DATE: 4/1/83
DEPART=: Community Development
Dept. Hd.
C. Atty.
C. Mgr.
-------------------------------------------------- - - - - -- -
SLTBJECr Appeal of Planning Commission Decision to Deny Savings &Loan Bank as a
Conditional Use in the Professional Administrative Zoning District
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Issue Su many
The Planning Commission reviewed the applicant's request to place "savings & loan bank"
as a conditional use in the P -A district as a first step to. placing a Savings & Loan at
14395 Saratoga Ave. The Planning Commission reached consensus to not direct staff to
add the use, feeling that the use was inappropriate in the P -A zoni:'ng district and that
the proposed specific location would be difficult due to traffic considerations. They
directed staff to.explain to the applicant that he had the option of applying for a
rezoning of the district.
*On April 6th, the City Council requested a staff report on the proposed addition of
savings & loan /banks to the P -A zoning district. This report is attached.
Uphold the Planning Commission decision
Fiscal Impacts
None known
Exhibits /Attachments
1. Planning Commission Minutes dated 2/23/83
2. Letters from applicant dated 2/8/83 and 3/8/83
Council Action
4/6: Staff directed to report on .request as policy issue and return to Council.
*See last paragraph under Issue Summary.
5/4: Clevenger /Mallory moved to uphold Planning Commission decision and deny appeal but to
refer subject to Planning Commission, asking them to : review permitted.uses in PA
district. Passed 3 -2 (Callon, Fanelli opposed) . r:;
0919W O2 §&M&U00&
(408) 867 -3438
TO: City Council DATE: 4/28/83
FROM: Planning Staff
SUBJECT: Appeal of Planning Commission Decision to Deny Savings & Loan Bank as a
Conditional Use in the Professional Administrative Zoning District
This memo is written in response to the City Council request fora report on allowing
financial institutions in the Professional - Administrative (P -A) zoning district. The
specific request involved placement of Saratoga Savings & Loan.at the northeast corner
of Saratoga - Sunnyvale Road and Saratoga Avenue (letters attached).
The City's current zoning ordinance allows such uses as accountants, chiropodists, dentists,
interior decorators, psychologists, and real estate offices, etc., the P -A zone. Present-
ly, the City has five (5) areas that are zoned P -A located at; 1.) Big Basin Way (Cald-
well condominiums; 2.) Cox Ave. across from the Qui.tp" Shopping Center (senior citizen
housing units); 3.) the northwesterly corner of Saratoga Ave. and Cox Ave. (near the
Medical Village); 4.) Blauer Ave. near Saratoga = Sunnyvale (medical and real estate
offices); and 5.) the subject site and adjacent parcel. The latter three sites are the
most likely to be involved with the proposed zoning change.
The two major staff concerns with including financial institutions in the P -A district
are, 1.) traffic generation and concurrent. parking and 2.) the increasing numbers of
banks in the City. "
Banks are high traffic generators creating 75 trips per 1,000 sq. ft. per day. General
offices cause 17 trips per 1,000 sq. ft. per day and medical offices create 50 trips per
1,000 sq. ft. per day. Safe access to and from parking are of prime importance for high
traffic generators as well as the burden of additional traffic on the streets. As a
comparison, community and neighborhood shops generate 58 and 84 daily trips per 1,000 sq.ft.
of floor area.
In 1978, the City adopted an ordinance for the C -C and C -V zoning district requiring use
permits for real estate offices and financial institutions due to concerns over their
numbers in the Commercial Village area, and their lack of revenue production for the
City's tax base.
A review of similar cities shows that :
Portola-Valley allows banks and financial institutions in their Administrative
Professional (AP) district by use permit. The critical criteria for a use permit
is that a majority of the banks' business must come from the City and urban service
area. Banks are also allowed in commercial districts.
Memo to City Council 4/28/83
Proposed addition of savings & loan /banks to P -A zoning dist. Page 2
Los Altos allows banks as permitted uses in two of four Office Administrative (OA)
districts - those in the City Center. The other two OA districts (not in the
City Center) do not allow banks. Financial institutions are also allowed in
commercial districts.
Cupertino allows banks in their Office District and Commercial Districts with a
Use Permit as well as conformance with trip constraint overlays. The Use Permits
have centered on drive -up windows and the increasing numbers of banks.
Los Gatos does not allow banks in Office zones but allows them by Use Permit in
commercial zones.
The specific site in question will have more difficulty with parking and access con-
cerns than the two other available P -A districts. The subject building has parking
required at 1 space /400 sq. ft. and for the addition of this use, parking spaces would
need to be leased from the adjacent site to meet the ratio required for banks of
1 space /200 sq. ft. It is staff's understanding that the City Attorney would require a
lease for a minimum of 20 years. This adjacent site received building site approval
(which would expire in June, 1983) for an office building expansion with a parking ratio
of 1 space per 400 sq. ft. A long term parking lease would affect the ability to expand
the building. Additionally, the access to the present parking lot underneath the subject
building comes off of Saratoga - Sunnyvale Rd. near the intersection with Saratoga Ave.
If the City Council wishes to add financial institutions as a use in the P -A zoning
district, staff recommends they they do so only as a conditional use. Use Permits
should specifically address traffic, parking and access concerns.
Kathy Kerd
KK /dsc
Planning Commission
Meeting Minutes 2/23/83
A -8S0 (cont.)
Page 10
Commissioner Hlava stated that she had voted for the application because
the sign meets all of the requirements of the Sign Ordinance. She added
that she feels that this is basically part of our downtown commercial area
and is surrounded by buildings which also have lit signs.
1. Letter dated February 8, 1983 from Saratoga Real, Inc: Discus-
sion was held on the request to add savings and loan institutions as a con-
ditional use in the P -A zoning district at the corner of Saratoga Avenue. and
Saratoga - Sunnyvale Road. The possible bank traffic going in and out of that
location was noted., There was a consensus not to add this as a conditional
use, and Staff was directed to send a letter to Saratoga Real to that effect.
1. Commissioner Bolger was appointed to represent the Planning Com-
mission on the Advisory Committee on Utilization of School Property.
2. Chairman Schaefer thanked the Saratoga News and Good Government
Group for attending.
Respectfully submitted,
$ ber Shoo
Tel: (402) 867 -5659
February 8, 1983
Saratoga Planning Commission
13777 Tr U4 Ave
S=atoga, Ca. 95070
Saratoga Real, a California partnership, as owners of the
properties on 14395 Saratoga Ave and 14375/14369 Saratoga Ave
has been attempting for several months to lease the office spaces
on above mentioned properties and is encountering great difficu].-
ties due to present restrietive zoning (Professional and Admin.)
on subject premises.
Saratoga Real, on February 6, 1983, has signed a five (5) year
lease with the newly formed Saratoga Savings and Loan Ass.
(o,.. .-ner: Jess Rodrigues) for 1,675 sq ft:' (suite #120) in the
building on 14395 Saratoga Ave, Saratoga;.subject only to the
City of Saratoga's approval.
The present P -A zoning does not allow a Savings Institution to
lccate .on the premises.
Saratoga Real therefore respectfully request as per section 14.1
o-r t'.ze zoning ordnance, the addition of a Savings and Loan insti-
tution on this specific 1,675 sq ft as a conditional use to the
zoning on this. property.
Saratoga Real- will be able to provide adequate parking ( one par -
,ing space per 200 sq ft of office space) by ernianentll adding
four (4) par1k ing spaces on adjacent property, to the exclusive use
off this Savings and Loan Institution::.;::
Saratoga Real further believes that the `properties in question
ail outside of the area generally considered to be "down town"
so that no negative impact on the down town parking and businesses
is encountered.
??e appreciate consideration by the Saratoga Planning Commission at
the earliest possible date so that if conditional use is granted
;ae may pr
oceec' with the "use permit" process .
Te Ioo':c forward to hearing from you soon.
CC. Saratoga Savings and Loan Ass . C, Martin J. Oudewaal
Mana ,aing Pnrrnar
r`arct S , 19 83
S67 -5559
Saratoga City Council
13777 Fruitvale Ave
Saratoga, Ca. 95070
We received a negative decision, without an opportunity to
clarify our position, in response to a request that we made
to the Saratoga Planning Commission (copies attached) reques-
ting the Saratoga Savings and Loan Ass . to locate in the
building on 14395 Saratoga Ave, Saratoga.
In discussing this matter with t"r. Robert S. Shook we requested .
the proper procedure to follow to appeal the decision.
We were advised to submit a letter of appeal to the Saratoga
City Council.
ode therefore hereby respectfully request that a representative
of the Saratoga Savings and Loan Ass. and Saratoga Peal be
allowed the opportunity to address the Council in support of
an appeal of the decision that was made by the Saratoga Planning
he crucial aspects in this matter are the small size of the
Savings Institution (1,675 se. ft and max. 2 to 3 enployees) and
the benefits this institution. will bring to Saratoga residents
and businesses as was explained to me by its President
..Jess Rodrriques.
As time is of the essence, an early response to this request
is greatly appreciated.
We loot: forward to hearing from you at your earliest convenience.
�artin Oudewaal
cc. fir. Jess Rodri 'gues
Saratoga Savings and Loan Ass.