HomeMy WebLinkAbout07-08-1998 Planning Commission Minutes• • CITY OF SaR~TOGA PLC\NING CO~INIISSION 1~II\ CITES DATE: ~~`ednesda~•, Jul~• 8.1998 - 7:30 p.m. PUCE: Ci~~ic Theater, 13777 Fruih-ale A~~enue, Saratoga. CA TYPE: Regular Meeting Roll Call Present: Chair Pierce, Commissioners Bernald. Kaplan. ~lartlaae. ~=]urakami and Patrick Absent: \one Staff: Director Vl`algren, Planning stafl~Crow°le~ Pledge of Allegiance itlinutes -June 10 and June 2=fi. 1998 THE V][~iL°TES OF JU\E 10 ~~`ERE :APPROVED ~-0 (ti'1L?RAK.AMI _~.BSTAI\ED). THE loll\UTES OF JU\E 2=} ~l`ERE APPRO~`ED ~t`ITH CI fAl\1GES ~-0 ('~tAR1-CAGE ABSTAItiEDj: • Page 2, paragraph 10 (Blackw•eIl~Hassler): Correct the sentence to read "Bernald asked about the cozzfz~Tzrz~urion of the lots.' in lieu of''Bernald asked about the si=e oti the lots.~~ Oral Communications \one Report of Posting :agenda Pursuant to Go~ernmcnt Code ~=494?. the asenda for this meeting «as properl} posted on Jule 2, 1998. Technical Corrections to Packet \one CO\SE\T CALEI~"DAR PC6LIC HEARINGS 1. DR-97-066 (aPN X03-31-0~~) - COTRAN, 141_,"8 Dorene Court: Request for Desi~_n Re~icw appro~-al to construct a new 4.8~~ sq. ft.. t~~~o-store single famih~ residence, ~0 ft.. 9 in. in height, on a vacant 1.0~ acre parcel in the Hillside Residential zoning district. (CO\TI\UED FRO1i 6/24/98). ~'~'algrcn presented the staff report. The public hearing ~~~as opened at 7:-34 p.m. Sandra Palm, architect. reported she had ~~orked ~~ith staff and spoken ~~•ith neighbor in an efifort to make the application sensiti~ c to dcsi~*n standards. She showed representations of re~~iscd roofing materials and colors. Planning Commission Minutes • • Page ? Jule 8. 1998 v Kaplan asked if the applicants had a`*reed to staff-recommended changes concerning colors and roofing= materials. Bernald wondered if the rooting material mi~aht be changed to something more slate-like and asked about the m-o skyli~shts on the low°er level 11oor plan. Kaplan inquired whether the =ate identified on the plans is actually a Date or simple an entry into the driveway. ~~`algren explained that the plans call for a ~+rought iron fence and an entr~~ Rate. and stated that all fencing details will be reviewed and the ~-=ate ~~ ill be a maximum height of five feet. Kaplan asked that the approval resolution include a condition that there ~yill be one ~yood-burnin~_ fireplace. The applicants did yoluntaril~ agree to limit the structure to no wood-burning fireplaces. The public hearing ~~~as closed at 7:» p.m. ~•tartlage found the revised roof rile preferable to terra cotta, and was pleased with plans to soften the balustrade. Patrick w•as pleased that the colors will be changed but would prefer to sec more ~~ood; she does not like the design and cannot approve. Bernald concurred ~. ith Vlartla~,e. ~-lurakami felt the new roof materials are an improvement. Kaplan did not care for the design. Pierce liked the design and can approve. BERNALD -` ~7ARTLAGE ~~IOVED TO APPROVE DR-9 %-066: MOTION I?~SSED ~-1 (I?aTRICK OPPOSED). 2. DR-98-019 & V-98-O0~ (~03-22-102) - CAMPBELL, 20731 Marion Road; Request for Design Revie~~ approval to add 2.? 16 sq. ft. to an existin~_ 3.08 sq. ft. main residence at a height of ?~.~ lt. where 18 ft. is existing. The structure is kno~~•n as the Pollard House and is listed on the City~s Heritage Inycntor_y. The site is two acres. located within an R-1-1~.~00 zoning district. Variance approval is necessary to allo« the square fiootage to exceed the maximum permitted for a parcel in the R-12.00 zoning district. ~'l'algren presented the staff report. Kaplan felt the profile of the house is vcr}° lone and ~~ondcred if the look would be better ifthe gara~Te were detached. She asked ifthc applicants would be able to add additional buildings or pools to the property. ~Valgren responded that the property- could be subdivided. yielding up to three or four parcels. Patrick commented that the existing barn and garage do not appear to be of any heritage value. Pierce questioned ~~°hethcr the Commission could put a decd restriction on the propem so that it would not be fii~rther developed in the future. ~~`alaren responded that the State tap Act and the Cih's zoning requirements do not `>ivc this authority- to the Commission. The public hearing ~~as opened at 8:10 p.m. Gary Campbell. applicant. discussed the history of the property. He felt the request for a Variance is justified, as they Plannin_ Commission Minutes ~ • Page July 8. 1998 y are tr~~in~= to maintain the ori~Tinal house. and said the~~ had no interest in subdi~-idin~~. which would be limited b~- the mature trees. His adjacent neighbors arc in agreement ~~~ith the project. v Dennis 13urrow. architect, "as present to respond to technical questions and concerns of the Commission. ivlartla~Te asked if consideration had been ~~i~•en to mo~~in:= the house more toward the back. Patrick did not like that the =arage doors face the street and asked ifthe ;arage could be pushed further back. Kaplan suggested the applicant's recreational vehicle could be stored in the barn and the garage built on the side. '~Tei~~hbors spoke in fa~~or of the project and ~~-ere pleased that the proposed additions are compatible w-ith the existing, architecture and surroundings. Thee were interested in preser~ ing the orchard and the heritage of Saratoga and felt the proposed construction accomplishes these objectiv=es as well as preserving the Pollard home. Bernald said that talking with the Campbells had been helpful. She felt that the slidins doors and the «~indows are not compatible with Victorian t~ le and ~~ondered if the~~ could be changed, also that the lar~_e ba~~s in the garage are a modern feature on a V"ictorian house. Patrick did not like the placement of the garage and felt that it did not flit with the sty 1e of the house. Martlage questioned the compatibility of the garage ~~ith the house. Kaplan noted that the garage is larger than the traditional size and wondered if the applicants plan to pare the road in that area. ~•turakami asked how the house would be affected by removal of some of the hei~sht. The public hearing «-as closed at 8:50 p.m. Kaplan appreciated the efforts to preserve the historic building but felt that some of the character is lost by the addition of a garage. She would like to see a break in the Iona "railroad car' effect and would not be able to appro~~e with the garage in its proposed location. feeling it detracted from the house. ~~lurakami also appreciated the efforts to presen~c, but felt the garage is too lar~~e and that reducing its size would enhance the look of the house. Bernald concurred with the other Commissioners. She felt the applicants and staff should continue to work together and find a w`ay~ to move the ~~=ara~_c back. Patrick felt the ~_aragc is not located where it should be and that pushing it back w-ould be an improvement. She could not support the application «ith the garage located where it is. ~~lartla~_e concurred that the garage is incompatible and not appropriate, and that the design is too linear. Pierce felt the ~Tara~_e is too lane. The public hearinb ~~as reopened and the item continued to the 7/22/98 Stud- Session, for discussion of preliminart• conceptualized plans, and revised dra~r-ings and la~•outs. Planning Commission IVlinutes • Jule 8. 1998 Pale 3. DR-98-003 (aPl\ 503-78-029) - DOI;GL~5S, 22111 Villa Owls Lane (Lot ll);. Request for Design Review approval to construct a ne~~ 6.66 sq. tt.. t«o-story residence on a vacant =1.89 acre parcel located in a Hillside Residential zoning, district. ~~'al~,ren presented the staff report. The public hearing ~~°as opened at 9:10 p.m. Bernald reported that two letters had been received conccrnin`= equestrian path~~a}'s and questioned ~~hcther the I'lannins Commission could deal with the issues raised in the letters. ~Valgren stated the Cin~ is ~~orking on these matters with the Parks & Recreation Department. The applicants «rre present and said that their architect and civil enUineer ~~ere available ro answer questions. Kath~~ ~~`illiams, architect, said she had ~~•orked with the applicants to create a contemporar~~ and low-profile home. They had lowered the ceiling hcivht. rcnuwcd the terrace from the lower IevcL and reduced the overall length of the house. t~~r a ?00 square foot reduction. She save a presentation showing the effect of the revisions. Patrick liked the look of the copper ~~utters and asked what treatment would be used to preserve them. ~~turakami commented that there ~~as a larUe amount of cut and fill. I~~lartla~e inquired about the ~=eolo~,ical stability of the sit imming pool. Teri Lynn Baron. Via Escuela Drive. requested that a trail be created to connect ~~ ith the dedicated easement. Pierce responded that the Commission cannot create a new trail on the applicants' property. The public hearing was closed at 9:30 p.m. Patrick felt that the house is not located .here it should be and did not like the amount of impervious coyerave. Bernald liked the design but could not approve of the size and placement, lack of privacy. and potential landslide situation on the lot. ~•lurakami liked the desi~_n of the house but felt there should be modification to the pad and the house moved back. Kaplan felt there would be privacy issues due to the house being on a prominent site. ~tartla~,c concurred and said she ~.ould like to see additional changes. Pierce felt the house is too big for the pad and requested further redcsi~n. The public hearing ~~~as reopened and the item continued to the 8/12/98 regular meeting, for re~~ised plans. CHAIR PIERCE REQLESTED A BREAK FRO~1 9:=f0 TO 9:~0. ~. DR-98-021 (aP\ 397-18-093) - it1ORA\, 1~172~ Lire Oak Lane; Request for Desi~_n Review approval to construct a first and second store addition of 1.397 sq. tt. to an existing =1, 188 sq. fit.. sin`*le story structure Planning, Commission Minutes • Jule 8. 1998 • Pa_e located in an R-1-}0.000 zottin~, district. ~1 algren presented the staff report. The public hearing Sias opened at 9:52 p.m. The applicant stated her a~sreement with the staff s recommendations. Kaplan asked ifthe fireplaces are new or if they arc pre-existing. The public hearing ~~as closed at 9:5~ p.m. ~turakami appreciated the cross-section of the addition shown on the plans and ~~ould be able to approve the project. Bernald. Patrick and Kaplan could also approve. ~~Iartlage liked the desi~=n and felt it had a positive effect. Pierce ~tiould be able to approve the pr~jcct. BERN:~ILD ' ~1~RTL:~GE ~tO~~ED TO 1PPROVE DR-98-0?1: i~10TI0\ PISSED 6-0. ~. DR-96-056.1 & UP-96-016.1 (aP\ 393-01-02~, 025, 026, 027, 028 & 393-02-003) - SAR.aTOGa COURTI"ARDS, LLC/ERGO\T~UT ~SSOCi.~TES, Saratoga-Sunn~-~~ale Road & Blauer Dri~~e; Request fbr modification of Desisn Rev°ic~~ and Use Permit approval to redevelop and expand the Ar~Tonaut Shopping Center bv~ adding approximatch~ 10.000 sq. it. to the existing= Safeway Supermarket. rcno~-ating the existing Center buildings and constructing two new free-standin<* buildin~_s. The modification request is to allow the tree-standin~_ building approved for Pad B at the southeast corner of Saratoga-Sunm~~°ale Road and Blauer Drive to be separated from the overall project approval so that thev~ ma~~ proceed with construction of that huildin~ independent of the overall project. The conditions of approv°al required that construction of the tree-standin~_ buildings occur simultaneously Stith the renovation of the Center. in order to ensure that the renovation did occur. \I`al_ren presented the staff metnorandum. The public hearing ~i-as opened at 9:59 p.m. Anthony l~torici. applicant. explained the background of the project. noon`, there are specitic plans and buildings issues for Pad B. also that he has met with Public ~t orks staff. ~tartlage asked if the seller of the property had disclosed the condition of the building. Denise Levv. Regan Lane. stated that the residents will be affected by changes at the Center and expressed concern about the types of businesses to be there as well as increased traffic. She wondered if traffic hours could be restricted. Pierce responded that that particular issue could not be addressed at this hearing. Ch--is Harks. Blauer Drive, concurred that the residents will be affected b~ changes in the Center and br• the retail businesses that will go in there. He felt that the application for Pad B should remain connected to Pad A (main center) and recommended denial of the project. Planning= Commission IVlinutes • • Pave 6 Juh~ 8. ] 998 ~~lorici said that Blauer Drive will be improved ~yith landscaping and responded to Ha~rks~ questions. The public hearing ~~°as closed at 10:1 p.m. Bernald did not like the proposed architecture. She shares the frustration that the project has not been completed and would not be able to vote in favor of the project at this meeting. Patrick expressed concern about the poor condition of the Center and said she would not rote in favor of the project. nor would she vote to approve separation of Pad ~ and Pad B. 1`lartlage did not care tier the desi~~n as it exists. .4s the ori~>inal approval was ,ranted preriousl_v and she is a new member of the Commission. she said she would probable abstain. Kaplan expressed dissatisfaction ~~ ith the condition of the Center and said she could not vote to chan~_e somethin~~ that had been voted on previously. ~ v ~lurakami agreed with the other Commissioners. Pierce felt there was no reason to change the project. KAPLaN ~ ~IARI•LAGE MOVED TO DE\Y DR-96-06.1 & UP-96-016.1: ~~tOTIO\ P:~SSED 6-0 (~IARTLAGE ;aBST~I\ED). G. UR-9G-056.2 & [JP-9G-01G.2 (_AP\ 393-01-02~t, 025, U2G, 027 & 028) - «~HITLO«`/ARGO\AI:T ASSOCIATES, Saratoga-Sunn~~•ale Road &Blauer llrive; Request for nuxiitication of an approved project to runove or reduce a required soundwall bet~~ecn the :ar~_onaut Shopping Center and adjacent properties to the north and east. ~i~'algren presented the staff report. Bernald wondered if the Center has anything to say if the Commission recommends the ~~all not be built. and if the City has liability. ~t`algrcn responded that the City would not incur an_v liability as a result of w-aivin~l the soundwall at the neighbors' request. The public hearing ~i~as opened at 10:2G p.m. Robert ~~'hitlow. applicant. represented seven out of nine homeowners regardin; the soundwall. all of ~yhom felt the wall is not necessary. and that noise and traffic are not a problem. y \ei<~hbors also spoke in opposition to the wall; they were concerned about people writing on the wall and wondered if the pedestrian access for the nci~,hborhood. currently at the northeast corner. would be maintained. ~lurakami asked why there had been no complaints w°hen this w•as first brought to the Commission. Vl'hitlow responded that he was not aware that a wall would be built. ti~tartlage ryas concerned about the RV path under the tree canopy and Dyer the tree roots. Denise Levy, Regan Lane, commented that the only noise heard is lrom the air conditioners. which are located above roof level and hi_her than the soundwall. She was opposed to a «all because it meant that trees would be removed. and felt the wall would encourage problems with trash, rats and drainage. Planning Commission Minutes Jule 8. 1998 The public hearing ~3°as closed at 10:-10 p.m. • Pale 7 ~lartlage ~~-as concerned about the aesthetics of the sound~~all and felt that ha~~in~7 a break for pedestrians defeats the purpose of the .val I. Patrick noted that the nei~_hbors ori~_inall~~ wanted a sound~~all. that there should be no access to and from the back yards. and that she ~.as not in fa~~or ofchangin<_ w-hat had been pre~~ioush• appro~-ed. Kaplan was not in fa~~or of making am changes to the Center. Nlurakami understood the convenience to the neighbors of having access ro and from the Center but questioned whether there were safer- and le,al issues of not allow•in~~ the wall to be built. He also said that the wall is not hivh enou~Th to prevent the transmission of sound. Bernald a~sreed. She ~~as in favor of building, the wall on the north side. ~. ith the ~+alkwav maintained. Pierce said that the owner of the shopping center was not opposing the wall. Murakami and l~~tartlage felt the wall should be built adjacent to the properties on the north. Kaplan and Patrick were opposed to anv chan_es. BERti:~LD ~7UR~Kati11 ~IO~'ED TO aPI'RO~'E DR-96-0~6? & UP-9fi-016?: ~iO17O\ PISSED -1-? (KAPL:I\ ItiD PITR[CK OPPOSEDj. 7. llR-98-017 (LPN 397-42-018) - PIti\ BROTEIERS, 14168 Taos Court (Lot 6); Request for Design Review approval to construct anew- one-store. sin~_le family residence. ~.~? 1 sq. ft. in size. ?0 ft. in hei`_ht, on a vacant ~9?89 sq. tt. lot in the R-1-=}0.000 zoning, district. ~~`al~=ren presented the staff report. Patrick asked what had been changed since the original plan. ~t`algren responded that the changes were in terms of envelope and massing. and that modifications had been made to the desi~~n of the entr«~°av. The public hearing «°as opened at 10:~~ p.m. Chuck Bommarito. applicant's representative, sho~~ed a renderin~a of the first house. then showed how' the changes would affect the overall dcsi~n. He said the livin~_ area had been reduced b. 13%. that there was a chanve in the exterior elevation. and that a'-7~ square foot porch ~~as removed. The modifications were done in order to bring the home more into conformance and make it look like a Sarato_a ranch snlc home. Kaplan asked about the drive~sa~ material. She felt the home is ~~-ell separated from the neighbors. that it follows the topograph~~, and that it has a good floor plan and design. ~~iartlagc inquired ~~hat the differences were amun~T the plans from January. February and todar•. Patrick asked if the landscape wall was against the house: she was told that it was not. its purpose w•as to soften the exterior. Plannin<= Commission Minutes Juh= 8. 1998 The public hearing «°as closed at 11:0 p.m. Pa~~e 8 i~turakami reported that he had met ~~•ith Bommarito I % months ago to go over the plans. Kaplan had no problem «~ith the desisn and felt it ~.as compatible. blurakami felt the original perception ~~as too lard*e: after rep°ie~~in~ the plans and the changes, he can appro~~e. Bernald ~~•ould support the plan. ~•lartla`Te felt the plan has not changed sutticientl~ is still not compatible ~~ith Condition -2~ of the Tentati~c titap Resolution for the subdi~~ision. Patrick concurred: she ~rould prefer that the exterior be ~~ood. and cannot support. Pierce ~~~as able to support the project. KaPL:~\' BER~I,~LD MOVED TO APPROVE DR-98-017: ~10TI0\T P.aSSED =1-'- (b1ARTLAGE :AND PATRICK OPPOSED). DIRECTOR ITEM1IS • ~~`alaren ads iced the Commissioners that a joint meetin~T ~~°ith the Cite Council is scheduled for September 8th. • ~~ alp=ren announced that a new Plannins Commissioner. Chuck I'a~_e. has been selected: he gill be s~~orn in at the July 1 nth Cite Council mcetinv and ~~ill attend the nest Commission mectin~T on .Iuh~ ?end. CO~'ItiIISSION ITEMS • Bernald noted that part of the tield next to the San ,lose S~mphon~~ Shoecase house has been plo~~ed. and thanked ~~~al~ren for this effort. • The Cit_.'s arborist had been out to the Shah properh~ and reported that the tree is not damaged but that the fencing= is do~~n. Penalties ~~ ill accrue as Iona as the fencing is not in place. • .~ residents attorne~~ contacted Commissioner Bernald concernin; tennis court Ii~Jhu ~~anted b~ the resident. COtii~1U1\TIC aTIONS ~~`ritten • Cit. Council ti~linutcs dated .lunc 17. 1998 • ?sioticcs for Planning Commission tilcetin_ ofJul~-??, 1998 ADJOUR\M1lE\T AT 11:30 P.~i. TO ~iEYT IITETING • ~1'cdnesda~-. ,lulu- ?~. 1998. Cis is Theater 1377' Fruit~~ale Avenue. Saratoga. G1