HomeMy WebLinkAbout06-24-1998 Planning Commission Minutes CITY OF SAR~TOGA PLANNING CO~IMISSIO\T 1\11\UTES DATE: ~Vednesdav, June 2~3, 1998 - 7:30 p.m. PLACE: Civic Theater, 13777 Fruitvale Avenue, Saratoga, CA TYPE: Regular Itleeting Roll Call Present: Chair Pierce, Commissioners Bernald, Kaplan, >/lurakami and Patrick Absent: Commissioner ~lartlase Staff: Director ~~'al_7ren, Plannin~_ staff Crowley Pledge of Allegiance Minutes Minutes from June 10. 1998 meeting will be considered at the Jul. 8, 1998 meeting. Oral Communications \one. Report of Posting Agenda Pursuant to Go~•ernment Code ~=19~~ 7. the a«enda for this meeting was properly posted on June 19. 1998. Technical Corrections to Packet Item ~l (Cotran); l"he applicants have provided requisite information concerning resolution of `~eotechnical issues and have requested a continuance to the ~~ S'98 public hearing>. Item ~+2 (Black~~ell`Hassler): The smallest lot size will be li,000 square feet, not 13.00 square feet as shown in the staff report. CONSENT CALE\ DAR 1. DR-97-066 (.~P\ 503-31-055) - COTRa\, 1=3158 Dorene Court: Request for Design Review approval to construct a ne~~ =1.9~~ sq. ft.. two-store single famil~~ residence. ?0 ft. iu hei;_ht, on a vacant 1.0~ acre parcel in the Hillside Residential Zoning District. (REQI:EST FOR CONTI\UANCE TO 7/8/98). PATRICK; BERNALD ~10VED TO APPROVE COtiTINUANCE OF DR-97-066: ~%lOTION PASSED 5-0. PUBLIC HEARII\GS 2. SD-97-002 (APN 397-28-0.37, 038 & 397-29-00~) - BLACK«~ELL/IL~SSLER, 14000 Alta Vista Avenue; Request for Vesting Tentative Subdivision tiiap approval to subdivide a ?.6-acre parcel into five indi~~idual lots ranging in size from 13,00 to 3},000 sq. ft. each. The project site abuts the Saratoga Creek to the south and is heavily wooded. There is an existing home. a cotta~_>e and several accessory structures on the site. The property is located within an R-1-13.00 ZOlllnff district. Planning Commission A4inutes • June 24.1998 • Page 2 An environmental Initial Study has been prepared for this project and is available for review at the Cit}' of Saratoga in the Planning Division offices at the above address. (CO\TI1'tiED FROYI 6/10/98 AT THE REQL;EST OF THE APPLICANT). ~~'algren presented the staff report. Patrick said the initial study completed last year recommended a subsequent stud~~ be performed. and that this revised information had not vet been received. The public hearing ~~-as opened at 7:43 p.m. ~'l`illiam Heiss. cis°il engineer, prorided a presentation describing the pre~~ious la~~out of the propem~ and how it had been developed. He also discussed existing trees and those to be removed, a landscape restoration plan, and mitigation measures. The applicant asked to start the architectural review process before the final map is recorded. Patrick asked why the additional studies had not been done before now. Pierce asked to sec the location ofthe current driveway. ~Valgren stated that there could be no Design Review of the individual homes until the final map has been recorded. \eighbors felt the densin~ of the entire project should be decreased and were concerned about increase in traffic, significant noise impact. loss of privac}~. and the issue of safety for their children. The_v felt the traffic study was inadequate and wanted to vcrifi information from other developments. Bernald asked about the conf7~==oration of the lots. Pierce wondered if the neighborhood residents would be willing to pa~~ for an additional traffic study° to refute the one presented. y Patrick commented that speed bwnps might help to reduce traffic speed. She also felt that five homes are not conducive to the neighborhood. but that the setting ~yould be lovely for fewer homes. Barrie Coate. arborist. agreed that a large part ofi the propem~ is dense in terms of tree growth: he stated that problem trees could be replaced and that protection could be pert around certain trees to save them and provide screening. Kaplan did not like the confi~=oration and was opposed to the flab, lot. The public hearing w°as closed at 9:0~ p.m. Patrick felt the constrained site and its many trees presented a challenge and wondered if other possibilities existed for access. Pierce was concerned about the other three lots on Alta Vista and felt a study session would be appropriate to discuss all the lots and options available. Kaplan. ~iurakami and Bernald a~=reed the issues should be revie~yed again and that the discussion should be continued to a study session. Planning Commission Ntinutes June 24, 1998 • Pase 3 The public hearing was reopened and the item continued to a stud~• session 7/8/98 for further discussion. CI-I~IR PIERCE REQUESTED a BREaK FRONt 9:?0 TO 9:30. 3. LL-98-002 & V-98-00~ (397-28-031) - BLaCK«"ELL PROPERTLES, 2035 Williams ~~•enue; Request for Lot Line adjustment to relocate an existing propem line six feet between Lot ''-2 (Parcel A) and Lot 23 (Parcel B) of the ~~`illiams Tract. Variance approval is required to allow Parcel B to be reduced in size b~° 920 sq. ft. from its current size of 9,90 sq. ft. Parcel ;~ will increase in size from 7.670 to 8,90. The combined parcels are 17,610 sq. ft. acid are located in an R-1-10.000 zoning district. ~t'algren presented the staff report. Kaplan confirmed that the lot line adjustment is beins proposed to prevent the property line ~oin~_ throw=h the existin; home on Parcel ~. The public hearing was opened at 9:39 p.m. ~~'illiam Heiss, civil engineer, discussed the reasons for the proposal for a lot line adjustment and remodel of the home on Parcel A. Neighbors asked whether building permits had been issued and wondered if the house on Parcel A, which then felt was not a buildable lot. would be torn down or remodeled. Heiss responded that the}, plan to remodel the existing house: the lot line adjustment would provide a six foot setback to this house on Parcel A and that it does not impact Parcel B. Bernald asked if the _ara~re would remain on Parcel A. Kaplan asked ifi the two parcels could be merged into a conforming lot. ~~~al,ren responded that the City did not have the authority to require that these rn-o Ie~Jal lots of record be merged into a single lot. The public hearing ~~-as closed at 9:55 p.m. Patrick. Bernald, Nturakami and Pierce were not opposed to the project. Kaplan recommended retaining the large trees on Parcel B. but felt she could approve the project. PATRICK %BERNALD MOVED TO APPROVE ~'-98-001: N10TIOti~ PASSED ~-0. PATRICK %BERNALD tilOVED TO APPROVE LL-98-002: N10TION PASSED ~-0. ~. DR-98-010 & V-98-001 (.~P\T 503-26-028) - BaG\AS, 1005 «'ildwood «'a~: Request for Design Reyie~y approval to construct a new 1.990 sq. ft., two-story single family residence, 22 ft. in height. on a 3,72 sq. ft. parcel in the R-1-10,000 Zoning District. Applicants also request Variance approval for reduced setbacks for the first and second stories of the proposed structure. Vl'alaren presented the staff report. Planning Commission Minutes • June 24. 1998 • Page 4 Pierce asked what stele of house is being proposed. iVlurakami said it w°as not unusual to see constraints on all lots in this neighborhood and that similar Variances ha~•e been granted in this tract. Bernald wondered if the dri~~ewa~ were accessible with the gate located where it is; she felt the old Uate should be replaced ~; ith something new°cr. Kaplan felt the vate w-as supertluous: the street is pri~~ate and residents can choose to close it off. Patrick recommended remo~~al of the existing= poorly maintained ~~e,etation along the gate so that sufficient room exists for emer,enc~~ ~-ehicles. The public hearing was opened at 10:0 p.m. The applicant stated their intention to remo~~e ~-egetation and to mope the gate for the safety- of the neighborhood. Kaplan felt the house appears to he three stories and ~~er~• IarQe, and wondered if the applicant had considered a basement to lower the profile of the house. y Patrick asked if the applicant had plans for a sidewalk. Neighbors felt the house would add to the neighborhood_ but wanted to keep the chains up on both sides of the street. Patrick asked if the chains could be mo~~ed to pro~~ide more parking for the neighbors. The public hearing was closed at 10:16 p.m. Bernald felt the Design Rey iew and Variance pose no problem: she was concerned about the posts but did not know if mo~•ing them will help the parking situation. She would be able to support the project. Murakami liked the design. Kaplan would not be able to support the project. Patrick felt the house is too large and massi~~e. Pierce liked the house and felt that the design chances staff required and the added wood siding make it acceptable and a nice addition to the nei<~hborhood. BERNALD It1GRAKAMI MOVED TO APPROVE V-98-001; MOTION PASSED 3-2 (KAPLAN AND PATRICK OPPOSED). MURAKAMI BERNALD MOVED TO APPROVE DR-98-O10 ~~~1TH MODIFICATIONS: MOTION PASSED 3-2 (KAPLAN AND PATRICK OPPOSED). ~. AZO-98-001 -CITY OF SAR.~TOGA; Consideration of proposed amendments to Article 1~ of the Municipal Code -the Saratoga Zoning Ordinance. Amendments would include rep isions to the Building Floor Planning Commission iVlinutes • June 24.1998 Page ~ Area and Average Site Slope definitions, the Building Floor Area Reduction requirements. the Administrative Design Review and Accessory Structure Revie«- processes and the Sion Ordinance. New regulations are also proposed that ~~°ould include a restriction on the number of ~~~ood burning fireplaces allowed and the creation of a creek protection setback for new construction. Lastl}`, staff is proposing amendments to the Lot Impert•ious Coverage requirements to match the language of the ;/leasure G initiative. ~'~'algren presented the staff memorandum. The public hearing was opened at 10:3 p.m. ~~'algren summarized the proposed ordinances. Each of the ordinances w•as addressed separately; and the Commission discussed whether to recommend or not recommend these to the Cite Council. The public hearing ~~°as closed at 10:5 p.m. PATRICK ' KAPLAti ~10VED TO RECO~]I~tE\D APPROVAL OF THE ORD1tiAtiCE Aiv1END~lENTS ~~'ITH CHANGES BY ADOPTING RESOLLTTO\ AZO-98-001: 1~IOTION PASSED ~-0. DIRECTOR ITEMS • Candidates for the vacancy on the Planning Commission would be inten~iewed at the July 1 Council meeting. • The Jayakumar and Neo`gy appeals will be heard at the July 1 ~ Council meeting. • Annexation along ,~•it. Eden Road at the northeast corner of the Cite was discussed. • The Community Service Ofticer will be on vacation the weeks of July 6 and 13. • ~~~alaren will be on vacation the .reeks of August 17 and 3=T. • \ovember 11 is a le~Tal holiday: the Commission meeting scheduled for that date will be held Tuesday. November 10. with site visits on Monday. tio~-ember 9. CO~iI<1ISSION ITEMS COr7i~lUNICATIONS t~%r~ rtP„ • City Council tiiinutes dated June 3 and June 9. 1998 • \otices for Planning Commission Meeting of Jule 8, 1998 ADJOURNI\IE\T AT 11:00 P.i1I. TO \E1T iVIEETI\TG • ~Vednesdav, July 8. 1998. Civic Theater 13777 Fruin~ale Avenue. Saratoga. CA