HomeMy WebLinkAbout04-22-1998 Planning Commission minutes• • CITY OF SARATO(UA PLA\'1~TING COivI~ZISSIOti nTll~'UTES DATE: Wednesday, April 22, 1998 - 7:30 p.m. PLACE: Civic Theater, 13777 Fruitvale Avenue, Saratoga, CA TYPE: Regular 1\leeting Roll Catl Present: Chair Patrick. Commissioners Bernald. Martlaae._ ~iurakami. Pierce Absent: Commissioners Kaplan, Sie~>fried Staff: ~l~'al~~ren. Cro«~le~- Pledge of Allegiance tilinutes - tiiarch 2~. 1998 Paoe 6, paragraph 1 (Jepson): The minutes should be amended to read "...the garage elooi•faces the l~crllel~. " in lieu of "... [he garage ~~oor faces the sn-eet. " APPROVED AS 1~10DIFIED ~/0. Oral Communications ]~TOne Report of Posting Agenda Pursuant to Gos~ermnent Code ~=19~=1.'_, the agenda for this meeting ~~ as properl~~ posted on :~pril 17, 1998. Technical Corrections to Packet ~Valaren reported that the total square foota,e of the proposed structure in Item ~8 (DR-97-067, Lui) sho~i~n as 3,3=/8 s~fuare feet, should he 3,308 square feet. y CONSENT CALE\`DAR 1. UP-98-002 (APN S10-OS-026) - ~TcCO\\ELL, 19540 Saratoga-Los Gatos Road; Request for Use Permit appro~-al to construct a 488 sq. ft. pool house ~a•ith maximum height of 12 feet in a required rear ~~ard. 8 feet from the rear propert~~ line of a lot in the R- I-40,000 zoning district. APPROVED ~ %0. 2. DR-97-063 (389-37-041) - CHAN, 13494 Mvren Drive; Request for Design Re~~ie« appro~~al to construct a ne«° tvo store house, '_,763 sq. ft. in size, 24 feet in height, on a 8,=100 sq. ft. lot in the R-1-10,000 zoning district. currently occupied b~~ a single store house. 1.~~0 sq. ft. in size and 14 feet in height. CONTIN`GED AT APPLICANT'S REQtiEST FRONT 3/11/98. APPROVED ~'0. Planning Commission ~~tinutes • Apri122, 1998 PUBLIC HEARIiti GS • Page 2 3. DR-97-057 (503-21-009 & 012) - NAVID, 15041 & 15072 Saratoga-Sunniwale Road; Request for Design Review approval to construct l~ sinsle family residences. ranving in size fiom 3,87 sq. ft. to 4.229 sq. ft., pursuant to Chapter 1 ~ of the Cite Codc. The subdivision of this propert~• ryas approved by the City Planning Commission in August 1996. The lots raute in size from I x,000 sq. ft. to'-1,600 sq. ft. and are located ~;ithin an R1-12.00 zoning? district. CO\TI\UED AT APPLICA\T'S REQtiEST FROM 3/25/98. ~t`al~~ren presented the staff memorandum. The public hearing ~r-as opened at 7:40 p.m. Raymond \'asmch. applicant's representative. thanked the Commissioners for their review of the plans and stated that wood had been added to several of the designs in accordance ~yith the Commission's request. The public hearing ~sas closed at 7:50 p.m. Commissioner Murakami felt that no chan.es had been made to homes n4, ~7. = 11 and X13; that the complete look of the whole project was the same as before; and ..as not able to approve the application. Commissioner Pierce felt the project ~~•as incompatible with the nci;hborhood and could not support the design. Commissioner Bernald liked homes ~7 and »9. but not = 13. She felt the desi~Tns mi~lrt fit yell in another area. but not in Saratoga and ~i•as unable to approve the prgject. Commissioner ~Iartlage appreciated the work done by the applicant, but felt that preservation of the character of Saratoga is critical. She concurred with the other Commissioners and could not approve the plan. Chair Patrick felt the houses do not fit the character of this ranch sn le neishborhood and was not able to approve the project. She thou~~ht the Cite would be better served b~• denvin, the project. as the compatibility issue is important. BERNALD!MI:RAKAMI tiIOVED TO DE\Y DR-9?-0~7 ~~`ITHOliT PREJUDICE: MOT10N PASSED %0. 4. DR-97-028 (503-16-090) - BLACK`~'ELL BROTHERS, 18850 Bella Vina Court; Request for Design Revie~~ approval to construct a ne~~ x.163 sq. ft. two-stor<~ home on a vacant lot. The site is approximately 7.000 sq. ft. ;ross. 34,=138 sq. ft. net (accounting for the Santa Clara Valley Water District easement). It is accessed by a bridUe across Calabazas Creek from Bella Vina Court and is located within an R-1-40,000 zoning district. This application was previously- heard at the Plannin~_ Commission meeting of January 28, 1998, and the study session of Februar<• 11, 1998. The parcel is Lot 3 of the recenth~ approved Blackwell 6 Lot Subdivision. ~~'algren presented the staff memorandum. The public hearing ~~°as opened at 8:00 p.m. Gre~T Blackwell, applicant. reported that concerns voiced b~~ the Commission had been addressed and showed a landscapin plan to the Commissioners. The house had been rotated 4~°: trees had been moved on the property; the second stork had been redesi;ned and repositioned: a detached ;arage and landscapin~~ will resolve the problem of Plannine Commission ~4inutes ~ • Pale .4pri122, 1998 headlights shining into a neighbor°s ~-ard; and the drive..°av had been moved a..av from the nei~=hbor's home. John Hulme. 20964 Comer Drive, recognized that the lot is not an ease one on .which to build. but he hated to see the loss of natural screening provided by the big trees. Thc_v are interested in preserving the t.vo major oak trees, and their recommendation .would save trees = 26 and =2~. Commissioner Pierce asked ~1r. Blackwell if he had tried to rotate the house in order to save tree X26: it .would be a shame to lose such a beautiful tree. The original design had preserved tree X26. The public hearing vas closed at 8:15 p.m. Commissioner i~lartlage felt the revised plan is much more appealing. If the issue is the tree, it seems a shame to lose it, when rotating the house could save it. Commissioner Pierce felt the ne«° design is an improvement and that tree n26 must be saved, possible by using the old location .with the ne.v design. Proper screening and vegetation could limit exposure to the neighbor's house. Commissioner Bernald appreciated the changes made to the second floor. Trees m26 and -33 must be saved, and this might be accomplished b~~ rotating the house and going back to the other plan. Conunissioner Ylurakami recommended rotating==the house to accommodate tree =26, .which must be saved. Chair Patrick liked the ne.v desi;_~n and would be able to approve the original plan if it .were shifted slightly. The Commission .will need to see revised dra.vings. Regarding the trees. it .rill not take much to savey26; tree y3.i is more questionable and might not survive. Shifting the house to the south.vest. modif~•ing the northeast corner, and reorganizing the floor plan will address the neighbor's issues and .~~ill sa~•e tree =26. The public hearing ~s°as reopened and the item ~~°as continued at the applicant's request to 5/13/98 to modify the plans. ~. DR-97-064 (503-16-091) - POELLOT, 18860 Bella Vina Court; Request for Design Revie.r approval to construct a ne.v x,303 sq. ft. one-story home with a X46 sq. ft. detached ;uest cottage on a vacant lot. The site is approximately ~ 1 _.000 sq. ft. and is located within an R- I -40,000 zoning district. The parcel is Lot 4 of the recently approved Blackwell 6 Lot Subdivision. y ~~'algren presented the staff report. The public hearing ~~-as opened at 8:20 p.m. Louie Leu, architect, stated that ~~'alg==rev's concerns had been addressed and that he realized there .would be a considerable amount of grading. Neighbors had no difficulty ~.~ith the design but fielt it is important to preserve native vegetation. dike Poellot, applicant. said that their plan .vas to preserve as much of the native vegetation as possible. Commissioner Murakami would like to see more native varieties of trees. Commissioner Pierce stated that he had spoken .with i`ir. Corrado, a neighbor of the project, and he approved of the project. Planning Commission ~finutcs • • Page :} April 22, 1998 The public hearing n~as closed at 8:30 p.m. Commissioner Bernald felt the color renderings were helpful and was thankful there ~yere .i gas fireplaces. She would be able to support the project. y Commissioner iVlurakami liked the design and can support the project. I-Ie w•as concerned about replacement trees but appreciated the applicant's answer to his question. Commissioner Pierce can support the project. Chair Patrick felt that havins native vegetation will help the project. BERNALDMARTLAGEHOVED TO APPROVE DR-97-064: MOTTO\? PASSED ~'0. 6. TtiP-98-001 (_APN 397-OS-096) -SAN .TOSE SYiVIPHONY, 1840 Sobev Road; Request for Temporary Lse Permit to hold the annual Designer Home Showcase from Iliav 9 through June 7, Tuesday through Sunday from 10:00 A1~1 to 4:00 PiVi (Thursdays until 8:00 Ptil). Parking for the event ~yill be provided on an adjacent site that the applicants state can accommodate the anticipated 100 to 1~0 per day visitors. ~t'algren presented the staff report. The public hearing ~r-as opened at 8:40 p.m. Bonnie Radding, applicant's representative. recognized that the Commission is concerned about the parkins lot. stating the lot will be the only place to park and that parking will be monitored. Commissioner Bernald commented that the parking area had been scraped and «ill be rolled. She had driven by the area and noticed 1? cars parked on the street. not in the lot, and stated that t~i'o guards would be needed. one to monitor vehicular traffic and one to direct pedestrians. She also mentioned that the area at the entrance to the parking lot is sloped and that soil should be built up to make this area more level near the road. Commissioner iVlurakami asked how the situation would be handled if the lot ~;-ere flooded or becomes muddy. Commissioners Pierce and Martla,e had no comments or questions. Chair Patrick conftrmed the volume of people expected to attend the event per day and that the parking lot will accommodate 7~-100 cars. Commissioner Bernald asked the cost of a shuttle for the month. RaddinQ stated that the monthly charse would be $18.000 and this is ~~hy it a decision was made not to provide shuttle service. y i~Teighbors spoke in favor of the s~°mphony and the showcase home. but preferred using a shuttle. feeling there w•as a safety concern for the children iu the area. They asked that no parking be permitted on Evans Lane and that sip=ns be erected off both sides of Sobev Road indicating that parking there is available only for the showcase. ~Ulrs. Raddin~ stated that more signs can be used to further resulate parking. The public hearing ~~-as closed at 9:00. Plannine Commission Minutes • rlpril22, 1998 • Page ~ Commissioner Bernald «°ould like to ha~~e a shuttle used for the event. and asked for discussion. Commissioner Pierce felt a shuttle ~yasn't necessary. He felt that ~yorkers at the event should be required to carpool. Commissioner Vturakami concurred. feeling that the cost of a shuttle is prohibitive and recommended use of more signs and monitors. Chair Patrick felt the Cite should require "No Parkin<;' sicns along all the roads in the area and that there should be more than tvo people involved in monitoring pedestrians and vehicles. She also felt that workers should park offsite. BERNALD,'iV1L;RAICA~II MOVED TO APPROVE TUP-98-001 WITH CU\DITIO\S FOR SAFETY,_ PARKING AND `~"EED ABATEivIE\T: MOTION PASSED ~%0. THERE VAS A BREAK FROM 9:10 - 9:2~ AT THE REQUEST OF CHAIR PATRICK. 7. V-98-003 (517-10-008) -ALLEN, 14500 Oak Street; Request for Variance approval to rebuild an existing X69 sq. ft. detached garage at a height of I ~ feet. Variance approval is required to alloy the side yard setback to remain at 1.~ feet. The site is 8,12 sq. ft. located within an R-1-10.000 zoning district. CONTI\"UED aT aPPLICA,\T'S REQUEST FROlv13/2~/98. ~~`algren presented the staff report. The public hearing ~sas opened at 9:26 p.m. John Allen, applicant. stated that the original garage ~i°as for one vehicle and ryas poorl~~ constructed; they are interested in making the propem~ look better. The public hearing ~~~as closed at 9:28 p.m. MiR~KAMh'PATRICK MOVED TO APPROVE V-98-003: yIOTION PASSED ~ 0. 8. DR-97-067 (_APN 386-53-006) - LUI, 20380 Seagull ~'~`a~-; Request for Design Reyie~y approval to construct a first and second story addition totaling 1,69 sq. ft. to an existing 1,840 sq. ft. house on a 12,291 sq. ft. lot in the R-1-10.000 zoning district. ~Val~Tren presented the staff report and clarified specific terms used in the report. The public hearing ~~°as opened at 9:30 p.m. Darrel Fazekas, architect, distributed photos sho~vinQ the large tree in front of the house, also stating; the size of the balcon~• was 3.408 square fleet and that the height ofi the ~yindows had been reduced by 18 inches. Commissioner Murakami questioned the rounded corner on the design and ryas told that it .vas meant to soften the look of the home and provide more landscaping. Commissioner Bernald requested clarification about the reduced height of the windows. Plannine Commission !Minutes • • Paco 6 :~pri122, 1998 The public hearing was closed at 9:40 p.m. Commissioner Ylurakami was concerned about the rear elevation and the balconies but felt that if staff is satisfied, he would able to approve the project. Commissioner Bernald felt that the design of the balconies was grandiose for the neighborhood. Commissioner Pierce felt the design is not appropriate. as the nei~~hborhood is primarily made up of one stor; houses, and he does not like the balconies. Commissioner i'~lartlase concurred. and also disliked the balconies. Chair Patrick felt this area is not appropriate for a second story°, that the balconies are not compatible with the neighborhood. and that the applicants should eliminate the second story. The public hearing was reopened and the item was continued at the applicant's request to x/27/98 for resubmittal of a single stork- design. 9. DR-98-001 (_APN 386-06-040) - CHEI\T, 12491 ~'~'oodside Drive; Request for Design Review approval to construct a second store addition of 946 sq. ft. to an existing',397 sq. ft. house on an 11,900 sq. ft. lot in the R- 1-10.000 zoning district. Proposal will change building height from 14 feet, 6 inches to '_] feet. 6 inches. COITINUE.D AT APPLICANT'S REQUEST FRO1~13/25/98 FOR REDESIG\. ~~'algren presented the staff report. The public hearing was opened at 9:44 p.m. Thomas Liu, architect, showed photos of the project. stating the desi~=n had been significantly modified and included removal of the window and balcony on the right side: the addition of a wooden lattice screen would reduce the impact on neighbors' privacy to a minimum. The result is a home that will be more compatible with the neighborhood. Commissioner Bernald was concerned about the need for the second story balcony and wondered if there are other options available. Neighbors were interested in preserving the look and feel ofi the neighborhood and spoke against the project. noting that none of the improvements to other homes in the area involved a second story addition and that the privacy of the neighbors would be impacted. The public hearing «~as closed at 10:01 p.m. Commissioner tilartlage preferred the second design but was disappointed that more changes hadn't been made. She was not able to support the project y y Commissioner Pierce said that one story homes are predominant in the neighborhood and was opposed to any second stot-~• addition. Commissioner Bernald liked the design but cannot support the project because of the balcony. She fielt it would be appropriate at any other location, but not in this case. Plannine Commission Minutes • ` pa„e 7 April 22. 1998 Commissioner ~turakami said the design was well balanced but that not enough changes were made in response to the Commission's requests. He felt this design does not fit in and cannot support the project. Chair Patrick concurred and appreciated the balance in the desi~_>n. She felt the lot is big enough to expand and that a second store addition is not needed. The public hearing was reopened and the item ~~~as continued at the applicant's request to 5/27/98 for resubmittal of a single story design. 10. DR-97-060 (_~P\ 503-78-038) - \EOGY, 22665 Garrod Road; Request for Design Review- approval to construct a ne.i• 6.699 sq. ft., two-story home on a vacant =1.~8 acre lot in the Hillside Residential zoning district. ~~'algren presented the staff report. The public hearing was opened at 10:10 p.m. Rathin Neogv, resident. said the lot is private and doesn't interfere with others. stating he had worked Frith staff to preserve existing trees and maintain required setbacks. The public hearing was closed at 10:15 p. nt. Commissioner ~lurakami noted that during the Commissions site visit. the height poles were down and there .vas no visual picture of the size of the house. Commissioner Pierce felt the applicant should spray paint the corners of the project to show the size of the home. Chair Patrick confirmed that the driveway will be made of a pervious material. She noted that there were four gas fireplaces with gas starters. and that they would be gas-burning onh•, not wood. She would prefer to have~no wood-burning fireplaces, or possibly only one. Commissioner Bernald liked the house but felt it was very lame. Chair Patrick said the Commission would need to see proper markings to determine size before they go further. The public hearing was reopened and the item was continued at the applicant's request to 5/13/98 to better demarcate the building footprint and to revisit the site. 11. SD-98-003 (APi\ 393-40-020) - BOISSER.ANC, 13650 Saratoga-Sunnyvale Road; Request for Subdivision approval to subdivide a 1.67 uct acre parcel of land into four single-family lots. The residence existing at the property would be relocated to one of the near lots. anew cul-de-sac would be extended from Franklin Avenue and the lots would be accessed from that street. The proposed lots range in size from 12,00 sq. ft. to 20,000 sq. ft. The property is located in an R-1-12,00 zoning district. ~Valgren presented the staff report. The public hearing was opened at 10:28 p.m. Plannine Commission Alinutes :1pri122. 1998 Pale 8 Warren ~~'hale~-, applicant's representati~~e, stated the~~ had responded to requests made of them. Neighbors raised concerns, citin~~ the high le~~el of noise. the fact that construction hours established b~~ the Citn~ «°ere not being obsen•ed. and that the builder does not pro~~ide adequate cleanup after Mork has been done. Commissioner Pierce asked «°hether there ~~ere plans for a cause~~•av or «-alk«a~~ from the cul-de-sae to Sarato~=a- Sunn~~~~ale Road. Commissioner ~turakami raised the issue ofthe difference in height at the ~ialk«•a~. The public hearing vas closed at 10:40 p.m. Commissioner Murakami appreciated the fact that neighbors had come to the meetin~7 and felt that stafit should be able to monitor some of their concerns. Commissioner Bernald commented on the gentle slope to the «alk„~a~~ and the difference in heisht. and ~•ondered if the nt~o de~•elopers might be able to «'ork to_ether to deal «~ith this issue. She can support the project. Commissioner Pierce a~~reed and «ants the Commission to ha~•e the opportunit~~ to re~~iew the fence. Commissioner ~lartlage co~tcurred. Chair Patrick ~; ould like to see the street landscaping, put in as earl~~ as possible. MURAKAViI!1~lARTLAGE ~10VED TO APPROVE SD-98-003; ~10TION PASSED ~%0. DIRECTOR ITE1yIS UP-98-00] -PAGE NET~~t~HALEN & CO. INC., ]?333 Saratoga-Sunn~l~ale Road: Request for minor modification of pre~~ious appro~~al. ~~'al~,ren presented the staff memo. The modifications ~~~ere accepted ~0. COitiIiylISS10\ ITEMS Appointment of ne~~• Chairperson and Vice Chairperson BERNALD.'ytARTLAGE N01~iINATED COMMISSIONER PIERCE AS TH.E NE~'l~ CHAIRPERSON FOR THE PLANNING CO~~tivtlSSION: PASSED ~`0. PATRiCK;~iVi.ARTLAGE NOti11N:aTED COMti]ISSIONER BERNALD AS THE NE~~` VICE-CI-LAIRPERSON FOR TH.E PLANNING COMMISSION; PASSED ~'0. 2. Summer.<<~acation schedule It was determined to cancel the second meeting in Au{=ust 1998. Planning Commission ~•tinutes ~ ` Page 9 April 22. 1998 COl~Il\IUNIC ~TIONS ~V ritten Cite Council viinutes dated ~•larch 1 ~1. l8, 20. 24 and ~7. 1998 Notices for Plannin~s Commission Public Hearing of Apri122, 1998 Cite Council Minutes dated April 1 and April ?, 1998 ADJOUIZ\1~IE\T TO NEXT PUBLIC HE:~RI\G 11:00 p.m. to Vl•'ednesda~~. Ma~• 13. 1998_. Gi~•ic Theater 13777 Fruitvale A~-enue. Saratoga. Ca