. Tie inten~ is tc colle~~ she runoff and direct it doGrr_ into an outflow i^ the Sar_ `~'hc-r:as Aquino Creek so that ~c does not ste=t -1cw ~c the west, east or soot:. He said that there may be some sheet flow along the exist_ng driveway length all the way to P~Iontewccd Drive that would be similar to what currently exists. Regarding the roadway, he indicated than the roadway is not subject tc the geolog_st's -~evieVJ. rOGJ°V2r, a preliminary plan ~_as been s~,~;^m_tted at time of application submittal ar_d that it has been ~:~ade available for public revi ew. pie said that t':e design is ccr:-~atible with t e city's roadway requirement . Regarding the Quito Road improvements, he felt that the-Public Works Department has addressed the concern to t~!e degree that the applicant should be subject to relat_ve to construction cf the no-r:e . He stated that to city's public noticings are based on the most recent tax assessor's roll. T_ndividuals witnir~ ~OC~ feet are sent notices and teat ...raft would investigate why a long term resident ,vas not noticed. pie said that it would be up to the applicant to apply GJith t~_e city to correct the duplicate street address. Ccmmissiorer Absnire s~atea that severa~ concerns were addressed th_s venir^ Ee sa-d that __~ .eould l-ke to :ave addit_onal time tc study the issues before :raking a decision on the request. Ccr.-r:issioner Fatric~ stated that ..,^e has _i stoned to the concerns of the neighbors and that to concerns may pe due to the Tack of :..nderstandir~g urd nOt review=ng t ze C~ ty' s T ~ les . S^e sa-d that _er ~..oncerr_ regarding t__e two proposed driveways has been addressed `i.e., the tGJO driveways have been cor:lbined to avoid additional ca~re:nent She felt that the proposed home was nice_y designed and that it .gas i n an area that has two story _`:Om2S . ~ n2 noted that t'_'?e ._.orner cf Austin Way GJas r_ct in the City Limits . Ccmmissior_er Pierce said that he GJas fami_iar with the area, noting that it is in an area c= nice homes and that the area is .^eautifully mairta_ned. He felt that the ome would be a nice a^d_ti on to the neighborhood. He acknowledged tie problems Or: Quito ~cOad '^i~t dia not belleVe that t'_"_ey Can b2 'T1tlgated ~1r_IeSS a major Uubl-,.. wcr~cs project is undertake :. He stated ;^~is support of the r. moo= pct . Commissioner Bernald concurred .~_th the cemmerts as expressed by Ccr°imissic„ors Patric:c and ?ierce. She said than she applicant has agreed tc install additional trees to address the neighbor's nri?racy concerns. She reco-r:mended that there be future discussion on the exceptions to tlccr area reduction as the Commission is see-ng :.ore -Gf these type of request.... FLFJ.v\ItiG COPfN?ISSION MINLT~S ~~1 yRC~? 2 5 , 19 ~ 7 FAZE - 9 - COMMISSIONERS PATRICK/PIERCE vIOVED TO APPROVE RESOLliTIO\T DR-95-071 AS RECOMM=ITDED BY S'T'AFF. THE MOTION CARRIED 4-0-1 WITH COP/_P~!ISSIO\ER ABSHIRE ABSTAINING AA\D COvi~IISSION=RS MJRAKAMT_ AND SI=GFRIED APSE\TT. 4. DR-97-004 - AOKI, 19225 BROOKVIEW DR.; Request for Design Review approval to allo's~ a new 729 square foot secor_d story and 10 sq. ft. addition to the existing firs floor of arl existing 2,255 so~:are foot or_e-story residence. The property is 9,375 square feet, and -s located -n an R-1-10,000 zoning uistrict. -------------------------------------------------------------- ~~er-m Plarr~ing Directo_ Tvalgrer presorted the staff report. Chairwoman Kaplan opened the p',,:blic hearir_g at 9:02 p.m. '1s. Aoki, applicant, adaressed tze design of the home and requested Ccm-r.ission a~Uroval. COtiI~i=SSIONERS BERNALD; PIERCE `MOVED Tv CLOSE THE ?JBLIC ~iEARING AT ~:u3 _ .i•I. ~.CmI'l1S S1Cner _ =e''C2 Stated that he did :"lot _^_aVe an CCpCrt',1"alty ~C see tre home b'.:t that he was -ami-iar with the neighborhood. He said that he was a little ccnce~'n with approving a second story ho:re in t e neighborhood. However, the recruest appears to be reasonaule design of a second story home. Co:r.-ri ssioner Patrick said ghat she was also familiar wit': the r_eiahbcrr~ccd. As there was .:o nei ~hbor^ood ooccsition to the second story addition, she ccu~d support the request. Co.<<mi ss_oner Abshire felt that the r_eigrborlood was moving tc.eards a twC-story neig^~,orrood as ind=viduals reed adaitional living pace and that he would support tre request. C0~1'f=SSIOVERS PATRICK/BER\ALD MOVED TO APPROVE RESOLtiTIO~T DR-97- +~04. THE NOTION CARRIED 5-0 L•dITH COMMISSIONERS MJRAKAMI AND SIEGFRIE!;~ ABSENT. 5. DR-97-006 - ROGAN, 20281 ORCHARD RD.; Request for Design Rev i e.•r approval to dor:lolisYl mayor oortions of ar existi~':g or~e- ..tcry 1,945 square =oot -esiderce and c:,nstruct a new 2,31 suua re =oot t'vb'O-Story hC-r.e =__ 1tSX'i-ace . ^_'he apps=cant i s reouest_rg an exception to tree floor area reduct_on req_uire:r:ent. The property is 8, ~80 square feet and i s -orated in an R-.-~0,00~~ zooming district. -------------------------------------------------------------- ?nterim Punning Director Gdalgren presented tre staff report. He informed the Co:rmission that staff received two letters and that trey ~~ere attached to the staff report . One of tree letters was in • PLA\NI~T;~ CC`~IvIISSION MINUTES P~IARCH 2 ~ , 19 9 7 PAGE - 1C - support o= the request by an area resider ~ . '.'he ether letter ~ s from a r~eighbo-r located ~o the rear of she property expressing concer~ vJith she loss cf moun~ain views. He said that staff took ^is le~ter =__~c cons.deratic__. Staff felt t~:at a large view shed v:-o~:ld remain, ~c~i~a ghat there Were no other optionsJtc site the ho:r:e. Thereore, s~aff reco-~imenas approval of the rec'aest. Chairwoman Kaplan noted ghat cr_e o. the letters addresses the i~clusion cf the old house in the suuare footage. ___terim Fla^ning Director G;algren said ghat a ?,0~~~-_.,ct baseme~~ _.. below grace and that it was not included in ~__e floor area. Hc~•.e.=er, the suuare footac.e does include the Iwo accessory structures. Chairvo:r.ar_ Kaplan opened she pub=ic ^ear~ng a~ 9:05 p.m. Bob Roclcsmith, project architect, informed the Commission that `he property owners warted to design a home that was compatible with teat of to neighborhood. 3e requested Commission approval o. the request. ~~~ : T~ T ~"''~"N_ISS.ON.RS PATR_C{/B=RNALD MC~,,D '.'O CLCSE T3= FJB~-C HARING A^_ 9.,,7 P.if. Co:rm_ss_cners Pierce and 3e-rnald felt that the design was a charming one and that it would fit nicely with the neighborhooa. Co-r:m; ssi cM~er Abshire stayed that ^e was syri_;,athetic to the -~aivid-:a.s 4vith single s~o-ry hcr-ies. He said that this was a factor to cor_sider. However, in this instance, the applicant designed the horse tc impose c~ the neighbors as li~tle as possible. "herefore, .e would support she recuest. CG'r'~_=SSIG\ERS F%~TRICK/FIERCE ~IvVED TG AFFROITE RESOLJTION DR-97-nn~, r:AKING T?~E FINDINGS T G SUFFOR'=' TaE EXCEFTICN TO '='EE FL•CvR AREA REDi~C'='-CN. '='EE PfOTIG\ CARRIED 5-0 ^II'='K COM_~IISSICNERS MURAKATsI AND SIEC=RED AFSE~'='. 6. DR-96-049 - LEE, 21097 COMER DR.; Request or Design Review approval to construct a new 5,439 sa. ft. two-story residence p~~rsuant to Chapter 15 of the City Coae. The subject property is -.95 acres, located in an R-1-X0,000 zoning district. ------------------------------------------------------------- Interim Planning Director :^7a-gren presented tie staff report. He said that staff recommends teat the applicant submit a muted earthto-~e mater_a= boars _~= this project. Cc~:m=ss-over Absh ire pelt ghat the ho:r:e would be visible to areas ,,-_~•:^J. ~e _e_~ what _~ ~JOUlQ ',`~,e °_esS V1S1ble if she home ~~.'as setback ~ 0 =ee ~ further back on the -ot i reverse the rear and f ror? setback; . PLAT\\TI\G COi•?i~IISSIO\ 1':_ti.T1=B .~_ARCL 25, X997 PALL - 1. - Chairwoman Kaplan stated that Commissioner Abs:~i re' s recom-nendatior_ would make the home vis_ble to the val?ey floor. =rteri~r ~ ' ar_ning Director :tialgren said that There was not enough room to shift the home to the north due to the 25-foot setback r~c~a-cement from ~he lanasl_de . Char.-~eman Kaolan opened the pub=ic ~ear'_ng at 9:18 p.m. _erry :ra-tin, project architect, stared teat the home could not be moved to she north because it would impact the hillside. The ho:r:e could be meved ten feet closer ~o Comer Drive. He aid not knew ~~hether 5, 1C cr 15 foot setback wcu-d gain much in terns of vis_bility. He said ghat tZe design is for a single s~ory element Frith a basement. He relt that the single story design was handled _-- the best way possible . Cha-rwoman Kaplan inuuired about the grading activity. She asked ~.~here all the dirt is gong to uo? _~I-r. Martin stated that most of she di=~ wili be transported oF= site. Ccmr:issioner .?erce said that he enco~~rages the design of basements. pie said that a 25 foot tall home, including the basement vaculd require some digging. rterim Panning Director 6aaigren stated that the Commission needs to keeti in m_^d that should the house be moved to the west, it would be sited at a higher elevation. ~~-r. vla~tin felt that a solution to the concern was to lower the rc•of pitc~ to m=~=gate the ~r-sibility concern. Cc:r:-r:issioner Abshire stated that the design was that of a high, f-ont orof_le hone. He felt that the homes to the east would be lockir_u at this h=~h o~-o=ile home. C hairwoma-~ Kaplan felt that one thing that would make the home less viS1b!e wOUld be t0 Charge the COlOr of the home. CC'r%=SSOKTERS PATRICK; BERK?A=,D :~IvVED TC ;.LvSE '~'EE =UBLIC HEARI\?G AT 9.23 .:r:. Co:r.:r._ssicner Patrick said that she ~:aould suU~.;ort the reuuest if the roof color was muted ~a_th earth tone colors, subject. to staff's approva' and that there is a redact-on in roof oitc^:. She stated that s~_~ also supports the use cf basemertti. She felt than should the hone be v~tback fu-~ther, _t would -mpact other views. Cc-r::n_ssi or_er Abshi-e stated teat he would have a problem approving the request as it is a hig. p-~ofile lot and that it ~rould be • PL~?~TNIN~:~ COMMISSION MINUTES v!ARCH 2 ~ , 19 9 7 PAS= - -2 - • vls-ble tO ~h2 =cures tO tie east. 3e fe!t that anO~h2r ..~cSlgn would mi~iga~e his concern. Commissioner Fierce said than ^e u~~derstcod Commissioner Abshire's co~cerr~ but that e would support the reques~. C_airwoman Kaplan said ghat she would support the request if the color cf the roof is changea and ~~e witch of the roof is lowered. CO~~IISSIOtiERS PATRICK/FIERCE MOVED TO AFFROVE RESOLUTION DR-9~-049 T'=TH '='~i=' S"=FULATION ''•'EA'-' :•tiIT': ROOF ~'OLORS ~ ~ PE T~'U'='ED PER STAFF' S AF?~cO~%AL Ai1D '='EA"_' TF?E FEIC~iT A_\!; T~iE _ =iCii C- TIDE ROOF IS TO BE F~=DJCED BY 1.S FEET. T=iF MOTION CARRIED ~-1 WITH COMMISSIONER ABSKIRE VOTINv Iv~O AND C0~1~IISS=ON,RS I~URAKA.'~II AND SIEGFRTED ABSENT. DIRECTOR ITEMS I~~terim Pianr:ing Director G7alg-ren addressed the grading activity that has occurred ors parcel A or Saratoga Rills Road. He said that a grading _„scector would b2 sent to ir_vest_aate if a grading permit is needed for the grading that is making c-ace. Staff would TOn-~Or tie StOCk ~'_=ng twat -S cccurr-ng and make S;re tia~ the stock ~-1e is _emcved be=ore fall a~._ves. Re informed the Co:r~::~ission that she _c-~operty owner ^as _mplemented e-~csicr: cor~rol measures. COMMISSION ITEMS - . :GNU Grc~.~p; Lig ting _ =an for Quito Vii_age Shopping Center. ^he p-'c=ec~'s electrician and Susan Bowers responded to questions raised by the Commission and demonstrated t:~e proposed 1=ghting sys~em. BY CONSENSUS, THE COMMISSION APPROVED THE LIGHTING PROPOSAL AS PRESENTED BY THE APPLICANT. Cha~r:•..,~r.an Kaplan Tu--~r_srea spa== w_~h a F-r_deYs {eeper's li~era~ure packet dis~ributed at the Planning Commissioner's Institu~e cn "firdi~gs." She recommended tat the document be c_rculated among Lhe Commissioners. She said that one cf the session's S'f!2 attended was entitled "Why Develop." She sa.d that Dor: :~7eaen , Santa Clara Co~~:nty Manning Department , made a presentation on ^:ova well she cities in Santa Clara Cour_ty are aging. ~cmmissioner Bernald said t'r_at after atteending the P_anner'c Triti~ute seminar and hearing ocher cities' situa~ions, she a~~.'"aCi a`ea ~~atf and the_- proressi onalism tremeriQOLi ~ V. She Salo ghat she a~tenaed she T~arch 17 Bicycle Advisory Cornm_c~ee meeting. She infor-red t^e Commission tzar efforts are being made tc install t~e Juan Bautista ae Angeles A?atural ~iistoric Trail ccnnectio~? that • • ?! ~AI~\TI\i~ CONIv1ISS_O\ If_\J1 ='S r~ARCi 25, ~ 997 _ ACE - _ 3 - is proposed to gc th_cug Sa-~atega cn t^e Southern Pac-fic Railway area easement. C o:Ttm-.. .,-crier Patri ~i{ t2~t tnGl. the Commisslon 1S ferturiate tO '~aV2 _~s staff. She sa_d that she found tie find_na's session ~c be i_=u-r._nat_r~g and tat she =cund the transUcrtaticn sessions interestir_~. 2. Appointmen~ of New Commission C~air & Vice-Chair. BY CONSENSUS, THE COMMISSION DEFERRED THE APPOINTMENT OF A NEW COMMISSION CHAIR AND VICE CHAIR TO ITS FIRST MEETING IN APRIL. COMMUNICATIONS Written 1 . C_my Cour_c_= I~' nutes dammed 2/2/97, 3/5/97 ~ 3/11/97 2. Pia~ning Commission \c~ices for x/9/97 3. Pla~r~ing Co:rmissior notices for 3/25/97 City Council ADJOURNMENT - Tr~ere being nc furthe ~ busi _~ess, t:~e mee~- g adoa-~ned at 9:~2 p.m. to 5:0~ o.m. , 64ed_~esday, Apri' 9, 1997, EOC Cc~ferenc~ Rccm, 13777 Fr:~itvale Avenue, Saratoga, CA Respectful 1y S~b~itted, T_ r:r.a Torre z Ti n:~~es C=erc IT\PC032697.SAR