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SARATOGA CITY COUNCIL EXECUTIVE SUMMARY NO 1 AGENDA ITEM MEETING DATE: Jan. 4, 1989 CITY MGR. J�f� ORIGINATING DEPT. Maintenance SUBJECT: City -Owned Tree Inventory, Tree Care Guide, City Approved Street Tree List Recommended Motion: 1. Accept inventory of trees on City -owned property. 2. Accept Tree Care Guide for City of Saratoga. 3. Adopt resolution establishing List of Approved Trees for Planting in the City's Street Rights of Way Report Summary: The City retained the Saratoga Tree Services to make a complete inventory of all trees on City -owned property. The inventory is computerized and can be listed by location, type, condition, need of care, etc. Although the final inventory was only recently accepted by the Parks and Recreation Commission, we have already utilized its data in budgeting and scheduling the most urgently needed work. We had Barry Coats put together a short guide for the care of trees. The guide includes pointers on planting, pruning, watering, etc. We plan to include funds in next year's budget to disseminate this guide to the residents. Barry also developed a City- approved Trees List for use in planting along City streets. City Code 15- 50.040(a) allows only trees from that list to be planted on street rights of way. The list is very comprehensive and clearly describes each tree's important characteristics. The list could also be distributed with the tree care guide. Fiscal Impacts: The tree inventory will improve the efficiencies of the maintenance, thus reducing its costs. The cost of distributing the care guide and the approved tree list will be requested in the budget for FY 1989 -90. Attachments: 1. Resolution li_ 2. Memorandum dated 12/27/88 Motion and Vote: RESOLUTION NO. RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SARATOGA ADOPTING A CITY - APPROVED TREE LIST WHEREAS, pursuant to Saratoga Municipal Code Section 15- 50.040(a) the City Council may adopt a list of trees allowed for street use, and WHEREAS, the City Council finds it appropriate to do so. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, that the attached Exhibit A shall constitute the approved list of all trees permitted for use as street trees in the City of Saratoga, and trees not appearing on the attached list shall not be permitted for use as street trees, unless specifically approved by the Planning Commission. The above and foregoing resolution was passed and adopted by the Saratoga City Council at a meeting held on the 4th day of January, 1989, by the following vote: AYES: NOES: ABSENT: Mayor ATTEST: Deputy City Clerk 1 :3777 FRUITVALE AVENUE • SARA'FOGA. CALIFORNIA 95070 008) 867- 34:3£3 MEMORANDUM TO: City Council DATE: 12/27/88 FROM: Parks and Recreation Commission SUBJECT: Tree Information Transmitted herewith are three recently completed documents concerning trees in the City. They are: 1. City -Owned Tree Inventory, 2. Tree Care Guide for the City of Saratoga, 3. City Approved Tree List. Horticulturist Barry Coates out together a recommended guide for the care of trees. The guide includes pointers on planting, pruning, watering, etc. Saratoga Tree Service was commissioned to conduct an inventory of all trees on publicly owned land in Saratoga. Each tree was inventoried and identified as to type, size, condition of tree, and the surrounding area was evaluated. The current budget for tree care is being expended to take care of what have been identified as high hazard trees. The inventory's "safety rating" will be utilized in future budgeting. We would like to include funds in next year's budget to out together a handbook or _pamphlet with the tree care information developed by Barry. We hope that with this information homeowners will aid in improving the quality of trees in Saratoga. Barry also developed a "City Approved Tree List ". The list identifies which trees are recommended for use in Saratoga along with their important characteristics, cultural preferences, tolerances, growth and planting information. The list is quite extensive and will help homeowners as well as developers in selecting the right tree for their use and which at some time will not cause them or the City problems. The Parks and Recreation Commission is transmitting these documents to Council recommending their approval and adoption of the tree list as submitted, to be included in City Code 15- 50.040:A. ., Secretary (D TREE INVENTORY FOR CITY OF SARATOGA Compiled by Saratoga Tree Service V -sn -t-y Number: qumnet LM9 0, RLI Orys'_ invenrorlea and Tagged. Yreq: ArsaE cameo on jist Measurement of trumo, Alnht; Height vi tres. survav Date. When tMe tPee waE'jookad at, with j,r 4uture,Eur,eys. 7) deritaA status: For the future recognition ano mrotection of old specimen Trees. S) dealth Eonditior: Where 1 la ero rexltny and - r! a.r death, D Eignities osaa. 9) VMS C-0-nd1t1M .1-jo Where 1 is Eafe, 5 A Ewtreme. 10) Tnite Status 1-5: Where 1 means Proper grade *no as on cement Covering root IMem, 5 si9nifias ;he wQrst PcaEible surface aonaitions or.gradE change, !I,' Yrnenc 1-5: 1 means no immediate news. I siqnjwje- urgent work mandatory. 12) Service !`e,4u.irementj: This Eection determines wmat 7esjz tO be done. and when, 7he degras of urgenc, is not here because that is iiEted in the m"evious section. Her - is where your staff can keen track Of wnat nay neen don`a, and what needs to be cone. 11) fidewal_L LlaaaEL MLS Wlil OEOISO the StCSq, Dqo". .the maintenance of walknays. 14) Future tamage E P e C t e d This is for determining 7he aEmage that may incor b; eysSive species. and show anere rcqr Pruninq may prevent costly repairs,. 15) commanr= Next Faqe: An A allnifiea any remarka that ma, V-� made an Particular Protlems not incloded in the an. -a rstrie�vl'xreas. CITY OWNED TREES AREA # LOCATION MARKER # CIVIC CENTER COMPLEX i City Hall 29 -57 2 Community Center 01 -28 3 Corporation Yard MEDIANS 4 Fruitvale Medians 58 -96 Saratoga thru Burgandy 5 Saratoga Avenue 701 -798 Fruitvale thru Kosich 6 Allendale 590 -597 Fruitvale thru Portos 7 Quito Road 691 -695 Across from Aspesi 8 Prospect Road 873 -1029 Bridge thru Titus Side sections South Side sections North 9 Saratoga \Sunnyvale 1030 -1173 Hwy 9 thru Blauer Side sections (across from high school Milievich thru Blauer Cox thru Manor) Saratoga \Sunnyvale Blauer thru railroad tracks PARKS 10 Congress Springs Park 229 -346 li Foothill Park 347 -367 12 Kevin Moran Park 368 -481 13 E1 Quito Park 101 -212 14 Brookglen Park 482 -498 15 Gardiner Park 801 -872 16 Wildwood Park 500 -589 17 Hakone Gardens 1174 -1240 1341 -1368 MISCELLANEOUS AREAS 18 Blaney & Memorial Plaza 213 -228 19 Street trees Big Basin 1274 -1299 1369 -1416 (3rd,4th, & 5th Streets) 1305 -1315 20 Library 601 -645 21 Historical Site 1326 -1340 (undeveloped) 1417 -1420. 22 Squirrel Hollow & Mendelsohn 97 -100 & Saratoga /Los Gatos Rd. 23 Parking District #1 1241 -1273 1316 -1325 24 Parking District #2 651 -677 -5 Azule Pathway 673 -687 "age 1 Area 1 Trees � � #_- ' Name Comm on Circ, Hqt. Juglans niqra Black walnut 63'' 10 Gledi+sia triacantnos Bunourst Locust �� � 30' 15' 31 G1editsia :riacantnos Sunburst Locust� 10" 15' 12 Juglans nitra Black Walnut u 70^ 35 33 61e0itsip triacanthos Sunburst Locust 10" 35 34 Quercus agrifolis Coast Live Oak 101` 45' 35 Quercus ilex Holly Oak 14" 10` 36 Lzquidambar styrRciflua Sweet Bum 36^ 40' 37 Liquidsmbar styraciflua Sweet Gum 24- 32' 38 Lzquidambar styraciflua Sweet Gum 15^ 25' 39 Quercus agrifolia Coast Live Oak Z4" B' 40 Quercus lobsts Valley Oak 32" 40' 41 Gleditmia triacarthos Sunburst Locust 34^ 30' 42 BleditsiR trzacanthos Sunburst Locust 42" 16 ' 43 6leditsia triacRnthos 3unburst Locust 28" 20^ 44 Magnolia grandiflora Southern Magnolia 12" 10' 45 Quercua agrzfoiia Coast Live Oak 48^ 26 46 Magnolia grandiflora Southern Magnolia 20^ 1s^ 47 Liquidambar styraciflua Sweet Gum 1t^ 36' 48 LiquidRmbar styraciflua Sweet Gum 27" 35' 45 Liq,uidambar st?'aciflua Sweet Gum 17" 3(-*, 50 LiquidRmbar styraciflua Sweet Bum 19^ 30 51 Liquidamoar vt�'`eciflua Sweet Gum 20^ 11' 52 Mayzenus boaria Mayten 50" 14 53 Olea europaea ]Live 40" 54 Di e� ��ropaea �iz~e - 55 Quercus iooat.; ',ai1e^ Oar. i20" 38' 56 Due^`cus aqrifaila CoaEt Live Oak 136" 45' 57 @ue,`cus aqrLIciia Coast Live Oak 213" 45' "age 1 01 ./4 05 05 07 08 09 l/) 11 i� 13 14 15 1a 17 1B 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 Z7 28 Area 2 Trees Name Juglans nigra Juqlans nigra Pinus canariensis Suglans migra Finus canariensis Liquidambar styraciflua Lzquidambar styraciflua Jugians nigra Juplans nigra Prunus lyonii Juglans nigra Juglans nigra, Magnolia grandiflora Juqlans nigra Juglans nigra Quercus agrifolla Quercus agrifolia Acacia baileyana Prunus lyoniz Geijera parviflora Juglans nigra Quercus aqrifolia Eucalyptus nicolii Eucalyptus nicolii Eucalyptus nicolii Robina pseudoacacia Acacia melanoxylon Robina pseudoacacia Common Circ. Hqt Black Walnut Black Walnut Canary Island Pine 6iack Walnut Canary Island Pine Sweet Gum Sweet Gum Black Walnut Black Walnut Catalina Cherry Black Walnut Black Walnut Southern Magnolia Black Walnut Black Walnut Coast Live Oak Coast Live Oak Bailey Acacia Catalina Cherry Australian Willow Black Walnut Coast Live 0m: Willow Leaf Eucalyptus Willow Leaf Eucalyptus Willow Leaf Eucalyptus Black Locust Black Acacia Black Locust Pege 1 62" 72" 57^ 63" 4 19^ 48'' 49" 80" 90" 30" 6"^ 25" 74" 55^ 35" S. 49" 11" 30 30 38 32 30 Z5 14 35 1� .0o 24' 31' 34' 36' 40' 18' 10' 16' 35' 36' 40' 28 30' 15' 8 Fage 1 Area 4 Trees # Name Common Circ. Hqt, 58 Cedrus deodara Deodar Cedar 62^ 45 59 Cedrus deodara Deodar Cedar 58" 45' 60 Cedrus deodara Deodar Cedar 48" 45' 61 Cedrus deodara Deodar Cedar 57" 50' 62 Cedrus aeodara Deodar Cedar 62" 50' ' M Cedrus deodara Deodar Cedar 58" 50 64 Cedrus deodara Deodar Ceoar 51^ 50' 65 Cedrus deodara Dhodar Cedar 55^ 50 16 Quercus agrifolia Coast Live Oak 34^ 34' 67 Cedrus deodaka Deodar Cedar 56' 50 68 [eorus deodara Deodar Cedar 67" 50' 69 Quercus agrifolia Coast Live Oak 36" 20 70 Quercus agrifolia Coast Live Oak 43" 20' r1 Quercus aqrifolia [oast Live Oak 24" 10 : 72 Quercus egrifolia Coast Live Oak 12" 15' 73 Quercus agrifolia Coast Live Oak 18^ 10' 74 Quercus ilex Holly Oak 6" 8' 75 Quercus agrifolia Coast Live Oak 18^ 12' 76 Quercus agriiolis Coast Live Oak 24" 15' 77 Quercus agrifolia Coast Live Oak 14" 10' 78 Quercua agrifolia Coast Live Oak Rem.' Rem. 79 Eucalyptus torquata Coral Gum 151" 25' 80 Eucalyptus torguata Coral Gum 66" 20' 81 Eucalyptus pulchella White Eucalyptus B9" 55 82 Quercus agrifolia Coast Live Oak 50" 20' 83 Phoenix doctyfilera Date Palm 99" 35 84 Phoenix doctylifera Date Palm 104" 35' 85 Schinmus molle California Penper 90^ 30 8b QUercus agrifolia Coast Live Oak 186" 65' 87 Quercus lobata Valley Oak 137" 60' 88 Quercus lobat'a Valley Oak 96" 55' 89 Quercus lobata Valley Oak 99" 15 90 Quercus lobata Valley Oak 106" 60' 91 Quercus lobata Valley Oak 89" 48' 92 Quercus lobata Valley Oak 125" 69' 93 Quercus lobata Valley Oak 92^ 50' 94 Quercus lobata Valley Oak 66^ 30' 95 Quercus lobata Valley Oak 107" 45 96 Acacia baileyana Bailey Acacia 24^ 20' Fage 1 Area 5 Trees Num. — Na CjrI!. Hqt' 701 Liquidambar styraciflua 11" 70 ,02 Liquidambar Styraciflua 703 Liquidambar styraclflua �'' ��4 Liquidamoar styraciflua 14" 20' 7i'5 Liquidambar styraczfIu, 17" 25' �06 Liquidambar styraciflua 43" 25 707 Prunus cerasifers 30' 708 Prunus cerasifera 18^ 709 PrunuE cerasifera 14" 10' 710 Prunus cerasifera 9" l('' 711 Frunum cerawifera �' 712 713 Prunus s cerasifera 121' Quer cus aqrzfolia 714 Prunus cerasifera 21" 9" 15' 715 Prunus cerasifera 12' 716 Quercus ilex 7" 12' 717 Quercus ilex 19" 12' 718 Prunus cerasufera 13" 24" 8' 719 Quercus ilex " 15' 720 Ouercua ilex 10' 721 Q uercus i le x 10" 10" 12' 722 Quercus ilex 30" 20' 723 Quercus ilex 4^ 10' 724 Quercus ilex 10" 8' 725 Quercus ilex 52" 30' 726 31" 20' Quercus ilex 38" 727 Quercus ilex 25' 722 LiquiCambar styraciflua 48" 22" 3(! 729 Liquidambar styr�ciflua -�'�-�^'^�= 31^ 30' 25' 736 731 .Liquidambar s^yraciflua 18" 30' Liquidamber styraciflua 33'' 732 Liquidambar styraciflua I8" 35 �33 Liquidambar styraciflua 28" 25' 734 Liquidambar styraciflua 21" 30. 735 Quercus ilex 37" 25. 736 Liquidambar s t 26" 25 737 Liquidambar tyraciflua s 25' 738 Liqui�ambayraciflua r s t yracaiaflua Z6" 17" 25 739 prunu s ceranfera 10" Z0' 740 Prunus cerasifera 14^ 8' 741 Prunus cerasifera 16" 10 742 Quercus ilex 10' 743 Quercus ilex 4" 10' 744 Quercus ilex &^ 8' 745 Liquidambar Styraciflua 23" 34" 1 5' 746 Liquidambar styraciflua 31" 30' 747 Liquidambar styraciflua 29" 30' 748 Liquidambar straciflus y 19" 30 �49 Quercus ilex - 20 750 Quercus ilex ��" 74" 15 751 Q uercus �lex 30' 752 Quercus ilex 19" 12 53" 25' Page 1 ` Area 5 Tree!� Num. Na e Circ. Hqt. 753 Quercus ilex 61" 25 754 Liquioambar styraciflua 29' 30 755 Liquidambar styraciflua 35" 3� 756 Liquidambar styraciflua 31" 25' 757 Liquidambar styraciflua 16" 20' 758 Liquidambar styraciflua 23" 25' 759 Quercus ilex 45" 20 760 Quercus ilex 47" ' 2 '} _ .61 Quercus ilex 38" 2') 762 Quercus ilex 56" 25 763 Prunus cerasifera 22'' 10 764 Prunus cerasifera 14" 8' 765 Prunus cerasifera 15" 7' 766 Prunus cerasifera 15" 10' 767 Prunus cerasifera 13" 10' 768 Prunus cerasifera 11" 8' 769 PrunuE cerasifera 20" 10' 770 Prunus cerasifera 10" 10' 771 Prunus cerasifera 21^ 12' 772 Prunus cerasifera 26" 12' 773 Prubus cerasifera 22" 12' 774 Prunus cerasifera 12" 10' 775 Prunus cerasifera 51" 10' 776 Prunus cerasifera 19" 8' 777 Prunus cerasifera 22" 10' 778 Prunus cerasifera 22" 8' 779 Prunus cerAsifers 25" 8' 780 Prunus cerasifera 1q'' 10' 781 Liquidambar styraciflua 22" 15' 782 Liquidambar styraciflua 22" 20' 783 Liquidambar styraciflua 24" 20' 784 Liquidambar styraciflua 23" 15' 7B5 Liquidambar styraciflua 22" 15 786 Liquidambar styraciflua 29" 20 787 Liquidambar styraciflua 26" 20' 788 Liyuidambar styraciflua 24" 20' 789 Liquidambar styraciflua 28" 12' 790 Liquidambar styraciilua 21" 15' 791 Liquidambar styraciflua 26" 15' 792 Liquidambar styraciflua 26" 18' 793 Liquidambar styraciflua 23" 18' 794 Quercus ilex 54" 25' 795 Liquidambar styraciflua 38" 30 796 Liquidambar styraciflua 20" 20' 797 Liquidambar styraciflua 31^ 2V 798 Liquidambar styraciflua 27" 20' Page 2 Area 6 Trees Num. Name Common NaAe Cir2c. Hqt,- 590 Melaleuca Paperbark 43" 15 591 Melaleuca Paperbark 46" 18' 592 Melaleuca Paperbark 40^ 12' 593 Melaleuca Paperbark 48" 15' 594 melaieuca Paperbark 48^ 15 595 Melaleuca Paperbark 45" 10' 596 Melaleuca PaPerbark 39" 12' 597 Melaleuca Faperbark 52" 15 Page 1 ` Area 7 Trees Num. -Name 691 Tristania conferta 632 Tristania conferta 693 Tristania conferta 694 Tristania conferta 695 Tristania conferta page i Common Name Circ, Hqt Tristania rristania 5" -- 12' Tristania 5" 12' TriEtania 5" 12' Tristania 5" 12' Area 8 Trees _1#__ Name Common L�irc.' H�t.- 1000 Pinus radiata Montersy Pine 00" 45 1001 Pinus radiata Monterey Fine 72" 50' L002 Finus radiata Monterey Pine 51" 45 1001 Finus radiata Monterey Pine 42" 25' 1004 Pinus radiata Monterey Pine 72^ 25' W05 Pinus radiata Monterey Pine 44'' 25' 1006 Finus radiata Monterey Pine 48" 25 1007 Pinus radiata Monterey Pine 48" 25' 1008 Pinus radiata Monterey Pine 20^ 7' 1009 Pinus radiata Monterey Pine 67" 2"' 1010 PinuE radiata Monterey Pine 20" 20' 1011 Pinus radiata Monterey Pine 64" 25' 1012 Pinus radiata Monterey Pine 48^ 25 1013 Pinus radiata Monterey Pine 40" 25' 1014 Pinus radiata Monterey Pine 78" 25' 1015 Pinus radiata Monterey Pine 20" 20' 1016 Cupressus glabra Smooth Arizona Cypress 24" 20' 1017 Cupressus glabra Smooth Arizona Cypress 25" 25' 1018 Cupressus glabra Smooth Arizona Cypress 37° 25' 1019 Cupressus glabra Smooth Arizona Cypress 18" 25' 1020 Cupressus glabra Smooth Arizona Cypress 47" &5' 1021 Eupressus glabra Smooth Arizona Cypress 38" 25' 1022 Cupressus glabra' Smooth Arizona Cypress 25" 25 1023 Cupressus glabra Smooth Arizona Cypres, 48" 25' 1024 Cupressus glabra Smooth Arizona Cypress� 24^ 20' 1025 Cupressus glabra Smooth Arizona Cypress 42" 25' 1026 Pinus radiata Monterey Pine 27" 25 1027 Sequoia sempervirens Coast Reowood 24" 18' 102B Pinus radiata Monterey Pine 24" 25' 1029 Pinus radiata Monterey Pine 28" 25' 873 Quercus aqrifolia Coast Live Oak 08^ 35' 874 Sequoia sempervirens Coast Redwood 64^ 20' 875 Sequoia sempervirens Coast Redwood W^ 20' 876 Sequoia sempervirens Coast Redwood 60^ 25 B77 Sequoia sempervirens Coast Redwood 59^ 25' 878 Sequoia sempervirens Coast Redwood 34^ 25' 879 Sequoia sempervirens Coast Redwood 54^ 25 880 Robina pseudoacacza Black Locust 34^ 25' 881 Sequpia sempervirens Coast Redwood 00^ 25' 882 Sequoia sempervirens Coast Redwood 80^ 25 883 Juqlans nigra Black Walnut 33^ 25' 824 Pinus radiata Monterey Pine 4" 10' 285 Pinus radiata Monterey Pine 4^ 5' 88b Sequoia sempervirens Coast Redwood 85^ 25' 887 Robinia pseudoacacia Black Locust 34" 25 8B8 Sequoia sempervirens Coast Redwood 72^ 25'' 889 Sequoia sempervirens Coast Redwood 57^ 25' 890 Sequoia sempervirens ' Coast Redwood 48^ 25' 891 Sequoia sempervirens Coast Redwood 63" 25 892 Sequoia sempervirens Coast Redwood 66" 25' 853 Pinus radiata Monterey Pine 100" 25 W4 Pinus nigra Austrian Black Pine 40^ 20' Page l Area 8 Trees _#_- Name Common Circ. Hqt. 895 Sequoia sempervirens Coast Redwood 64'' 25 996 Sequoia sempervirens Coast Redwood 60" 25 897 Sequoia sempervirens Coast Radwood 58^ 25 G98 Sequoia sempervirens Coast Redwood 37" 25' 899 Sequoia sempervirens Coast Redwood 60^ 25' 900 Sequoia sempervzrem Coast Redwood 63" 25' 901 Sequoia sempervirens Coast Redwood 76' 25' 902 Sequoia sempervirens Coast Redwood 45' 25' 903 Robina Pseudoacacia Black Locust 27" 25 904 Sequoia sempervirens Coast Redwood 64`' 25' q05 Sequoia sempervirens Coast Redwood 18" 21 906 Sequoia sempervirens Coast Redwood 51" 25' 907 Sequoia sempervire"s Coast Redwood 3a" 25 q08 Pznus raoiata Monterey Pine 33" 25' 900 Robina pseudoacacia Black Locust 34" 22' 910 Sequoia sempervirens Coast Redwood 70" 25' 911 Sequoia sempervirens Coast Redwood 36" 25 912 Sequoia sempervirens Coast Redwood 86^ 25' 913 Sequoia sempervirens Coast Redwood 40" 25' 914 Sequoia sempervirens [oast Redwood 56^ 25' 915 Sequoia sempervirens Coast Redwood 50" 25' 916 Sequoia sempervirens Coast Redwood t0" 25' 917 Sequoia sempervirens Coast Redwood 70" 25' p1B Quercus ilex Holly Oak 9" 8' 919 Quercus ilex Holly Oak 20" m q20 Quercus ilex Holly Oak 24' 27' 021 Quercus ilex Holly Oak 14' 15' 922 Quercus ilex Holly Oak 31 7' 923 Quercus ilex Holly Oak 4" 8' q24 Quercus ilex Holly Oak 26" 25 925 Quercus ilex Holly Oak 18" 17' 926 Quercus ilex Holly Oak 29" 27' 927 Quercus ilex Holly Oak: 22' 15' 928 Quercus ilex Holly Oak 25" 20 929 Quercus ilex Holly Oak 6" 8' 930 Quercus ilex Holly Oak G. 8' 931 Quercus ilex Holly Oak i4' 15' 932 Quercus ilex Holly Oak 24" 1B' 933 Quercus ilex Holly Oak 6" 9' 934 Quercus ilex Holly Oak 12 10' 935 Quercus ilex Holly Oak 4" G' 936 Quercus ilex Holly Oak 1s" 1W 937 Quercus ilex Holly Oak 37" 30 ' 938 Quercus ilex Holl, Oak 27^ 30' 939 Quercus ilex Ho1lv Oak LB^ 18' 940 Quercus ilex Hall y Oak 18^ 15' 941 Quercus ilex Holly Oak B' 942 Quercus ilex Holly Oak 31" 30' 943 We,`cus ilex Holly Oak 24" 30 944 Quercus iiex Holly Oak 26'' 2V 945 Quercus ilex Holly Oak a" 8' 546 Quercus agrifolia Coast Liae Oa:. 6" E Page 2 Area 8 Trees _# _ Name Common Circ. H,qt. 947 Quercus ilex H0114 Oak 32" 27' 948 Quercus ilex Holk Oak 24" 949 Quercus ilex Hs1ly Oa: 27" 30' 25 ; 950 Querc us i1 w,- Holly Oak 3B" 3D' 951 Quercus Ilex Hollu Oak 2" 7 952 Quercus il�ex Holly Oak 3�" 30' 953 Quercus Llex Ho11y Oak 22'' 30' 954 Quercus ilex Holly Oak 26" 23' 955 Quercus 1 1 e x Holly ON: 1o^ 1� 956 Quercus ile° Holly Oak 15" 15' 957 Quercus ilex Holly Oak I" 7 95B Quercus ilex Holly Oak 15" 959 Cupressus macrocaroa Monterey Cypress 40" 15' 30' 900 Cupressus macrocarpa Monterey Cypress 40" 30' 961 Pinus radiata Monterey Pine 26" 17' 962 Pinus raciata Monterey erey Pi ne 74" 38' 963 Pseudotsuga menziesii Douglas Fir ' 18" 18' 964 Juglans regia English Walnut 36^ 18' 965 Jugians niqra Black Walnut 40" 20' 966 Pseudotsuqa menziesii Douglas Fir 42" 35' qb7 Pinus radiata Monterey Pine 26" 25' 968 Quercus agrifolia Coast Live Oak 64" 30' 960 Cupressus 91aora Smooth Arizona CypresE 41" 25 970 Cupressus glabra Smooth Akizona [ypress 39" 23 971 Cupressus glabra Smooth Arizona Cypress 33" 27' 572 Pinus radiata Monterey Fine 3" 6' 973 CupressuE glabra Smooth Arizona Cypress 43" 27' 974 Cupressus glabra Smooth Arizona Cypress 2B" 24' 9�5 Pinus radiata Monte rev r y Pi ne 54" 40' 97± Pinus radiata Monterey Pine 54" 35' 977 Pinus radiata Monterey Pine 48" 40' 97B Pinus radiata Monterey Pine 42^ 30' 979 Pinus radiata Monterey Pine 30" 20' 980 Pinus radiata Monterey Pine 56" 50' 981 Pseudotsuqa menziesii Douglas Fir 20^ 2`}' 982 Pseudotsuga menziesii Douglas Fir 29^ 25' 983 Pseudotsuqa menziesii Douglas Fir, 1Q^ 20' 984 Prunus domestica European Plum 28" 17' 985 Cupressus glabra Smooth Arizona Cypress 110" 40' 986 Cupressus glabra Smooth Arizona Cypress 41^ 23' 987 Cupressus glabra Smooth Arizona Qepress 75" 40' 988 Cupressus glabra Smooth Arizona Cypress 36" 27' 989 Pinus niqra Austrian Black Pine 28" 20 990 Cupressus glabra Smooth Arizona Cypress 40" 27' q91 Cupressus glabra Smooth Arizona Cypress 38" 30 092 [upressus glabra Smooth Arizona Cypress 48" 30' 993 Eucalyptus poLyanthemos Silver Dollar Sum - 5^ 10' 994 Cupressus qlabra Smooth Arizona Cypress 30" 20' 995 Cupressus glabra Smooth Arizona Cypresa 20^ 17' 996 Cupressus glabra Smooth Arizona Cypress 48" s0 "97 Cupressus qlaors Smooth Arizona Cypress 64" 10' 998 Cupressus glabra Smooth Arizona Cypresa 30^ 25' Page 3 Area 8 Trees COMmon # . 999 Cupressus Smooth �pres� PERge 4 Area 9 Trees Num.' Name Cimmon Cj�rc. H�1�, 1030 Quercus aqrifolia Coast Live Oak 117" 37' 1031 Quercus lobata Valley Oak 96" 50' 1032 Quercus lobata Valley Oak 132" 45' 1033 Quercus agrifolia Coast Live Oak G6'' 45' 1034 Prunus cerasifera Purple Flowering Plum 15" 14 1035 Prunus cerasifera Purple Flowering Plum 18" 15' 1036 Prunus cerssifera Purple Flowering Plum 18" 15' 1037 Casuarina equisetifolia Porsetail Bee4wood 22" 20' 1038 Casuarina equiEetifolie Horsetail Beefwood 26" 2S' 1039 Casuarina equisetifolia Horsetail Beefwood 15" 9' 1040 Casuarina equisetifolia Horsetail Beefwood 22^ 73' 1041 CaEuarina equisetifolia Horsetail Beefwood 15^ 18' 1042 Casuarina equisetifolia Horsetail 8eefwood 24" 25 1043 Casuarina equisetifolia Horsetail Beefwood 44" 25' 1044 Casuarina equisetifolia Horsetail 8eeYwood 22" 25' 1045 Casuarina equiseti*olia Horsetail Beefwood 36" 33' 1046 Prunus cerasifera Purple Flowering Plum 12" 12' 1047 Prunus cerasifera Purple Flowering Plum 12" 15' 1048 Prunus cerasifers Purple Flowering Plum 9" 12' 1049 Prunus ceraEifera Purple Flowering Plum 12" 15' 1050 Prunus cerasifera Purple Flowering Plum 17" 15' 1051 Casuarina equisetifolia Horsetail Beefwood 24" 25' 1052 Casuarina equiseti4o1ia Horsetail Beefwood 27" 30 1053 Casuarina equisetifolia Horsetail Beefwood 33" 30' 1054 Prunus cerasifera Purple Flowering Plum 15" 15' 1055 Prunus ceraEifer�? Purple Flowering Plum 15" 14' 1056 Prunus cerasifera Purple Flowering Plum 14^ 14' 1057 Casuarina equisetifolia Horsetail Beefwood 21" 22' 1056 Casuarina equisetifolia Horsetail Beefwood 38^ 35' 1059 Casuarina equisetifolia Horsetail Beefwood 45" 45 1060 Casuarina equisetifolia Horsetail Beefwood 30" 27' 1061 Casuarina equisetifolia Horsetail Beefwood 36" 33' 1062 Prunus cerasifera Purple Flowering Plum 14" 15 1063 Prunus cerasifera Purple Flowering Plum 17" 14' 1064 Casuarina equisetifolia Horsetail Beefwood 34" 30' 1065 Casuarina equisetifolia Horsetail Beefwood 19'' 22' 1066 Casuarina equisetifolia Horsetail Beefwood 30^ 27' 1067 Prunus ceragifera Purple Flowering Plum 1t^ 15' 1068 Prunus cerasifera Purple Flowering Plum 15" 17 1069 Prunus cerasifera Purple Flowering Plum 15" 14' 1070 Prunus domestica Fruited Plum 23" 17' 1071 Prunus cerasifera Purple Flowering Plum 10" 12' 1072 Casuarina equisetifolia Horsetail 8ee4wood I6" i5 1073 Casuarina equisetifolia Horsetail Beefwood 27^ 23' 1074 Casuarina equisetifolia Horsetail Beefwood 51" 15 1075 Casuarina equiaeti%lia Horsetail Beefwood 44" 40 1076 Casuarina equisetifolia Horsetazl Beefwood 26^ 28' 1077 Prunus cerasifera Purple Flowering Plum M^ 15' 1078 P~unus cerasifera Purple Flowering Plum i5` it 1'}75 Prur'us carasifere Purple Flowering Plum 12^ LOW F!,`us vawakamzi Flowering Pear .7" 12� 1061 Pyrus kawakamii Flowering Plar 7'/ 12' Page 1 Area 9 Trees NUum. Name Common Name Circ. Hqt. 1082 Pyrus kawakamii Flowering Pear 2" 15 1083 Pyrus kawakamii Flowering Pear S. 15' 1084 Pyrus kawakamii Flowering F'ear, 61 15' 1085 Pnotinia fraseri Photinia 5'' 12' L086 Fhctinia fraseri Photinia 1'' i2' 1087 Photinia fraseri Photini-a 3" 12' 1CB8 Pyrus kawakamii Flowering Pear g' 15' 1089 Pyrus kawakamii Flowering Pear 7" 15' 1090 Pyrus kawakamii Flowering Pear, B. 15' 1091 Pyrus kawakamii Flowering Fear 7'' 15' 1092 Pyrus kawakamii Flowering Pear 7" 15' 1093 Pyrus kawakamii Flowering Pear 7'' 15' 1094 Pyrus kawakamii Flowering Pear 7" 17' 1095 PyruE kawakamii Flowering Pear 7" 15' 1096 Pyrus kawakamii Flowering Pear 8" 1V 1097 pyrus kawakamii Flowering Pear 9" 15' 1098 Pyrus kawakamii Flowering Peat- 9" 17' 1099 PMotinia fraseri Photinia 6" 10' 1100 Photinia fraseri Photi nza 7" 12' 1101 Photinia fraaeri Photinia 4" 10' 1102 P�hotinia fraseri Rhotinia 5^ 10' 1103 Pnotinia frsseri Photznia 2" 8' 1104 Photinia fraseri Fnotinka 4^ i'} 1105 Pyrus kawaxamlz Flowering Rear 7'' 15' 1101 Pyrus kawakami;. Fiowerzng Fear 7" 17 1107 Fyrus kawakamzz Flowering Pear 7" 17' 1L08 Pyrus kawapsmii Flowering Fear 7^ 15' 1209 Pyrus kawakamii Flowering Pear 7" 17'� 1110 Pyrus kawakamii Flowering Pear 3^ 10' 1111 Pyrus kawakamii Flowering Pear 11' 1112 Pyrus kawakamii Flowering Pear 7" 12' 1113 Photinia fraseri Photinia 2" 10' 1114 Photinia fraseri Photinia 2" 10' 1115 Photinia fraseri Photinia o nza 3" 10' 1116 Pinus radiata Monterey Pine 3B" 30' 1117 Pinus radiata Monterey Pine 40" 40' 1118 Pinus radiata Monterey Pine 3=^ 3B' 1119 Cedrus deodara Deodar Cedar 30^ 30' 1120 Cedrus deodara Deodar Cedar 30^ 40 1121 Acacia decurrens dealbata Silver Wattle 62^ 25' 1122 Schinus molle Pepper m0^ 20' 1123 Quercus agrifolia Coast Live Oak 60^ 35' 1124 Acacia decurrens dea1bata -Si.lver Wattle 60" 45 1125 Myoporum laetum Myoporum 36" 23' 1126 Quercus aqrifolia Coast Live Oak 56^ 35' 1127 Myoporum laetum Myoporum 44" 25' 1129 QuercuE agrifolia [oast Live ON:: 122" 40` 1129 Juglins nigra Black Walnut 64" 25' 1130 Jgqlans niqra Black Walnut 57" 25 1131 Juglans nigra. Black Walnut 44" 25' 1132 Juqlans niqra Black Walnut 45" 25' 1173 Pinus radiata Monterey Pine 22" 20 Page 2 Area 9 Trees Num. Name Common ' Circ. Hqt. 1134 Jugians nigra BlacK Walnut 54" 25' 1135 Eucalyptus globulous Blue Gum 60" 40' 1136 Juqlans nigra Black Walnut 41" 25 1137 Juglans nigra Black Walnut 32^ 20' 1138 Juq1ans nigra Black Walnut 36" 23' 1139 Juglans nigra Black Walnut 27" ow 1140 Juqlans nigra Black Walnut 34" 20 1141 Pinus pinea Italian Stone Pine 31" 15' 1142 Pinus pinea Italian Stone Pine 32" 17' 1143 Juglans nigra Black Walnut 33" 20' 1144 Juqlans niqra Black Walnut 34" 24 1145 Juglans nigra Black Walnut 64" 2B' 1146 Cedrus dewara Deodar Cedar 39" 27' 1147 Cedrus deodara Deodar Cedar 58" 30' 1146 Gad-us deodara Deodar Cedar 55" 30' 1149 [edrus deodara Deodar Cedar 38" 25' 1150 Cedrus deodara Deodar Cedar 48" 30' 1151 Quercus agrifolia Coast Live Oak 38" 20' 1152 Pinus radiata Monterey Pine 30^ 23' 1153 Prunus cerasifera Purple Flowering Plum 30" 20' 1154 Grevillea robusta Silk Oak 51" 40' 1155 Brevillea robusta Silk Oak 74" 40' 1156 G'revillea robusta Silk Oak 73" 40' 1157 Quercus agrifolia Coast Live Oak 42" 25' 1158 Prunus cerasifera Purple Flowering Plum 24" 17 1159 Prunus cerasifera Purple Flowering Plum 22" 15' 1160 Prunus cerasifera Purple Flowering Plum 12^ 10' 1161 Prunus cerasifera Purple Flowering Plum 15" 17' 1162 Acer saccnarinum Silver Maple 36" 25' 1163 Prunus cerasifera PUrple Flowering Plum 18" 15' 1164 Prunus cerasifera Purple Flowering Plum 1B" 15' 1165 Prunus cerasifera Purple Flowering Plum 25" 25 1166 Prunus cerasifera Purple Flowering Plum 17" 17' 1167 Quercus agrifolia Coast Live Oak 33^ 20' 1168 Frunus cerasifera Purple Flowering Plum 13" 15' 1169 Prunus cerasifera Purple Flowering Plum 15" 15' 1170 Quercus agrifolia Coast Live Oak 51" 30' 1171 Prunus cerasifera Purple Flowering Plum 15^ A. 1172 Prunus cerasifera Purple Flowering Plum 24" 17' 1173 Prunus cerasifera Purple Flowering Plum 14^ 16' P age I Area 10 Trees Num. Name Common Name Circ, Hat. 225 Melaleuca Paperberk 230 Melaleuca Paperbark 18" 10 231 Melaleuca Paperbark 18" 10' 232 Melalsuca Paperberk 17" B' 273 Pistacia chinensiE Chinese Ristache 6" 9' 234 Pistacia chinensis Chinese Pistache 4^ 8 235 Pistacia Chinensis Chinese Pistache 236 Pistacia Chinensis Chinese Pistache 237 PLstacia Chinensis Chinese Pistache 12" 1') 238 Pistacia Chinensis Chinese Pistache 18^ 15 239 Fraxinus ornus Ra�wood Ash 6" 9' 240 Fraxinus ornus Raywood Ash 6^ B' 2011 F~a^inus ornm Raywood Ash 6" 9' 242 Fraxinus ornus Raywood Ash 18" 25' 243 F,`axinus ornus Raywood Ash 14" 22' 244 Fra^inus ornus Raywood Ash 19" 22' 245 Fraxinus ornus Raywood Ash 14" 209' 246 Fraxinus ornus Raywood Ash 12" 17' 247 Fraxinus ornuE Raywood Ash 6" 9' 248 Fraxinus ornm Raywood Ash 14" 20' 249 Fraxinus ornus Raywood Ash 14" 23' 250 Fraxinus ornus Raywood Ash 13" 15' 251 Fraxinus ornus Raywood Ash 18" 21' 252 Fraxinus ornus Raywood Ash 15" 21' 253 Fraxinus ornus Raywood Ash 4" B' 254 Fraxinus rax nus ornus Raywood Ash 4" 3' 255 Fraxinus ornus Raywood Ash 4" G' 256 Morus albs "fruitless" Fruitless Mulberry 7" W 257 Morus alba "fruitless" Fruitless Mulberry 6" B' 258 Morus alba "fruitless" Fruitless Mulberry 4^ 8' 2W Morus alba "fruitless" Fruitless Mulberr^ 7" 8' 260 Morus alba "fruitless" Fruitless Mulberry� 7" 2' 261 Morus alba "fruitless" Fruitless Mulberry B. 9' 262 Morus alba "fruitless" Fruitless Mulberry 5" 8' 263 Morus alba "fruitless" Fruitless Mulberry 7" 9' 264 Morus alba "fruitless" Fruitless Mulberry 7^ 265 Morus alba "fruitless" Fruitless Mulberry 9" 9' 266 Morus alba "fruitless" Fruitless Mulberry 8" 7' 267 Morus alba "fruitless" Fruitless Mulberry 7" 8' 268 Morus alba "fruitless" Fruitless Mulberry 7" 7' 269 Morus alba "fruitless" Fruitless Mulberry 1T" 1O 270 Morus alba "fruitless" Fruitless Mulberry 6" B' 271 Morus alba "fruitless" Fruitless Mulberry 7^ 8' 272 Morus alba "frurtleEs" Fruitless Mulberry 5" 7' 273 Morus alba "fruitless" Fruitless Mulberry 7" 7* 274 Pistacia chinensis Chinese Piatache 3" 8' 275 Piptacia chinenszs Chinese Pistache 6" 9' 276 Piltacza chinensis Chinese Pistache 4" 9' 277 PiEtacia chznensis Chinese Fistache 5" 8 27B Morus alba "fruitless" Fruitless Mulberry 4'' 8' 27P Morus alba "fruitless" Fruitless Mulberry 5" 9 280 Morus alba "fruitless" Fruitless Mulberry 4" 7' Page z Area 10 Trees Num.- Name Common Name Circ. H� . 281 Pistacia cminensis Chinese Pistache 282 Pistacia chinensis Chinese Pistache 223 Morus Uba "fruitless" Fruitless Mulberry 5" 7 264 Morus alba "fruitless" Fruitless Mulberry 4" 7' 285 Morus aiba "fruitless" FruitlesE Mulberry 5" 8' 286 Pistacia chinensis Chinese Fistache 3" 7' 287 Pistacia chinensis Chinese Pistache 5" 6 288 Fraxinus ornus Raywood Ash ywoo � B" 7' 289 Fraxinus ornus RAwood Ash 5" �� 290 Fra4inus ornus Ra4wo.d Ash q" B' 291 Fraxin us ornus Ra4wood Ash 9" � 292 Fraxinus ornus ' Raywood Ash 12" z1 293 Fraxinus ornus Ravwood Ash ;^ 10 294 Fraxinus ornus Raywood Ash 20" 20' 295 FraxMus ornus Raywood Ash 12" 1W 296 Fraxinus ornus Raywood Ash 19" 20' 297 Fraxinus ornus Raywood Ash 5^ 8' 298 Fraxinus ornus Raywood Ash 18" 20' 299 Fraxinus ornus Raywood Ash 1G^ 20' 300 Fraxinus ornuH Raywood Ash 14" 17' 301 Fraxinusornus Raywood Ash 19^ 20' 302 Fraxinus ornus Raywood Ash 5" 10' 303 Fraxinus ornus Raywood Ash 5" 10 304 Fraxinus ornus Raywood Ash 5" 10 305 Fraxinus ornus Raywood Ash 5^ B 306 Fraxinus ornus Raywood Ash 5" 9' 307 Fraxinus ornus Raywood Ash �woo s 5'' L('' 308 Fraxinus ornus Raywood Ash 5" 10 ' 309 F~axinus ornus Raywood Ash 5" 8' 310 Pistacia chinensis Chinese Pistacne 6" 10' 311 Fraxinus ornus Raywood Ash' 1s" 15' 312 Fraxinus ornus Raywood Ash 17" 18' 313 Fraxinus ornus Raywood Ash ` 11" 13' 314, Fraxinus ,ornus Raywood Ash 12" 16' 315 Fraxinus ornus Raywood Ash 6" 11' 316 Fraxinus ornus Raywood Ash 6" 11' 317 Pistacia chinensis Chinese Ristache 4" 7 318 Pistacia chinensis Chinese Pistache 6^ 12' 319 Beaucarnea recurvata Bottle Tree 10^ 8' 320 Beaucarnea recurvata Bottle Tree 14^ 10' 321 Beaucarnea recurvata Bottle Tree 14" 10 322 Pistacia chinensis Chinese Pistashe 5" 9' 323 Beaucarnea recur,ate Bottle Tree 13^ 9' 324 Beaucarnea recurvata Bottle Tree 12" 8' 325 Beaucarnea recurvata Bottle o e T ree 9" 8' 326 Beaucarnea recurvata Bottle Tree S. 8' 327 Beaucarnea recurvata Bottle Tree 12" 10' 328 Pistacia chinensis Chinese Fistache 3" lW 329 Pistacla chinensis Chinese Pisrache 7" ik.:. 330 Beaucarnea recurvata Bottle Tree lZ" 12 331 Beaucarnea recurvata 8ott,le Tree 11" 10 332 Beaucarnea recurvata Bottle Tree 8" 8 Page 2 Area 10 Trees Num. Nam e Common Name -�—� 333 8eauc�rnea recurvata ��rc� - 334 Beaucarn e ''`ee �. 335 Beauc.arne� recur»ata �sttie Tree �' � -R r'ecur^a�a �e�uc�rne =� recur a c i a chinensis �hinese � 3�� �ist ac�� ch�nen ... .s Fistacne I �3� Querc�s nese zst�c�e � ag,`zf�i�a - � �41 �oast Li�e Oak �'�e~c�`s agr�fsiia �uercu� �grifolia �4� Mela1euc� �oast Re�wood lq" l� �44 Melsle�ca erba �s�rk l�" l.)' 345 Melaleuca �aperbark l6" l�' 34� ��laleuc� Paper��rk 2" l0' Pa�erbark P�qe � Area 11 Trees Num. Name 347 sequoia sempervirenE 348 Quercus agrifolia 349 Quercus agrifolia 550 Quercus aqrifo1ia 151 Ouercus l9riTolze 352 Quercus aqrifoiia 351 Quercus agrifolia 254 Sequoia EeMervLrens 355 Quercus agrifolia 057 Cupresms marcocarpa 358 Cumreslus marcocarpa 759 Sequoia semPer"zrens 300 fWercus agrifolia 361 Sequoia semper^irens 312 Sequoia sempervirens 163 jequoia' semper"irens 164 5equoia Eemper/zrens 365 Cupressus marcocarpa 366 Cupressus marcocarpa 367 Cumressus marcocarpa Poqe 1 Hqt' ----- [oast Redwood Coast Live Oak 19" it Coast Wi,e Oak 30" 20 ' Coast Live Oak 18" 17 CoaHt Live oak CcaEt Li`e 19, it oak [oest Live Oak 25` 12" i5 10 [oast Redwood 17" 15' Coast Live Qak 22' 17 Monte,`ey ['preEs 30" if Monterey Cypress 21'' 15' Coast Redwood 26" 23 Coast Live Oak 24" 20 [oast Redwood 1B^ 12' [oast Redwood 31^ Coast Redwood 22' 1p" 18' [oast Redwood 23" 20' Monterey Cypress 30" 17' Monterey Cypress 1B" 15' Monterey CypresE 22" l5' Poqe 1 Area 12 Trees Num. Circ, H�. 368 Lipuidambar styraczflua Sweet Gum 11" 369 Liquidambar styraciflua Eweet Gum 61 15 L5 370 Liquidambar styracifIua Sweet Gum 1B" 25' 571 Liquzdambar styraciflua Sweet Gum 12'' i5 372 Lzquidambar stpracifiva Sweet Gym 24" 3'}' 373 Liquioambar styraciflua sweet Sum is" 374 Liquidamber Etyraciflua Sweet Gum 21" 23' 175 Liquidambar styraciflus Sweet Gum 24" 00 376 Sequoia sempervirens Coast Redwood 58" 05 377 Liquidamoar Et,racLfIua Sweet Gum 15^ 22 378 Sequoia sempervirens Coast Recwood 75^ 40' 375 Sequoia semper4zrens Coast Redwood 40 380 Sequoia sempervirens Coast Redwood 8^ B' 381 Sequoia sempervirens Coast Redwood 40' 3B2 Sequoia sempervirenR Coast Redwood 36" 25' 383 Sequoia eemper^zrens coast Redwood 98" 40' 384 F~axinus Ornus Raywood Ash 25" 23' 785 Sequoia semperVLrens Coast Redwood 15" 13' 361 5equoia sempervirens Coast Redwood 48" 30' 787 Sequoia sempervirens Coast Redwood 38" 23' 388 Sequoia sempervirens [oast Redwood 49" 32' 389 Sequoia sempervirens [oast Redwood Z5" 25' 3q0 Sequoia sempervirens Coast Redwood 46" 12' 391 Sequoia sempervirens coast Redwood 10" 42' 392 Sequoia sempervirens Qast Redwood 14" 45' 357 sequoia sempervLrenE Coast Redwbod 48^ �5 39a Sequoia sempervirens Coast Redwood Ell 335 Sequoia sempervirens Coast Redwood 59^ 40` 791 Sequoia sempervirena Coast Redwood 48" 35' 397 Sequoia sempervirens Coast Redwood 40^ 25 3Q2 Sequoia sempervirens Coast Redwood 57" 35' 399 Sequoia sempervirens Coast Redwood 30" 25 400 Sequoia sempervirens Coast Redwood 53" 35' 401 Magnolia grandiflora Southern Mapnolia 20^ 22' 402 Fraxinus ornus Raywood Ash 20" 25' 403 Fraxinus ornus Raywood Ash 27" 32' 404 Fraxinus ornus Raywood Ash 32" 30' 405 Fraxinus ornus Raywood Ash i9" 22" 406 Fraxinus ornus Raywood Ash 24" 27' 407 Platanus racemosa California Sycamore 44" 12' 408 Platanus racemosa California Sycamore 34^ 28' 409 Platanus racemosa California Sycamore 58" 45 410 Platanus racemosa California Sycamore 44" 35' 411 Platanus racemosa California Sycamore 38" 42 412 Platanus racemosa California Sycamore 30" 30' 413 Platanus racemosa California Sycamore 44^ 35 414 Platanus racemosa California Sycamore 30" 10' a15 Flatanus racemosa California Sycamore 4a^ 4')' 416 Platanus racemosa California Sycamore 42" 4^}' 417 Flatanus racemosa California 3vcamo'`e 71^ If' 418 Platanus racemosa Calzfornia Sycamore 30" 2W 415 Platanus racemosa California E,camore 64" 4`) Page 1 Area 12 Trees Num. Name Common Name Cj�rc. Hqt.- 420 Platanus racemosa California Sycamore 60" 40 ' 421 Platanus racemosa Colifornia Sycamore 03" 4V 422 Flatanus racemosa California SIcamore 41" 35' U23 Piatarus ^`acemosa Caiifornia Vcamore 56" 55 420 platanus racemcEa Calzvornia SycRmore 75" 60 425 platanus racemoEa California Srcamore 30" 27 426 Platanus racemosa California Sycamore 42^ 30 427 Platanus racemosa California Ocamore 30" 23 4 Pine i4'' 30 419 Quercus aqrifoliA Coast Live OaK 36'' 25 a30 Ouercus agrifolza Coast Live Oak 2±^ 431 Pine 50'' 432 Pine 67" 25 433 Pine 42" !4' 434 Pine ±4" 30' 43 ne 27" 20' 436 Sequoia sempervirens coast Redwood 26" 17' 437 Sequqia sempervirens Coast Redwood b8" 26' 418 Sequoia Hempervi~ens Coast Reowood 77" 40' 430 Sequola semper"irens Coast Redwood 45" 32' 440 Wouoia sempervirena [oast Redwood 61" 35' 44t Eekoia sexOe,`�zrens Coast Redwood 64" 40' 442 Sequoia sempervzrens Coast Redwood 60" 30' a43 Bequoia EempervLrens Coast Redwood 30^ 3n' 444 Sequoia sempervirens Coast Redwood 40" 0'}'- 445 Fraxinus ornus Rayw000 Ash 40" 2-7 446 LiquidEmbar styraciflue Sweet Gum 20" 25' 447 Magnolia grandiflora Southern Maqnoiia 30" D) 408 Lzquidambar styraciflua Sweet Gum 2±" 28' 445 Liquidambar Etyraczflua Sweet Gum l5" 25 450 Lzquzoambar styr4czflua Sweet Gum 30" 30' 45i Liquidambar styraciflua 3weet 8um 15" 23 452 Liquidambar styraczflua Sweet Gum 21" 25' 453 Linuidamoar styraczflua Sweet Gum 2s" 25 454 Liquidambar styraciflua Sweet Gum 23^ 25' 455 Fraxinus ornus Raywood Ash 36^ 36 456 Fraxinus ornus Raywood Ash 30" 27' 457 Fraxinus ornus. Ra�wood Ash 27` 458 Fraxinus ornus Reywood Ash 30^ 15' 459 Fraxinus ornus Ra4wood Ash 2')" 17 460 Pistacia chinensis Chinese Pistache 19" 1�D ' 461 Pistacia chinensis Chinese Fistache 21'' 17 462 Sequoia semper^i.ens Coast Redwood 57" 40' 4±3 5equoia sempervirens Coast Redwood 38" 4n 464 Sequoia sempervzrens Coast Redwood 85" 50' 465 Sequoia sempervirens Coast Redwood 58" 45 461 Sequoia semper^irens toast Redwood 4B" 35 467 Sequoia semper.L,`ens Wast Redwood 76" W0 46B Sequoia semper`irens Coast Redwood 20'' 50 460 Sequoia semper,irens [caEt Redwood 60" 40 470 5equoia sempervirena Coast Redwood 60" 40' 47i Seouoia yemper�irens [oast Fedwood 31^ 35 ���= Area 12 Trees Num. Name Common Name Circ. Hqt. 472 F'Iatanus racemoEa CaIlfornza Sycamore 59'' 45' 473 Platanus racemosa Caliiornin S/camore 32` 3`) 474 Platanus racemosa California Sycamore j±" 27.' 475 F1atanus racemosa Californ La Ocamo,'e i3' 25 476 Platanus racemosa California Sycamore 24- 25' 477 P1atenus racemosa California Sycamore 37" 33 478 Magnolia grandiflora Southern Magnolja 27^ 20 474 - Liquidambar sty,`sciflua 3weet Gum 15' !E' 480 PIstanus racemosa California Sycamore 31" 25' 481 Plawnus racemosW Califormia S^ca.nore 40^ 35 Page 3 Area 13 Trees #� Name Common Ci1rc, Hf�t.- 101 Quercus agrifolia Coast L1Ve Oax 18" 15 102 Sequoia sempervirens coast Redwood 89" 45 103 Sequoia sempervirens Coast Reowoo,:j 35" 35 104 5equoia sempervirenE Coast Redwood 04^ 40 105 Sequoia sempervirens [oast Redwood 55" 25 106 Sequoia sempervirens Coast Redwood -- 19" A 107 Sequoia sempervirens Coast Redwood 13^ 10 ' 10E] Sequoia sempervirens Coast Redwood 14" i5 109 Sequoia sempervirens Coast Redwood 10^ 10 110 Sequoia sempervirens Coast Redwood i8^ 25 z11 5equoia sempervirens Coast Redwood 20" 1s L12 Sequoia sempervirens [oast Redwood woo 28^ n'.'' 113 Sequoia sempervirenE Coast Redwood 18" 14 114 Sequoia sempervirens Co=st Redwood 2s" 25 115 Sequoia sempervirens Coast Redwood oo 18" 15' 116 Sequoia Eemperyirens Coast Redwood 17" 15' 117 Sequoia sempervirens Coast Redwood 19" 18' 112 Sequoia sempervirens Coast Redwood 39" 26' 119 Sequoia sempervirens Coast Redwood 21" 20' 120 Quercus aqrifo1ia Coast Live Oak 30" 20' 121 Quercus agrifolia Coast Live Oak 31" 15' 122 Quercus agrifoIia Coast Live Oak 28" 15' 123 Prunus duicis Almond 18" 15' 124 Fraxinus ornus Raywood Ash ywoo s 12" 15 125 Fraxinus ornua Raywood Ash 19" 16' 126 Quercus aqrifolia Coast Live Oak 21" in - 127 Zelkova serrata Japanese Zelkova 12" l0' 128 Zelkova serrata Japanese Zelkova 14" 12' 129 Zelkova Eerrata Japanese Zelkova 18" 10' 130 Zelkova serrata Japanese Zelkova 14" 10' 131 Zelkova serrata Japanese Zelkova 15" 10' 132 Zelkova serrata Japanese Zelkova 12" 12 133 Quercus agrifolza Coast Live Oak 25" 15' 134 Fraxinus ornus Raywood Ash 12" 15' 135 Fraxinus ornus Raywood Ash 11" 15' 136 Fraxinus ornus Raywood Ash 12" 15' 137 Fraxinus ornus Raywood Ash 13^ 15' 138 Zelkova serrata Japanese Zelkova 16" 15 139 Zelkova serrata Japanese Zelkova 13" 10` 140 Eucalyptus polyanthemos Silver Dollar Gum 27" 30' 141 Eucalyptus polyanthemos Silver Dollar Gum 27^ 35' 142 Fraxinus ornus Raywood Ash 16" 20' 143 Alnus rubra Red Alder 10^ 15' 144 Alnus rubra Red Alder 12" 15 145 Fraxinus ornus Raywood Ash 1E^ 13 146 Fraxinus ornus ` Raywood Ash 15" 10' 147 Fraxinus ornus Rayw000 Ash 16" 20' 148 Eucalyptus polyantnemos Silver Dollar Sum 28` 35 149 polyanthemos Silver Dollar Gum 25^ �0 L50 A1nus ruora Pea ?1uer 151 Eucal?ptus polyantnemos Silver Doilar Gum 152 Fra4inus w''rus Fayw000 As- 15 Area 13 Trees _#_ Name Common Circ. Hqt, 153 Fraxinus ornus 19" 15' 154 Fraxinus ornus Raywood Asn 16" 15' 155 Fraxinus ornus Raywood Ash 14" 15' 156 Fraxinus ornus Raywood Ash 15" 15' 157 Eucalyptus gIobulus Blue Gum 3q" 30' 152 Fraxinus ornus Raywood Ash 21" 20 159 Eucalyptus polyanthemos Silver Dollar Gum 1L" 25' 160 Fraxinus ornus Raywood Ash 23" 22' 161 Alnus rubra Red Alder 12" 17' 162 Zelkova serrata Japanese Zelkova 21" 15' 163 Zelxova serrat:-; Japanese Zelkova 14^ 10' 164 6eaucarnea recurvsta Bottle Tree Q. 13' 165 Zelkova Eerrata Japanese Zelkova 12" 8' 166 Zelkovaaerrata Japanese Zelkova 14" 12' 167 Zelkova serrata Japanese Zelkova 13" 12' 166 Zelkova serrata Japanese Zelkova 19" 12' 169 Quercus agrifolia Coast Live Oak 36" 25' 170 Zelkova Eerrata Japanese Zelkova 18" 12' 171 Zelkova serrata Japanese Zelkova 17" 10' 172 Zelkova serrata Japanese Zelkova 21" 15' 173 Quercus agrifoIia Coast Live Oak 28" 15' 174 Sequoia sempervirens Coast Redwood 26" 16' 175 Sequoia sempervirens Coast Redwood 9" B' 176 Sequoia sempervirens Coast Redwood 14" 1K 177 Sequoia sempervirens Coast Redwood 23" 13' 172 Sequoia sempervirens Coast Redwood 21" 20' 179 Juglans nigra Black Walnut 20" 30' 180 Sequoia sempervirens Coast Redwood 23" 15' 181 Sequoia sempervirens Coast Redwood 12" 12' 182 Sequoia sempervirens Coast Redwood 43" 27' 183 Juglans nigra Black Walnut 1B" 25' 194 Juglans nigra Black Walnut 68" 35 185 Juglans regia English Walnut 60" 30' 186 Juglans nigra Black Walnut 52^ 35 187 Schinus molle California Pepper 52" 22' 186 Schinus molle California Pepper 39^ 20' 189 Prunus cerasifera Purple Flowering Plum 14^ 15' 190 Ulmus americana American Elm 52^ 30' 191 Ulmus americana American Elm 73^ 40' 192 Ulmus americana American Elm 55'' 30' 193 Liriodendron tulipfera Tulip Tree 15^ 17' 194 Liriodendron tulipfera Tulip Tree 25^ 25' 195 Liriodenoron tulipfqra Tulip Tree 24" 25' 196 Zelkova serrata Japanese Zelkova 16" 15' 197 Juglans nigra Black Walnut 91" 35' 198 Juglans nigra Black Walnut 81" 40 199 Alnus �uba Red Alder 13" 17' 200 Fraxinus ornus Raywood Ash 12^ 15 201 Fraxinus ornus Raywood Ash B" 14' 202 Juglans nigra Black Walnut 82'' 3O 207 Eucalyptus polyantnemos Silver Dollar Gum 30" 30' 204 Juglans nigra Black Walnut 67" Page 2 Area 13 Trees _#_ 205 Juglans ni8ra Black Walnut 48" 30 206 Zelkova serrata Japanese Ieikova 31^ 25' 207 Zelkova serrata Japanese Zelkovy 34" 25' 208 Zelkova serrata Japanese Zelkova 33^ 25 209 Zelkova serrata Japanese Zelkova 39" 25' 210 Zelkova serrata Japanese Zelkova 2," 25' 211 Zelkova serrata Japanese Zelkova 30" 20 212 Zelkova serrata Japanese Zelkova 73" 25 Page 3 Area 14 Trees Num. -Common Name ' 4G2 J.8� 4GB 4�0 �91 �92 4�4 495 Euc�lyptus qlobulu= E�cal�Ptus globulus Geijera pa rviflora E�cai�sru� g lob: lus Euc�l�ptu� glo�ulu� Prunus cera�i�ers �run�� cer��i�era �,'unus ce~a�i�era �runus cereszfer� Euc�1�ptu� �ijjerox�1on Eucaly��us poly�nt�emo� Quer'�us �grifo1ia Ge��et parviflor� 6e��er� par^��lora �run�s cera�i�era Eucal i anthemos Gei;era �ervifol�a �l�e Gum �lue Gum �u.=tralzan All ili�w �lue Gum Blue Gum �urple �Io�erinq m Purple Flowering Plum �urpie Fl�wering Fium Pur�le Flowerin� U.T. P�nk [ron T-D. rk Ecua1�nt�s 5ilver �oller Gum Coast Live Oak A�stralian willow Austraii�n Willow �urple Flowerzng Plum �ii~er �ollar Gum A�straIzan Wiilow �7 Z1 1� i� 14 15" 30^ 10" 4� �.� � 30' 13 � 1pa� �5 2G 1�' 12 18' 2� 1Z' Area 15 Trees Num. Name Common NaMe Circ. Hqt� 499 Prunus ceraszfera Furple Flower Lng Sium 26` 215 201 Betula pendula White 20" 10' 802 Betula pendula White Mrch 20" 2� 503 Bstu]a pendula White 20" 21 804 Betula pendula White Birch 24" 30 805 Petula pendula White Birch 22" 30' S06 Betula pendula White Birch 15" 22' 807 Betula penduls White Birch zrc 1B" 28 808 Betu1a pendula white Birch� -1" 25 B09 Betula pendula White %rcn 12^ 25 81/) Betula pendula Mite Birch !I`' 15 B11 Betula pendula White Dirch 19^ 1E' 812 Betula pendula White 8irch 1E" 30 813 Betula pendula White Eirch 14" 10' 814 Betula pendula White Birch 15" 18' 815 Betula penvula White Birch 23" 30' 816 Betula pendula White 8Lrch 20" 35' 817 Quercus agrifolia [oast Live Oak 108" 40' 818 Quercus aqrifolia Coast Live 00. a0" 30' 219 Quercus a9ri4olia Coast Live Oak 67" 20' 820 Sequoia Eempervzrens Eaast Redwood 24" 25' 621 Ulmus americans American Elm 39" 20' 822 Sequoia sempervirens Coast Redwood 30" 27' 823 Sequoia sempervirens Coast Redwood 24" 20' 824 Sequoia sempervirens Coast Redwood 34'' 35' 825 Sequoia sempervirens Coast Redwood 37P 35' 826 Sequoia semper`'i,`ens [oast Redwood 22" 1a' 827 Sequoia sempervirens Coast Redwood 10" 12' 828 Sequoia Eemper`'irens Coast Redwood 32^ 25 829 5eq�oia sempervirens Coast Redwood 30" 30' 830 Sequoia sempervzrsns [oast Redwood 48" 40' 831 5equ01a Hempervzrens Coast Reowood 34" 30' 832 36P 30' 833 Sequoia sempervirens Coast Redwood 16^ 834 Quercus aqrifolia Coast Live Oak 2," 23' E35 Sequoia sempervirens Coast Redwood 15" 15' 836 Sequoia sempervirens Coast Redwood 34" K 837 Sequoia sempervirens Coast Redwood 31'' so 838 Sequoia sempervirens Coast Redwood 30^ 2S 839 Sequoia sempervirens Coast Redwood 2" 25' 840 Sequoia sempervirens Coast Redwood i6" 12' 841 Sequoia sempervirens Coast Redwood 29^ 25' 842 Quercus aqrifo1ia Coast Live Oak 55" 40' 843 Quercus agrifolia Coast Li^e Oak 202" t0' 844 Eucalyptus globulus Blue Gum 156" 100 845 Eucalyptus globulus Blue Gum 241" 130' 846 Eucalyptus q1obu1uE Blue Gum 90" 120' 247 Eucalyptus globulus Blue Gum 130" 135' B48 Eucalyptus globuius Blue Bum 72^ 90 349 Eucalyptus globulus Blue Gum i40" 100 ' 850 Eucalyptus globulus Blue Gum 158" 7,-"� 851 Prunus dulcis Almono 40" 25' Page 1 Page 2 Area 15 Trees Num.- Name Comion Hqt. 852 Quercus agrzfolia Coast Live 0a. 112^ 24) B53 Quercus agrifolze Coast 010e GO:. 6a'' 35' B54 P1atanus racemwa California Sycamore ga" 33 E55 Platanus racemosa California 5ycamoQ 23' 85c Oue,cwE agrifolia Coast Live Jak 2E B57 Flatanua racemosa California Sycamore 26^ 27' 858 Quercus aqrz4o1ia Coast Live Oak 20'' E59 Quercus agrifolia Coast Live DO 44' 25' M0 setula pendu1a White Birch w" 27' aw Betula pendula White Birch 30" 30' 862 Quercus agrifolia [oast Live Oak 52^ Th3 QuercuE aqrifolia Coast Live Oak 771 854 Betula penduia White Birch 2B'' 28 E65 Batula pendula White Birch 25" 25' 866 Betula penduia White Birci-, 12" 22' 867 Betula Pendula White Birch 16" 17' 968 Betula pendula White Birch 16" 18' 369 Betula mendula White birch, 18" 20' 870 Bebula pendula White Birch 21" 22' E71 Betula pendula White Birch 21" 20' 872 Betula pendula White Birch 28' Page 2 Area 16 Trees Num. Name Common Name CiIc,- H8t, 500 Quercus kelloqgli �2ac� Oak 501 Quercus looata Valley Oak 156" 90' 102 �2 Quercus aqrifolia Coast Live Cap lit" 133, E0' 501 Quercus agrifolia Coast t Live Oak 90' 5�� �escu1u� ca1i or.zc r n a Buckeye 144` 60' 505 Guercus egrifolia [oast Live 38^ 28' Quercus aqrifolza Oak 172` 60506 Q uercus agrifolia Coast Live Oak 8(" 30 ' Quercus kelIogg�i Coast Live u�« ill" �0' �l��ck Oak �3^ 509 Aes cu l� as californica Buckeye �5 510 511 Qu erc�s agrifolia Coast Live Oak 42" 113" 25' �'} ' 512 Qu ercus a�rif�li� Coast Live Oak 142" Q uercus kel1cqgii Black Oak 0-'" 60' 513 Quercus egrifolia Coast Live Oak 96� s0 514 Quercus aqrifolia Coast Live 65' 515 Quercus lobata Valley Oak Oak 87^ 40' 516 Quercus aqrifolia Coast Live Oak 96^ 60' 517 Quercua agrifoli, Coast Live Oak 42'' ^ 30' 518 Quercus lobata Valley Oak a 97" 60' 519 Quercus agrifolia Coast Live Oak 96" 6W 520 Quercus lobata Valley Oak 60" 35' 521 Ouercus agrifolia l02" 40' Coaat Live Oak g0" ' 522 Quercus aqrifolia Coast Live Oak �8^ 60 523 Umbellularia californica California Ba 40' 524 �uercus aqrifoiia Coast Live Gay �4" 35' 525 Quercus lobata Valley Oak « 74" 50' 52± Quercus agrifolia Coast Live Oak 78^ 40' 527 Quercus, rcus a�rifolia Coast Live Oak �l5^ �0' 528 g kelloqgii Black Oak 5�" 77^ 50' 529 530 Quercus agrifoli� Coast Live Oak I16^ 55 70' Quercus aqrifolia Coast Live Oak 04" 531 Quercus agrifolza [oast Live Oak 65 532 Quercus ag'ifo1ia Coast Live Oak 92^ llE" 45' 50' 533 Quercus agrifolia Coast Live Oak 109^ 5�4 Quercu� agrzfolia Coast Live Oak 50' 535 Quercus uercus agrifolia [oast Li�ve Oak 90" =�' �0' 536 Quercus aqrifo1ia Coast Live 76" � 537 Quercus agrifolia Oak 93^ 50' 538 Quercus agrifo1ia Coast Live Oak 67" 40' 539 Quercus agrifolia [oast Live Oak 79^ �5 540 Quercus agrifolia Coast Live Coast oak �9^ 35' 541 Quercus aqrifoli Live a Oak �5" 45 542 Querc�is agrifolia Coast Live Oak 74" 50' Coast Live Oak 7�" 543 Quercus a�rifoli� Coast Live Oak 46" 50' 544 Quercus sqr�foIia 50 545 Quercus agrifolia Coast Live Oak 125^ 50 546 [oast Li-e Oak 121" 60, Quercus aqri�olia a Coast Live Oak ��'' 547 Ace~ glabrum Mountain Mamie 33" 25 548 Quercus aqriNolia Coast Li"e oak 96" 25' 549 Quercus lobata ?5 55') Umoellu1�ria California ``n�a Valley Oak California Sao 132" 60 551 Quercus agrifolia Coast Live 3S. Q�t Oak s6" 45 rage l Area 16 Trees Num. —~-- 552 Quercus agrifolia 553 Umbellularia Coast Li � Live �� �7` 554 californica Quercus CaliV orn�a�Ba� 147" agrifolia 5.}' 555 QuercuE ngrifolia C Live Oak 70" 30 55a Quercus Rqrzfolia Coast Li"e Oak 117" 6�`' 557 Quercus agrifcli� Csast Li'e Oak i�l" 65 518 Quercus agri�olia ��ast Live Oak 131" 55' 559 Fseudotsuqa menziesil �oast Douglas Live Oak p±'� 4�0 56') Robinia pseudoacia Fzr 160" 100' 561 Ace" glabrum Block LocuEt 86^ 55 562 Acer g1abrum Mountain Manle 04" 3W 563 Washingtonja Mountain Maple 35` �C filzfera Fan Palm, 564 Quercus agrilolia 07" 35' 565 Acsci� Coast Live Oak 168. melano�vlon Black 65 566' Quer.�us aqrifo�^ ia Acacia 24" 25' 567 QuIrcus lobata Coast Live Oak 108" 45' 568 Robinia Valley Oak 184" 65' pseudo,cacia Black Locust 569 Q Quercus a�rifolia 38" 40' 170 Platanus Coast L Live Oak 52" 45' racejosa California S/camore 571 Platanus racemosa California Sycamore 169" 80' 572 Platanus racemosa 90" G0' 573 QuercuE agrifolia California Sycamore 16", B0' 574 Platanus Ca ast Live Oak 48" 35' racemosa California � Sycamore 575 Quercus lobata 232" SW 57a Unbel1ularia valley Oak 90" 50 ca1ifo i rn c a California B�y 577 Platanus racemosa 204" 65 578 Pistanus California 5Ycamore 125" G0 579 racemosa PIRtanus [AliforniR Ocamore 207" s0' 580 racemosa PlatanuE California Sycamore 126^ W racemosa California � 581 Acacia baileyana Bailey l2l" 65 5E2 Platanus racsmosa Acacia 48" 45' 5E3 Acacia baileyana California Sa 216" 7� 524 9ambucus Bailey Acacia a 60'' 45' caeru�ea Elde'berr� 525 Eucalyptus globulu s Blue Gum 72" 31 566 Eucalyptus �P u� globulus Blue Gum l24" �5 567 Sequoia sempervzrens C oast Fe�wo ll4" 11W 588 Platanus racemosa o d 48" 4 5' 589 Platanus California �ycamore l48" �5 racemosa California Sycamore 125" 35 Page 2 Area 17 Trees Num. --- Name Common Name Circ. Hg t, 1174 Quercus agrifolia Coast Live Oak 68" 55' 1175 Quercus agrifolia Coast Live Oak 39^ 1176 Eucalyptus pulchella White Eucalyptus 61" 1177 Eucalyptus puichella White Eucalyptus 9w^ 95 1172 Eucalyptus pulchella White Eucalyptus 69" 65' 117P Eucaiyptus pulchella White Eucalyptus 74" G0' 11% Sequoia sempervirens [oast Redwood B" 12' 1181 Sequoia sempervzrens Coast Redwood . 7" 11 1182 Sequoia sempervirens Coast Redwood 9" 11 1I63 Quercus agrifolia Coast Live Oak 3('" 25 1184 Sequoia sempervirens Coast Redwood 5" 7' 1185 Eucalyptus pulcmelle White Eucalyptus 120" 100' 11% Eucalyptus pulchella White Eucalyptus 62" 60' 1187 Eucalyptus pulchella White Eucafyptus 84" 80' 1188 Eucalyptus pulchella White Eucalyptus 67^ 60' 1169 c nus mo e 9 hi 1l California Pepper 7" 10' 1190 Quercus agrifolia Coast Live Oak 38" 12' 1191 Eucalyptus pulcmella White Eucalyptus 115" 95' 1192 Eucalyptus pulchella White Eucalyptus BJ 80' 11q3 Eucalyptus pulchella White Eucalyptus 68" 50' 1194 Eucalyptus pulcmella White Eucalyptus 65" 50' 1195 Quercus agrifolia Coast Live Oak 54" 45 1z96 Quercus agrifolia Coast Live Oak 49" 50' 1197 Pinus pinea Italian Stone Pine d8" 50' 1108 Quercus agrifolza Coast Live Oak 83" 45' 1199 Quercus agrifolia Coast Live Oak 48" 45 1200 Quercus agrifolia Coast Live Oak 31'' 25' 1201 Quercus agrifolia [oast Live Oak 45" 30' 1202 Arbutus meneisii Madrone 19" BE Trunk 15' 1203 Quercus agrifolia Coast Live Oak 45^ 4')' 1204 Quercus agrifolia Coast Live Oak 33" 20' 1205 Quercus agrifolia Coast Live Oak 40'' I')' 1206 Pine 50^ 45' 1207 3hort Needle Pine 27" 35 1>08 Quercus agrifolia Coast Live Oak 40" 40' 1209 Short Needle Pine 43^ 40 1210 Quercus agrifolia [oast Live Oak 3B" 35 1211 Quercus agrifolia ` Coast Live Oak 40" 50 1212 Quercus agrifolia toast Live Oak 48^ 45, 1213 Quercus agrifolia [oast Live Oak 58^ 50' 1214 Sequoia Eempervirens [oast Redwood 117" 110' 1215 SamUucus caerulea Elderberry 42" 25 1216 Juglans regia English Walnut 55" 30' 1217 Sequoia sempervirens Coast Redwood 120" 100 1218 Quercus agrifolia Coast Live Oak 40" 35' 1219 Pinus radiata Monterey Pine 179" 130 1220 Rinus radiata MontereO Pine 165" 120' 1221 Sequoia sempervirens CoAst Adwood 237^ M5 1Z22 Pinus radzata Monterey Pine 154" 115 1223 SeqUoM sempervirens [oast Li,e OaK 144" 110 1224 Sequoia semper`'zrens Coast Redwood 156` 110' 1225 Bequoia sempe,``/irens Coast Redw000 84" 7'*` Page 1 Area 17 Trees Nam. Name Common Name Circ. Hqt. 1226 Prunus avium Cherry 56" 22' 1227 Que~cus agrifolia Coast Live Oak 33" 20 1228 Quercus agrifolis Coast Live Oak 26" 1@' 1229 QuercuE agrifolia Coast Live Qak 38^ 25 1236 Ouercum agrifolia [oast Live Oak_ 40" 35' 1231 Quercus aqrifolia Coast Live Oak 74" 2 *".:*. 1232 QuercuE agrifolia [oast Live Oak 41^ 40' 1233 Quercus agrifolia Coast Live Oak a')^ 40 1234 Quercus agrifolia Coast Live Oak 56" 40' 1235 Quercus agrifolia ' ' Coast Live Oak 58' 40' 1236 Acer glabrum Mountain Maple 20^ 2N' i237 Quercus kelloggii Black OaK 12&" 1238 Quercus agrifolia Coast Live Oak 48" 60' 20' 1239 Quercue agrifolia [oast Live Oak 78" 40' 1240 Quercus agrifolia coast Live Oak 53" 40' 1341 Quercus lobata Valley Oak 152" 50' 1042 Umbellularia californica California Bay 132" 65' 1343 Arbutus menziesii Madrone 198" 55' 1044 Acacia melanoxylon Black Acacia 41" 50' 1345 Olea europaea Olive 38" 45 1346 Quercus agrifolia Coast Live Oak 32" 20' 1347 Quercus agrifolia Coast Live Oak 62" 40' 1348 Pinus radiata Monterey Pine 76" 70' 1349 Pinus radiata M6nterev Pine 55" 70' 1150 Pi � radiata Pin Us ra a a Monterey Pint 70" 65' 1351 Pinus radiata Monterey Pine 81" 75' 1352 Diospyros virginiana Persimmdn 21" one trunk 17' 1353 Pinus radiata Monterey Pine 87^ 65 1354 Sequoia sempervirens Coast Redwood 106" 80' 1355 Bequois sempervirens Coast Redwood 90" 80' 1356 Quercus kelloggii Black Oak 65^ 30' 1357 Quercus lobata Valley Olk 86" 45 1358 Quercus agrifolia Coast Live Oak 60^ 40' 1359 Pinus radiata Monterev Pine 72" 60' 1360 Quercus lobata Valley Oak 151" 65' 1361 Quercus agrifolia Coast Live Oak 144" 55' 1362 Quercus kelloggii Black Oak 115^ 60' 1363 Quercus kelloggii Block Oak 50" 60' 1364 Quercus kelloggii Black Oak 150^ 70' 1365 Prunus cerasifera Wild Cherry Plum 27" 18' 1366 Pinus radiata Monterey Pine 75" b0' 1367 Pinus radiata Monterey Pine 42" 50' 1368 Quercus agrifolia Coast Live Oak 101" 40' Page 2 Area 18 Trees —��- Hqt. 213 Pinus pines lta1ian Wane Pine 142^ 0-) 214 Pinus mines Italian Stone Pine 144" 50' 215 Cinnamomum camphora CampMOr 21" 2V 211 Pseudotsuga menziesii Douglas Fir 12" B' 217 Frunus cersaifera Purple Flowering Plum 14" if 21B Frunus cerasi+era Fur ple Flowering Flum 9^ 7' 219 Quercus lobata Valley Oax 117^ 4') 220 Fseunotsuga menziesii Douglas Fir 12^ 7' 221 Frunus cerasifera Purple Flowering Plum 15` 10 ' 222 Flatanus racemosa California SyEamore 20" 22 223 Linuzdan!bar styraciflua sweet 6um 32^ 3V 224 Liquidambar atyraciflua Sweet Gum 22^ 25' 225 Lzquidemoa,` sty,`aciflua Sweet 8um 137 20' 21a Lzquidambar styraciflua Sweet Gum 14" 20' 227 Liquidambar styraciflua Sweet Gum 10" 15' 228 Liquidambar styraciflua Sweet Bum 9" 10' Page 1 Area 19 Trees Num. Name ComMon Name— Circ. Hqt. 1274 Sapium sebiferum Chinese Tallow 24" 13' 1275 Ginkgo biloba Maidenhair Tree 0" 9' 1276 5aPium sebiferum Chinese Tallow 16' 23 1277 Ginkgo biloba Maidenhair Tree 9' 12' 1278 Ginkgo biloba Maidenhair Tree 9`' i2 1279 Ginkgo biloba Maidenhair Tree 1T 2 1280 Cinnamomum camphors Camphor 22^ 15' z2S1 Cinnamomum camphora Camphor- 22" 15' 12S2 Cinnamomum camphora Camphor is` 10 1283 Geijera parvifIara Australian Willow 77" 24 1284 Eucalyptus polyanthemos Silver Dollar Gum 56 45 1225 Eucalyptus polyanthemos Silver Dollar Bum 42" 35 1286 Eucalyptus polyanthemos Silver Dollar Gum 47" 40' 1287 Tristania conferta Tristania 5'' 7' i2G8 Tristania conferta Tristania 4'' 7' 1289 Tristania conferta Tristania 9'' 9' 1290 Tristania conferta Tristania 10" 11' 1291 TristaRia conferta Tristania 8' 1292 Quercus kellogqii Black Oak 102" 45' 1293 Albizia julibrzEsin Silk Tree 32" 20' 1294 Albizia julibrissin Silk Tree 27" 20' 1295 Albizia julibrissin Silk Tree 43" 24' 1296 Albizia julibrissin Silk Tree 20' 1297 Pyrus kawakamii Flowering Pear 9" 15' 1298 Pyrus kawakamii Flowering Pear 10^ 15' 1299 Pyrus kawakamii Flowering Pear 10" 15' 1305 Ginkgo biloba Maidenhair Tree 15" 1' 1306 Ginkgo biloba Maidenhair Tree 47" 30' 1307 Ginkgo biloba ' Maidenhair Xree 38" 3V 1308 Ginkgo biloba Maidenhair Tree 20" 15' 1309 Ginkgo biloba Maidenhair Tree 27" 3V 1310 Ginkgo bilooa Maidenhair Tree 34" 30' 1311 Ginkgo biloba Maidenhair T.ee 22" 18' 1312 Ginkgo biloba Maidenhair Tree 12" 15' 1313 Ginkgo biloba Maidenhair Tree 28^ Z('' 1314 Tristania conferta Tristania 12^ 12' 1315 Tristania conferta Tristania 25" 1B' 1369 Ciqnamomum camphora Camphor 14" 12' 1370 Cinnamomum camphora Cs(mphor S. 5' 1371 Cinnamomum camphora Camphor 10" 10' 1372 Cinnamomum camphora Camphor 20" 12' 1373 Cinnamomum camphora Camphor 7" V 1374 Cinnamomum camphora Camphor 9" B' 1375 Cinnamomum camphora Camphor, 9" 7' 1776 Cinnamomum camphora Camphor 15" 10 1377 Cinnamomum camphora Camphor 14" 11' 1378 Cinnamomum camphora Camphor 14" L{' 1379 Magnolia qrandiflora Southern Magnolia 34^ 1-5' 1080 Magnolia grandiflora 3outhern Magnolia 14" 10' 1321 Geijera parvzflora Australian willow 27" 2'}' 1322 Geijera parvi4lora Australian Willow 31^ 22' 1383 GeiJera parviflore Australian Willow 24^ 1V Page i Area 19 Trees Num. Name Common Name Circ. Hqt t. 1364 Geijera parviflora Australian Willow 25" 20 ' 13B5 Geioers parviflora Australian Willow 20" 10' 1286 Geijera parviflora Australian Willow 42" 24 13E7 Geijera parviflora Australian Willow 45" 25' 1388 GeijerA parviflora Australian Willow 34^ 1389 Gewera parviflora Australian Willow 35" 1390 Geijera parviflora Australian Willow 38" 25' 1391 Geijera parviflora Australian Willow 11" 20' 1:92 Geijera parviflora Australian Willow 35^ 25 1393 Geizera parviflora Australian Willow 15" 1354 Geijera parvzflora Australian Willow 25" 15 1395 Cinnamomum camphora Camphor 41" 22' 1396 [innamomum camphora Campnor 394 19' 1397 Cznnamomum camphora Camphor 27" 22' L338 Cinnamomum campnora Camphor 29" 22' 1399 Cznnamomum camphora Camphor 40" 22' 1400 Ginkgo biloba Maidenhair Tree 41^ 25' 1401 Ginkgo biloba Maidenhair Tree 32" 25' 1402 Ginkgo oi1cba Maidenhair Tree 22" 20' 1403 Ginqko biloba Maidenhair Tree 25" 22' 1404 Gingko biloba Maidenhair Tree 10" 7' 1405 Gingko biloba Maidenhair Tree 7" 1' 1406 Gingko biloba Maidenhair Tree 20" 18' 1407 Liquidambsr styraciflua Sweet Gum 34" 25' 1408 Cinnamomum camphora Camphor 27` 1E' 1409 Tristania conferta Tristania 23" 1w 1410 Cinnamomum campnora Camphor, 48" 20' 1411 Tristania conferta Tristania 26" 1B' 1412 Tristania conferta Tristania 22" 17 1413 Tristania conferta Tristania S" Ld14 Tristania conferta Tristania 9" 9 1415 Tristslia conferta Tristania 12" 12 ' 1416 Tristania conferta Tristania 10^ 12' 0 Page 1 101 n04 605 606 but 60q 610 c1� 613 614 6l5 616 a17 G18 619 620 621 622 627 624 625 -"W 629 630 631 o0^~ 635 636 637 638 639 640 641 642 643 644 645 Area 20 Trees Name Sequoia sempervirens Sequoia sempervirenE Sequoia sempervirens Bequoza sempervirens Sequoia sempervirens Sequoia sempervirens Sequoia sempervirens Sequoia sempervirens Sequoia sempervirens Platanus racemosa Platanus racemosa Sequoia sempervirens Seqyoia sempervirens Sequoia sempervirens Platanus racemosa Malus 41oribunda Prunus ceraszfers Tristania conferta Pyrus kawAkamii Pyrus kawakamii Pyrus kawakamii Platanus racemosa Platanus racemosa Liquidambar styraciflua Liquidambar st`/raciQua Sequoia sempervirens Sequoia sempervirens Sequoia sempervirens Sequoia sempervirens Liquidambar styraciflua Liquidambar styraciflua Sequoia sempervirens Sequoia sempervirens Sequoia sempervirens Liquidambar styraciflua Liquidambar styraciflua Liquidambar styraciflua Platanus racemosa Platanus racemosa Prunus cerasifera Quercus aqrifolia Malus floribunds Betula pendula Liquidambar styraciflua Malus floribunda Common Name Circ. Hqt. Coast Redwood 15" l3 Coast Redwood 24" 17 Coast Redwood 25" 21' [oast Redwood 24^ 22' Coast Redwood 22" 18' Coast Redwood 26" 24 Coast Redwood 24" 20' Cmast Redwood 16" l� Coast Reowood 29^ 21' California Sycamore 28" 30' California Sycamore 26" 29 .Coast Redwood 45" 32' Coast Redwood 25" 31' Coast Redwood 53" 31' California Sycamore 27" 26' Flowering Crabapple R" 10' Purple Flowering Flum 10" l2' Tristania 4" 8' Flowering Pear 6" 10' Flowering Pear 6" 10' Flowering Rear 7" 10' California Sycamore 21" 25" California Sycamore 30^ 29' Sweet Gum 5" 6 Sweet Gum B" 13 Coast Redwood 25" l8' Coast Redwood 10" 12' Coast Redwood 28" 14' Coast Redwood 25" 1p" Sweet Gum 5" ll' Sweet Gum lO" 20' Coast Redwood ll" 10' Coast Redwood 25" 20' Coast Redwood 24" 10 Sweet Gum 10" 70' Sweet Gum 11" 20' Sweet Gum 6" 12' California Sycamore 30" 25' California Sycamore 27" 35 Purple Flowering Plum 13" 20' Coast Live Oak 37" 30' Flowering Crabapple 7" B' White Birch 28" 40' Sweet Gum 8" 10' Flowering Crabapple 7" 9' Page 1 Area 21 Trees Num. 1326 Quercus kelloggii Black Om� 120' 65 1327 Quercus kelloqgii Black 0m: QN^ 45 132S Eucalyptus globulus Blue Gum 106+^ Many trees 120 M9 Sequoia aempervirens Coast Redwood 31" 40 1330 Quercus kellog9ii Black Oa'k 86" 1131 Quercua agrifolia Coast Live Oak 13` 48' 00' 1332 Quercus agrifolia Coast Live Oak 73" 60 1333 Quercus ionata Walley Oak 48^ 45 1334 Sequoia sempervirens Coast Redwood 37' 3G' 1335 Eucaivptus qlobulus flue Gum 50^ 50 1336 Ceorus oeodara Deodar Cedar 50" 40' 1337 Pyrus kawakamzi Flowerinq Pear 10" 12' 1332 Magnolia grandiflora Southern Magnolia 10^ 18' 1339 Pyrus kawakamii Flowering Pear 17^ 12' 1340 Pyrus xawakamii Flowering Pear 12' 1417 CedruE demara Deodar Cedar 8i^ 60' 1418 Acacia melanoxylon Black Acacia 20'' 30' 1419 Quercus agrifolia Coa=t Live Oak 70^ 20' 1420 Quercus xelloggii Black Oak 120" 50' Page ! ` Area 22 Trees Num.- Name Comm�n Name Ci�2c. Hqt.' 37 Sapium sebeNerum Chinese Tallow 5'' � 98 5apium sebeferum [hinme Tallow 5" 8' 99 Sapium sebefe~um Chinese Tallow 5" G 100 Sequoia sempervirens [oast Redwood B" 8' Page I Num. 1"41 1242 1243 1244 1245 1246 1247 1248 1249 1250 1251 1252 1253 1254 1255 1256 1257 1258 1259 1260 1261 1262 1263 1264 1265 1266 1267 1268 1269 1270 1271 1272 1273 1316 1317 1318 1319 1320 1321 1322 1323 1324 1325 Area 23 Tre@4 Name Common Name Ciro. Hat. Sequoia sempervirens Coast Redwood 32" 25. Sequoia sempervirens Coast Redwood 67" 55' Quercus agrifolia Coast Live Oak 154" 35' Juglans nigra Black Walnut 31" 30' Juglans nigra Black Walnut 26" 20' Juglans nigra Black Walnut 34" L01 Sequoia sempervirens Coast Redwood 12" 12 Sequoia sempervirens Coast Redwood 156" approx. 80' Sequoia sempervirens Coast Redwood 144" 80' Sequoia sempervirens Coast Redwood 108" 80' Alnus rubra Red Alder 96" 55' Ailanthus altissima Tree of Heaven 98" 40' Ailanthus altissima Tree of Heaven 92" 55' Ailanthus altissima Tree of Heaven 90" 23' Sequoia sempervirens Coast Redwood 67" 23. Ailanthus altissima Tree of Heaven 58" 45' Ailanthus altissima Tree of Heaven 56" 60' Quercus agrifolia Coast Live Oak 123" approx. 50' Quercus agrifolia Coast Live Oak 66" 40' Sequoia sempervirens Coast Redwood 98" 60' Sequoia sempervirens Coast Redwood 54" 35' Quercus agrifolia Coast Live Oak 55" 35' Acacia baile.yana Bailey Acacia 108" 35' Ceratonia siliqua Carob 29" 17' Sequoia sempervirens Coast Redwood 69" 45' Ceratonia siliqua Carob 45" 1$' Sequoia sempervirens Coast Redwood 70" 35' Ceratonia siliqua Carob 36" 14' Ceratonia siliqua Carob 40" 14' Ceratonia siliqua Carob 36" 12' Ceratonia siliqua Carob 41" 15' Ceratonia siliqua Carob 40" 18' Sequoia sempervirens Coast Redwood 72" 35' Platanus racemosa California Sycamore 108" 90' Ceratonia siliqua Carob 16" 15' Ceratonia siliqua Carob 15" 15' Ceratonia siliqua Carob 27" 16' Platanus racemosa California Sycamore 170" 90' Platanus racemosa California Sycamore 156" 90' Quercus kelloggii Black Oak. 216" 90' Prunus cerasifera Purple Flowering Plum 10" 14' Prunus cerasifera Purple Flowering Plum 9" 10' Ceratonia siliqua Carob 40" 18' Page 1 Num. 651 652 653 554 655 656 657 058 659 660 661 662 004 mod 669 670 671 672 ±73 674 675 676 677 Area 24 Trees NaMe Quercus agrifolia Ze1kova serrata Zelkova serrata Quercus agrzfoiia Geijera parvifolza Geijera parvifolia Ulmus parvifolia Ulmus parvifolia Beijera Farvifolza Geijera Par^ifolia Ulmus parviiolia Ze1kova aerrata Zelkova serrata Marcus agrifoLia Geijera parvifolza Geijera hsrvifolia Jullans rsgia Juglans reqia Juglans reqia Ulmus parvifolia Ulmus parvifo}ia Ulmus parvifoha Ulmus parvifolia Ulmus parvifolia Quercus egrifolia Aeijera parvzfoiia Geijera parvifolia —Common Name Circ. Hqt. Coast Live Oak "24" 12' Japanese Ze1kova i9" Japanese Zelkova 22^ l8' [oast Live OaK 15" 12' Austrilisn Willow 29" 20' Australian Willow 20^ 15' Chinese Elm 27" 22' Chinese Elm 21" 2['' Australian Willow 13" 13' Australian Willow 2b^ 23' Chinese Elm 23" l8' Japanese Zelkova 23" Japanese Zelkova 214 10' [oast Live Oak 22" 15 Australian Willow 18" 12' Australian Willow 14" 13' English Walnut 44" 20' EngliEh Walnut 60, 20' English Walnut 44" 25' Chinese Elm 21" 15' Chinese Elm 16" 12' Chinese Elm 21^ 12' Chinese Elm 24" 12' Chinese Elm 21" 15 Coast Live Oak i8" 10' Australian Willow 20^ 15' Australian Willow 30" 1B' Page I Area 25 Trees Num.' Name Common Name Circ. 5 Eucalvptus polvanthemoH . M79 Eucalyptus polyantnemos 080 Eucalyptus polyanthemos 681 EucalyPtuH polyantmemos 6E2 Thuja plicata =E3 Eucalyptus Ezderoxylon ,84 Eucalyptus siueroxy1on 685 Thuja plicata 687 Geijers par^zflora Silver Dollar Gum Silver Dollar Gum Silver Dollar Gum Silver Dollar Gum Western Red Cegar Pink Iron Bark Eucalyptus Pink Iron Bark Eucajyptus Western Red Cedar Australian Will/zw Page 1 34" 26'' 20" 23" 26" 40" 73" BARRIE D. (..ATE Horticultural Consultant 73535 SUMMt 408- 353 -1052 49O Los Gatos, CA 95030 TREE PLANTING AND MAINTENANCE GUIDE For the City of Saratoga Installing the new tree The new street tree will probably be delivered in a 5- gallon or 15- gallon container. If at all possible, it should be installed in November, or at least between October 30 and February 1. This will allow new roots to begin to enter the new soil surrounding the root ball before spring growth begins to demand water from the root system. Planting holes should be prepared as shown in the enclosed schematic. Staking and tying should be done as shown. Watering during the first year These trees will have received a thorough irrigation two to three times per week in the nursery. For this reason,. it is important to water the root ball itself once per week from March to November during the first year after planting. Watering the lawn or shrubs near the tree with sprinklers will not supply enough water to the root ball of the tree, where the roots are, during the first year to make it thrive. Overwatering, which keeps the root ball saturated, is just as injurious as underwatering. Proper irrigation during the first year or two will usually produce a tree which can fend for itself thereafter. A monthly deep watering between June and October on an annual basis, however, will produce.a significantly healthier tree. Pruning The leaves on twigs and side branches produce sugars which are carried to the trunk and down into the roots for storage for use the following year. If these small side branches on the trunk are removed from a young tree, the total leaf surface is drastically reduced, the trunk is exposed to sun scald, and trunk development is retarded. Side branches on young trees should left on the trunk but tipped back to 12" long during the first year after planting. During the second year, the largest diameter side branches on the trunk may be removed, to leave 2/3 of the branches for gradual removal over the following two years until all desired low branches have been removed. Stripping off of all low branches from a young tree is an injurious practice and should never be allowed. AMERICAN SOCIETY OF C� INTERNATIONAL I �� CONSULTING ARBORIST J SOCIETY OF ARBORICULTURE �d o, nylon webbing, or hose, nailed tc stake 0 08'x2" diameter Lodge Pole stakes. or equivalent, 2' in ground placf outside the rootball L— &01"x4" brace, nailed to stakes 8' (but not touching tree trunk) •Berm for water basin • 2 -4" diameter perforated drain •• tile, 2 -3' deeper than hole ••� \ I OZA • *Slow- release fertilizer tablets c •.' ' granules Backfill (composed of 752 native soil, 252 organic material, plus i 2 lbs. /cu. yd. Broadleaf P4 humec 1�!�i1V11�1!L= _IIIII1I I= tant 1. Eight to twelve hours before installation, water all plants while still in containers sufficiently to thoroughly wet root balls. 2. Dig hole at least twice as large in diameter and 3" deeper than the container in which plant was delivered. 3. Mix native soil 752 with any organic material not toxic to plants, plus 2 lbs. per cubic yard Broadleaf P4, to create backfill. 4. Dig post holes 3 to 6" diameter, 2 to 3' deeper than bottom of hole; install 2, 3. or 4" perforated plastic drain tile. Be sure top of the remains 1 to 2" above ground level with removable cap 5. Pill hole with backfill mix to level appropriate to allow the plant's soil level to be the same as finish grade. or slightly above. 6. Put slow- release fertilizer on this surface (such as four Blue Chip tree tablets or 1/4 lb. Osmocote 18 -6 -12 per 15- gallon tree) or 12 tablets or 3/4 lb. Osmocote for 24" box. 7. Remove root ball carefully from container by supporting it from below. Saver any circling roots (3/16" diameter or greater) with sharp shears or knife. Do not pull root ball apart. The severing of large roots will encourage new root initiation at the cuts. 8. Fill around root ball with backfill and pack soil as you fill (with shovel handle or by walking on it). Be careful not to disturb root ball itself. 9. Use remaining native soil to create a basin the same diameter as root ball. 10. Water tree thoroughly by filling the basin, allow that water to settle, then fill the basin again, then repeat a third time. 11. Install stakes (indicated above) with brace to prevent stakes from leaning together. i BARRIE D. COAT Horticultural Consultant 2393.5 summa' D- 353 -1052 , Los Gatos, CA 95030 City of Saratoga UR AWATIOR OR CRAM These plant description charts describe trees which are sopropriate for use as street trees in the City of Saratoga These species were chosen for a broad range of reasons. each of them specific to the soil. weather. and maintenance facilities of the City of Saratoga Selection of street tree species is a long-term comitment by the City to the beauty of the community and to the cost of maintenance of those trees. Rine* opinicipal budgets are increasingly stretched. it ts'ever more imeortant that tree species chosen for municipal planting be as free of problem and the necesetty for frommt pruning as possible. One of the best ways to minimise those costs is to use only species or selected eultivars which are specifically chosen for their oWerpnee for the environmental conditions in which they mast grow. In other words. a well adapted tree will have far fewer disease and Insect problems and live a such longer, useful time. AMERICAN SOCIETY OF CONSULTING ARBORIST IC INTERNATIONAL J SOCIETY OF ARBORICULTURE Important Character Deciduous Loses its leaves once a year, usually in fall. Evergreen Loses two- to three - year-old leaves usually over a protracted time, usually in spring. Flowers Does the tree have ornamental flowers? Mellow; R =Red; P =Pink Colors are listed by initial: B =Blue; Flowering period by season: SP= Spring; S= Summer; F =Fall. Fruit Does the tree produce ornamental fruit? Fruiting period: SP= Spring; S= Summer;,FzFR1l; G1= Gunter. Fall Color Does the tree produce attractive fall foliage color? Colors listed by initial, Y =Yellow; R ■Red; 0 =Orange. RR=Rrown. Cultural Preferences These are the characteristics of the site in which the species would perform best. This is Quite a different subject than tolerances. &M Direct exposure to sun for most of the day. Part Made Exposure to high light, but little direct sun for most of the day, or exposure to sun in the morning only, as on the east of a building. Good Drainage A soil that drains at the rate of .05 inches per hour or more will provide the pre- ferred balance of air, water and solids ideal for root .growth. Many clay soils drain more slowly than that, and as a result, are less ideal for root growth. The very sandy or sandy loam top soils of Alameda are Ideal for a broad range of species. These sandy soils are also poorer at retaining nutrients however, and as a result must be fertilized annually if good health is to be achieved. Irrigation Trees which perform significantly better with one thorough irrigation per month will have a mark here,. Tolerances These are site characteristics which the checked trees will tolerate while maintain- ing an acceptable level of appearance and health. No dater After Second Year These are species which with thorough, monthly irrigation and annual fertilizing for the first two years, will perform well with no further irrigation. Alkaline Soil These are the trees which will not be significantly inhibited by growing in soils with pH levels of 7.5 to 8.7, assuming the high pH levels are caused by high cal- cium, magnesium, and slightly high boron and sodium. Sprinklers These are trees which do not produce adverse reactions to sprinkler irrigation, as Phytophthora (as in Live Oak), or a susceptibility to increRsed wind -throw likelihood (as in Eucalyptus). Wind These are species which are only slightly affected or are unaffected by consistent winds of 10 mph or greater. Beat Trees which tolerate summer temperatures of mid -90 degrees to lox 100 degrees Fahrenheit ranges with only small adverse affects. Growth Information Growth Rate Fast is assumed to be 2 -1/2' per year or more. 'Moderate is assumed to be from 1' to 2-1/2' per year. Slow is assumed to be less than 1' per year. Height in Ten Years /Height at Maturity These measurements are minimums based on the assumption of monthly i.rri.gati.on for the first two years and an annual fertilizer application. Spread in Ten Years/Spread at Maturity As above. Seedling variation will have an influence on these measurements when seed grown (non - budded) plants are used. Availability If the species is grown by five or more of the major wholesale suppliers in California, it is listed as good availability. If very few growers in California or only bare -root or ball and burlap growers in Oregon - Washington grow the species or cultivar, it is listed as having poor avail.abi.l.i.ty. This fact should not deter use of the species or cultivar, only warn the municipal personnel that they must order them six months or more in advance. The next abbreviation notes the method by which this species is sold by the grower. Itpected Useful Life Span These figures are based on the assumption of monthly irrigation for the -first two years and appropriate pruning as needed.as the tree reaches middle age. Planting Information Rini== Planter Space This is the minimum planter space in which the species should be used without a root barrier if pavement damage is to be avoided. Ewen trees listed As tolerant of very, small spaces can, in very shallow soils or with a lawn across a walkway, cause pave- ment damage. Trees which would cause damage in 3-1/2' wide planters (Zelkova, as example) can often be planted in those narrow spaces with a root barrier At the perimeter of the planter space and thereby, prevent pavement damage. Sidewalk Damage Potential This is a comment on the degree of surface rooting which may be expected . Pruning Frequency 0 -6 years: This suggests the frequency with which the species should be pruned during this critical time of building the structure the tree will retain for the rest of its life. Pruning every two years is commonly recommended. 6 years to Maturity: This suggests the minimum frequency at which the species should be pruned after 6 years of age. This does not include limb raising which should be done as it is needed. CITY OF SARATOGA TREE LIST IMPORTANT CULTURAL CHARACTERISTICS PRBRRRENCES Trees which are readily available. GROUP I O $ L GROWTH INFORMATION o PLANTING i �— PLANT (IAMB DESCRIPTION r p a/ � d R' I " V o, r c s — .0 N .. 4 OI r '• � o O1 upr q t, vas• -s • structure , 0 CBLTIS SIMBMSIS Cligntly cohered by glossy dark green CHINESE MMUSBRRY .lights. Ibis species oust have neutral ti :to acidic moile. ------------------------- C-------------- - - - - -- - - - - -- x Y Y x x b Itnse, round- haaded, with 6• dark green = 1fo1iagt. This tree must be pruned in n N r E40 dirst 2 to 3 years of planting to form Wostreable crown structure. Brilliant EUCALYPTUS FICIFOLIA ;red, pink or white flowers are borne in r— U. Y C l GUM SCARLBT G '.profusion after a few years, but N OC resulting need pods hang on for many §0 :years, should be removed by pruning x R S V x x x x .every few years at least while tree is 35 CBR Ys 3' L Yrs :Young. broduces dense, dark green, oval uprigb :crown of glossy foliage. Recognisable PRAXIMUS OXYCARPA RAYMOOD;by lush healthy look of summer foliage RAYWOOD ASH ;followed by dark purple and rust fall x :cOlor. Resistast to all of Ash disease P x x x sand most insects. ------------------------- • •------- --- ---- ------- ------ ---- - - - -- -- sUprigbt- brancbed, 60 long, produces •pendulous leaves resulting in Oval - :uprigbt crown of semi -open habit. Must GRIJRRA pARVIFLORA sohave reasonably good soil to perform ; AUSTRILIAM WILLOM ;well. Rutremely variable from steel, CsoN10 seedlings produce very poor x x x .structures. Very destructive of x :pavemegt. Install root harriers. -------------------------:--------------------------------- :Forms oval, upright full crown covered GINKGO ;witb 3• sodium green leaves which turn BILOBA 'AUTUMMGOLD' ;butter yellow in fall. Characteristic ;of this cultivar to that all specimens AUTUMMGOLD ;seems to lean about 15 degrees in one MAIDENHAIR TREE direction or another. Can be partly corrected by directional pruning. Cr x Y wis composed of numerous major trunks, x x l :rather than a single central leader as ;is common for the species. ------------------------- ' --------------------------------------- � - x x I X I x f 120 120 I C I Yrs 1 31 I L x x x X I F l 10 125 IC I Yrs 5' I M x M 130 120 I C I Yrs 1 6 I H x $ 135 1 30 I C I Yrs 3' I L 2 Y, 10 YI , 2 Yra 0 YI t' 2 YI 10 To M —' G 1 V •Awail lr abitp - Guud /I' Plus 0- 0re9uu 11H -lid I l 6 Uw Id" C luurd Ill, r Hk- 11.11l"Ill TOLERANCES GROWTH INFORMATION PLANTING i �— INFORMATION L Y = N r E40 r— U. Y C l N OC 10.4+10 §0 V x x 35 CBR Ys 3' L Yrs x I X I x f 120 120 I C I Yrs 1 31 I L x x x X I F l 10 125 IC I Yrs 5' I M x M 130 120 I C I Yrs 1 6 I H x $ 135 1 30 I C I Yrs 3' I L 2 Y, 10 YI , 2 Yra 0 YI t' 2 YI 10 To M —' G 1 V •Awail lr abitp - Guud /I' Plus 0- 0re9uu 11H -lid I l 6 Uw Id" C luurd Ill, r Hk- 11.11l"Ill CITY OF SARATOGA TREE LIST Trees which are readily available. GROUP I PLANT NAME BILOBA 'SARATOGA' SARATOGA MAIDBUKAIR TREE ---- ------ ------- - - -- -- KOBLREUTERIA BIPINNATA CNINESE PLANE TREE KOELREUTERIA PANICULATA GOLDEN RAIN TREE MELALEUCA LINARIIPOLIA PLAY - LEAVED PAPERBARK DESCRIPTION IMPORTANT CNARACTRRISTICS CULTURAL PREFERENCES TOLERANCES GROMTN INFORMATION PLANTING INFORMATION -- -, - -•• y..., rraamaaaa tree witn i- s 1ong- fishtail -like leaves, turn medium ;yellow in fall. This form promises to ;be easily maintained as a street tree. -------------------------------------- Broad spreading, open crown with glossy ,green bi- compound leaves. Becomes round lheaded requiring very little pruning 'once it natures, must be pruned to !establish form in first 2 - 3 years. 'Yellow flow clusters appear in fall ;followed by bright yellow foliage color ;and reddish pink seed capsules. ----------------------------------------- Broom style Elm -like structure on round - !headed small tree, covered with medium green compound leaves in seat -open habit Yellow flowers on vertical spikes appear In spring, followed by reddish -brown lantern -like seed capsules. must be pruned to build structure every year for the first three years: ----------------------------------------- Unbrella -like fora covered with very small, linear leaves, and in late spring with massive quantities of small white flowers, producing the appearance, from a dlstance, of a vanilla ice crew cone. The thick bark is attractive but easily peeled off by vandals. One of the best small trees for very wall parking strip A skirt of foliage must be kept on trunk ; for first several years to develop roots and trunk caliper. ------------------------------------ - - - -"a *Availability G= Good /P -Puur 0= 0regpn BB =Bell 6 bulloP C= CQA0111c1 BR= 8areruu1 CITY OF SARATOGA TREE LIST Trees which are readily available. GROUP I PLANT NAME PILAUS CAMARIENSIS CANARY ISLAND PINE ----------------------- PISTACIA CHINENSIS CHINESE PISTACIO ----------------------- PODOCARPUS GRACILIOR AFRICAN YEW PINS ---- ------ -- --- -- ---- - -- PLATANUS ACERIFOLIA 'YARWOOD' LONDON PLANE ---------------- - -- - -- DESCRIPTION IMPORTANT CHARACTERISTICS CULTURAL PREFERENCES TOLERANCES GROWTH INFORMATION PLANTING INFORMATION i-us or row Conlrers Useful as a street ;tree due to its narrow, upright habit ;and lack of destructive root :characteristics. Quantities of old needles are dropped fort large trees in :spring, however. ---------------------------------------- ;Round- headed tree at maturity which :requires pruning in first 2 to 1 years sto prevent horizontal branches from :becoming nuisance near traffic or 1pedestrians. Tolerant of severe drought softer establishment. One of best fall `coloring trees for our climate. Should 1not be used on heavily watered lawns. ---------------------------------------- �Produces round or oval, upright form covered with narrow blue -green foliage !and fairly dense canopy. Excellent branching formation easily shaped into well- structured crowns. Must have root barrier protection. Should.be pruned like a Coast Live Oak. --------------------------------------- Produces pyramidal form covered with 8 to 10• diameter leaves in the first few years. As tree matures, leaves shrink to 5 -6• in diameter 4 are characterized by shallower lobes than Sycamores. Crown semi -open in habit i needs very little pruning to achieve excellent fort. Is resistant to Sycamore Mildew, the serious summer problem, a leafs out ; later than Anthracnose diseases occur. i Seems to be resistant to Sycamore Scale.: As a result, summer leaf drop is ellmin -i ated. Will grow in almost any soil. --------- --- -- ---- -------- ------- - - -- -- —� •Availability G =GOOV P =Puu, O= Oregon ,88 =8411 d Hirrlay C= Container 80= 8dreruut 21TY OF SARATOGA TREE LIST rrees which are readily ,vailable. GROUP I 'LANT NAME DESCRIPTION IMPORTANT CHARACTERISTICS CULTURAL PREFERENCES TOLERANCES u ° ■L' a .W+ O W N O O L L J L yLy L U t 20 q C In 0 � L O C ""' Z N Q X W SP P 5 X X X W P R X X X 0 X X X X X X I Y HP R X X GROWTH PLANTING INFORMATION INFORMATION ;Good substitute for Camphor tree in that :it serves some of same functions, as an :oval, upright evergreen tree, densely PRUNUS CAROLINIANA :covered with 31 long dark green glossy .0leaves. Must be watered in first CAROLINA LAUREL :several years of growth if it is to be ;healthy and free of Peach Borer problem :infestations. Structural pruning is .essential in first three years. --- -- ------ ------- - - ---- ---------------------------------------- Dense, pyramidal form of handsome dark PYRUS CALLERYANA : glossy greenjoliage, turning red-orange ARISTOCRAT yin fall. White flowers, which occur ARISTOCRATIC FLOWERING before or with foliage in spring, are an ■ added bonus. Fruit the size of a. ■ PEAR pencil :eraser have been noted, but not in large quantities. Not nearly as susceptible *to Pear Blight as Evergreen Pear. ------------------ - - - - -J ---------------------------------------- Dense, dark green round head of glossyy 1 1/2• foliage characterises Coast L1ve ■ Oak. Excellent street tree causing very QUERCUS AGRIPOLIA :little concrete damage even in old age, offering excellent structure with some COAST LIVE OAK : shaping. Well -known Oak pests seem to N be a smaller problem for street trees of W this species than in forests. ------------------- - - - --4 ---------------------------------------- V- .■' Forme round crown, lightly covered by 3■ yQ S J Ol round, bright green foliage, which turns SAPIUM SEBIFERUM : brilliant orange in fall. 3 -4' long catkins of yellow flowers appear in CHINESE TALLOW : summer to add interest. Must be pruned N "for structure in first few years. -- -- --- ---- ------ - - -- - --a --- --- -- --- -- - - --- GROWTH PLANTING INFORMATION INFORMATION *Availability G= Good /P =Poor O= Oregon BB =Ball d Burldp C= Contdiner BR= Bareroot N N L Y L O Y * O L Gl J N W O' O N Y V- N Yy C- yQ S J Ol J� ✓ N y 4' W A CL. U N .r O- N C 2 4 ppi Z L O' W C •.- > W W CL r E W U N W W W ° N° �- C J u) (7 W r- x q G Y( 1 A O 4 CL X X M 18 10 G 30 3' L 2 yrs, F 30 20 C Yrs S Yrs X X F 20 15 G 40 3' L 2 Yr,� 40 30 C Yrs BR 0_ ; 1 X X M 18 15 G 80 5' L 2 Yrs; 45 45 C Yrs 5 Yrs, I X X M 10 10 G 40 3' M 2 25 20 C Yrs 5 y,., *Availability G= Good /P =Poor O= Oregon BB =Ball d Burldp C= Contdiner BR= Bareroot CITY OF SARATOGA TREE LIST IMPORTANT CULTURAL CBARACTERISTICS N PREFERENCES Trees which are readily VI N available. GROUP I N L B °. °o PLANT NAME DESCRIP ?ION O L v °C d a TRISTAMIA CONFER ?A Rounded, 6u . ense Ty-- :coveredby 4- •leaves. N C 7 •1 ` v . o C o � r V v N c . r G 4 o, BRISBANE BOY Red :bark are mindful of native Madrone trees :Use like S 7^ c B _ --- -- -- ----------- a small Eucalyptus tree with :few structural problems. O Z Z -- - - --+ -- --- -- G L p ZN o e = O •1 i _ ;Small evergreen tree producing a dense, founded billowy crown 3• Y LV a U N 4" y nT cq i C QNO bus TRISTANIA LAURINA of long, glossy green leaves and very small fragrant S SWAMP MYRTLE flowers. very slow but very useful for :downtown sites where only sm X Y SP X X X X tF all planter spaces are available. Easily pruned to C 50 21 0.2 � F -__ C yr 10 yr - -- ---- -- --------- - - - - -- + --------------------------------------- GROWTN PLANTING TOLERANCES INFORMATION INFORMATION N N VI N N N 41 M N 4 Q SOH 2 q 7 ^ 4 �L1 O Z Z Q N q Y l G L p ZN o e = O •1 i h D Y LV a U N 4" y nT cq i C QNO bus Q N S X X X X X tF +S C 50 21 0.2 � F -__ C yr 10 yr X I X I XY 125 120 IGC I Yrs 1 21 I t 110 yr I 'Availability G= Good /P =Pour O= Oregon 88 =Ball 6 Burlap C= Container BR= Bareroot TY OF SARATOGA TREE LIST ees which are occasionally own LOCALLY which may not be adily available and may re- ,ire advance ordering or •ntract growing. GROUP II .ANT NAME DESCRIPTION None o r e more narrow, upt g t -grow nq ACBR RUBRUM 'ARMSTRONG' Maples, recommended because it colors :consistently in warmer climates of Bay ARMSTRONG MAPLE Area. Major characteristic is a full --------------------- - - - - -- ;canopy which needs very little pruning. :--------------------------------------- :Has 8 -101 broad palmately compound AESCULUS CARNEA :leaves on round canopy. Spikes of dark ;pink flowers produced in spring. Slow RED HORSECHESTNUT :when young, but extremely long lived. ,',HOrisontal branching requires pruning in :early years. --------------------------- ---------------------------------------- novel, upright form of very regular habit CARPINUS BETULUS PATIGIATA which needs no pruning. Every specimen pis a perfect tree without pruning. Two - FASTIGIATE HORNBEAM inch rigid leaves produce a handsome :texture, and winter twig pattern is :attractive. --------------------------- v ---------------------------------------- :Small, round - headed Eucalptus which is very tolerant of rind. Produces a seat- s :Open crown of small foliage. Strips of :bark peeling off trunk and major limbo EUCALYPTUS PARVIFOLIA :can be a nuisance. One of the easiest ,to care for of readily available LITTLE- LEAVED GUM :Eucalyptus for street tree use. Round 3• diameter blue -gray leaves lightly .cover crown. If tree is never stub -cut fit produces a well- formed crown that :needs very little attention. ----- ------- ------ --- -----+ --------- --- -- ----- --- ----- ----- -- -- ---- IMPORTANT CULTURAL CRARACTRRISTICS PREFERENCES TOLERANCES GROWTH PLANTING INFORMATION INFORMATION 'Availdbility G= Good /V 0= Oregon 8B =8d 1 16 C= Contdin,:, BR =Bd rer/lu I 0 0 L O o L W v L > 0: L N N a, j , C L O 0• .+ w N Ml y J O � y z Q L ~ E y j j r r i V~ V ^ 1J n Y L L no o L7 L p C Z N O 4 O. C q y j p Q Y L O Y q yam e O.T u C q S Y W W O✓ O C .O N 7 2 L tD C W C S q 4 C N q 4 ,( W J ZN O p NdZ L V V X X X R X X X X X F 25 e G 50 !' M 7 Yry 40 1S 0 Yrs 10 rrs OR X P SP X X X X X X M 10 10 P 100 3. L [ Yry 30 25 0 Yrs 5 rri C OR , , X Y X X , X, X X X M 15 4 P 100 3- L u- 35 10 0 Yrs C OR X X X X X X F 25 20 P 30 3- L [ rrs 35 30 C r, , 'Availdbility G= Good /V 0= Oregon 8B =8d 1 16 C= Contdin,:, BR =Bd rer/lu I TY OF SARATOGA TREE LIST IMPORTANT CULTURAL CHARACTERISTICS PREPERENCES sea which are occasionally own LOCALLY which may not be adily available and may re- .ire advance ordering or M .ntract growing. GROUP II L AMT MANS DESCRIPTION o o " YL $ v o, c YL L °o o a c a L c c ., 0 L .One of t • st uca yptu• for • ree :tree use. Very little limb or branch EUCALYPTUS MICROTHECA :breakage seen in this species due to the ;semi -open habit and small foliage. 2' X FLOODED BOY ;long , gray -green foliage is beautifully X ;contrasted against white to tan bark. --- --- --- -- --- ---- -- --- - -- ---------------------------------------- ;Semi -open crown of Elm -like structure, CELTIS AUSTRALIS ;lightly covered by 3' long, dull green Sleeves. Reputed to cause very little EUROPEAN NACKBERRY ;concrete damage. Beautiful gray bark X Y X ;and twisted branching sake it attractive ;in maturity. Tolerant of alkaline :conditions. -- --- --- --- ------ --- -- - - -- A---------------------------------------- ;Twice as fast growing as other available _ - ;cultivare of Ginkgo biloba. Produces ;characteristic tall, single leader with ;whorls of branches surrounding trunk. 3' GINKGO BILOBA 'FAIRMONT' .;long leaves are slightly larger than ;those of other cultivars. Great care FAIRMONT MAIDENHAIR TREE ;should be taken to purchase only trees ;whose bud unions are visible to avoid X Y X :possibility of receiving non - budded ;Ginkgo*. Every Ginkgo purchased should ';have a label identifying it by nursery Q source and cultivar name. --------------------------- a ---------------------------------------- ;Crape Mrytle hybrids, vary useful, small ;deciduous trees due to resistance to ;milder. Tuscarora produces terminal ;clusters of bright pink flowers, Matches LAGERSTROEMIA HYBRIDS ;:clusters of pure white flowers in summer ;Both produce brilliant red - orange fall 'TUSCARORA, 'NATCHEZ' ;color on small trees. Can be trained X R S R ;either as multi- stemmed or single -stem M S X R specimens. Peeling, muscular bark is e ;beautiful characteristic by itself. ;Must have neutral to acidic soil and do not tolerate constant wind. ---------------------------' -------------------------- -------------------- v e° 9 D GROWTH TOLERANCES INFORMATION PLANTING INFORMATION *Availability G= GOud /P -ham O- Orryun HH =Hn I I & Is- 1.1p f ' �t 4 iTY OF SARATOGA TREE LIST IMPORTANT CULTURAL -ees which are occasionally CHARACTERISTICS PREFERENCES TOLERANCES GROWTS INFORMATION PLANTING own LOCALLY which may not be °o o INFORMATION •adily available and may re- sire L v o L N N advance ordering or ,ntract growing. GROUP II N c s 7 O 4 O' u Q O }O L L L N -ANT 1NT NAME DESCRIPTION O C N " L O B q V V 07 c ^ LAURUS Y 'SARATOGA' New Laurel hybrid produces 30-diameter Ll W 1► {L W LL N 0 o U' L L C N Y K n N C = O 2 s p L CM V y S 4 q L V N 9 ' o -C yU N 6 W J C = N i 0 N V p 7 .o 0 p : almost -round leaves of dark green, fully HYBRID LAUREL covering a round crown. Produces rell- :formed X structure with very little work. X X X % X Has none of the scale or psyllid X 5 12 S P 40 3' L -- -- problems of Grecian Laurel. 25 25 C Yrs ij_ ------- --- ------ -- ---- --------------------------------------- Oval, upright crown covered with white MALUS 'ROBINSON, flowers in spring. Best of Crabapples for street -- - -- - tree use. Resistant to Fire CRABAPPLE Blight, Mildew and Apple Scab. Vigorous • growth makes this more practical X P SP R F R X X street tree than commonly used Crabapple. Red 0 X X M 15 15 P 30 2' L ;fruit are very small and not as messy as 25 25 CSR Yrs - ---- the larger fruited Crabapples. -- ---- -- -- -- --- - - - - -- -------------------------------------- MBIALBUCA STYPNBLLIOIDBS Oval, upright tree covered with very ; w 11 foliage _ and scattered clusters of PRICELY PAPBRBAAR • "all, white flowers in late spring. X M an Small foliage is dull green and fully P X X X X X • covers crown of tree. Interesting M 15 10 P 40 2' L rrs --------------------- branching structure adds to the beauty. 30 20 C Yrs - - - - -J 'Availability G= Good /P =Puur O= Oregon BB =Ball & burlap C= Container RR= Sareroot TY OF SARATOGA TREE LIST ees available only from EGON or from LOCAL GROWERS o have brought plants from EGON GROUP III ANT MAIZE DESCRIPTION ACRE Y 'AUTUMN BLAZE' i........•.. w u,* ° wnera Boca fall color is desired in very dry soil environments. 'Broad leaf oval upright crown and sodium X HYBRID MAPLE :green foliage color, turns orange -red in ;fall. ---------------------------;----------- ;Oval, upright crown covered with light ACER NIGRUM 'GREEN COLUMN' �Reputedotoabe Ono ofuthe toughestnNaples Ifor street tree use. Has well - formed x BLACK MAPLE :crown which needs very little pruning. ;Tolerant of severe heat and drought once 'established. 'Sy °wore Map • • pr tie candidi[i for use near ocean where deciduous trees are ACES PSEUDOPLATAMUB :needed. This species is tolerant of ;ocean winds, alkaline soils and poor x SYCAMORE MAPLE .drainage. Yellow fall color is --------------------- - - - - -� attractive, but not spectacular. ------------------------------------- OConsidered one of best Cherries for astreat tree planting. Single pale pink PRUNUS SARGENTII flowers cover branches in spring as do :brilliant orange or red fall colors. SARGENT CHERRY : 3 -4' foliage. Healthy, Casparatively x :free of insects in surer. Should be :level, not top grafted. purchased only as trees budded at ground ------------------- -- -- --- �--- -- ----- ------- ---- -- �Yoahino Cherry (not Akebono cultivar) ;fortis excellent, fairly large tree PRUNUS YEDOENSIS ;appropriate as street tree. Fragrant single white flowers are scattered *thoroughly through tree in spring, X YOSHINO CHERRY :followed by 3• long, dark green foliage. ;Pall color excellent yellow and orange. ;Should be purchased only as trees budded :at ground level, not top grafted. -------------------- - - - --j - -- r 11 4 TOLERANCES IMPORTANT 10 P CULTURAL CHARACTERISTICS 40 PREFERENCES 0 4, M Yrs Y' $ v o INFORMATION � O Y V X F 20 10 W 60 4 M N G O Y S O 7 T 7 Yrs o, • � L.O Y- O, OL C W p ACRE Y 'AUTUMN BLAZE' i........•.. w u,* ° wnera Boca fall color is desired in very dry soil environments. 'Broad leaf oval upright crown and sodium X HYBRID MAPLE :green foliage color, turns orange -red in ;fall. ---------------------------;----------- ;Oval, upright crown covered with light ACER NIGRUM 'GREEN COLUMN' �Reputedotoabe Ono ofuthe toughestnNaples Ifor street tree use. Has well - formed x BLACK MAPLE :crown which needs very little pruning. ;Tolerant of severe heat and drought once 'established. 'Sy °wore Map • • pr tie candidi[i for use near ocean where deciduous trees are ACES PSEUDOPLATAMUB :needed. This species is tolerant of ;ocean winds, alkaline soils and poor x SYCAMORE MAPLE .drainage. Yellow fall color is --------------------- - - - - -� attractive, but not spectacular. ------------------------------------- OConsidered one of best Cherries for astreat tree planting. Single pale pink PRUNUS SARGENTII flowers cover branches in spring as do :brilliant orange or red fall colors. SARGENT CHERRY : 3 -4' foliage. Healthy, Casparatively x :free of insects in surer. Should be :level, not top grafted. purchased only as trees budded at ground ------------------- -- -- --- �--- -- ----- ------- ---- -- �Yoahino Cherry (not Akebono cultivar) ;fortis excellent, fairly large tree PRUNUS YEDOENSIS ;appropriate as street tree. Fragrant single white flowers are scattered *thoroughly through tree in spring, X YOSHINO CHERRY :followed by 3• long, dark green foliage. ;Pall color excellent yellow and orange. ;Should be purchased only as trees budded :at ground level, not top grafted. -------------------- - - - --j - -- r 11 4 TOLERANCES X x x X F 20 10 P 40 GROWTH 40 PLANTING 0 4, M Yrs Y' INFORMATION S Y INFORMATION V X F 20 10 P 60 4 M M � � 25 0 Yrs [ Yr • � L.O Y- O, OL C W 10 Y, Y x x X X X X X M 18 15 P 60 40 35 OR 4 Yrs M P 10 v , , P SP 0 X X X R X X F 3 M Y 40 25 OR Yrs 2"Y' a pp C Z G O pp= O� Y _ N Q N 7 2 L O n C O V w 0 S O .40 Q W J L N ut p C p 0 R X X 0 X x x X F 20 10 P 40 40 30 0 4, M Yrs Y' OR S Y 0 V X F 20 10 P 60 4 M 45 25 0 Yrs [ Yr OR 10 Y, Y x x X X X X X M 18 15 P 60 40 35 OR 4 Yrs M P 10 v , , P SP 0 X X X R X X F 3 M 40 25 OR Yrs 2"Y' a 0 X IX x IX F 20 15 G R 40 N 2 r1 00 30 C R Yrs 10 rr B 'Availability G=Good /p =poor O °Oregon HH =Hell d Hurl�p r- i.I111/., 1...... ITY OF SARATOGA TREE LIST rees available only from REGON or from LOCAL GROWERS no have brought plants from RBGOY. GROUP III LAW? YAMS DESCRIP?IOY ' Pyry a ozm of Eng sh Oak s ideally suited for street tree use. Dark glossy QUERCUS ROBUR SICY g' green lobed leaves on naturally well- formed structure, little or no necessar pruning PYRAMIDAL ENGLISH OAR y. Foliage turns yellow and • brown in fall. Most English Oaks are I Infested by sops Aphids but not to such 8 a degree that species is objectionable -------- ------------ -- - --� as street tree. -------------------------------- Beat of red coloring Eastern Oaks _ for ___ QUBRCUS SCYUMARDII am street tree use. Oval, upright crown to 10 feet in s0 -80 years, to a maximum s0 SCBUMARD OAR i feet if soil is sufficiently good, upright nhabit with colors anddevenoches • make this a X better street tree than Red Oak, more easily transplanted than Scarlet Oak and not susceptible to iron ----------- ---- ----------- deficiencies as Pin Oak. + - ------- --- - --- _ _ __ Produces dark green, glossy foliage on SOPYORA JAPONICA 'RBGEYT• ; umbrella -like form. Faster growing and species - Masses of white flowershare in X SCHOLAR TREE borne for 6 -9 week period in summer. Attractive new twigs and branches are ---- --- -------------- - - -- -= dark green with white specks. Leaves are dark green above and pale TILIA CORDATA ,; green beneath. This selected form is CYAYC6LLOR : pyramidal in form and perfectly suited LITTLE -LEAP LINDEN for street tree use. Whits flowers are scattered over tree in summer adding interest. Fall color is yellow dropping X to leave winter form of great character. IMPORTANT CBARACTRRIS?IC8 R CULTURAL X B a Y � X PREPBRWRS TOLBRAYCES IMPORTANT CBARACTRRIS?IC8 R CULTURAL X B M S Y X X PREPBRWRS TOLBRAYCES GROWTH PLANTING o INFORMATION INFORMATION pQ 6 CM N C lJ 0 4yyy N C L 0 _� Ch O r ' N N W 0 O Y x- O i 3 OL a JT 2 CD Z N ! N = 2 q N C-a .0 8 Q O Vp ` .o O W J a:N VId I v a:7 e �X IX ©©mmu©©o© X I IX IX I X M 150 I25 X I IX I X I X M I8 I45 P 100 5' L 0 Yrs OR P 100 6' BYrs 10 rrs X X F 20 20 P 60 40 40 C Yrs 4 M OR X X X S. 18 10 P 100 M 35 25 OR Yrs 4' I Yr: 'Availability G= Good /P -PUUr O= Oregon 88=8nl1 d burlap C= Container BR= Bdreruut R X X B M S Y X X ©©mmu©©o© X I IX IX I X M 150 I25 X I IX I X I X M I8 I45 P 100 5' L 0 Yrs OR P 100 6' BYrs 10 rrs X X F 20 20 P 60 40 40 C Yrs 4 M OR X X X S. 18 10 P 100 M 35 25 OR Yrs 4' I Yr: 'Availability G= Good /P -PUUr O= Oregon 88=8nl1 d burlap C= Container BR= Bdreruut SARATOGA CITY COUNCIL EXECUTIVE SUMMARY NO. I 6 MEETING DATE: 1 -4 -88 ORIGINATING DEPT: ENGINEERING SUBJECT: FINAL ACCEPTANCE OF "KOMINA AVENUE STORM DRAIN" and file Notice of Completion -c-mm ended 11,1ution : AGENDA ITEM CITY MGR. APPROVAL The work on the subject has been satisfactorily completed and it is our recommendation that this work be accepted and "Notice of Completion" filed. Report Summary: The Saratoga City Council, at their regular meeting on November 2, 1988 awarded the contract for the above porject to Manuel C. Jardim, Inc. The work on the pro- ject has been satisfactorily completed and it is recommended that this work be accepted and "Notice of Completion" filed. This project was overrun by $2,516:00 due to conflict of existing sanitary sewer laterals which were reconstructed. Fiscal Impacts• Total cost of $41,011.00 Attachments: 1. .Notice of completion. 2•. Progress Payment, Motion and Vote: RECORDING REQUESTED BY City Clerk AND WHEN RECORDED MAIL TO 1- ame City of Saratoga 13777 Fruitvale Ave. co. a sa' L Saratoga, Ca. 95070 J SPACE ABOVE THIS LINE FOR RECORDER'S USE Naar? of (lamplett'nn NBfiuP is hereby given that .......... I........... , the undersigned, . HARF? •R. PEACOCK .................................................. ............................... .......................... /the agent of /* the owner....... of th............. certain lot............ piece ................ on parcel ............. of land situated in the:............... SARATOGA nd as f ollows, to-WI o.0 ! ............................. ............................... State o Cali f Count 4 KOMINA AVENUE STORM DRAIN i� THE CITY OF That ..... SARATOGA ... ............................... ............................................. as owner...... of said land, did, on the ....2nd....... day of .......I`I0�1.?t[tY Y ... ............................... 19--88 ........... , enter into a contract with ........................ ............................. I9IJk A.C....�T.° AZN1... ..................................................... ............................... for l ....................................................................... ............................... ............................ KC7N AVFN[TE STORM DRAIN ............................................................................................................................... ............................... upon the land above described, which contract was filed in the office of the county recorder of the ......... ............................... count o y .. ............................... . State of California, on i the ................ ............................... day of ................................ ............... , 19 ............: That on the .............16th............ /9 .�$...... ill .............. day of ... .....LieCEQI�Ie.X.............. . the said contract or work of improvement, as a whole, was actually completed by the said ................... That the name ...... and address...... of aQ the owner...... o said rope are as ollows: f P P Y f CITY OF SARATOGA 13777 Fruitvale Avenue Saratoga, CA. 95070 .I and the nature o f ........ ............................... title to said property is ........................ ............................... .................................................................... ............................... ................................................. ............................... I ,I ......................................................... . STATE OF CALIFORNIA ................... ss. y g:.... .............. County of ............................. ............................... Agent II ................................................ ............................... .................................................. ............................... being duly sworn . ........................................................................................... ............................... says: li I am .......... /the agent of/* the owner...... of the property described in the foregoing notice. 'I have read the foregoing notice and know the contents thereof, and the same is true of�my own knowledge. Subscribed and sworn to before me this I III .......................... day of ...................... 19 ....... 1 11 .......................................... ............................... ................................................ ............................... 1 ' Delete words in brackets if owner signs. This document is only s 9—" form sshldi mry W P -PM for — in simphf trsnssctions W in no ywy scn, or is Int.rMSy to Kt, ss • WEstituns for th. syvios of . Ntanr.. n.... ju .___ - _ _ Iuy. of .h— _ __ °r i�nb n to Mi I I OF COMPLETION BY OWW51f IC. C. P. Sec. 1193.1) PROJECT: *- c +,,, n_n;., DATE: 12 -21 -88 EST. NO. 1 FROM: 12 -5 -88 TO: 12 -23 -88 PROGRESS PAY ESTIMATE CITY OF SARATOGA 13777 FRUITVALE AVE. SARATOGA, CALIF. 95070 Sheet j _ot 1 CONTRACTOR: Manuel C. Jardim_ ADDRESS: 34201 Zwissig Way P.O. Box 627 Union City, CA. 94587 Director � unity Development BID ITEM QUANTITY UNIT PRICE TOTAL WRK.DONE PREVIOUS WRK. DONE THIS EST. TOTAL WRK•DONE UNIT PRICE TOTAL. DUE UORK DONE REMARI. EST. 1 Install 15" R.C.P. 550 38.00 20,900.00 0.0 538.00 538.00 38.00 20.444.00 81.00 81 77.14 2 Install 12" R.C.P. 105 67.00 7,035.00 0.0 3 Construct Manhole 2 1030.00 2,060.00 2.00 1030.00 2 0 4 Install Dro inlet 5.00 1700 R 3 3,750.00 100.00 Extra due to 6 On Manhole Install Extra Rings 2 65.00 130.00 0.0 .0 2.00 .65.00 130.00 00.00 ra exca- extra due 7 Extra Excavation 400. 1.75 700.00 0.0 1.75 700 to sewer RECORD OF PREVIOUS PAYMENTS -TOTAL DUE 41,011.00 P o 686 L LESS 10% RETENTION 4_1n1_ In TOTAL PAYMENT Made By: LESS PREVIOUS PAYMENTS 0.00 Checked B PAYMENT DUE THIS EST. 36,909.90 TOTAL Approved yV Director � unity Development #88 -012 PROGRESS PAYKENT roject Title: City of Saratoga Komina Ave Storm Drain Project roject No.: rogress Payment No. Retention For Period Ending 12 -16 -88 ate mtractor: Manuel C. Jardim Inc. P.O. 677, Union City, CA 94587 Nama Address tem No 0escri Lion Est. Total Quantity In Place Quantity Unit Unit Price Price Install 15" R.C.P. 550 550 LF 38.00 20.900-00 Install 12" R.C.P. 105 105 LF 67.00 7,035.00 3 Construct Manhole 2 2 Ea 1030.00 2,060.00 4 Install Drop Inlet 5 5 Ea 1700.00 8,500.00 _ Extra Work: Repair Sewer Laterals 3 3 Ea 1 1250.00 3.750.00 Manhole 2 2 Ea 65.00 130.00 Trench 400 400 LF 1.75 700.00 Submitted by: on rac orb sen at ve Approved for Payment Inspector Date Total Price Less 10% Retention Billin s Less Previous Total Now Due Engineer Date Page No. of RT/31171413S (Rev.4 /811 43.015,00• -0- 38,767.50 4,307.50 088 -012 PROGRESS PAYMENT roject Title: City of Saratoga Komina Ave Storm Drain Project roject No.: - rogress Payment No. Retention For Period Ending 12 -16 -88 ate )ntractor: Manuel C. Jardim Inc. P.O. 677, Union City, CA 94587 Name Address tem No Description Est. Total Quantity In Place Quantity Unit Unit Price Price Install 15" R.C.P. 550 550 LF 38.00 20,900-00 Ins all 12" R.C.P. 105 105 LF 67.00 7,035.00 3 Construct Manhole 2 2 Ea 1030.00 2,060.00 4 Install Drop Inlet 5 5 Ea 1700.00 8 500.00 Extra Work: Re air Sewer Laterals 3 3 Ea 1 1250.00 3.750.00 Manhole 2 2 Ea 65.00 130.00 Trench 400 400 LF 1.75 700.00 i Submitted by: contractor b Kdoresentative Approved for Payment Inspector Date Total Price Less 10% Retention Billings Less Previous Total Now Due Engineer Date Page No. of RT/3117/413S (Rev.4 /811 43.075:00. -0- 38,767.50 4.307.50 PROJECT: A m na A � nniin ct„r... n—i— DATE: 12-21-88 EST. N0. 1 FROM: 12 -5 -88 TO. 12 -23 -88 PROGRESS PAY ESTIMATE CITY OF SARATOGA 13777 FRUITVALE AVE. SARATOGA, CALIF. 95070 Sheetj__ot I CONTRACTOR: Manuel C. Jardim, ADDRESS: 34201 Zwissiq Way P.O. Box 627 Union City, CA. 94587 Director Community Development_ BID ITEM QUANTITY UNIT PRICE TOTAL 1=,� .DO NE VIOUS WRK. DONE THIS EST. TOTAL WRK.DONE UNIT PRICE TOTAL DUE %WORK DONE R� EST. 1 Install 15" R.C.P. 550 38.00 20,900.00 0.0 538.00 538.00 38.00 0 444.00 81.00 -Al 77.14 2 Install 12" R.C.P. 105 67.00 7,035.00 0.0 3 Construct Manhole 2 1030.00 2,060.00 2.00 1030.00 2 0 4 Install Dro inlet 5.00 1700 R • 3 3,750.00 100.00 Extra due to 6 On Manhole Install Extra Rings 2 65.00 130.00 0.0 .0 2.00 65.00 130..00 00.00 x ra exca- extra due 7 Extra Excavation 400. 1.75 700.00 0.0 1.75 700 to sewer RECORD OF PREVIOUS PAYMENTS -TOTAL DUE 41,011.00 P o 686 L LESS 10% RETENTION TOTAL PAYMENT 3 LESS PREVIOUS PAYMENTS 0.00 Made By: Checked B .. PAYMENT DUE THIS EST. 36,909.90 TOTAL ) Approved NyV Director Community Development_ SARATOGA CITY COUNCIL EXECTIVE SUMMARY NO. %J 6 2- AGENDA ITEM 511 MEETING DATE: 1/4/89 ORIGINATING DEPARTMENT: Planning CITY MGR. APPROVAL SUBJECT: Appeal of subdivision (SD -88 -006) approval to divide an 11+ acre undeveloped property at 13602 Pierce Road into three lots. Applicant: Bowie /Saviano; Appellant: Pierce Canyon Homeowners Association (continued from 12/7/88) Recommended Motion: Staff recommends that the City Council take appropriate public testimony; close the public hearing; discuss the recent geotechnical findings and their policy implications; affirm the Planning Commission's decision; and direct staff to prepare the amendments necessary to ensure the goals of the NHR districts are upheld. Report Summary: The geotechnical findings with regard to the classification and extent of an existing slide within the subdivision are attached to this report. Primarily, the geologist found that the slide should be reclassified to "Md" but is also correctable. This information raises the question of how and when slides in the NHR district are to be repaired in the future and how the density standards apply to slides which can be corrected in an environmentally sensitive manner. Fiscal Impacts: None. Attachments: Motion and Vote A:agenbill 1. City Geologist correspondence dated 12/21/88 2. Excerpt from NHR Specific Plan, Density Policies 3. Code definition of Net Site Area, 15- 06.620 4. Correspondence from Appellant dated 12/7/88 5. City Engineer's foot path analysis 6. Staff Report to City Council dated 12/7/88 13777 FRUITVALE AVENUE • SARATOGA, CALIFORNIA 95070 (408) 867 -3438 MEMORANDUM TO: Mayor and City Council FROM: Stephen Emslie, Planning Director SUBJECT: Appeal of subdivision (SD -88 -006) property at 13602 Pierce Road into Appellant: Pierce Canyon OVERVIEW DATE: 12/29/88 approval to divide an 11+ acre undeveloped three lots. Applicant: 'Bowie /Saviano Homeowners Association (continued from 12/7/88). The public hearing to consider the appeal of SD -88 -006 was continued to allow the City Geologist to reconsider the extent and designation of a slide area shown within the proposed subdivision. The requested information was to determine compliance with the NHR Code requirements that certain slides are to be deducted from density figures and utilized when computing average slope. Additionally, the City Engineer was requested to report on the feasibility of a footpath through or adjacent to the subdivision. BACKGROUND The City Geologist has reviewed the proposed subdivision and the geotechnical reports in light of the City Council's request. His findings are listed in the attached letter dated December 21, 1988. To summarize, the City Geologist found the following: 1) the present state of the slide should be reclassified to "Md "; 2) the slide area is 40,940 square feet, larger than previously shown; 3) there is substantial evidence supporting the Geologist's opinion that the slide is correctable; and 4) the repair of the slide within the subdivision boundaries will support reclassification of the slide to a "Ps" designation. The NHR specific plan establishes policies to determine the densities of development within the plan area. Density policy 2(a) attached to this report, indicates that any uncorrectable geotechnical hazard designated as I'M" or "Mrf" are to be deducted from the gross acreage prior to applying the density formula. Further, specific plan policy requires that the slope area of a designated slide be included in determining the average slope used in calculating allowable density. The Zoning Ordinance implements the policies of the specific plan. 1 The NHR section of the City Code requires that net site area be used in calculating allowable density. Net site area is defined by section 15- 06.620, attached to this report and specifically excludes slide area designated I'M" or "Mrf ". Staff has reviewed the regarding specific plan that if the slide were then the property would staff determined that if was reclassified to "Ps" of three lots. Geologist's findings and the implications and zoning requirements. Staff determined not repaired and ultimately remained I'M" field a maximum of two lots. Additionally, the slide area were repaired and ultimately then the subdivision would yield a maximum The Council will note from the record of Planning Commission proceedings that stabilization of the slide area was required as a condition of the tentative map approval. The Commission discussed the existence of the slide and the opportunity to correct the soils hazard which affects not only the subdivision itself but uphill properties as well. While the Planning Commission recognized that a requirement to repair the slide was limited to the boundaries of the subdivision, evidence was presented by the City Geologist that the slide could be stabilized by repair work within these boundaries. The City Engineer has reviewed the site conditions and applicable standards to develop a footpath in conjunction with this development. The City Engineer's analysis is attached to this report for further reference. ALTERNATIVES The recent information from the City Geologist regarding the slide designation and the opportunity for its repair presents two issues which may require Council policy direction. First, should "Md" or "Mrf" lands which can be corrected and reclassified in an environmentally sensitive manner be exempted from density calculations? And second, how and when should the Planning Commission exercise its authority to require correction of private property slides that do not present an immediate hazard to the public safety? Exempting slides that are correctable, reduces allowable development by minimizing the net site area used in density calculations. Conversely, exempting correctable slides decreases the impetus for the property owner to perform the repair and eliminate the geologic hazard. Because, slide areas are used in calculating the average slope, densities consider the topography irrespective of the existence of a slide. Therefore, staff has concluded that the reduction in development achieved through the exemption of certain slides result in relatively small decreases in allowable development in the NHR zone and that properties with the same topography should yield the same density. The opportunity to correct a slide and enforcing this requirement is an issue with significant aesthetic overtones. Engineers and Geologists indicate that virtually any slide can be repaired if N costs and aesthetics were not concerns. In Saratoga grading and alterations to hillsides are serious concerns which involve extensive regulation and site specific review. In some instances, the repair of extensive slide areas require large amounts of grading, construction of visible drainage structures and tree removal. Therefore, staff finds that the decision to correct a slide which may not present an immediate safety hazard or constitute a public nuisance, should be subject to the same criteria applied to any other construction and grading project in the NHR zone. If inconsistent grading and removal of significant vegetation results from required correction measures then the slide should be considered incorrectable and exempted from density calculations. At the present time plans to repair the slide for the pending application are under review by the City Geologist. In addition, a plan to stablize the slide as required by the Planning Commission Resolution is also under review by the Geologist. Therefore, it is unclear which specific measures will ultimately be required to reclassify the slide. The aesthetic impact the correction will have on the surrounding environment cannot be determined until specific corrective measures are approved by the Geologist. One way to resolve this concern is to amend the Planning Commission conditions to require the City Council (or Planning Commission) review and approve of the Geologist's recommendations regarding the applicant's correction plan and implement the repair prior to recordation of the final map. In this way the City can achieve two goals: first, the reclassification of slide can occur prior to the creation of three lots; second, the aesthetic impact can be determined and the NHR and design review standards can be applied. CONCLUSION The project presents several difficult issues which to date have not been encountered in the NHR district. Staff has attempted to present the policy implications these issues may have on this project as well as future projects which may also encounter these circumstances. Further, staff has also suggested one method to address these concerns presented by this project and the recent Geologist's findings. RECOMMENDATION Staff recommends that the City Council take appropriate public testimony; close the public hearing; discuss the recent geotechnical findings and their policy implications, affirm the Planning Commission decision; and direct staff to prepare the amendments necessary to ensure the goals of the NHR district are upheld. 3 GEOTECHNICAL CONSULTANTS William Cotton 330 Village Lane fV ' Los Gatos, California 95030 and Associates (408) 354 -5542 December 21, 1988 S1038D TO: Kathryn Caldwell, Planner CITY OF SARATOGA 13777 Fruitvale Avenue Saratoga, California 95070 SUBJECT: Modification to City Ground Movement Potential Map RE: Saviano Subdivision Pierce Road, APN 503 -15 -001 At your request, we have completed an evaluation of current ground movement potential (GMP) categories associated with an active landslide located within the southeastern portion of Lot A and two adjacent upslope properties. We have reached the following conclusions regarding this landslide deposit: 1) The current GMP category for this feature should be "Md" instead of the "Ps" / "Sun" designation shown on the existing GMP map. 2) The area of the "Md" zone which extends onto the subject property totals 40940 square feet (i.e., f 250 square feet) according to our calculations and results of a recent field reconnaissance. 3) Based on previous subsurface data collected by Jo Crosby and Associates (report dated July 14, 1988), it is our opinion that repair and stabilization of the active landslide is feasible from a geotechnical standpoint if appropriate design is utilized. 4) Implementation of an appropriate repair plan would support reclassification of the current "Md" area to a "Ps" area. Respectfully submitted, WILLIAM COTTON AND ASSOCIATES, INC. William R. Cotton City Geotechnical Consultant CEG 882 WRC:TS:mjs ENGINEERING GEOLOGY • ENVIRONMENTAL EARTH SCIENCES • FOUNDATION ENGINEERING POLICIES AND ACTION PROGRAMS DENSITY Policies 1. Land use in the western hillside area should be limited to agricultural and residential uses and appurtances thereto with plant nurseries, wineries, and recreational facilities subject to the granting of a conditional use permit. Such other uses will be allowed as may be added by the City Council consistent with the purposes and intent of the Specific Plan and Zoning District establi- shed. 2. Maximum density of development shall be based on the 2 -10 acre slope density formula subject to the following criteria: a. Any uncorrectable geotechnical hazard areas of the site,(areas designated Md. or Mrf,as described in Table 7 of the Geologic Hazard Analysis of the Upper Calabazas Creek Watershed by William Cotton and Associates dated January 1980,and those portions of the Cocciardi and Paul Masson quarries shown by a detailed geotechnical analysis to be unsuitable for development as approved by the City Geologist)shall be placed in permanent open space and subtracted from the gross acreage prior to application of the slope density formula. Calculation of the slope shall be done for the entire parcel prior to the slope density calculation. b. Density may be further reduced due to site restric- tions (see Geologic and Site Grading policies for siting restrictions due to geology, riparian areas, etc.). In locating building sites, preference should be given to areas designated as stable (Sbr, Sls, Sun, Sex) on the Ground Movement Potential Maps. Especially.sites on potentially moving slopes (Pmw, Ps, Pd) and moving slopes (Nis) shall not be approved unless geologic and soils engineering analysis and design provided by the developer clearly demonstrate the long -term stability of such sites to the satis- faction of the City, its Geologist and other pro- fessional consultants. EXCERPT FROM THE NHR SPECIFIC PLAN Zoning Regulations S15-06.610 515-06.610 Sign See Section 15- 30.020 in this Chapter for definition of sign, sign area, sign height, sign program, illuminated sign, free standing sign, portable sign, identification sign, construction sign, directional sign, gasoline price sign, open house sign, political sign, real estate sign, special event sign and subdivision sign. S15-06.620 Site "Site" means a lot, as defined in Section 15- 06.420. (a) Gross site area means the total horizontal area included within the property lines of a single site. (b) Net site area means that portion of gross site area remaining after deducting therefrom the following: (1) Any portion of a site within the right -of -way of an existing public or private street, road or access easement, except an emergency access street. (2) Any portion of a site within the proposed right -of -way of a future street (except an emergency access street), as shown on an approved tentative subdivision map or building site approval or a recorded subdivision or parcel map, or an official plan line recorded by the City. (3) The portion of a flag lot constituting the access corridor lying between the front lot line and the frontage line of the corridor at the street. (4) Any portion of a site. within an easement to the Santa Clara Valley Water District. (5) Those areas which are classified by the City Geologist as "Md" or "Mrf;" and (6) Any quarries, unless shown to be suitable for development, as- determined by a detailed geotechnical analysis approved by the City Geologist. (c) Site frontage means the length of the front lot line. (d) Site width means the horizontal distance between side lot lines, measured at right angles to the site depth at a point midway between the front and rear lot lines, or if there is no rear lot line, at the midway points of the intersecting side lot lines. (e) Site depth means the horizontal distance from the midpoint of the front lot line to the midpoint of the rear lot line, or to the most distant point on any other lot line where there is no rear lot line. Page 15 -28 IC MEMORANDUM TO: City Council Date: i2/7/$$ q.kq l nom: btephen de keczer :3z►15 Pierce Rd. Saratoga >uoject.: S!J- 08-00b, bavianc:!tsowie; Pierce Rd. Re: Aemo to C '.:y uounc l 1 1 rorr. t, �.epnen r_:rr..slicy , Planning Director, UaLed r i "7; bti 1. A he �::1 ide area yl.coc IU oe aeuucted i rom the area prior to calculating; density. Tt:t e is a -Taring error in the slope density cal cu tat ion. The .F lope to use in the cal.- ul.ati.on is that of the entire parcel and not Uri- slope of tree remaining parcel after the s, ide =rrr:a has oeen suhtrac—ted. The correct slope to ,ise s clearly stated under der.sity poi ivies sect J, .;n 2a of the Northwest Hillside Speci = is Plar; , ..�rirj also men t i.one i n the appeal. 2. Slope /density calculation. In._.11iding? nxr- 1udiris Specif.ic Plan sl icie area 0. e45 acre calculat. iorn � Area of lot 10.84 10.35 '.0.'39 Slop; of r, c 5 K '26. 2'o 2 . F, Ac / D! ; 7.5 3. 37 3. 5'; 1 =- 3. 5: 7 Acres/ lo`. 0.5 - (0.008 x ZT . 5 ) 3 x 3.57 = 10. 71 acres required for three tots. B rt, after the slide area is deduct,�.d, only 1v.�y acres remain. Thu-.,, only two lots are allowed. i n sorne cases involving good quality acreage, ore might consider stretching the law. However, this is a very poor quality lot whicn floods n f*r•,�nt and s:l_des in back with only a sliver of bui.ldabie Aand in I.etween. The slide cannot be controlled without the participation of two neighbor, and removal of one of' their houses. Me ev ist ing active land s 1 de. mentioned in the description has not been designates Md or Mrf or anything else as far as I can fine. However, I livF across the street and have watched thousands of cubic yards of mud peel away from the south- eastern corner of the property; this would make the slide clearly designated ?yid (more than loft. deep`. 4. 1 propose: a. That the property be divided into two .lots. b. In fairness to the builder, that the requirement for widening the bridge from 20' to 26' ft. be dropped as the residents of We new houses would seldom use the bridge. c. The builder was required to post a bond to bury the power lines. This cost of burying the lines is about. $200,000. Though esthectically pleasing (especially to me across the street), a more practical use of the money should be considered. d. A footpath (2 -3' ft. paved) on the other side of the oak trees should ba required to alleviate danger on one of the most dangerous areas (30 accidents /10 yrs.` on Fierce Road. SARATOGA CITY COUNCIL EXECUTIVE SUMMARY NO. �/ 6 MEETING DATE: 1 -4 -88 ORIGINATING DEPT: ENGINEERING JutiJ�(:T; FINAL BUILDING SITE APPROVAL SD 88 -020, Third Stre @t, Joe Waller (2 Lots) AGENDA ITEM Ll. i CITY MGR. APPROVAI�& Recor=,,arded Motion: Approve Resolution SD 88- 020 -02 approving Final Building Site Approval. Report Summary 1. SD 88 -020 is ready for Final Building Site Approval. 2. Owner has completed all conditions for Final Building Site Approval. 3. Owner has paid all fees. Fiscal Impacts: None. Attachments: 1. Re *olUtion SD 88- -020 -02. 2. Resolution Approving Tentative Map. 3. Location Map. Motion and Vote: RESOLUTION NO. SD -88 -020 RESOLUTION APPROVING TENTATIVE MAP OF Joseph A. Waller, APN 517 -09 -10 20578 Third Street WHEREAS, application has been made to the Advisory Agency under the Subdivision Map Act of the State of California and under the Subdivision Ordinance of the City of Saratoga, for tentative map approval of one (1) lot, all as more particularly set forth in File No. SD -88 -020 of this City, and WHEREAS, this Advisory Agency hereby finds that the proposed Subdivision, together with the provisions for its design and improvement, is consistent with the Saratoga General Plan and with all specific plans relating thereto, and the proposed subdivision and land use is compatible with the objectives, policies and general land use and programs specified in such,General Plan, reference to the Staff Report dated --12/14/88 being hereby made for further particulars, and WHEREAS, none of the conditions set forth in Subsections (a) through (g) of Government Code Section 66474 exist with respect to said subdivision, and tentative approval should be granted in accord with conditions as hereinafter set forth. WHEREAS, the Planning Commission has conducted a duly noticed public hearing at which time all interested parties were given a full opportunity to be heard and to present evidence; NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the tentative map for the hereinafter described subdivision, which map is dated the 4th day of October, 1988 and is marked Exhibit "A" in the hereinabove referred file, be and the same is hereby conditionally approved. 1. Prior to issuance of building permit, record vehicle and pedestrian accesses to the parcel. 2. Pay storm drainage fee in effect at the time of obtaining final approval. 3. Submit "Parcel Map" to City for checking and recordation (Pay required checking and recordation fees). (If parcel is shown on existing map of See Parcel Maps. record, submit three (3) to -scale prints.) 4. Submit "Irrevocable Offer of Dedication" to provide for a 25 ft. ft. half- street on Third Street. Submit "Irrevocable Offer of Dedication" to provide easements, as required. See In proven -ent Plan Improve Third Street to City Standards, including the following: Done. A. Designed Structural Section 20 ft. between centerline and flowline. 4 Done. Done. Done. Done. SD -88 -020; 20578 Third Street B. P.C. concrete curb and gutter (V -24) C. Pedestrian walkway (4 ft. P.C.C.) D. Undergrounding existing overhead utilities. 5. Construct standard driveway approaches. 6. Provide adequate site distance and remove obstructions of view as required at driveway and access road intersections. 7. Watercourses must be kept free of obstacles which will change, retard or prevent flow. 8. Engineered Improvement Plans required for: A. Street improvements. B. Access road construction. 9. Pay plan check and inspection fees as determined from improvement plans. 10. Enter into Improvement Agreement for required improvements to be _ completed within one (1) year of receiving Final Approval. 11. Post bond to guarantee completion of the required improvements. Section 1. Applicant shall sign the agreement to these conditions within 30 days of the passage of this resolution or said resolution shall be void. Section 2. Conditions must be completed within 24 months or approval will expire. Section 3. All applicable requirements of the State, County, City and other Governmental entities must be met. Section 4. Unless appealed pursuant to the requirements of Article 15 -90 of the Saratoga City Code, this Resolution shall become effective ten (10) days from the date of adoption. PASSED AND ADOPTED by the City of Saratoga Planning Commission, State of California, this 14th day of December, 1988 by the following vote: AYES: Commissioners Guch, Burger, Siegfried, Harris, Kolstad, Tappan NOES: None ABSENT: Commissioner Tucker ATTEST: Secretary, Planning Commission Signature Ot App icant Date --':A Chairman, Planning mmission RESOLUTION NO. SD 88- 020 -0/ RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SARATOGA APPROVING BUILDING SITE OF Joseph Waller The City Council of the City of Saratoga hereby resolves as follows: SECTION 1: The 4,000.0 S. F. and 4,000.0 S.F parcels shown as Parcel 1 and 2 on the Final Parcel Map prepared by Westfall Engineers and submitted to the City Engineer, City of Saratoga, be approved as two (2) individual lots. The above and foregoing resolution was duly and regularly introduced and passed by the City Council of Saratoga at a regular meeting held on the vote: AYES: NOES: ABSENT: ATTEST: day of 19 by the following CITY CLERK MAYOR 'o REPORT TO THE PLANNING COMMISSION FROM: Martin Jacobson DATE: 12/14/88 PLNG. DIR. APPRV APPLICATION NO. & LOCATION: SD -88 -020, DR -88 -097; 20578 Third Street APPLICANT /OWNER: Joseph Waller APN: 517 -09 -10 Q N s °3, o��% 144Io i bZ 20 So c ,c ro-44 o01 MOOD 144%15 so % Soj -24-!/ R K 2' to eo 5o a op 2 3 �; , �� 14 • �: p G a �s s° y2` �0 "�s,�`'' � S�� _� ° �3 • *4 'mss , A s; So a Ste, i= o yo�pt� yy �y� /o 5/7-oy_ 14 15 2.4 p a h a ` �h'yy o. s/7_o9,0' b•,,OBP 57g 31 145$7. 9`33 3/i �a '34 ,o 03 S O �o 14554 lQ.S 7 � 1 2o41 C2) 517 -0q_O1 t x�� X09, CAAK ST SCHOOL q. yl' vo '517 - /O- 37 2 tT� 1 LJ ay q V 2p`r7�- (A) LM 107 t 2o�p� y2 �� 49 5t1 -o9 w ^ SUMMARY OF FEES & BONDS ENGINEERING DEPARTMENT TRACT NO SD NO 88 -020 Storm Drain Fees $1200.00 Park & Recreation Fees $2600.00 Plan Check & Inspection Fees $1050.00 Final Map Check Fees $300.00 SARATOGA CITY COUNCIL EXECUTIVE SUMMARY NO. /� ' -' AGENDA ITEM MEETING DATE: 1/18/89 CITY MGR. ORIGINATING DEPT. City Attorney SUBJECT: Settlement of Sarahills Landslide Cases Recommended Motion Approval of Settlement Agreements and authorization for City Manager to execute the same. Report Summary The City Council has previously approved a settlement agreement to resolve all of the pending litigation relating to the landslide affecting Sarahills Drive and the adjacent properties owned by Landis, Sorenson, and Roetkin. The settlement involves a cash payment to certain parties (funded by the City's insurance carriers) and the installation of a drainage gallery to control subsurface water and hopefully prevent the reoccurrence of any future land movement. In addition, a small slide on the Sorenson property will be corrected. The City will be contributing $50,000 toward the cost of the repair projects, all of which was included in the 1988 -1989 budget for street repair work on Sarahills Drive. The balance of the repair cost will be paid by the insurance carriers. The settlement does not involve any admission of liability on the part of the City, and our contribution toward the repair project represents the estimated amount we expected to pay as one of the property owners affected by the landslide. Fiscal Impacts $50,000 contribution toward repair project, as budgeted. Attachments 1. Release Agreement with Quirk 2. Settlement Agreement with Landis and Sorenson Motion and Vote • 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 e 27 LAW OFFICES 28 ROPERS, MAJESKI, KOHN, BENTLEY, WAGNER & KANE A PROPT 510NAL CCRP TION 80 NORTH FIRST STREET SUITE 300 SAN JOSE, CA 95113 (408) 287-6262 RELEASE AGREEMENT In consideration for a waiver of costs-, the undersigned, CITY OF SARATOGA does hereby release and forever discharge EARL C. QUIRK and FLOY E. QUIRK, their agents, employees, and attorneys, and all others, of and from all claims, demands, actions and causes of action, including claims arising out of contract, arising out of or in any way connected with the landslide and /or soil distress which occurred on the property commonly known as 21328 Sarahills Drive in the City of Saratoga, County of Santa Clara, California (Lot. Number 49, Tract Number 3439), occurring at various times in 1983, 1984 and up to the signing of this release; including the Complaints filed in Action Nos. 561704 and 574216 in the Superior Court of the State of California, in and for the County of Santa Clara. This is a full and final release of any and all claims arising out of said occurrence and the undersigned agrees as a further consideration and inducement for this compromise settlement that it shall apply to all unknown and unanticipated damages or injuries resulting from said occurrence as well as those that are now disclosed. Section-1542 of the Civil Code of the State of California provides: A general release does not extend to claims which the creditor does not know or suspect to exist in his favor at the time of executing the Release, which if known by him must have materially affected his settlement with the debtor. The undersigned expressly waives and relinquishes the rights created under said California Civil Code Section 1542. 1 • 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 • 27 LAW OFFICES 28 ROPERS, MAJESKI, KOHN, BENTLEY, WAGNER & KANE A PROPSSSIONAL CORPORATION 80 NORTH FIRST STREET SUITE 300 SAN JOSE, CA 95113 14081287,6262 This release is freely and voluntarily entered into, and the undersigned hereby authorizes its attorney of record, James Sinunu, to enter a dismissal with prejudice of any and all actions at law brought by the undersigned in any court and arising out of the above occurrence, including Action Nos. 561704 and 574216 in the Superior Court of the State of California, in and for the County of.Santa Clara. It is understood and agreed that this is a compromise settlement of a disputed claim and that the payment of the consideration for this release shall not be deemed or construed as an admission of any liability to the undersigned by the releasees. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the undersigned does hereby execute this release this day of 1988. CITY OF SARATOGA By: The foregoing release was executed under the direction and advice of: Attorney for parties executing this release. N • 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 1 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 t� 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 LAW OFFICES 28 ROPERS, MAJESKI, KOHN, BENTLEY, WAGNER & KANE A PROFESSIONAL CORPORATION 80 NORTH FIRST STREET SUITE 300 SAN JOSE, CA 95113 (408) 287-6262 STATE OF CALIFORNIA ) ss. COUNTY OF ) On this day of in the year 1988, before me , a Notary Public, State of California, duly commissioned and sworn, personally appeared a representataive of the City of Saratoga, personally known to me (or proved to me on the basis of satisfactory evidence) to be the person whose name is subscribed to the within instrument, and acknowledged to me that _he executed the same. IN WITNESS WHEREOF I have hereunto set my hand and affixed my official seal in the City of San Jose, County of Santa Clara, on the date set forth above in this certificate. Notary Public, State of California My commission expires 3 • I. RELEASE AND SETTLEMENT AGREEMENT This release and settlement agreement ( "Agreement ") is made and entered into this day of 1988, by NORMAN E. SORENSON and VIRGINIA L. SORENSON (the Sorensons), and their heirs, executors, personal representatives, administrators and assigns, (referred to herein as releasors), and JAMES W. LANDIS and MARY ELLEN LANDIS, (the Landises) and their heirs, executors, personal representatives, administrators and assigns, (referred to herein as releasors), and is in favor of The City of Saratoga, its predecessors, successors and assigns, and each past, present or future agent, representative, insurer, • attorney, employee, receiver, investigator and agent of The City of Saratoga (referred to herein as released parties). II. THE RELEASE In consideration of the terms of this agreement and the payment of FIFTY SEVEN THOUSAND, FIVE HUNDRED ($57,500) to releasors, which sum shall be disbursed according to the terms of this agreement, and the performance of repairs described in the terms of this agreement, upon the execution of this agreement, releasors release and forever discharge The City of Saratoga from any and all past, present or future claims, demands, liabilities, obligations, damages of whatever nature, costs, and attorney's • • fees which releasors now have or ever had, or may in the future have against the City of Saratoga which arise out of, or may be based upon, related to or connected with, in whole or in part, any of the following: (i) The action entitled James W. Landis and Mary Ellen Landis v. The City of Saratoga, filed in the Superior Court of the State of California in and for the County of Santa Clara, No. 546997, consolidated for trial with action No. 540096, the action entitled Norman E. Sorenson and Virginia L. Sorenson v. The City of Saratoga, filed in the Superior Court of the State of California, in and for the County of Santa Clara, (ii) Any allegation, cause of action or claim for relief which was or could have been asserted in the above actions; (iii) Anything referred to in the complaints, amended complaints, motions, depositions, briefs or testimony in the above actions; (iv) The prosecution, defense, settlement, failure to or attempt to settle, or the adequacy, negotiation, or timing of settlement of the actions, including but not limited to any possible claim against the released parties for liability under California Insurance Code Section 790.03, or other statutory or common law tort doctrines; (v) Any statements, representations, or admissions made by the released parties with respect to the released matters. -2- n U - III. DISPUTED LIABILITY The released parties deny the allegations of the releasors as raised in the action. The releasors and the released parties understand that the alleged liability of the City of Saratoga is disputed. The repairs and payments provided for by this agreement are not to be and shall not be construed as an admission of liability or responsibility of any kind on the part of the City of Saratoga. This agreement constitutes a good faith compromise and settlement of disputed claims. IV. DIFFERENCE. TN Farmc Releasors fully understand that the facts presently known to ethem may later be found to be different, and expressly accept and assume the risk that the facts may be found to be different. Releasors further agree, notwithstanding such differences, that this agreement shall be effective in all respects and shall not be subject to termination or rescission because of any such difference in facts. V. ASSUMPTION OF RISK There is a risk that subsequent to the execution of this agreement, releasors will suffer further damage related to the matters released, which is presently unknown or unanticipated. There is also a risk that the damage presently known may be or may -3- 0 • become more serious than releasors presently expect or anticipate. Releasors assume these risks, and this agreement applies to and releases additional damages suffered by releasors at any time. Releasors have read the letter.from William Cotton to Robert Shook dated 7/11/88, which is attached hereto and incorporated herein, and understand that the installation of the drainage gallery in Sarahills Drive and Sarahills Court is intended as a landslide control measure and not a permanent repair. Releasors understand that it is possible that future movement of the landslide will occur, in spite of the installation of the drainage gallery. VI'. COVENANT NOT TO SUE Releasors covenant and agree that they will forever refrain • from instituting, prosecuting or maintaining against the released parties any action or proceeding which arises out of or is based in whole or in part on the released matters. Releasors understand that the release contained in this agreement is a complete defense to any action or other proceeding asserting any of the released hatters which may be instituted by or on behalf of any of them. VII. WAIVER Releasors understand and expressly waive the provisions of Section 1542 of the Civil Code of the State of California which provides: • -4- • A general release does not extend to claims which the creditor does not know or suspect to exist in his favor at the time of executing the release, which if known by'him, must have materially affected his settlement with the debtor. This waiver is not a mere recital, but is a knowing waiver of the rights and benefits otherwise available under this section. VIII. INDEMNITY Releasors agree to indemnify and hold the City of Saratoga harmless from any claims or causes of action brought by releasors against the released parties, which arise from or are connected Owith the released matters referred to in paragraph II above. IX. INTEGRATION AND COUNTERPARTS Releasors covenant and agree that the terms of this agreement are contractual, and not a mere recital, and constitute a fully binding and complete agreement between releasors and the City of Saratoga, with regard to its subject matter. This agreement supersedes any and all prior or contemporaneous agreements, and releasors warrant that they are not relying on any such prior representations. Releasors understand and agree that the terms of this agreement may not be altered or amended in any respect or particular except by a writing duly executed by an authorized -5- is • representative of releasors and of the City of Saratoga. This agreement may be executed in two or more counterparts and signature pages, each of which may be deemed an original, but all of which now constitute one document. X. SEVERABILITY In the event that, at any time subsequent to the execution of this agreement, any portion or provision of it is found to be illegal, invalid, unenforceable, non - binding or otherwise without legal force or effect, the remaining portions will remain in force and be fully binding. XI. SOLE OWNERS Releasors represent and warrant that as of the date of execution of this agreement, they have the sole right and authority to execute this agreement on their behalf, and that they have not sold, assigned or otherwise disposed of any claim or demand relating to any right surrendered by virtue of this agreement. XII. SUCCESSORS AND ASSIGNS This agreement shall be binding upon all of the individuals and entities listed in the introductory paragraph of this agreement and collectively referred to throughout this agreement as releasors, and shall inure to the benefit of all the n �J • individuals and entities listed in the introductory paragraph of this agreement and collectively referred to throughout this agreement as released parties. XIII. DELIVERY OF DISMISSAL WITH PREJUDICE Releasors abandon and will dismiss the actions described in paragraph II with prejudice. Releasors will execute a dismissal and authorize and instruct the attorneys for the released parties to file the dismissal on their behalf and take such steps as may be necessary to secure the necessary dismissal of the actions with prejudice. XIV. PAYMENT Releasors agree that delivery of the amount of $7,500 to the Sorensons, and $50,000 to the Landises constitutes delivery and payment in full of this settlement, including attorney's fees and costs. XV. ATTORNEYS FEES In the event of any legal proceeding to enforce this agreement or any of its terms, the prevailing party shall recover its reasonable costs and attorney's fees. XVI. REPAIRS The parties agree that the City of Saratoga will have the -7- . • n • Sorenson property repaired in accordance with the bid submitted to them by Soil Engineering Construction, at a maximum cost of $32,600. The parties further agree that the City of Saratoga will have a drainage gallery installed in Sarahills Drive and Sarahills Court, according to the bid presented by Soil Engineering Construction, in the amount of $124,100.00 and in accordance with the description in the JCP Report dated January 7, 1985. The City of Saratoga agrees to install the drainage gallery at a maximum cost of $124,100.00. XVI. FINDING OF REASONABLENESS The parties agree that the.payment of the settlement amount Sby the released parties and the performance of the repars is conditioned upon a determination and order by Special Master John Griffiths, based upon evidence presented at the settlement 'conference held in this case that both the installation of the drainage gallery at the intersection of Sarahills Drive and Sarahills Court and the repair to the Sorenson property constitute reasonable repairs and improvements on the part of the City of Saratoga. These repairs and improvements have been approved in advance by the City of Saratoga and there is substantial evidence upon which a reasonable governmental entity would adopt or approve the design of the repairs and improvements. The repair and -8- A 11 improvement which consists of a drainage gallery in Sarahills Drive and Sarahills Court is intended and understood to be a reasonable landslide control measure and not a permanent repair. XVII. MAINTENANCE OF DRAINAGE GALLERY The City of Saratoga agrees to monitor the drainage flow from the drainage gallery on a monthly basis for the first two years following its completion, and thereafter in December and February only, in accordance with the recommendations of Soil Engineering Construction Inc. The City of Saratoga agrees to otherwise reasonably maintain the drainage gallery in accordance with the recommendations of Soil Engineering Construction. Releasors agree • that the future maintenance activities performed by the City of Saratoga on the drainage gallery will not create a duty on the part of the City of Saratoga to prevent or rectify land movement '-in the Sarahills area and any damages resulting therefrom, and will not guarantee the effectiveness of the drainage gallery for stabilizing the Sarahills area. The City of Saratoga makes no representations as to the effectiveness or longevity of the drainage gallery. The provisions of this paragraph are not intended to bar any action brought by releasors which is based upon damages proximately caused by the failure of the City to carry out the C] .Y y I • maintenance provisions specified in this paragraph or by unspecified affirmative acts of the City which are determined to be the cause of the future damage. XVIII. ACKNOWLEDGMENT Releasors warrant that this agreement is executed without reliance upon any representations by any person concerning the nature and extent of the damages or legal liability therefor. Releasors affirm and acknowledge that they have fully and carefully read this agreement and fully understand and appreciate the foregoing contents of this agreement, and their effect, and that this is a full and final compromise, release and settlement of all claims or actions, known or unknown. DATED: JAMES W. LANDIS DATED: DATED-, DATED: • -10- MARY ELLEN LANDIS NORMAN E. SORENSON VIRGINIA L. SORENSON i • _. The foregoing release was executed in my present and under my direction and advice. DATED: • • -11- HOWARD E. GAWTHROP FOR THE CITY OF SARATOGA