HomeMy WebLinkAbout05-27-1998 Planning Commission minutes•
DATE: ~~'ednesday, ~Ia~- 27,1998 - 7:30 p.m.
PLACE: Cis=ic Theater, 13777 Fruit~-ale A~~enue, Saratoga, CA
TYPE: Regular Meeting
Roll Call Present: Chair Pierce, Commissioners Bernald. Kaplan, Murakami
Absent: Commissioners Martla,e. Patrick
Staff: ~~~alaren. Ratcliffe y
Pledge of Allegiance
Minutes -April 22 and i~1ay 1 ~, 1998
Bernald requested the following modifications to the minutes of Apri122, 1998:
(Blackwell Brothers)
• Page 3, paragraph 7: Correct the second sentence to read "Trees X26 and =33 must be saved...~° in lieu of "Trees
T26 and Y30 must be saved..."
• Page 3. last paragraph: Add the phrase "acrd he appr-ored of the project. ~'
• Page ~, paragraph 2: Correct the first sentence to read "...ircrs thankfirl there were 3 gas fireplaces" in lieu of
'`...noticed there were 3 aas fireplaces."
(San Jose S~~mphony)
• Pase 4, Paragraph I1: Correct the spelling of Commissioner Bernald's last name to "Ber~~ald~ in lieu of
"Berr~urd." Correct the last sentence to read "...that soil should be built up to make this area more level dear- the
rood'' i^ lieu of'`...that son~ethii~g should be placed there to make this area more level."
• Paae ~. paragraph 16: Correct the first sentence to read "...but preferred using a shuttle. feeling there was a
safety concern..." in lieu of `but were against usins a shuttle. feeling it was a safety concern...'
• Page ~, paragraph 1: Add the phrase "und asked for disci~ssioj~.'~
Consideration of the minutes from ivlav ] ~. 1998 was continued to the meeting of Junc ] 0. 1998.
Oral Communications
Report of Posting Agenda
Pursuant to Government Code ~=I9~~.2, the agenda for this meeting was properly posted on May 22, 1998.
Technical Corrections to Packet
1. Item 3 (i\'eog~~): (a) The terms '`hipped' and "gabled° ~~~ere transposed in the staff memorandum relating to the
roof style being proposed. (b) The pool has been relocated from the rear ~~ard to the front yard of the home.
Planning Commission Minutes • • Page 2
May 27, 1998 y
2. Item ~ (Fitzsimmons): (a) The signature page w'as not included with the Resolution. (b) Subsection 1~ of the
Initial Studv should show a net increase of 4 new homes, rather than the 12 homes stated.
1. DR-98-001 (.APN 386-06-0=10) - CHEN, 12491 ~Yoodside Drive; Request for Design Review appro~•al to
construct a second ston• addition of 9=16 sq. ft. to an existing 2,397 sq. ft. house on an 11.900 sq. ft. lot in the R-1-
10,000 zoning district. Proposal will change building height from 14 feet. 6 inches to 21 feet. 6 inches.
2. DR-97-067 (AP\ 386-53-006) - LUI, 20380 Seagull ~?~~a~-; Request for Design Review approval to construct
a first store addition totaling 1.807 sq. ft. to an existing 1.8=10 sq. ft. house on a 12,291 sq. ft. lot in the R-1-
10,000 zoning district. (CO\TINUED FRO VI 4/22/98)
3. DR-97-060 (AP\T 503-78-038) - NEOGY, 22665 Garrod Road; Request for Desi{.:n Review- approval to
construct a new• 6,=189 sq. ft.. two-sto~-~• home on a vacant =1.48 acre lot in the Hillside Residential zoning
district. (CO\TINUED FROM 4/22/98)
~~'alaren presented the staff memorandum.
The public hearing was opened at 7:40 p.m.
The applicant w•as present and responded to questions raised by the Commissioners.
Kaplan asked if the applicant had considered lowering the profile of the house and using a basement. The
applicant responded that tl~e size of the lot makes this difficult.
Kaplan asked ~?~'alUren what w°ould be involved to lower the house, and how visible it would be.
~ValQren responded that the house would have to be a one-story with a basement. or a stepped t<vo-store. and that
the property is screened by Coast Live Oak and other trees.
The public hearing vas closed at 7:45 p.m.
Kaplan was not happy with the project: she did not like the pool being= located in the front of the propcm~; she also
felt the house is too big and would like to see it re-desisned.
~lurakami was not comfortable with the way the house sits, feelin~~ the appearance is bulky, and that the
modifications did not improve the design. He wondered if a work session might be considered and was not ready
to approve.
Bernald concurred with Kaplan and ~•turakami, feeling the location of the pool w-as not suitable and that the house
w•as not compatible with the lot and the neighborhood.
Planning Commission Minutes •
May 27, 1998
• Page 3
Pierce «~as concerned ~;~ith the size of the house. stating that ~~hile the lot ~s•as large. the building pad was small.
The size reduction of '_-00 square feet on a 6,600 square foot house «~as not enough of a reduction to make a
difference in the bulk of the house.
The applicant was ~~i~°en the option to ha~~e the Commission rote or to continue the project.
4. SIVl-98-001 (APN 517-23-020) - BIRENBAUit1, 20052 Sunset Drive; Request for Site Modification appro~•al
to construct a new rear yard pool with associated spa. arbor and deckin{= on a 2.96 acre parcel located in a
Hillside Residential zoning district. The property is currentl~~ developed with a x,111 sq. ft. two-story
~t'al~Tren presented the staff report.
Kaplan clarified that the 4,000 square foot fenced area excluded the pool.
The public hearing was opened at 7:50 p.m.
Jeff ~~`erner, applicants designer. said that, after a lone discussion, the pool had been proposed on the flattest portion
of ~~ard. y
The public hearing was closed at 7:57 p.m.
Bernald w•as able to support the application, gi~-en the dense ~~egetation.
Mttrakami had no objection.
Kaplan concurred: she had been concerned about the slope but after the geotechnical report and inspections, she felt
these concerns Itad been addressed.
Pierce felt the isolated location chosen for the pool w•as a good one.
5. SD-98-001 (.LPN 389-34-003) - FITZSIi•IMO\S/YAMAOK.~ DEVELOPI'IENT, 13480 Saratoga
Avenue; Request for Tentati~~e Subdi~~isiou vlap Approval to di~~ide one 3.24 acre parcel into fi~~e single-
family residential lots. The lots would range in size from 20.012 sq. ft. to 24,0 1 sq. ft.. permitting home sizes
of 4,~ 18 to 4.830 sq. ft. (includinm garages).
An En~~ironmental Initial Study and Negati~•e Declaration ha~~e been previously noticed pursuant to the
requirements of the California Environmental Qualit~~ Act.
~t`algren presented the staff report.
Kaplan w•as concerned about n•ees= 13, 14. 1 ~ and 16. Bernald asked ~~%algren if some of the trees could be
moved. walgren responded that they could be transplanted.
Planning Commission Minutes • • Page 4
~1~ay 27, 1998
Kaplan also said she had received a call from a resident regarding this project.
The public hearing was opened at 8:07 p.m.
The applicant's architect concurred with the conditions placed on the project and said that he wanted to stress the
Tentative 1~1ap, not the structures.
Bernald wondered how lame the one-story homes would be on Lots 4 and ~.
Kaplan asked if the applicant had considered ;Dins down (i.e., a basement) instead of up. and ~i°anted to be sure
that the public sees the exhibits.
Neighbors presented a neighborhood map and a highlighted plan of Area L. Thee supported single-store homes
and requested that the pad elevation be at the natural ;ride and that the pipe be moved to protect trees, in
accordance with the Resolution. Thee were concerned about drivers making left turns from Ranfre, propem~ value
protection. loss of privac~~, and asked that more attention be gig°en to the Arborist Report.
The applicant said that the Tentative i~iap had restraints and that the individual homes would be subject to the
Design Review process. He said the roof line might be lowered and windows facing adjacent properties removed.
Kaplan asked if the applicant had seen Heritage and Kerwin Ranch. The response was yes.
The public hearing was closed at 8:40 p.m.
~turakami had concerns regarding privacy issues ou Lots 4 and ~ and felt they should stay consistent with the past.
Kaplan concurred with Vlurakami and asked ~~'algren whether Kerwin Ranch is'-'- feet. ~'l~algren responded yes.
Bernald asked questions regarding the sewer and storm drain lines. The arborist had recommended the lines be
relocated, and Bernald wondered if this condition was included in the Resolution. ~~'algren responded yes.
Bernald was impressed with the neighbor turnout. She was concerned that the pad level remain as close to natural
grade as possible, felt that the houses should be limited to one story, and had concerns regarding traffic.
Pierce concurred and complimented the neighbors and the applicant for their excellent presentations. He felt that
two store homes were inappropriate and that the applicant should consider basements: he also felt the pads should
be at the current level and raised questions regarding fencing,.
Kaplan felt the fencing glens Saratoga Avenue should be the same as the subdivision to the south.
Pierce felt that homes should be one story and that maintaining building pads at the current height will increase
property values.
At the request of Chair Pierce, there ~~as a break from 8:~0 - 9:00 p.m.
Planning Commission Minutes •
Mav 27.~ 1998
Page ~
6. DR-97-059 (AP\ 503-16-092) - BLACK`VELL BROTHERS, 18880 Bella Vina Court; Request for Design
Review approval to construct a ne«• 6.011 sq. ft. nvo-store residence on a nee;~l~~ created parcel. Lot ~ of the
Bella Vina Subdivision. The site is 40,000 sq. ft. and is located within an R-1-=I0,000 zoning district.
~?~'algren presented the statif report and read a letter from a neighbor into the record.
The public hearing ~r-as opened at 9:01 p.m.
Greg Blackwell, applicant. responded to questions.
Kaplan ~~as concerned about the three fireplaces and ~~°ondered if they were gas or ~~ood burning.
The applicant agreed to make one of the fireplaces gas burning only.
Bernald asked ~Valgren about an ordinance relating to fireplaces currenth~ being,, developed. ~?l`algren responded
that the ordinance will be before the Planning Commission at the June 24th meeting. and, if adopted. will become
effective in August of this year.
The public hearing ~r-as closed at 9:08 p.m.
Bernald liked the desi~an and the project, but she had concerns with the fireplaces.
vlurakami liked the design and noted that the Commission has approved other homes without restricting
fireplaces. He complimented the applicant for using differin~T home designs and ~~~as «~illiug to approve the
Kaplan was concerned with the fireplaces; if one fireplace «ere completely gas and the other two bad gas starters.
then she would be able to approve.
Pierce liked the design and wanted to be consistent with previously approved projects. He suggested that all
fireplaces be gas equipped. Pierce stated that Mr. Corrado. a neighbor, liked the design as well.
iti1URAKAMh'BERNALD b10~'ED TO APPROVE DR-97-0~9 ~V1TH CO\D1TI0\S: b10T10\' PASSED 4i0.
7. V-98-006 & F-98-001 (APN 503-72-038) - THOiVIAS, 21550 Saratoga Heights Drive; Request for Variance
approval to construct a sia foot fence within the front yard setback, the application includes a Fence Exception
request to enclose an area in excess of 4.000 sq. ft. in the HR district. The parcel is approximately 2. I acres.
~Valgren presented the staff report.
The public hearing vas opened at 9:17 p.m.
The applicant stated that deer eat all ~~egetation and objected to staffs recommendation that the Variance be denied.
Kaplan asked if the applicant has had cars drive over the property. The applicant responded yes.
The public hearing was closed at 9:25 p.m.
Plannin, Commission Minutes •
May 27, 1998
Page 6
Kaplan said that the ordinance regarding fencin~T is in place for a reason and that she didn't believe that a fence will
stop the deer.
Ivlurakami did not feel the Commission could make findings for a Variance or a Fencing Exception.
Bernald concurred with Kaplan and Murakami and was sensitive to the issue of preserving trees. She «•as not able to
support the application.
Pierce disagreed with the other Commissioners, stating that there are many fences in this area. He felt the
Commission could grant the fence exception, as he feels it is a reasonable request.
Kaplan said that the fact that other fences have been erected illegally, does not mean that it is all right to do so.
~i~'algren brought up the suggestion of using parallel wires.
Bernald felt this was a massive amount of fencing and asked if there might be another way to do it.
I. ~Valgren provided an update of the project to consolidate the newsracks in the Village and identified Jennie
Loft as the point person for this effort.
2. ~Valgren reported that an honorary gavel will be given to Commissioner Patrick at the next public hearing in
recognition of her service as Chair of the Plannin~7 Commission.
1. Kaplan asked questions about the Old Oak ~'~'a~ property. Vl`algren summarized the findings and actions taken
by Comnumity Development and Engineering inspection staff.
~. Pierce would like to organize a ;roue drive to look at rood and bad examples of home designs in other cities.
1. City Council Minutes dated IViav 6 and ~1av 12. 1998
2. Notices for Planning Commission Meeting of June 10. 1998
ADJOURNNIE\T TO \EXT MEETING 9:42 p.m. to «`ednesdav. June 10. 1998, Civic Theater
13717 Fruitvale A~°enue, Saratoga, CA