HomeMy WebLinkAbout09-09-1998 Planning Commission Minutes• CITY OF SAIL~TOGA PLA\TNING CO~iN1ISSI0\ 1~i 1 NLTTES DATE: «'ednesda~-, September 9,1998 - 7:30 p.m. PLACE: Ci~~ic Theater, 13777 Fruity°ale A~~enue, Saratoga, Ca TYPE: Regular !Meeting Roll Call Present: Commissioners Bernald. Kaplan, ~lartla~e. '~turakami, Patrick. and Chair Pierce Absent: Commissioner Page Staff: Director ~~~algren, Plannin~_ staff Crowle~~ Pledge of Allegiance Minutes • Au17ust 1 ?. 1998 :~PPRO~%ED ~-0 (PATRICK .~BSTal\ED). Oral Communications • Commissioner Bernald browght up a safer issue of concern to parents and reported that two children who ware bike riding without wearing helmets had been injured in a recent accident. She stressed the importance of hay ing children wear helmets while riding and of enrolling them in bic~•cle trainins classes. Report of Posting Agenda Pursuant to Government Code ~~9~4?, the agenda for this meeting was properh• posted on September ~_ 1998. Technical Corrections to Packet Item =? (Country Club Homcs.~0akle~~): • Pa_e ? - Attaclunent 3 will be corrected to read "Staff Report dated Au~_ust l2, 1998.` • Appro~~al Resolution -Conditions of Approval ~~~ill he numbered to read `'mil - =1?" (Condition =6 ~~~as duplicated in the original Resolution). Item ~~ (~~~harton): • Page ? -Attachment 3 will be corrected to reflect that the Arborist report ~~~as prepared and dated .luh~ -. 1998. CO\ SE\T CALE\~ D:~R PLBLIC HEARINGS Planning Conunission _Llinutes • . Page September 9, 1994 1. llR-98-026 (AP\ 397-24-010, -038, -073. -074, -075) - PINN BROTHERS CO\STRCCTIO\, 20018 Spaich Court; Request for Desi~~n Review approval to construct a ne~~- x,998 sq. ft. home on Lot = ? of the Spaicltil la}'field subdivision. The height ofi the residence is 18 feet from natural grade. The site is X0.000 sq. fit.. located within an R-1-20.000 zoning district. (CO\TI\LED FROkI 8/12/98). ~~'algren presented the staff report. The public hearing was opened at 7:44 p.m. Chuck Bonunarito. applicant`s representative. agreed Frith the staff report and ~~as available to respond to questions. Kaplan asked if a color drawing of the house is available. and confirmed there ~rould be one ~i~ood burnin~_ fireplace. Patrick asked about the color board. Pierce asked about roof composition. Bob Vl"illiams, La Paloma Drive. felt the house is excessively large and asked that the Commissioners be a~~are of this situation ~rhen considering future applications. The public hearing ~i-as closed at 7:50 p.m. l~iartla~e arced that the houses are lar~se. but then are within the Cih_{'s ~suidelines and consistent ~~ ith other houses in the area. ~ v Patrick did not like the deli<,n and felt that the house does not tit in Frith the n~ii7hborhood. Bcrnald liked the design but would prefer to see more craftsman style and Icss prairie sn~le. ~~lurakami said the design seems to match other houses in the area. but was concerned about ~sradin~s. Kaplan concurred. Pierce asked about the height of the physical structure. Discussion follo~~ed regarding height of structures and the way height is measured. Bernald asked that true height as well as natural grade height be included in fuun-c staff reports. ~t`al~rren said that staff ~~-i11 incorporate this suggestion. I3ER\ALD ;' ~1,aRTLAGE MOVED TO APPROVE DR-9£+-026 ~~'ITH ,a CONDITIOl~` -I~H.~T THERE BE O\E ~~`OOD Bt_`RtiING FIREPLACE: ~~tOT10N PASSED ~-1 (P;~TRICK OPPOSED). 2. DR-98-023 (_aPN 397-09-007) - COtii\TRY CLC?B 1101tiCS/O_AKLE~', 19222 l~lonte Vista Uri~-e; Request for Design Rcvie~r approval to construct a new 6.136 sq. ft., sin~_le story residence on a 1.06 acre parcel in an R-1-=10,000 zonin`, district. (CO\TTI1iED FROi`I 8/12/98). \~`algren presented the staff memorandum. Plannin; Commission :Minutes • • Pcr,e 3 September 9, 1998 hlurakami asked about the overall desi~sn of the nei`_hborhood and the predominant sh•le ot-architecture. ~~`al~_ren responded that there is an eclectic mix of steles. but that most of the homes arc o1-the California Ranch dcsi~=n. Kaplan asked that the condition to allow one wood burninv fireplace be made clear in the Resolution. ~•Iam Oakley, applicant. discussed the chan~in~,~ nei~,hborhood. revisions made to the design of the house. support of.-the nei~_hbors, and preservation of trees. Kaplan asked if the house is less expansive on the pad and discussed the tloor area exception request. sad ink that because the new Hillside Ordinance excludes houses in this zoning district. she will a_ree to this request. ~~Iurakami asked ~~hich options had been addressed in rcdesi~n of the house. Bernald questioned ~~fr. Oakley about his inspiration fior the desi~7n of this house. Patrick asked how- the applicant planned to deal with draina~sc issues and ~rhether any problems ~rould be corrected. ~tartla~e mentioned a large quantity of soil stored and mounded next to the house. Cloud Marvin, ~~ is Colina. felt that upgrading of the nei~Thborhood is needed and that more diversity of homes is a positive move. David DeCarion, Monte Vista Drive. discussed the site map. drainage problems. drive~~av size. tree preservation. and the applicant's lack of contact with the neighbors. Robert ~iitro. ~~Ionte Vista Drive. was concerned about the amount i>f grading required due to the heave .rater. and ~~•ondered if a local assessment district might be formed to address storm draina~se resolution and storm water runoff. Tlie public hearing ~--as closed at 8:~5 p.m. Kaplan asked that the resolution include a condition that the house not be built until the issue of drainage has been addressed. tilurakami felt the design is nicely done and was pleased that the drainage issue is bcinv addressed. Bernald asked if the applicant will be required to landscape the front yard: ~~'al~ren said that requircnunt can be included as a condition ofapproval. Patrick noted that all the houses in the area are large but felt that this house is not compatible with the neighborhood. ~Iartlaae concurred ~.°ith Patrick that the house is not compatible and was concerned that the character of the neighborhood will change. Pierce liked the desi;n and felt the house is an appropriate addition to the neighborhood. E3ER_~iALD '~1URAKA~~i1 ti10VED TO APPROVE DR-9K-0?3 ~~~IT.H CO\DITIO\S TO I\CLLDE :~N E\GINEERED DRAI\AGE PLA\, LA\DSCAPING II~Ii THE FRO\T YARD. AND RESTRICTIO?~ O?~ THE I-IEIGHT OF THE STRUCTURE: 1~IOTIO\ PASSED =I-? (~1ARTLAGE ~\D PATRICK OPPOSED). Planning Commission :L9inutes • September 9, 1998 • Pcrge ;t At the request of Chair Pierce, there vas a recess from 8:50 - 9:00 p.m. 3. tiP-98-007 (APN 397-13-030) - CELLILARONE, 1=1000 Fruih•ale A~-enue; Request fir ~"s~ Per-nit approval to install cellular antennas, a microw•a~e dish and an associated equipment structure at the Theater Arts Building, of \'~`est Vallee College. The site is located ~• ithin an R-1-40.000 zoning district. ~'~`algrcn presented the staff report. The public hearing was opened at 9:0~ p.m. Judy Rowland. applicant`s representati~~e, said their efforts are directed to pro~~iding adequate cellular co~eragc to Sarato~*a. Bernald thanked the applicant for their detailed report and asked how• coordination ~.ould be accomplished if the roof of the Theater Arts Building needed work. given that there are so mane antennas in one place. Bert Martel. Fruit~~ale A~-enue, read a letter to the Commission in which he e~pressed concerns about the hei~_ht of the antennas. the Cit~~'s noticing procedure, and the possible radiation effect on Saratoga residents. The public hearing «~as closed at 9:1~ p.m. Commissioners Patrick and tilartlagc had no objection to the project. Commissioners Kaplan, i\lurakami, Bernald. and Chair Pierce felt the proposed location of the antennas is appropriate. KAPLA~I PATRICK N10~`1=U 'TO APPROVE UP-9S-00?: ~10TIOi`i P:~SSEU 6-0. 4. SD-98-003.1 (.~P\ 393--L0-020) - BOISSERA\C, 13(„0 Saratoga-Sunn~-~-ale Road; Request for 1~lodification of an approved Tentati~-e Subdivision ~1ap that ~~ould extend the proposed cul-de-sac of Franklin A~•enue appro~imatch i? feet to the .est. Two of the four approved IoU would change in both size and shape while the other t~~o ~~~ould chan~~e only in shape. The site is located in an R-1-I'_.~00 zoning=district. ~~`algren presented the staff memorandum. Kaplan asked the amount of impcr~•ious co~~erage added. ~t`algren responded the amount ~~as 2.?00 square feet. Bernald asked if am draina~,c problems exist: a discussion of this issue follow°ed. The public hearing w°as opened at 9:20 p.m. Mark Kirkeb~~. applicants ci~~il ensineer. stated the proposed modification had been requested b~~ the owner. i~lurakami asked if the reason for this change is a practical one. as the pads will be more aligned using the new desisn. P[unrring Commission Llinutes Sep[en76er 9, 1998 Pale Kaplan ~sas concerned about the extra length of the street. The public hearing ~~~as closed at 9:25 p.m. ~lurakami commented that the moditication seems to line up the pads «ith the cul-de-sac. Kaplan ~<<~ts concerned about the increased amount of imper~ ious co~-era~Tc. Commissioners Bernald. Patrick and ~tartlage had no objection to the project and could suppi~rt it. Pierce said he preferred the pre~~ious design but ~s•ould be able to appro.°e this modification. PATRICK' BERNALD titOVED TO APPROVE SD-98-003.1: ~1OT1ON PASSED ~-1 (KAPLA\ OPPOSED). 5. DR-98-03(1 (APT 397-09-016) - «'HARTON, 19265 Nionte Vista llri~-e; Request for Design Rey ic~~~ appro~~al ro construct a ne~;~ x,6=13 sq. ft., too store residence on a 3;'.89- sq. ft. lot in an R-1-=10.000 zoning district. ~t"alaren presented the staff report. l~lurakami discussed architectural elements in the Desi~,n Rc~•iew analysis. The public hearing was opened at 9:35 p.m. Derek Van Alstine, applicants designer, said the buildings has considerable definition but a simple st~~lc. and that they hoped to get direction from the Commission on the appropriate «•av to proceed. Patrick asked «~hat plans ha~~e been made fbr drainage. 1~iartlagc asked the stele of the house and mentioned that there are cracks in the foundation of the cottage: she .vas concerned «~ith the character of the neighborhood and the preser~ anon of ~~cgetation. ~lurakami said he ~s•as not able to ~-isualizc the completed house and that the structure looks unbalanced. Bernald felt that more detail needs to be sho~in in the kitchen and eating area; she said it ~+~as difficult to get a feelin; of ho« the buildings `~~~•orks'~ together. Pierce felt that a color rendering of the house ~~ould be helpful and said it ~~~as important that the cottage not be used as a li~•in; unit or a rental unit. Da~~id DeCarion, Monte Vista Dri~~e, objected to the t«~o stor.~ structure and felt it ~~as obtrusive. The public hearing was closed at 9:55 p.m. Bernald suggested the application be continued to the next ar-ailable study session. Kaplan felt that the dra~~ings provided b.~ the applicant «~ere not helpful and agreed that a site renderin~T ~~ould be useful; she asked that the dri~~ewa~~ to the cottage be eliminated and replaced smith landscaping. and ~~as concerned about the hei~sht of the structure. Planning Commission 'lfinutes • .September 9, 1998 Pcrge 6 1~•lurakami felt that the second stop- on this design gives the perception of bulk and requested a detailed dra~~ ing. Bernald felt a three dimensional model would be helpful. Patrick did not feel that a two stop- house is appropriate: she said the house is too big and bulky. and not compatible with the area. l~tartlag*e liked the French Country- design but did not see the value of having the cottage. The public hearing was reopened and the item continued to the 9/23/98 stud~• session, for redesign. DIRECTOR ITEMS none. CO1'I ~iISSIO\ ITEi<TS • Bernald asked if traffic calming will be performed on Chester Road. V4`algren responded that none had boon proposed. • Bernald mentioned that there is excavation at Allendale and Chester and asked that staff' invostigate. • i\lartlaae said that reports have been received of people living at Oak and Saratoga-Los Gatos Road. • ~tartlage stated that there is a lar<Te neon sign inside the windo~;~ at the former location of Chef Chau's restaurant: a discussion of the City's sign ordinance followed. • Kaplan asked about the status of Argonaut Center. ~~`algren responded that the last obstacle to moving forward was the parking layout and that parkin~_ revisions have not vet been submitted. • Bernald said she has received several calls ti-om residents reporting that Blue Rock Shoot has been roasting coffee durin~* business hours. There was a discussion of the potential health issue and of the Use Permit. • Kaplan reported that brochures are being thrown un lawns and affixed to mailboxes: she wondered if this practice is permissible. ~~`algren responded that the vendor would have to have a solicitor's permit. CO~INiti \ ICATIONS ~V ritten • Cin° Council Minutes dated August ~ and Au~~ust 1 1. 1998 • \otices for Planning Commission i~tceting of September 23, 1998 ADJOIJR\IVIENT AT 10:15 P.l~i. TO NEXT 1<lEETINTG • «'ednesdav. September 23, 1998. Civic Theater 13;7" Fruin~ale Avenue. Sarato_a. CA