HomeMy WebLinkAbout06-25-1997 Planning Commission Minutes P•NNING COMMISSION MINUTES JUNE 25, 1997 City Council Chambers, 13777 Fruitvale Avenue Regular Meeting Chairwoman Patrick called the meeting to order at 7:30 p.m. R 101 Call Present: Abshire, Bernald, Kaplan, Murakami, Patrick, Pierce, Siegfried Late: None Absent: None Staff: Interim Planning Director Walgren PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE Minutes - 6/11/97 COMMISSIONERS MURAKAMI/BERNALD MOVED TO APPROVE THE JUNE 25, 1997 MINUTES CORRECTING COMMISSIONER BERNALD'S NAME (PAGE 5, LAST PARAGRAPH). THE MOTION CARRIED 6-0-1 WITH COMMISSIONER KAPLAN ABSTAINING. Oral Communications No comments were offered. Report of Posting Agenda Pursuant to Government Code 54954.2, the agenda for this meeting was properly posted on June 20, 1997. Technical Corrections to Packet Interim Planning Director Walgren noted one correction to agenda Item 3, page 3, under the Staff Analysis section, required setback (the setbacks indicated are doubled of what is actual proposed). CONSENT CALENDAR PUBLIC HEARING CONSENT CALENDAR 1. UP-97-004 - STARBUCKS COFFEE CO., 12850 SARATOGA-SUNNYVALE RD.; Request for Use Permit approval to allow a new restaurant/coffee shop in an existing 1,169 square foot tenant space, currently occupied by a travel agency, in the Argonaut Shopping Center. Twenty-four seats are proposed inside, and 14 seats outside. The proposal includes new signage. The property is located in aCommercial-Neighborhood zoning district. (Applicants have requested a continuance to the 7/23/97 public hearing PLANNING COMMISSION•INUTES • JUNE 25, 1997 PAGE - 2 - meeting. City review deadline is 12/16/97.) COMMISSIONERS KAPLAN/BERNALD MOVED TO APPROVE PUBLIC HEARING CONSENT CALENDAR ITEM 1 BY MINUTE ACTION. THE MOTION CARRIED 7-0. Interim Planning Director Walgren indicated that correspondence was received from Mr. and Mrs. Traxler and Mr. Romeo opposing the Starbucks Coffee Company request. PUBLIC HEARINGS 2. DR-97-022 -GREATER BAY CONSTRUCTION, 12308 - 12339 KOSICH PLACE; Request for Design Review to construct seven one-story, and five two-story residences, ranging in size from 3,277 sq. ft. to 3,996 sq. ft. pursuant to Chapter 15 of the City Code. The subdivision of this property was approved by the Planning Commission on September 25, 1996. The lots range in size from 10,005 sq. ft. to 16,257 sq. ft. All properties are located in the R-1-10,000 zoning district. (Continued from 5/28/97 to revise plans to incorporate wood siding and other architectural treatments to improve compatibility with existing homes; City review deadline is 9/7/97.) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Interim Planning Director Walgren presented the staff report. He informed the Commission that all changes requested at the May 28, 1997 meeting have been incorporated by the applicant. Therefore, staff recommended approval of the 12 homes. Chairwoman Patrick opened the public hearing at 7:39 p.m. Marty Oakley, project designer, apologized for not being present at the May 28, 1997 meeting as he was nn vacation. Since the May 28 meeting, he has met with staff and addressed the concerns expressed at the meeting. He addressed the architectural and roof line changes made to lot 8. He said that the elevations incorporate mixed stucco and wood siding. COMMISSIONERS SIEGFRIED/BERNALD MOVED TO CLOSE THE. PUBLIC HEARING AT 7:41 p. m. Commissioner Abshire felt that the proposal is a well-laid out plan but felt that the homes were too large for the lot (too much land being covered by buildings). Commissioner Pierce said that he was not satisfied with the design and finds that lot 8 would be a visible home. Commissioner Siegfried agreed that the homes were large but noted that the lots were good sized lots. Commissioner Bernald felt that this is an over built area. However, she could not make findings to oppose the request. She appreciated the applicant's willingness to redesign the project and eliminate the bulk of the building with the use of wood siding. The combination of brick and the - • • PLANNING COMMISSION MINUTES JUNE 25, 1997 PAGE - 3 - wood siding also helps to break up the massive window. She appreciated the fact that the heights of the windows were reduced and that two different types of stonework would be used to provide a more appealing affect. Commissioner Murakami noted that lot 8 was oddly shaped. He said that the drawings do not depict the details of the architectural design and felt that the house conforms to the lot. He said that he has mixed feelings about the design but that he could not make the findings to deny the request. Commissioner Kaplan agreed that the designs were too busy for the area. She asked if one fireplace could be plumbed for gas? Mr. Oakley agreed to plumb one fire place in each home for gas. Commissioner Kaplane recommended that when an applicant voluntarily agrees to a request, that it be included as a condition of approval. Chairwoman Patrick said that lot 8, plan F is distanced from the street and that it is setback and landscaped adequately. She would support the request as changes have been made to support the proposal. Commissioner Abshire said that each home, taken alone, would be acceptable but that clustering them together would make the area appear massive as the homes are too big for the area. Chairwoman Patrick felt that the size of the homes was compatible with the existing homes in the neighborhood and felt that it was already a dense area. Commissioner Kaplan said that older homes near Saratoga Avenue are lower profiled homes and did not believe that the City could require new homes to be designed with lower profiles. She did not believe that the City could deny the request. Commissioner Siegfried felt that the lots were large enough to accommodate the size of the homes being proposed and felt that there was more space between the homes than in most cases. COMMISSIONERS SIEGFRIED/KAPLAN MOVED TO APPROVE RESOLUTION NO. DR- 97-022 WITH AN ADDED CONDITION TO REQUIRE THAT ONE OF THE TWO FIREPLACES IN EACH HOME BE PLUMBED FOR GAS. THE MOTION CARRIED 5-1-1 WITH COMMISSIONER PIERCE VOTING NO AND COMMISSIONER ABSHIRE ABSTAINING. 3. DR-97-016 -EMERY, 14780 LIVE OAK LANE; Request for Design Review approval to demolish an existing 2,100 sq. ft. residence and construct a new 5,991 sq. ft. two- story residence pursuant to Chapter 15 of the City Code. The subject property is approximately 43,560 sq. ft. located in a R-1-40,000 zoning district. Interim Planning Director Walgren presented the staff report. He said that staff supports the request for a floor area exception as there is a predominance of two story homes in the ~ i PLANNING COMMISSION MINUTES JUNE 25, 1997 PAGE - 4 - neighborhood and that the design review fmdings can be made to support the request. Commissioner Kaplan said that this is the first time that she has seen a home designed as "hi" and that she did not know what it meant. She did not believe that there was a predominance of two story homes in the immediate vicinity. In looking at what was submitted, the applicants defined the height of the roof in their own terms (i.e., a high roof is one that exceeds 18 feet). She took exception to the definition. Interim Planning Director Walgren informed the Commission that the applicant prepared the map referenced by Commissioner Kaplan. Commissioner Bernald asked about the pitch of the roof. Planner Walgren indicated that an 8 and 12 roof pitch are proposed. Chairwoman Patrick opened the public hearing at 7:56 p.m. Scott Emery, applicant, informed the Commission that he approached the design of the home from three key points: the city, the community and the environment. He said that he met with city staff to receive their input on the design of the home. He wanted to make sure that the design fits and enhances the neighborhood. He indicated that he reduced the amount of impervious coverage in the design, the fireplaces are to be plumbed for gas, and that all of the home's systems have been designed for energy efficiency. Laurie Emery, applicant, addressed her discussions with Barry Coate, City arborist, to obtain his comments on the valuation, care and protection of the trees located on site. Taking his comments into consideration resulted in the siting and the design of the home on the lot to protect as many trees and root systems as possible. She identified the trees recommended for removal. Jim Campbell, project architect, informed the Commission that he would answer any questions which it may have. Windy Lee, 14788 Live Oak Lane, informed the Commission that she resides northeast of the parcel under discussion. She said that she did not oppose the construction of a two-story home but requested that privacy trees be planted. Mrs. Emery said that many trees would be retained around the entire property to protect the neighbor's privacy. She did not believe that Ms. Lee's privacy would be invaded as no windows are proposed to face her property. She clarified that three fireplaces are going to be plumbed for gas and that two would be strictly gas burning. She said that the dormer windows are to be nonfunctional shuttered windows and are proposed to break up the roofline. Commissioner Kaplan asked why 900 cubic yards of cut is required? Mr. Emery responded that grading is occurring to level the property and to achieve proper drainage. • • PLANNING COMMISSION MINUTES JUNE 25, 1997 PAGE - 5 - Interim Planning Director Walgren clarified that 400 cubic yards of fill is proposed to accommodate the home and 500 cubic yards is proposed to accommodate a backyard. Commissioner Siegfried asked if the area that includes the dormer windows were included in the calculation? Interim Planning Director Walgren said that the area was excluded and that the plans need to indicate that the area is not accessible nor habitable COMMISSIONERS PIERCE/MURAKAMI MOVED TO CLOSE THE PUBLIC HEARING AT 8:10 p.m. Interim Planning Director Walgren redefined the neighborhood for the purpose of establishing a two story predominance. He included the first row of homes located along Farwell and one row of homes the length of Live Oak Lane. He felt that several two story homes are located along the two streets. Commissioner Kaplan did not believe that the immediate area is surrounded by two story homes. Given the design of the home, she felt that it would fit in with the neighborhood. Commissioner Murakami said that he did not have a problem with atwo-story home in this neighborhood based on the lot and what is being proposed. In looking at the second floor, it is not large in terms of square footage. He felt that the home was reasonably designed. He did not object to the removal of non native species trees. He felt that the grading proposed was reasonable to make the home fit the lot. However, he expressed concern with the driveway and the use of impervious material. Commissioner Bernald commended the applicant for pre consulting the city arborist. She said that she did not have a problem with the second story as some of it is uninhabitable. She expressed concern with the impervious driveway and recommended that additional previous areas be included. She commended the applicant on the design and felt that it would fit in with the neighborhood. Commissioner Siegfried felt that the homes in the area satisfy the two story requirement. He felt that the home was nicely designed and appreciated the fact that the applicant worked with the city arborist. Commissioner Pierce concurred with the comments expressed by his fellow Commissioners, and felt that the design was an appropriate one and that it would fit nicely in the neighborhood. Chairwoman Patrick concurred with the comments as stated but expressed concern with the impervious coverage proposed and with the trees' protection. She recommended that as much previous material as possible be used. COMMISSIONERS MURAKAMI/BERNALD MOVED TO APPROVE RESOLUTION NO. DR-97-016. THE MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY (7-0). • PLANNING COMMISSION MINUTES JUNE 25, 199'7 PAGE - 6 - Commissioner Siegfried recommended that the applicant work with staff to address the concerns expressed regarding impervious/pervious coverage. DIRECTOR ITEMS Interim Planning Director Walgren informed the Commission of the following: The City Council approved the budget, including the reorganization and downsizing of the City. The plan is to be implemented July 1. He has been appointed as the Community Development Manager, noting that 1.5 positions have been eliminated (advanced Planning position and one assistant planning position has been reduced to half time) and the Minutes Clerk position. He asked if the Commission wished to cancel its second meeting in August? BY CONSENSUS, THE COMMISSION AGREED TO CANCEL ITS SECOND MEETING IN AUGUST. COMMISSION ITEMS Commissioner Bernald informed her fellow Commissioners that the Library Commission met on June 23, noting that interviews for architects are scheduled for July and that funding for the library is to be a bond measure. Commissioner Kaplan asked if there was afollow-up to the air pollution meeting and the preparation of an ordinance? Interim Planning Director Walgren said that there will be a follow- up meeting. Staff will be preparing several minor code amendments to be considered by the Planning Commission in August. Many amendments are the result of reorganization and streamlining of the ordinance. This will allow the inclusion of other code amendments. Staff will look at model ordinances adopted by other jurisdictions. Commissioner Kaplan asked if City codes have been updated as she did not recollect receiving updates? It was indicated that supplemental inserts are routinely distributed to the Commission. Commissioner Siegfried inquired as to the status of the Safeway Store. Interim Planning Director Walgren informed the Commission that plans have been submitted for plan check and that it is close to being permitted. He anticipated that permits would be made available mid- summer for construction. COMMUNICATIONS PLANNING COMMISSIOI ~ NUTES JUNE 25, 1997 PAGE - 7 - ri en 1. City Council Minutes dated 6/4/97 & 6/10/97 2. Notices for 7/9/97 Planning Commission ADJOURNMENT -There being no further business, the meeting adjourned at 8:16 p.m. to 7:30 p.m. Wednesday, July 9, 1997, Civic Theater, 13777 Fruitvale Avenue, Saratoga, CA Respectfully Submitted, Irma Torrez Minutes Clerk ir~rco6u9~.snR