HomeMy WebLinkAbout11-25-1997 Planning Commission Minutes_; "f +r CITY" OF S ARATOG A PLANNING CONIti`IISSIO\` ~IINLTTES DATE: Trresrlay, Vover~rber 2~, 1997 - 7:30 p.m. PLACC: City Council Chambers, 13777 Fruitvale Avenue TYPE: Regular i\'Ieeting ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Roll Call Chair Patrick, Commissioners: Bernald, Kaplan. ~lartladge, ~~lurakami, Pierce, SieUfried Staff: ~?~~al~ren. Tate Pledge of Allegiance itlinutes - No~~ember 1'2. 1997 Oral Communications one Report of Posting Agenda Pursuant to Go~-ernment Code ~~9~4?, the avenda for this meeting «~as properl}' posted on \TO~~ember 20, 1997. y Technical Corrections to Packet CO\SENT CALEtiDAR PUBLIC HEART\'GS 1. DR-97-036 & UP-97-00~ (.AP\ 397-22-030) - HARKEI', 20393 PARK PLACE (LOT 2); Request for Design Revie«• appro~;al to construct a new 2,17 sq. ft. t~t'o-story home at 23 ft. in lieight and a =I~}0 sq. ft. detached ~ara~Te at 1=L~ ft. in height. The project also includes a 782 sq. ft. basement in the home. The applicant is requesting a i,TSe Permit to construct the detached Qaraae at 2 ft. from the rear property- line. «°here a 2~ ft. rear ~~ard setback is required. The site is 7.260 sq. ft. and is part of a 3-parcel site that is currenth_- occupied b~- one older home. It is in an R-1-10.000 zoning district. Communit~• De~'elopment !Manager James ~~'algren presented the staff report noting that the applicant had responded to the Planning Commissions concerns b~- repositioning the home. Staff recommended appro~'al ~~-ith conditions. Commissioner i\lartlad~e stated that she li~-ed in this nei~~hborhood and «°anted to be eYCUSed as she Pelt that she could not ~~ote on this issue. (It is to be noted that Commissioner \~Iartlad;~e had pre~•iousl~' discussed this item ~~~ith the Cite .~ttorne~- and since it could be construed to be a conIlict of interest. the Attorne~~~s recommendation ~~~as for her to etcuse herself from the proceedings.) COi\1~~iISSIONERS PIERCE ~~1L"RAIL~~11 ~~10VFD TO OPEN TIIE PUBLIC HEARhiG aT 7:=IOPi~I. Planning Commission Minutes ~~ i`TOVember 2~. 1997 Palle 2 David Solomon, o«ner of the lot, requested approval, advising the Commissioners that the home had been relocated on the lot_. the size had been reduced b~~ 12~ square feet and that the rear windo«-s had been chanved. Commissioners Bernald;~I'ierce advised ever~-one that they had each spoken to the owner who had called them, since the previous meetin~~. Rita Y1cCarty of the Foothill Club endorsed the changes made and encouraged approval. Kathleen L~-nch of 20360 Orchard Road was concerned about the drainage. i\~Iar~~ Schuppert of 2030 Orchard Road believed that her privac.• would be affected b~- the «-indo~~~s and was concerned about the closeness of the ~araae to the alley. Ten-i Singer of 20320 Orchard Road thought the detached garage would be a safet~• problem for cars in the alley. Pat DuBridge of the Foothill Club was pleased and asked that the plans be approved. COvIti1ISSIONTERS PIERCE~SIEGFRIED ~10VED TO CLOSE THE PUBLIC HEARING AT 7:~OP.~1. All Commissioners announced their support of the revised plans and their appreciation for the owner's cooperation. COA~I~IISSIONERS BERI\TALD/~Tti~RAI{.a~II 1\~IOVED TO APPROVE RESOLtiTION L!P-97-OOS. APPROVED 6/0. NIARTLADGE ABSTAINED. COMMISSIONERS BER\ALD/~ItiRAKA1~II ~10VED TO APPROVE RESOLtiTIO\ DR-97-036. APPROVED 6/0. 1~IARTLADGE ABSTAI\ED. 2. UP-97-010 (.-LPN 389-19-031) - \EYTEL CO~T~TU\ICaT10NTS/TtiRKUS, S.«`. COR\ER OF SOUSA LAi\TE & QL;ITO RD; Request for Lse Permit approval to construct 70 foot tall monopole personal conununications services antennae ~~~hich «~ould replace an e~istin~~ PG & E pole on the lot at the south«-est corner of Sousa Lane and Quito Rd. adjacent to H~«- 8~. AT STAFF DIRECTION, CO\TINUED TO 12/10/97 TO RE .ADVERTISE. DIRECTOR ITEit~IS 1) ~~`algren announced that the Commission retreat had been tentati~~e1~- set for ]:`16:`98. 2) Confirmed Conunission Christmas Party on 12"11 X97 at home of Chair Patrick. 3) \est Commission meeting ~~-ill be held in Community Center i\Tulti-Purpose Room. 4) ~~'algren confirmed Commissioners' attendance at 12 x-97 ~~'orkshop. ~) `~'algren notified Commissioners of City i\~tanager Perlin's reception on 12;18.97. i = PlanninU Conmlission'~linutes No~-ember 2~. 1997 CONII`IISSIO~i ITEMS Page 3 1) Chair Patrick ad~~ised Commissioners of pre~~ious ~1a~•ors' photos a~~ailable 1219i`97. 2) Commissioner Bernald attended Bic~~cle Committee meeting on 11;`17.97. COi~IMUNIC ~TIO\ S None Written 1. City= Council Minutes dated Norember ~. 1997 2. \otices for Plannin~~ Commission Meeting of December 10, 1997 ADJOL"'Rl~Tlr'IE\T - 8:1 FPM to ~~`ednesda~•. December 10, 1997. ~~iulti-Purpose Room (Communit~~ Center) 1967 Allendale A~-enue, Saratoga. Ca