HomeMy WebLinkAbout102-Commendation.pdf CCOOMMMMEENNDDAATTIIOONN OOFF TTHHEE CCIITTYY CCOOUUNNCCIILL OOFF TTHHEE CCIITTYY OOFF SSAARRAATTOOGGAA HHOONNOORRIINNGG PPRROOSSPPEECCTT HHIIGGHH SSCCHHOOOOLL’’SS SSAANNTTAA CCLLAARRAA CCOOUUNNTTYY CCHHAAMMPPIIOONN MMOOCCKK TTRRIIAALL TTEEAAMM WHEREAS, seventeen members of the Prospect High School Mock Trial Team competed valiantly in the Santa Clara County Mock Trial Championship during the month of February 2011; finishing with a record of five wins and one loss; and WHEREAS, the Prospect High School Mock Trial Team has demonstrated a consistent winning tradition. The team has reached the Quarterfinal round or better for the last eleven years, including three trips to the final round in 2006, 2008 and 2011; and WHEREAS, the Prospect High School Mock Trial Team competed in the California State Competition. The team finished with a record of three wins and one loss and received special recognition for Outstanding Pretrial Attorney for the Defense; and WHEREAS, the team members have demonstrated commitment, dedication, and hard work through twice weekly meetings with coaches; and have spent countless hours working, practicing and drilling on their own and with each other; and WHEREAS, Santa Clara County Deputy District Attorney James Leonard has acted as coach and mentor for the team for the last eight years, providing legal expertise and competition coaching, and contributing to the team’s sustained level of success; and WHEREAS, teachers Ms. Marisa Cantone and Mr. Stephen Smith have acted as teacher coaches for the team for the last four and six years, respectively, providing consistent support for the students and high expectations for the team. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, that the Saratoga City Council does hereby congratulate and commend the members of Prospect High School Mock Trial Team for their outstanding achievement. WITNESS MY HAND AND THE SEAL OF THE CITY OF SARATOGA on this 5th day of May 2011. ____________________________ Howard A. Miller, Mayor