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Code 54954.2, the agenda for this meeting was properly posted on January 27, 2011) COMMUNICATIONS FROM COMMISSIONS & PUBLIC Oral Communications on Non-Agendized Items Any member of the public will be allowed to address the City Council for up to three (3) minutes on matters not on this agenda. The law generally prohibits the council from discussing or taking action on such items. However, the Council may instruct staff accordingly regarding Oral Communications under Council Direction to Staff. Oral Communications -Council Direction to Staff Instruction to Staff regarding actions on current Oral Communications. Communications from Boards and Commissions Council Direction to Staff Instruction to Staff regarding actions on current Communications from Boards & Commissions. ANNOUNCEMENTS CEREMONIAL ITEMS SPECIAL PRESENTATIONS 1.Presentation from the Saratoga Ministerial Association Recommended action: Listen to a short presentation by members of the Saratoga Ministerial Association regarding the Association’s goals for the Saratoga community and the Saratoga Serves community project. CONSENT CALENDAR The Consent Calendar contains routine items of business. Items in this section will be acted in one motion, unless removed by the Mayor or a Council member. Any member of the public may speak to an item on the Consent Calendar at this time, or request the Mayor remove an item from the Consent Calendar for discussion. Public Speakers are limited to three (3) minutes. 2.City Council Regular Meeting Minutes –January 5, 2011 Recommended action: Approve minutes. 3.Review of Accounts Payable Check Registers Recommended action: Review and accept Check Registers for the following Accounts Payable payment cycles: December 22, 2010 January 6, 2011 January 13, 2011 4.FY 2010/11 Mid-Year Budget Status Report and Budget Adjustment Resolution Recommended action: Review FY 2010/11 budget status report and proposed budget adjustments, and adopt resolution approving the City’s FY 2010/11 Operating Budget amendments. 5.Saratoga Library Book Return Overhang Project –Accept Cancellation of Contract with Premier West Interiors and Award Construction Contract to CRW Industries Recommended action: Review report and 1.Move to accept the withdrawal of Premier West Interiors from the construction project, rescinding the action of the November 17, 2010 meeting. 2.Move to declare CRW Industries (CRW) of Santa Cruz to be the lowest responsible bidder on the project. 3.Move to accept bid and authorize the City Manager to enter into a construction contract to CRW Industries (CRW) in the amount of $49,786. 4.Move to authorize staff to execute change orders to the contract up to $4,980. 6.Highway 9 Safety Improvement Project, Phase III Recommended action: 1.Adopt a resolution authorizing the City Manager to execute a Cooperative Agreement between the City of Saratoga, the Town of Los Gatos, and the City of Monte Sereno for the Highway 9 Safety Improvement Project Phase III. 2.Approve an Independent Contractor Agreement with BKF Engineers for preparation of construction documents for the Highway 9 Safety Improvement Project Phase III and authorize the City Manager to execute the same. 3.Approve a Fund Transfer Agreement with Caltrans and authorize the City Manager to execute the same. PUBLIC HEARINGS None OLD BUSINESS 7.Spring/Summer Issue of The Saratogan Recommended action: Accept report and direct staff accordingly. NEW BUSINESS None ADHOC & AGENCY ASSIGNMENT REPORTS Mayor Howard Miller City School Ad-Hoc Council Finance Committee Hakone Foundation Executive Committee Santa Clara County Cities Association SCC Cities Association Selection Committee Valley Transportation Authority PAC West Valley Mayors and Managers Association West Valley Solid Waste Management Joint Powers Association Vice Mayor Chuck Page City School AdHoc Council Finance Committee Hakone Foundation Board Mayor/Vice Mayor Oath of Office Santa ClaraValley Water District Commission Saratoga Ministerial Association TEA AdHoc West Valley SanitationDistrict Councilmember Jill Hunter Historical Foundation KSAR Community Access TV Board SASCC Tree AdHoc Village AdHoc West Valley Flood Control & Watershed Advisory Committee Councilmember Emily Lo Association of Bay Area Government Carlson House Restoration AdHoc Electric Vehicle Charging Stations AdHoc Highway 9 AdHoc Library Joint Powers Association Sister City Liaison Village AdHoc  Councilmember Manny Cappello Carlson House Restoration AdHoc Chamber of Commerce County HCD Policy Committee Electric Vehicle Charging Stations AdHoc Highway 9 AdHoc Mayor/Vice Mayor Oath of Office Santa Clara County Emergency Council TEA AdHoc Tree AdHoc CITY COUNCIL ITEMS CITY MANAGER’S REPORT ADJOURNMENT In accordance with the Ralph M. Brown Act, copies of the staff reports and other materials provided to the City Council by City staff in connection with this agenda are available at the office of the City Clerk at 13777 Fruitvale Avenue, Saratoga, CA 95070. Note that copies of materials distributed to the City Council concurrently with the posting of the agenda are also available on the City Website at www.saratoga.ca.us. Any materials distributed by staff after the posting of the agenda are made available for public review at the office of the City Clerk at the time they are distributed to the City Council. In compliance with the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA), if you need special assistance to participate in this meeting, please contact the City Clerk at(408) 868-1269. Notification 48 hours prior to the meeting will enable the City to make reasonable arrangements to ensure accessibility to this meeting (28 CFR 35.102-35.104 ADA Title II) Certificate of Posting of Agenda: I, Ann Sullivan, City Clerk forthe City of Saratoga, declare that the foregoing agenda for the meeting of the City Council for the City of Saratoga was posted on January 27, 2011, atthe City of Saratoga, 13777 Fruitvale Ave., Saratoga, CA 95070 and was available for public review at that location. The agenda is also available on the City’s website at www.saratoga.ca.us th Signed this 27day of January 2011at Saratoga, California. Ann Sullivan, CMC City Clerk  NOTE: To view current or previous City Council meetings anytime, go to the City Video Archives at www.saratoga.ca.us CITY OF SARATOGA CITY COUNCIL MEETING CALENDAR 2011 1/28Council Retreat 2/2Regular Meeting –Joint meeting with Planning Commission 2/16Regular Meeting – 3/2Regular meeting –Joint meeting with Sheriff and County Fire 3/16Regular Meeting –Joint meeting (5:30 pm) with School Districts :Saratoga Union Elementary School District; Los Gatos-Saratoga Union High School District; Cupertino School District; Campbell School District Moreland School District; Fremont High School District; Sacred Heart; St. Andrews, and Campbell Union High School District 4/6Regular Meeting –Joint meeting with SASCC 4/20Regular Meeting –Joint meeting withMontalvo Arts 5/4Regular Meeting –Joint meeting with Youth Commission 5/18 Regular Meeting –Joint meeting with Library Commission and Friends of the Library 6/1Regular meeting –Joint meeting (5:30 pm) with HOA presidents 6/15Regular meeting –Joint meeting with Parks and Recreation Commission/PEMTAC 7/6Regular Meeting 7/20Regular Meeting 8/3Regular Meeting 8/17Regular Meeting 9/7Regular Meeting –Joint meeting with West Valley Board of Trustees 9/21Regular Meeting –Joint meeting with Assemblymember Jim Beall 10/5Regular Meeting –Joint meeting with Traffic Safety Commission 10/19Regular Meeting –Joint meeting with Heritage Preservation Commission and Historical Foundation 11/2Regular Meeting –Joint meeting with Saratoga MinisterialAssociation 11/16Regular Meeting –Joint meeting with Hakone Foundation 12/6Council Reorganization 12/7Regular Meeting 12/21Regular Meeting   SARATOGA CITY COUNCIL MEETING DATE: AGENDA ITEM: February 2, 2011 DEPARTMENT: CITY MANAGER: City Manager’s OfficeDave Anderson PREPARED BY:DIRECTOR: Ann Sullivan, City ClerkDave Anderson SUBJECT: Presentation from the Saratoga Ministerial Association RECOMMENDED ACTION: Listen to a short presentation by members of the Saratoga Ministerial Association regarding the Association’s goals for the Saratoga communityand the Saratoga Servescommunity project. REPORT SUMMARY: OnNovember 3, 2010 Council held their annual joint meeting with members of the Saratoga Ministerial Association. At that meeting members of the Association spoke about their preparations for the upcoming annual community project –Saratoga Serves. They noted this is a week-long community service that all the houses of worship and other organizationsparticipate in together and addedthe next Saratoga Servescommunity event will be held the week of March 12 –19, 2011. As a result of that meeting Council asked the Association to provide a short presentation on Saratoga Servesat a future City Council. FISCAL IMPACTS: N/A CONSEQUENCES OF NOT FOLLOWING RECOMMENDED ACTION: N/A ALTERNATIVE ACTION: N/A FOLLOW UP ACTION: None 1  ADVERTISING, NOTICING AND PUBLIC CONTACT: Pursuant to Government Code 54954.2, this item was properly posted as a City Council agenda item and was included in the packet made available on the City’s web site in advance of the meeting.A copy of the agenda packet is also made available at the Saratoga Branch Library each Monday in advance of the Council meeting. ATTACHMENTS: None 2  SARATOGA CITY COUNCIL MEETING DATE:AGENDA ITEM: February 2,2011 DEPARTMENT:CITY MANAGER: City Manager’s OfficeDave Anderson PREPARED BY:DIRECTOR: Ann Sullivan,City Clerk Dave Anderson SUBJECT:City CouncilRegularMeetingMinutes–January 5,2011 RECOMMENDED ACTION: Approve minutes. REPORT SUMMARY: Approve minutes as submitted for theJanuary 5, 2011,City CouncilRegularMeeting. FISCAL IMPACTS: N/A CONSEQUENCES OF NOT FOLLOWING RECOMMENDED ACTION: N/A ALTERNATIVE ACTION: N/A FOLLOW UP ACTION: Retain minutes for legislative history. ADVERTISING, NOTICING AND PUBLIC CONTACT: Pursuant to Government Code 54954.2, this item was properly posted as a City Council agenda item and was included in the packet made available on the City’s web site in advance of the meeting.A copy of the agenda packet is also made available at the Saratoga Branch Library each Monday in advance of the Council meeting. ATTACHMENTS: Attachment A –MinutesfromtheJanuary 5, 2011,City CouncilRegularMeeting. MINUTES SARATOGA REGULAR CITY COUNCIL MEETING JANUARY 5, 2011 The City Council met in Closed Session in the Administrative Conference Room, 13777 Fruitvale Avenue at 5:30 p.m. ANNOUNCEMENT OF CLOSED SESSION Conferencewith Legal Counsel –Anticipated Litigation –Significant exposure to litigation pursuant to Government Code Section 54956.9 (1 potential case) MAYOR’S REPORT ON CLOSED SESSION Mayor Miller stated there was no reportable information. The City Council held a Joint Meeting with members of the Chamber of Commerce in the Administrative Conference Room at 6:00 p.m. PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE Mayor Millercalled the Regular City Council meeting to order at 7:00 p.m. ROLL CALL : PRESENTCouncilmembers Manny Cappello, Emily Lo, Jill Hunter, Vice Mayor Chuck Page, Mayor Howard Miller ABSENT:None ALSODave Anderson, City Manager PRESENT:Richard Taylor, City Attorney Ann Sullivan, City Clerk Barbara Powell, Assistant City Manager Mary Furey, Administrative Services Director John Livingstone, Community Development Director John Cherbone, Public Works Director REPORT OF CITY CLERK ON POSTING OF AGENDA City Clerk Ann Sullivan reported that pursuant to Government Code 54954.2, the agenda for the meeting of January 5,2011was properly posted on December 22, 2010. COMMUNICATIONS FROM BOARDS AND COMMISSIONS Vicki Seelig, President of Saratoga Chamberof Commerce, provided a brief report regarding the Chamber’s goals for 2011. She noted the Chamber will workto increase their membership, improve their financial status, recruit new board members, and continue to move forward with plans to distributetheir newsletter electronically.They asked members tosubmit their current email addressto the Chamber. She concluded by notingthe Chamber hasmanynew events scheduledsuch as: thePersian New Year in March, Business Expo in May; theHoliday Wine Stroll, and the Classic Car Show. COUNCIL DIRECTION TO STAFF None ORAL COMMUNICATIONS ON NON-AGENDIZED ITEMS No one requested to speak at this time. COUNCIL DIRECTION TO STAFF None ANNOUNCEMENTS Councilmember Lo noted the Saratoga Lions Club will again be collecting unused eye glasses to send to people in other countries. She added people could drop their unused eye glasses off at the Chamber of Commerce, the Book-go-Round, and the Bank of the West at Quito Village. Councilmember Hunter announced the Saratoga Love Notesprogram will be occurring again this year and noted during the month of January residents could visit any shop in the Village and write a love note to someonespecial. She added the love notes would be stth posted throughout the Village shop windows from February 1through the14. Vice Mayor Page announced the Waste Water Treatment Plant (Plant) in San Josewill be rebuilt. He noted the “Plant” is an interesting place to tour and invited residents to attend an informational meeting scheduled on January 27 from 6:00 p.m. to 8:00 p.m. at the Cupertino City Hall. For more information regarding this projectyoushouldvisittheir website at www.rebuildtheplant.org. Mayor Miller noted Boy ScoutTroop 535 will be conductingafree E-waste recycling at Saratoga Prospect Centeron Saturday, January 8, 2011,from 9:00a.m. to 5:00 p.m. At this time Mayor Miller took the opportunity to introduceCaptain Carl Neuselto the Saratoga community. He noted Captain Neusel, Santa Clara County Sheriff’s Office, is the new Captain of the Westside Substation. This position became vacant when Captain Terry Calderone retired in December 2010. CEREMONIAL ITEMS 1.PROCLAMATION DECLARING THE MONTH OF JANUARY 2011 AS “NATIONAL BLOOD DONOR MONTH” STAFF RECOMMENDATION: Read and present proclamation. 2 MayorMiller read and presented the proclamation to American Red Cross representativeMona Helmhold. SPECIAL PRESENTATIONS None CONSENT CALENDAR 2.CITY COUNCIL REGULARMEETING MINUTES –DECEMBER 15, 2010 STAFF RECOMMENDATION: Approve minutes. APPROVE REGULAR MEETING MINUTES – PAGE/HUNTER MOVED TO DECEMBER 15, 2010. MOTION PASSED 5-0-0. 3.2011 COUNCIL JOINT MEETING CALENDAR STAFF RECOMMENDATION: Approve Saratoga City Council joint meeting calendar for 2011. APPROVE SARATOGA CITY COUNCIL JOINT PAGE/HUNTER MOVED TO MEETING CALENDAR FOR 2011. MOTION PASSED 5-0-0. 4.REVIEW OF ACCOUNTS PAYABLE CHECK REGISTERS STAFF RECOMMENDATION: That the City Council review and accept the Check Registers for the following Accounts Payable payment cycles: December 9, 2010 December 16, 2010 PAGE/HUNTER MOVED TO ACCEPT THE CHECK REGISTERS FOR THE FOLLOWING ACCOUNTS PAYABLE PAYMENT CYCLES:DECEMBER 9, . 2010 AND DECEMBER 16, 2010MOTION PASSED 5-0-0. 5.DEVELOPMENT IMPACT FEE REPORT STAFF RECOMMENDATION: Staff recommends that the Council review and accept the annual AB1600 Development Impact Fee report for the year ended June 30, 2010. PAGE/HUNTER MOVED TO ACCEPT THE ANNUAL AB1600 DEVELOPMENT IMPACT FEE REPORT FOR THE YEAR ENDED JUNE 30, 2010.MOTION PASSED 5-0-0. 3 6.APPROVAL OF SPORT USER AGREEMENTS -2011 STAFF RECOMMENDATION: Approve Sport User Agreements with American Youth Soccer Organization, Saratoga Little League, Quito Little League, De Anza Youth Soccer League, West Valley Lacrosse Club, West ValleyYouth Soccer League, and Saratoga Pony League for the use of Saratoga City parks, West Valley College, and Prospect High School for organized sport use, and authorize the City Manager to execute the same. Councilmember Hunter removed this item for clarification. APPROVE HUNTER/PAGE MOVED TOSPORT USER AGREEMENTS WITH AMERICAN YOUTH SOCCER ORGANIZATION, SARATOGA LITTLE LEAGUE, QUITO LITTLELEAGUE, DE ANZA YOUTH SOCCER LEAGUE, WEST VALLEY LACROSSE CLUB, WEST VALLEY YOUTH SOCCER LEAGUE, AND SARATOGA PONY LEAGUE FOR THE USE OF SARATOGA CITY PARKS,WEST VALLEY COLLEGE,AND PROSPECT HIGH SCHOOL FOR ORGANIZED SPORT USE, ANDAUTHORIZE THE CITY MANAGER TO EXECUTE THE SAME.MOTION PASSED 5-0-0. 7.MOTOR VEHICLE (MV) RESOLUTION RESTRICTING PARKING ON FORREST HILLSDRIVE STAFF RECOMMENDATION: Move to adopt MV Resolution restricting parking on Forrest Hills Drive. MV RESOLUTION NO.295 ADOPT MV RESOLUTION RESTRICTING PAGE/HUNTER MOVED TO PARKING ON FORREST HILLS DRIVE. MOTION PASSED 5-0-0. 8.TREASURER’S REPORT FOR THE MONTH ENDED NOVEMBER 30, 2010 STAFF RECOMMENDATION: Review and accept the Treasurer’s Report for the month ended November 30, 2010. ACCEPT THE TREASURER’S REPORT FOR PAGE/HUNTER MOVED TO THE MONTH ENDED NOVEMBER 30, 2010. MOTION PASSED 5-0-0. 9.FINANCIAL ADVISOR SERVICES FOR REFUNDINGTHE CITY’S 2001 SERIES GENERAL OBLIGATION BOND STAFF RECOMMENDATION: Review report and authorize the City Manager to enter into an agreement for professional financial advisor services between the Cityand Public Financial Management, LLC (PFM), for the refunding of the City’s 2001 Series General Obligation Bond. 4  Councilmember Lo removed this item for clarification. AUTHORIZE THE CITY MANAGER TO HUNTER/PAGE MOVED TO ENTER INTO AN AGREEMENT FOR PROFESSIONAL FINANCIAL ADVISOR SERVICES BETWEEN THE CITY AND PUBLIC FINANCIAL MANAGEMENT, LLC (PFM), FOR THE REFUNDINGOF THE CITY’S 2001 SERIES GENERAL OBLIGATION BOND. MOTION PASSED 5-0-0. PUBLIC HEARINGS 10.RESOLUTION DECLARINGA PUBLIC NUISANCE ASTO SPECIFIED PROPERTIES CONTAINING HAZARDOUS VEGETATION (WEEDS) STAFF RECOMMENDATION: Conduct public hearing and adopt resolution. City Clerk Ann Sullivan presented the staff report. Moe Kumre, Weed Abatement Coordinatorwith the Santa Clara County Agriculture Department,was present to provide additional information and answer questions from Council members. Mayor Miller opened the public hearing for comment. No onerequested to speak on this item. Mayor Miller closed the public hearingfor comment. RESOLUTION NO.11-001 ADOPT RESOLUTION DECLARING ABATEMENT PAGE/LO MOVED TO OF A PUBLIC NUISANCE AS TO SPECIFIEDPROPERTIES CONTAINING HAZARDOUSVEGETATION. MOTION PASSED 5-0-0. OLD BUSINESS None NEW BUSINESS 11.Planning for 2011 Mustard Faire STAFF RECOMMENDATION: Accept report and direct staff accordingly. Assistant City Manager Barbara Powell presented the staff report. Norm Koepernik was present to provide additional information and answer questions from Council members. Mayor Miller invited public comment. 5  No one requested to speak on this item. Mayor Miller closed the public comment. WAIVE THE CITY-RELATED EXPENSES AND HUNTER/PAGE MOVED TO USE COUNCIL CONTINGENCY FUNDS TO COVER THE COST OF THE RENTAL OF WARNER HUTTON HOUSE -$517.50, BANNER DISPLAY IN BLANEY PLAZA (2 WEEKS) -$600.00, AND EVENT PERMIT FEE -$100.00 FOR A TOTALOF$1,217.50. MOTION PASSED 5-0-0. COUNCIL DIRECTION: Council directed Norman Koepernik and the Mustard Faire Committee to reach out to various organizations and agencies that provide services to the Saratoga community such as: PG & E, West Valley Collection and Recycling, AT&T, and Comcast, for donations to help make up the monetary difference the Committee needs to cover the costsof the additional proposedevent activities. Councilmember Manny Cappello, Jill Hunter and Vice Mayor Chuck Page noted they would be available to work with the Committee by providing contact information or schedule meetings with the various agencies. ADHOC & AGENCY ASSIGNMENT REPORTS Mayor Howard Miller–had nothing to report. Vice Mayor Chuck Page–reported: West Valley SanitationDistrict–he attended the last meetingand they bid farewellto Councilmember Dan Furtado, who recently termed out on the Campbell City Council. CouncilmemberJill Hunter –hadnothingto report. Councilmember Emily Lo–reported: Sister City Liaison–she attended the meeting on Tuesday andadded the Sister City organization is now accepting applications for the Gomersall Scholarship. This is a scholarship made available to anyone that is interested in furthering theirknowledge and education in Japanese culture. Interested applicants should contact Sister City representative Marilyn White at 408.867.9417 for additional information. In addition, she notedtheSister City organization is currently accepting new members to the Taiko Drummers group. Councilmember Manny Cappello–reported: Carlson House Restoration AdHoc–A“kick off” meeting was held prior tothe holidays. At that meeting the interested participants were established, which include: Saratoga Rotary, West Valley College,and the City. They also calendareddates for future meetings. 6  CITY COUNCIL ITEMS Mayor Miller noted the followingitems: City Manager Dave Anderson will be on vacation and traveling out of the area the week of February 20, 2011,the January 19, 2011 City Council meeting has beencancelled,and the annual City Council Retreat is scheduled on January 28, 2011. CITY MANAGER’S REPORT Nothing ADJOURNMENT There being no additional business, Mayor Miller asked for a motion to adjourn. ADJOURN THE REGULAR MEETING AT PAGE/CAPPELLO MOVED TO 8:50PM. MOTION PASSED 5-0-0. Respectfully Submitted, Ann Sullivan, CMC City Clerk 7  SARATOGA CITY COUNCIL MEETING DATE:AGENDA ITEM: February 2, 2011 DEPARTMENT:CITY MANAGER: Finance & Administrative ServicesDave Anderson PREPARED BY:DEPT. DIRECTOR: Mary FureyMary Furey SUBJECT: Review of Accounts Payable Check Registers RECOMMENDED ACTION: That the City Council review and accept the Check Registers for the following Accounts Payable payment cycles: December 22, 2010 January 6, 2011 January 14, 2011 REPORT SUMMARY: Attached are the Check Registers for: Prior Check Register Ending Starting Ending Checks DateCheck No. Type of ChecksDateCheck No.Check No.Total ChecksAmountReleased Accounts Payable 12/22/1011683911688648100,072.2512/23/1012/16/10116838 Accounts Payable 01/06/1111688711694458152,917.9101/06/1112/22/10116886 Accounts Payable 01/14/1111694511701167483,742.7201/14/1101/06/11116944 The following is a list of Accounts Payable checks issued for more than $20,000: AP DateCheck No. Issued toFundDept.PurposeAmount PW - CIP 12/22/10116850Duran & VeneblesCIP StreetsStreet Shoulder Work22,290.10 Emerg Prep 01/06/11116898County of Santa ClaraGeneral FundRegional Interoperability23,364.00 Legal 01/06/11116933Shute MihalyGeneral FundOctober Services20,369.64 Public Safety 01/14/11116985SCC - Sheriffs OfficeGeneral FundJanuary Services 354,429.00 Parks/Facilty 01/14/11116991PG&EGeneral and L&L FundsNov/Dec Usage35,880.74 The following are Accounts Payable checks that were voided: AP DateCheck No. Issued toDescriptionAmount 12/09/10116741Carpenters Local 2236Void - reissued320.00  The following is a list of cash reduction by fund: Fund #AP 12/22/10AP 1/6/11AP 1/14/11Total Fund Description 111General 25,051.02 129,554.69 396,578.06 551,183.77 211CDBG Administration - 231Village Lighting 5,309.34 12,561.85 17,871.19 232Azule Lighting 235.19 470.33 705.52 233Sarahills Lighting 250.06 500.06 750.12 241Arroyo de Saratoga Landscape 85.00 85.00 242Bonnet Way Landscape 135.00 135.00 243Carnelian Glen 135.00 135.00 244Cunningham/Glasgow Landscape 150.00 150.00 245Fredericksburg Landscape 132.00 132.00 246Greenbriar Landscape 406.00 406.00 247Kerwin Ranch Landscape 311.00 311.00 248Leutar Court Landscape 85.00 85.00 249Manor Drive Landscape 160.00 160.00 251McCartysville Landscape 17.16 180.00 35.98 233.14 252Prides Crossing Landscape 38.94 1,756.29 75.97 1,871.20 Saratoga Legends Landscape 158.00 158.00 253 254Sunland Park Landscape 203.00 203.00 255Tricia Woods Landscape 8.57 45.00 18.04 71.61 271Beauchamps Landscape 18.84 85.00 93.36 197.20 272Bellgrove Landscape 439.65 2,154.14 901.41 3,495.20 273Gateway Landscape 203.00 9.59 212.59 274Horseshoe Landscape/Lighting 9.17 320.00 18.23 347.40 275Quito Lighting 1,023.52 165.00 2,186.09 3,374.61 276Tollgate LLD 90.00 90.00 277Village Commercial Landscape 75.00 166.00 241.00 311Library Bond Debt Service - 411CIP Street Projects 53,712.68 2,005.39 19,092.38 74,810.45 412CIP Parks Projects 2,414.50 2,414.50 413CIP Facility Projects 7,037.03 5,937.84 12,974.87 414CIP Admin Projects 3,329.52 3,329.52 421Tree Fine Fund 749.83 749.83 431Grant Fund - CIP Streets 606.00 606.00 432Grant Fund - Parks & Trails 1,766.12 1,766.12 481Gas Tax Fund 4,954.00 4,954.00 611Liability/Risk Mgt 894.00 525.00 15,084.82 16,503.82 - 612Workers' Comp 621Office Support Services Fund - 622Information Technology 598.06 289.85 887.91 623Vehicle & Equipment Maint 137.94 3,275.24 4,688.16 8,101.34 624Building Maintenance 2,876.58 4,072.69 16,715.81 23,665.08 Vehicle & Equipment Replacement 631 3,277.49 3,277.49 IT Equipment Replacement 632 87.40 87.40 712KSAR Trust Fund - TOTAL 100,072.25 152,917.91 483,742.72 736,732.88 ALTERNATIVE ACTION: N/A FOLLOW UP ACTION: N/A ADVERTISING, NOTICING AND PUBLIC CONTACT: N/A ATTACHMENTS: Check Registers in the 'A/P Checks By Period and Year' report format   SARATOGA CITY COUNCIL MEETING DATE:AGENDA ITEM: February2, 2011 DEPARTMENT:CITY MANAGER: Finance & AdministrativeServicesDave Anderson PREPARED BY:DIRECTOR: Mary FureyMary Furey SUBJECT: FY 2010/11Mid-Year Budget Status Report and Budget Adjustment Resolution RECOMMENDED ACTION: Review FY 2010/11budget status report and proposed budget adjustments, and adopt resolution approving the City’s FY 2010/11Operating Budgetamendments. REPORT SUMMARY: The City’s fiscal year 2010/11 adopted General Fund operating budget was developed in alignment with the economic downturnaffecting the nation over the last two years, resulting in reduced revenue and expenditure budgetappropriations,and the use of fund balance reserves to maintain city servicesat normal levels. On the revenue side, property tax, sales tax, vehicle license, transient occupancy, franchise fee, construction and business license tax budgets collectively reflect a decrease of almost $390,000from just two years ago in fiscal year 2008/09.Planning, building, and engineering services budgets were also reduced significantly, with current year revenues budgeted almost $300,000lessthan FY 2008/09. Interest income was significantly affected inthis recession. The current year revenuebudget is almost $270,000below interest received two years ago. In FY 2008/09, interest rates began at 2.77%, and averaged over 2%for the year. As of the mid-point of FY 2010/11, LAIF interest rates have fallen to .46% -the lowest interest rate since the agency began in 1977. (LAIF, the Local Agency Investment Fund,is the State’s investment agency for local governmentswhere the City invests its funds.)This substantial reduction in interest earnings is dueprimarily to historic low rates; however anadded contributing factor is the decrease in fund balancedue to reductionsin revenue receipts and delays in State and County payments, while operating and capital expenditures are ongoing. At mid-year, mostrevenues are tracking in line with budgeted expectations,with two notable exceptions. Due to the continued slide in interest rates, the City is likely to receive approximately $30,000 less than the $90,000 budgeted for the year. On the positive side, the Sheriff’s Office was able to keep the City’s share of operating costs down significantly last year, and as a result was able to reimbursethe City $48,000more than expected of the prior year’s fees. The Sheriff’s reimbursement was anticipated to be about $125,000, whereas the actual reimbursement was $173,000.The net of these two revenue budget adjustments is arevenueincrease of $18,000,asis shown on the following page. On the expenditure side, most General Fund costs are tracking in line withthe budget.A mid-year adjustment is requested however,for several unplanned claims, legal, and organizational expenses which total $140,000. Again on the positive side, these additional expenses will be offset in part by abudget  expenditure reduction.The current year’s budget for Council Member and Measure Q election expenses was adopted at $100,000;however election costs totaled $27,000 less than expected.The net of these budget adjustments will result in expenditure appropriations increasing by$113,000,as shown below: Revenues Increase in Sheriff’s Office reimbursement revenue $ 48,000 Decrease in Interest Income revenue(30,000) Net Revenue Increase$ 18,000 Expenditures Increase in claims, legal, and organizational expenditures$140,000 Decrease in election expenditures(27,000) Net Expenditure Increase$113,000 Net Budget Impact$ 95,000 As the unplanned expenditures are more than can be offset by budget savingswithout service reductions, staff requests the Council approve a budget adjustment resolution to revise the current year budget to reflect the above increases and decreasesto revenues and expenditures. In summary, the proposed revenue adjustments will increase the General Fund’s adjusted revenue and expenditure budgets by $113,000, with a net funding adjustment of $95,000 from undesignated funds. The General Fund’s Undesignated FundBalance will therefore decrease from $1,284,366 to $1,189,366.These changes are summarized in thefollowing schedule: Current Revised AdjustedProposed Adjusted BudgetAdjustmentsBudget Revenues 15,317,00418,00015,335,004 Fund Balance Uses1,105,58395,0001,200,583 Total Sources 16,422,587113,00016,535,587 Less Expenditures 16,397,612113,00016,510,612 Total Uses 16,397,612113,00016,510,612 Net Operating Budget24,97524,975 FISCAL IMPACTS: UponCouncil approval,revenue and expenditure operating budgetappropriations will be amended. CONSEQUENCES OF NOT FOLLOWING RECOMMENDED ACTION: Revenue and expenditure budget appropriations will not be amended as recommended ALTERNATIVE ACTION: Council could provide alternative direction FOLLOW UP ACTION: Staff will post budget adjustment to financial records ATTACHMENTS: Attachment A –Resolution  Attachment A RESOLUTION NO. 2011-___ A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITYOF SARATOGA AMENDING THE ANNUAL BUDGET FOR FISCAL YEAR 2010/11 TOADJUST REVENUE,EXPENDITURE, AND TRANSFERAPPROPRIATIONS TO REVISED LEVELS WHEREAS , the City’sFY 2010/11General Fund revenues and expenditures were reviewed at mid-year and projected through year-end to determine estimated activity for the fiscal year, and; WHEREAS, it was determined that estimated revenues were in alignmentwith budgeted appropriations, however expenditures would exceed authorized expenditure budget appropriationsdue to several unplanned expenditures, and; WHEREAS, it was determined that this would result in an unbalanced budget, and; WHEREAS ,the City Council desires to adopt revenue,expenditure, transfers, and/or use of fund balance appropriationsat the revised projection levels, and; WHEREAS ,it is necessary to amend the City of Saratoga’s FY 2010/11budget to adjust revenue and expenditure appropriations and to increase use of undesignated fund balance to be in alignment with the revised projections; NOW THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, that the City Council of the City of Saratoga hereby amends the Fiscal Year 2010/11 Operating Budget as described in the Council’sMid Year Budget Status Report; AND BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that the Finance and Administrative Services Director is directed to record these changes into the City’s accounting records in accordance with appropriate accounting practices. The above and foregoing resolution was passed and adopted at a regular meeting of the Saratoga City nd Council held on the 2day of February,2011by the followingvote: AYES: NOES: ABSENT: ABSTAIN: ______________________________ Howard A. Miller, Mayor ATTEST: _____________________________ Ann Sullivan, City Clerk  SARATOGA CITY COUNCIL MEETING DATE:AGENDA ITEM: ö×ÚÊÇÛÊà  DEPARTMENT:CITY MANAGER: ê×ÙÊ×ÛÈÓÍÎöÛÙÓÐÓÈÓ×ÉøÛÆ×ûÎØ×ÊÉÍÎ PREPARED BY: ïÓÙÔÛ×ÐèÛÃÐÍÊê×ÙÊ×ÛÈÓÍÎöÛÙÓÐÓÈÓ×ÉøÓÊ×ÙÈÍÊ DIRECTOR: ïÓÙÔÛ×ÐèÛÃÐÍÊ SUBJECT: éÛÊÛÈÍÕÛðÓÚÊÛÊÃúÍÍÑê×ÈÇÊÎíÆ×ÊÔÛÎÕìÊÍÒ×ÙȦûÙÙ×ÌÈùÛÎÙ×ÐÐÛÈÓÍÎÍÖ ùÍÎÈÊÛÙÈÅÓÈÔìÊ×ÏÓ×Êå×ÉÈóÎÈ×ÊÓÍÊÉÛÎØûÅÛÊØùÍÎÉÈÊÇÙÈÓÍÎùÍÎÈÊÛÙÈÈÍ ùêåóÎØÇÉÈÊÓ×É RECOMMENDED ACTION: ê×ÆÓ×ÅÊ×ÌÍÊÈÛÎØ ïÍÆ×ÈÍÛÙÙ×ÌÈÈÔ×ÅÓÈÔØÊÛÅÛÐÍÖìÊ×ÏÓ×Êå×ÉÈóÎÈ×ÊÓÍÊÉÖÊÍÏÈÔ×ÙÍÎÉÈÊÇÙÈÓÍÎ ÌÊÍÒ×ÙÈÊ×ÉÙÓÎØÓÎÕÈÔ×ÛÙÈÓÍÎÍÖÈÔ×îÍÆ×ÏÚ×Ê  Ï××ÈÓÎÕ ïÍÆ×ÈÍØ×ÙÐÛÊ×ùêåóÎØÇÉÈÊÓ×ÉùêåÍÖéÛÎÈÛùÊÇÂÈÍÚ×ÈÔ×ÐÍÅ×ÉÈ Ê×ÉÌÍÎÉÓÚÐ×ÚÓØØ×ÊÍÎÈÔ×ÌÊÍÒ×ÙÈ ïÍÆ×ÈÍÛÙÙ×ÌÈÚÓØÛÎØÛÇÈÔÍÊÓÂ×ÈÔ×ùÓÈÃïÛÎÛÕ×ÊÈÍ×ÎÈ×ÊÓÎÈÍÛÙÍÎÉÈÊÇÙÈÓÍÎ ÙÍÎÈÊÛÙÈÈÍùêåóÎØÇÉÈÊÓ×ÉùêåÓÎÈÔ×ÛÏÍÇÎÈÍÖ ïÍÆ×ÈÍÛÇÈÔÍÊÓÂ×ÉÈÛÖÖÈÍ×Ä×ÙÇÈ×ÙÔÛÎÕ×ÍÊØ×ÊÉÈÍÈÔ×ÙÍÎÈÊÛÙÈÇÌÈÍ  REPORT SUMMARY: óÎ ÈÔ×ùÍÇÎÙÓÐÛÉÉÓÕÎ×ØÈÔ×ðÓÚÊÛÊÃùÍÏÏÓÉÉÓÍÎÈÍÏÛÑ×Ê×ÙÍÏÏ×ÎØÛÈÓÍÎÉÖÍÊ ÇÉ×ÍÖÈÔ×Ê×ÏÛÓÎÓÎÕÖÇÎØÉÐ×ÖÈÖÊÍÏÈÔ×ðÓÚÊÛÊÃùÍÎÉÈÊÇÙÈÓÍÎìÊÍÒ×ÙÈèÔ×É×ÖÇÎØÉÙÛÎ Ú×ÇÉ×ØÖÍÊÙÛÌÓÈÛÐÌÊÍÒ×ÙÈÉÈÍÈÔ×ÐÓÚÊÛÊÃÅÓÈÔÛÐÓÖ×ÐÍÎÕ×ÊÈÔÛÎÍÎ×Ã×ÛÊÚÇÈÎÍÈÖÍÊ ÏÛÓÎÈ×ÎÛÎÙ×èÔ×ðÓÚÊÛÊÃùÍÏÏÓÉÉÓÍÎÓØ×ÎÈÓÖÓ×ØÉ×Æ×ÊÛÐÓÏÌÊÍÆ×Ï×ÎÈÌÊÍÒ×ÙÈÉÈÍÚ× ÓÎÙÐÇØ×ØÓÎÈÔ×ðÓÚÊÛÊÃùÛÌÓÈÛÐóÏÌÊÍÆ×Ï×ÎÈöÇÎØðùóöûÏÍÎÕÈÔ×ÏÅÛÉÙÍÎÉÈÊÇÙÈÓÎÕ ÛÙÍÆ×ÊÍÆ×ÊÈÔ×ÚÍÍÑØÊÍÌÈÍ×ÐÓÏÓÎÛÈ×ÕÐÛÊ×ÛÎØÌÊÍÆÓØ×Å×ÛÈÔ×ÊÌÊÍÈ×ÙÈÓÍÎ ø×ÉÓÕÎÍÖÈÔ×ÌÊÍÈ×ÙÈÓÆ×ÍÆ×ÊÔÛÎÕÅÛÉÙÍÏÌÐ×È×ØÛÎØÈÔÊ××ÍÌÈÓÍÎÉÅ×Ê×ÌÊ×É×ÎÈ×ØÈÍ ÈÔ×ðÓÚÊÛÊÃÉÈÛÖÖÛÎØÈÍÈÔ×ðÓÚÊÛÊÃùÍÏÏÓÉÉÓÍÎÖÍÊÛÌÌÊÍÆÛÐéÈÛÖÖÊ×ËÇ×ÉÈ×ØÚÓØÉÖÍÊ ÙÍÎÉÈÊÇÙÈÓÍÎÍÖÈÔ×ÛÌÌÊÍÆ×ØØ×ÉÓÕÎûÈÈÛÙÔÏ×ÎÈúÖÊÍÏÉ×Æ×ÎËÇÛÐÓÖÓ×ØÙÍÎÈÊÛÙÈÍÊÉ ÛÎØÊ×Ù×ÓÆ×ØÈÔÊ××ÚÓØÉûÈÈÛÙÔÏ×ÎÈù ûÈÈÔ×îÍÆ×ÏÚ×Ê  ÓÈÔìÊ×ÏÓ×Êå×ÉÈ óÎÈ×ÊÓÍÊÉìåóÍÖéÛÎòÍÉ×ÓÎÈÔ×ÛÏÍÇÎÈÍÖ íÎòÛÎÇÛÊà  ìåó ÓÎÖÍÊÏ×ØÉÈÛÖÖÈÔÛÈÈÔ×ÃÅ×Ê×ÇÎÛÚÐ× ÇÎÅÓÐÐÓÎÕÈÍÙÍÏÌÐ×È×ÈÔ×È×ÊÏÉÍÖÈÔ×ÙÍÎÈÊÛÙÈ ÉÌ×ÙÓÖÓÙÛÐÐÃÍÚÈÛÓÎÓÎÕÈÔ×ÛÉÉÇÊÛÎÙ×ÚÍÎØÛÉÊ×ËÇÓÊ×ØÓÎé×ÙÈÓÍÎ ÍÖÈÔ×ÛÕÊ××Ï×ÎÈ éÈÛÖÖÙÍÎÈÛÙÈ×ØÈÔ×Î×ÄÈÐÍÅ×ÉÈÚÓØØ×ÊùêåóÎØÇÉÈÊÓ×ÉÅÔÍÙÍÎÖÓÊÏ×ØÈÔ×ÓÊÅÓÐÐÓÎÕÎ×ÉÉ ÛÎØÛÚÓÐÓÈÃÈÍÙÍÏÌÐÃÅÓÈÔÈÔ×ÓÊÍÊÓÕÓÎÛÐÚÓØ ï  DISCUSSION: óÎÐÓÕÔÈÍÖÈÔ×ÅÓÈÔØÊÛÅÛÐÚÃìåóÈÔ×Î×ÄÈÐÍÅ×ÉÈÚÓØØ×ÊÖÍÊÈÔ×ÌÊÍÒ×ÙÈÓÉùêå óÎØÇÉÈÊÓ×ÉéÈÛÖÖÔÛÉÙÍÎÈÛÙÈ×ØùêåÛÎØÚ××ÎÛÉÉÇÊ×ØÈÔÛÈÈÔ×ÍÊÓÕÓÎÛÐÚÓØÍÖ ÅÓÐÐÚ×ÔÍÎÍÊ×ØÓÖÈÔ×ùÓÈÃÛÅÛÊØÉÈÔ×ÙÍÎÈÊÛÙÈ CONSEQUENCES OF NOT FOLLOWING RECOMMENDED ACTION: ùêåÅÓÐÐÎÍÈÚ×Ø×ÙÐÛÊ×ØÈÔ×ÐÍÅ×ÉÈÊ×ÉÌÍÎÉÓÚÐ×ÚÓØØ×ÊÛÎØÛÙÍÎÉÈÊÇÙÈÓÍÎÙÍÎÈÊÛÙÈÅÓÐÐ ÎÍÈÚ×ÛÅÛÊØ×ØÈÍÈÔÛÈÖÓÊÏ ALTERNATIVE ACTIONS: ùÍÇÎÙÓÐÏÛÃØÓÊ×ÙÈÉÈÛÖÖÈÍÊ×ÚÓØÈÔ×ÌÊÍÒ×ÙÈ FISCAL IMPACTS: èÔ×ÙÍÉÈÍÖÈÔÓÉÌÊÍÒ×ÙÈÅÛÉÓÎÙÐÇØ×ØÓÎÈÔ×  ùÛÌÓÈÛÐóÏÌÊÍÆ×Ï×ÎÈìÊÍÒ×ÙÈ ÚÇØÕ×ÈìÊÍÒ×ÙÈîÇÏÚ×Ê  èÔ×ÙÍÉÈÍÖÈÔÓÉÌÊÍÒ×ÙÈÅÓÐÐÎÍÈÓÏÌÛÙÈÈÔ×ÍÌ×ÊÛÈÓÎÕ ÚÇØÕ×ÈÛÉÎÍÏÛÓÎÈ×ÎÛÎÙ×ÙÍÉÈÉÛÊ×ÛÉÉÍÙÓÛÈ×ØÅÓÈÔÈÔ×ÚÍÍÑØÊÍÌÍÆ×ÊÔÛÎÕÛÖÈ×Ê ÓÎÉÈÛÐÐÛÈÓÍÎìÊÍÒ×ÙÈÏÛÎÛÕ×Ï×ÎÈÖÍÊÓÎÉÈÛÐÐÛÈÓÍÎÔÛÉÛÐÊ×ÛØÃÚ××ÎÓÎÙÍÊÌÍÊÛÈ×ØÓÎÈÔ× ùÓÈêÉÍÌ×ÊÛÈÓÎÕÚÇØÕ×È FOLLOW UP ACTION: èÔ×ÙÍÎÈÊÛÙÈÅÓÐÐÚ××Ä×ÙÇÈ×ØÛÎØÈÔ×ÙÍÎÈÊÛÙÈÍÊÅÓÐÐÚ×ÓÉÉÇ×ØÛÎÍÈÓÙ×ÈÍÌÊÍÙ××Ø åÍÊÑÅÓÐÐÚ×ÕÓÎÛÉÉÍÍÎÛÉÌÍÉÉÓÚÐ×ÅÓÈÔÙÍÏÌÐ×ÈÓÍÎ×ÄÌ×ÙÈ×ØÅÓÈÔÓÎ ØÛÃÉ ADVERTISING, NOTICING AND PUBLIC CONTACT: ìÇÊÉÇÛÎÈÈÍõÍÆ×ÊÎÏ×ÎÈùÍØ× ÃÌÍÉÈ×ØÛÉÛùÓÈÃùÍÇÎÙÓÐ ÛÕ×ÎØÛÓÈ×ÏÛÎØÅÛÉÓÎÙÐÇØ×ØÓÎÈÔ×ÌÛÙÑ×ÈÏÛØ×ÛÆÛÓÐÛÚÐ×ÍÎÈÔ×ùÓÈêÉÅ×ÚÉÓÈ×ÓÎ ÛØÆÛÎÙ×ÍÖÈÔ×Ï××ÈÓÎÕûÙÍÌÃÍÖÈÔ×ÛÕ×ÎØÛÌÛÙÑ×ÈÓÉÛÐÉÍÏÛØ×ÛÆÛÓÐÛÚÐ×ÛÈÈÔ× éÛÊÛÈÍÕÛúÊÛÎÙÔðÓÚÊÛÊÃÛÎØÍÈÔ×ÊÌÇÚÐÓÙÐÍÙÛÈÓÍÎÉ×ÛÙÔïÍÎØÛÃÓÎÛØÆÛÎÙ×ÍÖÈÔ× ùÍÇÎÙÓÐÏ××ÈÓÎÕÛÎØÊ×ÉÓØ×ÎÈÉÏÛÃÉÇÚÉÙÊÓÚ×ÈÍÈÔ×ÛÕ×ÎØÛÍÎÐÓÎ×ÚÃÍÌÈÓÎÕÓÎÈÍ ÎÍÈÓÙ×ÉÛÈÅÅÅÉÛÊÛÈÍÕÛÙÛÇÉ ATTACHMENTS: ûÈÈÛÙÔÏ×ÎÈû¦ùÍÎÈÊÛÙÈÅÓÈÔùêåÍÖéÛÎÈÛùÊÇ ûÈÈÛÙÔÏ×ÎÈúðÓÚÊÛÊÃÍÆ×ÊÔÛÎÕØ×ÉÓÕÎØÊÛÅÓÎÕÉ ûÈÈÛÙÔÏ×ÎÈù¦úÓØÉÇÏÏÛÊà î  ATTACHMENT A CITY OF SARATOGA SHORT FORM CONSTRUCTION AGREEMENT FOR PROJECTS WITH NO FEDERAL FUNDING Project Name: ThenewOverhang forthe book drop areaat the Main Saratoga Library. THIS AGREEMENT is made at Saratoga, California by and between the CITY OF SARATOGA, a municipal corporation ("City"), and CRW Industries,Inc., ("Contractor"), who agree as follows: RECITALS WHEREAS, City requires the services of a qualified contractor to perform the work described this Agreement; and WHEREAS, City lacks the qualified personnel to provide the work; and WHEREAS, in accordance with Article 3 of Chapter 2, Part 3, Division 2 (commencing with Section 22030) of the State Public Contract Code and Article 12-15 of the City of Saratoga Municipal Code the City has solicited informal bids and selected Contractor to perform the work; and WHEREAS, Contractor is duly qualified to provide the work; and WHEREAS, Contractor is agreeable to providing such work on the terms and conditions hereinafter set forth. NOW THEREFORE, the parties hereto agree as follows: 1.RESULTS TO BE ACHIEVED. Contractor shall perform the work described in Exhibit A ("Work" or “Work”) in strict accordance with all plans, specifications, and other Contract Documents. Contractor is not authorized to undertake any efforts or incur any costs whatsoever under the terms of this Agreement until Contractor receives a fully executed Agreement from the Administrative Services Department of the City of Saratoga. The term “Contract Documents” means this Agreement, all documents attached to or otherwise made a part of this Agreement, including but not limited to those identified in Exhibit A, all certificates of insurance and bonds required by this Agreement, and Section 9 of the State of California, Department of Transportation Standard Specifications for Construction of Local Streets and Roads (2002) which includes procedures for determination of payments, compensation for extra work by force account, partial payments, and final payments. Where there is a conflict between the Page 1of 13 (Rev. 07-10-08)  ATTACHMENT A requirements of the several Contract Documents, the more stringent requirements shall govern. 2.TERM. The term of this Agreement commences on the date last signed below and continues through completion of the Work, unless City terminates the Agreement as provided in Section 10. 3.PAYMENT. City shall pay Contractor for Work performed in accordance with this Agreement at the time and in the manner set forth in Exhibit B ("Payment"). The payments specified in Exhibit B shall be the only payments to be made to Contractor in connection with Contractor’s performance of the Work pursuant to this Agreement. Contractor shall submit all billings to City in the manner specified in Exhibit B; or, if no manner is specified in Exhibit B, then according to the usual and customary procedures and practices which Contractor uses for billing clients similar to City. 4.CHANGES IN WORK. A.Contractor shall make no changes in the Work without written direction from the City. Contractor shall not be compensated for any change made without any such written direction. No changes in the Work covered by this Agreement shall exonerate any surety or any bond given in connection with this Agreement. B.If the City directs the Contractor in writing to make changes in the Work that materially affect the cost of performing the Work, the Contract Price will be adjusted based on one of the following: i.Where the work involved is covered by unit prices contained in the Contract Documents, by application of unit prices to the quantities involved in the changed Work; ii.By establishment of new unit prices and related quantities for the changed Work; iii.By a combination of existing and new unit prices and related quantities for the changed Work; or iv.By mutual acceptance of a lump sum. C.If the City directs the Contractor in writing to make changes in the Work that Contractor demonstrates materially affect the time required to perform the work, the City will make a reasonable adjustment to the Contract Time. Page 2of 13 (Rev. 07-10-08)  ATTACHMENT A 5.LABOR. A.The Contract is subject to the provisions of Part 7 of Division 2 of the California Labor Code (Sections 1720 and following), and Contractor and any subcontractor shall pay not less than the prevailing rates of wage to all workers employed in performance of the Work. Pursuant to the provisions of Section 1770 of the Labor Code of the State of California, the City has obtained the general prevailing rate of wages and employer payments for health and welfare, vacation, pension and similar purposes in the vicinity of the Work, a copy of which is on file in the office of the City, and shall be made available for viewing to any interested party upon request. B.As required by Labor Code Section 1773.8, the Contractor shall pay travel and subsistence payments to each worker needed to perform the Work, as such travel and subsistence payments are defined in the applicable collective bargaining agreements filed in accordance with Section 1773.8. C.Contractor and any subcontractor shall keepaccurate payroll records, in accordance with Section 1776 of the Labor Code, showing the name, address, social security number, work classification, straight time and overtime hours worked each day and week, and the actual per diem wages paid to each journeyman, apprentice, worker, or other employee employed by him or her in connection with the Work. D.The Contractor or subcontractor shall, as a penalty to the state or political subdivision on whose behalf the contract is made or awarded, forfeit twenty-five dollars ($25) for each worker employed in the execution of the contract by the respective contractor or subcontractor for each calendar day during which the worker is required or permitted to work more than 8 hours in any one calendar day and 40 hoursin any one calendar week in violation of the provisions of this article. E.Contractor’s attention is directed to the provisions in Section 1777.5 and 1777.6 of the Labor Code concerning the employment of apprentices by the Contractor or any subcontractor under the Contractor. It shall be the responsibility of the Contractor to effectuate compliance on the part of itself and any subcontractors with the requirements of said sections in the employment of apprentices. Information relative to apprenticeship standards, wage schedules, and other requirements may be obtained from the Director of Industrial Relations, ex-officio the Administrator of Apprenticeship, San Francisco, California, or from the Division of Apprenticeship Standards and its branch offices. F.Pursuant to the requirements of Division 4 of the Labor Code, the Contractor will be required to secure the payment of worker’s compensation to its employees in accordance with the provisions of Section 3700 of the Labor Code. Prior to Page 3of 13 (Rev. 07-10-08)  ATTACHMENT A commencement of work, the Contractor shall sign and file with the Administrator a certification in the following form: "I am aware of the provisions of Section 3700 of the Labor Code which require every employer to be insured against liability for worker’s compensation or to undertake self-insurance in accordance with the provisions before commencing the performance of the work of this contract." 6.LICENSE REQUIREMENT. Contractor’s attention is directed to Business and Professions Code Sections 7000 et seq. concerning the licensing of contractors. At the time Contractor submits its bid to the City and all times Contractor is performing the Work, Contractor shall have a valid license issued by the Contractors State License Board in the classification stated in theSpecial Provisions. Contractor and all subcontractors shall be licensed in accordance with the laws of this State and any contractor or subcontractor not so licensed is subject to penalties imposed by such laws. CONTRACTORS ARE REQUIRED BY LAW TO BE LICENSED AND REGULATED BY THE CONTRACTORS’ STATE LICENSE BOARD WHICH HAS JURISDICTION TO INVESTIGATE COMPLAINTS AGAINST CONTRACTORS IF A COMPLAINT REGARDING A PATENT ACT OR OMISSION IS FILED WITHIN FOUR YEARS OF THE DATE OF THE ALLEGED VIOLATION. A COMPLAINTREGARDING A LATENT ACT OR OMISSION PERTAINING TO STRUCTURAL DEFECTS MUST BE FILED WITHIN 10 YEARS OF THE DATE OF THE ALLEGED VIOLATION. ANY QUESTIONS CONCERNING A CONTRACTOR MAY BE REFERRED TO THE REGISTRAR, CONTRACTORS’ STATE LICENSE BOARD, P.O. BOX 26000, SACRAMENTO, CALIFORNIA 95826. 7.TIME. Time is of the essence of this Agreement. Contractor shall provide City with scheduling information in a form acceptable to City, including any changes made by City in the scheduling of work. Contractor shallcoordinate its work with that of all other contractors, subcontractors and suppliers so as not to delay or damage their performance. It is further agreed that in case Contractor fails to complete the Work in all parts and requirements within the ContractTime set forth in Exhibit A, the City shall have the right to extend the Contract Time or not, as may seem best to serve the interest of the City; and if it decides to extend the Contract Time, City shall further have the right to charge to the Contractor, its heirs, assigns or sureties, and to deduct from the payment for the Work, all or any part, as it may deem proper, of the actual cost of engineering, inspection, superintendence, and other overhead expenses which are directly chargeable to the Contract, and which accrue during the period of such extension. In the event that Contractor's work is delayed for any reason, including acts of City, Contractor's sole remedy shall be an extension of time equal to the period of delay, provided Contractor Page 4of 13 (Rev. 07-10-08)  ATTACHMENT A has given City written notice of the commencement of delay within 48 hours of its occurrence. If the City accepts any work or makes any payment under this Agreement after a default by reason of delays, the payment or payments shall in no respect constitute a waiver or modification of any Agreement provisions regarding time of completion and liquidated damages. 8.NOTICES. All notices or communication concerning a party's compliance with the terms of this Agreement shall be in writing and may be given either personally, by certified mail, return receipt requested, or by overnight express carrier. The notice shall be deemed to have been given and received on the date delivered in person or the date upon which the postal authority or overnight express carrier indicates that the mailing was delivered to the address of the receiving Party. The Parties shall make good faith efforts to provide advance courtesy notice of any notices or communications hereunder via e-mail. However, under no circumstances shall such courtesy notice satisfy the notice requirements set forth above; nor shall lack of such courtesy notice affect the validity of service pursuant to the notice requirement set forth above. Any Party hereto, by giving ten (10) days written notice to the other, maydesignate any other address as substitution of the address to which the notice or communication shall be given. Notices or communications shall be given to the Parties at the addresses set forth in Exhibit A until specified otherwise in writing. 9.ASSIGNMENT AND SUBCONTRACTING. A.Contractor shall give personal attention to the performance of the Contract and shall keep the Work under its control. B.For the purposes of administering this agreement no subcontractors will be recognized by the City assuch, and all persons engaged in the work of construction will be considered by the City as employees of the Contractor, who will be held responsible for their work which shall be subject to the provisions of the Contract and specifications. C.No subcontractor who is ineligible to bid work on, or be awarded, a public works project under Labor Code Sections 1771.1 or 1777.7 can bid on, be awarded or perform work as a subcontractor on the Project. The Contractor is prohibited from performing work on the Project with a subcontractor who is ineligible to perform work on a public works project under these sections of the Labor Code. D.When a portion of the work which has been subcontracted by the Contractor is not being prosecuted in a manner satisfactory to the City, the subcontractor shall be removed immediately on the request of the City and shall not again be employed on the work. E.Contractor may not assign performance of the Contract except upon written consent of the City. Page 5of 13 (Rev. 07-10-08)  ATTACHMENT A 10.TERMINATION. A.Should Contractor fail within five (5) working days from receipt of City's written notice to correct any contractual deficiencies, including but not limited to failure to perform the Work in accordance with the Contract Documents, failure to comply with the directions of City, or failure to pay its creditors, City may terminate this Agreement for default. Following a termination for default, City shall have the right to take whatever steps it deems necessary to correct and complete the work and charge the cost thereof to Contractor, who shall be liable for the full cost of City's corrective action, including reasonable overhead, administrative costs, and attorneys' fees. B.City may at any time terminate the Contract at City's convenience upon five days written notice to Contractor; in the event of termination for convenience, Contractor shall recover only the amount due under the contract for Work completed to the date of termination in accordance with the Contract Documents, less amounts paid to date. Contractor shall not be entitled to any claim or lien against City for any additional compensation or damages in the event of such termination. C.If City terminates Contractor for cause, and if it is later determined that the termination was wrongful, suchdefault termination shall automatically be converted to and treated as a termination for convenience. In such event, Contractor shall be entitled to receive only the amounts payable under this section, and Contractor specifically waives any claim for anyother amounts or damages, including, but not limited to, any claim for consequential damages or lost profits. 11.HOLD HARMLESS AND INDEMNIFICATION. A.The City of Saratoga and all officers, employees, and agents thereof connected with the Work, shallnot be answerable or accountable in any manner: for any loss or damage that may happen to the Work or any part thereof; for any loss or damage to any of the materials or other things used or employed in performing the Work; for injury to or death of any person; or for damage to property from any cause except losses due to sole or active negligence of the City's officers or employees. B.To the fullest extent allowed by law, Contractor shall defend, indemnify and hold harmless the City, its elected and appointed officials, employees and agents, from all liability, penalties, costs, losses, damages, expenses, causes of action, claims or judgments, including attorney's fees and other defense costs, resulting from injury to or death sustained by any person (including Contractor's employees and subcontractors), or damage to property of any kind, or any other injury or damage whatsoever, which injury, Page 6of 13 (Rev. 07-10-08)  ATTACHMENT A death or damage arises out of or is in any way connected with the performance of the Work, regardless of the Contractor’s fault or negligence, including any of the same resulting from City’s alleged or actual negligent act or omission, or its agents, contractors or employees; except that said indemnity shall not be applicable to injury, death or damage to property arising from the sole or active negligence or willful misconduct of City, its constituent entities, its and their officers, agents, or servants who are directly responsible to City. This indemnification shall extend to claims asserted after termination of this Contract for whatever reason. C.In addition to any remedy authorized by law, as much of the money due the Contractor under and by virtue of the contract as shall be considered necessary by the City, may be retained by the City until disposition has been made of such suits or claims for damage. 12.CLAIMS. If any dispute shall arise between City and Contractor regarding performance of the work, or any alleged change in the work, Contractor shall timely perform the disputed work and shall give written notice of a claim for additional compensation for the work to City within ten (10) days after commencement of the disputed work. Contractor's failure to give written notice within the ten (10) day period constitutes an agreement by Contractor that it will receive no extra compensation for the disputed work. Disputes arising under this Agreement shall be resolved in accordance with the procedures set forth in Section 20104.50 of the Public Contract Code. 13.LAWS TO BE OBSERVED. A.Contractor shall keep itself fully informed of all existing and future state and federal laws and county and municipal ordinances and regulations which in any manner affect those engaged or employed in the work, or the materials used in the work, or which in any way affect the conduct of work, and of all such orders and decrees of bodies or tribunals having any jurisdiction or authority over the same. B.Contractor shall at all times observe and comply with, and shall cause all of its agents and employees to observe and comply with, all such existing and future laws, ordinances, regulations, orders, and decrees of bodies or tribunals having any jurisdiction or authority over the work; and shall protect and indemnify the City, and all officers and employees thereof connected with the Work, against any claim or liability arising from or based on the violation of any such law, ordinance, regulation, order, or decree, whether by the City's representative or their employees. If any discrepancy or inconsistency is discovered in theplans, drawings, specifications, or contract for the work in relation to any such law, ordinance, regulation, order or decree, Contractor shall forthwith report the same to the Administrator in writing. Page 7of 13 (Rev. 07-10-08)  ATTACHMENT A 14.RECORDS AND AUDITS. A.Contractor and its subcontractors shall establish and maintain records pertaining to this contract. Contractor’s and subcontractors’ accounting systems shall conform to generally accepted accounting principles, and all records shall provide a breakdown of total costs charged under this contract, including properly executed payrolls, time records, invoices and vouchers. B.Contractor shall permit City and its authorized representatives to inspect and examine Contractor’s books, records, accounts, and any and all data relevant to this Contract at any reasonable time for the purpose of auditing and verifying statements, invoices, or bills submitted by Contractor pursuant to this contract and shall provide such assistance as may be reasonably required in the course of such inspection. City further reserves the right to examine and re-examine said books, records, accounts, and data during the three (3) year period following the termination of this Contract; and Contractor shall in no event dispose of, destroy, alter, or mutilate said books, records, accounts, and data in any manner whatever for three (3) years after the termination of this Contract. C.Pursuant to California Government Code Section 10532, the parties to this Contract shall be subject to the examination and auditof representative of the Auditor General of the State of California for a period of three (3) years after final payment under the contract. The examination and audit shall be confined to those matters connected with the performance of this contract including, but not limited to, the cost of administering the contract 15.INSPECTION AND PROTECTION OF WORK. A.Contractor shall make the Work accessible at all reasonable times for inspection by the City. Contractor shall, at the first opportunity, inspect all material and equipment delivered to the jobsite by others to be used or incorporated in the Contractor's work and give prompt notice of any defect therein. Contractor assumes full responsibility to protect the work done hereunder until final acceptance by the City. B.When the Work is completed, Contractor shall request, in writing, a final inspection. Within ten (10) days of the receipt of such request, the City shall make a final inspection. The Contractor or its representatives may be present at the final inspection. The purpose of such final inspection shall be to determine whether the Work has been completed in accordance with the Contract Documents, including all change orders and all interpretations and instructions previously issued. Page 8of 13 (Rev. 07-10-08)  ATTACHMENT A 16.UTILITY FACILITIES. A.The Contractor shall protect from damage any utility facilities that are to remain in place, be installed, relocated or otherwise rearranged. B.If Contractor while performing the Work discovers utility facilities not identified in the Contract Documents, Contractor shall immediately notify the City and the utility provider. City shall arrange the removal, relocation, or protection of existing main or trunk line utility facilities located at the site of the Work but not identified in the Contract. C.If the Contractor is required to locate, repair damage not due to the Contractor’s failure to exercise reasonable care, and remove or relocate existing main or trunk line utility facilities, it shall be compensated under the Changes section of this Contract, including payment for equipment on the Project necessarily idled during such work. D.Contractor will not be entitled to damages or additional payment for delays caused solely by the failure of City, or the utility provider, to provide for removal or relocation of existing main or trunk line utility facilities not identified in the Contract Documents, except for equipment necessarily idled during such work. E.Contractor shall not be assessed liquidated damages for delay in completingthe Work solely attributable to the failure of City, or the owner of the utility, to provide for removal or relocation of existing main or trunk line utility facilities not indicated in the Contract Documents with reasonable accuracy. F.The right is reserved by the City and its authorized agents, to enter the job for the purpose of making such changes as are necessary for the rearrangement of its facilities or for making necessary connections or repairs to their properties. The Contractor shall cooperate with forces engaged in such work and shall conduct operations in such a manner as to avoid any delay or hindrance to the work being performed by such other forces. G.Attention is directed to the possible existence of underground facilities not known to the City, or in a location different from that which is shown on the plans or in the Special Provisions. The Contractor shall take all steps reasonably necessary to ascertain the exact location of all underground facilities prior to doing work that may damage such facilities or interfere with their service, including but not limited to calling USA utility locator service to mark utilities. Page 9of 13 (Rev. 07-10-08)  ATTACHMENT A 17.DIFFERING SITE CONDITIONS. A.The Contractor shall promptly, and before the following conditions are disturbed, notify the City in writing of any: 1)Material that the Contractor believes may be hazardous waste, as defined in Section 25117 of the Health and Safety Code, that is required to be removed to a Class I, Class II, or Class III disposal site in accordance with provisions of existing law; 2)Subsurface or latent physical conditions at the site differing materially from those indicated by information about the site made available to bidders prior to the deadline for submitting bids; or 3)Unknown physical conditions at the site of any unusual nature, differing materially from those ordinarily encountered and generally recognized as inherent in work of the character provided for in this Contract. B.The City shall promptly investigate the conditions, and if it finds that such conditions do materially so differ, or do involve hazardous waste, and cause an increase or decrease in the Contractor's cost of, or the time required for, performance of any part of the Work, it shall issue a change order under the provisions described in the Contract Documents. C.No claim of the Contractor under this clause shall be allowed unless the Contractor has given the notice required in the Contract Documents. D.In the event a dispute arises between the City and theContractor as to whether the conditions materially differ, or involve hazardous waste, or cause a decrease or increase in the Contractor's cost of, or time required for, performance of any part of the work, Contractor shall not be excused from completing the Work as provided in the Contract Documents. The Contractor shall proceed with all work to be performed under the Contract. The Contractor shall retain any and all rights provided either by this Contract or by law which pertain to the resolution of disputes and protests. 18.WAIVERS OF LIEN. Contractor shall submit a complete list of major suppliers and/or subcontractors who will be providing material and/or labor for the performance of the Work. Contractor shall submit with each payment request waivers of lien from each major supplier and/or subcontractor that meet the requirements of Civil Code Section 3262. Page 10of 13 (Rev. 07-10-08)  ATTACHMENT A 19.BONDS AND INSURANCE. A.Bonds. For contracts in excess of $25,000 Contractor shall, within ten (10) days after being notified of the award of the contract, and before the City will execute the agreement for construction or issue a Notice to Proceed, furnish and file with the City Performance and Payment Surety bonds as set forth below. All bonds shall be issued and duly executed by a responsible corporate surety listed in the United States Department of the Treasury circular entitled “Companies Holding Certificates of Authority as Acceptable Sureties on Federal Bonds and as Acceptable Reinsuring Companies,” authorized to do business in the State of California and acceptable to City. 1.Contractor shall submit a Performance bond on the form provided with the Contract Documents, conditioned upon the faithful performance by the Contractor of all requirements of the Contract Documents. This bond shall be in a sum no less than one hundred percent (100%) of the total Contract Price. 2.Contractor shall also submit a Payment Surety bond on the form provided with the Contract Documents that in all respects complies with Civil Code sections 3247- 3252, inclusive. This bond shall be in a sum no less than one hundred percent (100%) of the Contract Price. B.Insurance. Contractor shall obtain, at its sole cost and expense, all insurance required by Exhibit D to this Agreement. Certificates of such insurance and copies of the insurance policies and endorsements shall be delivered to City within ten (10) days after being notified of the award of the contract, and before execution of the agreement by the City. 20.GENERAL TERMS. A.No party to this Agreement may assign any right or obligation pursuant to this Agreement. Any attempted or purported assignment of any right or obligation pursuant to this Agreement shall be void and of no effect. However, with the consent of the City given in writing, Contractor is entitled to subcontract such portions of the work to be performed under this Agreement as may be specified by City. B.Contractor shall ensure that all employees of Contractor and any subcontractor retained by Contractor in connection with this Agreement have provided the necessary documentation to establish identity and employment eligibility as required by the Immigration Reform and Control Act of 1986. Failure to provide the necessary documentation will result in the termination of the Agreement as required by the Immigration Reform and Control Act of 1986. Page 11of 13 (Rev. 07-10-08)  ATTACHMENT A C.Contractor represents and warrants that, to the best of the Contractor's knowledge and belief, there are no relevant facts or circumstances which could give rise to a conflict of interest on the part of Contractor, or that the Contractor has already disclosed all such relevant information. D.Contractor assures and agrees that Contractor will comply with Title VII of the Civil Rights Act of 1964 and other laws prohibiting discrimination and that no person shall, on the grounds of race, creed, color, disability, sex, sexual orientation, national origin, age, religion, Vietnam era veteran's status, political affiliation, or any other non- merit factors be excluded from participating in, be denied the benefits of, or be otherwise subjected to discrimination under this Agreement. E.Contractor shall prepare and submit all reports, written studies and other printed material on recycled paper to the extent it is available at equal or less cost than virgin paper. F.Except as otherwise provided by law, if any arbitration or litigation is commenced between parties to this Agreement concerning any provision hereof or the rights and duties of any person in relation thereto, each party shall bear its own attorneys' fees and costs. G.This Agreement shall be administered and interpreted under the laws of the State of California. Jurisdiction of litigation arising from this Agreement shall be in that state and venue shall be in Santa Clara County, California. H.If any part of this Agreement is found to be in conflict with applicable laws, such part shall be inoperative, null and void insofar as it conflicts with said laws, but the remainder of this Agreement shall be in full force and effect. I.Contractor understands and agrees that there is no representation, implication, or understanding that the City will request that Work performed by Contractor under this Agreement be supplemented or continued by Contractor under a new agreement following expiration or termination of this Agreement. J.This Agreement is entered only for the benefit of the parties executing this Agreement and not for the benefit of any other individual, entity or person. Page 12of 13 (Rev. 07-10-08)  ATTACHMENT A K.This Agreement incorporates the documents attached hereto as Exhibits and supersedes any and all agreements, either oral or written, between the parties hereto with respect to Contractor's completion of the Work on behalf of City and contains all of the covenants and agreements between the parties with respect to the rendering of such services in any manner whatsoever. Each party to this Agreement acknowledges that no representations, inducements, promises or agreements, orally or otherwise, have been made by any party, or anyone acting on behalf of any party, which are not embodied herein, and that no other agreement, statement or promise not contained in this Agreement shall be valid or binding. No amendment, alteration, or variation of the terms of this Agreement shall be valid unless made in writing and signed by the parties hereto. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties hereto have executed this Agreement. City of SaratogaContractor By: _________________________By: _________________________ Dave Anderson,Bill Burr, City ManagerCRW,RMO Date: ________________________Date: ________________________ Attest: __________________________ Ann Sullivan, City Clerk Date: ________________________ Approved as to Form: __________________________ Richard Taylor, City Attorney Date: ________________________ Attachments Exhibit A --Work Exhibit B –Payment Exhibit C –Special Conditions Exhibit D --Insurance Requirements / Page 13of 13 (Rev. 07-10-08)  ATTACHMENT A Exhibit A Scope of Work Summary of Work to be Performed: At the Main Saratoga Library the Contractor is to install anewoverhang forthe book drop area as noted by the attached plans and as directed by Thomas Scott. The project will begin after theContractor has all of the needed materials and allof the approvals for the project.The Contractor will need to obtain both the City and theFire Department permits for thisproject before any construction begins.The Contractor will do all elements of the project as noted on the Steve Benzing plans for this project. In the event of a conflict between the terms of this Agreement the attached bid breakdown form or the project plan setthe terms of this Agreement shall apply. Contract Time: Contractor shall complete this project before July1, 2011. Work to be Performed: The Work is described in the following documents which are incorporated into and hereby made a part of this Agreement: TheBid Breakdown form dated 10/28/2010. The Steve Benzing plan set for this projectdated August 24, 2010. Contractor shall furnish all necessary management, supervision, labor, materials, tools, supplies, equipment, plant, services, engineering, testing and/or any other act or thing required to diligently and fully perform and complete the work. Warranty: Contractor warrants to City that all materials and equipment furnished shall be new, free from faults and defects and of good quality. Contractor hereby warrants its work against all deficiencies and defects for 12months or the longest period permitted by the law of this State, whichever is more, or as otherwise provided in the Contract Documents. Contract Administration: This Agreement shall be administered on behalf of City by Thomas Scott, ("Administrator"). The Administrator has complete authority to receive information, interpret and define City's policies consistent with this Agreement, and communicate with Contractor concerning this Agreement. All correspondence and other communications shall be directed to or through the Administrator or Administrator’s designee. Exhibit A --Page 1of 3  ATTACHMENT A Notices to City pursuant to this Agreement shall be sent in accordance with Section 8 to: Thomas Scott Facilities Maintenance Supervisor City of Saratoga 19700 Allendale Avenue Saratoga, CA 95070 With a copy to: Ann Sullivan City Clerk City of Saratoga 13777 Fruitvale Avenue Saratoga, CA 95070 Notices to Contractor pursuant to this Agreement shall be sent in accordance with Section 8 to: CRW Industries, Inc. 399 Encinal Street Suite 104 Santa Cruz, California 95060 Attention:Bill Burr Additional Conditions: Without limiting the foregoing description of the Work, Contractor’s Work includes, but is not limited to, the following: •Submit all required samples, product data, certificates, operations and maintenance instructions, guarantees, and other submittals no later than five (5) days after the date the City issues a Notice to Proceed. •Ensure all necessary permits and approvals for the Work have been obtained. •Protect all materials to be used in the Work in accordance with the specifications. •Protect existing facilities and personal property. •Contractor will remove from the project site all debris resulting from performance of the Work no less often than daily. If Contractor fails to do so, City may, after twenty-four (24) hours' notice to Contractor, clean up the site and deduct the cost from the Contract Price. Exhibit A --Page 2of 3  ATTACHMENT A •Prepare and submit a written daily activity report to City for each day on which work is performed, including weekends and holidays when worked, and submit the reports to the City no later than the next business day. The daily reports shall, at a minimum, include the following information: construction activities and locations, start or completion of activities, progress on construction activities (including units or portions of work completed), tests or inspections performed, deliveries of material or equipment, delays or potential delays, visitors to the site, weather conditions, construction equipment used, and personal injuries or damage to property. •The Contractor shall be responsible for unloading, hoisting and otherwise handling its own materials, supplies and equipment. •The Contractor is responsible for researching and complying with all local codes, agencies and jurisdictions that regulate and govern the Work. •Contractor shall set up, identify, coordinate, provide safe access, and obtain all inspections for its work, as required by any authorized agency or applicable code, prior to covering up work. // Exhibit A --Page 3of 3  ATTACHMENT A Exhibit B PAYMENT TOTAL COMPENSATION. 1. City agrees to pay, and Contractor agrees to accept for full performance of the Work, the total priceset forth in the Contractor’s bid breakdown form datedOctober 28, 2010. All invoices from the Contractor will be billed with the 16 Division breakdownsfrom the project bid breakdown form, with each division for the projectseparated.The total amount paid to Contractor shall not exceed Forty-nineThousand Seven Hundredand Eighty-sixDollars ($49,786.00)(the “Contract Price”) subject to adjustments for changes in the Work as may be directed in writing by City. INVOICES. 2.Contractor shall submit invoices, not more often than once a month during the term of this Agreement, based on the cost for work performed prior to the invoice date. Invoices shall contain the following information: a.Serial identifications of bills, i.e., Bill No. 1; b.The beginning and ending dates of the billing period; c.A summary containing the total contract amount, the amount of prior billings, the total due this period, and the remaining balance available for all remaining billing periods. d. Each invoice will show less the 10% retention amount except the last invoice. City shall make monthly payments, based on such invoices, for satisfactory progress in completion of the Work subject to retentions described in this Agreement. ADDITIONAL PAYMENT TERMS. 3. A.Contractor shall submit a final payment application in the amount of the contract sum upon completion of the Work and satisfaction of all conditions of the Agreement. City shall make payment within 30 days of receipt of application, less ten percent retention. City shall release the retained funds no less than thirty five (35) days after the date the City accepts the Work. B.Pursuant to Public Contract Code Section 22300, for monies earned by the Contractor and withheld by the City to ensure the performance of the Contract, the Contractor may, at its option, choose to substitute securities meeting the requirements of Public Contract Code Section 22300. Exhibit B --Page 1of 2  ATTACHMENT A C.Contractor agrees to furnish, as a condition of payment, payroll affidavits, receipts, vouchers, and other documents, in form satisfactory to City, prior to receipt of any payment. Contractor shall submit Conditional and Unconditional waivers and release of lien (as provided in Civil Code Section 3262) on behalf of itself and suppliers that furnished labor, material, equipment or services to the Project. D.Attention is directed to Section 9 of the State of California, Department of Transportation Standard Specifications for Construction of Local Streets and Roads (2002) which includes procedures for determination of payments, compensation for extra work by force account, partial payments, and final payments. These provisions are Contract Documents incorporated into this Agreement. E.Charges from Contractor to City will not be honored or paid by City unless the charges are authorized and approved by City at the time the work is being performed. // Exhibit B --Page 2of 2  ATTACHMENT A Exhibit C Special Provisions 1.LICENSE CLASSIFICATION In accordance with Section 3300 of the Public Contract Code, the City has determined that the Contractor shall have aClass B (#402484)License at the time it submits its bid to the City and at all times it is performing the Work. 2.LIQUIDATED DAMAGES If Contractor fails to complete the Work within the Contract Time, the City will sustain damage. The actual occurrence of damages and the actual amount of the damages which the City would suffer if the Work were not completed within the Contract Time would be impracticable and extremely difficult to determine. Damages the City would suffer in the event of delay include, but are not limited to, loss of the use of the Work, costs of administration,inspection, supervision and the loss suffered by the public within the City. Accordingly, the parties agree that the amount herein set forth is a reasonable estimate of the damages which the City shall incur upon failure of the Contractor to complete the Work within the Contract Time: Five Hundred Dollars per day ($500.00/Day), for each calendar day by which completion of the Work is delayed beyond the Contract Time. Contractor agrees to pay such liquidated damages as herein provided, and in case the same are not paid, agrees that the City may deduct the amount thereof from any monies due or that may become due to the Contractor under the Contract. Contractor will not be assessed with liquidated damages or the cost of engineering and inspection duringthe delay in the completion of the Work caused by acts of God or of the public enemy, fire, floods, epidemics, quarantine restrictions, strikes, freight embargoes, and unusually severe weather or delays of subcontractors due to such causes, provided thatthe Contractor shall within five (5) days from the beginning of any such delay notify the Administrator, in writing, of the causes of delay. The Administrator shall ascertain the facts and the extent of delay, and the Administrator’s findings thereon shall be final and conclusive. 3.COOPERATION AND CARE A.Should construction be under way by the City, other agencies or other contractors within or adjacent to the limits of the work specified or should work of any other nature be under way by other forceswithin or adjacent to said limits, the Contractor shall cooperate with all such other contractors or other forces to the end that any delay or hindrance to their work will be avoided. The City reserves the right to perform other or Exhibit C --Page 1of 2  ATTACHMENT A additional work at or near the site (including material sources) at any time, by the use of other forces. B.Until the final acceptance of the contract, the Contractor shall have the charge and care of the Work and of the materials to be used therein, including materials for which partial payment has been received. The City shall not be held responsible for the care or protection of any material or parts of the Work prior to final acceptance, except as expressly provided in the Special Provisions. 4. PROGRESS OF THE WORK A.Hours of work -Overtime and holidays. The Contractor shall perform all work during the hours of 7:00 a.m. to 3:30 p.m., Monday through Friday unless otherwise specified in the Special Provisions or authorized by the City in writing. If the Contractor wishes to work during any other hours or on weekends, written permission must be received from the City. The request must be received at least two (2) working days in advance of any work. No work will be allowed on legal holidays except in the case of an emergency. A listing of holidays observed by City is on file in the office of the City. If Contractor requests overtime work in which the City will incurs costs, Contractor shall be responsible for payment of the City’s costs incurred in connection with the overtime work. The City will invoice the Contractor at time and one half to cover the costs incurred. If Contractor does not pay the invoice within ten days, the City may deduct the amount billed from other payments due or to become due to Contractor under the Contract. B.The Administrator or Administrator’s designee shall have the authority to suspend the Work, wholly or in part, for such a period as the Administrator may deem necessary. Exhibit C --Page 2of 2  ATTACHMENT A Exhibit D INSURANCE Pursuant to Section 19 of this Agreement the following insurance requirements apply to Contractor and performance of the Work. Contractor shall procure and maintain for the duration of the contract, and until the expiration of the warranty period following the final completion and acceptance by the City, insurance against claims for injuries to persons or damages to property which may arise from or in connection with the performance of the work hereunder and the results of that work by the Contractor, his agents, representatives, employees or subcontractors. Minimum Scope of Insurance Coverage shall be at least as broad as: 1.Insurance Services Office Form CG 0001 covering Commercial General Liability on an “occurrence” basis. 2.Insurance Services Office Form Number CA 0001 covering AutomobileLiability, Code 1 (any auto). 3. Workers’ Compensation insurance as required by the State of California and Employer’s Liability Insurance. Minimum Limits of Insurance Contractor shall maintain limits no less than: General Liability 1.: (Including operations, products and completed operations.) $1,000,000 per occurrence for bodily injury, personal injury and property damage. If Commercial General Liability insurance or other form with a general aggregate limit is used, either the general aggregate limit shall apply separately to this project/location or the general aggregate limit shall be twice the required occurrence limit. Automobile Liability$1,000,000 2.:per accident for bodily injury and property damage. Employer’s Liability$1,000,000 3.:per accident for bodily injury or disease. Exhibit D --Page 1of 3  ATTACHMENT A Deductibles and Self-Insured Retentions Any deductibles or self-insured retentions must be declared to and approved by the City. The City may require the Contractor to provide proof of ability to pay losses and related investigations, claim administration, and defense expenses within the retention. Other Insurance Provisions The general liability and automobile liability policies are to contain, or be endorsed to contain, the following provisions: The City, its officers, officials, employees, and volunteers are to becovered as 1. additional insureds with respect to liability arising out of automobiles owned, leased, hired or borrowed by or on behalf of the contractor; and with respect to liability arising out of work or operations performed by or on behalf of the Contractor including materials, parts or equipment furnished in connection with such work or operations. General liability coverage can be provided in the form of an endorsement to the Contractor’s insurance (at least as broad as ISO Form CG 20 10, 11 85 or 07 04 revisions), or as a separate owner’s policy, or on the City’s own form. Contractor’s insurance coverage shall be 2. For any claims related to this project, the primary insurance as respects the City, its officers, officials, employees, and volunteers. Any insurance or self-insurance maintained by the City, its officers, officials, employees, or volunteers shall be excess of the Contractor’s insurance and shallnot contribute with it. waive all rights of subrogation 3. The Insurance Company agrees to against the City, its elected or appointed officers, officials, agents and employees for losses paid under the terms of any policy which arise from work performed by the Named Insured for the Agency. This provision also applies to the Contractor’s Workers’ Compensation policy. 4. Each insurance policy required by this clause shall be endorsed to state that coverage shall not be canceled by either party, except after thirty (30) days’ prior written notice (10 days for non-payment) has been given to the City. Acceptability of Insurers Insurance is to be placed with insurers with a current A.M. Best’s rating of no less than A:VII, unless otherwise acceptable to the City. Verification of Coverage Contractor shall furnish the City with original certificates and amendatory endorsements effecting coverage required by this clause. All certificates and endorsements are to be received and approved by the City before work commences. However, failure to obtain the required documents prior to the work beginning shall not waive the contractor’s Exhibit D --Page 2of 3  ATTACHMENT A obligation to provide them. The City reserves the right to require complete, certified copies of all required insurance policies,including endorsements effecting the coverage required by these specifications, at any time. Waiver of Subrogation Contractor hereby grants to City a waiver of any right to subrogation which any insurer of said Contractor may acquire against the City byvirtue of the payment of any loss under such insurance. This provision applies regardless of whether or not the City has requested or received a waiver of subrogation endorsement from the insurer. Claims Made Policies If any of the required policies provide claims-made coverage, the City requires that coverage be maintained for a period of 5 years after completion of the contract. Special Risks or Circumstances City reserves the right to modify these requirements, including limits, based on the nature of the risk, prior experience, insurer, coverage, or other special circumstances. P:\SARATOGA\Contracts\11-03-2010 PWI Contract Library Overhang.doc Exhibit D --Page 3of 3  SARATOGA CITY COUNCIL MEETING DATE:AGENDA ITEM: February 2, 2011 DEPARTMENT:CITY MANAGER: Public WorksDave Anderson PREPARED BY:DIRECTOR: Iveta HarvancikJohn Cherbone SeniorEngineerPublic Works Director SUBJECT:Highway 9 Safety Improvement Project, Phase III–Approval of Cooperative Agreement,DesignContract and Fund Transfer Agreement RECOMMENDED ACTIONS: 1.Adoptaresolution authorizing the City Manager to execute aCooperative Agreement between the City of Saratoga, the Town of Los Gatos, and the City of Monte Sereno for the Highway 9 Safety ImprovementProject Phase III. 2.Approvean Independent Contractor Agreement with BKF Engineers for preparation of construction documents forthe Highway 9 Safety Improvement Project Phase IIIand authorize the City Manager to execute the same. 3.Approve a Fund Transfer Agreement with Caltrans and authorizetheCity Manager to execute the same. REPORT SUMMARY: Background The Highway 9 Safety Improvements Project is a multi-jurisdiction effort to improve bicycleand pedestrian safety along this route. The project area consists of an approximately 4.4-mile long stretch of Highway 9 (Saratoga-Los Gatos Road) from Saratoga Avenue in Saratoga, through Monte Sereno to Los Gatos BoulevardinLos Gatos. An ad hoc committee comprised of two Council Members from each jurisdiction was formed to receive input from the public during severalcommunitymeetings.Based on the public and ad hoc committee inputduring these meetings staff from the three municipalities and engineering consultants from BKF Engineers collaborated to develop a safety Master Plan.The Master Planincludes bicycle facilities on both sides of Highway9 and a continuous pedestrian access through the corridor with safe pedestrian crossings where needed. The cost to install all the improvements as shown on the Master Plan is between 4 and 5 million dollars. Therefore outside funding sources as well asproject phasing werenecessary. Phase I was created when the City of Monte Sereno was awarded afederal Congestion Mitigation and Air Quality (CMAQ) grant.It was in the public interest for the cities to work together as a reliable,  timely and cost effective means to complete the project,resulting ina Cooperative Agreement depicting roles and responsibilities of each city.Phase I was administered by Los Gatos and included bicycle lanes on both sides of Highway 9, spot widening and two pedestrian-activated lighted crosswalks. The improvements were completed in2009. Phase II was developed afterSaratoga received a$900,000 grant from the Highway Safety Improvement Program. The main focus during this phase is to extendpedestrian facilities between Monte Sereno and Saratoga. This projectiscurrently in the design stage with construction scheduled for fallthis year. Discussion An opportunity to create Phase III emergedwith theaward of aBicycle Program grant in the amount of $460,851,pursuant to the Clean Air and Transportation Improvement Act of 1990 (CATIA). The scope of improvements in this phase includes bicycle safety improvements at the Highway 9 and Austin Way intersection, upgradeof signalizedintersections onHighway 9 to include bicycle sensors, and design of a new through bicycle lane to separate the through/right turn conflict at Highway 9 and Los Gatos Boulevard. Cooperative Agreement Proposed safety improvementsincluded in Phase III are located within the territorial jurisdictions of Saratoga,Monte Serenoand Los Gatos with a section located in unincorporated Santa Clara County. Similarto previous project phases, a Cooperative Agreement among the three municipalities is needed to delineate their respective rights and obligations concerning the administration, financing and construction as shown in the attached Cooperative Agreement.Saratoga agreed to administer the project. DesignContract Attached is the Independent Contractor Agreement with BKF Engineers that includes acost proposal negotiated with BKF Engineersto provide engineering services. In addition, the scope of workincludes services connectedwith obtaining encroachment permits from Caltrans and Santa Clara County and assistanceduringthe project bidding phase. BKF’s proposal for the design work is in the amount of $98,940.A portion of this amount is funded by the grant (only 5% of the grant funds are available for the design), VTA and Santa Clara County. The remaining $60,466 will be sharedamong the three cities in proportion to the improvementslocated in each city. It is estimated that Saratoga will pay 33% or $19,623;Monte Sereno will pay 24% or $14,613 and Los Gatos will pay43% or $26,230. Since no local share is required for construction, all construction costs willbe paid from the grantfunds. Fund Transfer Agreement Grant fund allocation was approved by the California Transportation Commission(CTC)on June 30, 2010. The CTChas executed aFund Transfer Agreement (FTA)for the project and authorized the City of Saratoga to proceed with the Design Component. The City is required to execute the FTA in order to receive reimbursement for the design and construction work. It is therefore recommended that the City Council approve theCooperative Agreement with Los Gatos and Monte Sereno, theIndependent Contractor Agreementwith BKF Engineers,and the Fund Transfer  Agreement with the Department of Transportation,and authorize the City Manager to execute the referenced agreements. FISCAL IMPACTS: Saratoga’s share of the Highway 9 SafetyImprovement ProjectPhase IIIin the amount of $19,623is availablein the adoptedbudgetin the Highway 9 Safety Improvements Project. CONSEQUENCES OF NOT FOLLOWING RECOMMENDED ACTION: One or moreAgreements will not be executed and the design work on the Highway 9 Safety improvement Project Phase III will not start. ALTERNATIVE ACTION: None in addition to the above. FOLLOW UP ACTION: BKF Engineers willstart the designwork. ADVERTISING, NOTICING AND PUBLIC CONTACT: Pursuant to Government Code 54954.2, this item was properly posted as a City Council agenda item and was included in the packet made available on the City’s web site in advance of the meeting.A copy of the agenda packet is also made available at the Saratoga Branch Library each Monday in advance of the Council meeting. ATTACHMENTS: 1.Resolution approving Cooperative Agreement for Highway 9 Safety ImprovementsPhase III 2.Cooperative Agreement for Highway 9 Safety ImprovementsPhase III 3.Independent Contractor Agreement with BKF Engineers 4.Fund Transfer Agreement  RESOLUTION NO. _____ A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY SARATOGA APPROVING A COOPERATIVE AGREEMENT BETWEEN THE CITY OF SARATOGA, THE TOWN OF LOS GATOS AND THE CITY OF MONTE SERENO FOR HIGHWAY 9 SAFETY IMPROVEMENTSPHASE III WHEREAS , the City of Saratoga,the Town of Los Gatos and the City of Monte Sereno desire to enter into a Cooperative Agreement for Highway 9 Safety ImprovementsPhase III; and WHEREAS ,it is in the public interest for all agencies to work together as a reliable, timely, and cost effective means of completing this project. NOW, THEREFORE , the City Council of the City of Saratoga hereby resolves as follows: The Cooperative Agreement for Highway 9 Safety ImprovementsPhase IIIis hereby approved subject to all of the terms and conditions thereof. AND BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED , that the City Manager is authorized to execute the Agreementon behalf of the City. The above and foregoing resolution was passed and adopted at a regular meeting of the Saratoga City Council held on the 2ndday of February, 2011by the following vote: AYES: NOES: ABSENT: ABSTAIN: ______________________________ Howard Miller, Mayor ATTEST: ____________________________ Ann Sullivan, City Clerk  COOPERATIVE AGREEMENT FOR HIGHWAY 9 SAFETY IMPROVEMENTS–PHASE III THIS AGREEMENT, by and among the CITY OF SARATOGA, a municipal corporation(“Saratoga”),theCITY OF MONTE SERENO,a municipal corporation (“Monte Sereno”), andthe TOWN OF LOS GATOS, a municipal corporation (“Los Gatos”)(collectively referenced herein as “parties” and individually referenced as a “party”) sets forth the terms of cooperation among the parties in proceeding with Phase III of the Highway 9 Safety Improvements. RECITALS A.Pursuant to Clean Air and Transportation Improvement Act of 1990(CATIA),Saratoga applied for and received approval for a Bicycle Program grant in the amount of $460,851 for safety improvements to Highway 9 Phase IIIbetween Saratoga Avenue and Los Gatos Boulevard as specified inmore detail below. B.The Project includesbicycle safety improvements at Highway 9and Austin Way intersection, upgradeintersections of Highway 9 and Fruitvale Avenue, QuitoRoad, North Santa Cruz Avenue, Alberto Way and Los Gatos Boulevardto include bicycle sensors, and design a new through bicycle lane to separate the through/right turn conflict at Highway 9 and Los Gatos Boulevard. C.The Parties anticipate that five percent (5%) of CATIAfunds will be used for the environmental and design work and remaining ninety fivepercent (95%)will be used for the construction.In addition, other funds are available for payment of the environmental and design work as specified in the attached Exhibit A -Design Cost Estimate. The parties have agreed to share the remainingenvironmental and design cost(the “Local Share”). D.The California Transportation Commission (CTC)has executed Fund Transfer Agreement (FTA) P116B-2-41 for the project and authorized the City of Saratogato proceed with the Design Component.The parties will seek Caltrans authorization to proceed with the Construction Component prior to undertaking work on that part of the Project. E.The Partiesdesire to execute this Agreement in order to delineate their respective rights and obligations concerning the administration, financing and construction of Phase III. Page 1of 8  AGREEMENT NOW, THEREFORE, the parties agreeas follows: 1.Scope of Project. The Project includes the design, engineering, and construction of the highway improvements described in the recitals. All work shall be performed in accordance with plans and specifications approved by Saratoga, Los GatosandMonte Sereno, and all local, state and federal agencies having jurisdiction over the Project or whose approval is otherwise required for receipt of CATIAfunds. 2.Allocation of Design Component Costs. (a)The term “FinalDesignCost,” as used herein means the total of all expenditures relating to the Design Component, including, but not limited to,environmental work, engineering, surveys, testing, inspections, topographic maps, geotechnical, soils and environmental surveys and reports, preparation of plans and specifications and other bid documents, publication, printingand advertising of the Project.The Final DesignCost shall be determined upon completion of the Design Componentbut in no event shall exceed $112,000without the prior written consent of Monte Sereno, Los Gatosand Saratoga. (b)The Design Cost and the design funds available are shown in the attachedExhibit A-Design Cost Estimate. It is estimated that approximately $60,466 of the Final Design Cost (Local Share) shall be apportioned between Monte Sereno, Los Gatosand Saratoga based on the cost of designingthe improvements that will be locatedwithin each jurisdiction stated as a percentage of the Final DesignCost. The parties estimate that Monte Sereno will pay 24% (twenty-fourpercent) or $14,613of the local share, Los Gatos will pay 43% (forty-three percent)or $26,230and Saratoga will pay 33% (thirty-threepercent)or $19,623of the local share, however this is an estimate only and the final allocation shall be based on actual costs. Payment of the Design Cost Local Share shall be made in accordance with section 4 of this Agreement. (c)Each party is permitted to approve additional improvementswithin their own jurisdiction beyond the scope of the work approved for the CATIAgrants provided that itpays the additional design costs associated with those improvements and any resulting additional costs of administration. 3.Allocation of Construction Component Costs. (a)The term “Final Construction Cost,” as used herein means the total of all expenditures relating to the Construction Component, including, but not limited to, management, supervision, labor, materials, tools, supplies, equipment, Page 2of 8  services, plant, construction engineering, staking, testing an/or any other act or thing required to diligently and fully perform and complete the work as described in the construction bid documents. (b)Following completion of the Design Component the parties will determine the Estimated ConstructionCost. The “Estimated Construction Cost” is the estimate of the construction costs determined prior to the opening of bids for the award of the construction contract, plus an agreed additional amount based on an estimation of project administrative costs pursuant to section 4 of this Agreement. It is expected that the “Final Construction Cost”of constructing features included inthe Design Component will be paid from the remaining available CATIA funds. No local match for the construction is required, however, if the total construction costs exceed available funds, the parties will agree upon the features to include in the Construction Component. If no such agreement is reached by the ninetieth (90th) day after completion of the Design Component, this Agreement shall automatically terminate pursuant to section 10of this Agreement. (c)If, upon the opening of bids for the award of a construction contract, there is a cost overrun of no more than ten percent (10%) of the Estimated Construction Cost, the parties shall proceed with the Construction Component in accordance with this Agreement.However, if such bids indicate a cost overrun exceeding ten percent (10%) of the Estimated ConstructionCost, Saratoga will reject all bids and then the parties will work to obtain an agreement with Caltrans regarding an alternative project design. If no such agreement is reached by the sixtieth (60th) day after the opening of bids, this Agreement shall automatically terminate pursuant to section 10of this Agreement. (d)Each party is permitted to approve additional improvements within their own jurisdiction beyond the scope of the work approved for the CATIA grantprovided that it pays the additional constructioncosts associated with those improvements and any resulting additional costs of administration. 4.Payment of Project Costs. (a)In addition to its own share of the Final Design Cost and Final Construction Cost, if any, and in anticipation of reimbursement by Caltrans through the release of the CATIA Grant, Saratoga shall periodically advance funds necessary to make payments that are intended hereunder to be paid with the CATIAGrant, provided, however, that in the event that Saratoga has not received full reimbursement from Caltrans for any prior advance made, Saratoga may, at its option, withhold any payment requiring that it advance funds if said payment is not legally required to be made at that time. Page 3of 8  (b)Monte Sereno and Los Gatos shall deposit with Saratoga50% (fifty percent)of its estimatedDesign Cost Local Share within thirty (30) days of execution of this agreement. The remainder of the Design Cost Local Share shall be deposited by Monte Serenoand Los Gatoswithin 30 days after receipt of an invoice from Saratoga. (c)Upon completion of the Design Component and the Construction Component, respectively, Saratogashall furnish to Monte Sereno a detailed accounting of the Final DesignCostand Final Construction Cost, as applicable.In the event the accounting shows that the amountdeposited by Monte Serenoand/or Los Gatos exceeded itsshare of the applicablefinal cost, the excess shall be reimbursed within thirty (30) days after the accounting is completed and approved by Saratoga, Los Gatosand Monte Sereno. In theevent the accounting shows that the amountdeposited by Monte Serenoand Los Gatosisless than its shareof the applicable cost, Monte Serenoand/or Los Gatosshall pay the deficiency to Saratogawithin thirty (30) days after the date the accounting is sent. Monte Serenoand Los Gatos areobligated to pay any deficiency resulting from Project Changes approved pursuant to this Agreement or any deficiency resulting from reasonable additional or unanticipated costs of administration incurred by Saratoga. 5.Project Administration. The parties agree that the Project will be managed cooperatively by the parties. Representatives of the parties shall work together to accomplish the Project. However, certain parties shall be responsible for administering certain portions of the Projectas set forth below. (a)Saratoga shall be the lead agency for the Project for purposes of administering the CATIAGrant, preliminary engineering of the Project, which shallinclude, but not be limited to, the Preliminary Study Report, the Project Report, and compliance with CEQA and NEPA. Saratogashall oversee the design and bidding of the Project, shall award the contract for the Project and shall obtain all permits necessary for the Project. Saratogashall enter into all contracts necessary to implement the Project provided the contract is approved by the parties. (b)Saratoga shall be responsible for overseeing construction and inspection services of the Project. (c)The parties must each approve the plans and specifications for the Project. Saratoga shall not enter into any contract in excess of $25,000 or increase any contract by more than $25,000, for the performance of professional, consulting or construction services without the prior written consent of Monte Serenoand Los Gatos. Page 4of 8  (d)The Partiesshall promptly review and respond to all materials submitted by one of the cities for review and approval in connection with the Project. No approval in connection with the Project shall be unreasonably withheld. 6.Right-of-way Acquisitions. No right of way acquisitions are expected to be a part of the Project. If it is determined that the acquisition of any right-of-way is required for the Project, the party having territorial jurisdiction over the property to be acquired shall be responsible for obtaining such right-of-way and conducting any proceedings that may be necessary in connection therewith; provided, however, no contract for legal services shall be awarded and no eminent domain action shall be commenced without the prior approval of the other parties and Caltrans. In the event acquisition of right-of way is necessary to the base project, the City in which the right-of way is located shall pay for the acquisition of the right-of-way. Any delay costs caused by the acquisition shall be shared by the parties in proportion to their portion of the Design CostLocal Share. In the event a partydesires to acquire right-of-way which is not necessary for the base project, that partyshall bear both acquisition and delay costs. 7.Insurance Requirements.Allcontracts awarded for design or construction of the Project shall include a requirement that the consultant and/or contractor, at all times during design and construction and until final acceptance of the work, maintain in full force and effect the following insurance policies: (a)Broad form comprehensive liability insurance having a combined single limit of not less than $ 2,000,000 per occurrence, naming Saratoga, Los Gatos, Monte Sereno, and their respective officers, officials, boards, commissions, employees and volunteers as insureds thereunder. (b)For construction contracts, builder’s risk insurance covering the replacement cost of the improvements, with a loss payable clause naming Saratoga,Los Gatos and Monte Sereno, as their respective interests may appear. (c)Worker’s Compensation insurance as required by state law, together with employer’s liability insurance having a coverage limit of not less than $1,000,000 per accident. (d)For design consultants, professional liability insurance having a limit of not less than $1,000,000. 8.Bonding Requirements.Thecontractor who is awarded the contract for construction of the Project shall berequired to provide performance and payment bonds in the amount of one hundred percent (100%) of the contract price. 9.Project Records. The partiesshall keep and maintain a complete copy of all costs and expenditures relating to the Project, together with a complete copy of all plans, specifications, reports, contracts and other documents relating to the Project, and the Page 5of 8  same shall be available for inspection by the parties at any time during usual business hours. 10.Termination of Agreement. (a)This Agreement is executed by the parties in reliance on the CATIAGrant. In the event a grant agreement is not executed between Saratogaand Caltrans, this Agreement shall automatically terminate and each of the parties shall be released from any further obligation or liability hereunder. (b)In the event a contract for construction of the Project is not awarded pursuant to section 2 of this Agreementor for any reason prior to December30, 2012, this Agreement shall terminate unless extended by mutual consent of all parties hereto. (c)Upon termination in accordance with the terms of this section, Saratoga shall refund to Monte Sereno and Los Gatos any balance of itscontributions remaining after deduction of the costs incurred by Saratoga up to the date of termination and payable by each party under the terms of this Agreement 11..Limitation of Liability. No party to this Agreement shall be responsible or liable to any other party or parties for any act or omission made in good faith in connection with the performance of its duties hereunder, nor shall any party be responsible or liable for any act or omission by any consultant or contractor retained for the performance of any services related to the Project. Saratoga, Los Gatosand Monte Sereno shall contribute equally towards any loss, liability, expense, claim, costs (including costs of defense), suits, and damages of every kind, nature and description directly or indirectly arising from the performance of the Project. This paragraph shall not be construed to exempt any party, including its employees and officers, from its own fraud, willful injury or violation of law whether willful or negligent. 12.Dispute Resolution. The parties shall make a good faith effort to settle any dispute or claim arising under this Agreement. If the parties fail to resolve such disputes or claims, they shall submit them to non-binding mediation in the County of Santa Clara, California, or by mutual agreement in any other location. If mediation does not arrive at a satisfactory result, arbitration, if agreed to by all parties, or litigation may be pursued. In the event any of these dispute resolution processes are involved, each party shall bear its own costs and attorneys fees. 13.Jurisdiction and Severability. This Agreement shall be administered and interpreted under the laws of the State of California. Jurisdiction of litigation arising from this Agreement shall be in the Superior Court of the County of Santa Clara. If any part of this Agreement is found to conflict with applicable laws, such part shall be inoperative, null and void insofar as it conflicts with said laws, but the remainder of this Agreement shall be in full force and effect. Page 6of 8  Assignment 14.. Except as provided in section 6 of this Agreement, no party may assign any right or obligation pursuant to this Agreement. Any attempted or purported assignment of any right or obligation pursuant to this Agreement shall be void and of no effect. Monte Sereno and Los Gatosacknowledge and accept that a portion of the project management duties of Saratoga stated in section 6 of this Agreementwill be provided by contractors whose services will be engaged by Saratogapursuant to this Agreement. 15.Parties in Interest. This Agreement is enteredonly for the benefit of the parties executing this Agreement and not for the benefit of any other individual, entity or person. 16.Waiver. No failure on the part of any party to exercise any right or remedy hereunder shall operate as a waiver of any other right or remedy that party may have hereunder, nor does waiver of a breach or default under this Agreement constitute a continuing waiver of a subsequent breach of the same or any other provision of this Agreement. 17.Amendment. No modification, waiver, termination, or amendment of this Agreement is effective unless made in writing and signed by all parties. 18.Entire Agreement. This Agreement supersedes any and all agreements, either oral or written, between the parties hereto with respect to the Projectand contains all of the covenants and agreements between the parties with respect to the rendering of such services in any manner whatsoever. Each party to this Agreement acknowledges that no representations, inducements, promises or agreements, orally or otherwise, have been made by any party, or anyone acting on behalf of any party, which are not embodied herein, and that no other agreement, statement or promise not contained in this Agreement shall be valid or binding. No alteration or variation of the terms of this Agreement shall be valid unless made in writing and signed by the parties hereto. Page 7of 8  IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties have executed this Agreement the day and year last written below. City of SaratogaCity of Monte SerenoTown of Los Gatos By: By: By: _______________________________________________________________________ Dave Anderson,Brian LoventhalGreg Larson City ManagerCity ManagerTownManager Date: ________________Date: ___________________Date: _____________________ Attest:Attest:Attest: ______________________ ___________________________________________________ Ann Sullivan,City ClerkAndrea Chelemengos, City Jackie Rose,Town Clerk ClerkAdministrator Date:______________Date:____________________Date:_____________________ Approved as to Form:Approved as to Form:Approved as to Form: _______________________________________________________________________ Richard Taylor, City Kirstin Powell, City Judith Propp,TownAttorney AttorneyAttorney Date:________________Date:____________________Date: _____________________ Page 8of 8  Ý×ÌÇ ÑÚ ÍßÎßÌÑÙß ÍÌßÒÜßÎÜ ×ÒÜÛÐÛÒÜÛÒÌ ÝÑÒÌÎßÝÌÑÎ ßÙÎÛÛÓÛÒÌ ÌØ×Í ßÙÎÛÛÓÛÒÌ ·­ ³¿¼» ¿¬ Í¿®¿¬±¹¿ô Ý¿´·º±®²·¿ ¾§ ¿²¼ ¾»¬©»»² ¬¸» Ý×ÌÇ ÑÚ ÍßÎßÌÑÙßô ¿ 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Including removal of the right-turn lane and the median at Austin Way approaches for both sides of Highway 9 to provide better site distance for the intersection (Figure 1 – Attached). Coordinate with Fire District on driveway location and Advance Fire Station warning lights. Install a street light at the south approach of Austin Way. Incorporate vegetation removal per Fehr and Peers memorandum. Landscape areas created by the new Austin Way intersection geometrics. Coordination for the relocation of an existing power pole at the south approach of Austin Way, including utility relocations necessary for the new intersection alignment (undergrounding of overhead lines is not included). Bicycle Loop Improvements: Provide bicycle detection facilities at the following intersections on Highway 9: Bicycle Loops Detection: Fruitvale Avenue o Quito Road o North Santa Cruz Avenue o Bicycle Video Detection: Alberto Way o Los Gatos Boulevard o Highway 9 at Los Gatos Boulevard Improvements: Design a new through bicycle lane to separate the through/right turn conflict. This design will require a small retaining wall. TASK 1 -PROJECT MANAGEMENT/TEAM LEADERSHIP 1.1PROJECT KICK-OFF MEETING: Notify affected agencies and administer a project “kick-off” meeting. This meeting to gain initial input about project goals, timetable,  Hwy 9 Safety Improvements Phase 3 -Scope of Services BKF Job No. 20107004-PP Revised: January 25, 2011 Page 2 of 5 contacts, responsibilities, and schedules. BKF will document the meeting and distribute a meeting summary and participant list to attendees for review and comments. 1.2PUBLIC MEETINGS: There are no anticipated public Meetings 1.3PROJECT MANAGEMENT: Set up cost tracking format and obtain approval from the City. Set up and execute Sub-Consultant contracts for the project. Meet with design team and Client representatives to refine the project scope and establish the design schedule including milestones. Manage the design team relating to the scope, schedule and design fee of the project. TASK 2 -TASK 2 PRELIMINARY INVESTIGATIONS, DATA COLLECTIONS, AND CONCEPTUAL DESIGN ALTERNATIVES 2.1TOPOGRAPHIC SURVEYING: Aerial surveys provided by the City will be incorporated in the background of the topographic base maps. A limited supplemental topographic survey will be conducted after concepts have been resolved. This survey will pick up only critical elevations and features and will not be a comprehensive survey of the project limits. It is assumed the planametrics will provide adequate topo for a majority of the project needs. The limits of the topographic survey will be within the City of Los Gatos and Caltrans Right of Way adjacent to the project limits. Project base sheets will be prepared using the existing available information from agencies and the topographic surveys. No boundary survey is included in this Scope of Work. 2.2GATHER SITE INFORMATION. Retrieve existing site improvement plans, CAD files, and relative information regarding existing site conditions. Using record plans, maps and studies (provided by agencies) update and supplement the project base sheets. 2.3UTILITY COORDINATION: Request information from dry utilities (electric, gas, telephone, cable) on existing facilities, maps and discuss any possible capital improvements within the project limits. Coordinate with wet utilities (water, sewer, and storm drain) to gather existing facility maps and discuss any possible capital improvements or replacement of existing facilities in the project limits. 2.4DEVELOP CONCEPTS: Using the project base sheets, the design team will begin preparation of conceptual design alternatives for each segment for the project showing: 2.4.1.Approximate location of improvements and impacts to existing facilities, properties, and vegetation. 2.4.2.Cross Sections and details at critical locations showing both the vertical and horizontal opportunities and constraints.  Hwy 9 Safety Improvements Phase 3 -Scope of Services BKF Job No. 20107004-PP Revised: January 25, 2011 Page 3 of 5 2.5CONCEPTUAL SITE WALK: BKF will conduct a site walk with the City to evaluate the viability of the design concepts generated in Task 2.4. 2.6REFINE CONCEPTS: The design team will refine the conceptual alternatives based on the results from the site walk. TASK 3 -60 % CONSTRUCTION DOCUMENT PLAN PACKAGE 3.1CITY MEETING: BKF will meet with the City and the stakeholder agencies to discuss the refined concepts. Any outstanding design elements will be discussed and resolved during this meeting. These concepts will be used for the basis of design for the remainder of the project. 3.260% PLAN, SPECIFICATIONS, AND ESTIMATES: Using the concepts agreed upon in Task 3.1, the design team will prepare a 60% Construction Document Plan Package which will include: 3.2.1.Cover Sheet, General Notes, and Key Maps 3.2.2.Prepare 1” = 20’ scale plan view design sheets showing: identifying specific items that are to be removed, relocated, or salvaged by the contractor showing type and limits to be removed showing horizontal alignments for vertical control of improvements 3.2.3.Prepare traffic signal modification plans to incorporate the bicycle detection loops and video facilities. 3.2.4.Details and Sections showing cross sections and details at key locations to clearly indicate the intent of the design. 3.2.5.Traffic Handling Plan showing the phasing and type of traffic handling to be used during construction for segments adjacent to the roadway or pedestrian traveled way. 3.2.6.Outline of Technical Specifications for the project 3.2.7.Prepare Construction Cost Estimate using the 60% Plans and Specifications  Hwy 9 Safety Improvements Phase 3 -Scope of Services BKF Job No. 20107004-PP Revised: January 25, 2011 Page 4 of 5 3.360% PS&E SUBMITTAL: The Design team will assemble and coordinate an in-house Quality Control review of the 60% PS&E package. The team will refine the package and submit to the City for review and comment. 3.4ENCROACHMENT PERMITS: The Design Team will prepare and submit encroachment permit application package for both Caltrans as well as Santa Clara County for review. 3.560% PS&E REVIEW MEETING: The design team will meet with the City to discuss their internal review and comments. Items needing additional clarification will be identified and addressed by the team. TASK 4 -90 % CONSTRUCTION DOCUMENT PLAN PACKAGE 4.190% PS&E PACKAGE: Revise 60% PS&E Plan Package incorporating written comments provided by City and prepare 90% PS&E Package which will include: 4.1.1.Cover Sheet, General Notes, and Key Maps 4.1.2.Prepare 20 scale Plan view design sheets showing: 4.1.3.Retaining wall plan and profile sheets, where necessary 4.1.4.Prepare traffic signal modification plans to incorporate the bike loops 4.1.5.Details and Sections sheets necessary to show intent of design 4.1.6.Traffic Handling Plans 4.1.7.Specifications 4.1.8.Construction Cost Estimate based on 90% Plans and Specifications 4.290% PS&E SUBMITTAL: The design team will assemble and coordinate an in-house quality control review of the 90% PS&E package. The team will update the package and submit to the City for review and comment.  Hwy 9 Safety Improvements Phase 3 -Scope of Services BKF Job No. 20107004-PP Revised: January 25, 2011 Page 5 of 5 4.3ENCROACHMENT PERMITS: The Design Team will incorporate review comments and submit encroachment permit application package for both Caltrans as well as Santa Clara County for review. 4.4REVIEW MEETING: BKF will meet with the City to discuss 90% PS&E review comments. TASK 5 -100 % CONSTRUCTION DOCUMENT PLAN PACKAGE 5.1100% PS&E PLAN PACKAGE: Modify the 90% PS&E Plan Package incorporating written comments on the provided by City and prepare 100% PS&E Package for bidding. 5.2ENCROACHMENT PERMITS: The Design Team will incorporate any review comments and submit encroachment permit application package for both Caltrans as well as Santa Clara County for issuance. 5.3100% PS&E SUBMITTAL: The design team will assemble the final PS&E Bid Ready documents and provide the City the package in both hard copy and electronic form (PDF, MS Word, MS Excel, and AutoCAD). TASK 6 -BIDDING PHASE 6.1PRE-BID MEETING: Administer and record pre-bid meeting. 6.2DESIGN CLARIFICATIONS: During the bidding phase, provide office consultation to bidding contractors. Provide formal clarifications issued in writing to all bidding contractors. TASK 7 -CONSTRUCTION SERVICES – TBD  ÛÈØ×Þ×Ì Þ ÐßÇÓÛÒÌ ÌÑÌßÔ ÝÑÓÐÛÒÍßÌ×ÑÒ ïò Ý·¬§ ­¸¿´´ °¿§ ݱ²¬®¿½¬±® ¿² ¿³±«²¬ ²±¬ ¬± »¨½»»¼ ¬¸» ¬±¬¿´ ­«³ ±º ü çèôçìï øÒ·²»¬§ »·¹¸¬ ¬¸±«­¿²¼ ²·²» ¸«²¼®»¼ º±®¬§ ±²» ܱ´´¿®­÷ º±® ©±®µ ¬± ¾» °»®º±®³»¼ ¿²¼ ®»·³¾«®­¿¾´» ½±­¬­ ·²½«®®»¼ °«®­«¿²¬ ¬± ¬¸·­ ß¹®»»³»²¬ò ̸» ¬±¬¿´ ­«³ ­¬¿¬»¼ ¿¾±ª» ­¸¿´´ ¾» ¬¸» ¬±¬¿´ ©¸·½¸ Ý·¬§ ­¸¿´´ °¿§ º±® ¬¸» ©±®µ °®±¼«½¬ ¬± ¾» °®±ª·¼»¼ ¾§ ݱ²¬®¿½¬±® °«®­«¿²¬ ¬± ¬¸·­ ß¹®»»³»²¬ò ×ÒÊÑ×ÝÛÍ îòݱ²¬®¿½¬±® ­¸¿´´ ­«¾³·¬ ·²ª±·½»­ô ²±¬ ³±®» ±º¬»² ¬¸¿² ±²½» ¿ ³±²¬¸ ¼«®·²¹ ¬¸» ¬»®³ ±º ¬¸·­ ß¹®»»³»²¬ô ¾¿­»¼ ±² ¬¸» ½±­¬ º±® ©±®µ °»®º±®³»¼ ¿²¼ ®»·³¾«®­¿¾´» »¨°»²­»­ ·²½«®®»¼ °®·±® ¬± ¬¸» ·²ª±·½» ¼¿¬»ò ײª±·½»­ ­¸¿´´ ½±²¬¿·² ¬¸» º±´´±©·²¹ ·²º±®³¿¬·±²æ ¿ò Í»®·¿´ ·¼»²¬·º·½¿¬·±²­ ±º ¾·´´­ô ·ò»òô Þ·´´ Ò±ò ïå ¾ò ̸» ¾»¹·²²·²¹ ¿²¼ »²¼·²¹ ¼¿¬»­ ±º ¬¸» ¾·´´·²¹ °»®·±¼å ½ò ß ­«³³¿®§ ½±²¬¿·²·²¹ ¬¸» ¬±¬¿´ ½±²¬®¿½¬ ¿³±«²¬ô ¬¸» ¿³±«²¬ ±º °®·±® ¾·´´·²¹­ô ¬¸» ¬±¬¿´ ¼«» ¬¸·­ °»®·±¼ô ¿²¼ ¬¸» ®»³¿·²·²¹ ¾¿´¿²½» ¿ª¿·´¿¾´» º±® ¿´´ ®»³¿·²·²¹ ¾·´´·²¹ °»®·±¼­ò ÓÑÒÌØÔÇ ÐßÇÓÛÒÌÍ íòÝ·¬§ ­¸¿´´ ³¿µ» ³±²¬¸´§ °¿§³»²¬­ô ¾¿­»¼ ±² ­«½¸ ·²ª±·½»­ô º±® ­¿¬·­º¿½¬±®§ °®±¹®»­­ ·² ½±³°´»¬·±² ±º ¬¸» ͽ±°» ±º ɱ®µô ¿²¼ º±® ¿«¬¸±®·¦»¼ ®»·³¾«®­¿¾´» »¨°»²­»­ ·²½«®®»¼ò ÎÛ×ÓÞËÎÍßÞÔÛ ÛÈÐÛÒÍÛÍ ìò ̸»®» ­¸¿´´ ¾» ²± ®·¹¸¬ ¬± ®»·³¾«®­»³»²¬ ±º »¨°»²­»­ ·²½«®®»¼ ¾§ ݱ²¬®¿½¬±® »¨½»°¬ ¿­ ­°»½·º·»¼ ·² Û¨¸·¾·¬ ß ¬± ¬¸·­ ß¹®»»³»²¬ò Ø·¹¸©¿§ ç и¿­» ××× ß¹®»»³»²¬ ©·¬¸ ÞÕÚ  Exhibit 'B' SUMMARY OF FEES & HOURS BKF Engineers Scope of Fee and Services  è×ÙÔÎÍÐÍÕÃøÊÓÆ×éÇÓÈ× éÛÎòÍÉ×ùû City of Saratoga, Town of Los Gatos, and City of Monte Sereno è×Ð  öÛÄ   Highway 9 Safety Improvements Project Phase 3 Hwy 9 Safety Improvements Project Phase 3 èÛÉÑ ìÊÍÒ×ÙÈïÛÎÛÕ×Ï×ÎÈ è×ÛÏð×ÛØ×ÊÉÔÓÌ èÛÉÑ ìÊ×ÐÓÏÓÎÛÊÃóÎÆ×ÉÈÓÕÛÈÓÍÎÉøÛÈÛùÍÐÐ×ÙÈÓÍÎÛÎØùÍÎÙ×ÌÈÇÛÐø×ÉÓÕÎûÐÈ×ÊÎÛÈÓÆ×É èÛÉÑ  ùÍÎÉÈÊÇÙÈÓÍÎøÍÙÇÏ×ÎÈÉìÛÙÑÛÕ×ìÊ×ÌÛÊÛÈÓÍÎ èÛÉÑ ùÍÎÉÈÊÇÙÈÓÍÎøÍÙÇÏ×ÎÈÉìÛÙÑÛÕ×ìÊ×ÌÛÊÛÈÓÍÎ èÛÉÑ ùÍÎÉÈÊÇÙÈÓÍÎøÍÙÇÏ×ÎÈÉìÛÙÑÛÕ×ìÊ×ÌÛÊÛÈÓÍÎ èÛÉÑúÓØØÓÎÕìÔÛÉ× èûéñìóùìï÷ÎÕóóó÷ÎÕóó÷ÎÕóè×ÙÔøÊÛÖÈéÇÊÆèÍÈÛÐùÍÉÈ êÛÈ× ÔÊ       ôÍÇÊÉ èÛÉÑ   èÛÉÑ     èÛÉÑ        èÛÉÑ     èÛÉÑ    èÛÉÑ     úñö    éÇÚÈÍÈÛÐ           Reimbursable Expenses: ìÊÓÎÈÓÎÕ ÍÖÌÊÍÖ×ÉÉÓÍÎÛÐÖ××É  ø×ÐÓÆ×Êà ïÓÐ×ÛÕ× ÍÖÌÊÍÖ×ÉÉÓÍÎÛÐÖ××É  èÍÈÛÐê×ÓÏÚÇÊÉÛÚÐ×úÇØÕ×È  Subconsultants: õÛÈ×ÉÛÎØûÉÉÍÙÓÛÈ×ÉðÛÎØÉÙÛÌ×ûÊÙÔÓÈ×ÙÈ  èÍÈÛÐéÇÚÙÍÎÉÇÐÈÛÎÈúÇØÕ×È  èÍÈÛÐúÇØÕ×È ð×Õ×ÎØ ìóùìÊÓÎÙÓÌÛÐÓÎùÔÛÊÕ×÷ÎÕó÷ÎÕÓÎ××Êó ìïìÊÍÒ×ÙÈïÛÎÛÕ×ÊéÇÊÆéÇÊÆ×ÃöÓ×ÐØùÊ×Å ÷ÎÕóóó÷ÎÕÓÎ××Êóóó ÷ÎÕóó÷ÎÕÓÎ××Êóó é×ÕÏ×ÎÈ ìÛÕ× ÍÖ ìà÷ÎÕ à  ôÅÃìÔÛÉ× àùÍÎÈÊÛÙÈàìÔÛÉ×óóóûÇÉÈÓÎåÛÃàùÓÈÃùÍÇÎÙÓÐìÛÙÑÛÕ×àö××ìÊÍÌÍÉÛÐ   äðéß ìÊÓÎÈ×Ø   Exhibit 'B' Task 1Project Management/Team Leadership èÛÉÑ  ñÓÙÑíÖÖï××ÈÓÎÕ èÛÉÑ  ùÍÍÊØÓÎÛÈ×ø×ÉÓÕÎÅÓÈÔè×ÛÏï×ÏÚ×ÊÉÛÎØùÍÎÉÇÐÈÛÎÈÉ èûéñìóùìï÷ÎÕóóó÷ÎÕóó÷ÎÕóè×ÙÔøÊÛÖÈéÇÊÆèÍÈôÊÉùÍÉÈ èÛÉÑ     èÛÉÑ     éÇÚÈÍÈÛÐ  Task 2Preliminary Investigations, Data Collection, and Conceptual Design Alternatives èÛÉÑ ùÍÎØÇÙÈèÍÌÍÕÊÛÌÔÓÙéÇÊÆ×ÃÈÍÉÇÌÌÐ×Ï×ÎÈìÐÛÎÓÏ×ÈÊÓÙïÛÌÌÓÎÕîûø  îûæø  èÛÉÑ  ê×ËÇ×ÉÈ ùÍÐÐ×ÙÈ ê×ÆÓ×ÅÛÆÛÓÐÛÚÐ×ùèÛÎØùÓÈÃûÉúÇÓÐÈÉê åê×ÙÍÊØïÛÌÉÛÎØÍÈÔ×ÊìÊÍÒ×ÙÈóÏÌÊÍÆ×Ï×ÎÈÉìÐÛÎÉ èÛÉÑ ê×ËÇ×ÉÈ ùÍÐÐ×ÙÈ ê×ÆÓ×ÅûÆÛÓÐÛÚÐ×çÈÓÐÓÈÃê×ÙÍÊØóÎÖÍÊÏÛÈÓÍÎÛÉÎ××Ø×Ø èÛÉÑ ø×Æ×ÐÍÌùÍÎÙ×ÌÈÇÛÐø×ÉÓÕÎûÐÈ×ÊÎÛÈÓÆ×É èÛÉÑ ì×ÊÖÍÊÏéÓÈ×æÓÉÓÈÅÓÈÔùÓÈÃÈÍæ×ÊÓÖÃùÍÎÙ×ÌÈÇÛÐø×ÉÓÕÎûÐÈ×ÊÎÛÈÓÆ×É èÛÉÑ ê×ÖÓÎ×ùÍÎÙ×ÌÈÇÛÐø×ÉÓÕÎûÐÈ×ÊÎÛÈÓÆ×É èûéñìóùìï÷ÎÕóóó÷ÎÕóó÷ÎÕóè×ÙÔøÊÛÖÈéÇÊÆèÍÈôÊÉùÍÉÈ èÛÉÑ    èÛÉÑ    èÛÉÑ   èÛÉÑ       èÛÉÑ  èÛÉÑ    éÇÚÈÍÈÛÐ     Task 360 % Construction Documents Package Preparation èÛÉÑ  ùÓÈÃï××ÈÓÎÕÈÍØÓÉÙÇÉÉùÍÎÙ×ÌÈûÐÈ×ÊÎÛÈÓÆ×É èÛÉÑ  ìÊ×ÌÛÊ× ìé÷øÍÙÇÏ×ÎÈÉ èÛÉÑ  éÇÚÏÓÈ ìé÷ìÛÙÑÛÕ×ÈÍùÓÈÃÖÍÊê×ÆÓ×Å èÛÉÑ ï××ÈÅÓÈÔùÓÈÃÈÍØÓÉÙÇÉÉ ê×ÆÓ×ÅùÍÏÏ×ÎÈÉ èûéñìóùìï÷ÎÕóóó÷ÎÕóó÷ÎÕóè×ÙÔøÊÛÖÈéÇÊÆèÍÈôÊÉùÍÉÈ èÛÉÑ   èÛÉÑ         èÛÉÑ   èÛÉÑ   éÇÚÈÍÈÛÐ       Task 490% Construction Documents Package Preparation èÛÉÑ óÎÙÍÊÌÍÊÛÈ× ê×ÆÓ×ÅÙÍÏÏ×ÎÈÉÛÎØìÊ×ÌÛÊ× ìé÷ìÛÙÑÛÕ× èÛÉÑ éÇÚÏÓÈ ìé÷ìÛÙÑÛÕ×ÈÍùÓÈÃÖÍÊê×ÆÓ×Å èÛÉÑ ï××ÈÅÓÈÔùÓÈÃÈÍØÓÉÙÇÉÉ ê×ÆÓ×ÅùÍÏÏ×ÎÈÉ èûéñìóùìï÷ÎÕóóó÷ÎÕóó÷ÎÕóè×ÙÔøÊÛÖÈéÇÊÆèÍÈôÊÉùÍÉÈ èÛÉÑ       èÛÉÑ  èÛÉÑ  éÇÚÈÍÈÛÐ     Task 5100% Construction Documents Package Preparation èÛÉÑ óÎÙÍÊÌÍÊÛÈ× ê×ÆÓ×ÅÙÍÏÏ×ÎÈÉÛÎØìÊ×ÌÛÊ× ìé÷ìÛÙÑÛÕ×ÖÍÊúÓØØÓÎÕ èÛÉÑ éÇÚÏÓÈ ìé÷ÈÍùÓÈÃÖÍÊúÓØØÓÎÕ èûéñìóùìï÷ÎÕóóó÷ÎÕóó÷ÎÕóè×ÙÔøÊÛÖÈéÇÊÆèÍÈôÊÉùÍÉÈ èÛÉÑ     èÛÉÑ   éÇÚÈÍÈÛÐ    é×ÕÏ×ÎÈ ìÛÕ× ÍÖ ìà÷ÎÕ à  ôÅÃìÔÛÉ× àùÍÎÈÊÛÙÈàìÔÛÉ×óóóûÇÉÈÓÎåÛÃàùÓÈÃùÍÇÎÙÓÐìÛÙÑÛÕ×àö××ìÊÍÌÍÉÛÐ   äðéß ìÊÓÎÈ×Ø   Exhibit 'B' Task 6Bidding Phase èÛÉÑ ìÊ×úÓØï××ÈÓÎÕ èÛÉÑ ø×ÉÓÕÎùÐÛÊÓÖÓÙÛÈÓÍÎÉ èûéñìóùìï÷ÎÕóóó÷ÎÕóó÷ÎÕóè×ÙÔøÊÛÖÈéÇÊÆèÍÈôÊÉùÍÉÈ èÛÉÑ   èÛÉÑ  éÇÚÈÍÈÛÐ     Project Assumptions and Exclusions: 1. It is assumed that the design work will be completed in one phase. 2. It is assumed that the retaining walls will be located within Caltrans ROW and are subject to Caltrans review and approval. 3. Retaining walls are assumed to incorporate baseline aesthetic treatments in the form of colored concrete and/or standard form line textures for cast-in-place concrete and standard colors, textures and uniform patterns for masonry block type retaining walls. Enhanced aesthetic treatments beyond baseline concepts for retaining walls is outside the scope and shall be considered extra work. 4. Assume the project Environmentally cleared. 5. This proposal does not anticipate any acquisition needs and does not include any fees associated with fee acquisition, legal descriptions, boundary or right or way surveys. 6. The need of this project is based on safety; operational analysis, including traffic counts, modeling, and forecasting is excluded. 7. Any design for 3rd party utility relocation (telephone, communications, PG&E, etc.) shall be considered extra work. 8. It is assumed that the Project will not require preparation of a Longitudinal or Transversal Utility Exception Report 9. It is assumed that the Project will not require preparation of a Traffic Management Plan 10. It is assumed that the Project will not require preparation of a Hydraulic/Floodplain Study Report 11. It is assumed that the City of Saratoga will be Lead Agency 12. Project design units will be imperial (feet). 13. It is assumed that the Project will not require Caltrans' ABC Mapping. 14. Potholing has been excluded from this scope of fee and services. 15. 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BACKGROUND: The Saratogan is used as a tool to improve communications with residents and ensure the public has access to important information. The City has published a wide range of articles in past issues, ranging from public safety articles to water conservation tips to updates on City projects. To reduce expenses in the 2010/11 budget, The Saratoganhas beenincorporated into the Saratoga Recreation Activity Guide. Residents will continue to receive all the benefits of the newsletter three times per year and the City will realize a savings of $23,000. The winterissue of The Saratogan was mailed to residents inDecember2010and featured articles based on the theme “Do it Yourself”, such as how to build home emergency kits, composting, forming a neighborhood watch, and tree pruning. The newsletter also included Ask Jana, winter storm information, holiday fire safetytips, and a story on the Commission Recognition Dinner. Staff has started developingpreliminary article topicsfor the spring/summerissue of The Saratogan, which will be mailed to residents in late March 2011. The articlesare centered onthe theme, “Commitment to Service”.Below is a list of proposed primaryand secondaryarticles. PrimaryArticle Topics: Saratoga Serves Month of Service Joe’s Trail Parks and Recreation Commission Highlight Building Safety SecondaryArticle Topics: Ask Jana Page 1of 2  Welcome Captain Carl Neusel Save a Bag, Bring your Own Arbor Day To ensure The Saratoganmeets the expectations of the City Council, staff is seeking input for the spring/summerissue. FISCAL IMPACTS: N/A CONSEQUENCES OF NOT FOLLOWING THE RECOMMENDED ACTIONS: Staff will move forward without Council input on the theme, article topics, or other aspects of the fallissue of The Saratogan. ALTERNATIVE ACTION(S): N/A FOLLOW UP ACTION(S): Implement Council direction. ADVERTISING, NOTICING AND PUBLIC CONTACT: Pursuant to Government Code 54954.2, this item was properly posted as a City Council agenda item and was included in the packet made available on the City’s web site in advance of the meeting. A copy of the agenda packet is also made available at theSaratoga Branch Library each Monday in advance of the Council meeting. ATTACHMENTS: Attachment A:The Saratogan2010winterissue Page 2of 2   É·²¬»® îðïð ܱ ·¬ DZ«®­»´º ó ͬ¿®¬ ¿ Ò»·¹¸¾±®¸±±¼ É¿¬½¸ ²¬»®»­¬»¼ ·² ´»¿®²·²¹ ³±®» ¿¾±«¬ ¸±© §±« ½¿² ³¿µ» §±«® ²»·¹¸¾±®¸±±¼ ­¿º»®á ͬ¿®¬ ¿ Ò»·¹¸¾±®¸±±¼ É¿¬½¸ ¬± × ®»¼«½» ½®·³» ·² §±«® ½±³³«²·¬§ò Ò»·¹¸¾±®¸±±¼ É¿¬½¸ ·­ ¿ ¼± ·¬ §±«®­»´º ¬§°» °®±¹®¿³ ¬¸¿¬ »³°±©»®­ ®»­·¼»²¬­ ¬± ·³°®±ª» ¬¸» ¯«¿´·¬§ ±º ´·º» ·² ¬¸»·® ½±³³«²·¬§ ¾§ ©±®µ·²¹ ¬±¹»¬¸»®ò Ò»·¹¸¾±®­ ¾«·´¼ ®»´¿¬·±²­¸·°­ ©·¬¸ ±²» ¿²±¬¸»®ô ´»¿®² ¿¾±«¬ ½®·³» °®»ª»²¬·±² ¬»½¸²·¯«»­ô ¿²¼ ©±®µ ½±´´¿¾±®¿¬·ª»´§ ¬± ®»°±®¬ ­«­°·½·±«­ ¿½¬·ª·¬§ ¿²¼ ®»¼«½» ½®·³»ò ̱ ­¬¿®¬ ¿ Ò»·¹¸¾±®¸±±¼ É¿¬½¸ °®±¹®¿³ ©¸»®» §±« ´·ª»ô ­·³°´§ ½±²¬¿½¬ ¬¸» Í¿²¬¿ Ý´¿®¿ ¹«·¼» §±« ¬¸®±«¹¸ ¬¸» °®±½»­­ ¿²¼ °®±ª·¼» ­«¹¹»­¬·±²­ º±® ±®¹¿²·¦·²¹ §±«® ²»·¹¸¾±®¸±±¼ò Ò»·¹¸¾±®¸±±¼ É¿¬½¸ ·­ ±²» ±º ¬¸» ³¿²§ ©¿§­ Í¿®¿¬±¹¿ ®»­·¼»²¬­ ½¿² ¼± ·¬ ¬¸»³­»´ª»­ ¬± ³¿µ» ¬¸»·® ½±³³«²·¬§ ¾»¬¬»®ò λ¿¼ ³±®» ¿¾±«¬ ¬¸»­» ±°°±®¬«²·¬·»­ ·² ¬¸·­ ·­­«» ±º ̸» Í¿®¿¬±¹¿²ò ݱ³°±­¬·²¹ ¿¬ ر³» ±±µ·²¹ º±® ¿ ²»© ©¿§ ¬± ·³°®±ª» ¬¸» ¸»¿´¬¸ ±º §±«® ¹¿®¼»²á 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