HomeMy WebLinkAbout07-22-1998 Planning Commission Minutes• C[TY OF SaR_aTOGa PLANNING C0~11vIiSSIO\ tiiiNtiTES DATE: «'cdnesdav, Juh• 22, 1998 - 7:30 p.m. PLACE: Ci~-ic Theater, 13777 Fruiri°ale A~•enue, Saratoga, CA Tl'PL: Regular iv'leeting Roll Call Present. Chair Pierce. Commissioners Bernald, Kaplan. Martlave, Page and Patrick absent: Commissioner 1\turakami Staff: Director ~~`al~~ren. Plannin~~ staff Cro++1e. Pledge of allegiance ti'Ti n n tvc Bernald requested the following modifications to the minutes ofJul~° 8. 1998: (Cotran) • Page'_, paragraph 3: Correct the sentence to read '`...there ++ill be ogle ++~ood-burning fireplace.` The applicants did ~•oluntaril+~ a`rree to limit the structure to no ++ood-burning fireplaces. (Campbell) • Page 3, para~_raph G: Correct the first sentence to read `'...talking ++~ith the C'unl~)hells had been helpful.'' (Douglass) • Page =1. paragraph 3: Correct the first sentence to read `'Bernald reported that t++o letters had been recei+=ed concerning equestrian pathw~a}'s and clues/ionec! -~~he/her the Plrnllli/lg Conrrnissioll cordcl C/ec1/ ++ith the issues raised...' • Passe -~. paragraph 13: Correct the sentence to read ''Bernald liked the design but corllrl slot CZ?)1)1•ni~e of /he si=e [Il1C/1)/CZCe11)eilC, ilZC/C Uf ~7T11'CZC'1'. ClllC/~)OCe17C1C1/ ilUIC~S/ICIc' .SI/Z7C1CZOil Oll /he /O(. •• (~~'hitlo+v,~Argonaut Associates) • Page ?. paragraph ~: Correct the paragraph tip read "Bernald agreed. She u~crs ill frn~or of~bzrilclin~J the -t°crll oll /he nol•/h .ti~ick~. 1ri/lr the irulkirnr nlclin/uillecl. •• (Commission Items) • Item 3: Correct the sentence to read ":-~ resident•s attorne+~ contacted C•unlluissioller Bel•ncllcl..." :4PPROVED AS .>>\1E\DED ~-0 (PAGE ABSTAI\ED). Oral Communications None. Report of Posting agenda Pursuant to Government Code ~-f9~~?. the a~=enda for this meetin~_ ++as propcrl~ posted on Juh 1 ?. 1998. Plannin~_ Commission Minutes • July 32. 1998 Pale 2 Technical Corrections to Packet Item ?, Pinn [3rothers. page ~ of staff report. "Conclusion': The last sentence. referring to the floor area exception request, should be stricken. CO\SE\'T CALENDAR PLTBLIC HE?-Rii\GS 1. DR-97-050 & SD-95-008.1 (503--i9-0~~1j - PINN BROTHERS, Trinit~• Place Subdi~-ision, Lot 8 (formerly 20875 Saratoga Hills Road); Request for Desi,n Re~~ie~~ appro~~al to construct a nc«• 4.=10 sq. tt. one-story sin~~le famil~~ residence on Lot 8 of the Trinity- Place subdi~ ision pursuant to Chapter 1 of the Cin~ Code. ~loditication of the appro~~cd subdi~~ision map is also requested to allo~~ the proposed residence to access off Trinity Avenue instead of Saratoga 1-[ills Road. The lot is 40.1?8 sy. ft. in size and is located ~~ithin an R-I-=10.000 zoning, district. ~~`algren presented the staff report. He stated that the public hearin~_ «-ould deal «-ith both Lots 8 and 9. Bernald commented that the average site slope on Lot 9 seems steep at 36.6°.%. ~t'algren responded that the slope of the under-building footprint is'ti°io. The public hearing was opened at 7:45 p.m. Chuck Bonunarito. applicants representative, read a letter from the architect explaining the reasons for relocating the drivcwa~s and said that the negative impact of tree removal would be mini-nizcd. Patrick commented that the house on Lot 8 is sited so that it cannot be seen from the street. Kaplan asked the length of the house from the edge of the driveway (I 80 feet), and confirmed that each house .ill have one wood-burning fireplace. Ann ~t'altonsmith. Saratoga Hills Road. expressed concern about the potential for erosion and felt that more cement and the long driveways will add to the amount of«atcr running on the street durin~_ the ~~inter. Joe Karla, attorney for Bob Schiro un lpper Flill Court, stated that Ntr. Schiro was concerned about noise, trees bein~7 removed. and that one of the hOllseS IS C~~O stories. Bommarito responded that the flooding on Saratoga Hills Road occurs because the existing inlet had not been built to handle the large capacity oi~ water and that the civil engineer «as ~~°orking with the homeowners' association to resolve the drainage problem. He also stated that the large tree butter will remain and that the actual living area oi'the house is a single story built over the garage. Bernald asked if the two ener~_v dissipaters will pick up the drainage around the house. The public hearing ~~~as closed at 8:05 p.m. Bernald questioned whether a certain number of unannounced site inspections axlld be required. ~;ould not Planning Commission IVtinutes • Jule 22 ~l 998 • Page 3 support the floor area exception. could not make findinUs to support a rno-stor home. and felt the ~~rought iron ~~ as not appropriate. Kaplan felt there ~~•ill some unavoidable rcmo~al of trees on Lot 9. Shc ~~ould not support the floor area exception but could support moving of the dri~~cwav~s. Patrick did not like the design of the house on Lot 8 and felt there should be more ~~ood or river rock on the facade: she was also opposed to the floor area exception. ~Iartlage felt that wood ~.-Quid be a better choice for the railings than w-rousht iron and that the structure im Lot 8 seems tall Page had no issues «ith the application. Pierce could support the t~ti'o-stow house, as it is a bigger house on a bigger lot. He felt the floor area reduction .vas acceptable. but said that riper rock ~~•ould be preferable to stucco as it would pro~-ide a more natural texture on the exterior. BER\AL.D ' KAPLAN ~~IOVED TO :APPROVE SD-9~-008.1: ~10T10\ PASSED 6-0. BER\:~LD ' PA~~RICK ~•tOVED TO ,APPROVE DR-9'-0~0 ~t~ITI I CO\'DITIO\`S TI-1:'1T THL FLOOR ARL-A EXCEPTIO\ \OT BE GRANTED, TIIAT THE EXTERIOR OF THE 1-IOt1SE HAVE A MORE tiATURAL FACADE. THAT TIIERE BE OI~TE «`OOD-BURtiI\G FIREPLACE. A\U THAT THERE BE FLLL SITE RE~~IEDIATIO\' 1\D UN.ANNOt!NCED SITE ~'IS1TS B~' THE CITY`S :"1RBO.RIST:1~~lOTlO\ PASSED ~-I (PIERCE OPPOSED). The public hearinb ~ti~as reopened at 8:15 p.m. There was a discussion of the inlet and its rcdesi~,n. The public hearing ~~~as closed at 8:20 p.m. 2. DR-97-051 & SD-95-008.2 (503-=19-0=13) - PINl\ BROTHERS, Trinity Place Subdi~°ision, Lot 9 (formerly 13995 Trinit~• A~-enue); Request for Design Revie~~~ approval to construct a ne~~~ ~.7~0 sq. ft. t~~o-store sin`*le family residence on Lot 9 of the Trinity Place subdi~~ision pursuant to Chapter 1 ~ of the City Code. ~~lodilication of the appro~-ed subdivision map is also requested to allo"~ the proposed residence to access off Saratoga Hills Road instead of Trinit~~ Avenue. The lot is ~9,0~3 sq. ft. in size and is located ~i~ithin an R-1--10.000 zoninv district. ~~`al`~ren presented the staft•report. Kaplan felt the size of the house should be reduced and the basement eliminated: she did not like the circular stainvav~ and felt that the round ~~ indows do not gi~-e a rural appearance. Bernald co~uurred. Patrick Baas satisfied and felt the house is not inappropriate. ~tartlage felt the entrance is ~_randiose and should be redesi~Tned: she did not like the ~~rought iron. Plannin~_ Commission Minutes • July 22. 1998 Pale =3 Pay*e felt the issue of the drip°ewav and the amount of fill must be addressed. Pierce liked the design and felt it was natural: he said the chan~_e in the drive~~av is a necessity. PATRICK ' BER\ALD ti~tO`'ED TO APPROV E SD-9~-008.x': ~~IOTIO\ PASSED 6-0. ti]ARTLAGE :' PATRICK MOVED TO :1PPROVE DR-9 ~-0~ 1 ~~'IT.I I COIsiDITlO'~'S TI-IA-f TI-IE Eti`I'Rl'~~~~Y' BE R.L-VISED AtiD THE ~fROI;GHT IRO\ BE REPLACED ~t`ITI-I 1~1ORE \'ATURAL ~~i~"fER[AL: ~1OTI0\ PASSED =1-? (BERNALD ` K1PLA1~' OPPOSED). 3. DR-98-032 (,03-21-009 & 012) - \ a~'ID, 1~0~1 & 1072 Saratoga-Sunn~~~~ale Road; Request for Uesi~Tn Review approval to construct I ~ single famih~ residences. ranging in size from 3.8'0 sq. ft. to },3=)~ sq. ft.. pursuant to Chapter la ofthe Cin Code. The subdi~~ision of this propert~~ was appro~°ed b~ the Cin~ Planning Commission in August 1996. The lots rang=e in size from 1 ~.l 13 sq. ft. to ?0,?7~ sq. tt. and arc located «-ithin an R-I-12.00 zonin_ district. ~t`algren presented the staff report. The public hearing ~~•as c-pened at 8:3~ p.m. Rav \asmeh. applicant's representative, reported that all of the homes had been completel~~ redesigned in terms of floor space and elevations and that they are compatible in bulk and height with the surrounding area. Patrick commented that the site is overrun ~yith weeds and is a lire hazard: she asked when the ~.eeds would be removed (%-10 days). In response to her question about the number of wood-burning tlreplaccs. she ryas told there is one wood-burning fireplace in the family room of each house. The public hearing ~~as closed at 8:~2 p.m. i~Iartla~7e found the facades of the redesigned houses to be more attractive. She was concerned that the garage access faces the street and felt that if this could not be changed. the color of the ~,ara17e should be the same as the bulk of the home so as to reduce the visibility of the garage. She was not pleased ~i•ith the configuration of Lots and 7 and thou~_ht the ~,ara~e should be moved to the other side of the house in both cases. Page a~,reed and had the same concerns ~+°ith Lots -I and '. Bernald thanked the applicants for working with the Commission. She felt the trian~_ular pie-shaped entr~•wavs should be changed on half the homes and questioned w~hcther the garage doors could be turned a~yav from the street. Kaplan said the rooting materials should be varied. eliminating= the red Mission tiles and using flatter. file roofing to resemble shake. V1'alsren passed the materials board to the Commissioners. Kaplan felt that breaking up the appearance of so much concrete would be an improvement and would like to sec different drivew°av treatments. Patrick said the houses are now compatible with the surrounding= area but would like to see different roof lines and relocation of the driveways on Lots =I and 7 to shorten them. Plannin~_ Commission Minutes Jule 22, ~I 998 • Pale ~ `lartlagc felt the access to L_ot I ~ should he reconfi~,ured so that the access ~~ould be from Petonia Court. Pierce said the new designs are not as interestin~~ but that they- fit better in the surrounding area. BERNALD P:~TRICIC MOVED TO APPROVE DR-98-032 «`ITH CONDITIO\S TH;1T THE GARAGE ACCESS ON LOTS =1 AND 7 BE Cl-I:~NGED. THAT TTIE PROPORTIO'~'aTELY TALL ENTRY BL- i~~tODI1=IED O\ 8 OF Tl-IE 1~ HO:~~tES, TH;~T THE SPA\ISH MISSION TILE BE EL1~11\A-TED AND TI-IE ROOF MATERIALS BE ~~IORE FLAT _?~\D COMPOSITE. THAT THERE BE A VARIETY OF DRI~~E~~`;aY ~i;~TERIALS. A?~ID TI-ITT THERE BE OtiE ~~`OOD-BUR.\I\G FIREPLACE: ti90T10\ PASSED 6-0. DII2L• CTOR ITEtiiS • ~1'algren reviewed results of the appeals of the Ja~-akumar and \eo~sv projects heard at the ?~ I ~~98 City Council meeting. - - _ • The joint meetin`3 ~4'ITh PIARIlIn`_ Commission and the Cite Council to be held 9~8~~98 was discussed. • ~~'algren raised the issue of action minutes versus verbatim minutes oFthe Commission meetings. COYI~IISSIOti ITEMS • ~lartlage had attended a meeting of the Bicycle ldvisorv Committee and reported that a letter would be forthcomins trom Parks R Recreation statin~~ the~~ want to .work with the Plannins Commission r~~_ardins bicv~cle and equestrian trails. ~ ~ y C01I~iI,TNICATIONS «`rittcn • City Council Minutes dated .lulu 1 and ,lulu ~. 1998 allJOLTR\It1EnT AT 9:15 P.I. TO \EXT )\IEETI\G • !l`ednesdav. Au~~ust 12. 1998. Civic Theater 13- i Fruitvalc Avenue. Saratoga, CA