HomeMy WebLinkAbout10-08-1997 Planning Commission Minutes~h ' • •' CITY OF SARATOGA PLANNING COMMISSION MINL~I'ES DATE: Wednesday, October 8, 1997 - 7:30 p.m. PLACE: City Council Chambers, 13777 Fruitvale Avenue TYPE: Regular Meeting Roll Call Chair Patrick, Commissioners: Bernald, Kaplan, Murakami, Fierce, Siegfried City Attorney F.iback, Staff: Walgren, Tate Pledge of Allegiance Minutes -September 10, 19'_97 Page 1, Oral Communications: Item #6 should read Item #5. COMMISSIONERS KAPLANBERNALD MOVED TO APPROVE MINUTES WITH CHANGE. APPROVED 5I0. MURAKAMI ABSTAINED. Oral Communications None Report of Posting Agenda Pursuant to Government Code 54954.2, the agenda for this meeting was properly posted on October 3, 1997. Technical Corrections to Packet __ _ ___ 1) Item #2, Cover Page Application # V .97=_003 should read V-97-009. 2) Item #3, Page 3, Correspondence: Park Place should read Park Drive. 3) Item #5, Disregard City Council Meeting attachment added in error. CONSENT CALENDAR PUBLIC HEARING COI~TSENT CALENDAR 1. DR-97-038, UP-97-(A08 and UP-97-011; GALEB, 20398/20418/20395/20415 & 2043_5 FRANKLIN AVENUE; Request for Design Review approval to construct five new Planning Commission Minutes • October 8, 1997 Page 2 homes on Lots 1, 2, 4, 5 and 6 in the Boisseranc Subdivision (Lot 3 is under separate application.) Four of the homes are 3,710 sq. ft. and one is 3,702 sq. ft. (Lot 2). All of the homes are one-story-, at 18 ft. in height. The applicant is requesting a Use Permit to allow detached garages on Lots 2 and 5, «~ith a 5 ft. rear yard setback ~~here 25 ft. is required. (THIS ITEM WAS PULLED FROM THE 9/10/97 AGENDA BY STAFF AND CONTINUED 5/0 TO 10/8/97 TO ADDRESS RECENT GRADING ACTIVITY ON SITE. APPLICANT' HAS REQUESTED CONTINUANCE TO 10/22/97. CITY REVIEW DEADLINE IS 2/13/98.) CONTINUANCE MOTIO'~T BERNALD/KAPL 1ST, APPROVED 6/0. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 2. AZO-9S-004; CITY OF SARATOGA; Consideration of an Ordinance repealing the sunset clause of the Ordinance which amended Chapter 15-30 of the City Code relating to the prohibition of certain signs within the Public Right-of--Way. (THIS ITEI~'I HAS BEEN CONTINUED TO 10/22/97 AT THE DIRECTION OF STAFF.) CONTINUANCE 1~70TION BERNALD/KAPLAN, APPROVED 6/0. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ PUBLIC HEARINGS 1. DR-97-042; FERGUSON, 14701 BOUGAINVILLEA COURT; Request for Design Review approval to construct a new 970 sq. ft. second story on an existing 3,522 sq. ft. one-story residence. The site is 42,745 sq. ft. and is in an HR zoning district. (CONTINUED FROM 9/24/97 MEETING. REPORT PREVIOUSLY' DISTRIBL.?TED. CIT`r' REVIEW DEADLINE IS 2/20/98.) --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Community Development Manager Walgren presented the staff report to the Commission informing them that the project meets minimum zoning ordinance requirements. The Public Hearing was opened at 7:40PM. Lee Ferguson, o~Tner, concurred with the staff report. His desire would be to leave the wall as is. M. Heller, neighbor from across the street; stated that the v~~all is fine as is. Rich Hartman, architect for the owner, gave background on the process thusfar. COM~IISSIO~TERS KAPLAN/1VIURAKAMI MOVED TO CLOSE THE PUBLIC HEARIi\'G AT 7:47PM. Commissioners discussed their concurrence briefly. COMMISSIONERS PIERCE/SIEGFRIED MOVED TO APPROVE RESOLUTION Planning Commission Minutes • October 8, 1997 • Page 3 DR-97-042 WITH MODIFICATIONS TO ROOFLINE AS DISCUSSED BY COMMISSIONER BERN ALD. 2. DR-97-044, UP-9T-007 & V 97-009; ALAMEDA, 12341 SARATOGA- SL~:NYVALE ROAD; Request for Design Review approval to construct a new 1,920 sq. $. addition to the existing 9,368 sq. ft. two-story Saratoga Cupertino Funeral Home. Use Permit approval is necessary to allow an expansion of this type of commercial activity within aCommercial-'Visitor zoning district. Variance approval is also requested to allow a new free-standing identification sign. Walgren presented the staffreport signifying that there .vas support for the project with conditions. The Public Hearing was opened at 7:52PM. Warren Heid, the owner's architect, gave the Commissioners history and background on the funeral home and how the project will help fill the needs of the community. of the funeral home were to better serve the community. Mimi Young of 18535 Mill Court objected to the project as she was concerned with afternoon trafi~c. William Young of 18396 Mill Court objected to the sign change, increased traffic and disturbing the environment. Jenny Fu Marks of 18235 Kenyon Court reviewed letter of objection she sent to the Commission which was distributed prior t® the meeting. Meihui Shih expressed concern with increased traffic. Zoe Alameda, owner, spoke Hof her and her grandfather's concern for better serving the public with increased parking and increased sign visibility for those attempting to locate the funeral home. Some discussion ensued on traffic, safety, landscaping, illumination of the parking area and consistency of signs within the area. COMMISSIONERS SIE~FRIED/PIERCE MOTIONED TO CLOSE THE PUBLIC HEARING. APPROVED 6/0. , Planning Commission Minutes • October 8, 1997 page c COMMISSIONERS PIERCE/SIEGFRIED MOVED TO APPROVE RESOLL~'I'ION DR-97-044 WITH CONDITIONS FOR TVVO ADEQUATE PARKII`TG LOT LIGHT STANDARDS. APPROVED 6/0. COMMISSIONERS PIERCE/KAPLAN MOVED TO APPROVE RESOLUTION UP-97-007. APPROVED 6/0. COMMISSIONERS PIERCE/MURAKAMI MOVED TO APPROVE RESOLUTION V 97-009 WITH COi~'DITTONS THAT LANDSCAPING AND SIGN DESIGN BE ACCEPTED BY STAFF. APPROVED 6/0. 3. DR-97-052; THOR~iHILL, 19870 MENDELSOHN LANE; Request for Design Review approval to c©nstruct a one and ri~vo-story addition of 751 sq. ft. by adding 240 sq. ft. to the first story and adding a new 511 sq. ft. second story to an existing 2,947 sq. ft. residence. The site is 8,750 sq. ft. located within an R-1-20,000 zoning district. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Walgren reviewed the staff report recommending approval. The Public Hearing was opened at 8:30PM. The owner, Mrs. Thornhill= notified the Commissioners that she had decided to remove the original Bay windows which apparently were a concern of the neighbors. A neighbor, Warren Lampshsre, indicated that he was satisfied with removal of the windows. COMMISSIONERS KAPLAN/BER'~~ALD MOVED TO APPROVE RESOLUTION DR-97-052. APPROVED 6/0. 4. DR-97-043; MASSIHPOUR, 18590 AVON LANE; Request for Design Review to construct a 1,785 sq. ft. one-story addition and a 1,668 sq. ft. two-story addition to an existing 1,905 sq. ft. single-story residence pursuant to Chapter 15 of the City Code. The parcel is 44,866 sq. ft_ in size, located in an R-1-40,000 zoning district. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Walgren presented staff report recommending approval with conditions. The Public Hearing was opened at 8:35PM. Shahriar Massihpour, owner, explained the project and problems encountered with the Santa _ ~ Planning Commission Minutes • ~ Page 5 October 8, 1997 Clara Valley Water District i~ maintaining the creek and bridge. COMMISSIONERS SIEGFRIED/MURAKAMI MOVED TO CLOSE THE PUBLIC HEARING AT 8:40PM. COMMISSIONERS BERNALD/KAPLAN MOVED TO APPROVE RESOLUTION DR-97-043. APPROVED b/0. CHAIR PATRICK CALLED FOR A BREAK AT 8:45PM. 5. DR-96-054 & V-96-018; ADAMS, 14701 AMBRIC KNOLLS ROAD; Request for Design Review approval to construct a 4,753 sq. ft. two-story residence on a vacant 1.58 acre parcel located at the corner of Congress Springs Road and Ambric Knolls Road and adjacent to the Sarat®ga Creek. Variance approval is necessary to allow the structure to encroach into required setbacks and to be built on a slope of greater than 30 percent. The property is located in an R-1-40,000 zoning district. A draft environmental Initial Study has been prepared pursuant to the requirements of CEQA. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Walgren presented the staff report, providing background on the studies and analysis conducted and on the reports attached to this item. He explained that the purpose of this meeting was to accept the staff report and take public comments. The Public Hearing was opened at 9: IOPM. Scott Troyer, a City of San Jose supervising inspector and the applicant's representative, advised the Commissioners that the house would be built away from the stream and that the selected site was the best sate on the property. He said it would not be feasible to reduce the size of the house. Pam Wilds of 14665 Ambri~c Knolls Road, expressed concern for possible erosion. She stated that the hillside had large trees which would have to be removed. She wondered who would take care of the problems if the new bridge caused erosion in the creek. June Anderson of 21150 Arnbric Knolls Road, thought that the applicant's access road should go in first as the constructian vehicles travelling along the road now are causing damage. Judi Hartman of 21244 Bask Mill Road, informed the Commissioners that heavy equipment for the project was using her property without authorization from her. A bulldozer sat there for 20 days before it was removed. She was also very concerned that there would be more accidents. Plannin Commission Minutes g October 8, 1997 Page 6 COMMISSIONERS PIERCE/BERNALD MOVED TO CLOSE THE PUBLIC HEARING AT 9:20PM. Commissioner Siegfried found it difficult to understand plans and to determine what will take place. Thought an overlay would bring everything into perspective: trees, walls, etc. Commissioner Pierce expressed concern for safety, potential for accidents, impact on the creek, ~~egetation, etc. Attorney Riback was questioned as to what the next steps would be. He informed the Commissioners to move forward if they had enough information to make a decision and if not, advise the applicant what vwas still needed and continue the matter. Commissioner Bernald agreed with Commissioner Siegfried. She was also concerned with the driveway and bridge, the three-story look and tree removal. She needed more information. Commissioner Murakami mentioned the slope, the environment and safety. Another problem for him was access. Commissioner Kaplan stated that she did not have enough information to make a decision. She was concerned with tlhe neighbors' issues: the environment, trees, the creek, road hazard, etc. Commissioner Patrick thought that the road access was terrible and that this project would ruin the creek. She was concerned for the neighbors. Stated that there was not much room to build. COMMISSIONERS PIERCE/SIEGFRIED MOVED TO REOPEN THE PUBLIC HEARING AT 9:35PM. The Commission requested that the owner make changes and present a comprehensive mitigation plan to the Comn-~ission at an Adjourned Meeting to be held on November 12, 1997 from 6:15 to 7:15 in the Adult Day Care Center. DIRECTOR ITEMS None G ~` Planning Commission Minutes October 8, 1997 COMMISSION ITEMS Page 7 Commissioner Kaplan wanted clarification on the last meeting in November. It was the consensus that the meeting should be changed from November 26~' to November 25`x`. COMMUNICATIONS Written 1. City Council Minutes dated ,September 16, September 17, 1997 2. Notices for Planning aCommission Meeting of October 22, 1997 ADJOURNMENT - 945 p.m., to Wednesday; October 22, 1997, Civic Theater, 13777 Fruitvale Avenue, Saratoga, CA