HomeMy WebLinkAboutTract Maps TRACT Glen Una Park�F�7 /FI�AT� To fhe Board ofrrulfcu of IsAc Town of Lo✓ G>rnr C>h forniJ - - / tL R.ii�Lhar, Town Engineer of the Town of Lo/ G>foJ do h,,e- Thdr aJ to cerfiry th>t ✓ B CLAYTC7N /,i fhe o,vncr and f/r'Jt by ✓fate that / have examined the accomp>nyinq VA, ar plat of GLEN PAUL 0VD01_PY 110W,4 I'D M H(.G61h/J >.,d N Q. STERrVE arc th U/VA PARK, m>dc by FA Herrin >nn, Jurveyor and C E, and /"C--- vArwjY,Cej in"'he4}r>co/ / >nd ✓how- an fhe accom,a>nying map; that that J.7id Map or' Pi/a�Jft� 6e J,vvr�rovee/ by you. they Jre the On!y pJrfiu Yvha✓c cO,cnf nJ - cceis,y to P >JJ a c /Car f t)t� _mend / QatGd_._ -__ lrrRaT _eYrK----------- A 924 fo Ja /d fraef of /Jnd,• that Jaid filet ". />nd h >✓ been ✓<ibdivided into ✓ ,/ lot✓ and the lotJ numbcrcd according r`o ft+c.r inJtruction ✓; that a// --------- Lott, ✓o numbcrcd Jrc intended for J>/c; t,b Jt they hereby dcdlca ft To...,, engineer .f fwe re-.� rs [ea G.ha, c•i.f. �.. :� OVIVE aJ Jhown on J,,& _>p fn the po ,Slit u ✓e forever, that the ,-ARM LANE aJ Jhown an Jaid m>p J /V0 7- d<dicatcd to the pub /ic u✓e, but ✓ TT / and that "ay hcrcd con✓cnt lnTended 30IC /y fDr the VJe of z�i>— 'v'�—%�; y Sfdfc o.f G/� orr,.a j SS- W—t�+e -7%77,9 of record of ✓Jid map which con✓i ✓tJ of two JhcetJ deJ:y - Got,I +y of � nft G:+v f ild ✓���c`^-^!� HD. hated aJ SKEET Ns/ and JHEET N 92, in fhe office of the County On ryas _ -`_ _aay �f{� .Peeor,ecr of J>nt> C/Jr> lair -ty CJlifor —i Dated, Jan Jo ✓e, Ca/i fo rnia, _ \-�_ _ D G724 -a :Star. P�6 is s a-+c: f r .Jard L.o..ny anca Sfdfo, rrrc+ no mcr.n conn.,;a :onc,J a-x/ JN.�rrr; n Bona. /r �fP�..aw �'iVL RL,DOi.P,y HOWARD -'f _ //flL'GG /NS dnv fff7. STE�hE h .� A A, A- P<r JO J �l OT6 __ CIS_ tl( %[� "f"�"fJ "narncs arr.- sv 6rcr:0ad t -mac •v ,'i.., In.rfrvmcnf aJ - rT'usfarsr and %hry y :..ackriu /cctiysci hir Ti-uJ� <c.t /t./'� " ' - _ r +fee ucE� 1 rr�a ree � w li .7,c fluff -7777 w...- c�.tnr .yai.r as <s. lha ti isarld J Wfncs✓ lyfiereoia ce <rcunre ->�' y ,rne>/dff�ca/ <— ar'fK�� s<af sf y es?� ,, !� L< anly an�s�fe df✓rrSdi�, f, �dy - :.ancy Scar In Ihv crrfif+cafc fr>f vA�,c/��rvr,Y.'.L.. Nefdry P 6/.c in rd Ic> /� Co.. r/y of..Sa.. /a C�rdr S.d of Zvi forr:s - To Me Bo>rd of JuperviJOrJ of fhc Co fy of J>nf> C /Jrd CJ /i fornia -: JfJte of CJ/Ifarnia J'! The Board of %IVJfcej of fhe Town oe Lo✓ GJtoJ, CJlifornt, d Map Cou"A/ ofJJnta C/aral -Xing or hereby ✓tJfu that i ha✓ me >ccmpa by FA.ticrrmJnn, Jurveyor On thiJ__A,0 d>y ot_ _ A.O. QQ7nLt� e fA,,f-r n hundred and fwen>y four, be fart me, -____ _ _ P/Jt of GLEN UNA f:A.PIT m>da and - C -E and hJJ can✓idcred the report of the Town Engi,cc, of the "oi�.nrnc _ —Yf- Ei "L>< --♦%i" ..J Notary 10u611c in and far Jaid County and Town of LoJ Cato) /n reference there lo, and Jard Board of TruJ- Jtate� raiding tf erc /n, oru /y commi✓Jioned and Jworn, perJOnJ //y >P- fee✓ hereby recommend) fa you that JJid Ma/v or P /at be app - noeared 1,6 CLAYTON .> r �-"' 'F'�`- ^* 'f'; ,. ,. roved by you. / ' `� 1924 -- .Enown to r,.e r`o be fhe Pcr✓on whoic -,nine it - Qa tc d Jf.�rl� __f ________ -A.D ✓u b✓eribedYto the within inJ trumenf Jnd he duly Jc.Fnow /e dgcd fo - me that he exec, }ed fhc Tewn C /ar . In WitneJJ Whercaf / have hcrcunto Jet my hand Jnd - affixed my O{ficiJl Jea/ at my office in the County and Jt>te afore - - - Jaid the oiay Jnd year >��n��th��i ✓''ee rfifli Jfc fi rjt ✓bout wr•.iYten nY_C______ ------------- n.r•iy fvb /:r ... >no -.e. rec c..;.,y of ✓,7,r, I >�,, Jr >f .f c./if.rn..- Cam' '= Jrarc z - _- County of J>nta C /ar>(.'f ✓' -. -- - "` - - - ;' � ! f XO.'fm >n, County - AfatJ.ror of fhe County of .ii3i 1J C /.a r� Jtafe of CafiforniJ, do here 6y have earefv //y euam %ned e>eh and every Lof>nd B /cc* Jhown on the an hexed MJp or P/Jt of GLEN UNA PARK m�dc 6y F. A.Her/-mann, Jurveyor and CE. a✓ tv it✓ vale for re ✓idcn tia/' or coin inertia/ purpa✓eJ, an d, fihdinq them ad >p tcd for 6of1, of ✓>id Puroo,re ✓; / therefore recommend to fhe Board of J,per vi ✓or✓ of the Counfy of Janri C! >r✓, State of Cali forn iJ, that Jaid �a or /Jt 6VJpp ro vca, 6y it as f�c�ef� ��p ca nfy AJrrgr of the Ca—J•nf. Jtite of CJ /iforn is tt ` County ofJJnta Clara) J.J. /t %J hereby certified that a bond in �n amount fixed by the Board ofJuperviaor> of the County of JantJ Cara, JA,fc of Ca /"fo—ra, and approved by ✓Jid Board inur- ing to the benefit of ✓Jid Cgunty, and condition %7,g for the payment - Of,// taxeJ which were, >t the time of fhe fi/ng of fhe accomro- anying M>p, a /ran ag >in ✓f the tr>eT' or Jcr6di viaion of /anon act forth and do /incatcd croon Juch /vlJp, but not yatpayable, h>✓ bccn filed with ✓Jid Bo>rd of Jupe rvi ✓orJ aJ provided by /Jw. In WitneJJ Whereof, / hJVe hereunto se my hand and attired the > o� Jid Board of Juocrvlrorf thi ✓_ ____day of --- -- - - -_A. C/errt of fhe Ge•.d of ,! pw. -r :,i orr of r7, Ce�•n ryf._f J.ns. C/. �,, Jlafe r! La /:fern %s Depvey Clerk. A7" fir r:ca.+t .t th,.- r.- ticsl• f _� /� ri'°7 �� � J��` E`er /J�#� r �,/� ►i p � / rcq_y $, / -rte�._ :J.1� 1 l9,Z 4 ,a* 20-.,. � Cl.yf h,-j , - - - - - pas3' 10•[l.�h,. "M- ,e..Lrac.rLrd in V T. S q [Ili P, va,c .� /il �1, S. �•� ,I I, * : I nTi mac. -rL S. �. S �'fanntrY � �acerc(6i JtJtc of ca/itornij t J`i Co,n f1' otJ nf>L4r r ✓f / F.R.Jc.hi /I :7,q, CocwfyAudifnr of the lounfy of Janf> C/Jra, Jf >fc of fs ..,> &6 hereby certify tha} there W­ no fi—, for Vnp aid Jr �'., ✓toun! k of jp W k the ,4e On ecco"'I Z./ F-O/ _lY 6j'. r. .5dO'—/-V-- 7 MR77777 V,q )R. /e -/o -e. v &C, 0, L 0 7U, alvo 2t I-rom -,/.v jgJ_ _-1Y 41107 O/Y.0 AP 0.4A -r 14 -5-F C 7-/O/Y 7.7.5 0. '7A7N77,Q C.LqR,Q Od • 1SCOQL E - -60 or 20o ioo 5 6TT 11 407'J, 1-7.,40 IVOI, GLEIV za, L t AB Eir,aison. k of jp W k the ,4e On ecco"'I Z./ F-O/ _lY 6j'. r. .5dO'—/-V-- V,q )R. /e -/o -e. v &C, 14 Od za, Wff.:P 7 114 2 7.1 ZSO' _ear -ear r-J. Z5 Z5 00 .0i IQ t 14 —EST o\ o ti � o o z :� 12 Z- X-17 FNGU�gq OAS L. _T7 .Wve,? OL7 GQ 7-0,5 ROAD Two JWrEr-y Ave. k of jp W k the ,4e On ecco"'I Z./ F-O/ _lY 6j'. r. .5dO'—/-V--