HomeMy WebLinkAbout06-23-1997 Planning Commission Minutes~~ A • L. C~ J PLANNING COMMISSION ACTION MINUTES JULY 23, 1997 City Council Chambers, 13777 Fruitvale Ave. Regular Meeting ------------------------------------------------------------------- Chairwoman Patrick called the meeting to order at 7:30 p.m. Roll Call Present: Bernald, Kaplan, Murakami, Patrick, Pierce, Siegfried Late: None Absent: Abshire Staff: Community Development Manager Walgren Pledge of Allegiance Minutes - July 9, 1997 COMMISSIONERS BERNALD/KAPLAN MOVED TO APPROVE THE JULY 9, 1997 MINUTES. THE MOTION CARRIED 5/0. SIEGFRIED ABSTAINED. ABSHIRE ABSENT. Walgren noted that Page 5, paragraph 1 should read: "BY CONSENSUS, THE COMMISSION CONTINUED THE PUBLIC HEARING TO THE JULY 23, 1997 REGULAR ADJOURNED MEETING." Oral Communications No comments were offered. Report of Posting Agenda Pursuant to Government Code 54954.2, the agenda for this meeting was properly posted on July 18, 1997. Technical Corrections to Packet None CONSENT CALENDAR PUBLIC HEARINGS 1. UP-97-004 (APN 393-01-024, 393-01-025, 393-01-026, 393-O1-027, and 393-01-028) - 12850 SARATOGA-SUNNYVALE ROAD (ARGONAUT SHOPPING CENTER), STARBUCKS COFFEE CO.; Request for Use Permit approval to allow.a new restaurant/coffee shop in an existing 1,169 square foot tenant space, currently occupied by a travel agency, in the Argonaut Shopping Center. Twenty- • • Planning Commission Minutes Page 2 August 13, 1997 four seats are proposed inside; no outdoor seating is proposed. The project also includes a Sign Permit. The property is zoned Neighborhood Commercial (CN). -------------------------------------------------------------- Community Development Manager Walgren summarized the staff report indicating that based on the Center's established commercial use and with proper conditions placed on Starbucks, this request could be supported. Additional letters from the neighbors were distributed to the Commissioners. Chairwoman Patrick opened the public hearing at 7:40 p.m. Ed Storm, representing the applicant, stated that the proposed use was consistent with what is allowable and requested approval. Other speakers providing background for Starbucks included: Ron Taylor, Paul Bosman, and Linda Jonas and Panos Joulios from Los Altos. Neighbor, Chris Hawks, expressed concern due to increased traffic. Eric Morley, Saratoga businessman, welcomed Starbucks. Marguerite Fischer, resident, would be greatful for a clean establishment at Argonaut. COMMISSIONERS PIERCE/MURAKAMI MOVED TO CLOSE THE PUBLIC HEARING AT 7:55 P.M. A summary of the Commissioners' important concerns is as follows: Commissioner Kaplan expressed dismay over a lack of cleanliness and over trash littered throughout the Argonaut Shopping Center. Wanted condition of maintenance if approved. Expressed interest in outdoor seating. Commissioner Murakami questioned whether another location within the Center would be feasible; spoke of traffic and trash issues. Commissioner Siegfried was concerned with square footage, hours of operation, placement of doors and deliveries. Also thought that pigeon droppings were a concern throughout the Center. Commissioner Bernald addressed renovation of the Center, cleanliness and establishing a cleaning policy. Interested in outdoor seating. Commissioner Pierce thought that Starbucks would be an excellent addition to the Center, along with carrying out the upcoming renovation. Questioned the scope of cleanliness for which Starbucks would be responsible. • • Planning Commission Minutes Page 3 August 13, 1997 Chairwoman Patrick referred to possible trash-related problems with carryout, questioned the start of renovation and a conditional use permit to monitor unclean conditions. COMMISSIONERS BERNALD/SIEGFRIED MOVED TO APPROVE RESOLUTION UP-97- 004 WITH TEMPORARY SIGNAGE AND SUBJECT TO THE SUBMITTAL OF A MAINTENANCE PROGRAM TO STAFF. MOTION CARRIED 6/0. ABSHIRE ABSENT. 2. DR-97-029 (APN 397-16-147) - FINN BROTHERS, 14135 TAGS COURT (LOT 5); Request for Design Review approval to construct a new 5,785 sq. ft. two-story home at 26 ft. in height. The property is currently vacant. The applicant is requesting an exception to the height reduction for floor area. The site is 40,424 sq. ft. in size, and is in an R-1-40,000 zoning district. -------------------------------------------------------------- Walgren presented a staff report recommending approval of the project, commenting that if approved, 2 of the 3 lots in the development would then be developed. Chairwoman Patrick opened the public hearing at 8:27 p.m. Applicant, Chuck Bommarito, representing Pinn Brothers, summarized that he agreed with the staff report. Commissioner Kaplan questioned the driveway width and asked that Pinn Brothers commit to two gas fireplaces and two woodburning with gas starters. COMMISSIONERS KAPLAN/BERNALD MOVED TO CLOSE THE PUBLIC HEARING AT 8:40 P.M. Chair Patrick also expressed her concern for the fireplace issue. COMMISSIONERS KAPLAN/BERNALD MOVED TO APPROVE RESOLUTION DR-97-029 WITH THE CONDITION THAT TWO FIREPLACES BE GAS BURNING ONLY AND TWO BE WOODBURNING WITH GAS STARTERS. CARRIED 6/0. ABSHIRE ABSENT. ------------------------------------------------------------------ 3. DR-97-014 (APN 397-16-145) - PINN BROTHERS, 14200 TAGS COURT (LOT 7); Request for Design Review approval to construct a new 5,860 sq. ft. one-story home at 22 ft. in height. The property is currently vacant. The site is 51,236 sq. ft. in size, and is in an R-1-40,000 zoning district. ------------------------------------------------------------- Walgren presented a staff report recommending approval of the project as design review findings could be made for support. He • :. Planning Commission Minutes ~ Page 4 August 13, 1997 pointed out that a letter from resident Applegate was distributed this evening. Chair Patrick opened the public hearing at 8:40 p.m. Applicant, Chuck Bommarito, for Pinn Brothers, requested approval for his project. Commissioner Siegfried questioned the 22' height. Commissioner Bernald expressed concern about the guestroom bath door configuration. Summary of neighbor comments: Neighbor Rich Walker was concerned that the proposed house was not compatible with the other area houses, that he would have no privacy, and that the City was not upholding a 1993 Resolution concerning compatibility. Neighbor Jeff Applegate's issues were height and size, devaluation of his house and that the Resolution be enforced. Neighbor John Teter stated that the project was not compatible with the rest of the neighborhood and that the Resolution be enforced. Neighbor Bob Hortin was also concerned with devaluation of his property and enforcement of the 1993 Resolution. Asked to deny the request. COMMISSIONERS KAPLAN/BERNALD MOVED TO CLOSE PUBLIC HEARING. Walgren stated that he was involved with the Commission's decision to approve the conditions of the Resolution discussed by the neighbors' and that it was intended to be broad. At the City's request, Pinn Brothers has redesigned to meet minimum standards and has not extended to the maximum, which they could. Summary of the Commissioners' comments/concerns: Commissioner Siegfried questioned the lot elevation. Commissioner Kaplan thought the house to be well-designed and questioned the interpretation of "compatibility." All Commissioners discussed the issue of "compatibility". COMMISSIONERS KAPLAN/PIERCE MOTIONED TO APPROVE RESOLUTION DR-97- 014. THE MOTION CARRIED 5/1. MURAKAMI OPPOSED. ABSHIRE ABSENT. ------------------------------------------------------------------ • Planning Commission Minutes Page 5 August 13, 1997 4. DR-97-026 (APN 397-13-013) - ZUTSHI, 19381 SAN MARCOS ROAD; Request for Design Review approval to construct a new 4,752 sq. ft. two-story home at 24 ft. in height, in place of an existing 1,892 sq. ft. one-story home that would be demolished. The existing 962sq. ft. guest house and pool would remain. The site is 53,597 sq. ft. in size, and is in an R-1-40,000 zoning district. ------------------------------------------------------------- Community Development Manager Walgren presented staff report summary stating that findings could be made to approve. Commissioners Kaplan, Bernald and Chair Patrick briefly discussed the shared driveway: surface, width, and the gate. Chair Patrick opened the public hearing at 9:50 p.m. Warren Heid, architect for the project described the parameters set forth for him by the owners. Commissioner Kaplan questioned the circle, planter area, long driveway and hammerhead area to be used for fire trucks. Commissioner Murakami questioned the roof composition, being a slate-like shingle. COMMISSIONERS SIEGFRIED/BERNALD MOVED TO CLOSE THE PUBLIC HEARING AT 9:55 P.M. PASSED 6/0. The Commissioners briefly discussed this project and the hopes that the guest house and the main house be compatible. COMMISSIONERS MURAKAMI/PIERCE MOVED TO APPROVE RESOLUTION DR-97- 026. MOTION CARRIED 6/0. ABSHIRE ABSENT. ------------------------------------------------------------------- DIRECTOR ITEMS 1. Modification of approved soundwall (Kosich Place Subdivision) Walgren explained that the wall would be 7' pre-cast masonry with the appearance of a wood fence. Commissioner Pierce preferred the fence as did the remainder of the Commissioners. Rejected 6/0. CONQ+IISSION ITEMS 1. Topics for August 12 Planning Commission/City Council Joint Meeting. - Air pollution. Gas-only fireplace ordinance. - Tree removal ordinance amendments. - Planning Commission attendance at City Council meetings. 2. Commissioner Bernald advised that the contractor for the Library expansion would be the Spencer Company. Planning Commissio~Minutes ~ Page 6 August 13, 1997 COMMUNICATIONS Written 1. City Council Minutes dated July 2, 1997 ADJOURNMENT - There being no further business, the meeting was adjourned at 10:30 p.m. to 7:30 p.m., Wednesday, August 13, 1997, Civic Theater, 13777 Fruitvale Avenue, Saratoga, CA Respectfully submitted, Marlene Tate