HomeMy WebLinkAbout08-12-1998 Planning Commission Minutes• CITY OF' SARATOGA PLANNING COMMISSION itlI\ UTES DATE: ~tiednesdav, August 12, 19)8 - 7:30 p.m. PLACE: Civic Theater, 13777 Fruitvale Avenue, Saratoga, CA TYPE: Regular I<leeting Rnll ('all Present: Chair Pierce. Commissioners Bernald. Kaplan, i~lartlage, Murakami and Pa~~c Absent: Commissioner Patrick Staff: Director ~?l'algren. Planning staff Cro~~ ley Pledge of Allegiance l~linutes -July 22. 1998 • Page 2. item 1 (Finn Brothers. Trinit~~ Place Subdi~•ision. Lot 8), paragraph 9: Correct the first sentence of the paragraph to read `'Bonunarito responded that the flooding on Saratoga Hills Road occurs because the existing= inlet had not been built to handle the lane capacity- of water and that the cis°il engineer ~i•as «-orking a°!t/! the haneotit~ners' crssociutio!! to resole the drainage problem." APPROVED AS AL1E\-DED ~-0 (MURAKA~11 ABSTAINED). Oral Communications \o speakers. Report of Posting AEenda Pursuant to Go~~ernment Codc ~~9~4?, the asenda for this meeting ~i•as properh~ posted on august 7. 1998. Technical Corrections to Packet Item » ] 2 (PageNet Communications), page 1 of resolution: • Section 1. paragraph I. will be corrected to read ''the application of Pu~e~et Connnunicntions t~~r Lse Permir~ in lieu of "the application of~~e_rte/ C'onlnnrnicntio!!s for Ilse Permit.' • Section 1. Condition 3. ~3ill shoe that the size and location of the area to be fenced shall be determined b~~ tests performed b~~ the Consulting En~rinecrs, rather than as outlined in the report by Hammett and Edison. CO\TSENT CALF\DAR 1. DR-98-007 (_APN 503-23-006) -JAY=aKLi'~`IAR, 1~26~ Burns «'av; Request for Design Rey ie«~ appro~ al to construct a nee;~ t«o-store, sin~~le famil.~ residence. ~.0=~3 sq. tt. in size, ?a ft. in height, on a 29,0'_0 sq. ft. lot in the R-1-1,000 Zoning District. A single store residence currently- exists on the property-. (C01TI~iUED AT APPLICANT'S REQUEST TO 9/23/98 TO ALLOW ADDITIONAL Tl~lE TO COMPLETE PLAN REVISIONS). Planning Commission Minutes • August 12, ] 998 • page 2 2. DR-98-026 (397-24-010, -038, -073, -07=1, -075) - PI1~TN BROTHERS CONSTRICTION, 20018 Spaich Court; Request for Design Review approval to construct a new x,998 sq. ft. home on Lot =2 of the Spaich subdivision. The hei~,*_ht of the residence is 18 feet from natural~rade. The site is 40,000 sq. tt., located within an R-I-20.000 zoning district. (CONTINUED AT APPLICANT'S REQUEST TO 9/9/98 TO REVISE G.R.~DING PLAN). CO\SENT GALE\DAR APPRU~'ED 6-0. PUBLIC HEARINGS 3. DR-98-003 (.~P\ 503-78-029) - DOtiGLASS, 22111 Villa Oaks Lane (Lot 11); Request for Dcsi~,n Review approval to construct a new 6.66 sq. ft., two-story residence on a vacant 4.89 acre parcel located in a Hillside Residential zonin, district. (CO\TI\UED FROI~l 7/8/98). Vl~alcren presented the staff memorandum. Kaplan confirmed with «'al~,ren that the swimming pool is fully on the pad and that terraces co oit~the slope. The public hearing «°as opened at 7:=13 p.m. Kathleen ~~`illiams. applicant's architect, stated efforts had been made to redesign the house in accordance with direction of the Planning Commission and still maintain its contemporar~~ appearance: the size and bulk of the home have been reduced so that it tits with the natural contour of the land. Bernald requested clarification of which views would be obstructed. Kaplan confirmed that there is one ~~~ood-burnin~> fireplace located in the family room. The public hearing w°as closed at 7:47 p.m. Kaplan felt the house should be more compact so as to be less prominent on the site. tilurakami felt that sufficient improvements had been made to mitigate the privac~~ issues and that reducin; the size of the house created a lo~~er profile. Bernald noted that the home is beautiful and nicely designed. but that there are privacy issues for the individual on the propem~ below. ~lartlage concurred with Commissioner Bernald and was concerned with the privac~~ to the east. Pane concurred with Commissioners Bernald and 1~tartlace regardinc the prir•ac~~ issue. Pierce felt that much had been done to limit intrusion on the lower neighbors. that the chances are reasonable. and that the work performed is adequate. Discussion ensued recardinv a landscapinv plan and related issues. ~t`alcren reported that tw•o letters had been received in support of the project. Plannin_ Commission Minutes ~ • Pa.e 3 August 12. 1998 v BERNALD P.~GE MOVED TO DE\Y DR-98-003 DIE TO PKIVACY IMPACTS O\ DO~t`NSLOPE NEIGHBOR: ~'1OTION PASSED 4-2 (LiUR.AKA~11 A\D PIERCE OPPOSED). 4. SD-97-002 (.aPN 397-28-047, 048 & 397-29-004) - BLACK`~'ELL/HASSLER, 14000 Alta Vista Avenue; Request for Vesting? Tentative Subdivision ~Iap approval to subdivide a 2.6-acre parcel into five individual lots ranging in size from 13.=100 to 31.600 sq. ft. each. The project site abuts the Saratoga Creek to the south and is heavily wooded. There is an existing home. a cotta`_e and several accessory structures on the site. The propert.~ is located within an R-I-12.00 zunin~, district. An environmental Initial Study has been prepared fior this project and is available for review at the City of Saratoga in the Planning Division offices at the above address. ~~'alaren presented the staff memorandum. Kaplan requested clarification of item ~19 of the resolution. Director ~t~al~_ren discussed access easements and stated that the average size of the lots is one-half acre. The public hearing was opened at 8:0, p.m. Bill Heiss, applicant's civil engineer. discussed revisions made to the project, new lot sizes. removal and addition of trees. and the amended traffic study. ~lartlage noted that trees ~ 101,E 102 and = t 3=1 are all oaks. Theo Hart, l~`illiams Avenue, thanked the Commission for their assistance in helping the neighbors to understand the process. The_v had ~~°orked with the applicant on traffic safen~ issues and stated they would like speed humps as well as signs. _ - Jerr}' Freeman, Alta Vista Avenue. stated the neighbors had come to an agreement ~i°ith Blackwell regarding privacy issues. Anthony Kerin. ~l`illiams Avenue, disagreed with the amended traffic study and requested that the Commission support the recommended traffic mitigations. Bill Heiss spoke in support of the trafifiic humps and clear zone signage. The public hearing was closed at 8:2~ p.m. i~lurakami asked for clarification of the traffic issues. ~~'algren discussed various options regardins traffic safety and noted that the Fire Department is not supportive of speed humps. He reported that the Public Safety Commission. an advisory a~_ency to the City Council. ~~•ill hear this issue. ~ - - Page had no major issues regarding the project. ~tartlage felt that all parties had made an effort to work together. and could support the project. Bernald concurred with tilartlaae. Planninv Commission Minutes • August 1 ~. 1998 • Pale 4 1~lurakami felt all major concerns have been mitigated and could appro~°e the project. Kaplan felt that the new plans are preferable to the first ones submitted. Pierce «°as pleased that everyone had worked together and stated that the Commission Mould convey to the Public Safety Commission that neighbors are concerned about traffic safety conditions. KAPLA\ ~ ~tARTLAGE iI~IO~~ ED TO APPROVE SD-9'-002: 110T10\T PASSED 6-0. ~. DR-98-002 (~03-68-002) - ADD1S0\, 1190 Palomino «~a~•; Request fbr Design Review approval to construct a new ?,0~8 square foot residence at a hei<_=ht of 20 feet from natural grade. The site is 1.8 acres. located within an HR zoning= district. Vl`algren presented the staff report. Kaplan commented that there were no height poles on the propert~~ during the Commission's site visit. The public hearing eras opened at 8:37 p.m. Scott Cunningham. applicant's designer. said he felt the staff report «as not accurate. Ile reported they had not been asked to erect height poles. also that gradin`= issues would be dealt «°ith by the civil engineer. The desi~=n of the building had been kept as short and narrow as possible in order to conform to the contours of the land. Kaplan confirmed that there would be one wood-burning fireplace and that the rest ~yould be gas only. 1~lartlage asked why the garage doors are facing the front. Kaplan felt the house must be designed to fit the land and asked that the project be continued for erection of height poles and other markings on the site. Sharon blale~°. representing David Addison Interests, stated the~~ ~~ould rather not put up height poles. Pierce recommended the applicant use height poles in addition to paint showing the outline of the house. The public hearing ~~•as closed at 8:51 p.m. Vl`algren complained that the request for height poles is standard. Murakami felt the house has been designed for a flat lot and could not approve. Kaplan felt the house is not appropriate. tilartlage Mould support a continuance for redesign. Page agreed there should be height poles and markings shop.°ing the outline of the house: he would support a continuance for redesign. Pierce was Milling to continue the application and stated that height poles, as well as a model. would he helpful. ~lartlage felt redesi_=n is necessary. Planning Commission Minutes • • Pale August 12, 1998 The applicant .vas ~,iven the opportunit~~ to have the Commission rote on the project as presented, or to continue to a stud~~ session or future public hcarinU. for major redesign. The applicant elected to take a vote at this hearing. MARTLAGE ! KAPLAN N10VED TO DENY DR-98-002 DUE TO EXCESSiVL- PROPOSED GR,4Di?~'G: i~IOTIO\ PASSED 6-0. At the request of Chair Pierce, there ~~°as a break from 9:00 - 9:10 p.m. (. DR-98-027 (397-2~-010, -038, -073, -07-1, -07,) - PI\T1S BROTHERS CO\STRUCTIOl\, 20010 Spaich Court; Request for Desi~~n Revieww approval to construct a ne.v x,998 sq. ft. home on Lot ~ 1 of the Spaich subdivision. The height of the residence is 18 feet from natural Trade. The site is 41.41;' sq. ft.. located ..°ithin an R-1-20.000 zoning district. ~t~`algren presented the staff report. which covered public hearing items .?6 - .=9 inclusive (4 lots). The public hearing «~as opened at 9:23 p.m. Chuck Bommarito, applicant's representative. explained that the designs .acre compatible wvith the neighborhood and also with the Foothill Club. Thee had .worked in conjunction .with the neighbors on issues such as fencing. roof lights and store poles. l~lartla_e wondered ho.v the grading .will affect drainage on Lots _ I and ~ 13. Kaplan confirmed there .yould be one .wood-burning fireplace in each house. Sheller Emerson. La Paloma Avenue. was pleased at the cooperative efforts in .working with the developers and discussed tree protection. She felt there seems to he a si~,niticant amount of grading on Lut =1 and was concerned about dust control as well as height control. Dan Tellep. La Paloma Avenue. felt the neighbors enjo~~ed a good relationship with Pinn Brothers and concurred .with Emerson regarding tree protection. ~1eg Caldwell, La Paloma Avenue, had no issues with the design of the homes but felt that subdivision level issues should be continued to the meeting of September 9. Bommarito reviewed the construction plans and miti~ration measures. The public hearing «-as closed at 9:55 p. m. The Commissioners arced to discuss general issues of the project, then to handle each design individually. ~tartla~Te was concerned about the amount of =radin~_ and discussed trees and the arborist's report. Bernald expressed concern about equipment stored under the trees and .wondered about the consequences if the tree-protection fence .were to come down. Palle asked if the arborist to be on site .would be provided by the developer or by the Cite. Planning Commission vlinutes • August 12. 1998 • Page 6 iVlurakami was concerned with the amount of cut and felt that dust raised might pose a problem in construction. titartlaQe, Pale. Bernald and Yturakami ~~°ere happy with the designs and felt they are compatible. Pierce was concerned about gradin~* and draina,e, but if these issues were taken care of; he could approve. BERNALD ~ I~1.~RTLAGE tiIOVED TO :APPROVE DR-98-02- ~VITII THE CO\'DITION TI-IAT THERE BE O\E ~~'OOD-BLTR~11\G FIREPLACE: i`~IOTIO\ PASSED 6-0. 7. DR-98-029 (397-24-010, -038, -073. -07=I, -075) - PI\\ BROTHERS CO\STRtiCTlO\T, 20051 Spaich Court; Request for Design Revie~i• approval to construct a ne~~~ =L'fi=1 sq. ft. home on Lot = 13 of the Spaich subdiv°ision. The height of the residence is 18 feet from natural Qrade. The site is ?%.183 sq. ft., located within an R-1-20.000 zoning district. Kaplan, ~turakami. Bernald. ~lartla~e. Page and Pierce ~~°ere in avreement that the homes are nicel~~ done. 1~iL'RAKANII KAPLA\ ha0~'ED TO APPROVE DR-98-029: ~10TI0\ PASSED 6-0. 8. DR-98-028 (397-24-010, -038, -073, -07~, -075) - PINN BROTHERS CONSTRUCTIOI\, 20063 Spaich Court; Request for Design Review approval to construct anew' =1.~2~ sq. ft. home on Lot .-~14 of the Spaich subdivision. The height of the residence is l8 feet from natural grade. The site is 22.312 sq. tt.. located within an R-1-20.000 zonin<~ district. Page felt the house will fit in nicer- but w°ould prefer to see more stone. titartlage, Bernald_ Murakami. Kaplan and Pierce liked the design. ~IURAKAN1I BER'~IALD MOVED TO APPROVE DR-98-028: ~10TI0?~ PASSED 6-0. 9. DR-98-025 (397-24-010, -038, -073, -07=I, -075) - PI\\ BROTHERS CO\STRUCTiON, 20075 Spaich Court; Request for Design Review approval to construct a ne~~ x.087 sq. ft. home on Lot = 1 ~ of the Spaich subdivision. The hei~ht~of the residence is l8 feet from natural grade. The site is =f 1.77 sq. ft.. located within an R-1-20.000 zoning district. Kaplan asked about the stone veneer wall shown on the plans and was told it will serve as an enclosure for an outdoor patio off the master bath. ~~Iurakami had no problem with the dcsi~7n but would prefer to see a more detailed drawing=. Bernald and 1\lartlagc said this plan was their least favorite. but that they would be able to approve. Page had no problem with the project and could support it. Pierce could approve the project. He also stated there is a supplemental arborist report from .Barrie Coate. and that he is available to discuss it with staff and nei;hbors. PAGE - BER\ALD MOVED TO APPROVE DR-98-02~: ~10TI0\ PASSED 6-0. Plannin_ Commission ~9inutes • • Page 7 Ausust 12. 1998 v 10. DR-98-023 (APN 397-09-007) - COti\TRY CLUB HOI<TES/OAI{LEY, 19222 Monte Vista Dri~~e: Request for Design Rey iew appro~ al to construct a ne~~ 6,136 sq. tt., single store residence on a 1.06 acre parcel in an R-1-10.000 zoning=district. !'l`al`,ren presented the staff report. The public hearing ~ti~as opened at 10:20 p.m. ~Iartv Oakle~~. applicant. discussed the design, notin; that a ceilinv and roof element connects the main house «-ith the `=arage. also that they had saved all trees. He addressed certain sections of the municipal code detinin~7 '`attached" ~~ersus '`detached" and felt the~~ contradicted one another. ~~Iurakami asked the applicant to discuss ~~hether lo«•crinQ the height of the garage root ~~ould affect the usabilit~~ of the ~=araae. Bill Dad. Countr)~ Club Homes. ~~-ants trees to be protected and discussed the Cin~ arborisrs recommendations and requested that the required bond be lo~i•er than 2~%. ~~`alsren addressed the issues raised b~ Da~~ and noted that a ?~% bond is standard. The public hearing was closed at 10:45 p.m. ~lartlage said the house is larger than most in the area and felt it is not appropriate in this location. Pa_c felt the house is not littin~ to the land and is more ~,randiose than appropriate. Bernald concurred, notin, that this is not a modest house and that she could not support the project. ~lurakami had no problem Frith the design but ~.-as concerned about the exceptions being ~rquested for square foota`_e and the aara`,e. I-Ie felt the house fits nice)}~ into the neighborhood and could support the project ~~•ith reduction in the size of the ~=araae. Kaplan said the garage is not attached. If the size ofi the gara~=e or the house ~rere reduced. she could support. Pierce noted that this neivhborhood is a mis of carious n•pes of homes. He felt the ~araee could be redesi~_ned, also the dri~~e~;ay°, due to its lane size. v The public hearing ~s-as reopened and the item continued at the applicant's request to 9/9/98, for redesign. il. DR-98-018 (397-16-145) - PINN BROTHERS CONSTRtiCTIO\, 14200 Taos Court; Request For Design Revie~r appro~~al to construct a near x,283 sq. fit. home on Lot=' of the Sisters of ~lercr subdi~ ision. The height of the residence is ~'- feet from natural grade. The site is 31,?36 sq. ft.. located «~ithin an R-I- ~10.000 zoning district. ~'l•'alsren presented the staff report. The public hearing ~~~as opened at 11:00 p.m. Chuck Bonunarito, applicant`s representati~-e, said the home had been positioned (or pri~~ac~~ and that additional Planning Commission Minutes • August 12, 1998 Paae 8 trees will be added to buffer and upgrade the tree screening. Kaplan questioned the orientation of the garage. The public hearing.v°as closed at 11:05 p.m. ~Iurakami felt the home is nicely designed and tits «~ell with the other designs in the neighborhood. Kaplan suggested that pervious pavers be used fior the driveway. Bernald had no problem with the project and could support it. Pa~_e liked the orientation of the home. Martlage could not support the project as it is not in compliance Keith the Cin- Council directive. Pierce liked the house. K1PLA\T ;` BERi`IALD ~1OVED TO APPROVE DR-98-018; 11OT1ON PASSED ~-1 (l\tARTLAGE OPPOSED). 12. UP-98-006 (397-15-018) - P:~GE\ET, 1=1000 Fruit~-ale a~-enue; Request for Use Permit approval to install cellular antennas and associated equipment cabinets at the Theater Arts Building of Nest ~'allev College. The site is located within an R-1-=10,000 zoning district. ~~`algrcn presented the staff report. Chair Pierce excused himself from any discussion as a result of potential conflict of interest. The public hearing ~i~as opened at 11:09 p.m. Paul ~~'olcott. applicant's representative, said they had ~~~orked with staff and that he «as available to answer questions. '~turakami asked whether the applicant anticipated an increase in the number of sites in the future. Kaplan was concerned about measures for tree protection and asked ho« the Cin~ interacts with the college. ~t`algren responded that the Cit~° interacts with the applicant. Kaplan wondered if the metal container could be moved to another location. ~t`olcott responded that it is located at the only elevation that allows access to the roof. The public hearing «~as closed at 11:15 p.m. ~lartlage appreciated that Pagetiet is locating the antennas ~i°here it is suitable to do so. Kaplan, ~turakami. Page and Bernald had no objection to the prpject. KAPLAti ! ~1ARTLAGE YtOVED TO APPROVE iJP-98-006: ti1OTION PASSED ~-0. Planning Commission Minutes • August l2, 1998 • Page 9 13. tiP-98-008 (389-03-002) - NEXTEL, Congress Springs Park, Glen 6rac Dri~-c; Request for Lse Permit appro~~al to install a monopolc ~~ith cellular antennas and an associated equipment structure at the south-east corner of Congress Sprints Park. The site is located ~~ ithin an Agricultural zoning district. ~t'algren presented the staff report. ~~lurakami asked if this ~~as the same proposal as the one to be located on Quito Road. The ans~~er ~~-as ~~es. Page asked hog; tall the existing Sprint pole is. Vl`algrcn responded that it is about ~0 feet in hei~_ht. The public hearing w°as opened at 11:20 p.m. Karen Vernetti, applicants representati~ e. thanked the staff for «~orking ~~ ith them. The public hearing «-as closed at 11:23 p.m. Page. Martlage and Bernald had no problem Frith the project. tiiurakami fielt the applicants had chosen a good and unobtrusi~-e place to install the monopole and antennas. Kaplan and Pierce agreed. ~1l:RAKA~tI ~ KAPLAti >1t0~%ED TO APPRO~%E LAP-98-008: ~•tOTiO\ PASSCD 6-0. DIRECTOR ITEMS • Joint Meetin~T with Cite Council September 8, 1998 Proposed topics for discussion at the upcoming joint meeting were rer-ie~red b~~ the Commissioners. CO~ZNIISSIOh ITEMS • There was discussion re_ardinQ ~tihether Plannint= Commission regular meetings mivht he held in the Senior Center. ~ ~ y CO1Ii<Iti\TIC~TIO\S ~?U ri ttn n • Cih Council Minutes dated July 1 ~ and ,lulr ? 1. 1998 ADJOUR~'SiylEi\T aT 11:30 P.iti. TO \EXT t~IEETI\G • ~~'edncsday. September 9. 1998. Civic Theater 13777 Fruitr-ale A~~enue. Saratoga. CA