HomeMy WebLinkAbout10-22-1997 Planning Commission Minutes'e - • t • CITY OF SARATOGA PLANNING COMMISSION MINUTES DATE: Wednesday, October 22,1997 - 7:30 p.m. PLACE: City Council Chambers, 13777 Fruitvale Avenue TYPE: Regular Meeting Roll Call Chair Patrick; Commissioners Bei-nald, Kaplan; Murakami, Patrick, Pierce Absent: Siegfried Staff: Walgren, Tate Pledge of Allegiance Minutes -October 8, 1997 Page 3, Paragraph ~, strike'_of the funeral home were to better_sei-~•e the community-." Oral Communications None Report of Posting Agenda Pursuant to Government Code X4954?, the agenda for this meeting «~as properly posted on October 17, 1997. Technical Corrections to Packet Item ~#3, Page 9, Condition 11, first sentence, add at the end "...of the ne«- construction." Item ~2, Page 4, 4`~' paragraph, disregard staff note. CONSENT CALENDAR PUBLIC HEARING CONSENT CALENDAR 1. DR-97-038, UP-97-008 and UP-97-011; GALEB, 20398/20418/2039~/2041~ & 2043 FRANKLIN AVENUE; Request for Design Review approval to consri-uct five ne«- homes on Lots 1, 2, 4, ~ and 6 in the Boisseranc Subdivision (Lot 3 is under separate application.) Four of the homes are 3,710 sq. ft. and one is 3,702 sq. ft. (Lot 2). All of the homes are one-story, at 18 ft. in height. The applicant is K Planning Commission Minutes October 22. 1997 • Page 2 requesting a Use Permit to allow detached garages on Lots 2 and 5, «~ith a 5 ft. rear yard setback ~~~here 2~ ft. is required. (THIS ITEM WAS PULLED FROM THE 9/10/97 AGENDA BY STAFF A1~rD COI~TTINUED ~/0 TO ADDRESS RECENT GRADING ACTIVITY ON SITE. APPLICANT HAS REQUESTED CONTINUANCE TO 11/12/97. CITY REVIEW DEADLINE IS 2/13/98.) 2. DR-97-041 (APN 393-40-020) - 20438 FRANKLIN AVENUE (LOT 3), IVAl\TCOVICH; Request for Design Rey-iew approval to construct a ne~~~ 3,709 sq. ft. one-story home at 18 feet in height. The site is Lot 3 in the Boisseranc Subdivision (Lots 1, 2, 4, ~, and 6 are under separate application.) The site is 12,00 sq. ft. and is located in an R-1-12,500 zoning district. (THIS ITEM HAS BEEN CONTINUED TO 11 / 12/97 AT THE APPLICANT'S REQUEST TO ADDRESS RECENT GRADING ACTIVITY ON THE SITE. CITY REVIEW DEADLINE IS 2/22/98.) ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- PUBLIC HEARINGS 1. DR-97-036 & UP-97-005 - HARKEY, 20393 PARK PLACE (LOT 2); Request for Design Review approval to construct a ne«- 2,301 sq. ft. t«~o-story home at 22 ft. in height and a 400 sq. ft. detached garage at 14.5 ft. in height. The project also includes a 782 sq. ft. basement in the home. The applicant is requesting a Use Permit to construct the detached garage at 2 ft. from the rear property line, ~~~here a 2~ ft. rear yard setback is required. The site is 7,260 sq. ft. and is part of a 3-parcel site that is currently occupied by one older home. It is in an R-1-10;000 zoning district. A Mitigated Negative Declaration has been tiled. DR-97-027 & UP-97-O1~ -SOLOMON, 2038 PARK PLACE (LOT 3); Request for Design Review approval to construct a new 2,290 sq. ft. t«~o-story home at 23 ft. in height and a 400 sq. ft. detached garage at 14.E ft. in height. The project also includes a 1,007 sq. ft. basement in the home. The site is 8,725 sq. ft. and is a part of a 3-parcel site that is currently occupied by one older home. It is in an R-1-10,000 zoning district. A Mitigated Negative Declaration has been filed. DR-97-040 & UP-97-009 - HARKEY, 20379 PARK PLACE (LOT 4); Request for Design Revie«- approval to construct a new 2,406 sq. ft. two-story home at 23 ft. in height and a 400 sq. ft. detached garage at 14.E ft. in height. The project also includes a 841 sq. ft. basement in the home. The applicant is requesting a Use Permit to construct the detached garage at 10 ft. from the rear property line, where a 25 ft. rear yard setback is required. The site is 8,800 sq. ft. and is part of a 3-parcel ~. u Plannin<~ Cotrunission ~~tinutes ' October 22. ] 997 • Paee ~ site that is currently occupied by one older home. It is in an R-1-10,000 zoning district. A Mitigated Negative Declaration has been filed. r V Community Development Manager Walgren presented the staff report emphasizing that staff was satisfied that three legal lots did exist and that every committee affected by this project had reviewed the request. The consensus of the Commissioners «~as that there was still enough concern for Lot 2 so they could not approve it. COMMISSIONERS KAPLAN/BERNALD MOVED TO ADOPT THE MITIGATED NEGATIVE DECLARATION .FOR LOTS 2, 3 AND 4. APPROVED 5/0. COMMISSIONERS BERT\TALD/KAPLAN MOVED TO CONTINUE THE PUBLIC HEARING FOR LOT 2 TO NOVEMBER 12. APPROVED ~/0. COMMISSIONERS KAPLAN/BERNALD MOVED TO APPROVE RESOLUTION DR-97-027. APPROVED ~/0. COMMISSIONERS KAPLAN/BER111ALD MOVED TO APPROVE RESOLUTION UP-97-015. APPROVED ~/0. COMMISSIONERS BERivALD/KAPLAN MOVED TO APPROVE RESOLUTION DR-97-040. APPROVED ~/0. COMMISSIONERS BERNALD/MURAKAMI MOVED TO APPROVE RESOLUTION UP-97-009. APPROVED 5/0. 2. UP-97-012 (APN 397-25-095) - IMMANUEL LUTHERAN CHURCH/ONE WORLD MONTESSORI, 14103 SARATOGA AVENUE; Request for Use Permit Approval to utilize 8 existing classrooms and two multi-purpose rooms on two floors of the Immanuel Lutheran Church for the One ~'~%orld Montessori school pursuant to Chapter 1 ~ of the City Code. Approximately 14~ students ~~~ould attend. A play area would be set up in an adjacent parking lot during the «-eek. The parcel is 3.24 acres in size «~ith 114 parking spaces, located in an R-1-20,000 zoning district. ~'~~algren presented the staff report recommending conditional approval of this request for • Planning Commission Minutes - October 22. 1997 one year. The Public Hearing «~as opened at 8:09PM. • Pa~~e ~ Rebecca Keith, applicant and founder of the school, provided background on their request and how they came to consider moving to Saratoga from Cupertino. Commissioner Murakami questioned and «~as told that 9 out of the 14~ students enrolled «~ere Saratogans. Commissioner Pierce asked and was advised that school «-as in session all year, ~i~ith sutnmer classes being shortened. He also asked whether the school could commit to a specified time limit for the permit. They advised him that they really ~~-anted t~~=o years, but ~~~ould settle for an~rthing they could get. Commissioner Bernald asked about other events taking place after school hours and was told that that «rould be kept to a minimum, possibly t«~o. She also spoke of the extra traffic. The following speakers addressed the Commission: Samuel Fisher, 14227 Worden ~~~ay, Saratoga, believed traffic and noise «~ould be greatly increased and that property values would be lowered. Joanne Martens of 14069 Loma Rio Drive advised that 98% of the neighbors «~ere opposed to this permit. Issues «~ere safety, traffic and the «~elfare of the children. A petition was handed to James Walgren. Craig Stanley of 6027 Evanstone Place, San Jose, spoke of the school's consideration of changing the playground location to the Saratoga Avenue lot. LaVerna Loken of 19962 Wellington Court, Saratoga spoke in favor of the school. Ron Loken of 19962 ~Vellinaton Court also approved of this permit. Told the Commissioners that the school «~as paying the Church for use of the facilities. Adrian Abate of 1400 Loma Rio Drive, Saratoga mentioned the increased noise. She asked «~hat the hours of operation «-ould be andvexactly_ how long the school would be there. Michael Andres of 1406 Saratoga Avenue objected to the permit. • Planning Corinnission i\linutes October 22. 1997 • page 5 Larry Fine of 1407 Saratoga Avenue objected to the increased traffic and mentioned Measure G. Johanna Keith of 915 '/~ Guainero Street, city unknown, said that this would benefit the community. Fiona Rodrigues, 14098 Loma Rio Drive, objected to the increased use of the church facility. y Nick Earle of 14965 Jerries Drive objected to increased traffic and that it ~~~ould go past Saratoga High School on Herriman which «-as already heavily used. Jim Ciasiewski of 15845 Glen Una Drive, Saratoga; reported that his children attended the school and that they were extremely happy with their schooling-. Gwen Jacobs of 14091 Saratoga Avenue lives next to the church, objected to the additional traffic which ~~-ould be created as she cannot enter her drive«~ay as it is no«~, and told of a serious accident she and her family suffered because of the traffic in front of her house. y Anita Patel of 19413 Blythe Court in Saratoga objected to the increased noise and lack of safety for the children. Pu-Chan Hsu ~~~as in favor of the permit as was happy with the schooling provided. Coleen Wagner of 12861 Pierce Road in Saratoga «.~anted the school there, but as «.~ith other Saratoaans, had concerns. CHAIR PATRICK CALLED FOR A BREAK AT 9:30PM. Daniel Witt of 20220 John Drive, Cupertino, spoke highly of the education his children were receiving from the school. Lindsay Cunningham of 20230 John Drive in Cupertino ~~-as pleased «-ith the school's philosophy and education. Gena Kraft of 20631 Forge ~'~'ay in Cupertino thought there should be additional lights on Saratoga Avenue to alleviate present and future traffic problems and that allo«-ing this permit ~;~ould bring additional funds to the community. • Plarulin<~ Commission ~~linutes October 22. 1997 Pa~~e Jeanette Montoto of 824 Abbott Avenue in Milpitas, the elementary administrator, spoke highly of the school's commitment to the community and to the children. Nadko Toyoshima of 12342 Walden Court in Saratoga ~~~as in favor of the school permit. Shin-Ming Liu of 20288 Knoll«-ood Drive in Saratoga ~;gas in favor ofthe school permit. Kathy Segura of 1528 Hudson Street, city unknown; spoke in favor of the use permit. David Krall of 340 Schroeder Street in Sunnyvale wanted the school to be given a chance. Lola Ross of 1638 Tyler Park Way in NIt. Vie~~ «-as pleased with the school. David Panv of 4635 Catalina Drive, city unkno«~n, spoke in favor of the permit. Karen Bamberg of 14843 Swarthmore Drive in Saratoga «=as happy with her children's education at the school. Richard Johnson of 13226 Glen Brae Drive, Saratoga, «-ould v~•elcome the school to Saratoga. James Chouw of 13336 Ronnie Way, Saratoga, ~~-as in favor of this permit. Stephanie Salvadore of 14050 Loma Rio Drive in Saratoga was in favor of this permit. Mihir Mohanty of 18890 VVoodleigh Court in Saratoga was also in favor. Roberta Sheridan of 128 Ada Avenue, Mt.View, ~~~as happy ~~~ith the school. Vivek Pathela of 12426 Titus Avenue in Saratoga «~as concerned about increased traffic in Saratoga. v Paula Bloom of 141 ~0 Squirrel Hollow Lane in Saratoga has lived in Saratoga for many years and «~as concerned with traffic and safety along the major thoroughfares. Jitn Griffin of 14170 Squirrel Hollo«~ Lane spoke of the same concerns mentioned above. COMMISSIONERS KAPLAl\TBERNALD MOVED TO CLOSE THE PUBLIC HEARING AT 10:45PM. Commissioners Pierce and Bernald did not think that the traffic on Saratoga Avenue • Plannin~~ Conunission ~~linutes ` October 22. 1997 would be more impacted than it already «-as. Page - Commissioner Kaplan and Chair Patrick discussed their concerns for traffic. Then, after briefly discussing the use permit and their support for education, the Commissioners all agreed: - to allow the use permit for the six months from January to June, - to require student's parents to display placards in their cars, - to require the school to provide a cross«~alk monitor for peak hours, and - to limit the permit to One World Montessori School. COMMISSIONERS BERNALD/PIERCE MOVED TO APPROVE RESOLUTION UP-97-012 WITH THE ABOVE CONDITIONS. APPROVED 5/0. 3. DR-97-048 & UP-97-009 (APN 397-22-044 & 023) - SARATOGA FEDERATED CHURCH, 20390 PARK PLACE; Request for Design Review approval to add 356 sq. ft. to the lower level, 932 sq. ft. to the main level and 2,342 sq. ft. to the upper lei=el of the existing 31,906 sq. ft. Sarato4a Federated Church for a total floor area of 3~,~27 sq. ft. pursuant to Chapter 1 wof the City Code. The added floor area is necessary to improve the circulation within the building, to bring the building up to current fire and handicapped requirements, and to provide additional meeting room space. Use Permit approval is required to amend the previous Use Permit, to allo«~ the total height of the structure to exceed the allowable limit for the district, and to allow the floor area to be increased. The parcel is 87,000 sq. ft. in size, located in an R-1-10.000 zoning district. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Walgren presented the staff report. The Public Hearing ~.~~as opened at 10:5~PM. The applicant's representative; Paul Dayis, architect, signified his agreement with the staff report. There was a brief discussion about the windo~~-s and roofing by the Commissioners.. COMMISSIONERS MURAKAMI/KAPLAN MOVED TO CLOSE THE PUBLIC HEARING AT 11:OSPM. COMMISSIONERS KAPLAN/MURAKAMl MOVED TO APPROVE .+ Planning Commission Minutes Pace 8 ' October 22. 1997 y RESOLUTION DR-97-048 WITH COIV~DITIONS TO REDESIGN THE LOWER WINDOWS TO RESEMBLE THE OLDER WINDOWS. APPROVED ~/0. COMMISSIONERS MURAKAMI/BERNALD MOVED TO APPROVE RESOLUTION UP-97-009. APPROVED 5/0. 4. AZO-95-004, CITY OF SARATOGA; Consideration of an Ordinance repealing the sunset clause of the Ordinance «~hich amended Chapter 15-30 of the City Code relating to the prohibition of certain signs «~ithin the Public Rights-of-Wa~~. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- «Talgren Qave background on the sign ordinance and upcoming expiration. COMMISSIONERS PIERCEBERNALD MOVED TO APPROVE REPEAL OF THE SUNSET CLAUSE. FAILED 3/2. MURAKAMI/PATRICK/KAPLAN OPPOSED. DIRECTOR ITEMS 1. December 24, 1997 public hearing -Cancelled. COMMISSION ITEMS COIVIMUNICATIONS Written 1. City Council Minutes dated October 1 and 7, 1997 ADJOURNMEITT - 11:45PM to 6:15PM, «jednesday, No~jember 12, 1997, Adult Day Care Center, 13777 Fruitvale Avenue, Saratoga, CA Respectfully submitted, Marlene Tate