HomeMy WebLinkAbout07-09-1997 Planning Commission Minutes PLANNING COMMISSION ACTION MINUTES JULY 9, 1997 City Council Chambers, 13777 Fruitvale Ave. Regular Meeting ------------------------------------------------------------------- Chairwoman Patrick called the meeting to order at 7:30 p.m. Roll Call Present: Bernald, Kaplan, Murakami, Patrick, Pierce Late: None Absent: Abshire, Siegfried Staff: Community Development Manager Walgren Pledge of Allegiance Minutes - 6/25/97 COMMISSIONER KAPLAN/BERNALD MOVED TO APPROVE THE JUNE 25, 1997 MINUTES WITH THE FOLLOWING MODIFICATION: Page 5, paragraph 7 amended to read: "She expressed concern with the impervious driveway and recommended that additional g~r'f~~~:~ areas be included. " THE MOTION CARRIED 5-0 WITH ABSHIRE AND SIEGFRIED ABSENT. Oral Communications No comments were offered. Report of Posting Agenda Pursuant to Government Code 54954.2, the agenda for this meeting was properly posted on July 3, 1997. Technical Corrections to Packet Community Development Manager Walgren informed the Commission that there was one correction to agenda item 5. Page 6 was missing from the packet and was distributed tonight. CONSENT C'AT.~AR 1. SD-96-005, UP-96-004 & V-97-003 - EITZEN, END OF OLD OAR WAY OFF PIERCE RD.; Request for Tentative Parcel Map approval to subdivide a 31.1 acre hillside parcel into four individual • Planning Commission Minutes Page 2 7/9/97 lots of 5.6, 3.1, 2.6 and 2.2 net acres. Approximately 17 acres would be dedicated as open space. Use Permit approval is requested to allow the four lots to be clustered together, thus allowing the open space dedication. Variance approval is also requested to allow a potential future Lot 3 structure to be located on a City identified Major Ridgeline - more restrictive building height limits are applied to ridgeline lots. The property is located within a Hillside Residential (HR) zoning district. (Tentative Map, Use Permit and Variance requests have been withdrawn by applicants.) -------------------------------------------------------------- Community Development Manager Walgren informed the Commission that no action was required on this item as it has been withdrawn. PUBLIC HEARINGS 1. SD-96-O10 - SILICON VALLEY LT, INC., 12019-12029 SARATOGA- SUNNYVALE RD. (BLUE HILLS SHOPPING CENTER);h Request for Tentative Parcel Map approval to subdivide a 2.4 acre commercial parcel, developed with two independent commercial/office buildings, into two separate lots. The two buildings would then be on individual parcels and could be independently owned and managed. The property is located in a Commercial-Neighborhood zoning district. -------------------------------------------------------------- Community Development Manager Walgren presented the staff report. He explained that the property was going to be split into two parcels and noted that the only issue of concern might have been the parking. However, the two separate owners have agreed to shared parking. Chairwoman Patrick opened the public hearing at 7:37 p.m. Tom Bensinger, representing Silicon Valley Lt., Inc., concurred with Community Development Manager Walgren~s report. COMMISSIONERS PIERCE/KAPLAN MOVED TO CLOSE THE PUBLIC HEARING AT 7:47 P.M. The Commission briefly discussed parking concerns and came to the conclusion that the issue was resolved. Commissioners Kaplan and Patrick discussed controlling parking under the trees. COMMISSIONERS MURAKAMI/BERNALD MOVED TO APPROVE RESOLUTION SD-96- 010. THE MOTION CARRIED 5-0 (COMMISSIONERS ABSHIRE AND SIEGFRIED ABSENT.) Planning Commission Minutes Page 3 7/9/97 3. DR-97-033 - LIN, 12177 MARILLA DR.; Request for Design Review approval to construct a 622 sq. ft. second story addition to an existing 2,546 sq. ft. residence pursuant to Chapter 15 of the City Code. The parcel is 10,030 sq. ft. and is located in an R-1-10,000 zoning district. -------------------------------------------------------------- Community Development Manager Walgren presented the staff report. Staff recommended approval of the project as design review findings can be made to support it. Chairwoman Patrick opened the public hearing at 7:48 p.m. The architect for the project stated that he submitted a report to staff addressing the neighbors' concerns. Neighbors, Penny and Bob Gotch, expressed their concerns regarding the noise and second story blocking their view. Kathy Hartman, the neighbor across the street, stated that her only concern was that the project blended in with the rest of the neighborhood. After reviewing the plans, she did not object. COMMISSIONERS PIERCE/BERNALD MOVED TO CLOSE THE PUBLIC HEARING AT 7:55 P.M. The Commission concurred that the design would be compatible with the neighborhood and were pleased with the angle of the house. Commissioner Kaplan commented that the noise, being from the freeway, was out of their control. COMMISSIONERS PIERCE/BERNALD MOVED TO APPROVE RESOLUTION DR-97-033. THE MOTION CARRIED 5-0 (COMMISSIONERS ABSHIRE AND SIEGFRIED ABSENT.) 4. DR-97-035 - KATZ, 19854 SEAGULL WAY; Request for Design Review approval to construct a 518 sq. ft. first story and a 633 sq. ft . second story to an existing single story residence pursuant to Chapter 15 of the City Code. The parcel is 11,700 sq. ft. and is located in an R-1-12.500 zoning district. -------------------------------------------------------------- Community Development Manager Walgren presented the staff report. Staff recommended approval of the project as staff could make the findings for the design review subject to the conditions of the Resolution. Chairwoman Patrick opened the public hearing at 8:03 p.m. Planning Commission Minutes Page 4 7/9/97 Ed Katz, owner, spoke to the Commission asking for support of his project. COMMISSIONERS MURAKAMI/BERNALD, KAPLAN MOVED TO CLOSE THE PUBLIC HEARING AT 8:06 P.M. Commissioners Murakami and Pierce stated they approved of the project. Commissioners Patrick, Bernald and Kaplan felt they could not support the project as it was not compatible with the neighborhood. COMMISSIONER MURAKAMI/PIERCE MOVED TO APPROVE DR-97-035. THE MOTION FAILED 3-2 (BERNALD, KAPLAN, PATRICK OPPOSED). Commissioner Pierce/Kaplan moved to reopen the public hearing at 8.15 p.m. BY CONSENSUS, THE COMMISSION CONTINUED THE PUBLIC HEARING TO AUGUST 13, 1997, TO ALLOW THE APPLICANTS TO ADDRESS DESIGN CONCERNS. 5. DR-97-024 - WANG, 18731 DUND$E AVBNLTS; Request for Design Review approval to construct a new 3,005 sq. ft. two-story home with a 566 sq. ft. basement. The project includes demolition of an existing home on the property. The site is 9,870 sq. ft. in size, and is in the R-1-10,000 zoning district. -------------------------------------------------------------- Community Development Manager Walgren presented the staff report. He stated that staff could recommend approval of the project subject to redesign of the east and north elevations with more articulation between the first and second floor. Chairwoman Patrick opened the public hearing at 8:20 p.m. Mr. Wang, the owner, stated that he would have no problems making the changes recommended by staff. COMMISSIONERS PIERCE/BERNALD MOVED TO CLOSE THE PUBLIC HEARING AT 8:25 P.M. After some discussion, the Commissions' consensus was that they would have to deny the project as proposed. They asked the applicant if he would like the Commission to vote on the project tonight or have it continued to a later date in order to submit the redesign. The applicant stated that he would like the project continued. COMMISSIONERS PIERCE/BERNALD MOVED TO REOPEN THE PUBLIC HEARING AT 8:35 P.M. Planning Commission Minutes Page 5 7/9/97 BY CONSENSUS, THE COMMISSION CONTINUED THE PUBLIC HEARING TO AUGUST 13, 1997 TO ALLOW THE APPLICANT TO SUBMIT REVISED PLANS. DIRECTOR ITEMS 1. Update of Mellowood Dr. Design Review (Metzlers) Community Development Manager Walgren informed the Commission that the City Council upheld their approval of the Metzler project on Mellowood Drive. He also advised the Commission of the upcoming joint City Council/Planning Commission meeting on Tuesday, August 12. Commissioners were asked to submit input for the agenda at the meeting of July 23, 1997. COMMISSION ITEMS Commissioner Bernald stated that the Library Task Force would have a brainstorming session at 5:00 p.m. on July 17th. She invited the Commissioners to attend. She also said that on July 24th from 9:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m., the Committee would be having interviews with architects for the project. COMMUNICATIONS Written 1. City Council Minutes dated 6/18/97 2. Notices for 7/23/97 Planning Commission - There being no further business, the meeting was adjourned at 8:45 p.m. to 7:30 p.m., Wednesday, July 23, 1997, Civic Theater, 13777 Fruitvale Ave., Saratoga, CA Respectfully submitted, Marlene Tate