HomeMy WebLinkAbout06-11-1997 Planning Commission Minutes+_ " ~ANNING COMMISSION MINUTE JUNE 11, 1997 City Council Chambers, 13777 Fruitvale Avenue Regular Meeting Chairwoman Patrick called the meeting to order at 7:30 p.m. Roll Call Present: Abshire, Bernald, Murakami, Patrick, Pierce, Siegfried Late: None Absent: Kaplan Staff: Interim Planning Director Walgren Minutes - 5/28/97 COMMISSIONERS PIERCE/BERNALD MOVED TO APPROVE THE MAY 28, 1997 MINUTES WITH THE FOLLOWING MODIFICATION: - Page 7, paragraph 1 amended to read: "Chairwoman Patrick supported the use of basements. However, she noted that lGOEeirtl this basement is above ground. THE MOTION CARRIED 6-0 WITH COMMISSIONER KAPLAN ABSENT. Oral Communications No comments were offered. Report of Posting Ag n~da Pursuant to Government Code 54954.2, the agenda for this meeting was properly posted on June 6, 1997. Technical Corrections to Packet Interim Planning Director Walgren informed the Commission that there was one correction to agenda item 1, page 7. The last paragraph should be corrected to read June 11, 1997 as the approval date. CONSENT CALENDAR PUBLIC HEARING CONSENT CALENDAR PUBLIC HEARINGS 1. DR-97-011 - CHAPMAN, 20238 HILL AVENUE; Request for Design Review approval to construct a new 6,059 sq. ft. two-story structure and a request for an exception from the floor area reduction requirement for structures in excess of eighteen .~~ ~ • PLANNING COMMISSION MINUTES JUNE 11, 1997 PAGE - 2 - feet in height on a 43,691 square foot parcel pursuant to Chapter 15 of the City Code. The property is located in a R-1-40,000 zoning district (cont. from 5/28/97 to revise plans to reduce tree removal; City review deadline is 11/7/97). Interim Planning Director Walgren presented the staff report. He informed the Commission that the applicant has submitted landscape plan which indicates the pervious/impervious material and decorative paver treatment to be used. He noted that all of the city arborist's comments have been incorporated in the grading and drainage plans and that it clarifies which trees are to be retained or il emoved, complying with the tree protection measures requested by the Planning Commission. He indicated that the applicant has chosen not to shift the house to the east and that it has not been reduced in square footage. However, the pool located to the rear of the home has been shifted. He said that staff recommends approval of the modifications subject to the conditions contained in the resolution. Chairwoman Patrick opened the public hearing at 7:38 p.m. Walter Chapman, project designer, stated that efforts have been made to address the arborist's concerns. He said that shifting the home would impact additional trees. He provided the Commission with a new table listing the trees to be impacted. He noted that only 8 of the 40 trees on site are to be affected and that only 2 of the 18 oak trees are to be affected by the project. The other six trees to be removed are either bay trees, laurel trees, or pine trees and are not considered prime value by the arborist. He said that 8 oak trees are to be planted. The house is sited behind two oak groves because it is an area that would be the least impact to the oak trees. He said that the required front setback is 57 feet and that the project proposes a 76-foot setback. The greater setback would reduce the home's impact from the street because it would be screened by the two oak groves. John Aldrich, landscape architect, addressed the landscaping and pervious coverage of the site. He said that the total surface, including the swimming pool, pool deck, and patio driveway, is proposed at 10,474 square feet. He said that interlocking pavers would be used along the driveway that is partially permeable and that it would reduce the impact to_ the roots of the existing trees. COMMISSIONERS MURAKAMI/BERNALD MOVED TO CLOSE THE PUBLIC HEARING AT 7:46 P.M. Commissioner Abshire stated his support of the design as presented as it was swell-laid out plan and noted that compromises were made. Commissioner Pierce stated his support of the request as the home appears to be sited well among the trees and minimizes the loss of trees. Commissioner Siegfried also supported the request. He said that the map presented at the last meeting convinced him that the home is surrounded be two story homes. • • PLANNING COMMISSION MINUTES JUNE 11, 1997 PAGE - 3 - Commissioner Bernald said that she would have preferred to see a smaller home designed that would have saved the trees. She noted that the homes in the area are large and that after the site visit, she noticed that a number of trees would be retained. Therefore, she would support the request. Commissioner Murakami felt that the home was too large and understood that it would be difficult to save all the trees located on the lot. Therefore, he would support the request. Chairwoman Patrick stated that she would not support the request as too much pavement is being proposed and its impact to the trees. She also felt that there was too much coverage proposed on the lot. COMMISSIONERS SIEGFRIED/BERNALD MOVED TO APPROVE RESOLUTION DR. 97- 011 PER STAFF'S RECOMMENDATION. THE MOTION CARRIED 5-1 WITH CHAIRWOMAN PATRICK VOTING NO AND COMMISSIONER KAPLAN ABSENT. 2. DR-97-023, V-97-006 - YEAMANS, 14280 ELVA AVENUE; Request for Design Review approval to construct a new 972 sq. ft. second story to an existing 1,877 sq. ft. one-story residence. The project includes a Variance to permit an existing one-car garage to remain where atwo-car garage is required. The property is 7,500 sq. ft. and is located in the R-1-10,000 zoning district. Interim Planning Director Walgren presented the staff report. He said that it was staff's belief that a special circumstance exists to support the variance request in that the alternative would be to significantly demolish the existing home to provide atwo-car garage. He informed the Commission that comments have been received from adjacent property owners to the south. Correspondence has been attached to the report and that photographs have been distributed to the Commission this evening. Staff recommends that the south elevation deck be modified to provide a walkway that would connect the bedroom doors via a stairway down to the grade below, eliminating the large seating area. Staff also recommended that the windows along the south elevation be eliminated or modified to provide for obscure windows. He indicated that a petition was submitted this evening signed by approximately 12 property owners expressing concern and opposition to the variance request of the one car garage. Commissioner Siegfried asked how the public hearing notes dated June 11, 1997 corresponded with staff's recommendation? Planner Walgren identified the adjacent property owners requested modifications (i.e., elimination of the north section of the walkway, providing a small walkway outside the master bedroom; and eliminates the staircase and glass doors that would open onto bedroom number 5). Staff recommends that the staircase be retained if the balcony is redesigned. Chairwoman Patrick opened the public hearing at 7:56 p. m. • • PLANNING COMMISSION MINUTES JUNE 11, 1997 PAGE - 4 - Viole Mahan, project architect, addressed the deck located on the south side of the home. She referred to the redesign submitted to address the neighbors' concerns. She said that it is proposed to fully enclose the deck. She referred to page 2 of the design that shows that the stairs lead up to a deck. She did not believe that individuals using the deck would be able to view the neighbor's rooms, providing complete privacy. She said that she intends to comply with staff's recommendation to address the neighbor's concerns. She noted that the side setback requirement is six feet and that a 22-foot sideyard is proposed. Regarding the issue of parking, she said that the property owner would not have proceeded with the project if it meant destroying the existing home. She said that no changes are proposed to the first floor. She was pleased to see that staff supported the retention of the one car garage and that the findings for the variance could be made. She requested that afour-foot plastic protection fence around the trees be allowed instead of staff's recommended five foot chain link fence. The arborist has recommended that two trees be removed or as an alternative, that the trees be pruned. She requested that she be allowed to retain the two trees and that the applicant would agree to prune the trees to maintain privacy. Commissioner Abshire asked if the applicant considered a design that would include atwo-car garage? Ms. Mahan responded that she did not consider atwo-car garage as part of a submittal package. Commissioner Murakami asked if the applicant shared the plans for the addition with the neighbors? Robin Yeamans, property owner, informed the Commission that she mentioned to her neighbors that she was proposing to add a second story. However, she was not aware that she was supposed to share the blueprints of the proposed addition with the neighbors. She furnished the Commission with pictures that suggest that a view of the neighbors' home does not exist. If a two-car garage is included, it would not allow the structure to remain as it exists today as it would eliminate the dining room and the kitchen area. She said that she is not proposing five bedrooms as one bedroom would be lost to an interior stairway and would be used as a large storage area or pantry (increase from three to four bedrooms). Commissioner Siegfried asked if a tandem garage was considered as part of the addition? Ms. Mahan said that the request was predicated on retaining a one car garage. Interim Planning Director Walgren clarified that staff could not give assurance that a variance would be approved. He indicated that a tandem garage was considered by the staff planner but that it would result in the encroachment of 15 feet into the required 25 foot front setback and that it would result in the elimination of four to five feet of the existing kitchen. Ben Bauer, 14288 Elva Avenue, informed the Commission that he resides adjacent to the property under question. He said that this proposal would impact his privacy. He did not support a one car garage as a four to five bedroom home is being proposed. He said that the photographs provided by Ms. Yeamans were taken in the evening and that they did not truly reflect the privacy concern. He referred to the marked up plans he submitted as a compromise. The recommended modifications include the following: 1) removal of the south facing door with the • • PLANNING COMMISSION MINUTES JUNE 11, 1997 PAGE - 5 - replacement of obscured windows; and 2) removal of the steps to allow a west facing walkway or balcony of no more than four feet in width. If the walkway is approved, it would allow additional foot traffic, compromising privacy. Had the applicant furnished the neighbors with the plans before submitting them to the city, the neighbors could have worked with the applicant. He requested that the requested changes be incorporated in the approval. Lois Svalya, 14277 Elva Avenue, informed the Commission that she resides directly across the street from this proposal. She said that she did not know that an addition was being contemplated until she received the public notification. She addressed the 12 signatures contained in the petition expressing concern with the addition. She said that she did not oppose expansions or improvements but that she did not believe that bigger is always better. She addressed traffic safety. She said that Elva Avenue is a heavily used street and that it is a walkway for children, joggers, and bicyclists. It is a narrow street and has inherent parking problems. If the addition is allowed without provisions for additional parking, it will impact the existing parking problems. She said that the applicant has three cars parked in front of her residence. If the second story addition is added, it would more than likely require additional parking. She felt that the single car parking should have been addressed with previous additions. She did not believe that the proposed changes were compatible to the existing neighborhood and could not be justified. She felt that enclosure of the deck would create another unit. She felt that there are deep seeded concerns by the neighbors that a duplex unit is being proposed in a single family neighborhood. Ms. Yeamans said that a parking problem exists because the Svalyas have a steep slope in front of their area that does not accommodate parking. She said that she has a concrete pad on her site that is used for parking. The addition would allow her to store the items within the addition that are currently being stored in the garage. This would allow her to park her car in the garage. If there is a parking problem, she did not believe that she created it as she only has two cars. COMMISSIONERS PIERCE/BERNALD MOVED TO CLOSE THE PUBLIC HEARING AT 8:23 P.M. Commissioner Murakami said that at looking at the property, it appeared to be simple request. He said that the petition lists a concern of devaluation of property values. He said that the Commission could not consider impacts on property values in its review of the application. He agreed with Mr. Bauer that the window issue should address privacy. It was his belief that the balcony was unnecessary in the front as most designs site balconies to the rear. He said that he was not opposed to two story homes but felt that there was room for improvement. Therefore, he could not support the request. Commissioner Bernard concurred with the comments as expressed by Commissioner Murakami. She said that the petition raises concerns. She noted that the homes improved in the vicinity provide two car garages. Therefore, she could not support the variance request. She agreed that parking is difficult on the street. She said that she would not like to see garages sited in front and that she would support their location to the rear. She felt that the Bauers have a right to request that the balcony and the stairway not infringe on their privacy. She did not find that the • PLANNING COMMISSION MINUTES JUNE 1 l , 1997 PAGE - 6 - home design was compatible with the existing homes and expressed concern with the stairway. Therefore, she could not support the request. Commissioner Siegfried concurred with the comments expressed by his fellow Commissioners. He did not understand the need for a stairway facing the neighbors to the south. He felt that there was room to redesign the addition to make it an attractive one and to address privacy concerns. He said that when the Ciry reviewed remodels for this area, the City tried to achieve two car garages. Commissioner Pierce said that he could not support the variance nor the design request as a four-bedroom home requires atwo-car garage. He did not support the use of a staircase. Also of concern was the traffic impact on Elva Avenue. He did not believe that the diagram provided suggests a predominance of two story homes in the neighborhood. Commissioner Abshire stated that based on the concerns expressed by the neighbors, he could not support the variance. He felt that atwo-car garage was needed and that the addition could be done in another way that does not require a variance. Chairwoman Patrick asked if the applicant would like to have the public hearing reopened to continue the project for redesign? Ms. Mahan said that she did not need to have the public hearing reopened as she would need to consult with her client. COMMISSIONERS SIEGFRIED/BERNALD MOVED TO DENY V-97-006. THE MOTION CARRIED 6-0 (COMMISSIONER KAPLAN ABSENT). COMMISSIONERS SIEGFRIED/BERNALD MOVED TO DENY DR-97-023. THE MOTION CARRIED 6-0 (COMMISSIONER KAPLAN ABSENT). 3. DR-97-020 - SLAVIN, 13033 MONTROSE STREET; Request for Design Review approval to construct a new 3,729 sq. ft. two-story home in place of a 1,441 sq. ft. one- story residence that was destroyed by fire. The property is 14,330 sq. ft. and is located in the R-1-10,000 zoning district. Interim Planning Director Walgren presented the staff report. He informed the Commission that this is the third design that has been submitted to staff. Staff could not support the first two submittals as staff could not make the necessary findings in terms of architectural compatibility to support them. He said that staff could support this design. Chairwoman Patrick opened the public hearing at 8:31 p. m. David Huboi, project architect, addressed the design of the first two submittals. He said that he appreciated working with staff to enhance the design. He addressed the north elevation and stated that only two windows and one stairwell are proposed. The south elevation proposes one bathroom window. He did not believe that there would be privacy impacts to adjacent properties. • i PLANNING COMMISSION MINUTES JUNE 1 l , 1997 PAGE - ? - He addressed the location of the garage and indicated that a grey asphalt shingle roof is proposed. Commissioner Bernald asked if two fireplaces are proposed? If so, she requested that at least one fireplace be plumbed for gas. Mr. Slavin, property owner, agreed to plumb one fireplace for gas. COMMISSIONERS PIERCE/MURAKAMI MOVED TO CLOSE THE PUBLIC HEARING AT 8:38 P.M. Commissioner Murakami commended the applicant and the architect for working with staff. He stated that he liked the design and that he could support it. Commissioner Bernald stated her appreciation that the garage was designed to the rear as doing so adds appeal to the front area. COMMISSIONERS MURAKAMI/BERNALD MOVED TO APPROVE RESOLUTION DR. 97-020. THE MOTION CARRIED 6-0 WITH COMMISSIONER KAPLAN ABSENT. 4. DR-97-025 - SHEPARD; 218®1 MOUNT EDEN ROAD; Request for Design Review approval to construct a 1,977 sq. ft. one and two story addition to an existing 2,911 sq. ft. one-story residence. The subject property is approximately 1 acre located within the Hillside Residential Zoning District. Interim Planning Director Walgren presented the staff report. Staff recommended approval of the project as design review findings can be made to support it. Chairwoman Patrick opened the public hearing at 8:40 p. m. Alex Lesetar, project architect, furnished staff with a set of landscape plans as requested. Pam Shepard, applicant, indicated that the existing home is at 2,900 square feet and that a 1,977 square foot addition is proposed. She informed the Commission that the garage is proposed to be sited to the rear. Commissioner Bernald asked if Ms. Shepard would agree to plumb the fireplaces for gas? Ms. Shepard agreed to plumb the fireplaces for gas. COMMISSIONERS PIERCE/MURAKAMI MOVED TO CLOSE THE PUBLIC HEARING AT 8:42 P.M. Commissioner Abshire said that he found the design to be compatible with the neighborhood and therefore could support its design. • PLANNING COMMISSION MINUTES JUNE 11, 1997 PAGE - 8 - Commissioner Pierce felt that the plans suggest that the proposal would be a good addition and that he could support its design. Commissioner Siegfried said that he could support the addition and felt that the landscape plan would enhance the front area of the home. Commissioners Bernald and Murakami agreed with the comments expressed by their fellow Commissioners and stated that they could support its design. COMMISSIONERS BERNALD/MURAKAMI MOVED TO APPROVE RESOLUTION DR. 97-025 PER STAFF'S RECOMMENDATION REGARDING THE COLORS. THE MOTION CARRIED 6-0 WITH COMMISSIONER KAPLAN ABSENT. 5. UP-97-003 - WORDEN (BP GAS STATION), 14395 BIG BASIN WAY; Request for Use Permit approval to expand an existing mini-mart by converting an existing automobile service and repair facility into a retail space pursuant to Chapter 15 of the City Code. The property is located in the CH-1 zoning district. Interim Planning Director Walgren presented the staff report. Staff finds that the request is consistent with the Village Plan and the zoning regulations for the district. Therefore, staff recommended approval subject to the conditions contained in the resolution. Should the applicant wish to apply for an ABC license, it would be subject to a modification of the use permit. He indicated that the applicant does not propose to modify any of the existing signs. He said that it is anticipated that snacks would be consumed off premises and that he was not aware if there were plans to have tables and chairs located outdoors adjacent to the mini mart. Chairwoman Patrick opened the public hearing at 8:47 p.m. Michael Faulk, project engineer, stated that the design was a standard design. He said that ample parking is provided on site. Dennis Cunningham, 14407 Big Basin, adjacent property owner, stated his support of the mini mart because it would improve the ingress/egress problems and that it would be an improvement to the area. He recommended that the area behind the gas station be made into a parking stall. He recommended that the dumpster be enclosed for aesthetic reasons. He felt that this application provided an opportunity to address traffic congestion. He stated that he supports the mini mart subject to minor modifications. Commissioner Abshire asked where one would be able to have their cars services? Rick Ratra, manager of the BP Gas Station, said that the Shell and Chevron Stations would be able to provide vehicle maintenance/repair. U PLANNING COMMISSION MINUTES JUNE 11, 1997 PAGE - 9 - Otto Crawford, 12471 Green Meadow Lane, supported the comments as expressed by Mr. Cunningham. He expressed concern with egress/ingress as an existing easement exists off Saratoga-Sunnyvale Road that would go through the gas station into Parking District 3. He expressed concern that individuals would be using this easement. He said that staff could not find the ingress/egress easement on the map. He recommended that the ingress/egress area be striped to address traffic congestion. Commissioner Pierce said that a title report would indicate any recorded easement. Interim Planning Director Walgren said that city maps indicate that aright-of--way exists along the northwest side of the property. The right-of--way is a public right of way that comes off Big Basin Way, accessing Parking District No. 3. He said that Mr. Crawford is concerned that there is an additional right-of--way that does not appear on the map that comes off Saratoga-Sunnyvale Road. While the access is still being maintained, he recommended that prior to the issuance of tenant improvement permits, that a title report be submitted by the property. If it is found that a right-of--way exists, that it is not obstructed by the new perpendicular parking spaces. He said that any parking limits would be subject to the property owner as they are private parking spaces and that it is not a part of the Parking District. He agreed that the trash receptacles should be enclosed and recommended that a condition be added that stipulates that this use permit supersedes the 1972 use permit. Mr. Faulk said that he would agree to enclose the trash receptacle. He said that the propane tank would remain on site. COMMISSIONERS MURAKAMI/BERNALD MOVED TO CLOSE THE PUBLIC HEARING AT 8:59 P.M. Commissioner Murakami stated his support of the request. He also stated that he appreciated the concerns expressed by the adjacent neighbors. Commissioner Pierce expressed concern that the City is loosing a place to service cars but acknowledged that the City was not in a position to tell a property owner to remain open if it is not economically feasible to do so. He said that he could support the request. Commissioner Abshire supported the application and said that he was sorry to see the vehicle service portion of the business eliminated. Chairwoman Patrick said that she was glad to see that the propane tank is to remain as it meets a need of the community. COMMISSIONERS SIEGFRIED/PIERCE MOVED TO APPROVE RESOLUTION UP-97-003 WITH THE ADDITION OF THE FOLLOWING CONDITIONS: 1) TRASH RECEPTACLE TO BE ENCLOSED; 2) THIS USE PERMIT SUPERSEDES THE 1972 USE PERMIT; AND 3) THE SUBMITTAL OF A TITLE REPORT TO STAFF PRIOR TO THE ISSUANCE OF PLANNING COMMISSION MINUTES JUNE 11, 1997 PAGE - 10 - TENANT IMPROVEMENT PERMIT TO VERIFY THE LOCATION OF THE EASEMENT. THE MOTION CARRIED 6-0 WITH COMMISSIONER KAPLAN ABSENT. DIRECTOR ITEMS 1. Wong, 21252 Chadwick Ct. -Deck Redesign Interim Planning Director Walgren presented the staff report. He said that this item was before the Planning Commission to inform it that staff is prepared to administratively approve the request, noting that a portion of the left side of the deck is still more than five feet above grade. He said that there is an added benefit in providing a horizontal line at the finished floor level of the building to provide horizontal articulation to what otherwise would be a very large, expanse blank wall. BY CONSENSUS, THE COMMISSION CONCURRED WITH STAFF'S APPROVAL. COMMISSION ITEMS Commissioner Bernald indicated that she and Commissioner Murakami attended the recently held Library Commission meeting. COMMUNICATIONS ri n 1. City Council Minutes dated 5/21 & 5/27/97 2. Notices for 6/25/97 Planning Commission ADJOURNMENT -There being no further business, the meeting adjourned at 9:09 p. m. to 7:30 p.m. Wednesday, June 25, 1997, Civic Theater, 13777 Fruitvale Avenue, Saratoga, CA Respectfully Submitted, Irma Torrez Minutes Clerk IT\PC061197.SAR